Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package it.eng.spagobi.mapcatalogue.service; import it.eng.spago.base.RequestContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.ResponseContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SessionContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException; import it.eng.spago.dispatching.module.AbstractHttpModule; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorHandler; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFInternalError; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError; import; import it.eng.spago.tracing.TracerSingleton; import it.eng.spago.validation.EMFValidationError; import it.eng.spago.validation.coordinator.ValidationCoordinator; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.AdmintoolsConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.AuditLogUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.GeneralUtilities; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.mapcatalogue.dao.ISbiGeoFeaturesDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.mapcatalogue.dao.ISbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.mapcatalogue.dao.ISbiGeoMapsDAO; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Spago Module which executes the map producing request */ public class DetailMapModule extends AbstractHttpModule { public static final String MODULE_PAGE = "DetailMapPage"; public static final String MOD_SAVE = "SAVE"; public static final String MOD_SAVEBACK = "SAVEBACK"; public static final String MOD_NO_SAVE = "NO_SAVE"; public static final String MOD_GET_TAB_DETAIL = "GET_TAB_DETAIL"; public static final String MOD_DEL_MAP_FEATURE = "DEL_MAP_FEATURE"; public static final String MOD_RETURN_FROM_LOOKUP = "RETURN_FROM_LOOKUP"; public static final String MOD_DOWNLOAD_MAP = "DOWNLOAD_MAP"; static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DetailMapModule.class); private String modalita = ""; private byte[] content = null; /** * Method called automatically by Spago framework when the action is invoked. * The method search into the request two parameters * <ul> * <li>message: a message which contains the type of the request</li> * </ul> * * @param serviceRequest the Spago request SourceBean * @param serviceResponse the Spago response SourceBean * * @throws Exception the exception */ public void service(SourceBean serviceRequest, SourceBean serviceResponse) throws Exception { EMFErrorHandler errorHandler = getErrorHandler(); // if(ChannelUtilities.isPortletRunning()){ // if(PortletUtilities.isMultipartRequest()) { // serviceRequest = ChannelUtilities.getSpagoRequestFromMultipart(); // fillRequestContainer(serviceRequest, errorHandler); // } // } String message = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("MESSAGEDET"); TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "begin of detail Map modify/visualization service with message =" + message); try { if (message == null) { EMFUserError userError = new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 101); TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The message parameter is null"); throw userError; } if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_INS) || message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD)) { ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "DetailMapPost", this); } if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_SELECT)) { getDetailMap(serviceRequest, serviceResponse); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD)) { modDetailMap(serviceRequest, SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD, serviceResponse); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_NEW)) { newDetailMap(serviceResponse); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_INS)) { modDetailMap(serviceRequest, SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_INS, serviceResponse); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_DEL)) { delDetailMap(serviceRequest, SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_DEL, serviceResponse); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_DEL_MAP_FEATURE)) { delRelMapFeature(serviceRequest, serviceResponse); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_RETURN_FROM_LOOKUP)) { insRelMapFeature(serviceRequest, serviceResponse); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_DOWNLOAD_MAP)) { downloadFile(serviceRequest); } } catch (EMFUserError eex) { errorHandler.addError(eex); return; } catch (Exception ex) { EMFInternalError internalError = new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, ex); errorHandler.addError(internalError); return; } } /** * sends an error message to the client * @param out The servlet output stream */ private void sendError(ServletOutputStream out) { try { out.write("<html>".getBytes()); out.write("<body>".getBytes()); out.write("<br/><br/><center><h2><span style=\"color:red;\">Unable to produce map</span></h2></center>" .getBytes()); out.write("</body>".getBytes()); out.write("</html>".getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "GeoAction :: sendError : " + "Unable to write into output stream ", e); } } /** * Gets the detail of an map choosed by the user from the * maps list. It reaches the key from the request and asks to the DB all detail * map information, by calling the method <code>loadMapByID</code>. * * @param key The choosed map id key * @param response The response Source Bean * @throws EMFUserError If an exception occurs */ private void getDetailMap(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError { try { GeoMap map = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO() .loadMapByID(new Integer((String) request.getAttribute("ID"))); getTabDetails(request, response); this.modalita = SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD; if (request.