Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package it.eng.spagobi.kpi.utils; /** * SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform * * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2011 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * **/ import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.GeneralUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUID; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUIDGenerator; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; //TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class BasicTemplateBuilder. * * @author Giulio Gavardi */ public class BasicTemplateBuilder { private static transient org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BasicTemplateBuilder.class); private KpiLineVisibilityOptions options = new KpiLineVisibilityOptions(); static String staticTextNameS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"210\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " key=\"staticText-1\" />" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement> " + " <font size=\"8\" />" + " </textElement>" + " <text><![CDATA[KPI1]]></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String staticTextNumberS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"235\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"35\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " key=\"staticText-2\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement textAlignment=\"Right\" >" + " <font size=\"8\" isBold=\"true\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String staticTextWeightS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"284\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"17\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " key=\"staticText-2\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement textAlignment=\"Right\">" + " <font size=\"6\" isBold=\"false\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String imageS = "<image evaluationTime=\"Now\" hyperlinkType=\"None\" hyperlinkTarget=\"Self\" >" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"310\"" + " y=\"35\"" + " width=\"130\"" + " height=\"11\"" + " key=\"image-1\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " <imageExpression class=\"\"></imageExpression>" + " </image>"; static String resourceBandS = "<rectangle>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"535\"" + " height=\"14\"" + " forecolor=\"#FFFFFF\"" + " backcolor=\"#5B6C7C\"" + " key=\"rectangle-2\"/>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " </rectangle>"; static String resourceNameS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"6\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"120\"" + " height=\"14\"" + " forecolor=\"#FFFFFF\"" + " key=\"staticText-3\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement verticalAlignment=\"Middle\" >" + " <font size=\"10\" isBold=\"true\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text><![CDATA[risorsa]]></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String columnHeaderBandS = "<rectangle>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"535\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " forecolor=\"#FFFFFF\"" + " backcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"" + " key=\"rectangle-2\"/>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " </rectangle>"; static String columnModelHeaderS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"6\"" + " y=\"15\"" + " width=\"93\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " forecolor=\"#000000\"" + " key=\"staticText-4\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement verticalAlignment=\"Middle\">" + " <font pdfFontName=\"Helvetica-Bold\" size=\"8\" isBold=\"true\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text><![CDATA[MODEL]]></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String columnKPIHeaderS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"158\"" + " y=\"15\"" + " width=\"120\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " forecolor=\"#000000\"" + " isPrintWhenDetailOverflows=\"true\"" + " key=\"staticText-5\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement textAlignment=\"Right\" verticalAlignment=\"Middle\">" + " <font pdfFontName=\"Helvetica-Bold\" size=\"8\" isBold=\"true\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text><![CDATA[KPI VALUE]]></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String columnWeightHeaderS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"285\"" + " y=\"15\"" + " width=\"53\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " forecolor=\"#000000\"" + " isPrintWhenDetailOverflows=\"true\"" + " key=\"staticText-6\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement