Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package; import it.eng.spago.base.RequestContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.dispatching.action.AbstractHttpAction; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.ChannelUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.GeneralUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.IMessageBuilder; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.MessageBuilderFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.urls.WebUrlBuilder; import; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.themes.ThemesManager; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class ManageImpExpAssAction extends AbstractHttpAction { private HttpServletRequest httpRequest = null; private HttpServletResponse httpResponse = null; protected RequestContainer reqCont = null; IMessageBuilder msgBuild = null; WebUrlBuilder urlBuilder = null; private Locale locale = null; protected String currTheme = ""; static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ManageImpExpAssAction.class); /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean) */ public void service(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws Exception { logger.debug("IN"); try { freezeHttpResponse(); httpRequest = getHttpRequest(); httpResponse = getHttpResponse(); reqCont = ChannelUtilities.getRequestContainer(httpRequest); msgBuild = MessageBuilderFactory.getMessageBuilder(); urlBuilder = new WebUrlBuilder(); currTheme = ThemesManager.getCurrentTheme(reqCont); if (currTheme == null) currTheme = ThemesManager.getDefaultTheme(); String language = httpRequest.getParameter("language"); String country = httpRequest.getParameter("country"); try { locale = new Locale(language, country); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, the defualt locale will be considered } String message = (String) request.getAttribute("MESSAGE"); if ((message != null) && (message.equalsIgnoreCase("SAVE_ASSOCIATION_FILE"))) { saveAssHandler(); } else if ((message != null) && (message.equalsIgnoreCase("GET_ASSOCIATION_FILE_LIST"))) { getAssListHandler(request); } else if ((message != null) && (message.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE_ASSOCIATION_FILE"))) { deleteAssHandler(request); } else if ((message != null) && (message.equalsIgnoreCase("UPLOAD_ASSOCIATION_FILE"))) { uploadAssHandler(request); } else if ((message != null) && (message.equalsIgnoreCase("DOWNLOAD_ASSOCIATION_FILE"))) { downloadAssHandler(request); } else if ((message != null) && (message.equalsIgnoreCase("CHECK_IF_EXISTS"))) { checkIfExistsHandler(request); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("error during service method", t); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private void checkIfExistsHandler(SourceBean sbrequest) { logger.debug("IN"); String id = (String) sbrequest.getAttribute("ID"); IAssociationFileDAO assfiledao = new AssociationFileDAO(); String htmlResp = Boolean.toString(assfiledao.exists(id)); try { httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(htmlResp.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending response to the client, " + e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private void downloadAssHandler(SourceBean sbrequest) { logger.debug("IN"); try { String idass = (String) sbrequest.getAttribute("ID"); IAssociationFileDAO assfiledao = new AssociationFileDAO(); AssociationFile assFile = assfiledao.loadFromID(idass); byte[] content = assfiledao.getContent(assFile); httpResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"associations.xml \";"); httpResponse.setContentLength(content.length); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(content); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while filling response with the association file, ", e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private void uploadAssHandler(SourceBean sbrequest) { logger.debug("IN"); try { String modality = "MANAGE"; String name = (String) sbrequest.getAttribute("NAME"); if (name == null || name.trim().equals("")) { String msg = msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saving.nameNotSpecified", "component_impexp_messages", locale); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(msg.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); return; } String description = (String) sbrequest.getAttribute("DESCRIPTION"); if (description == null) description = ""; // UploadedFile uplFile = (UploadedFile)sbrequest.getAttribute("UPLOADED_FILE"); FileItem uplFile = (FileItem) sbrequest.getAttribute("UPLOADED_FILE"); byte[] content = null; if (uplFile == null || uplFile.getName().trim().equals("")) { String msg = msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saving.associationFileNotSpecified", "component_impexp_messages", locale); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(msg.