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET") != null && ((String) request.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET")).equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_SAVEBACK)) { response.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); return; } response.setAttribute("modality", modalita); response.setAttribute("mapObj", map); } catch (Exception ex) { TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "Cannot fill response container" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListMapsModule.MODULE_PAGE); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 5011, new Vector(), params); } } /** * Inserts/Modifies the detail of an map according to the user request. * When a map is modified, the <code>modifyMap</code> method is called; when a new * map is added, the <code>insertMap</code>method is called. These two cases are * differentiated by the <code>mod</code> String input value . * * @param request The request information contained in a SourceBean Object * @param mod A request string used to differentiate insert/modify operations * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError If an exception occurs * @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean exception occurs */ private void modDetailMap(SourceBean serviceRequest, String mod, SourceBean serviceResponse) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { RequestContainer requestContainer = this.getRequestContainer(); ResponseContainer responseContainer = this.getResponseContainer(); SessionContainer session = requestContainer.getSessionContainer(); SessionContainer permanentSession = session.getPermanentContainer(); IEngUserProfile profile = (IEngUserProfile) permanentSession.getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE); try { ISbiGeoMapsDAO daoGeoMaps = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO(); daoGeoMaps.setUserProfile(profile); GeoMap mapNew = recoverMapDetails(serviceRequest); HashMap<String, String> logParam = new HashMap(); logParam.put("MAP_NAME", mapNew.getName()); EMFErrorHandler errorHandler = getErrorHandler(); // if there are some validation errors into the errorHandler does not write into DB Collection errors = errorHandler.getErrors(); if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) { Iterator iterator = errors.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object error =; if (error instanceof EMFValidationError) { serviceResponse.setAttribute("mapObj", mapNew); serviceResponse.setAttribute("modality", mod); if (mod.equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_INS)) { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD", logParam, "KO"); } else { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.MODIFY", logParam, "KO"); } return; } } } if (mod.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_INS)) { //if a map with the same name not exists on db ok else error if (daoGeoMaps.loadMapByName(mapNew.getName()) != null) { HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListMapsModule.MODULE_PAGE); EMFUserError error = new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 5005, new Vector(), params); getErrorHandler().addError(error); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD", logParam, "ERR"); return; } /* The activity INSERT consists in: * - insert a map (SBI_GEO_MAPS), * - insert of the features (SBI_GEO_FEATURES) through the method 'loadUpdateMapFeatures' * - insert of the relations (SBI_GEO_MAP_FEATURES) through the method 'loadUpdateMapFeatures' * (all objects are had taken from the template file) */ //DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO().insertMap(mapNew); daoGeoMaps.insertMap(mapNew, content); loadUpdateMapFeatures(mapNew, profile); GeoMap tmpMap = daoGeoMaps.loadMapByName(mapNew.getName()); mapNew.setMapId(tmpMap.getMapId()); mapNew.setBinId(tmpMap.getBinId()); serviceResponse.setAttribute("mapObj", mapNew); serviceResponse.setAttribute("modality", SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD); getTabDetails(serviceRequest, serviceResponse); if (((String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET")).equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_SAVEBACK)) { serviceResponse.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD", logParam, "OK"); return; } AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD", logParam, "OK"); return; } else { /* The activity UPDATE consists in: * - update of a map (SBI_GEO_MAPS), * - update of the relations (SBI_GEO_MAP_FEATURES) through the method 'loadUpdateMapFeatures', eventually if * there are new features those will be inserted. * (all objects had taken from the template file) */ //if content is null is because the user has modified the detail of map but not the content file (not upload) if (content == null) { content = DAOFactory.getBinContentDAO().getBinContent(new Integer(mapNew.getBinId())); } List lstOldFeatures = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO() .loadFeaturesByMapId(new Integer(mapNew.getMapId())); //update map daoGeoMaps.modifyMap(mapNew, content); //update features List lstNewFeatures = loadUpdateMapFeatures(mapNew, profile); logger.debug("Loaded " + lstNewFeatures.size() + " features form svg file."); // If in the new file svg there aren't more some feature, the user can choose if erase theme relations or not. List lstFeaturesDel = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < lstOldFeatures.size(); i++) { if (!(lstNewFeatures.contains(((GeoFeature) lstOldFeatures.get(i)).getName()))) lstFeaturesDel.add(((GeoFeature) lstOldFeatures.get(i)).getName()); } if (lstFeaturesDel.size() > 0) { serviceResponse.setAttribute("lstFeaturesOld", lstFeaturesDel); serviceResponse.setAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET", ((String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET"))); getTabDetails(serviceRequest, serviceResponse); serviceResponse.setAttribute("modality", mod); serviceResponse.setAttribute("mapObj", mapNew); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.MODIFY", logParam, "OK"); return; } } if (serviceRequest.