Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package; import it.eng.spago.base.SessionContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException; import it.eng.spago.configuration.ConfigSingleton; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError; import; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjPar; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjTemplates; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjects; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiSnapshots; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiSubObjects; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.metadata.SbiFuncRole; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.metadata.SbiFuncRoleId; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.metadata.SbiFunctions; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiObjParuse; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiObjParuseId; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiObjParview; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiObjParviewId; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParameters; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuse; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuseCk; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuseCkId; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuseDet; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuseDetId; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.check.metadata.SbiChecks; import; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.metadata.SbiLov; import; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiBinContents; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiCommonInfo; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiDomains; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiExtRoles; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.GeneralUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.config.metadata.SbiEngines; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.alarm.metadata.SbiAlarm; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.alarm.metadata.SbiAlarmContact; import; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpi; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpiInstPeriod; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpiInstance; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpiPeriodicity; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpiRel; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiKpiModel; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiKpiModelInst; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiKpiModelResources; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiResources; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrant; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitHierarchies; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitNodes; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.threshold.metadata.SbiThreshold; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.threshold.metadata.SbiThresholdValue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUID; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUIDGenerator; public class ImportUtilities { static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImportUtilities.class); public static final int MAX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_FILE_SIZE = 5242880; /** * Decompress the export compress file. * * @param pathImpTmpFolder The path of the import directory * @param pathArchiveFile The path of the exported archive * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void decompressArchive(String pathImpTmpFolder, String pathArchiveFile) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); File tmpFolder = new File(pathImpTmpFolder); tmpFolder.mkdirs(); int BUFFER = 2048; FileInputStream fis = null; ZipInputStream zis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(pathArchiveFile); zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fis)); ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { BufferedOutputStream dest = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { int count; byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER]; String entryName = entry.getName(); int indexofdp = entryName.indexOf(":\\"); if (indexofdp != -1) { int indexlastslash = entryName.lastIndexOf("\\"); entryName = entryName.substring(0, indexofdp - 2) + entryName.substring(indexlastslash); } File entryFile = new File(pathImpTmpFolder + "/" + entryName); File entryFileFolder = entryFile.getParentFile(); entryFileFolder.mkdirs(); fos = new FileOutputStream(pathImpTmpFolder + "/" + entryName); dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER); while ((count =, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) { dest.write(data, 0, count); } dest.flush(); } finally { if (dest != null) dest.close(); if (fos != null) fos.close(); } } } catch (EOFException eofe) { logger.warn("Error during the decompression of the exported file ", eofe); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error during the decompression of the exported file ", e); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "100", ImportManager.messageBundle); } finally { if (zis != null || fis != null) { try { if (zis != null) zis.close(); if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error closing stream", e); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } } /** * Creates an Hibernate session factory for the exported database. * * @param pathDBFolder The path of the folder which contains the exported database * * @return The Hibernate session factory * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SessionFactory getHibSessionExportDB(String pathDBFolder) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); String resource = "it/eng/spagobi/tools/importexport/metadata/hibernate.cfg.hsql.export.xml"; conf = conf.configure(resource); String hsqlJdbcString = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + pathDBFolder + "/metadata;shutdown=true"; conf.setProperty("hibernate.connection.url", hsqlJdbcString); SessionFactory sessionFactory = conf.buildSessionFactory(); logger.debug("IN"); return sessionFactory; } /** * Creates a new hibernate role object. * * @param role old hibernate role object * * @return the new hibernate role object */ public static SbiExtRoles makeNew(SbiExtRoles role) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiExtRoles newRole = new SbiExtRoles(); newRole.setCode(role.getCode()); newRole.setDescr(role.getDescr()); newRole.setName(role.getName()); //newRole.setRoleType(role.getRoleType()); //newRole.setRoleTypeCode(role.getRoleTypeCode()); newRole.setSbiParuseDets(new HashSet()); newRole.setSbiFuncRoles(new HashSet()); newRole.setIsAbleToSaveIntoPersonalFolder(role.getIsAbleToSaveIntoPersonalFolder()); newRole.setIsAbleToSaveRememberMe(role.getIsAbleToSaveRememberMe()); newRole.setIsAbleToSeeMetadata(role.getIsAbleToSeeMetadata()); newRole.setIsAbleToSeeNotes(role.getIsAbleToSeeNotes()); newRole.setIsAbleToSeeSnapshots(role.getIsAbleToSeeSnapshots()); newRole.setIsAbleToSeeSubobjects(role.getIsAbleToSeeSubobjects()); newRole.setIsAbleToSeeViewpoints(role.getIsAbleToSeeViewpoints()); newRole.setIsAbleToSendMail(role.getIsAbleToSendMail()); newRole.setIsAbleToBuildQbeQuery(role.getIsAbleToBuildQbeQuery()); newRole.setIsAbleToDoMassiveExport(role.getIsAbleToDoMassiveExport()); newRole.setIsAbleToEditWorksheet(role.getIsAbleToEditWorksheet()); newRole.setIsAbleToManageUsers(role.getIsAbleToManageUsers()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newRole; } /** * Creates a new hibernate role object. * * @param role old hibernate role object * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate role object */ public static SbiExtRoles makeNew(SbiExtRoles role, Integer id) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiExtRoles newRole = makeNew(role); newRole.setExtRoleId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newRole; } /** * Creates a new hibernate engine object. * * @param engine old hibernate engine object * * @return the new hibernate engine object */ public static SbiEngines makeNew(SbiEngines engine) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiEngines newEng = new SbiEngines(); newEng.setDescr(engine.getDescr()); newEng.setDriverNm(engine.getDriverNm()); newEng.setEncrypt(engine.getEncrypt()); newEng.setLabel(engine.getLabel()); newEng.setMainUrl(engine.getMainUrl()); newEng.setName(engine.getName()); newEng.setObjUplDir(engine.getObjUplDir()); newEng.setObjUseDir(engine.getObjUseDir()); newEng.setSecnUrl(engine.getSecnUrl()); newEng.setClassNm(engine.getClassNm()); newEng.setUseDataSet(engine.getUseDataSet()); newEng.setUseDataSource(engine.getUseDataSource()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newEng; } /** * Make new data source. * * @param ds the ds * * @return the sbi data source */ public static SbiDataSource makeNew(SbiDataSource ds) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiDataSource newDS = new SbiDataSource(); newDS.setDescr(ds.getDescr()); newDS.setLabel(ds.getLabel()); newDS.setJndi(ds.getJndi()); newDS.setDriver(ds.getDriver()); newDS.setPwd(ds.getPwd()); newDS.setUrl_connection(ds.getUrl_connection()); newDS.setUser(ds.getUser()); newDS.setMultiSchema((ds.getMultiSchema() != null) ? ds.getMultiSchema() : Boolean.valueOf(false)); newDS.setSchemaAttribute(ds.getSchemaAttribute()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newDS; } public static SbiDataSource modifyExisting(SbiDataSource dataSource, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingDatasourceId) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiDataSource existingDatasource = null; try { existingDatasource = (SbiDataSource) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDataSource.class, existingDatasourceId); existingDatasource.setDescr(dataSource.getDescr()); existingDatasource.setDialect(dataSource.getDialect()); existingDatasource.setDialectDescr(dataSource.getDialectDescr()); existingDatasource.setDriver(dataSource.getDriver()); existingDatasource.setJndi(dataSource.getJndi()); existingDatasource.setLabel(dataSource.getLabel()); existingDatasource.setPwd(dataSource.getPwd()); existingDatasource.setUrl_connection(dataSource.getUrl_connection()); existingDatasource.setUser(dataSource.getUser()); existingDatasource.setMultiSchema( (dataSource.getMultiSchema() != null) ? dataSource.getMultiSchema() : Boolean.valueOf(false)); existingDatasource.setSchemaAttribute(dataSource.getSchemaAttribute()); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingDatasource; } /** * Creates a new hibernate engine object. * * @param engine old hibernate engine object * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate engine object */ public static SbiEngines makeNew(SbiEngines engine, Integer id) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiEngines newEng = makeNew(engine); newEng.setEngineId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newEng; } /** * Creates a new hibernate functionality object. * * @param funct the funct * * @return the new hibernate functionality object */ public static SbiFunctions makeNew(SbiFunctions funct) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiFunctions newFunct = new SbiFunctions(); newFunct.setCode(funct.getCode()); newFunct.setDescr(funct.getDescr()); newFunct.setFunctType(funct.getFunctType()); newFunct.setFunctTypeCd(funct.getFunctTypeCd()); newFunct.setName(funct.getName()); newFunct.setParentFunct(funct.getParentFunct()); newFunct.setPath(funct.getPath()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newFunct; } /** * Creates a new hibernate functionality object. * * @param funct the funct * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate functionality object */ public static SbiFunctions makeNew(SbiFunctions funct, Integer id) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiFunctions newFunct = makeNew(funct); newFunct.setFunctId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newFunct; } /** * Creates a new hibernate lov object. * * @param lov old hibernate lov object * * @return the new hibernate lov object */ public static SbiLov makeNew(SbiLov lov, Session sessionCurrDB, HashMap<String, String> dsExportUser) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiLov newlov = new SbiLov(); newlov.setDefaultVal(lov.getDefaultVal()); newlov.setDescr(lov.getDescr()); newlov.setInputType(lov.getInputType()); newlov.setInputTypeCd(lov.getInputTypeCd()); newlov.setLabel(lov.getLabel()); newlov.setName(lov.getName()); newlov.setProfileAttr(lov.getProfileAttr()); String lovProvider = lov.getLovProvider(); try { ILovDetail lovDetail = LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProvider); if (lovDetail instanceof QueryDetail) { // if user has associated another datasource then set the // associated one, else put the same QueryDetail queryDetail = new QueryDetail(lov.getLovProvider()); String dataSource = queryDetail.getDataSource(); if (dsExportUser != null && dsExportUser.get(dataSource) != null) { String newDs = dsExportUser.get(dataSource); queryDetail.setDataSource(newDs); } else { queryDetail.setDataSource(dataSource); } newlov.setLovProvider(queryDetail.toXML()); } else if (lovDetail instanceof DatasetDetail) { // update dataset id DatasetDetail datasetDetail = (DatasetDetail) lovDetail; String datasetLabel = datasetDetail.getDatasetLabel(); Query query = sessionCurrDB .createQuery("select from SbiDataSetConfig d where d.label = :label"); query.setString("label", datasetLabel); Integer datasetId = (Integer) query.uniqueResult(); datasetDetail.setDatasetId(datasetId.toString()); newlov.setLovProvider(datasetDetail.toXML()); } else { newlov.setLovProvider(lovProvider); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in evaluating lov provider for exporter lov [" + lov.getLabel() + "]. It will not be modified", e); newlov.setLovProvider(lovProvider); } logger.debug("OUT"); return newlov; } /** * Creates a new hibernate lov object. * * @param lov old hibernate lov object * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate lov object */ public static SbiLov makeNew(SbiLov lov, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer id, Map user) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiLov newlov = makeNew(lov, sessionCurrDB, null); newlov.setLovId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newlov; } /** * Creates a new hibernate check object. * * @param check old hibernate check object * * @return the new hibernate check object */ public static SbiChecks makeNew(SbiChecks check) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiChecks newck = new SbiChecks(); newck.setCheckType(check.getCheckType()); newck.setDescr(check.getDescr()); newck.setLabel(check.getLabel()); newck.setName(check.getName()); newck.setValue1(check.getValue1()); newck.setValue2(check.getValue2()); newck.setValueTypeCd(check.getValueTypeCd()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newck; } /** * Creates a new hibernate check object. * * @param check old hibernate check object * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate check object */ public static SbiChecks makeNew(SbiChecks check, Integer id) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiChecks newCk = makeNew(check); newCk.setCheckId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newCk; } /** * Creates a new hibernate parameter object. * * @param param the param * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiParameters makeNew(SbiParameters param) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiParameters newPar = new SbiParameters(); newPar.setDescr(param.getDescr()); newPar.setLabel(param.getLabel()); newPar.setLength(param.getLength()); newPar.setMask(param.getMask()); newPar.setName(param.getName()); newPar.setParameterType(param.getParameterType()); newPar.setParameterTypeCode(param.getParameterTypeCode()); newPar.setSbiObjPars(new HashSet()); newPar.setSbiParuses(new HashSet()); newPar.setFunctionalFlag(param.getFunctionalFlag()); newPar.setTemporalFlag(param.getTemporalFlag()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newPar; } /** * Creates a new hibernate parameter object. * * @param param the param * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiParameters makeNew(SbiParameters param, Integer id) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiParameters newPar = makeNew(param); newPar.setParId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newPar; } /** * Creates a new hibernate parameter use object. * * @param paruse the paruse * * @return the new hibernate parameter use object * @throws EMFUserError */ public static SbiObjParview makeNew(SbiObjParview exportedObjParview, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjParview newObjParview = new SbiObjParview(); try { newObjParview.setViewLabel(exportedObjParview.getViewLabel()); newObjParview.setProg(exportedObjParview.getProg()); entitiesAssociations(exportedObjParview, newObjParview, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in making new SbiObjParview starting with SbiObjParview realted to parameter " + exportedObjParview.getId().getSbiObjPar().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return newObjParview; } public static SbiObjParview modifyExisting(SbiObjParview exportedSbiObjParview, SbiObjParview exisingSbiObjParview, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { exisingSbiObjParview.setViewLabel(exportedSbiObjParview.getViewLabel()); exisingSbiObjParview.setProg(exportedSbiObjParview.getProg()); entitiesAssociations(exportedSbiObjParview, exisingSbiObjParview, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in updating SbiObjParview starting with SbiObjParview related to parameter " + exportedSbiObjParview.getId().getSbiObjPar().