verticalAlignment=\"Middle\">" + " <font pdfFontName=\"Helvetica-Bold\" size=\"8\" isBold=\"true\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text><![CDATA[WEIGHT]]></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String columnThresholdHeaderS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"436\"" + " y=\"15\"" + " width=\"97\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " forecolor=\"#000000\"" + " key=\"staticText-7\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement textAlignment=\"Center\" verticalAlignment=\"Middle\">" + " <font pdfFontName=\"Helvetica-Bold\" size=\"8\" isBold=\"true\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text><![CDATA[THRESHOLD RANGE]]></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String thresholdCodeS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"446\"" + " y=\"15\"" + " width=\"72\"" + " height=\"8\"" + " key=\"staticText-8\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement textAlignment=\"Right\" verticalAlignment=\"Middle\">" + " <font size=\"6\" />" + " </textElement>" + " <text></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String thresholdValueS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"446\"" + " y=\"47\"" + " width=\"72\"" + " height=\"8\"" + " key=\"staticText-9\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement textAlignment=\"Right\" verticalAlignment=\"Middle\">" + " <font size=\"6\" />" + " </textElement>" + " <text></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String semaphorS = "<rectangle>" + " <reportElement" + " mode=\"Opaque\"" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"7\"" + " height=\"7\"" + " forecolor=\"#FFFFFF\"" + " backcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"" + " key=\"rectangle-1\"/>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " </rectangle>"; static String oddLineSeparator = "<line>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"103\"" + " width=\"535\"" + " height=\"0\"" + " forecolor=\"#666666\"" + " key=\"line-1\"/>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " </line>"; static String evenLineSeparator = "<line>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"103\"" + " width=\"535\"" + " height=\"0\"" + " forecolor=\"#990000\"" + " key=\"line-1\"/>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " </line>"; static String thresholdBandS = "<rectangle>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"535\"" + " height=\"14\"" + " forecolor=\"#FFFFFF\"" + " backcolor=\"#009999\"" + " key=\"rectangle-2\"/>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " </rectangle>"; static String thresholdTitleS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"6\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"120\"" + " height=\"14\"" + " forecolor=\"#FFFFFF\"" + " key=\"staticText-3\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement verticalAlignment=\"Middle\" >" + " <font size=\"10\" isBold=\"true\"/>" + " </textElement>" + " <text><![CDATA[THRESHOLD DETAILS]]></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String thresholdTextCodeS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"95\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " forecolor=\"#000000\"" + " key=\"staticText-15\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement verticalAlignment=\"Middle\" textAlignment=\"Left\" >" + " <font size=\"8\" />" + " </textElement>" + " <text></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String thresholdValuesCodeS = "<staticText>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"90\"" + " height=\"12\"" + " key=\"staticText-15\"/>" + " <box></box>" + " <textElement verticalAlignment=\"Middle\" textAlignment=\"Left\" >" + " <font size=\"8\" />" + " </textElement>" + " <text></text>" + " </staticText>"; static String thresholdLineSeparatorS = "<line>" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"103\"" + " width=\"535\"" + " height=\"0\"" + " forecolor=\"#000099\"" + " key=\"line-1\"/>" + " <graphicElement stretchType=\"NoStretch\"/>" + " </line>"; static String subReportS = "<subreport isUsingCache=\"true\">" + " <reportElement" + " x=\"0\"" + " y=\"0\"" + " width=\"535\"" + " height=\"6\"" + " key=\"subreport-1\"/>" + " <connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression>" + " <subreportExpression class=\"java.lang.String\"></subreportExpression>" + " </subreport>"; SourceBean staticTextName = null; SourceBean staticTextNumber = null; SourceBean staticTextWeightNumber = null; SourceBean image = null; SourceBean resourceBand = null; SourceBean resourceName = null; SourceBean semaphor = null; SourceBean oddLineS = null; SourceBean evenLineS = null; SourceBean columnHeaderBand = null; SourceBean columnModelHeader = null; SourceBean columnKPIHeader = null; SourceBean columnWeightHeader = null; SourceBean columnThresholdHeader = null; SourceBean thresholdCode = null; SourceBean thresholdValue = null; SourceBean thresholdBand = null; SourceBean thresholdTitle = null; SourceBean thresholdLineSeparator = null; SourceBean thresholdTextCode = null; SourceBean thresholdTextValue = null; SourceBean subReport = null; String documentName = null; List thresholdsList = new ArrayList(); // margin left of text in summary band final Integer xStarter = new Integer(0); // indentation value final Integer xIncrease = new Integer(5); // margin up of text in summary bend final Integer yStarter = new Integer(5); // Height of the gray band with the resource name final Integer resourceBandHeight = new Integer(14); // Height of a value row final Integer valueHeight = new Integer(20); // height between lines final Integer separatorHeight = new Integer(1); // height between lines final Integer separatorModelsHeight = new Integer(10); // width between elements final Integer separatorWidth = new Integer(5); // Width of text label with code - name final Integer textWidth = new Integer(280); // width of text label with numbers final Integer numbersWidth = new Integer(50); // width of the semaphor final Integer semaphorWidth = new Integer(10); // width of the title band final Integer titleHeight = new Integer(50); // height of the column header band final Integer columnHeaderHeight = new Integer(14); // height of the column header band final Integer thresholdFieldWidth = new Integer(92); final Integer thresholdSemaphoreWidth = new Integer(10); // height of the column header band final Integer thresholdFieldSeparatorWidth = new Integer(10); // height of the column header band Integer maxFirstSubTemplateHeight = new Integer(745); final Integer maxSubTemplateHeight = new Integer(760); final Integer subreportHeight = new Integer(8); final Integer maxSubTemplateWIdtht = new Integer(530); int countSubreports = 0; Integer masterHeight = new Integer(10); // counting the actual height of the report Integer actualHeight = new Integer(0); // counting the actual height of the detail band of master report Integer detailMasterHeight = new Integer(0); // Map for the name resolution of upper case tag names //Map nameResolution=new Map<String>(); List nameResolution = new ArrayList(); List resources; InputSource inputSource; //public SourceBean templateBaseContent=null; public SourceBean detailMaster = null; //public SourceBean bandDetailReport=null; public SourceBean detailBandMaster = null; public List subreports = new ArrayList(); public SourceBean subTemplateBaseContent = null; SourceBean subtitleSB = null; SourceBean bandDetailReport = null; SourceBean subSummarySB = null; SourceBean bandSummaryReport = null; public BasicTemplateBuilder(String documentName) { super(); this.documentName = documentName; } /* Build the template * @see it.eng.qbe.export.ITemplateBuilder#buildTemplate() */ public List buildTemplate(List resources) { logger.debug("IN"); // name resolution for upper cases tag nameResolution(); // Create Source Bean of template of template String templateStr = getTemplateTemplate(); SourceBean templateBaseContent = null; List toReturn = new ArrayList(); String finalTemplate = ""; logger.debug("Recovered template START "); logger.debug(templateStr); logger.debug("Recovered template END "); if (templateStr != null) { try { templateBaseContent = SourceBean.fromXMLString(templateStr); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in converting template of template into a SOurce Bean, check the XML code"); } try { staticTextName = SourceBean.fromXMLString(staticTextNameS); // this is for text staticTextNumber = SourceBean.fromXMLString(staticTextNumberS); staticTextWeightNumber = SourceBean.fromXMLString(staticTextWeightS); image = SourceBean.fromXMLString(imageS); resourceBand = SourceBean.fromXMLString(resourceBandS); resourceName = SourceBean.fromXMLString(resourceNameS); semaphor = SourceBean.fromXMLString(semaphorS); evenLineS = SourceBean.fromXMLString(evenLineSeparator); oddLineS = SourceBean.fromXMLString(oddLineSeparator); columnHeaderBand = SourceBean.fromXMLString(columnHeaderBandS); columnModelHeader = SourceBean.fromXMLString(columnModelHeaderS); columnKPIHeader = SourceBean.fromXMLString(columnKPIHeaderS); columnWeightHeader = SourceBean.fromXMLString(columnWeightHeaderS); columnThresholdHeader = SourceBean.fromXMLString(columnThresholdHeaderS); thresholdCode = SourceBean.fromXMLString(thresholdCodeS); thresholdValue = SourceBean.fromXMLString(thresholdValueS); thresholdBand = SourceBean.fromXMLString(thresholdBandS); thresholdTitle = SourceBean.fromXMLString(thresholdTitleS); thresholdTextValue = SourceBean.fromXMLString(thresholdValuesCodeS); thresholdTextCode = SourceBean.fromXMLString(thresholdTextCodeS); thresholdLineSeparator = SourceBean.fromXMLString(thresholdLineSeparatorS); subReport = SourceBean.fromXMLString(subReportS); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in converting static elemnts into Source Beans, check the XML code"); } //change title SourceBean titleSB = (SourceBean) templateBaseContent.getAttribute("title"); SourceBean titleText = (SourceBean) titleSB.getAttribute("band.staticText.text"); titleText.setCharacters(documentName); // make DETAIL BAND of master with subreports detailMaster = (SourceBean) templateBaseContent.getAttribute("DETAIL"); detailBandMaster = (SourceBean) detailMaster.getAttribute("BAND"); masterHeight = new Integer(0); List subreports = createSubreports(resources); finalTemplate = templateBaseContent.toXML(false, false); for (Iterator iterator = nameResolution.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { NameRes nameR = (NameRes); String toReplace = nameR.getToSubstitute(); String replaceWith = nameR.getCorrectString(); finalTemplate = finalTemplate.replaceAll("<" + toReplace, "<" + replaceWith); finalTemplate = finalTemplate.replaceAll("</" + toReplace, "</" + replaceWith); } toReturn.add(finalTemplate); logger.debug("Built template START"); logger.debug(finalTemplate); logger.debug("Built template END"); if (subreports != null && !subreports.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("There are subreports!"); Iterator suit = subreports.iterator(); while (suit.hasNext()) { SourceBean subTemplateContent = (SourceBean); String subTemplate = subTemplateContent.toXML(false); for (Iterator iterator = nameResolution.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { NameRes nameR = (NameRes); String toReplace = nameR.getToSubstitute(); String replaceWith = nameR.getCorrectString(); subTemplate = subTemplate.replaceAll("<" + toReplace, "<" + replaceWith); subTemplate = subTemplate.replaceAll("</" + toReplace, "</" + replaceWith); } toReturn.add(subTemplate); logger.debug("Built subtemplate: " + subTemplate); //System.out.println(subTemplate); } } } //System.out.println(finalTemplate); logger.debug("OUT"); return toReturn; } public List createSubreports(List resources) { logger.debug("IN"); subreports = new ArrayList(); subTemplateBaseContent = createNewSubReport(countSubreports); countSubreports++; //change subtemplatetitle subtitleSB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("title"); bandDetailReport = (SourceBean) subtitleSB.getAttribute("BAND"); //change subtemplatesummary subSummarySB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("summary"); bandSummaryReport = (SourceBean) subSummarySB.getAttribute("BAND"); try { // cycle on resources for (Iterator iterator = resources.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { KpiResourceBlock thisBlock = (KpiResourceBlock); options = thisBlock.getOptions(); if (actualHeight + separatorModelsHeight + resourceBandHeight + 10 < maxFirstSubTemplateHeight) { List sourceBeansToAdd = newResource(thisBlock, bandDetailReport); if (sourceBeansToAdd != null && !sourceBeansToAdd.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } else { //Add last subreport to the List increaseHeight(subTemplateBaseContent); subreports.add(subTemplateBaseContent); actualHeight = new Integer(0); subTemplateBaseContent = createNewSubReport(countSubreports); countSubreports++; //Get my bandDetailReport from new subreport subtitleSB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("title"); bandDetailReport = (SourceBean) subtitleSB.getAttribute("BAND"); //change subtemplatesummary subSummarySB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("summary"); bandSummaryReport = (SourceBean) subSummarySB.getAttribute("BAND"); //NEW SUBREPORT List sourceBeansToAdd = newResource(thisBlock, bandDetailReport); if (sourceBeansToAdd != null && !sourceBeansToAdd.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } if (actualHeight + separatorHeight + valueHeight + 10 < maxFirstSubTemplateHeight) { KpiLine lineRoot = thisBlock.getRoot(); List sourceBeansToAdd2 = newLine(lineRoot, 0, true); if (sourceBeansToAdd2 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd2.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } else { //Add last subreport to the List increaseHeight(subTemplateBaseContent); subreports.add(subTemplateBaseContent); actualHeight = new Integer(0); subTemplateBaseContent = createNewSubReport(countSubreports); countSubreports++; //Get my bandDetailReport from new subreport subtitleSB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("title"); bandDetailReport = (SourceBean) subtitleSB.getAttribute("BAND"); //change subtemplatesummary subSummarySB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("summary"); bandSummaryReport = (SourceBean) subSummarySB.getAttribute("BAND"); //NEW SUBREPORT KpiLine lineRoot = thisBlock.getRoot(); List sourceBeansToAdd2 = newLine(lineRoot, 0, true); if (sourceBeansToAdd2 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd2.