Java tutorial
/* * GeoBatch - Open Source geospatial batch processing system * * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 GeoSolutions S.A.S. * * * GPLv3 + Classpath exception * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.reprocess; import it.geosolutions.filesystemmonitor.monitor.FileSystemEvent; import it.geosolutions.filesystemmonitor.monitor.FileSystemEventType; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.annotations.Action; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.flow.event.action.ActionException; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.flow.event.action.BaseAction; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.geotiff.overview.GeotiffOverviewsEmbedderConfiguration; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.exception.FlowException; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.exception.GeoStoreException; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.model.RasterizeConfig; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.publish.PublishingConfiguration; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.reprocess.model.ReprocessChartRequest; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.reprocess.model.ReprocessLayerRequest; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.reprocess.model.ReprocessRequest; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.reprocess.model.ReprocessStatsRequest; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.reprocess.model.RequestReader; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.util.FlowUtil; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.util.GeoStoreUtil; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.util.GeoTiff; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.util.Statistics.Tokens; import it.geosolutions.geobatch.unredd.script.util.rasterize.GDALRasterize; import it.geosolutions.geostore.core.model.Resource; import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.model.UNREDDFormat; import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.model.UNREDDLayer; import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.model.UNREDDLayer.Attributes; import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.model.UNREDDLayerUpdate; import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.model.UNREDDStatsDef; import it.geosolutions.unredd.geostore.utils.NameUtils; import it.geosolutions.unredd.stats.impl.DataFile; import it.geosolutions.unredd.stats.impl.RasterClassifiedStatistics; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.keyvalue.MultiKey; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.jaitools.numeric.Statistic; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author ETj ( ) * @author Luca Paolino - * @author DamianoG - * */ @Action(configurationClass = ReprocessConfiguration.class) public class ReprocessAction extends BaseAction<FileSystemEvent> { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReprocessAction.class); /** * configuration */ private final ReprocessConfiguration conf; private GeoStoreUtil geoStoreUtil = null; public ReprocessAction(ReprocessConfiguration configuration) { super(configuration); conf = configuration; } /** * Main loop on input files. Single file processing is called on execute(File xmlFile) */ public Queue<FileSystemEvent> execute(Queue<FileSystemEvent> events) throws ActionException { if (getTempDir() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("temp dir has not been initialized"); } if (!getTempDir().exists()) { throw new IllegalStateException("temp dir does not exist"); } geoStoreUtil = new GeoStoreUtil(conf.getGeoStoreConfig(), getTempDir()); // initComponents(properties); final Queue<FileSystemEvent> ret = new LinkedList<FileSystemEvent>(); while (!events.isEmpty()) { final FileSystemEvent ev = events.remove(); try { if (ev != null) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Processing incoming event: " + ev.getSource()); } File xmlFile = ev.getSource(); // this is the input xml file /** * ************************* * The reprocessing flow will recompute statistics and charts. it is needed when data in the staging area are * changed; i.e.: - vector data are edited; - chart scripts are modified or inserted; - new statistics are * added. Each doXXX methos manages one of this case */ ReprocessRequest request = RequestReader.load(xmlFile); if (request == null) { throw new ActionException(this, "Could not parse input file:" + xmlFile.getName()); } if (request instanceof ReprocessLayerRequest) { reprocessLayer((ReprocessLayerRequest) request); } else if (request instanceof ReprocessChartRequest) { reprocessChart((ReprocessChartRequest) request); } else if (request instanceof ReprocessStatsRequest) { reprocessStats((ReprocessStatsRequest) request); } ret.add(new FileSystemEvent(xmlFile, FileSystemEventType.FILE_ADDED)); } else { LOGGER.error("Encountered a null event: skipping event"); continue; } } catch (ActionException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage()); listenerForwarder.failed(ex); throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); listenerForwarder.failed(ex); throw new ActionException(this, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } return ret; } /** * ****************** * manage the reprocess execution in the case of a StatsDef updates. For each statsdef searches all the layer associated, for * each layer looks for its layer updates for each layer update run the stats update chartscript * * @param request, this contains the list of the StatsDef to manage * @throws ActionException */ private void reprocessStats(ReprocessStatsRequest request) throws Exception { List<String> statsDefNames = request.getStatsNames(); if (statsDefNames == null || statsDefNames.isEmpty()) {"No StatsDef to reprocess"); } Set<Resource> chartScripts = new HashSet<Resource>(); // Loop on all requested stats int cnt = 0; for (String statsDefName : statsDefNames) { float min = rescale(0, 50, cnt++ / statsDefNames.size()); float max = rescale(0, 50, cnt / statsDefNames.size()); Resource statsDefRes = geoStoreUtil.searchStatsDefByName(statsDefName); if (statsDefRes == null) { LOGGER.warn("StatsDef not found: " + statsDefName); continue; } reprocessStat(statsDefRes, min, max); List<Resource> localChartScript = geoStoreUtil.searchChartScriptByStatsDef(statsDefName); chartScripts.addAll(localChartScript); }"Starting reprocessing ChartScripts"); this.listenerForwarder.progressing(50f, "Starting reprocessing ChartScripts"); final FlowUtil flowUtil = new FlowUtil(getTempDir(), getConfigDir()); flowUtil.runScripts(geoStoreUtil, chartScripts);"Reprocessing ChartScripts completed"); this.listenerForwarder.setTask("Reprocessing ChartScripts completed"); this.listenerForwarder.completed(); } private void reprocessStat(Resource statsDefRes, float min, float max) throws GeoStoreException, FlowException { String statsDefName = statsDefRes.getName();"Starting reprocessing StatsDef '" + statsDefName + "'"); this.listenerForwarder.progressing(rescale(min, max, 0), "Starting reprocessing StatsDef '" + statsDefName + "'"); UNREDDStatsDef statsDef = new UNREDDStatsDef(statsDefRes); List<String> layerNames = statsDef.getReverseAttributesInternal(UNREDDStatsDef.ReverseAttributes.LAYER); if (layerNames.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("No layers defined for StatsDef '" + statsDefName + "'"); } final FlowUtil flowUtil = new FlowUtil(getTempDir(), getConfigDir()); // Loop on all layers on which this stat depends on int layers = layerNames.size(); int layerCnt = 0; for (String layerName : layerNames) { float majorStep = layerCnt++ / layers;"Starting reprocessing StatsDef:" + statsDefName + " layer:" + layerName); this.listenerForwarder.progressing(rescale(min, max, majorStep), "Reprocessing stats on layer " + layerName); Resource layerRes = geoStoreUtil.searchLayer(layerName); if (layerRes == null) { LOGGER.warn("Could not find Layer '" + layerName + "' for StatsDef '" + statsDefName + "'"); continue; } UNREDDLayer layer = new UNREDDLayer(layerRes); List<Resource> layerUpdates = geoStoreUtil.searchLayerUpdateByLayer(layerName);"Found " + layerUpdates.size() + " LayerUpdates for Layer " + layerName); // Compute stats for every time coordinate this layer has int layerUps = layerUpdates.size(); int layerUpsCnt = 0; for (Resource layerUpdateRes : layerUpdates) { float minorStep = layerUpsCnt++ / layerUps; String msg = "Starting reprocessing StatsDef:" + statsDefName + " Layer:" + layerName + " LayerUpdate:" + layerUpdateRes.getName();; this.listenerForwarder.progressing(rescale(min, max, majorStep * (1 + minorStep)), msg); UNREDDLayerUpdate layerUpdate = new UNREDDLayerUpdate(layerUpdateRes); String year = layerUpdate.getAttribute(UNREDDLayerUpdate.Attributes.YEAR); String month = layerUpdate.getAttribute(UNREDDLayerUpdate.Attributes.MONTH); String day = layerUpdate.getAttribute(UNREDDLayerUpdate.Attributes.DAY); String rasterPath = layer.getAttribute(Attributes.MOSAICPATH); String rasterFile = NameUtils.buildTifFileName(layerName, year, month, day); String rasterFullPath = new File(rasterPath, rasterFile).getAbsolutePath(); Map<Tokens, String> tokens = FlowUtil.fillTokens(rasterFullPath, layerName, year, month, null); flowUtil.processStatistics(geoStoreUtil, statsDefRes, year, month, day, tokens); } }"Reprocessing completed on StatsDef '" + statsDefName + "'"); this.listenerForwarder.progressing(max, "Reprocessing completed on StatsDef '" + statsDefName + "'"); } protected static float rescale(float min, float max, float current) { return min + (max - min) * current; } /** * ********** * this method manages the reprocess in case of script changes. * * @param request * @throws ActionException */ public void reprocessChart(ReprocessChartRequest request) throws Exception { this.listenerForwarder.setTask("Starting reprocessChart"); List<Resource> chartScriptList = new ArrayList(request.getChartNames().size()); for (String chartScriptName : request.getChartNames()) { listenerForwarder.setTask("Processing requested chart " + chartScriptName); Resource chartScriptResource = geoStoreUtil.searchChartScript(chartScriptName); if (chartScriptResource == null) { LOGGER.warn("Could not find chart '" + chartScriptName + "'. Will be skipped."); listenerForwarder.setTask("Skipping unknown chart " + chartScriptName); listenerForwarder.progressing(); continue; } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug(" got info for chartScript to reprocess -->" + chartScriptName); chartScriptList.add(chartScriptResource); } FlowUtil flowUtil = new FlowUtil(getTempDir(), getConfigDir()); flowUtil.runScripts(geoStoreUtil, chartScriptList); } /****************** * Reprocess layer. * Procedure steps: <ul> * <li> Check Layer </li> * <li> Creates LayerUpdates if needed </li> * <li> If Vector => Rasterize, embed overviews, move into mosaic dir </li> * <li> <B>TODO</B>: check if mosaic tile properly configured in geoserver </li> * <li> Start reprocess stats </li> * </ul> * */ private void reprocessLayer(ReprocessLayerRequest request) throws ActionException {"Started layer reprocessing"); String layerName = request.getLayerName(); String year = request.getYear(); String month = request.getMonth(); String day = request.getDay();"Reprocessing layer:" + layerName + " year:" + year + " month:" + month); // ======================================== // Load layer info"Searching " + layerName + " in Geostore"); Resource layerRes = null; try { layerRes = geoStoreUtil.searchLayer(layerName); } catch (GeoStoreException e) { throw new ActionException(this, "Error while searching layer: " + layerName, e); } if (layerRes == null) { throw new ActionException(this, "Layer not found: " + layerName); } UNREDDLayer layer = new UNREDDLayer(layerRes); + " found in the Staging Area Geostore"); // ======================================== // Load layerUpdate"Searching layer update [" + layerName + ", " + year + "," + month + "]"); Resource layerUpdatesRes = null; try { layerUpdatesRes = geoStoreUtil.searchLayerUpdate(layerName, year, month, day); } catch (GeoStoreException e) { throw new ActionException(this, "Error while searching LayerUpdate: " + layerName, e); } if (layerUpdatesRes == null) { LOGGER.warn("Missing Layer update [" + layerName + ", " + year + "," + month + "]"); // create the missing LayerUpdate entry try { geoStoreUtil.insertLayerUpdate(layerName, year, month, day); } catch (GeoStoreException e) { throw new ActionException(this, "Error while inserting a LayerUpdate", e); } } try { layerUpdatesRes = geoStoreUtil.searchLayerUpdate(layerName, year, month, day); } catch (GeoStoreException e) { throw new ActionException(this, "LayerUpdate not createds: " + layerName, e); } UNREDDLayerUpdate layerUpdate = new UNREDDLayerUpdate(layerUpdatesRes); // ======================================== // In case of update we should regenerate the tiff. // We have also retile, overview it and move it to the mosaic directory File rasterfile = null; String layerFormat = layer.getAttribute(Attributes.LAYERTYPE); if ( { rasterfile = reprocessVector(layer, layerUpdate); } else if ( { File dir = new File(layer.getAttribute(UNREDDLayer.Attributes.MOSAICPATH)); String filename = NameUtils.buildTifFileName(layerName, year, month, day); rasterfile = new File(dir, filename); } else { throw new ActionException(this, "Unrecognized layer format '" + layerFormat + "'"); } // ======================================== // Compute