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); return; } else { if (uplFile.getSize() == 0) { String msg = msgBuild.getMessage("201", "component_impexp_messages", locale); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(msg.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); return; } int maxSize = GeneralUtilities.getTemplateMaxSize(); if (uplFile.getSize() > maxSize) { String msg = msgBuild.getMessage("202", "component_impexp_messages", locale); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(msg.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); return; } content = uplFile.get(); if (!AssociationFile.isValidContent(content)) { String msg = msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saving.associationFileNotValid", "component_impexp_messages", locale); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(msg.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); return; } } String overwriteStr = (String) sbrequest.getAttribute("OVERWRITE"); boolean overwrite = (overwriteStr == null || overwriteStr.trim().equals("")) ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(overwriteStr); AssociationFile assFile = new AssociationFile(); assFile.setDescription(description); assFile.setName(name); assFile.setDateCreation(new Date().getTime()); assFile.setId(name); IAssociationFileDAO assfiledao = new AssociationFileDAO(); if (assfiledao.exists(assFile.getId())) { if (overwrite) { assfiledao.deleteAssociationFile(assFile); assfiledao.saveAssociationFile(assFile, content); } else { logger.warn("Overwrite parameter is false: association file with id=[" + assFile.getId() + "] " + "and name=[" + assFile.getName() + "] will not be saved."); } } else { assfiledao.saveAssociationFile(assFile, content); } List assFiles = assfiledao.getAssociationFiles(); String html = generateHtmlJsCss(); html += "<br/>"; html += generateHtmlForInsertNewForm(); html += "<br/>"; html += generateHtmlForList(assFiles, modality); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(html.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while saving the association file, ", e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private void deleteAssHandler(SourceBean sbrequest) { logger.debug("IN"); try { String modality = "MANAGE"; String idass = (String) sbrequest.getAttribute("ID"); IAssociationFileDAO assfiledao = new AssociationFileDAO(); AssociationFile assFile = assfiledao.loadFromID(idass); assfiledao.deleteAssociationFile(assFile); List assFiles = assfiledao.getAssociationFiles(); String html = generateHtmlJsCss(); html += "<br/>"; html += generateHtmlForInsertNewForm(); html += "<br/>"; html += generateHtmlForList(assFiles, modality); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(html.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while deleting the association file, ", e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private void getAssListHandler(SourceBean sbrequest) { logger.debug("IN"); try { String modality = (String) sbrequest.getAttribute("MODALITY"); IAssociationFileDAO assfiledao = new AssociationFileDAO(); List assFiles = assfiledao.getAssociationFiles(); String html = generateHtmlJsCss(); if (modality.equals("MANAGE")) { html += "<br/>"; html += generateHtmlForInsertNewForm(); } html += "<br/>"; html += generateHtmlForList(assFiles, modality); httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(html.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while getting the list of association files, ", e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private String generateHtmlJsCss() { String html = "<LINK rel='StyleSheet' type='text/css' " + " href='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "css/spagobi_shared.css", currTheme) + "' />"; html += "<LINK rel='StyleSheet' type='text/css' " + " href='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "css/jsr168.css", currTheme) + "' />"; html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/js/prototype/javascripts/prototype.js", currTheme) + "\"></script>"; return html; } private String generateHtmlForInsertNewForm() { String html = "<div width='100%' class='portlet-section-header'>"; html += " <a style='color:#FFFFFF;' href='javascript:openclosenewform()'>" + msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saving.insertNew", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "</a>"; html += " </div>"; String action = httpRequest.getContextPath(); action += "/servlet/AdapterHTTP"; html += " <div id='divFormNewAss' style='display:none;'>"; html += " <form action='" + action + "' name='formNewAss' id='formNewAss' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> "; html += " <input type='hidden' name='ACTION_NAME' value='MANAGE_IMPEXP_ASS_ACTION' >"; html += " <input type='hidden' name='MESSAGE' value='UPLOAD_ASSOCIATION_FILE' >"; html += " <input