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } } if (actualHeight + separatorModelsHeight + columnHeaderHeight + 10 < maxFirstSubTemplateHeight) { List sourceBeansToAdd3 = newThresholdBlock(bandDetailReport); if (sourceBeansToAdd3 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd3.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd3.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } else { //Add last subreport to the List increaseHeight(subTemplateBaseContent); subreports.add(subTemplateBaseContent); actualHeight = new Integer(0); subTemplateBaseContent = createNewSubReport(countSubreports); countSubreports++; //Get my bandDetailReport from new subreport subtitleSB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("title"); bandDetailReport = (SourceBean) subtitleSB.getAttribute("BAND"); //change subtemplatesummary subSummarySB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("summary"); bandSummaryReport = (SourceBean) subSummarySB.getAttribute("BAND"); //NEW SUBREPORT List sourceBeansToAdd3 = newThresholdBlock(bandDetailReport); if (sourceBeansToAdd3 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd3.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd3.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } if (thresholdsList != null && !thresholdsList.isEmpty()) { Iterator th = thresholdsList.iterator(); while (th.hasNext()) { Threshold t = (Threshold); if (actualHeight + separatorHeight + 10 < maxFirstSubTemplateHeight) { List sourceBeansToAdd4 = newThresholdLine(t); if (sourceBeansToAdd4 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd4.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd4.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } else { //Add last subreport to the List increaseHeight(subTemplateBaseContent); subreports.add(subTemplateBaseContent); actualHeight = new Integer(0); subTemplateBaseContent = createNewSubReport(countSubreports); countSubreports++; //Get my bandDetailReport from new subreport subtitleSB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("title"); bandDetailReport = (SourceBean) subtitleSB.getAttribute("BAND"); //change subtemplatesummary subSummarySB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("summary"); bandSummaryReport = (SourceBean) subSummarySB.getAttribute("BAND"); //NEW SUBREPORT List sourceBeansToAdd4 = newThresholdLine(t); if (sourceBeansToAdd4 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd4.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd4.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } } } } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("SourceBeanException", e); e.printStackTrace(); } bandDetailReport = increaseHeight(subTemplateBaseContent); subreports.add(subTemplateBaseContent); logger.debug("OUT"); return subreports; } public SourceBean createNewSubReport(int numOfSubreport) { logger.debug("IN"); SourceBean subTemplateBaseContent = null; // Create Source Bean of template of subtemplate String subTemplateStr = getTemplateSubTemplate(); try { subTemplateBaseContent = SourceBean.fromXMLString(subTemplateStr); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in converting template of template into a SOurce Bean, check the XML code"); } SourceBean subreport1; try { subreport1 = new SourceBean(subReport); subreport1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(0)); SourceBean subreport2 = (SourceBean) subreport1.getAttribute("subreportExpression"); String dirS = System.getProperty(""); String subr = dirS + File.separatorChar + "Detail" + numOfSubreport + ".jasper"; subr = subr.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); subreport2.setCharacters("\"" + subr + "\""); if (numOfSubreport == 0) { detailBandMaster.setAttribute(subreport1); } else { bandSummaryReport.setAttribute(subreport1); } detailMasterHeight += subreportHeight; } catch (SourceBeanException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e); } logger.debug("OUT"); return subTemplateBaseContent; } // set the total height public SourceBean increaseHeight(SourceBean tCont) { logger.debug("IN"); try { tCont.setAttribute("pageHeight", maxSubTemplateHeight); bandDetailReport.setAttribute("height", (actualHeight)); bandSummaryReport.setAttribute("height", new Integer(7)); } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("error in setting the height"); return null; } logger.debug("OUT"); return bandDetailReport; } // Add a resource band public List newResource(KpiResourceBlock block, SourceBean bandDetailReport) { logger.debug("IN"); List sourceBeansToAdd = new ArrayList(); Resource res = block.getR(); try { actualHeight += separatorModelsHeight; SourceBean bandRes = new SourceBean(resourceBand); SourceBean bandName = new SourceBean(resourceName); SourceBean columnHeadBand = new SourceBean(columnHeaderBand); SourceBean modelColHeader = new SourceBean(columnModelHeader); SourceBean weightColHeader = new SourceBean(columnWeightHeader); SourceBean kpiColHeader = new SourceBean(columnKPIHeader); SourceBean kthreshColHeader = new SourceBean(columnThresholdHeader); if (res != null) { bandRes.