Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package it.eng.spagobi.wapp.presentation; /** SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform Copyright (C) 2004 - 2011 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **/ import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUID; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUIDGenerator; import it.eng.spago.base.RequestContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SessionContainer; import; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ITreeHtmlGenerator; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.service.MoveDownLowFunctionality; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.service.MoveUpLowFunctionality; import; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.AdmintoolsConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.ObjectsTreeConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.ChannelUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.IMessageBuilder; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.MessageBuilderFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.urls.IUrlBuilder; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.urls.UrlBuilderFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.assertion.Assert; import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.themes.ThemesManager; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Contains all methods needed to generate and modify a tree object for menus. * There are methods to generate tree, configure, insert and modify elements. */ public class MenuConfigurationHTMLTreeGenerator implements ITreeHtmlGenerator { HttpServletRequest httpRequest = null; RequestContainer reqCont = null; int progrJSTree = 0; private int dTreeRootId = -100; private IUrlBuilder urlBuilder = null; private IMessageBuilder msgBuilder = null; private List _objectsList = null; protected String requestIdentity = null; protected String currTheme = ""; /** Logger component. */ public static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MenuConfigurationHTMLTreeGenerator.class); /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ITreeHtmlGenerator#makeTree(java.util.List, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public StringBuffer makeTree(List objectsList, HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String initialPath, String treename) { return makeTree(objectsList, httpRequest, initialPath); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ITreeHtmlGenerator#makeTree(java.util.List, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.lang.String) */ public StringBuffer makeTree(List objectsList, HttpServletRequest httpReq, String initialPath) { // identity string for object of the page UUIDGenerator uuidGen = UUIDGenerator.getInstance(); UUID uuid = uuidGen.generateTimeBasedUUID(); requestIdentity = uuid.toString(); requestIdentity = requestIdentity.replaceAll("-", ""); _objectsList = objectsList; httpRequest = httpReq; reqCont = ChannelUtilities.getRequestContainer(httpRequest); currTheme = ThemesManager.getCurrentTheme(reqCont); if (currTheme == null) currTheme = ThemesManager.getDefaultTheme(); StringBuffer htmlStream = new StringBuffer(); urlBuilder = UrlBuilderFactory.getUrlBuilder(); msgBuilder = MessageBuilderFactory.getMessageBuilder(); htmlStream.append("<LINK rel='StyleSheet' href='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/css/dtree.css", currTheme) + "' type='text/css' />"); //makeConfigurationDtree(htmlStream); String nameTree = msgBuilder.getMessage("", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append("<SCRIPT language='JavaScript' src='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/js/dtree.js", currTheme) + "'></SCRIPT>"); htmlStream.append("<SCRIPT language='JavaScript' src='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/js/contextMenu.js", currTheme) + "'></SCRIPT>"); htmlStream.append("<div id='divmenuFunct" + requestIdentity + "' class='dtreemenu' onmouseout='hideMenu(event, \"divmenuFunct" + requestIdentity + "\");' >"); htmlStream.append(" menu"); htmlStream.append("</div>"); htmlStream.append("<table width='100%'>"); htmlStream.append(" <tr height='1px'>"); htmlStream.append(" <td width='10px'> </td>"); htmlStream.append(" <td> </td>"); htmlStream.append(" </tr>"); htmlStream.append(" <tr>"); htmlStream.append(" <td> </td>"); htmlStream.append(" <td id='treeFoldersTd" + requestIdentity + "' name='treeFoldersTd" + requestIdentity + "'> </td>"); htmlStream.append(" <script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\n"); htmlStream.append(" var nameTree = 'treeFunct';\n"); String context = httpRequest.getContextPath(); if (!(context.charAt(context.length() - 1) == '/')) { context += '/'; } context += "themes/" + currTheme + "/"; htmlStream.append(" treeFunct = new dTree('treeFunct', '" + context + "');\n"); //htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + dTreeRootId + ",-1,'"+nameTree+"');\n"); htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + dTreeRootId + ",-1,'" + nameTree + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '', '', 'true', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, \\'" + createAddFunctionalityLink(null) + "\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\')');\n"); // Calculate which are the leaves at the 3rd level //List limitLeaves=fillDepths(objectsList); Iterator it = objectsList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Menu menu = (Menu); /* ********* start luca changes *************** */ RequestContainer reqCont = ChannelUtilities.getRequestContainer(httpRequest); SessionContainer sessionContainer = reqCont.getSessionContainer(); SessionContainer permanentSession = sessionContainer.getPermanentContainer(); IEngUserProfile profile = (IEngUserProfile) permanentSession .getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE); /* ********* end luca changes ***************** */ if (initialPath != null) { if (initialPath.equalsIgnoreCase(menu.getName())) addItemForJSTree(htmlStream, menu, true); else addItemForJSTree(htmlStream, menu, false); } else { if (menu.getParentId() == null || menu.getParentId().intValue() == 0) addItemForJSTree(htmlStream, menu, true); else addItemForJSTree(htmlStream, menu, false); } } //htmlStream.append(" document.write(treeFunct);\n"); htmlStream.append(" document.getElementById('treeFoldersTd" + requestIdentity + "').innerHTML = treeFunct;\n"); makeJSFunctionForMenu(htmlStream); htmlStream.append(" </script>\n"); htmlStream.append(" </tr>"); htmlStream.append("</table>"); return htmlStream; } private void addItemForJSTree(StringBuffer htmlStream, Menu menu, boolean isRoot) { String nameLabel = menu.getName(); //String name = msgBuilder.getUserMessage(nameLabel, SpagoBIConstants.DEFAULT_USER_BUNDLE, httpRequest); String name = msgBuilder.getI18nMessage(nameLabel, httpRequest); name = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(name); //String name = msgBuilder.getMessage(nameLabel, "messages", httpRequest); Integer id = menu.getMenuId(); Integer parentId = menu.getParentId(); Integer level = menu.getLevel(); boolean hasChildren = menu.getHasChildren(); //if(parentsList.contains(id))hasChildren=true; // set image icons //String imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treefolder.gif"); //String imgFolderOp = urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treefolderopen.gif"); String imgFolder = ""; String imgFolderOp = ""; if (menu.getObjId() != null) { //String icon=DetailMenuModule.assignImage(menu); if (menu.getSnapshotName() != null || menu.getSubObjName() != null) { imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/wapp/bullet_yellow.png", currTheme); } else { imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/wapp/bullet_blue.png", currTheme); } imgFolderOp = imgFolder; } else if (menu.getStaticPage() != null && !menu.getStaticPage().trim().equals("")) { imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/wapp/bullet_gray.png", currTheme); imgFolderOp = imgFolder; } else if (menu.getExternalApplicationUrl() != null) { imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/wapp/bullet_purple.png", currTheme); imgFolderOp = imgFolder; } else { imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/wapp/bullet_white.png", currTheme); imgFolderOp = imgFolder; } if (isRoot) { //htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + id + ", " + dTreeRootId + ",'" + name + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '', '', 'true', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, \\'"+createAddFunctionalityLink(nameLabel)+"\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\')');\n"); if (hasChildren) { htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + id + ", " + dTreeRootId + ",'" + name + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '" + imgFolder + "', '" + imgFolderOp + "', '', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, \\'" + createAddFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createDetailFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'" + createMoveUpMenuLink(menu) + "\\',\\'" + createMoveDownMenuLink(menu) + "\\')');\n"); } else { htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + id + ", " + dTreeRootId + ",'" + name + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '" + imgFolder + "', '" + imgFolderOp + "', '', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, \\'" + createAddFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createDetailFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createRemoveFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createMasterNodeMenuLink(menu) + "\\', \\'" + createMoveUpMenuLink(menu) + "\\',\\'" + createMoveDownMenuLink(menu) + "\\')');\n"); } } else { if (hasChildren) { htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + id + ", " + parentId + ",'" + name + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '" + imgFolder + "', '" + imgFolderOp + "', '', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, \\'" + createAddFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createDetailFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'\\', \\'" + createMasterNodeMenuLink(menu) + "\\',\\'" + createMoveUpMenuLink(menu) + "\\',\\'" + createMoveDownMenuLink(menu) + "\\')');\n"); } // else if(leaves.contains(id)){ // htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + id + ", " + parentId + ",'" + name + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '"+imgFolder+"', '"+imgFolderOp+"', '', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, \\'\\', \\'"+createDetailFunctionalityLink(id.toString())+"\\', \\'"+createRemoveFunctionalityLink(id.toString())+"\\', \\'"+createMasterNodeMenuLink(menu)+"\\',\\'"+createMoveUpMenuLink(menu)+"\\',\\'"+createMoveDownMenuLink(menu)+"\\')');\n"); // } else { htmlStream.append(" treeFunct.add(" + id + ", " + parentId + ",'" + name + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '" + imgFolder + "', '" + imgFolderOp + "', '', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, \\'" + createAddFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createDetailFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createRemoveFunctionalityLink(id.toString()) + "\\', \\'" + createMasterNodeMenuLink(menu) + "\\',\\'" + createMoveUpMenuLink(menu) + "\\',\\'" + createMoveDownMenuLink(menu) + "\\')');\n"); } } } /** * @see it.eng.spagobi.commons.presentation.treehtmlgenerators.AdminTreeHtmlGenerator#makeConfigurationDtree(java.lang.StringBuffer) */ /* private void makeConfigurationDtree(StringBuffer htmlStream) { htmlStream.append("<SCRIPT>\n"); htmlStream.append(" function dTree(objName) {\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.config = {\n"); htmlStream.append(" target : null,\n"); htmlStream.append(" folderLinks : true,\n"); htmlStream.append(" useSelection : true,\n"); htmlStream.append(" useCookies : true,\n"); htmlStream.append(" useLines : true,\n"); htmlStream.append(" useIcons : true,\n"); htmlStream.append(" useStatusText : true,\n"); htmlStream.append(" closeSameLevel : false,\n"); htmlStream.append(" inOrder : false\n"); htmlStream.append(" }\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.icon = {\n"); htmlStream.append(" root : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treebase.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" folder : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treefolder.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" folderOpen : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treefolderopen.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" node : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treepage.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" empty : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treeempty.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" line : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treeline.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" join : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treejoin.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" joinBottom : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treejoinbottom.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" plus : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treeplus.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" plusBottom : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treeplusbottom.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" minus : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treeminus.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" minusBottom : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treeminusbottom.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" nlPlus : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treenolines_plus.gif")+"',\n"); htmlStream.append(" nlMinus : '"+urlBuilder.getResourceLink(httpRequest, "/img/treenolines_minus.gif")+"'\n"); htmlStream.append(" };\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.obj = objName;\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.aNodes = [];\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.aIndent = [];\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.root = new Node(-1);\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.selectedNode = null;\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.selectedFound = false;\n"); htmlStream.append(" this.completed = false;\n"); htmlStream.append(" };\n"); htmlStream.append("</SCRIPT>\n"); } */ /** * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.AdminTreeHtmlGenerator#makeJSFunctionForMenu(java.lang.StringBuffer) */ private void makeJSFunctionForMenu(StringBuffer htmlStream) { htmlStream.append(" function menu" + requestIdentity + "(event, urlAdd, urlDetail, urlErase, urlCreateMaster, urlMoveUp, urlMoveDown) {\n"); //htmlStream.append(" alert('urlCreateMaster: ' + urlCreateMaster + ' - urlMoveUp: ' + urlMoveUp + ' - urlMoveDown: ' + urlMoveDown );\n"); htmlStream.append(" divM = document.getElementById('divmenuFunct" + requestIdentity + "');\n"); htmlStream.append(" divM.innerHTML = '';\n"); String capInsert = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.MenuTree.insertCaption", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append( " if(urlAdd!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"'+urlAdd+'\">" + capInsert + "</a></div>';\n"); String capDetail = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.MenuTree.detailCaption", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append( " if(urlDetail!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"'+urlDetail+'\">" + capDetail + "</a></div>';\n"); String capErase = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.MenuTree.eraseCaption", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append( " if(urlErase!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"javascript:actionConfirm(\\'" + capErase + "\\', \\''+urlErase+'\\');\">" + capErase + "</a></div>';\n"); String capCreateMaster = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.MenuTree.createMasterNodeCaption", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append( " if(urlCreateMaster=='disabled') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'white\\'\"><a class=\"dtreemenulinkdisabled\" href=\"\"><strike>" + capCreateMaster + "</strike></a></div>';\n"); htmlStream.append( " else if(urlCreateMaster!