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET") != null && ((String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET")).equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_SAVE)) { getTabDetails(serviceRequest, serviceResponse); serviceResponse.setAttribute("modality", mod); serviceResponse.setAttribute("mapObj", mapNew); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD/MODIFY", logParam, "OK"); return; } else if (serviceRequest.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET") != null && ((String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET")).equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_SAVEBACK)) { serviceResponse.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD/MODIFY", logParam, "OK"); return; } } catch (EMFUserError e) { try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD/MODIFY", null, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } logger.error("Error while saving catalogue map: " + e.getMessage()); HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListMapsModule.MODULE_PAGE); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, e.getDescription(), new Vector(), params); } catch (Exception ex) { try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.MODIFY", null, "KO"); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "Cannot fill response container" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } } /** * Deletes a map choosed by user from the maps list. * * @param request The request SourceBean * @param mod A request string used to differentiate delete operation * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurs * @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean Exception occurs */ private void delDetailMap(SourceBean request, String mod, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { RequestContainer reqCont = getRequestContainer(); SessionContainer sessCont = reqCont.getSessionContainer(); SessionContainer permSess = sessCont.getPermanentContainer(); IEngUserProfile profile = (IEngUserProfile) permSess.getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE); HashMap<String, String> logParam = new HashMap(); try { String id = (String) request.getAttribute("ID"); // if the map is associated with any BIFeautures, delete before this associations and then delete the map List lstMapFeatures = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO().loadFeaturesByMapId(new Integer(id)); if (lstMapFeatures != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lstMapFeatures.size(); i++) { int featureId = ((GeoFeature) lstMapFeatures.get(i)).getFeatureId(); GeoMapFeature tmpMapFeature = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO() .loadMapFeatures(new Integer(id), new Integer(featureId)); DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO().eraseMapFeatures(tmpMapFeature); } } //delete the map GeoMap map = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO().loadMapByID(new Integer(id)); logParam.put("MAP_NAME", map.getName()); DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO().eraseMap(map); } catch (EMFUserError e) { try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.DELETE", logParam, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListMapsModule.MODULE_PAGE); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 5010, new Vector(), params); } catch (Exception ex) { try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.DELETE", logParam, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } ex.printStackTrace(); TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "Cannot fill response container" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } response.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.DELETE", logParam, "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Inserts a relation between the map and the feature selected * * @param request The request SourceBean * @param mod A request string used to differentiate delete operation * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurs * @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean Exception occurs */ private void insRelMapFeature(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { RequestContainer reqCont = getRequestContainer(); SessionContainer sessCont = reqCont.getSessionContainer(); SessionContainer permSess = sessCont.getPermanentContainer(); IEngUserProfile profile = (IEngUserProfile) permSess.getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE); HashMap<String, String> logParam = new HashMap(); try { ISbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO dao = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO(); dao.setUserProfile(profile); String mapId = (String) request.getAttribute("MAP_ID"); String featureId = (String) request.getAttribute("FEATURE_ID"); GeoMap map = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO().loadMapByID(new Integer(mapId)); EMFErrorHandler errorHandler = getErrorHandler(); logParam.put("MAP_NAME", map.getName()); // if there are some validation errors into the errorHandler does not write into DB Collection errors = errorHandler.getErrors(); if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) { Iterator iterator = errors.