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); bandName.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); logger.debug("add resource band for resource " + res.getName()); SourceBean textValue1 = (SourceBean) bandName.getAttribute("text"); textValue1.setCharacters("RESOURCE: " + res.getName()); sourceBeansToAdd.add(bandRes); sourceBeansToAdd.add(bandName); actualHeight += resourceBandHeight; } columnHeadBand.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); modelColHeader.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); kpiColHeader.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); weightColHeader.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); kthreshColHeader.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); if (options.getModel_title() != null) { SourceBean textValue = (SourceBean) modelColHeader.getAttribute("text"); textValue.setCharacters(options.getModel_title()); } if (options.getKpi_title() != null) { SourceBean textValue1 = (SourceBean) kpiColHeader.getAttribute("text"); textValue1.setCharacters(options.getKpi_title()); } if (options.getWeight_title() != null) { SourceBean textValue2 = (SourceBean) weightColHeader.getAttribute("text"); textValue2.setCharacters(options.getWeight_title()); } /*SourceBean textValue3=(SourceBean)kthreshColHeader.getAttribute("text"); textValue3.setCharacters(options.getBullet_chart_title());*/ sourceBeansToAdd.add(columnHeadBand); sourceBeansToAdd.add(modelColHeader); sourceBeansToAdd.add(kpiColHeader); sourceBeansToAdd.add(weightColHeader); sourceBeansToAdd.add(kthreshColHeader); actualHeight += columnHeaderHeight; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in setting the resource band", e); return null; } logger.debug("OUT"); return sourceBeansToAdd; } public List newLine(KpiLine kpiLine, int level, Boolean evenLevel) { logger.debug("IN"); List sourceBeansToAdd = new ArrayList(); try { actualHeight += separatorHeight; SourceBean textCodeName = new SourceBean(staticTextName); // code - name SourceBean textValue = new SourceBean(staticTextNumber); //value number SourceBean textWeight = new SourceBean(staticTextWeightNumber); // weight number SourceBean image1 = new SourceBean(image);// Bullet Chart SourceBean semaphor1 = new SourceBean(semaphor);// Semaphore SourceBean threshCode = new SourceBean(thresholdCode);// Threshold Code SourceBean threshValue = new SourceBean(thresholdValue);// Threshold Value SourceBean evenLine = new SourceBean(evenLineS);// Separator for even lines SourceBean oddLine = new SourceBean(oddLineS);// Separator for odd lines SourceBean extraimageToAdd = null;//in case 2 images are required if (evenLevel) { extraimageToAdd = setLineAttributes(kpiLine, semaphor1, textCodeName, textValue, textWeight, image1, level, evenLine, threshCode, threshValue, extraimageToAdd); } else { extraimageToAdd = setLineAttributes(kpiLine, semaphor1, textCodeName, textValue, textWeight, image1, level, oddLine, threshCode, threshValue, extraimageToAdd); } actualHeight += valueHeight; sourceBeansToAdd.add(semaphor1); sourceBeansToAdd.add(textCodeName); sourceBeansToAdd.add(textValue); sourceBeansToAdd.add(textWeight); sourceBeansToAdd.add(image1); if (extraimageToAdd != null) { sourceBeansToAdd.add(extraimageToAdd); } sourceBeansToAdd.add(threshCode); sourceBeansToAdd.add(threshValue); if (evenLevel) { sourceBeansToAdd.add(evenLine); } else { sourceBeansToAdd.add(oddLine); } } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("error while adding a line"); return null; } List<KpiLine> children = kpiLine.getChildren(); children = orderChildren(new ArrayList(), children); try { if (children != null) { for (Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { KpiLine kpiLineChild = (KpiLine); Iterator it3 = sourceBeansToAdd.iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } sourceBeansToAdd = new ArrayList(); if (actualHeight + 10 < maxFirstSubTemplateHeight) { List sourceBeansToAdd2 = newLine(kpiLineChild, level + 1, !evenLevel); if (sourceBeansToAdd2 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd2.