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return exisingSbiObjParview; } public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiObjParview exportedSbiObjParview, SbiObjParview newSbiObjParview, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities if (newSbiObjParview.getId() == null) newSbiObjParview.setId(new SbiObjParviewId()); if (exportedSbiObjParview.getId().getSbiObjPar() != null) { Integer newObjParId = (Integer) metaAss.getObjparIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiObjParview.getId().getSbiObjPar().getObjParId()); if (newObjParId != null) { SbiObjPar newSbiObjPar = (SbiObjPar) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjPar.class, newObjParId); newSbiObjParview.getId().setSbiObjPar(newSbiObjPar); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding obj par"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_ObjPar"); params.add("sbi_obj_parview"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiObjParview.getId().getSbiObjParFather() != null) { Integer newObjParFathId = (Integer) metaAss.getObjparIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiObjParview.getId().getSbiObjParFather().getObjParId()); if (newObjParFathId != null) { SbiObjPar newSbiObjParFather = (SbiObjPar) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjPar.class, newObjParFathId); newSbiObjParview.getId().setSbiObjParFather(newSbiObjParFather); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding obj par father"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_ObjPar"); params.add("sbi_obj_parview"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } newSbiObjParview.getId().setCompareValue(exportedSbiObjParview.getId().getCompareValue()); newSbiObjParview.getId().setOperation(exportedSbiObjParview.getId().getOperation()); logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Creates a new hibernate parameter use object. * * @param paruse the paruse * * @return the new hibernate parameter use object * @throws EMFUserError */ public static SbiObjParuse makeNew(SbiObjParuse exportedObjParuse, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjParuse newObjParuse = new SbiObjParuse(); try { newObjParuse.setLogicOperator(exportedObjParuse.getLogicOperator()); newObjParuse.setPostCondition(exportedObjParuse.getPostCondition()); newObjParuse.setPreCondition(exportedObjParuse.getPreCondition()); newObjParuse.setProg(exportedObjParuse.getProg()); newObjParuse.setFilterColumn(exportedObjParuse.getFilterColumn()); entitiesAssociations(exportedObjParuse, newObjParuse, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in making new SbiObjParuse starting with SbiObjParuse realted to parameter " + exportedObjParuse.getId().getSbiObjPar().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return newObjParuse; } public static SbiObjParuse modifyExisting(SbiObjParuse exportedSbiObjParuse, SbiObjParuse exisingSbiObjParuse, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { exisingSbiObjParuse.setLogicOperator(exportedSbiObjParuse.getLogicOperator()); exisingSbiObjParuse.setPostCondition(exportedSbiObjParuse.getPostCondition()); exisingSbiObjParuse.setPreCondition(exportedSbiObjParuse.getPreCondition()); exisingSbiObjParuse.setProg(exportedSbiObjParuse.getProg()); exisingSbiObjParuse.setFilterColumn(exportedSbiObjParuse.getFilterColumn()); entitiesAssociations(exportedSbiObjParuse, exisingSbiObjParuse, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in updating SbiObjParuse starting with SbiObjParuse related to parameter " + exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getSbiObjPar().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return exisingSbiObjParuse; } public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiObjParuse exportedSbiObjParuse, SbiObjParuse newSbiObjParuse, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities if (newSbiObjParuse.getId() == null) newSbiObjParuse.setId(new SbiObjParuseId()); if (exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getSbiParuse() != null) { Integer newParuseId = (Integer) metaAss.getParuseIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getSbiParuse().getUseId()); if (newParuseId != null) { SbiParuse newSbiParuse = (SbiParuse) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiParuse.class, newParuseId); newSbiObjParuse.getId().setSbiParuse(newSbiParuse); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding modality use"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("sbi_paruse"); params.add("sbi_obj_paruse"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getSbiObjPar() != null) { Integer newObjParId = (Integer) metaAss.getObjparIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getSbiObjPar().getObjParId()); if (newObjParId != null) { SbiObjPar newSbiObjPar = (SbiObjPar) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjPar.class, newObjParId); newSbiObjParuse.getId().setSbiObjPar(newSbiObjPar); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding obj par"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Obj_Par"); params.add("sbi_obj_paruse"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getSbiObjParFather() != null) { Integer newObjParFathId = (Integer) metaAss.getObjparIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getSbiObjParFather().getObjParId()); if (newObjParFathId != null) { SbiObjPar newSbiObjParFather = (SbiObjPar) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjPar.class, newObjParFathId); newSbiObjParuse.getId().setSbiObjParFather(newSbiObjParFather); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding obj par father"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("father Sbi_Obj_Par"); params.add("sbi_obj_paruse"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } newSbiObjParuse.getId().setFilterOperation(exportedSbiObjParuse.getId().getFilterOperation()); logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Creates a new hibernate parameter use object. * * @param paruse the paruse * * @return the new hibernate parameter use object * @throws EMFUserError */ public static SbiParuse makeNew(SbiParuse exportedParuse, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiParuse newParuse = new SbiParuse(); try { newParuse.setDescr(exportedParuse.getDescr()); newParuse.setLabel(exportedParuse.getLabel()); newParuse.setName(exportedParuse.getName()); newParuse.setSbiLov(exportedParuse.getSbiLov()); newParuse.setSbiLovForDefault(exportedParuse.getSbiLovForDefault()); newParuse.setDefaultFormula(exportedParuse.getDefaultFormula()); newParuse.setSbiParameters(exportedParuse.getSbiParameters()); newParuse.setSbiParuseCks(new HashSet()); newParuse.setSbiParuseDets(new HashSet()); newParuse.setManualInput(exportedParuse.getManualInput()); newParuse.setMaximizerEnabled(exportedParuse.getMaximizerEnabled()); newParuse.setSelectionType(exportedParuse.getSelectionType()); newParuse.setMultivalue(exportedParuse.getMultivalue()); entitiesAssociations(exportedParuse, newParuse, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in making new SbiParuse with id " + exportedParuse.getLabel() + " of parameter " + exportedParuse.getSbiParameters().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return newParuse; } public static SbiParuse modifyExisting(SbiParuse exportedParuse, SbiParuse exisingParuse, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { exisingParuse.setDescr(exportedParuse.getDescr()); exisingParuse.setLabel(exportedParuse.getLabel()); exisingParuse.setName(exportedParuse.getName()); exisingParuse.setSbiLov(exportedParuse.getSbiLov()); exisingParuse.setSbiLovForDefault(exportedParuse.getSbiLovForDefault()); exisingParuse.setDefaultFormula(exportedParuse.getDefaultFormula()); exisingParuse.setSbiParameters(exportedParuse.getSbiParameters()); exisingParuse.setSbiParuseCks(new HashSet()); exisingParuse.setSbiParuseDets(new HashSet()); exisingParuse.setManualInput(exportedParuse.getManualInput()); exisingParuse.setMaximizerEnabled(exportedParuse.getMaximizerEnabled()); exisingParuse.setSelectionType(exportedParuse.getSelectionType()); exisingParuse.setMultivalue(exportedParuse.getMultivalue()); entitiesAssociations(exportedParuse, exisingParuse, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in updating new SbiParuse with id " + exportedParuse.getLabel() + " of parameter " + exportedParuse.getSbiParameters().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return exisingParuse; } public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiParuse exportedSbiParuse, SbiParuse newSbiParuse, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities if (exportedSbiParuse.getSbiParameters() != null) { Integer newParId = (Integer) metaAss.getParameterIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiParuse.getSbiParameters().getParId()); if (newParId != null) { SbiParameters newSbiPar = (SbiParameters) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiParameters.class, newParId); newSbiParuse.setSbiParameters(newSbiPar); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding parameter"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Parameter"); params.add("sbi_Paruse"); params.add(newSbiParuse.getLabel()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiParuse.getSbiLov() != null) { Integer newLovId = (Integer) metaAss.getLovIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiParuse.getSbiLov().getLovId()); if (newLovId != null) { SbiLov newSbiLov = (SbiLov) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiLov.class, newLovId); newSbiParuse.setSbiLov(newSbiLov); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding Lov"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Lov"); params.add("sbi_Paruse"); params.add(newSbiParuse.getLabel()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiParuse.getSbiLovForDefault() != null) { Integer newLovId = (Integer) metaAss.getLovIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiParuse.getSbiLovForDefault().getLovId()); if (newLovId != null) { SbiLov newSbiLov = (SbiLov) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiLov.class, newLovId); newSbiParuse.setSbiLovForDefault(newSbiLov); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding Lov for default"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Lov"); params.add("sbi_Paruse"); params.add(newSbiParuse.getLabel()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } logger.debug("out"); } /** * Creates a new hibernate parameter use object. * * @param paruse the paruse * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate parameter use object */ // public static SbiParuse makeNewSbiParuse(SbiParuse paruse, Integer id){ // logger.debug("IN"); // SbiParuse newParuse = makeNewSbiParuse(paruse); // newParuse.setUseId(id); // logger.debug("OUT"); // return newParuse; // } /** * Creates a new hibernate biobject. * * @param obj old hibernate biobject * * @return the new hibernate biobject */ public static SbiObjects makeNew(SbiObjects obj) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjects newObj = new SbiObjects(); newObj.setDescr(obj.getDescr()); newObj.setEncrypt(obj.getEncrypt()); newObj.setExecMode(obj.getExecMode()); newObj.setExecModeCode(obj.getExecModeCode()); newObj.setLabel(obj.getLabel()); newObj.setName(obj.getName()); newObj.setObjectType(obj.getObjectType()); //newObj.setObjectTypeCode(obj.getObjectTypeCode()); newObj.setPath(obj.getPath()); newObj.setRelName(obj.getRelName()); //newObj.setSbiEngines(obj.getSbiEngines()); newObj.setSbiObjPars(new HashSet()); newObj.setSbiObjFuncs(new HashSet()); newObj.setSbiObjStates(new HashSet()); newObj.setSchedFl(obj.getSchedFl()); newObj.setState(obj.getState()); newObj.setStateCode(obj.getStateCode()); newObj.setStateConsideration(obj.getStateConsideration()); newObj.setStateConsiderationCode(obj.getStateConsiderationCode()); newObj.setVisible(obj.getVisible()); newObj.setProfiledVisibility(obj.getProfiledVisibility()); newObj.setUuid(obj.getUuid()); newObj.setCreationDate(obj.getCreationDate()); newObj.setCreationUser(obj.getCreationUser()); newObj.setRefreshSeconds(obj.getRefreshSeconds()); //newObj.setDataSource(obj.getDataSource()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newObj; } /** * Make new sbi snapshots. * * @param obj the obj * * @return the sbi snapshots */ public static SbiSnapshots makeNew(SbiSnapshots obj) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiSnapshots newObj = new SbiSnapshots(); newObj.setCreationDate(obj.getCreationDate()); newObj.setDescription(obj.getDescription()); newObj.setName(obj.getName()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newObj; } /** * Make new sbi sub objects. * * @param obj the obj * * @return the sbi sub objects */ public static SbiSubObjects makeNew(SbiSubObjects obj) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiSubObjects newObj = new SbiSubObjects(); newObj.setCreationDate(obj.getCreationDate()); newObj.setDescription(obj.getDescription()); newObj.setIsPublic(obj.getIsPublic()); newObj.setLastChangeDate(obj.getLastChangeDate()); newObj.setName(obj.getName()); newObj.setOwner(obj.getOwner()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newObj; } /** * Make new sbi obj templates. * * @param obj the obj * * @return the sbi obj templates */ public static SbiObjTemplates makeNew(SbiObjTemplates obj) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjTemplates newObj = new SbiObjTemplates(); newObj.setActive(obj.getActive()); newObj.setCreationDate(obj.getCreationDate()); newObj.setCreationUser(obj.getCreationUser()); newObj.setName(obj.getName()); newObj.setProg(obj.getProg()); newObj.setDimension(obj.getDimension()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newObj; } /** * Make new sbi bin contents. * * @param obj the obj * * @return the sbi bin contents */ public static SbiBinContents makeNew(SbiBinContents obj) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiBinContents newObj = new SbiBinContents(); newObj.setContent(obj.getContent()); logger.debug("OUT"); return newObj; } /** * Creates a new hibernate biobject. * * @param obj old hibernate biobject * @param id the id * * @return the new hibernate biobject */ public static SbiObjects makeNew(SbiObjects obj, Integer id) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjects newObj = makeNew(obj); newObj.setBiobjId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newObj; } /** * Load an existing biobject and make modifications as per the exported biobject in input * (existing associations with functionalities are maintained, while existing associations * with parameters are deleted). * * @param exportedObj the exported obj * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing biobject modified as per the exported biobject in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiObjects modifyExisting(SbiObjects exportedObj, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjects existingObj = null; try { // update document existingObj = (SbiObjects) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjects.class, existingId); existingObj.setName(exportedObj.getName()); existingObj.setDescr(exportedObj.getDescr()); existingObj.setLabel(exportedObj.getLabel()); existingObj.setExecModeCode(exportedObj.getExecModeCode()); existingObj.setObjectTypeCode(exportedObj.getObjectTypeCode()); existingObj.setPath(exportedObj.getPath()); existingObj.setRelName(exportedObj.getRelName()); existingObj.setStateConsiderationCode(exportedObj.getStateConsiderationCode()); existingObj.setUuid(exportedObj.getUuid()); existingObj.setEncrypt(exportedObj.getEncrypt()); existingObj.setSbiEngines(exportedObj.getSbiEngines()); existingObj.setSchedFl(exportedObj.getSchedFl()); existingObj.setSbiObjStates(new HashSet()); existingObj.setVisible(exportedObj.getVisible()); existingObj.setProfiledVisibility(exportedObj.getProfiledVisibility()); existingObj.setRefreshSeconds(exportedObj.getRefreshSeconds()); // deletes existing associations between object and parameters // NO MORE Set objPars = existingObj.getSbiObjPars(); /* Iterator objParsIt = objPars.iterator(); while (objParsIt.hasNext()) { SbiObjPar objPar = (SbiObjPar); // for each biobjectparameter deletes all its dependencies, if any Query query = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(" from SbiObjParuse where id.sbiObjPar.objParId = " + objPar.getObjParId()); logger.debug("delete dependencies"); List dependencies = query.list(); if (dependencies != null && !dependencies.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = dependencies.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiObjParuse aSbiObjParuse = (SbiObjParuse); sessionCurrDB.delete(aSbiObjParuse); } } // for each biobjectparameter deletes all its visual dependencies, if any Query visQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(" from SbiObjParview where id.sbiObjPar.objParId = " + objPar.getObjParId()); logger.debug("delete visual dependencies"); List visdependencies = visQuery.list(); if (visdependencies != null && !visdependencies.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = visdependencies.