type='hidden' name='OVERWRITE' id='OVERWRITE' value='' >"; html += "<div class='div_form_container' >\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_margin' >\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_row' >\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_label'>\n"; html += " <span class='portlet-form-field-label'>\n"; html += " " + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale); html += " </span>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_field'>\n"; html += " <input class='portlet-form-input-field' type='text' name='NAME' \n"; html += " id='nameNewAssToSave' />"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_row' >\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_label'>\n"; html += " <span class='portlet-form-field-label'>\n"; html += " " + msgBuild.getMessage("impexp.description", "component_impexp_messages", locale); html += " </span>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_field'>\n"; html += " <input class='portlet-form-input-field' type='text' name='DESCRIPTION' \n"; html += " id='descriptionNewAssToSave' />"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_row' >\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_label'>\n"; html += " <span class='portlet-form-field-label'>\n"; html += " " + msgBuild.getMessage("impexp.file", "component_impexp_messages", locale); html += " </span>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_field'>\n"; html += " <input class='portlet-form-input-field' type='file' name='FILE' \n"; html += " id='fileNewAssToSave' />"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_row' >\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_label'>\n"; html += " <span class='portlet-form-field-label'>\n"; html += " \n"; html += " </span>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " <div class='div_form_field'>\n"; html += " <a class='link_without_dec' href=\"javascript:checkIfExists()\">\n"; html += " <img src= '" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/Save.gif", currTheme) + "' " + " title='" + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' " + " alt='" + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' />\n"; html += " </a>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += " </div>\n"; html += "</div>\n"; html += "<div style='clear:left;'> </div>\n"; html += " </form>"; html += " </div>"; html += " <script>"; html += " function openclosenewform() {"; html += " divfna = document.getElementById('divFormNewAss');"; html += " if('none') {"; html += "'inline';"; html += " } else {"; html += "'none';"; html += " }"; html += " }"; html += " </script>"; // check if the association already exists html += " <script>\n"; html += " function checkIfExists() {\n"; html += " nameass = document.getElementById('nameNewAssToSave').value;\n"; html += " if (nameass==''){\n"; html += " alert('" + msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saving.nameNotSpecified", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "');\n"; html += " return;\n"; html += " }\n"; html += " checkAssUrl = '" + httpRequest.getContextPath() + "';\n"; html += " checkAssUrl += '/servlet/AdapterHTTP?';\n"; html += " pars = 'ACTION_NAME=MANAGE_IMPEXP_ASS_ACTION&MESSAGE=CHECK_IF_EXISTS&ID=' + document.getElementById('nameNewAssToSave').value;\n"; html += " new Ajax.Request(checkAssUrl,\n"; html += " {\n"; html += " method: 'post',\n"; html += " parameters: pars,\n"; html += " onSuccess: function(transport){\n"; html += " response = transport.responseText || \"\";\n"; html += " saveAss(response);\n"; html += " },\n"; html += " onFailure: somethingWentWrongSaveAss,\n"; html += " asynchronous: false\n"; html += " }\n"; html += " );\n"; html += " }\n"; html += " function somethingWentWrongSaveAss() {\n"; html += " }\n"; html += " </script>\n"; // save the association html += " <script>\n"; html += " function saveAss(exists) {\n"; html += " if (exists != 'true' || confirm('" + msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saving.alreadyExisting", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "')) {\n"; html += " document.getElementById('OVERWRITE').value = 'true';\n"; html += " document.getElementById('formNewAss').submit();\n"; html += " }\n"; html += " }\n"; html += " </script>\n"; return html; } private String generateHtmlForList(List assFiles, String modality) { String html = "<table widht='100%'>"; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td class='portlet-section-header'>" + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "</td>"; html += "<td class='portlet-section-header'>" + msgBuild.getMessage("impexp.description", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "</td>"; html += "<td class='portlet-section-header'>" + msgBuild.getMessage("impexp.creationDate", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "</td>"; html += "<td