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = sourceBeansToAdd2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } else { //Add last subreport to the List increaseHeight(subTemplateBaseContent); subreports.add(subTemplateBaseContent); actualHeight = new Integer(0); subTemplateBaseContent = createNewSubReport(countSubreports); countSubreports++; //Get my bandDetailReport from new subreport subtitleSB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("title"); bandDetailReport = (SourceBean) subtitleSB.getAttribute("BAND"); //change subtemplatesummary subSummarySB = (SourceBean) subTemplateBaseContent.getAttribute("summary"); bandSummaryReport = (SourceBean) subSummarySB.getAttribute("BAND"); //NEW SUBREPORT List sourceBeansToAdd2 = newLine(kpiLineChild, level + 1, !evenLevel); if (sourceBeansToAdd2 != null && !sourceBeansToAdd2.isEmpty()) { Iterator it2 = sourceBeansToAdd2.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { SourceBean toAdd = (SourceBean); bandDetailReport.setAttribute(toAdd); } } } } } } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("SourceBeanException", e); e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("OUT"); return sourceBeansToAdd; } protected List orderChildren(List ordered, List notordered) { List toReturn = ordered; List temp = new ArrayList(); KpiLine l = null; if (notordered != null && !notordered.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = notordered.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { KpiLine k = (KpiLine); if (l == null) { l = k; } else { if (k != null && k.compareTo(l) <= 0) { temp.add(l); l = k; } else { temp.add(k); } } } toReturn.add(l); toReturn = orderChildren(toReturn, temp); } return toReturn; } private SourceBean setLineAttributes(KpiLine line, SourceBean semaphor, SourceBean textCodeName, SourceBean textValue, SourceBean textWeight, SourceBean image1, int level, SourceBean separatorline, SourceBean threshCode, SourceBean threshValue, SourceBean extraimageToAdd) { logger.debug("IN"); KpiValue kpiValue = line.getValue(); ThresholdValue t = null; Color colorSemaphor = null; if (kpiValue != null && kpiValue.getValue() != null) { t = kpiValue.getThresholdOfValue(); if (t != null) { colorSemaphor = t.getColor(); } } Integer xValue = xStarter + (xIncrease * Integer.valueOf(level)); Integer yValue = actualHeight; try { //set Semaphor semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.x", xValue.toString()); semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 2).toString()); if (colorSemaphor != null) { String color = Integer.toHexString(colorSemaphor.getRGB()); color = "#" + color.substring(2); semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.forecolor", "#000000"); semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.backcolor", color); } else { semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.forecolor", "#FFFFFF"); semaphor.setAttribute("reportElement.backcolor", "#FFFFFF"); } xValue = xValue + semaphorWidth + separatorWidth; // set text 1: Model CODE - Model NAME textCodeName.setAttribute("reportElement.x", (xValue)); textCodeName.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); SourceBean textValue1 = (SourceBean) textCodeName.getAttribute("text"); textValue1.setCharacters(line.getModelInstanceCode() + "-" + line.getModelNodeName()); xValue = xValue + textWidth + separatorWidth; //Set Value, weight and threshold code and value if (kpiValue != null) { String value1 = kpiValue.getValue() != null ? kpiValue.getValue() : ""; //set text2 textValue.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); SourceBean textValue2 = (SourceBean) textValue.getAttribute("text"); textValue2.setCharacters(value1); String weight = (kpiValue.getWeight() != null) ? kpiValue.getWeight().toString() : ""; //set text2 xValue = xValue + numbersWidth + separatorWidth; textWeight.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 2).toString()); SourceBean textValue3 = (SourceBean) textWeight.getAttribute("text"); textValue3.setCharacters(weight); if (t != null) { try { Threshold tr = DAOFactory.getThresholdDAO().loadThresholdById(t.getThresholdId()); if (!thresholdsList.contains(tr)) { thresholdsList.add(tr); } } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("error in loading the Threshold by Id", e); e.printStackTrace(); } String code = t.getThresholdCode() != null ? t.getThresholdCode() : ""; String codeTh = "Code: " + code; if (codeTh.length() > 20) codeTh = codeTh.substring(0, 19); threshCode.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() - 2).toString()); SourceBean threshCode2 = (SourceBean) threshCode.getAttribute("text"); threshCode2.setCharacters(codeTh); String labelTh = t.getLabel() != null ? t.getLabel() : ""; String min = t.getMinValue() != null ? t.getMinValue().toString() : null; String max = t.getMaxValue() != null ? t.getMaxValue().toString() : null; String valueTh = "Value: "; if (t.