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiObjParview aSbiObjParview = (SbiObjParview); logger.debug("Delete parView "+aSbiObjParview.getId().getSbiObjPar().getLabel()); sessionCurrDB.delete(aSbiObjParview); } } } // delete par only after having deleted alll parviews otherwise constraint fails Iterator objParsItAgain = objPars.iterator(); while (objParsItAgain.hasNext()){ SbiObjPar objPar = (SbiObjPar); logger.debug("delete objPar with label "+objPar.getLabel()); sessionCurrDB.delete(objPar); } */ } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingObj; } /** * Load an existing parameter and make modifications as per the exported parameter in input * (existing associations with biobjects are maintained, while parameter uses are deleted). * * @param exportedParameter the exported parameter * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing parameter modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiParameters modifyExisting(SbiParameters exportedParameter, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiParameters existingPar = null; try { // update parameter existingPar = (SbiParameters) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiParameters.class, existingId); existingPar.setDescr(exportedParameter.getDescr()); existingPar.setLabel(exportedParameter.getLabel()); existingPar.setLength(exportedParameter.getLength()); existingPar.setMask(exportedParameter.getMask()); existingPar.setName(exportedParameter.getName()); existingPar.setSbiParuses(new HashSet()); existingPar.setFunctionalFlag(exportedParameter.getFunctionalFlag()); existingPar.setTemporalFlag(exportedParameter.getTemporalFlag()); // deletes existing associations between object and parameters /* NO MORE Set paruses = existingPar.getSbiParuses(); Iterator parusesIt = paruses.iterator(); while (parusesIt.hasNext()) { SbiParuse paruse = (SbiParuse); sessionCurrDB.delete(paruse); } */ } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingPar; } /** * Creates a new hibernate biobject parameter object. * * @param objpar the objpar * * @return the sbi obj par * @throws EMFUserError */ public static SbiObjPar makeNew(SbiObjPar expObjpar, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjPar newObjPar = new SbiObjPar(); try { newObjPar.setLabel(expObjpar.getLabel()); newObjPar.setModFl(expObjpar.getModFl()); newObjPar.setMultFl(expObjpar.getMultFl()); newObjPar.setParurlNm(expObjpar.getParurlNm()); newObjPar.setPriority(expObjpar.getPriority()); newObjPar.setProg(expObjpar.getProg()); newObjPar.setReqFl(expObjpar.getReqFl()); newObjPar.setSbiObject(expObjpar.getSbiObject()); newObjPar.setSbiParameter(expObjpar.getSbiParameter()); newObjPar.setViewFl(expObjpar.getViewFl()); entitiesAssociations(expObjpar, newObjPar, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error while modifying creating new par object", e); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return newObjPar; } /** * Creates a new hibernate biobject parameter object. * * @param objpar the objpar * @param id the id * * @return the sbi obj par * @throws EMFUserError */ public static SbiObjPar makeNew(SbiObjPar objpar, Integer id, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjPar newObjPar = makeNew(objpar, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); newObjPar.setObjParId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); return newObjPar; } public static SbiObjPar modifyExisting(SbiObjPar exportedSbiObjpar, SbiObjPar existingSbiObjpar, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { existingSbiObjpar.setLabel(exportedSbiObjpar.getLabel()); existingSbiObjpar.setModFl(exportedSbiObjpar.getModFl()); existingSbiObjpar.setMultFl(exportedSbiObjpar.getMultFl()); existingSbiObjpar.setPriority(exportedSbiObjpar.getPriority()); existingSbiObjpar.setProg(exportedSbiObjpar.getProg()); existingSbiObjpar.setReqFl(exportedSbiObjpar.getReqFl()); existingSbiObjpar.setViewFl(exportedSbiObjpar.getViewFl()); existingSbiObjpar.setParurlNm(exportedSbiObjpar.getParurlNm()); entitiesAssociations(exportedSbiObjpar, existingSbiObjpar, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error while modifying existing par object", e); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return existingSbiObjpar; } public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiObjPar exportedSbiObjPar, SbiObjPar newSbiObjPar, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities if (exportedSbiObjPar.getSbiObject() != null) { Integer objId = exportedSbiObjPar.getSbiObject().getBiobjId(); Integer newObjId = (Integer) metaAss.getBIobjIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiObjPar.getSbiObject().getBiobjId()); if (newObjId != null) { SbiObjects sbiObject = (SbiObjects) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjects.class, newObjId); newSbiObjPar.setSbiObject(sbiObject); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding BiObject"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Object"); params.add("sbi_obj_par"); params.add(exportedSbiObjPar.getLabel()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiObjPar.getSbiParameter() != null) { Integer parId = exportedSbiObjPar.getSbiParameter().getParId(); Integer newParId = (Integer) metaAss.getParameterIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiObjPar.getSbiParameter().getParId()); if (newParId != null) { SbiParameters sbiParameters = (SbiParameters) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiParameters.class, newParId); newSbiObjPar.setSbiParameter(sbiParameters); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding BiParameters"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Parameter"); params.add("sbi_obj_par"); params.add(exportedSbiObjPar.getLabel()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Set into the biobject to the engine/object type/object state/datasource * the entities associated with the exported biobject. * * @param obj the obj * @param exportedObj the exported obj * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param importer the importer * @param metaAss the meta ass * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void associateWithExistingEntities(SbiObjects obj, SbiObjects exportedObj, Session sessionCurrDB, ImporterMetadata importer, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { // reading exist engine SbiEngines engine = getAssociatedSbiEngine(exportedObj, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); obj.setSbiEngines(engine); // reading exist object type SbiDomains existDom = getAssociatedBIObjectType(exportedObj, sessionCurrDB, importer); if (existDom != null) { obj.setObjectType(existDom); obj.setObjectTypeCode(existDom.getValueCd()); } // reading exist state SbiDomains existDomSt = getAssociatedBIObjectState(exportedObj, sessionCurrDB, importer); if (existDomSt != null) { obj.setState(existDomSt); obj.setStateCode(existDomSt.getValueCd()); } // reading exist datasource SbiDataSource localDS = getAssociatedSbiDataSource(exportedObj, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); if (localDS != null) obj.setDataSource(localDS); // reading exist datasset SbiDataSetConfig localDataSet = getAssociatedSbiDataSet(exportedObj, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); if (localDataSet != null) obj.setDataSet(localDataSet); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private static SbiDataSource getAssociatedSbiDataSource(SbiObjects exportedObj, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiDataSource expDs = exportedObj.getDataSource(); if (expDs != null) { Integer existingDsId = (Integer) metaAss.getDataSourceIDAssociation().get(new Integer(expDs.getDsId())); // if (label == null) { // // exist a DataSource Association, read a new DataSource // // from the DB // label = expDs.getLabel(); // } // Criterion labelCriterrion = Expression.eq("label", label); // Criteria criteria = sessionCurrDB.createCriteria(SbiDataSource.class); // criteria.add(labelCriterrion); // SbiDataSource localDS = (SbiDataSource) criteria.uniqueResult(); SbiDataSource localDS = (SbiDataSource) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDataSource.class, existingDsId); logger.debug("OUT"); return localDS; } else { logger.debug("OUT"); return null; } } private static SbiDataSetConfig getAssociatedSbiDataSet(SbiObjects exportedObj, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiDataSetConfig expDataset = exportedObj.getDataSet(); if (expDataset != null) { Integer existingDatasetId = (Integer) metaAss.getDataSetIDAssociation() .get(new Integer(expDataset.getDsId())); SbiDataSetConfig localDS = (SbiDataSetConfig) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDataSetConfig.class, existingDatasetId); logger.debug("OUT"); return localDS; } else { logger.debug("OUT"); return null; } } private static SbiDomains getAssociatedBIObjectState(SbiObjects exportedObj, Session sessionCurrDB, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); String stateCd = exportedObj.getStateCode(); Map unique = new HashMap(); unique.put("valuecd", stateCd); unique.put("domaincd", "STATE"); SbiDomains existDomSt = (SbiDomains) importer.checkExistence(unique, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains()); logger.debug("OUT"); return existDomSt; } private static SbiDomains getAssociatedBIObjectType(SbiObjects exportedObj, Session sessionCurrDB, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); String typeCd = exportedObj.getObjectTypeCode(); Map unique = new HashMap(); unique.put("valuecd", typeCd); unique.put("domaincd", "BIOBJ_TYPE"); SbiDomains existDom = (SbiDomains) importer.checkExistence(unique, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains()); logger.debug("OUT"); return existDom; } private static SbiDomains getAssociatedDomainForKpi(String domainCode, String typeDomain, Session sessionCurrDB, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Map unique = new HashMap(); unique.put("valuecd", domainCode); //could be STATE, KPI_CHART, MODALITY ecc unique.put("domaincd", typeDomain); SbiDomains existDomSt = (SbiDomains) importer.checkExistence(unique, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains()); logger.debug("OUT"); return existDomSt; } private static SbiEngines getAssociatedSbiEngine(SbiObjects exportedObj, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiEngines existingEngine = null; SbiEngines engine = exportedObj.getSbiEngines(); Integer expEngId = engine.getEngineId(); Map assEngs = metaAss.getEngineIDAssociation(); Integer existingId = (Integer) assEngs.get(expEngId); if (existingId != null) { existingEngine = (SbiEngines) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiEngines.class, existingId); } logger.debug("OUT"); return existingEngine; } private static SbiDataSource getAssociatedSbiDataSource(SbiQueryDataSet exportedDataset, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiDataSource existingDs = null; SbiDataSource exportedDs = exportedDataset.getDataSource(); if (exportedDs != null) { Integer exportedDsId = new Integer(exportedDs.getDsId()); Map assDatasources = metaAss.getDataSourceIDAssociation(); Integer existingDsID = (Integer) assDatasources.get(exportedDsId); existingDs = (SbiDataSource) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDataSource.class, existingDsID); } logger.debug("OUT"); return existingDs; } /** * Set into the parameter to the parameter type * domain associated with the exported parameter. * * @param parameter the parameter * @param exportedParameter the exported parameter * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param importer the importer * @param metaAss the meta ass * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void associateWithExistingEntities(SbiParameters parameter, SbiParameters exportedParameter, Session sessionCurrDB, ImporterMetadata importer, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { // reading existing parameter type SbiDomains existDom = getAssociatedParameterType(exportedParameter, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); if (existDom != null) { parameter.setParameterType(existDom); parameter.setParameterTypeCode(existDom.getValueCd()); } } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } /** * Make new data set. * * @param dataProxy the ds * * @return the sbi data set */ public static SbiDataSetConfig makeNew(SbiDataSetConfig dataset, IEngUserProfile profile) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiDataSetConfig newDsConfig = new SbiDataSetConfig(); newDsConfig.setLabel(dataset.getLabel()); newDsConfig.setName(dataset.getName()); newDsConfig.setDescription(dataset.getDescription()); SbiCommonInfo i = new SbiCommonInfo(); String userid = "biadmin"; if (profile != null) { userid = (String) profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier(); } i.setTimeIn(new Date()); i.setUserIn(userid); i.setSbiVersionIn(SbiCommonInfo.SBI_VERSION); newDsConfig.setCommonInfo(i); logger.debug("OUT"); return newDsConfig; } /** * Load an existing dataset and make modifications as per the exported dataset in input * For what concern the history keep track of the previous one and insert the new one * * @param exportedDataset the exported dataset * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing dataset modified as per the exported dataset in input * * @throws EMFUserError */ public static SbiDataSetConfig modifyExisting(SbiDataSetConfig exportedDataset, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, Session sessionExpDB, IEngUserProfile profile) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiDataSetConfig existingDataset = null; try { existingDataset = (SbiDataSetConfig) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDataSetConfig.class, existingId); existingDataset.setLabel(exportedDataset.getLabel()); existingDataset.setName(exportedDataset.getName()); existingDataset.setDescription(exportedDataset.getDescription()); existingDataset.setLabel(exportedDataset.getLabel()); existingDataset.setName(exportedDataset.getName()); existingDataset.setDescription(exportedDataset.getDescription()); SbiCommonInfo i = new SbiCommonInfo(); String userid = "biadmin"; if (profile != null) { userid = (String) profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier(); } i.setTimeIn(new Date()); i.setUserIn(userid); i.setSbiVersionIn(SbiCommonInfo.SBI_VERSION); existingDataset.setCommonInfo(i); // Make precedent active inactive, new one will be active Query hibQueryPreActive = sessionCurrDB .createQuery("from SbiDataSetHistory h where = ? and h.sbiDsConfig = ?"); hibQueryPreActive.setBoolean(0, true); hibQueryPreActive.setInteger(1, existingId); SbiDataSetHistory preActive = (SbiDataSetHistory) hibQueryPreActive.uniqueResult(); preActive.setActive(false); sessionCurrDB.update(preActive); // // finally save the new exported history // // insert new Active dataset: in the export DB there is only one for each datasetConfig // Query hibQuery = sessionExpDB.createQuery(" from SbiDataSetHistory where dsId = '" + exportedDataset.getDsId() + "'"); // SbiDataSetHistory dsHistory = (SbiDataSetHistory)hibQuery.uniqueResult(); // // // // create a copy for current dataset (cannot modify the one retieved frome export DB // SbiDataSetHistory dsnewHistory = DAOFactory.getDataSetDAO().copyDataSetHistory(dsHistory ); // // dsnewHistory.setDsId(existingDataset); //; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in modifying exported dataset " + exportedDataset.getLabel(), e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingDataset; } // insert /** * associate the new History * associated with the exported dataset. * * @param dataset the dataset * @param exportedDataset the exported dataset * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param importer the importer * @param metaAss the meta ass * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void associateNewSbiDataSethistory(SbiDataSetConfig dataset, SbiDataSetConfig exportedDataset, Session sessionCurrDB, Session sessionExpDB, ImporterMetadata importer, MetadataAssociations metaAss, IEngUserProfile profile) { logger.debug("IN"); try { // save the new exported history // insert new Active dataset: in the export DB there is only one for each datasetConfig Query hibQuery = sessionExpDB .createQuery(" from SbiDataSetHistory where sbiDsConfig = '" + exportedDataset.getDsId() + "'"); SbiDataSetHistory dsHistory = (SbiDataSetHistory) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); // create a copy for current dataset (cannot modify the one retieved frome export DB SbiDataSetHistory dsnewHistory = DAOFactory.getDataSetDAO().copyDataSetHistory(dsHistory); dsnewHistory.setSbiDsConfig(dataset); // associate data source if (dsHistory instanceof SbiQueryDataSet) { SbiQueryDataSet queryDataSet = (SbiQueryDataSet) dsHistory; SbiDataSource ds = getAssociatedSbiDataSource(queryDataSet, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); if (ds != null) { ((SbiQueryDataSet) dsnewHistory).setDataSource(ds); } } SbiDomains transformer = getAssociatedTransfomerType(exportedDataset, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); if (transformer != null) { dsnewHistory.setTransformer(transformer); } SbiCommonInfo i = new SbiCommonInfo(); String userid = "biadmin"; if (profile != null) { userid = (String) profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier(); } dsnewHistory.setUserIn(userid); dsnewHistory.setTimeIn(new Date()); dsnewHistory.setSbiVersionIn(SbiCommonInfo.SBI_VERSION); dsnewHistory.setOrganization(((UserProfile) profile).getOrganization());; } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("EMF user Error", e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } /** * Load an existing lov and make modifications as per the exported lov in input * (existing associations with parameters are maintained). * * @param exportedLov the exported lov * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing lov modified as per the exported lov in input * * @throws EMFUserError */ public static SbiLov modifyExisting(SbiLov exportedLov, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, HashMap<String, String> dsExportUser) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiLov existingLov = null; try { existingLov = (SbiLov) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiLov.class, existingId); existingLov.setDefaultVal(exportedLov.getDefaultVal()); existingLov.setDescr(exportedLov.getDescr()); existingLov.setLabel(exportedLov.getLabel()); String lovProvider = exportedLov.getLovProvider(); try { ILovDetail lovDetail = LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProvider); if (lovDetail instanceof QueryDetail) { // if user has associated another datasource then set the // associated one, else put the same QueryDetail queryDetail = (QueryDetail) lovDetail; String dataSource = queryDetail.getDataSource(); if (dsExportUser != null && dsExportUser.get(dataSource) != null) { String newDs = dsExportUser.get(dataSource); queryDetail.setDataSource(newDs); } else { queryDetail.setDataSource(dataSource); } existingLov.setLovProvider(queryDetail.toXML()); } else if (lovDetail instanceof DatasetDetail) { // update dataset id DatasetDetail datasetDetail = (DatasetDetail) lovDetail; String datasetLabel = datasetDetail.getDatasetLabel(); Query query = sessionCurrDB .createQuery("select from SbiDataSetConfig d where d.label = :label"); query.setString("label", datasetLabel); Integer datasetId = (Integer) query.uniqueResult(); datasetDetail.setDatasetId(datasetId.toString()); existingLov.setLovProvider(datasetDetail.toXML()); } else { existingLov.setLovProvider(lovProvider); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in evaluating lov provider for exporter lov [" + exportedLov.getLabel() + "]. It will not be modified", e); existingLov.setLovProvider(lovProvider); } existingLov.setName(exportedLov.getName()); existingLov.setProfileAttr(exportedLov.getProfileAttr()); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingLov; } /** * Set into the lov the lov type domain * associated with the exported lov. * * @param lov the lov * @param exportedLov the exported lov * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param importer the importer * @param metaAss the meta ass * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void associateWithExistingEntities(SbiLov lov, SbiLov exportedLov, Session sessionCurrDB, ImporterMetadata importer, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { // reading existing lov type SbiDomains existDom = getAssociatedLovType(exportedLov, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); if (existDom != null) { lov.setInputType(existDom); lov.setInputTypeCd(existDom.getValueCd()); } } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } /** * Set into the datasource the dialect type domain * associated with the exported datasource. * * @param datasource the datasource * @param exportedDatasource the exported lov * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param importer the importer * @param metaAss the meta ass * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void associateWithExistingEntities(SbiDataSource datasource, SbiDataSource exportedDatasource, Session sessionCurrDB, ImporterMetadata importer, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { // reading existing lov type SbiDomains dialect = getAssociatedDialect(exportedDatasource, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); if (dialect != null) { datasource.setDialect(dialect); datasource.setDialectDescr(dialect.getValueDs()); } } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } } private static SbiDomains getAssociatedTransfomerType(SbiDataSetConfig exportedDataset, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); //TODO mettere a posto con nuove tabelle dataset /*SbiDomains transformer = exportedDataset.getTransformer(); if (transformer == null) { logger.debug("Transformer not set for exported dataset [" + exportedDataset.getLabel() + "]"); return null; } String typeCd = transformer.getValueCd(); Map unique = new HashMap(); unique.put("valuecd", typeCd); unique.put("domaincd", "TRANSFORMER_TYPE"); SbiDomains existDom = (SbiDomains) importer.checkExistence(unique, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains()); */ logger.debug("OUT"); return null; } private static SbiDomains getAssociatedParameterType(SbiParameters exportedParameter, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); String typeCd = exportedParameter.getParameterTypeCode(); Map unique = new HashMap(); unique.put("valuecd", typeCd); unique.put("domaincd", "PAR_TYPE"); SbiDomains existDom = (SbiDomains) importer.checkExistence(unique, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains()); logger.debug("OUT"); return existDom; } private static SbiDomains getAssociatedDialect(SbiDataSource exportedDatasource, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); String valueCd = exportedDatasource.getDialect().getValueCd(); Map unique = new HashMap(); unique.put("valuecd", valueCd); unique.put("domaincd", "DIALECT_HIB"); SbiDomains existDom = (SbiDomains) importer.checkExistence(unique, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains()); logger.debug("OUT"); return existDom; } private static SbiDomains getAssociatedLovType(SbiLov exportedLov, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); String inpTypeCd = exportedLov.getInputTypeCd(); Map unique = new HashMap(); unique.put("valuecd", inpTypeCd); unique.put("domaincd", "INPUT_TYPE"); SbiDomains existDom = (SbiDomains) importer.checkExistence(unique, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains()); logger.debug("OUT"); return existDom; } // public static SbiParuseDet makeNewSbiParuseDet(SbiParuseDet parusedet, Integer newParuseid, Integer newRoleid) { // logger.debug("IN"); // SbiParuseDetId parusedetid = parusedet.getId(); // SbiParuseDetId newParusedetid = new SbiParuseDetId(); // if (newParuseid != null) { // SbiParuse sbiparuse = parusedetid.getSbiParuse(); // SbiParuse newParuse = ImportUtilities.makeNewSbiParuse(sbiparuse, newParuseid); // newParusedetid.setSbiParuse(newParuse); // } // if (newRoleid != null) { // SbiExtRoles sbirole = parusedetid.getSbiExtRoles(); // SbiExtRoles newRole = ImportUtilities.makeNewSbiExtRole(sbirole, newRoleid); // newParusedetid.setSbiExtRoles(newRole); // } // SbiParuseDet newParuseDet = new SbiParuseDet(); // newParuseDet.setId(newParusedetid); // newParuseDet.setDefaultVal(parusedet.getDefaultVal()); // newParuseDet.setHiddenFl(parusedet.getHiddenFl()); // newParuseDet.setProg(parusedet.getProg()); // logger.debug("OUT"); // return newParuseDet; // } public static SbiParuseDet makeNew(SbiParuseDet expParuseDet, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiParuseDet newParuseDet = new SbiParuseDet(); try { newParuseDet.setDefaultVal(expParuseDet.getDefaultVal()); newParuseDet.setHiddenFl(expParuseDet.getHiddenFl()); newParuseDet.setProg(expParuseDet.getProg()); entitiesAssociations(expParuseDet, newParuseDet, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in making new SbiParuseDet related to SbiParuse " + expParuseDet.getId().getSbiParuse().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return newParuseDet; } public static SbiParuseDet modifyExisting(SbiParuseDet exportedParusedet, SbiParuseDet existingParusedet, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { existingParusedet.setDefaultVal(exportedParusedet.getDefaultVal()); existingParusedet.setHiddenFl(exportedParusedet.getHiddenFl()); existingParusedet.setProg(exportedParusedet.getProg()); entitiesAssociations(exportedParusedet, existingParusedet, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in making new SbiParuseDet related to SbiParuse " + exportedParusedet.getId().getSbiParuse().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return existingParusedet; } public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiParuseDet exportedSbiParuseDet, SbiParuseDet newSbiParuseDet, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities //if(exportedSbiParuseDet.getId() == null)exportedSbiParuseDet.setId(new SbiParuseDetId()); if (newSbiParuseDet.getId() == null) newSbiParuseDet.setId(new SbiParuseDetId()); if (exportedSbiParuseDet.getId().getSbiParuse() != null) { Integer newParuseId = (Integer) metaAss.getParuseIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiParuseDet.getId().getSbiParuse().getUseId()); if (newParuseId != null) { SbiParuse newParusePar = (SbiParuse) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiParuse.class, newParuseId); newSbiParuseDet.getId().setSbiParuse(newParusePar); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding obj par"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Paruse"); params.add("Sbi_Paruse_det"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiParuseDet.getId().getSbiExtRoles() != null) { Integer newRoleId = (Integer) metaAss.getRoleIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiParuseDet.getId().getSbiExtRoles().getExtRoleId()); if (newRoleId != null) { SbiExtRoles newRole = (SbiExtRoles) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiExtRoles.class, newRoleId); newSbiParuseDet.getId().setSbiExtRoles(newRole); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding obj par"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Role"); params.add("Sbi_Paruse_det"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } public static SbiParuseCk makeNew(SbiParuseCk expParuseCk, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiParuseCk newParuseCk = new SbiParuseCk(); try { newParuseCk.setProg(expParuseCk.getProg()); entitiesAssociations(expParuseCk, newParuseCk, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in making new SbiParuseCk related to SbiParuse " + expParuseCk.getId().getSbiParuse().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return newParuseCk; } public static SbiParuseCk modifyExisting(SbiParuseCk exportedParuseCk, SbiParuseCk existingParuseCk, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); try { existingParuseCk.setProg(exportedParuseCk.getProg()); entitiesAssociations(exportedParuseCk, existingParuseCk, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error in making new SbiParuseCk related to SbiParuse " + exportedParuseCk.getId().getSbiParuse().getLabel()); throw e; } logger.debug("OUT"); return existingParuseCk; } public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiParuseCk exportedSbiParuseCk, SbiParuseCk newSbiParuseCk, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities if (newSbiParuseCk.getId() == null) newSbiParuseCk.setId(new SbiParuseCkId()); if (exportedSbiParuseCk.getId().getSbiParuse() != null) { Integer newParuseId = (Integer) metaAss.getParuseIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiParuseCk.getId().getSbiParuse().getUseId()); if (newParuseId != null) { SbiParuse newParusePar = (SbiParuse) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiParuse.class, newParuseId); newSbiParuseCk.getId().setSbiParuse(newParusePar); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding paruse"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Paruse"); params.add("Sbi_Paruse_ck"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } if (exportedSbiParuseCk.getId().getSbiChecks() != null) { Integer newCheckId = (Integer) metaAss.getCheckIDAssociation() .get(exportedSbiParuseCk.getId().getSbiChecks().getCheckId()); if (newCheckId != null) { SbiChecks newCheck = (SbiChecks) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiChecks.class, newCheckId); newSbiParuseCk.getId().setSbiChecks(newCheck); } else { logger.error("could not find corresponding obj par"); List params = new ArrayList(); params.add("Sbi_Check"); params.add("Sbi_Paruse_ck"); params.add("..."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "10000", params, ImportManager.messageBundle); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } // public static SbiParuseCk makeNewSbiParuseCk(SbiParuseCk paruseck, // Integer newParuseid, Integer newCheckid) { // logger.debug("IN"); // // build a new id for the SbiParuseCheck // SbiParuseCkId parusecheckid = paruseck.getId(); // SbiParuseCkId newParusecheckid = new SbiParuseCkId(); // if (newParuseid != null) { // SbiParuse sbiparuse = parusecheckid.getSbiParuse(); // SbiParuse newParuse = ImportUtilities.SbiParuse(sbiparuse, newParuseid); // newParusecheckid.setSbiParuse(newParuse); // } // if (newCheckid != null) { // SbiChecks sbicheck = parusecheckid.getSbiChecks(); // SbiChecks newCheck = ImportUtilities.makeNewSbiCheck(sbicheck, newCheckid); // newParusecheckid.setSbiChecks(newCheck); // } // SbiParuseCk newParuseck = new SbiParuseCk(); // newParuseck.setId(newParusecheckid); // newParuseck.setProg(paruseck.getProg()); // logger.debug("OUT"); // return newParuseck; // } public static SbiFuncRole makeNew(SbiFuncRole functrole, Integer newFunctid, Integer newRoleid) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiFuncRoleId functroleid = functrole.getId(); SbiFuncRoleId newFunctroleid = new SbiFuncRoleId(); if (newFunctid != null) { SbiFunctions sbifunct = functroleid.getFunction(); SbiFunctions newFunct = ImportUtilities.makeNew(sbifunct, newFunctid); newFunctroleid.setFunction(newFunct); } if (newRoleid != null) { SbiExtRoles sbirole = functroleid.getRole(); SbiExtRoles newRole = ImportUtilities.makeNew(sbirole, newRoleid); newFunctroleid.setRole(newRole); } SbiFuncRole newFunctRole = new SbiFuncRole(); newFunctRole.setId(newFunctroleid); logger.debug("OUT"); return newFunctRole; } public static int getImportFileMaxSize() { logger.debug("IN"); int toReturn = MAX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_FILE_SIZE; try { ConfigSingleton serverConfig = ConfigSingleton.getInstance(); SourceBean maxSizeSB = (SourceBean) serverConfig.getAttribute("IMPORTEXPORT.IMPORT_FILE_MAX_SIZE"); if (maxSizeSB != null) { String maxSizeStr = (String) maxSizeSB.getCharacters(); logger.debug("Configuration found for max import file size: " + maxSizeStr); Integer maxSizeInt = new Integer(maxSizeStr); toReturn = maxSizeInt.intValue(); } else { logger.debug("No configuration found for max import file size"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while retrieving max import file size", e); logger.debug("Considering default value " + MAX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_FILE_SIZE); toReturn = MAX_DEFAULT_IMPORT_FILE_SIZE; } logger.debug("OUT: max size = " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public static String getImportTempFolderPath() { logger.debug("IN"); String toReturn = null; try { ConfigSingleton conf = ConfigSingleton.getInstance(); SourceBean importerSB = (SourceBean) conf.getAttribute("IMPORTEXPORT.IMPORTER"); toReturn = (String) importerSB.getAttribute("tmpFolder"); toReturn = GeneralUtilities.checkForSystemProperty(toReturn); if (!toReturn.startsWith("/") && toReturn.charAt(1) != ':') { String root = ConfigSingleton.getRootPath(); toReturn = root + "/" + toReturn; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while retrieving export temporary folder path", e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT: export temporary folder path = " + toReturn); } return toReturn; } public static IImportManager getImportManagerInstance() throws Exception { logger.debug("IN"); IImportManager toReturn = null; try { ConfigSingleton conf = ConfigSingleton.getInstance(); SourceBean importerSB = (SourceBean) conf.getAttribute("IMPORTEXPORT.IMPORTER"); // instance the importer class String impClassName = (String) importerSB.getAttribute("class"); Class impClass = Class.forName(impClassName); toReturn = (IImportManager) impClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while instantiating import manager", e); throw e; } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return toReturn; } /** * Creates a new hibernate kpi object. * * @param kpi kpi * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpi makeNew(SbiKpi kpi, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpi newKpi = new SbiKpi(); try { newKpi.setDescription(kpi.getDescription()); newKpi.setCode(kpi.getCode()); newKpi.setName(kpi.getName()); newKpi.setSbiKpiDocumentses(kpi.getSbiKpiDocumentses()); newKpi.setFlgIsFather(kpi.getFlgIsFather()); newKpi.setMetric(kpi.getMetric()); newKpi.setWeight(kpi.getWeight()); newKpi.setInputAttributes(kpi.getInputAttributes()); newKpi.setInterpretation(kpi.getInterpretation()); newKpi.setModelReference(kpi.getModelReference()); newKpi.setTargetAudience(kpi.getTargetAudience()); // associations entitiesAssociations(kpi, newKpi, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new kpi " + newKpi.getCode()); } finally { } return newKpi; } /** * Load an existing kpi and make modifications as per the exported kpi in input * * @param exportedKpi the exported Kpi * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpi modifyExisting(SbiKpi exportedKpi, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpi existingKpi = null; try { // update th Value existingKpi = (SbiKpi) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpi.class, existingId); existingKpi.setCode(exportedKpi.getCode()); existingKpi.setDescription(exportedKpi.getDescription()); existingKpi.setSbiKpiDocumentses(exportedKpi.getSbiKpiDocumentses()); existingKpi.setFlgIsFather(exportedKpi.getFlgIsFather()); existingKpi.setInputAttributes(exportedKpi.getInputAttributes()); existingKpi.setInterpretation(exportedKpi.getInterpretation()); existingKpi.setMetric(exportedKpi.getMetric()); existingKpi.setModelReference(exportedKpi.getModelReference()); existingKpi.setName(exportedKpi.getName()); existingKpi.setTargetAudience(exportedKpi.getTargetAudience()); // overwrite existging entities (maybe create a function speciic for domains, maybe not) entitiesAssociations(exportedKpi, existingKpi, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingKpi; } /** * For Kpi search new Ids * * @param exportedKpi the exported Kpi * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpi exportedKpi, SbiKpi existingKpi, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // Kpi Type Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByKpiType() != null) { Integer oldKpiTypeId = exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByKpiType().getValueId(); Integer newKpiTypeId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldKpiTypeId); if (newKpiTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain " + exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByKpiType().getDomainNm()); existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByKpiType(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiKpiType = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newKpiTypeId); existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByKpiType(newSbiKpiType); } } else { existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByKpiType(null); } // Measure Type if (exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByMeasureType() != null) { Integer