all related statsData and chartData try { FlowUtil flowUtil = new FlowUtil(getTempDir(), getConfigDir()); flowUtil.runStatsAndScripts(layerName, year, month, day, rasterfile, geoStoreUtil); } catch (FlowException e) { throw new ActionException(this, e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Regenerate the raster file by reading the features from a PostGISUtils datastore. * */ public File reprocessVector(UNREDDLayer layer, UNREDDLayerUpdate layerUpdate) throws ActionException { String layername = layerUpdate.getAttribute(UNREDDLayerUpdate.Attributes.LAYER); String year = layerUpdate.getAttribute(UNREDDLayerUpdate.Attributes.YEAR); String month = layerUpdate.getAttribute(UNREDDLayerUpdate.Attributes.MONTH); String day = layerUpdate.getAttribute(UNREDDLayerUpdate.Attributes.DAY); // ======================================== // Rasterize // ========================================"Regenerating raster for " + NameUtils.buildLayerUpdateName(layername, year, month, day)); File rasterFile = null; try { RasterizeConfig rasterizeConfig = conf.getRasterizeConfig(); GDALRasterize rasterize = new GDALRasterize(rasterizeConfig, conf.getConfigDir(), this.getTempDir()); rasterFile =, layerUpdate, conf.getPostGisConfig()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException(this, "Exception while rasterizing: " + e.getMessage(), e); } // ======================================== // Embed overviews // ========================================"Embedding overviews for " + NameUtils.buildLayerUpdateName(layername, year, month, day) + " in " + rasterFile); GeotiffOverviewsEmbedderConfiguration ovCfg = conf.getOverviewsEmbedderConfiguration(); try { GeoTiff.embedOverviews(ovCfg, rasterFile, getTempDir()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ActionException(this, "Exception while embedding overviews in " + rasterFile.getName(), e); } // ======================================== // Move to mosaic dir // ======================================== String mosaicPath = layer.getAttribute(Attributes.MOSAICPATH); String finalName = NameUtils.buildTifFileName(layername, year, month, day); File finalPath = new File(mosaicPath, finalName); if (finalPath.exists())"Overwriting old raster:" + finalPath); else"Old raster does not exist:" + finalPath); try { FileUtils.copyFile(rasterFile, finalPath); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ActionException(this, "Exception while moving raster (src: " + rasterFile + " dst:" + finalPath + ')', e); } return finalPath; } @Override public boolean checkConfiguration() { String dataFileAbsPath = conf.getTestDataFileAbsolutePath(); String classificatorFileAbsPath = conf.getTestClassificatorFileAbsolutePath(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dataFileAbsPath) || StringUtils.isBlank(classificatorFileAbsPath)) { LOGGER.warn( "[ENVIRONMENT CHECKS SKIPPED] One or both paths of sample raster files used to ensure that the environment is properly configured are missing in the flow config..."); return true; } RasterClassifiedStatistics rcs = new RasterClassifiedStatistics(); try { File dataFile = new File(getClass().getResource(dataFileAbsPath).toURI()); File classificatorFile = new File(getClass().getResource(classificatorFileAbsPath).toURI()); Map<MultiKey, List<Result>> result = rcs.execute(true, new DataFile(dataFile), Arrays.asList(new DataFile[] { new DataFile(classificatorFile) }), Arrays.asList(new Statistic[] { Statistic.SUM }));"Stat System test: OK"); } catch (IOException e) { if ("true".equals(System.getenv("forceExecution"))) { LOGGER.warn( "The preliminary tests for executing stats are failed but has been configured the forceExecution, so move on with ingestion action expecting a failure when computing stats (just if they are defined of course)"); } else { LOGGER.error( "the stats systems doesn't work... the preliminary tests fails... If you want to execute the action anyway start geobatch with the -DforceExecutions=true"); // How to launch an exeption from here? or better... How comunicate to user the wrong //throw new ActionException(this, "the stats systems doesn't work... If you want to execute the action anyway start geobatch with the -DforceExecutions=true"); return false; } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warn( "[ENVIRONMENT CHECKS SKIPPED] Errors occurred when loading files for check the stats... wrong Url specification for the sample resources..."); return true; } return true; } }