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"'+urlCreateMaster+'\">" + capCreateMaster + "</a></div>';\n"); String capMoveUp = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.MenuTree.moveUpCaption", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append( " if(urlMoveUp=='disabled') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'white\\'\"><a class=\"dtreemenulinkdisabled\" href=\"\"><strike>" + capMoveUp + "</strike></a></div>';\n"); htmlStream.append( " else if(urlMoveUp!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"'+urlMoveUp+'\">" + capMoveUp + "</a></div>';\n"); String capMoveDown = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.TreeFunct.moveDownCaption", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append( " if(urlMoveDown=='disabled') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'white\\'\"><a class=\"dtreemenulinkdisabled\" href=\"\"><strike>" + capMoveDown + "</strike></a></div>';\n"); htmlStream.append( " else if(urlMoveDown!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\" onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"'+urlMoveDown+'\">" + capMoveDown + "</a></div>';\n"); htmlStream.append(" showMenu(event, divM);\n"); htmlStream.append(" }\n"); htmlStream.append(" function linkEmpty() {\n"); htmlStream.append(" }\n"); // js function for item action confirm String confirmCaption = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.MenuTree.confirmCaption", "messages", httpRequest); htmlStream.append(" function actionConfirm(message, url){\n"); htmlStream.append(" if (confirm('" + confirmCaption + " ' + message + '?')){\n"); htmlStream.append(" location.href = url;\n"); htmlStream.append(" }\n"); htmlStream.append(" }\n"); } /** * Create URL to call the create master node from the child folder selected. * @param folder The folder to be master node * @return The URL to call the create master node functionality operation */ private String createMasterNodeFunctionalityLink(Menu menu) { HashMap createMasterUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); createMasterUrlParamsMap.put("ACTION_NAME", CreateMasterMenuAction.ACTION_NAME); createMasterUrlParamsMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.FUNCT_ID, menu.getMenuId().toString()); String createMasterUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, createMasterUrlParamsMap); return createMasterUrl; } /** * Create URL to call the move up functionality operation. * @param folder The folder to be moved up * @return The URL to call the move up functionality operation */ private String createMoveUpFunctionalityLink(Menu menu) { HashMap moveUpUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); moveUpUrlParamsMap.put("ACTION_NAME", MoveUpLowFunctionality.ACTION_NAME); moveUpUrlParamsMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.FUNCT_ID, menu.getMenuId().toString()); String moveUpUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, moveUpUrlParamsMap); return moveUpUrl; } /** * Create URL to call the move down fuctionality operation. * @param folder The folder to be moved down * @return The URL to call the move down functionality operation */ private String createMoveDownFunctionalityLink(Menu menu) { HashMap moveDownUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); moveDownUrlParamsMap.put("ACTION_NAME", MoveDownLowFunctionality.ACTION_NAME); moveDownUrlParamsMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.FUNCT_ID, menu.getMenuId().toString()); String moveDownUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, moveDownUrlParamsMap); return moveDownUrl; } /** * Create URL to call the add fuctionality operation. * @param path The object tree path String * @return The URL to call the add functionality operation */ private String createAddFunctionalityLink(String parentId) { HashMap addUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); addUrlParamsMap.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, DetailMenuModule.MODULE_PAGE); addUrlParamsMap.put(AdmintoolsConstants.MESSAGE_DETAIL, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_NEW); if (parentId != null) { addUrlParamsMap.put(DetailMenuModule.PARENT_ID, parentId); } String addUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, addUrlParamsMap); return addUrl; } /** * Create the URL to call the remove functionality operation. * @param path The object tree path String * @return the URL to call the remove functionality operation. */ private String createRemoveFunctionalityLink(String id) { HashMap delUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); delUrlParamsMap.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, DetailMenuModule.MODULE_PAGE); delUrlParamsMap.put(AdmintoolsConstants.MESSAGE_DETAIL, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_DEL); delUrlParamsMap.put(DetailMenuModule.MENU_ID, id); String delUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, delUrlParamsMap); return delUrl; } /** * Create the URL to call the create functionality operation. * @param path The object tree path String * @return the URL to call the create functionality operation */ private String createDetailFunctionalityLink(String id) { HashMap createUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); createUrlParamsMap.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, DetailMenuModule.MODULE_PAGE); createUrlParamsMap.put(AdmintoolsConstants.MESSAGE_DETAIL, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_SELECT); createUrlParamsMap.put(DetailMenuModule.MENU_ID, id); String createUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, createUrlParamsMap); return createUrl; } /* public List fillDepths(List objectsList){ HashMap idsMenus=new HashMap(); ArrayList limitLeaves=new ArrayList(); if(objectsList!