oldMeasureTypeId = exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByMeasureType().getValueId(); Integer newMeasureTypeId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldMeasureTypeId); if (newMeasureTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain " + exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByMeasureType().getDomainNm()); existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByMeasureType(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiMeasureType = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newMeasureTypeId); existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByMeasureType(newSbiMeasureType); } } else { existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByMeasureType(null); } // Metric Scale type if (exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByMetricScaleType() != null) { Integer oldScaleTypeId = exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByMetricScaleType().getValueId(); Integer newScaleTypeId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldScaleTypeId); if (newScaleTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain " + exportedKpi.getSbiDomainsByMetricScaleType().getDomainNm()); existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByMetricScaleType(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiScaleType = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newScaleTypeId); existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByMetricScaleType(newSbiScaleType); } } else { existingKpi.setSbiDomainsByMetricScaleType(null); } // dataset Map datasetIdAss = metaAss.getDataSetIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpi.getSbiDataSet() != null) { Integer oldDataSetId = exportedKpi.getSbiDataSet().getDsId(); Integer newDataSetId = (Integer) datasetIdAss.get(oldDataSetId); if (newDataSetId == null) { logger.error("could not find dataset " + exportedKpi.getSbiDataSet().getLabel()); existingKpi.setSbiDataSet(null); } else { SbiDataSetConfig newSbiDataset = (SbiDataSetConfig) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDataSetConfig.class, newDataSetId); existingKpi.setSbiDataSet(newSbiDataset); } } else { existingKpi.setSbiDataSet(null); } // threshold Map thresholdIdAss = metaAss.getTresholdIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpi.getSbiThreshold() != null) { Integer oldThId = exportedKpi.getSbiThreshold().getThresholdId(); Integer newThId = (Integer) thresholdIdAss.get(oldThId); if (newThId == null) { logger.error("could not find threshold " + exportedKpi.getSbiThreshold().getCode()); existingKpi.setSbiThreshold(null); } else { SbiThreshold newSbiThreshold = (SbiThreshold) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiThreshold.class, newThId); existingKpi.setSbiThreshold(newSbiThreshold); } } else { existingKpi.setSbiThreshold(null); } } /** * Creates a new hibernate kpi instance object. * * @param SbiKpiInstance kpiInst * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpiInstance makeNew(SbiKpiInstance kpiInst, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiInstance newKpiInst = new SbiKpiInstance(); try { newKpiInst.setBeginDt(kpiInst.getBeginDt()); newKpiInst.setTarget(kpiInst.getTarget()); newKpiInst.setWeight(kpiInst.getWeight()); // associations entitiesAssociations(kpiInst, newKpiInst, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new kpi instance with id " + newKpiInst.getIdKpiInstance()); } finally { } return newKpiInst; } /** * Load an existing kpi instance and make modifications as per the exported kpi instance in input * * @param exportedKpiInst the exported Kpi Instance * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpiInstance modifyExisting(SbiKpiInstance exportedKpiInst, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiInstance existingKpiInst = null; try { // update th Value existingKpiInst = (SbiKpiInstance) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiInstance.class, existingId); existingKpiInst.setBeginDt(exportedKpiInst.getBeginDt()); existingKpiInst.setTarget(exportedKpiInst.getTarget()); existingKpiInst.setWeight(exportedKpiInst.getWeight()); // overwrite existging entities (maybe create a function speciic for domains, maybe not) entitiesAssociations(exportedKpiInst, existingKpiInst, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingKpiInst; } /** * For Kpi Instamce search new Ids * * @param exportedKpiInstance the exported Kpi Instance * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Kpi Instance modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpiInstance exportedKpiInst, SbiKpiInstance existingKpiInst, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // Kpi Type Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpiInst.getChartType() != null) { Integer oldChartTypeId = exportedKpiInst.getChartType().getValueId(); Integer newChartTypeId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldChartTypeId); if (newChartTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain " + exportedKpiInst.getChartType().getDomainNm()); existingKpiInst.setChartType(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiChartType = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newChartTypeId); existingKpiInst.setChartType(newSbiChartType); } } else { existingKpiInst.setChartType(null); } // add Kpi Map kpiIdAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpiInst.getSbiKpi() != null) { Integer oldKpiId = exportedKpiInst.getSbiKpi().getKpiId(); Integer newKpiId = (Integer) kpiIdAss.get(oldKpiId); if (newKpiId == null) { logger.error("could not find kpi between association" + exportedKpiInst.getSbiKpi().getName()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpi newSbiKpi = (SbiKpi) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpi.class, newKpiId); existingKpiInst.setSbiKpi(newSbiKpi); } } // add Threshold Map thIdAss = metaAss.getTresholdIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpiInst.getSbiThreshold() != null) { Integer oldThId = exportedKpiInst.getSbiThreshold().getThresholdId(); Integer newThId = (Integer) thIdAss.get(oldThId); if (newThId == null) { logger.error("could not find Threshold between association" + exportedKpiInst.getSbiThreshold().getName()); existingKpiInst.setSbiThreshold(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiThreshold newSbiThreshold = (SbiThreshold) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiThreshold.class, newThId); existingKpiInst.setSbiThreshold(newSbiThreshold); } } else { existingKpiInst.setSbiThreshold(null); } } /** * Creates a new hibernate th value object. * * @param ThreasholdValue thValue * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiThresholdValue makeNew(SbiThresholdValue thresholdValue, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiThresholdValue newThValue = new SbiThresholdValue(); try { newThValue.setLabel(thresholdValue.getLabel()); newThValue.setColour(thresholdValue.getColour()); newThValue.setMaxValue(thresholdValue.getMaxValue()); newThValue.setMinValue(thresholdValue.getMinValue()); newThValue.setPosition(thresholdValue.getPosition()); newThValue.setMaxClosed(thresholdValue.getMaxClosed()); newThValue.setMinClosed(thresholdValue.getMinClosed()); newThValue.setThValue(thresholdValue.getThValue()); // associations entitiesAssociations(thresholdValue, newThValue, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new kpi " + thresholdValue.getLabel()); } finally { } return newThValue; } /** * Load an existing threshold Values and make modifications as per the exported thValue in input * * @param exportedThValue the exported Th value * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Threshold Value modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiThresholdValue modifyExisting(SbiThresholdValue exportedThValue, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiThresholdValue existingThValue = null; try { // update th Value existingThValue = (SbiThresholdValue) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiThresholdValue.class, existingId); existingThValue.setLabel(exportedThValue.getLabel()); existingThValue.setColour(exportedThValue.getColour()); existingThValue.setMaxValue(exportedThValue.getMaxValue()); existingThValue.setMinValue(exportedThValue.getMinValue()); existingThValue.setPosition(exportedThValue.getPosition()); existingThValue.setMaxClosed(exportedThValue.getMaxClosed()); existingThValue.setMinClosed(exportedThValue.getMinClosed()); existingThValue.setThValue(exportedThValue.getThValue()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedThValue, existingThValue, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingThValue; } /** * For ThresholdValues search new Ids * * @param exportedKpi the exported Kpi * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiThresholdValue exportedThValue, SbiThresholdValue existingThvalue, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedThValue.getSeverity() != null) { Integer oldSeverityId = exportedThValue.getSeverity().getValueId(); Integer newSeverityId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldSeverityId); if (newSeverityId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain between association" + exportedThValue.getSeverity()); existingThvalue.setSeverity(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiSeverity = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newSeverityId); existingThvalue.setSeverity(newSbiSeverity); } } else { existingThvalue.setSeverity(null); } // add Threshold Map thresholdIdAss = metaAss.getTresholdIDAssociation(); if (exportedThValue.getSbiThreshold() != null) { Integer oldThresholdId = exportedThValue.getSbiThreshold().getThresholdId(); Integer newThresholdId = (Integer) thresholdIdAss.get(oldThresholdId); if (newThresholdId == null) { logger.error("could not find threshold between association" + exportedThValue.getSbiThreshold().getName()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiThreshold newSbiThreshold = (SbiThreshold) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiThreshold.class, newThresholdId); existingThvalue.setSbiThreshold(newSbiThreshold); } } // TODO sbi alarm, } /** * Creates a new hibernate th object. * * @param Threashold thresdold * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiThreshold makeNew(SbiThreshold threshold, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiThreshold newTh = new SbiThreshold(); try { newTh.setCode(threshold.getCode()); newTh.setDescription(threshold.getDescription()); newTh.setName(threshold.getName()); // associations entitiesAssociations(threshold, newTh, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new kpi " + threshold.getCode()); } finally { } return newTh; } /** * Load an existing threshold and make modifications as per the exported thValue in input * * @param exportedThValue the exported Th * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Threshold modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiThreshold modifyExisting(SbiThreshold exportedTh, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiThreshold existingTh = null; try { // update th Value existingTh = (SbiThreshold) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiThreshold.class, existingId); existingTh.setCode(exportedTh.getCode()); existingTh.setName(exportedTh.getName()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedTh, existingTh, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingTh; } /** * For Threshold search new Ids * * @param exportedKpi the exported Kpi * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiThreshold exportedTh, SbiThreshold existingTh, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedTh.getThresholdType() != null) { Integer oldThresholdTypeId = exportedTh.getThresholdType().getValueId(); Integer newThresholdTypeId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldThresholdTypeId); if (newThresholdTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain " + exportedTh.getThresholdType().getValueCd()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiThresholdType = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newThresholdTypeId); existingTh.setThresholdType(newSbiThresholdType); } } // TODO ThresholdValue } /** * Creates a new hibernate model object. * * @param Model model * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpiModel makeNew(SbiKpiModel model, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModel newMod = new SbiKpiModel(); try { newMod.setKpiModelLabel(model.getKpiModelLabel()); newMod.setKpiModelCd(model.getKpiModelCd()); newMod.setKpiModelDesc(model.getKpiModelDesc()); newMod.setKpiModelNm(model.getKpiModelNm()); // if label is null means we are coming from a version < 2.4 (transformator has changed so). Then assign a new unique label if (newMod.getKpiModelLabel() == null) { UUIDGenerator uuidGen = UUIDGenerator.getInstance(); UUID uuid = uuidGen.generateTimeBasedUUID(); newMod.setKpiModelLabel(uuid.toString()); } // associations entitiesAssociations(model, newMod, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new model " + model.getKpiModelCd()); } finally { } return newMod; } /** * Load an existing Model and make modifications * * @param exportedModel the exported Model * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Model modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpiModel modifyExisting(SbiKpiModel exportedMod, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModel existingMod = null; try { // update th Value existingMod = (SbiKpiModel) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModel.class, existingId); existingMod.setKpiModelLabel(exportedMod.getKpiModelLabel()); existingMod.setKpiModelCd(exportedMod.getKpiModelCd()); existingMod.setKpiModelNm(exportedMod.getKpiModelNm()); existingMod.setKpiModelDesc(exportedMod.getKpiModelDesc()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedMod, existingMod, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingMod; } /** * For Model search new Ids * * @param exportedModel the exported Model * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Model modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpiModel exportedMod, SbiKpiModel existingMod, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedMod.getModelType() != null) { Integer oldModelTypeId = exportedMod.getModelType().getValueId(); Integer newModelTypeId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldModelTypeId); if (newModelTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain " + exportedMod.getModelType().getValueCd()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiModelType = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newModelTypeId); existingMod.setModelType(newSbiModelType); } } // Parent Map modelIdAss = metaAss.getModelIDAssociation(); if (exportedMod.getSbiKpiModel() != null) { Integer oldParentId = exportedMod.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelId(); Integer newParentId = (Integer) modelIdAss.get(oldParentId); if (newParentId == null) { logger.error("could not find parent " + exportedMod.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelCd()); existingMod.setSbiKpiModel(null); } else { SbiKpiModel newSbiParent = (SbiKpiModel) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModel.class, newParentId); existingMod.setSbiKpiModel(newSbiParent); } } else { existingMod.setSbiKpiModel(null); } // add Kpi Map kpiIdAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation(); if (exportedMod.getSbiKpi() != null) { Integer oldKpiId = exportedMod.getSbiKpi().getKpiId(); Integer newKpiId = (Integer) kpiIdAss.get(oldKpiId); if (newKpiId == null) { logger.error("could not find Kpi between association" + exportedMod.getSbiKpi().getKpiId()); existingMod.setSbiKpi(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpi newSbiKpi = (SbiKpi) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpi.class, newKpiId); existingMod.setSbiKpi(newSbiKpi); } } else { existingMod.setSbiKpi(null); } } /** * Creates a new hibernate model instance object. * * @param ModelInst model instance * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpiModelInst makeNew(SbiKpiModelInst modelInst, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelInst newModInst = new SbiKpiModelInst(); try { newModInst.setDescription(modelInst.getDescription()); newModInst.setEndDate(modelInst.getEndDate()); newModInst.setLabel(modelInst.getLabel()); newModInst.setName(modelInst.getName()); newModInst.setStartDate(modelInst.getStartDate()); newModInst.setModelUUID(modelInst.getModelUUID()); // associations entitiesAssociations(modelInst, newModInst, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new model " + modelInst.getLabel()); } finally { } return newModInst; } /** * Load an existing Model Inst and make modifications * * @param exportedModelInst the exported Model Instance * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Model INSTANCE modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpiModelInst modifyExisting(SbiKpiModelInst exportedModInst, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelInst existingModInst = null; try { // update th Value existingModInst = (SbiKpiModelInst) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelInst.class, existingId); existingModInst.setDescription(exportedModInst.getDescription()); existingModInst.setEndDate(exportedModInst.getEndDate()); existingModInst.setLabel(exportedModInst.getLabel()); existingModInst.setName(exportedModInst.getName()); existingModInst.setStartDate(exportedModInst.getStartDate()); existingModInst.setModelUUID(exportedModInst.getModelUUID()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedModInst, existingModInst, sessionCurrDB, metaAss); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingModInst; } /** * For Model Instance search new Ids * * @param exportedModelInst the exported Model Instance * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Model Instance modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpiModelInst exportedModInst, SbiKpiModelInst existingModInst, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities // add Model Map modelIdAss = metaAss.getModelIDAssociation(); if (exportedModInst.getSbiKpiModel() != null) { Integer oldModelId = exportedModInst.