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object error =; if (error instanceof EMFValidationError) { response.setAttribute("mapObj", map); response.setAttribute("modality", SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.MODIFY", logParam, "KO"); return; } } } //inserts the relation GeoMapFeature mapFeature = dao.loadMapFeatures(new Integer(mapId), new Integer(featureId)); if (mapFeature == null) { mapFeature = new GeoMapFeature(); mapFeature.setMapId(new Integer(mapId).intValue()); mapFeature.setFeatureId(new Integer(featureId).intValue()); mapFeature.setSvgGroup(null); mapFeature.setVisibleFlag(null); dao.insertMapFeatures(mapFeature); } //create a List of features List lstAllFeatures = dao.loadFeatureNamesByMapId(new Integer(map.getMapId())); List lstMapFeatures = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < lstAllFeatures.size(); i++) { GeoFeature aFeature = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoFeaturesDAO() .loadFeatureByName((String) lstAllFeatures.get(i)); lstMapFeatures.add(aFeature); //for the first time sets selectedFeatureId with the first feature if (i == 0) featureId = String.valueOf(aFeature.getFeatureId()); } response.setAttribute("lstMapFeatures", lstMapFeatures); response.setAttribute("selectedFeatureId", featureId); response.setAttribute("mapObj", map); response.setAttribute("modality", SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.MODIFY", logParam, "OK"); } catch (EMFUserError e) { try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.MODIFY", logParam, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListMapsModule.MODULE_PAGE); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 5027, new Vector(), params); } catch (Exception ex) { try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.MODIFY", null, "KO"); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } ex.printStackTrace(); TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "Cannot fill response container" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } } /** * Instantiates a new <code>map<code> object when a new map insertion is required, in order * to prepare the page for the insertion. * * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurred */ private void newDetailMap(SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError { try { GeoMap map = null; this.modalita = SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_INS; response.setAttribute("modality", modalita); map = new GeoMap(); map.setMapId(-1); map.setDescr(""); map.setName(""); map.setFormat(""); map.setBinId(-1); response.setAttribute("mapObj", map); } catch (Exception ex) { TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "Cannot prepare page for the insertion" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } } private GeoMap recoverMapDetails(SourceBean serviceRequest) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException, IOException { GeoMap map = new GeoMap(); String idStr = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("ID"); Integer id = new Integer(idStr); String description = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("DESCR"); String name = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("NAME"); String format = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("FORMAT"); Integer binId = new Integer((String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("BIN_ID")); map.setMapId(id.intValue()); map.setName(name); map.setDescr(description); map.setFormat(format); map.setBinId(binId); //gets the file eventually uploaded and sets the content variable FileItem uploaded = (FileItem) serviceRequest.getAttribute("UPLOADED_FILE"); String fileName = null; if (uploaded != null) { fileName = GeneralUtilities.getRelativeFileNames(uploaded.getName()); if (uploaded.getSize() == 0 && ((String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("MESSAGEDET")).equals("DETAIL_INS")) { EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "uploadFile", "201"); getErrorHandler().addError(error); return map; } int maxSize = GeneralUtilities.getTemplateMaxSize(); if (uploaded.getSize() > maxSize && ((String) serviceRequest.getAttribute("MESSAGEDET")).equals("DETAIL_INS")) { EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "uploadFile", "202"); getErrorHandler().addError(error); return map; } if (uploaded.getSize() > 0) { try { content = uploaded.get(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return map; } private List loadUpdateMapFeatures(GeoMap mapNew, IEngUserProfile profile) throws EMFUserError, Exception { try { // through the content of a map, gets and opens the svg file and inserts a feature for every tag <g> GeoFeature feature = null; List lstHashFeatures = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO().getFeaturesFromSVG(content); List lstFeatures = new ArrayList(); int mapId; int featureId; for (int i = 0; i < lstHashFeatures.size(); i++) { HashMap hFeature = (HashMap) lstHashFeatures.get(i); //checks if a feature with the same name yet exists in db //NB: the field "id" of hashmap [hFeature] contains the name of the feature) feature = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoFeaturesDAO().loadFeatureByName((String) hFeature.get("id")); if (feature == null || feature.getFeatureId() == 0) { feature = new GeoFeature(); feature.setName((String) hFeature.get("id")); feature.setDescr((String) hFeature.get("descr")); feature.setType((String) hFeature.get("type")); ISbiGeoFeaturesDAO dao = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoFeaturesDAO(); dao.setUserProfile(profile); dao.insertFeature(feature); } lstFeatures.add(feature.getName()); // for every map/feature inserts a row in join table (SBI_GEO_MAP_FEATURES) //gets map_id mapId = mapNew.getMapId(); if (mapId == -1) mapId = ((GeoMap) DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapsDAO().loadMapByName(mapNew.getName())).getMapId(); //gets feature id if (feature.getFeatureId() == 0) feature = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoFeaturesDAO().loadFeatureByName((String) hFeature.get("id")); featureId = feature.getFeatureId(); //gets