=null){ for (Iterator iterator = objectsList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Menu menu = (Menu); Integer id=menu.getMenuId(); idsMenus.put(id, menu); } for (Iterator iterator = objectsList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Menu menu= (Menu); Integer id=menu.getMenuId(); int depth=calculateDepth(idsMenus, menu); if(depth==3) // trace only limit leaves! limitLeaves.add(id); } } return limitLeaves; } */ public int calculateDepth(HashMap idsMenues, Menu menu) { if (menu.getParentId() == null || menu.getParentId().intValue() == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1 + calculateDepth(idsMenues, (Menu) idsMenues.get(menu.getParentId())); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ITreeHtmlGenerator#makeAccessibleTree(java.util.List, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.lang.String) */ public StringBuffer makeAccessibleTree(List objectsList, HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String initialPath) { return null; } /** * Create URL to call the create master node functionality operation from a child menu. * @param folder The folder to be transformed into master folder * @return The URL to call the create master menu operation */ private String createMasterNodeMenuLink(Menu menu) { if (canCreateMaster(menu)) { HashMap createMasterUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); createMasterUrlParamsMap.put("ACTION_NAME", CreateMasterMenuAction.ACTION_NAME); createMasterUrlParamsMap.put(DetailMenuModule.MENU_ID, menu.getMenuId().toString()); String createMasterUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, createMasterUrlParamsMap); return createMasterUrl; } else { return "disabled"; } } /** * Create URL to call the move up fuctionality operation. * @param folder The folder to be moved up * @return The URL to call the move up functionality operation */ private String createMoveUpMenuLink(Menu menu) { if (canBeMovedUp(menu)) { HashMap moveUpUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); moveUpUrlParamsMap.put("ACTION_NAME", MoveUpMenuAction.ACTION_NAME); moveUpUrlParamsMap.put(DetailMenuModule.MENU_ID, menu.getMenuId().toString()); String moveUpUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, moveUpUrlParamsMap); return moveUpUrl; } else { return "disabled"; } } /** * Create URL to call the move down functionality operation. * @param folder The folder to be moved down * @return The URL to call the move down functionality operation */ private String createMoveDownMenuLink(Menu menu) { if (canBeMovedDown(menu)) { HashMap moveDownUrlParamsMap = new HashMap(); moveDownUrlParamsMap.put("ACTION_NAME", MoveDownMenuAction.ACTION_NAME); moveDownUrlParamsMap.put(DetailMenuModule.MENU_ID, menu.getMenuId().toString()); String moveDownUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, moveDownUrlParamsMap); return moveDownUrl; } else { return "disabled"; } } private boolean canCreateMaster(Menu menu) { boolean canCreateMaster = false; Role[] currentRoles; Integer parentId; Menu parentMenu; Role[] parentRoles; logger.debug("IN"); try { Assert.assertNotNull(menu, "Input parameter [menu] cannot be null"); logger.debug("Menu id is equal to [" + menu.getMenuId() + "]"); logger.debug("Menu name is equal to [" + menu.getName() + "]"); logger.debug("Menu descr is equal to [" + menu.getDescr() + "]"); parentId = menu.getParentId(); logger.debug("Parent menu id is equal to [" + menu.getMenuId() + "]"); if (parentId == null || parentId.intValue() == 0) { canCreateMaster = false; } else { parentMenu = null; try { parentMenu = DAOFactory.getMenuDAO().loadMenuByID(parentId); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Impossible to load menu with id equal to [" + parentId + "] from database", t); return false; } parentRoles = parentMenu.getRoles(); logger.debug("Parent menu have [" + parentRoles.length + "] role(s)"); currentRoles = menu.getRoles(); logger.debug("Menu have [" + currentRoles.length + "] role(s)"); boolean equals = true; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < parentRoles.length && equals; i++) { Role role = parentRoles[i]; found = false; for (int j = 0; j < currentRoles.length && !found; j++) { Role roleCurr = currentRoles[j]; if (roleCurr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(role.getName())) found = true; logger.debug("Parent menu role [" + i + "] named [" + role.getName() + "] is equal to " + "menu role [" + j + "] named [" + roleCurr.getName() + "] ? [" + found + "]"); } if (!found) equals = false; } canCreateMaster = equals; } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("An unpredicted error occours while executing method [canCreateMaster]", t); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return canCreateMaster; } private boolean canBeMovedUp(Menu menu) { return !(menu.getProg().intValue() == 1); } private boolean canBeMovedDown(Menu menu) { Integer parentId = (menu.getParentId() == null) ? new Integer("0") : menu.getParentId(); Integer currentProg = menu.getProg(); Iterator it = _objectsList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Menu aMenu = (Menu); Integer parentMenuId = (aMenu.getParentId() == null) ? new Integer("0") : aMenu.getParentId(); if (parentId != null && parentId.equals(parentMenuId) && currentProg.intValue() < aMenu.getProg().intValue()) return true; } return false; } }