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelId(); Integer newModelId = (Integer) modelIdAss.get(oldModelId); if (newModelId == null) { logger.error("could not find model between association" + exportedModInst.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelId()); existingModInst.setSbiKpiModel(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpiModel newSbiModel = (SbiKpiModel) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModel.class, newModelId); existingModInst.setSbiKpiModel(newSbiModel); } } else { existingModInst.setSbiKpiModel(null); } // add Kpi Instance Map kpiInstIdAss = metaAss.getKpiInstanceIDAssociation(); if (exportedModInst.getSbiKpiInstance() != null) { Integer oldKpiInstId = exportedModInst.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance(); Integer newKpiInstId = (Integer) kpiInstIdAss.get(oldKpiInstId); if (newKpiInstId == null) { logger.error("could not find Kpi iNts between association" + exportedModInst.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance()); existingModInst.setSbiKpiInstance(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpiInstance newSbiKpiInst = (SbiKpiInstance) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiInstance.class, newKpiInstId); existingModInst.setSbiKpiInstance(newSbiKpiInst); } } else { existingModInst.setSbiKpiInstance(null); } // Parent Map modelInstIdAss = metaAss.getModelInstanceIDAssociation(); if (exportedModInst.getSbiKpiModelInst() != null) { Integer oldParentId = exportedModInst.getSbiKpiModelInst().getKpiModelInst(); Integer newParentId = (Integer) modelInstIdAss.get(oldParentId); if (newParentId == null) { logger.error( "could not find parent with id " + exportedModInst.getSbiKpiModelInst().getKpiModelInst()); existingModInst.setSbiKpiModelInst(null); } else { SbiKpiModelInst newSbiParent = (SbiKpiModelInst) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelInst.class, newParentId); existingModInst.setSbiKpiModelInst(newSbiParent); } } else { existingModInst.setSbiKpiModelInst(null); } } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiResource object. * * @param Resource resource * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiResources makeNew(SbiResources resource, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiResources newResource = new SbiResources(); try { newResource.setResourceName(resource.getResourceName()); newResource.setResourceCode(resource.getResourceCode()); newResource.setResourceDescr(resource.getResourceDescr()); newResource.setColumnName(resource.getColumnName()); newResource.setTableName(resource.getTableName()); // associations entitiesAssociations(resource, newResource, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new kpi " + resource.getResourceName()); } finally { } return newResource; } /** * Load an existing resource and make modifications as per the exported resource in input * * @param exportedResource the exported resource * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Threshold Value modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiResources modifyExisting(SbiResources exportedRes, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiResources existingRes = null; try { // update th Value existingRes = (SbiResources) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiResources.class, existingId); existingRes.setResourceCode(exportedRes.getResourceCode()); existingRes.setResourceName(exportedRes.getResourceName()); existingRes.setResourceDescr(exportedRes.getResourceDescr()); existingRes.setTableName(exportedRes.getTableName()); existingRes.setColumnName(exportedRes.getColumnName()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedRes, existingRes, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingRes; } /** * For Resources search new Ids * * @param exportedRes the exported Resource * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Resource modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiResources exportedRes, SbiResources existingResources, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedRes.getType() != null) { Integer oldTypeId = exportedRes.getType().getValueId(); Integer newTypeId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldTypeId); if (newTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain between association" + exportedRes.getType()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiType = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newTypeId); existingResources.setType(newSbiType); } } } /** * Creates a new hibernate th value object. * * @param Model Resource modRes * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpiModelResources makeNew(SbiKpiModelResources modRes, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelResources newModResource = new SbiKpiModelResources(); try { // associations entitiesAssociations(modRes, newModResource, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in creating new kpi, previous id was " + modRes.getKpiModelResourcesId()); } finally { } return newModResource; } /** * Load an existing Model resource and make modifications as per the exported Model resource in input * * @param exported mOdel Resource the exported resource * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Threshold Value modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpiModelResources modifyExisting(SbiKpiModelResources exportedModRes, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelResources existingModRes = null; try { // update th Value existingModRes = (SbiKpiModelResources) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelResources.class, existingId); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedModRes, existingModRes, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingModRes; } /** * For Model Resources search new Ids * * @param exported Model Res the exported Resource * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Model Resource modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpiModelResources exportedModRes, SbiKpiModelResources existingModResources, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // Map resource Map resourceIdAss = metaAss.getResourcesIDAssociation(); if (exportedModRes.getSbiResources() != null) { Integer oldTypeId = exportedModRes.getSbiResources().getResourceId(); Integer newTypeId = (Integer) resourceIdAss.get(oldTypeId); if (newTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find resource between association" + exportedModRes.getSbiResources().getResourceName()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiResources newSbiType = (SbiResources) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiResources.class, newTypeId); existingModResources.setSbiResources(newSbiType); } } // Model instance Map modelInstIdAss = metaAss.getModelInstanceIDAssociation(); if (exportedModRes.getSbiKpiModelInst() != null) { Integer oldTypeId = exportedModRes.getSbiKpiModelInst().getKpiModelInst(); Integer newTypeId = (Integer) modelInstIdAss.get(oldTypeId); if (newTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find model instance between association" + exportedModRes.getSbiKpiModelInst().getLabel()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpiModelInst newSbiType = (SbiKpiModelInst) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelInst.class, newTypeId); existingModResources.setSbiKpiModelInst(newSbiType); } } } /** * Creates a new hibernate th value object. * * @param Periodicity per * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpiPeriodicity makeNew(SbiKpiPeriodicity periodicity, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiPeriodicity newPer = new SbiKpiPeriodicity(); try { newPer.setDays(periodicity.getDays()); newPer.setChronString(periodicity.getChronString()); newPer.setHours(periodicity.getHours()); newPer.setMinutes(periodicity.getMinutes()); newPer.setMonths(periodicity.getMonths()); newPer.setName(periodicity.getName()); // associations entitiesAssociations(periodicity, newPer, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new kpi " + periodicity.getName()); } finally { } return newPer; } /** * Load an existing resource and make modifications as per the exported periodicity in input * * @param exportedPeriodicity the exported periodicity * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Periodicity modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpiPeriodicity modifyExisting(SbiKpiPeriodicity exportedPer, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiPeriodicity existingPer = null; try { // update th Value existingPer = (SbiKpiPeriodicity) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiPeriodicity.class, existingId); existingPer.setName(exportedPer.getName()); existingPer.setChronString(exportedPer.getChronString()); existingPer.setDays(exportedPer.getDays()); existingPer.setHours(exportedPer.getHours()); existingPer.setMonths(exportedPer.getMonths()); existingPer.setMinutes(exportedPer.getMinutes()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedPer, existingPer, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingPer; } /** * For Periodicity search new Ids * * @param exportedRes the exported Periodicity * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Periodicity modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpiPeriodicity exportedPer, SbiKpiPeriodicity existingPer, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Creates a new hibernate th value object. * * @param KpiInstPeriod kpiInstPeriod * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpiInstPeriod makeNew(SbiKpiInstPeriod kpiInstPeriod, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiInstPeriod newKpiInstPeriod = new SbiKpiInstPeriod(); try { newKpiInstPeriod.setDefault_(kpiInstPeriod.isDefault_()); // associations entitiesAssociations(kpiInstPeriod, newKpiInstPeriod, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Error in creating new kpiInstPeriod, previous id was " + kpiInstPeriod.getKpiInstPeriodId()); } finally { } logger.debug("OUT"); return newKpiInstPeriod; } /** * Load an existing KpiInstPeriod and make modifications as per the exported KpiInstPeriod in input * * @param exported mKpiInstPeriod the exported resource * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing KpiInstPeriod modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpiInstPeriod modifyExisting(SbiKpiInstPeriod exportedKpiInstPeriod, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiInstPeriod existingKpiInstPeriod = null; try { // update th Value existingKpiInstPeriod = (SbiKpiInstPeriod) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiInstPeriod.class, existingId); existingKpiInstPeriod.setDefault_(exportedKpiInstPeriod.isDefault_()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedKpiInstPeriod, existingKpiInstPeriod, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingKpiInstPeriod; } /** * For KpiInstPeriod search new Ids * * @param exported KpiInstPeriod the exported KpiInstPeriod * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing KpiInstPeriod modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpiInstPeriod exportedKpiInstPeriod, SbiKpiInstPeriod existingKpiInstPeriod, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // Map priodicity Map periodicityIdAss = metaAss.getPeriodicityIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpiInstPeriod.getSbiKpiPeriodicity() != null) { Integer oldPerId = exportedKpiInstPeriod.getSbiKpiPeriodicity().getIdKpiPeriodicity(); Integer newPerId = (Integer) periodicityIdAss.get(oldPerId); if (newPerId == null) { logger.error("could not find periodicity associated to kpiInstPeriod: " + exportedKpiInstPeriod.getSbiKpiPeriodicity().getIdKpiPeriodicity()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpiPeriodicity newSbiPeriodicity = (SbiKpiPeriodicity) sessionCurrDB .load(SbiKpiPeriodicity.class, newPerId); existingKpiInstPeriod.setSbiKpiPeriodicity(newSbiPeriodicity); } } // Kpi Instance Map kpiInstIdAss = metaAss.getKpiInstanceIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpiInstPeriod.getSbiKpiInstance() != null) { Integer oldTypeId = exportedKpiInstPeriod.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance(); Integer newTypeId = (Integer) kpiInstIdAss.get(oldTypeId); if (newTypeId == null) { logger.error("could not find kpi instance associater to kpiInstPeriod with previous id " + exportedKpiInstPeriod.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpiInstance newSbiType = (SbiKpiInstance) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiInstance.class, newTypeId); existingKpiInstPeriod.setSbiKpiInstance(newSbiType); } } } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiAlarm object. * * @param Alarm alarm * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiAlarm makeNew(SbiAlarm alarm, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiAlarm newAlarm = new SbiAlarm(); try { newAlarm.setName(alarm.getName()); newAlarm.setLabel(alarm.getLabel()); newAlarm.setDescr(alarm.getDescr()); newAlarm.setText(alarm.getText()); newAlarm.setUrl(alarm.getUrl()); newAlarm.setSingleEvent(alarm.isSingleEvent()); newAlarm.setAutoDisabled(alarm.getAutoDisabled()); // associations entitiesAssociations(alarm, newAlarm, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new alarm " + alarm.getLabel()); } finally { } return newAlarm; } /** * Load an existing Alarm and make modifications as per the exported Alarm in input * * @param exportedAlarm the exported Alarm * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Alarm modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiAlarm modifyExisting(SbiAlarm exportedAlarm, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiAlarm existingAlarm = null; try { // update Alarm existingAlarm = (SbiAlarm) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiAlarm.class, existingId); existingAlarm.setName(exportedAlarm.getName()); existingAlarm.setLabel(exportedAlarm.getLabel()); existingAlarm.setDescr(exportedAlarm.getDescr()); existingAlarm.setText(exportedAlarm.getText()); existingAlarm.setUrl(exportedAlarm.getUrl()); existingAlarm.setSingleEvent(exportedAlarm.isSingleEvent()); existingAlarm.setAutoDisabled(exportedAlarm.getAutoDisabled()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedAlarm, existingAlarm, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingAlarm; } /** * For Alarm search new Ids * * @param exportedAlarm the exported Alarm * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Alarm modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiAlarm exportedAlarm, SbiAlarm existingAlarm, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedAlarm.getModality() != null) { Integer oldModalityId = exportedAlarm.getModality().getValueId(); Integer newModalityId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldModalityId); if (newModalityId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain between association" + exportedAlarm.getModality()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiModality = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newModalityId); existingAlarm.setModality(newSbiModality); } } // Map Kpi Instance Map kpiInstanceIdAss = metaAss.getKpiInstanceIDAssociation(); if (exportedAlarm.getSbiKpiInstance() != null) { Integer oldKpiInstId = exportedAlarm.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance(); Integer newKpiInstId = (Integer) kpiInstanceIdAss.get(oldKpiInstId); if (newKpiInstId == null) { logger.error("could not find kpi instance associated to current alarm: " + exportedAlarm.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiKpiInstance newSbiKpiInstance = (SbiKpiInstance) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiInstance.class, newKpiInstId); existingAlarm.setSbiKpiInstance(newSbiKpiInstance); } } // Threshold Value Map thValueIdAss = metaAss.getTresholdValueIDAssociation(); if (exportedAlarm.getSbiThresholdValue() != null) { Integer oldThValueId = exportedAlarm.getSbiThresholdValue().getIdThresholdValue(); Integer newThValueId = (Integer) thValueIdAss.get(oldThValueId); if (newThValueId == null) { logger.error("could not find ThValue associater to Alarm; with label " + exportedAlarm.getSbiThresholdValue().getLabel()); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiThresholdValue newSbiThValue = (SbiThresholdValue) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiThresholdValue.class, newThValueId); existingAlarm.setSbiThresholdValue(newSbiThValue); } } // fill the set of AlarmContacts Set<SbiAlarmContact> setContactsExported = exportedAlarm.getSbiAlarmContacts(); // recover the Contacts already present Set<SbiAlarmContact> setContactsToImport = existingAlarm.getSbiAlarmContacts(); // I want a Array to fill with Id already present just to check not to insert again an already present association Vector<Integer> idsAlready = new Vector<Integer>(); for (Iterator iterator = setContactsToImport.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SbiAlarmContact sbiAlarmContact = (SbiAlarmContact); Integer id = sbiAlarmContact.getId(); idsAlready.add(id); } for (Iterator iterator = setContactsExported.