relation GeoMapFeature mapFeature = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO().loadMapFeatures(new Integer(mapId), new Integer(featureId)); if (mapFeature == null) { mapFeature = new GeoMapFeature(); mapFeature.setMapId(mapId); mapFeature.setFeatureId(featureId); mapFeature.setSvgGroup(null); mapFeature.setVisibleFlag(null); ISbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO dao = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO(); dao.setUserProfile(profile); dao.insertMapFeatures(mapFeature); } } //for return lstFeatures; } catch (EMFUserError eu) { throw new EMFUserError(eu); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 5009); } } /** * Gets and create a list of feature associated at the map. * (for tab visualization) and puts them into response * @param request The response Source Bean * @param response The response Source Bean * @throws EMFUserError If an exception occurs */ private void getTabDetails(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError { RequestContainer reqCont = getRequestContainer(); SessionContainer sessCont = reqCont.getSessionContainer(); SessionContainer permSess = sessCont.getPermanentContainer(); IEngUserProfile profile = (IEngUserProfile) permSess.getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE); try { //create a List of features for tabs features String mapId = (String) request.getAttribute("ID"); if (mapId == null || mapId.equals("-1")) mapId = String.valueOf(((GeoMap) response.getAttribute("mapObj")).getMapId()); String selectedFeatureId = (request.getAttribute("selectedFeatureId") == null) ? "-1" : (String) request.getAttribute("selectedFeatureId"); List lstAllFeatures = new ArrayList(); lstAllFeatures = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO().loadFeatureNamesByMapId(new Integer(mapId)); List lstMapFeatures = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < lstAllFeatures.size(); i++) { GeoFeature aFeature = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoFeaturesDAO() .loadFeatureByName((String) lstAllFeatures.get(i)); lstMapFeatures.add(aFeature); } if ((selectedFeatureId == null || selectedFeatureId.equals("-1")) && lstMapFeatures.size() > 0) selectedFeatureId = String.valueOf(((GeoFeature) lstMapFeatures.get(0)).getFeatureId()); response.setAttribute("lstMapFeatures", lstMapFeatures); response.setAttribute("selectedFeatureId", selectedFeatureId); } catch (Exception ex) { try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "MAP_CATALOG.ADD", null, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "Cannot fill response container" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListMapsModule.MODULE_PAGE); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 5011, new Vector(), params); } } /** * Deletes relations between maps and features * @param request The response Source Bean * @param response The response Source Bean * @throws EMFUserError If an exception occurs */ private void delRelMapFeature(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError { try { //gets list of features for delete String oldFeatures = (String) request.getAttribute("lstFeaturesOld"); if (oldFeatures == null || oldFeatures.equals("")) oldFeatures = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoFeaturesDAO() .loadFeatureByID(new Integer((String) request.getAttribute("selectedFeatureId"))).getName(); oldFeatures = oldFeatures.replace("[", ""); oldFeatures = oldFeatures.replace("]", ""); String[] lstOldFeatures = oldFeatures.split(","); if (lstOldFeatures != null) { String mapId = (String) request.getAttribute("id"); for (int i = 0; i < lstOldFeatures.length; i++) { GeoFeature aFeature = DAOFactory.getSbiGeoFeaturesDAO() .loadFeatureByName(((String) lstOldFeatures[i]).trim()); GeoMapFeature aMapFeature = (GeoMapFeature) DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO() .loadMapFeatures(new Integer(mapId), new Integer(aFeature.getFeatureId())); DAOFactory.getSbiGeoMapFeaturesDAO().eraseMapFeatures(aMapFeature); } } if (((String) request.getAttribute("SUBMESSAGEDET")).equalsIgnoreCase(MOD_SAVEBACK)) { response.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); return; } else { request.delAttribute("selectedFeatureId"); request.setAttribute("selectedFeatureId", "-1"); getDetailMap(request, response); } } catch (Exception ex) { TracerSingleton.log(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "Cannot fill response container" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListMapsModule.MODULE_PAGE); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 5011, new Vector(), params); } } /** * Handle a download request of a map file. Reads the file, sends it as an http response attachment. * and in the end deletes the file. * @param request the http request * @param response the http response */ private void downloadFile(SourceBean request) throws EMFUserError, EMFInternalError { String binId = (String) request.getAttribute("BIN_ID"); //download file try { if (binId == null || binId.equals("0")) { logger.error("Cannot get content file. The identifier is null."); HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, DetailMapModule.MODULE_PAGE); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "5030", new Vector(), params, "component_mapcatalogue_messages"); } else { freezeHttpResponse(); //HttpServletRequest request = getHttpRequest(); HttpServletResponse response = getHttpResponse(); if (content == null) { content = DAOFactory.getBinContentDAO().getBinContent(new Integer(binId)); } String fileName = "map.svg"; response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\";"); response.setContentLength(content.length); response.getOutputStream().write(content); response.getOutputStream().flush(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("Cannot flush response" + ioe); } } }