class='portlet-section-header'> </td>"; html += "</tr>"; String rowClass = ""; boolean alternate = false; Iterator iterAssFile = assFiles.iterator(); while (iterAssFile.hasNext()) { rowClass = (alternate) ? "portlet-section-alternate" : "portlet-section-body"; alternate = !alternate; AssociationFile assFile = (AssociationFile); html += "<tr>"; html += "<td class='" + rowClass + "'>" + assFile.getName() + "</td>"; html += "<td class='" + rowClass + "'>" + assFile.getDescription() + "</td>"; Date dat = new Date(assFile.getDateCreation()); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(dat); String datSt = "" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "/" + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "/" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + " " + cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + (cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) < 10 ? "0" : "") + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); html += "<td class='" + rowClass + "'>" + datSt + "</td>"; if (modality.equals("MANAGE")) { String eraseUrl = httpRequest.getContextPath(); ; eraseUrl += "/servlet/AdapterHTTP?ACTION_NAME=MANAGE_IMPEXP_ASS_ACTION"; eraseUrl += "&MESSAGE=DELETE_ASSOCIATION_FILE&ID=" + assFile.getId(); String downloadUrl = httpRequest.getContextPath(); ; downloadUrl += "/servlet/AdapterHTTP?ACTION_NAME=MANAGE_IMPEXP_ASS_ACTION"; downloadUrl += "&MESSAGE=DOWNLOAD_ASSOCIATION_FILE&ID=" + assFile.getId(); html += "<td class='" + rowClass + "'>\n"; html += "<a class='link_without_dec' href='" + eraseUrl + "' style='text-decoration:none;'>\n"; html += "<img src='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/erase.gif", currTheme) + "' \n" + "title='" + msgBuild.getMessage("impexp.erase", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' \n" + "alt='" + msgBuild.getMessage("impexp.erase", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' />\n"; html += "</a>\n"; html += " \n"; html += "<a class='link_without_dec' href='" + downloadUrl + "' style='text-decoration:none;'>\n"; html += "<img src='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/down16.gif", currTheme) + "' \n" + "title='" + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' \n" + "alt='" + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' />\n"; html += "</a>\n"; html += "</td>"; } else if (modality.equals("SELECT")) { html += "<td class='" + rowClass + "'>\n"; html += "<a class='link_without_dec' href=\"javascript:parent.selectAssFile('" + assFile.getId() + "', '" + assFile.getName() + "')\">\n"; html += "<img src='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/button_ok.gif", currTheme) + "' \n" + "title='" + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' \n" + "alt='" + msgBuild.getMessage("", "component_impexp_messages", locale) + "' />\n"; html += "</a>\n"; } html += "</tr>"; } html += "</table>"; return html; } private void saveAssHandler() { logger.debug("IN"); String htmlResp = ""; try { String associationFileName = httpRequest.getParameter("FILE_NAME"); String folderName = httpRequest.getParameter("FOLDER_NAME"); String name = httpRequest.getParameter("NAME"); String description = httpRequest.getParameter("DESCRIPTION"); String overwriteStr = httpRequest.getParameter("OVERWRITE"); boolean overwrite = (overwriteStr == null || overwriteStr.trim().equals("")) ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(overwriteStr); AssociationFile assFile = new AssociationFile(); assFile.setDescription(description); assFile.setName(name); assFile.setDateCreation(new Date().getTime()); assFile.setId(name); String pathExportFolder = ImportUtilities.getImportTempFolderPath(); File file = new File(pathExportFolder + "/" + folderName + "/" + associationFileName + ".xml"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] fileAssContent = GeneralUtilities.getByteArrayFromInputStream(fis); fis.close(); IAssociationFileDAO assfiledao = new AssociationFileDAO(); if (assfiledao.exists(assFile.getId())) { if (overwrite) { assfiledao.deleteAssociationFile(assFile); assfiledao.saveAssociationFile(assFile, fileAssContent); } else { logger.warn("Overwrite parameter is false: association file with id=[" + assFile.getId() + "] " + "and name=[" + assFile.getName() + "] will not be saved."); } } else { assfiledao.saveAssociationFile(assFile, fileAssContent); } htmlResp = msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saved.ok", "component_impexp_messages", locale); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error wile saving the association file, ", e); htmlResp = msgBuild.getMessage("Sbi.saved.ko", "component_impexp_messages", locale); } finally { try { httpResponse.getOutputStream().write(htmlResp.getBytes()); httpResponse.getOutputStream().flush(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending response to the client, ", e); } logger.debug("OUT"); } } }