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SbiAlarmContact sbiAlarmContact = (SbiAlarmContact); Integer oldId = sbiAlarmContact.getId(); Map<Integer, Integer> alarmContactAssociation = metaAss.getAlarmContactIDAssociation(); Integer newId = alarmContactAssociation.get(oldId); //load if (newId == null) { newId = oldId; } // check id not already present if (!idsAlready.contains(newId)) { SbiAlarmContact newSbiAlarmContact = (SbiAlarmContact) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiAlarmContact.class, newId); setContactsToImport.add(newSbiAlarmContact); idsAlready.add(newId); } } existingAlarm.setSbiAlarmContacts(setContactsToImport); } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiAlarmContact object. * * @param AlarmContact alarmContact * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiAlarmContact makeNew(SbiAlarmContact alarmContact, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiAlarmContact newAlarmContact = new SbiAlarmContact(); try { newAlarmContact.setName(alarmContact.getName()); newAlarmContact.setEmail(alarmContact.getEmail()); newAlarmContact.setMobile(alarmContact.getMobile()); newAlarmContact.setResources(alarmContact.getResources()); // associations entitiesAssociations(alarmContact, newAlarmContact, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new alarm Contact " + alarmContact.getName()); } finally { } return newAlarmContact; } /** * Load an existing Alarm Contact and make modifications as per the exported Alarm Contact in input * * @param exportedAlarm the exported Alarm Contact * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Alarm Contactmodified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiAlarmContact modifyExisting(SbiAlarmContact exportedAlarmContact, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiAlarmContact existingAlarmContact = null; try { // update Alarm existingAlarmContact = (SbiAlarmContact) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiAlarmContact.class, existingId); existingAlarmContact.setName(exportedAlarmContact.getName()); existingAlarmContact.setEmail(exportedAlarmContact.getEmail()); existingAlarmContact.setMobile(exportedAlarmContact.getMobile()); existingAlarmContact.setResources(exportedAlarmContact.getResources()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedAlarmContact, existingAlarmContact, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingAlarmContact; } /** * For Alarm Contacts search new Ids * * @param exportedAlarm the exported Alarm Contacts * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Alarm Contacts modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiAlarmContact exportedAlarm, SbiAlarmContact existingAlarm, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Creates a new hibernate kpi model attr object. * * @param SbiKpiModelAttr kpiModelAttr * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues /*public static SbiKpiModelAttr makeNewSbiKpiModelAttr(SbiKpiModelAttr kpiModelAttr,Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer){ logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelAttr newKpiModelAttr = new SbiKpiModelAttr(); try{ newKpiModelAttr.setKpiModelAttrCd( kpiModelAttr.getKpiModelAttrCd() ); newKpiModelAttr.setKpiModelAttrNm( kpiModelAttr.getKpiModelAttrNm() ); newKpiModelAttr.setKpiModelAttrDescr( kpiModelAttr.getKpiModelAttrDescr() ); // associations entitiesAssociationsSbiKpiModelAttr(kpiModelAttr, newKpiModelAttr, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new Model Attr with label "+newKpiModelAttr.getKpiModelAttrCd()); } finally{ } return newKpiModelAttr; }*/ /** * Load an existing kpiModelAttr and make modifications as per the exported kpiModelAttr in input * * @param exportedKpiModelAttr the exported KpiModelAttr * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues /*public static SbiKpiModelAttr modifyExistingSbiKpiModelAttr(SbiKpiModelAttr exportedKpiModelAttr, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelAttr existingKpiModelAttr = null; try { // update th Value existingKpiModelAttr = (SbiKpiModelAttr) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelAttr.class, existingId); existingKpiModelAttr.setKpiModelAttrCd(exportedKpiModelAttr.getKpiModelAttrCd()); existingKpiModelAttr.setKpiModelAttrNm(exportedKpiModelAttr.getKpiModelAttrNm()); existingKpiModelAttr.setKpiModelAttrDescr(exportedKpiModelAttr.getKpiModelAttrDescr()); // overwrite existging entities (maybe create a function speciic for domains, maybe not) entitiesAssociationsSbiKpiModelAttr(exportedKpiModelAttr, existingKpiModelAttr, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingKpiModelAttr; }*/ /** * For KpiModelAttr search new Ids * * @param exportedKpi the exported Kpi * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues /*public static void entitiesAssociationsSbiKpiModelAttr(SbiKpiModelAttr exportedKpiModelAttr, SbiKpiModelAttr existingKpiModelAttr,Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities Map domainIdAss=metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if(exportedKpiModelAttr.getSbiDomains()!=null){ Integer oldDomainId=exportedKpiModelAttr.getSbiDomains().getValueId(); Integer newDomainId=(Integer)domainIdAss.get(oldDomainId); if(newDomainId==null) { logger.error("could not find domain between association"+exportedKpiModelAttr.getSbiDomains().getValueCd()); existingKpiModelAttr.setSbiDomains(null); } else{ // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiDomain= (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newDomainId); existingKpiModelAttr.setSbiDomains(newSbiDomain); } } else{ existingKpiModelAttr.setSbiDomains(null); } }*/ /** * Creates a new hibernate kpi model attr val object. * * @param SbiKpiModelAttr kpiModelAttrVal * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues /*public static SbiKpiModelAttrVal makeNewSbiKpiModelAttrVal(SbiKpiModelAttrVal kpiModelAttrVal,Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer){ logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelAttrVal newKpiModelAttrVal = new SbiKpiModelAttrVal(); try{ newKpiModelAttrVal.setValue( kpiModelAttrVal.getValue() ); // associations entitiesAssociationsSbiKpiModelAttrVal(kpiModelAttrVal, newKpiModelAttrVal, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new Model Attr Val referring to model "+newKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelNm()+" an to attribute "+newKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModelAttr().getKpiModelAttrNm()); } finally{ } return newKpiModelAttrVal; }*/ /** * Load an existing kpiModelAttrVal and make modifications as per the exported kpiModelAttr in input * * @param exportedKpiModelAttrVal the exported KpiModelAttrVal * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues /*public static SbiKpiModelAttrVal modifyExistingSbiKpiModelAttrVal(SbiKpiModelAttrVal exportedKpiModelAttrVal, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiModelAttrVal existingKpiModelAttrVal = null; try { // update th Value existingKpiModelAttrVal = (SbiKpiModelAttrVal) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelAttrVal.class, existingId); existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModel(exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModel()); existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModelAttr(exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModelAttr()); // overwrite existging entities (maybe create a function speciic for domains, maybe not) entitiesAssociationsSbiKpiModelAttrVal(exportedKpiModelAttrVal, existingKpiModelAttrVal, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingKpiModelAttrVal; }*/ /** * KpiModelAttrVal association entities search new Ids * * @param exportedKpiMdelAtrVal the exported KpiModelATtrVal * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues /*public static void entitiesAssociationsSbiKpiModelAttrVal(SbiKpiModelAttrVal exportedKpiModelAttrVal, SbiKpiModelAttrVal existingKpiModelAttrVal,Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities // set the model Map modelIdAss=metaAss.getModelIDAssociation(); if(exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModel()!=null){ Integer oldModelId=exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelId(); Integer newModelId=(Integer)modelIdAss.get(oldModelId); if(newModelId==null) { logger.error("could not find model associated with mdeol with label "+exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelLabel()); existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModel(null); } else{ // I must get the new SbiKpiModel newSbiKpiModel= (SbiKpiModel) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModel.class, newModelId); existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModel(newSbiKpiModel); } } else{ existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModel(null); } // set the model attr Map modelAttrIdAss=metaAss.getSbiKpiModelAttrIDAssociation(); if(exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModelAttr()!=null){ Integer oldModelAttrId=exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModelAttr().getKpiModelAttrId(); Integer newModelAttrId=(Integer)modelAttrIdAss.get(oldModelAttrId); if(newModelAttrId==null) { logger.error("could not find model Attr associated with model Attrwith label "+exportedKpiModelAttrVal.getSbiKpiModelAttr().getKpiModelAttrCd()); existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModelAttr(null); } else{ // I must get the new SbiKpiModelAttr newSbiKpiModelAttr= (SbiKpiModelAttr) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelAttr.class, newModelAttrId); existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModelAttr(newSbiKpiModelAttr); } } else{ existingKpiModelAttrVal.setSbiKpiModelAttr(null); } }*/ /** * Creates a new hibernate ObjMetadata. * * @param ObjMetadata objMetadata * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiObjMetadata makeNew(SbiObjMetadata objMetadata, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjMetadata newObjMetadata = new SbiObjMetadata(); try { newObjMetadata.setLabel(objMetadata.getLabel()); newObjMetadata.setName(objMetadata.getName()); newObjMetadata.setDescription(objMetadata.getDescription()); newObjMetadata.setCreationDate(objMetadata.getCreationDate()); // associations entitiesAssociations(objMetadata, newObjMetadata, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error inc reating new ObjMetadata with label " + newObjMetadata.getLabel()); } finally { } return newObjMetadata; } /** * Load an existing ObjMetadata and make modifications as per the exported ObjMetadata in input * * @param ObjMetadata objMetadata * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing ObjMetadata modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiObjMetadata modifyExisting(SbiObjMetadata exportedObjMetadata, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjMetadata existingObjMetadata = null; try { existingObjMetadata = (SbiObjMetadata) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjMetadata.class, existingId); existingObjMetadata.setName(exportedObjMetadata.getName()); existingObjMetadata.setDescription(exportedObjMetadata.getDescription()); existingObjMetadata.setCreationDate(exportedObjMetadata.getCreationDate()); // overwrite existging entities (maybe create a function speciic for domains, maybe not) entitiesAssociations(exportedObjMetadata, existingObjMetadata, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingObjMetadata; } /** * For ObjMetadata search new Ids * * @param exported metadata ObjMetadata * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing Kpi modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiObjMetadata exportedObjMetadata, SbiObjMetadata existingObjMetadata, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities Map domainIdAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); if (exportedObjMetadata.getDataType() != null) { Integer oldDomainId = exportedObjMetadata.getDataType().getValueId(); Integer newDomainId = (Integer) domainIdAss.get(oldDomainId); if (newDomainId == null) { logger.error("could not find domain between association" + exportedObjMetadata.getDataType().getValueCd()); existingObjMetadata.setDataType(null); } else { // I must get the new SbiDomains object SbiDomains newSbiDomain = (SbiDomains) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDomains.class, newDomainId); existingObjMetadata.setDataType(newSbiDomain); } } else { existingObjMetadata.setDataType(null); } } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiObjMetacontent object. * @param iEngUserProfile * * @param SbiObjectMetacontent metcontent * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiObjMetacontents makeNew(SbiObjMetacontents metacontents, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer, IEngUserProfile iEngUserProfile) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjMetacontents newMetacontents = new SbiObjMetacontents(); try { newMetacontents.setCreationDate(metacontents.getCreationDate()); newMetacontents.setLastChangeDate(metacontents.getLastChangeDate()); // associations entitiesAssociations(metacontents, newMetacontents, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer, iEngUserProfile); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Error in creating new metacontent with exported id " + metacontents.getObjMetacontentId()); } finally { } return newMetacontents; } /** * Load an existing ObjMetacontents and make modifications as per the exported ObjMetacontents in input * * @param exportedObjMetacontents the exported ObjMetacontents * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * @param userProfile * * @return the existing ObjMetacontents modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiObjMetacontents modifyExisting(SbiObjMetacontents exportedMetacontents, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer, IEngUserProfile userProfile) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiObjMetacontents existingMetacontents = null; try { // update Alarm existingMetacontents = (SbiObjMetacontents) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjMetacontents.class, existingId); existingMetacontents.setCreationDate(exportedMetacontents.getCreationDate()); existingMetacontents.setLastChangeDate(exportedMetacontents.getLastChangeDate()); // associations entitiesAssociations(exportedMetacontents, existingMetacontents, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer, userProfile); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingMetacontents; } /** * For SBiObjMetacontents search new Ids * * @param exportedMetacontent the exported SbiObjMetacontent * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param iEngUserProfile * * @return the existing ObjMetacontent modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiObjMetacontents exportedMetacontents, SbiObjMetacontents existingMetacontents, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer, IEngUserProfile profile) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existging entities // Obj Metadata Map metadataIdAss = metaAss.getObjMetadataIDAssociation(); if (exportedMetacontents.getObjmetaId() != null) { Integer oldMetaId = exportedMetacontents.getObjmetaId(); Integer newMetaId = (Integer) metadataIdAss.get(oldMetaId); if (newMetaId == null) { logger.error( "could not find association with metadata with id " + exportedMetacontents.getObjmetaId()); } else { existingMetacontents.setObjmetaId(newMetaId); } } // SbiObject Map objectIdAss = metaAss.getBIobjIDAssociation(); if (exportedMetacontents.getSbiObjects() != null) { Integer oldObjId = exportedMetacontents.getSbiObjects().getBiobjId(); Integer newObjId = (Integer) objectIdAss.get(oldObjId); if (newObjId == null) { logger.error("could not find object associated " + exportedMetacontents.getSbiObjects().getLabel()); } else { SbiObjects newSbiObjects = (SbiObjects) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiObjects.class, newObjId); existingMetacontents.setSbiObjects(newSbiObjects); } } // SbiSubobject (if present) Map subObjectIdAss = metaAss.getObjSubObjectIDAssociation(); if (exportedMetacontents.getSbiSubObjects() != null) { Integer oldSubObjId = exportedMetacontents.getSbiSubObjects().getSubObjId(); Integer newSubObjId = (Integer) subObjectIdAss.get(oldSubObjId); if (newSubObjId == null) { logger.error( "could not find subobject associated " + exportedMetacontents.getSbiSubObjects().getName()); } else { SbiSubObjects newSbiSubObjects = (SbiSubObjects) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiSubObjects.class, newSubObjId); existingMetacontents.setSbiSubObjects(newSbiSubObjects); } } // Binary contents will be always inserted as new logger.debug("Insert the binary content associated"); SbiBinContents exportedBinContent = exportedMetacontents.getSbiBinContents(); SbiBinContents newBinContents = new SbiBinContents(); newBinContents.setContent(exportedBinContent.getContent()); SbiCommonInfo commonInfo = new SbiCommonInfo(); String userid = (String) profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier(); commonInfo.setUserIn(userid); commonInfo.setTimeIn(new Date()); commonInfo.setSbiVersionIn(SbiCommonInfo.SBI_VERSION); commonInfo.setOrganization(((UserProfile) profile).getOrganization()); newBinContents.setCommonInfo(commonInfo);; existingMetacontents.setSbiBinContents(newBinContents); logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiKpiRel object. * * @param SbiKpiRel relation * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiKpiRel makeNew(SbiKpiRel kpirel, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiRel newSbiKpiRel = new SbiKpiRel(); try { newSbiKpiRel.setParameter(kpirel.getParameter()); // associations entitiesAssociations(kpirel, newSbiKpiRel, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in creating new kpi relation with exported id " + newSbiKpiRel.getKpiRelId()); } return newSbiKpiRel; } /** * For SbiKpiRel search new Ids * * @param exportedKpiRel the exported SbiKpiRel * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing KPIREL modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiKpiRel exportedKpiRel, SbiKpiRel existingKpiRel, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existing entities // kpi child Map kpiAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation(); if (exportedKpiRel.getSbiKpiByKpiChildId() != null) { Integer oldKpiId = exportedKpiRel.getSbiKpiByKpiChildId().getKpiId(); Integer newKpiId = (Integer) kpiAss.get(oldKpiId); if (newKpiId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with kpi child with id " + exportedKpiRel.getSbiKpiByKpiChildId().getName()); existingKpiRel.setSbiKpiByKpiChildId(null); } else { SbiKpi newSbiKpi = (SbiKpi) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpi.class, newKpiId); existingKpiRel.setSbiKpiByKpiChildId(newSbiKpi); } } // kpi father if (exportedKpiRel.getSbiKpiByKpiFatherId() != null) { Integer oldKpiId = exportedKpiRel.getSbiKpiByKpiFatherId().getKpiId(); Integer newKpiId = (Integer) kpiAss.get(oldKpiId); if (newKpiId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with kpi father with id " + exportedKpiRel.getSbiKpiByKpiFatherId().getName()); existingKpiRel.setSbiKpiByKpiFatherId(null); } else { SbiKpi newSbiKpi = (SbiKpi) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpi.class, newKpiId); existingKpiRel.setSbiKpiByKpiFatherId(newSbiKpi); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiUdp udp object. * * @param SbiUdp udp * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiUdp makeNew(SbiUdp udp, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiUdp newUdp = new SbiUdp(); try { newUdp.setDescription(udp.getDescription()); newUdp.setIsMultivalue(udp.isIsMultivalue()); newUdp.setLabel(udp.getLabel()); newUdp.setName(udp.getName()); // associations entitiesAssociations(udp, newUdp, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in creating new udp with exported id " + newUdp.getUdpId()); } return newUdp; } /** * For SbiUdp search new Ids * * @param exportedSbiUdp the exported SbiUdp * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing SbiUdp modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiUdp exportedSbiUdp, SbiUdp existingSbiUdp, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existing entities // type id Map doaminAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation(); //original value of exported object != null if (exportedSbiUdp.getTypeId() != null) { Integer oldTypeId = exportedSbiUdp.getTypeId(); Integer newTypeId = (Integer) doaminAss.get(oldTypeId); if (newTypeId == null) { logger.error( "could not find association with domain type id with id " + exportedSbiUdp.getTypeId()); existingSbiUdp.setTypeId(null); } else { existingSbiUdp.setTypeId(newTypeId); } } // family id if (exportedSbiUdp.getFamilyId() != null) { Integer oldFamilyId = exportedSbiUdp.getFamilyId(); Integer newFamilyId = (Integer) doaminAss.get(oldFamilyId); if (newFamilyId == null) { logger.error( "could not find association with domain Family Id with id " + exportedSbiUdp.getFamilyId()); existingSbiUdp.setFamilyId(null); } else { existingSbiUdp.setFamilyId(newFamilyId); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Load an existing Udp and make modifications as per the exported udp in input * * @param exportedUdp the exported SbiUdp * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingUdpid the existing id * * @return the existing Udp modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiUdp modifyExisting(SbiUdp exportedUdp, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingUdpId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiUdp existingSbiUdp = null; try { existingSbiUdp = (SbiUdp) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiUdp.class, existingUdpId); existingSbiUdp.setDescription(exportedUdp.getDescription()); existingSbiUdp.setIsMultivalue(exportedUdp.isIsMultivalue()); existingSbiUdp.setLabel(exportedUdp.getLabel()); existingSbiUdp.setName(exportedUdp.getName()); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingSbiUdp; } /** * Load an existing Kpi Relation and make modifications as per the exported udp in input * * @param exportedKpiRel the exported SbiKpiRel * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingKpiRelId the existing id * * @return the existing SbiKpiRel modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiKpiRel modifyExisting(SbiKpiRel exportedKpiRel, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingKpiRelId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiKpiRel existingKpiRel = null; try { existingKpiRel = (SbiKpiRel) sessionCurrDB.load(KpiRel.class, existingKpiRelId); existingKpiRel.setParameter(exportedKpiRel.getParameter()); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingKpiRel; } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiUdpValue udp value object. * * @param SbiUdpValue udp value * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiUdpValue makeNew(SbiUdpValue udpValue, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiUdpValue newUdpValue = new SbiUdpValue(); try { newUdpValue.setBeginTs(udpValue.getBeginTs()); newUdpValue.setEndTs(udpValue.getEndTs()); newUdpValue.setFamily(udpValue.getFamily()); newUdpValue.setLabel(udpValue.getLabel()); newUdpValue.setName(udpValue.getName()); newUdpValue.setProg(udpValue.getProg()); newUdpValue.setFamily(udpValue.getFamily()); newUdpValue.setValue(udpValue.getValue()); // associations entitiesAssociations(udpValue, newUdpValue, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in creating new udp value with exported id " + newUdpValue.getUdpValueId()); } return newUdpValue; } /** * For SbiUdpValue search new Ids * * @param exportedSbiUdpValue the exported SbiUdpValue * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing SbiUdpValue modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiUdpValue exportedSbiUdpValue, SbiUdpValue existingSbiUdpValue, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // overwrite existing entities // udp id Map udpAss = metaAss.getUdpAssociation(); //original value of exported object != null if (exportedSbiUdpValue.getSbiUdp() != null) { Integer oldUdpId = exportedSbiUdpValue.getSbiUdp().getUdpId(); Integer newUdpId = (Integer) udpAss.get(oldUdpId); if (newUdpId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with udp id with id " + oldUdpId); existingSbiUdpValue.setSbiUdp(null); } else { SbiUdp newSbiUdp = (SbiUdp) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiUdp.class, newUdpId); existingSbiUdpValue.setSbiUdp(newSbiUdp); } } //checks family if (exportedSbiUdpValue.getFamily() != null && exportedSbiUdpValue.getFamily().equalsIgnoreCase("Kpi")) { // reference id Map kpiAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation(); if (exportedSbiUdpValue.getReferenceId() != null) { Integer oldReferenceId = exportedSbiUdpValue.getReferenceId(); Integer newReferenceId = (Integer) kpiAss.get(oldReferenceId); if (newReferenceId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with domain kpi reference Id with id " + exportedSbiUdpValue.getReferenceId()); existingSbiUdpValue.setReferenceId(null); } else { existingSbiUdpValue.setReferenceId(newReferenceId); } } } else if (exportedSbiUdpValue.getFamily() != null && exportedSbiUdpValue.getFamily().equalsIgnoreCase("Model")) { // reference id Map modelAss = metaAss.getModelIDAssociation(); if (exportedSbiUdpValue.getReferenceId() != null) { Integer oldReferenceId = exportedSbiUdpValue.getReferenceId(); Integer newReferenceId = (Integer) modelAss.get(oldReferenceId); if (newReferenceId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with domain model reference Id with id " + exportedSbiUdpValue.getReferenceId()); existingSbiUdpValue.setReferenceId(null); } else { existingSbiUdpValue.setReferenceId(newReferenceId); } } } logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Load an existing Udp value and make modifications as per the exported udp in input * * @param exportedUdp the exported SbiUdp * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingUdpid the existing id * * @return the existing SbiUdpValue modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiUdpValue modifyExisting(SbiUdpValue exportedUdpValue, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingUdpValueId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiUdpValue existingSbiUdpValue = null; try { existingSbiUdpValue = (SbiUdpValue) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiUdpValue.class, existingUdpValueId); existingSbiUdpValue.setBeginTs(exportedUdpValue.getBeginTs()); existingSbiUdpValue.setEndTs(exportedUdpValue.getEndTs()); existingSbiUdpValue.setFamily(exportedUdpValue.getFamily()); existingSbiUdpValue.setLabel(exportedUdpValue.getLabel()); existingSbiUdpValue.setName(exportedUdpValue.getName()); existingSbiUdpValue.setProg(exportedUdpValue.getProg()); existingSbiUdpValue.setFamily(exportedUdpValue.getFamily()); existingSbiUdpValue.setValue(exportedUdpValue.getValue()); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingSbiUdpValue; } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiOrgUnitGrant grant object. * * @param SbiOrgUnitGrant grant * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiOrgUnitGrant makeNew(SbiOrgUnitGrant grant, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiOrgUnitGrant newGrant = new SbiOrgUnitGrant(); try { newGrant.setDescription(grant.getDescription()); newGrant.setEndDate(grant.getEndDate()); newGrant.setLabel(grant.getLabel()); newGrant.setName(grant.getName()); newGrant.setStartDate(grant.getStartDate()); newGrant.setIsAvailable(true); // associations entitiesAssociations(grant, newGrant, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in creating new grant with exported id " + grant.getId()); } return newGrant; } /** * For SbiOrgUnitGrant search new Ids * * @param exportedSbiUdpValue the exported SbiOrgUnitGrant * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing SbiOrgUnitGrant modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiOrgUnitGrant exportedGrant, SbiOrgUnitGrant existingGrant, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // model instance id Map modInstAss = metaAss.getModelInstanceIDAssociation(); //original value of exported object != null if (exportedGrant.getSbiKpiModelInst() != null) { Integer oldMiId = exportedGrant.getSbiKpiModelInst().getKpiModelInst(); Integer newMiId = (Integer) modInstAss.get(oldMiId); if (newMiId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with modelinstance id with id " + oldMiId); } else { SbiKpiModelInst newSbiMi = (SbiKpiModelInst) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelInst.class, newMiId); existingGrant.setSbiKpiModelInst(newSbiMi); } } // hierarchy id Map ouHierAss = metaAss.getOuHierarchiesAssociation(); //original value of exported object != null if (exportedGrant.getSbiOrgUnitHierarchies() != null) { Integer oldHierId = exportedGrant.getSbiOrgUnitHierarchies().getId(); Integer newHierId = (Integer) ouHierAss.get(oldHierId); if (newHierId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with ou hierarchy id with id " + oldHierId); } else { SbiOrgUnitHierarchies newSbiHier = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) sessionCurrDB .load(SbiOrgUnitHierarchies.class, newHierId); existingGrant.setSbiOrgUnitHierarchies(newSbiHier); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Load an existing grant and make modifications as per the exported grant in input * * @param exportedGrant the exported grant * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing grant modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiOrgUnitGrant modifyExisting(SbiOrgUnitGrant exportedGrant, Session sessionCurrDB, Integer existingId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiOrgUnitGrant existingGrant = null; try { // update Grant existingGrant = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiOrgUnitGrant.class, existingId); existingGrant.setDescription(exportedGrant.getDescription()); existingGrant.setEndDate(exportedGrant.getEndDate()); existingGrant.setLabel(exportedGrant.getLabel()); existingGrant.setName(exportedGrant.getName()); existingGrant.setStartDate(exportedGrant.getStartDate()); existingGrant.setIsAvailable(true); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingGrant; } /** * Creates a new hibernate SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes grant node object. * * @param SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes grant node * * @return the new hibernate parameter object */ public static SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes makeNew(SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes grantNode, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) { logger.debug("IN"); SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes newGrantNode = new SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes(); try { SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId id = new SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId(); // associations entitiesAssociations(id, grantNode, newGrantNode, sessionCurrDB, metaAss, importer); logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Error in creating new grant node with exported grant id " + grantNode.getId().getGrantId()); } return newGrantNode; } /** * For SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes search new Ids * * @param exportedGrantNode the exported SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * * @return the existing SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static void entitiesAssociations(SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId id, SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes exportedGrantNode, SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes existingGrantNode, Session sessionCurrDB, MetadataAssociations metaAss, ImporterMetadata importer) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); // model instance id Map modInstAss = metaAss.getModelInstanceIDAssociation(); //original value of exported object != null if (exportedGrantNode.getSbiKpiModelInst() != null) { Integer oldMiId = exportedGrantNode.getSbiKpiModelInst().getKpiModelInst(); Integer newMiId = (Integer) modInstAss.get(oldMiId); if (newMiId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with modelinstance id with id " + oldMiId); } else { SbiKpiModelInst newSbiMi = (SbiKpiModelInst) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiKpiModelInst.class, newMiId); exportedGrantNode.setSbiKpiModelInst(newSbiMi); id.setKpiModelInstNodeId(newSbiMi.getKpiModelInst()); } } // grant id Map grantAss = metaAss.getOuGrantAssociation(); //original value of exported object != null if (exportedGrantNode.getSbiOrgUnitGrant() != null) { Integer oldGrantId = exportedGrantNode.getSbiOrgUnitGrant().getId(); Integer newGrantId = (Integer) grantAss.get(oldGrantId); if (newGrantId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with grant id with id " + oldGrantId); } else { SbiOrgUnitGrant newSbiGrant = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiOrgUnitGrant.class, newGrantId); exportedGrantNode.setSbiOrgUnitGrant(newSbiGrant); id.setGrantId(newSbiGrant.getId()); } } // node id Map nodeAss = metaAss.getOuNodeAssociation(); //original value of exported object != null if (exportedGrantNode.getSbiOrgUnitNodes() != null) { Integer oldNodeId = exportedGrantNode.getSbiOrgUnitNodes().getNodeId(); Integer newNodeId = (Integer) nodeAss.get(oldNodeId); if (newNodeId == null) { logger.error("could not find association with node id with id " + oldNodeId); } else { SbiOrgUnitNodes newSbiNode = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiOrgUnitNodes.class, newNodeId); exportedGrantNode.setSbiOrgUnitNodes(newSbiNode); id.setNodeId(newSbiNode.getNodeId()); } } existingGrantNode.setId(id); logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Load an existing grant node and make modifications as per the exported grant node in input * * @param exportedGrantNode the exported grant node * @param sessionCurrDB the session curr db * @param existingId the existing id * * @return the existing grant modified as per the exported parameter in input * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public static SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes modifyExisting(SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes exportedGrantNode, Session sessionCurrDB, SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId existingId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes existingGrantNode = null; try { // update Grant node existingGrantNode = (SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes.class, existingId); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return existingGrantNode; } public static List<String> retrieveLovMetadataById(SbiLov sbiLov) { logger.debug("IN"); // ma pcontaining lovs metadata; isnerted as lov label: then a vector of metadata with name and type List<String> lovsMetadata = new ArrayList<String>(); // String hql = "from SbiLov lov where lovId = "+lovId; // Query hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql); // SbiLov sbiLov = (SbiLov)hqlQuery.uniqueResult(); // // GET METADATA String dataDefinition = sbiLov.getLovProvider().trim(); try { SourceBean source = SourceBean.fromXMLString(dataDefinition); SourceBean visCol = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("VISIBLE-COLUMNS"); SourceBean invisCol = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("INVISIBLE-COLUMNS"); String visibleColumns = visCol.getCharacters(); String invisibleColumns = visCol.getCharacters(); if ((visibleColumns != null) && !visibleColumns.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { String[] visColArr = visibleColumns.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < visColArr.length; i++) { lovsMetadata.add(visColArr[i]); } } List invisColNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if ((invisibleColumns != null) && !invisibleColumns.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { String[] invisColArr = invisibleColumns.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < invisColArr.length; i++) { lovsMetadata.add(invisColArr[i]); } } logger.debug("insert metadata for lov with label " + sbiLov.getLabel()); } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("Error in reading XML of metadata for LOV with label " + sbiLov.getLabel() + "; metadata wil be put to null"); } logger.debug("OUT"); return lovsMetadata; } }