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("RANGE")) { if (min != null && max != null) { valueTh = valueTh + min + "-" + max + " " + labelTh; } else if (min != null && max == null) { valueTh = valueTh + "> " + min + " " + labelTh; } else if (min == null && max != null) { valueTh = valueTh + "< " + max + " " + labelTh; } } else if (t.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("MINIMUM")) { valueTh = valueTh + "< " + min + " " + labelTh; } else if (t.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("MAXIMUM")) { valueTh = valueTh + "> " + max + " " + labelTh; } if (valueTh.length() > 25) valueTh = valueTh.substring(0, 24); threshValue.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 7).toString()); SourceBean threshValue2 = (SourceBean) threshValue.getAttribute("text"); threshValue2.setCharacters(valueTh); } } //Sets the bullet chart and or the threshold image if (options.getDisplay_bullet_chart() && options.getDisplay_threshold_image()) { //both threshold image and bullet chart have to be seen if (kpiValue != null && kpiValue.getValue() != null && kpiValue.getThresholdValues() != null && !kpiValue.getThresholdValues().isEmpty()) { List thresholdValues = kpiValue.getThresholdValues(); // String chartType = value.getChartType(); String chartType = "BulletGraph"; Double val = new Double(kpiValue.getValue()); Double target = kpiValue.getTarget(); ChartImpl sbi = ChartImpl.createChart(chartType); sbi.setValueDataSet(val); if (target != null) { sbi.setTarget(target); } sbi.setShowAxis(options.getShow_axis()); sbi.setThresholdValues(thresholdValues); JFreeChart chart = sbi.createChart(); ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection()); String requestIdentity = null; UUIDGenerator uuidGen = UUIDGenerator.getInstance(); UUID uuid = uuidGen.generateTimeBasedUUID(); requestIdentity = uuid.toString(); requestIdentity = requestIdentity.replaceAll("-", ""); String path_param = requestIdentity; String dir = System.getProperty(""); String path = dir + "/" + requestIdentity + ".png"; file1 = new; logger.debug("Where is the image: " + path); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 89, 11, info); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Error in saving chart", e); } String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl() + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_PNG2&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&path=" + path_param + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE"; urlPng = "new\"" + urlPng + "\")"; logger.debug("Image url: " + urlPng); image1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); image1.setAttribute("reportElement.x", new Integer(310).toString()); image1.setAttribute("reportElement.width", 90); SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) image1.getAttribute("imageExpression"); imageValue.setCharacters(urlPng); } ThresholdValue tOfVal = line.getThresholdOfValue(); if (tOfVal != null && tOfVal.getPosition() != null && tOfVal.getThresholdCode() != null) { String fileName = "position_" + tOfVal.getPosition().intValue(); String dirName = tOfVal.getThresholdCode(); String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl() + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_THR_IMAGE&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&fileName=" + fileName + "&dirName=" + dirName + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE"; urlPng = "new\"" + urlPng + "\")"; logger.debug("url: " + urlPng); extraimageToAdd = new SourceBean(image); extraimageToAdd.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); extraimageToAdd.setAttribute("reportElement.width", 35); extraimageToAdd.setAttribute("reportElement.x", new Integer(408).toString()); SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) extraimageToAdd.getAttribute("imageExpression"); imageValue.setCharacters(urlPng); } } else if (options.getDisplay_bullet_chart() && !options.getDisplay_threshold_image()) { //only bullet chart has to be seen if (kpiValue != null && kpiValue.getValue() != null && kpiValue.getThresholdValues() != null && !kpiValue.getThresholdValues().isEmpty()) { List thresholdValues = kpiValue.getThresholdValues(); // String chartType = value.getChartType(); String chartType = "BulletGraph"; Double val = new Double(kpiValue.getValue()); Double target = kpiValue.getTarget(); ChartImpl sbi = ChartImpl.createChart(chartType); sbi.setValueDataSet(val); if (target != null) { sbi.setTarget(target); } sbi.setShowAxis(options.getShow_axis()); sbi.setThresholdValues(thresholdValues); JFreeChart chart = sbi.createChart(); ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection()); String requestIdentity = null; UUIDGenerator uuidGen = UUIDGenerator.getInstance(); UUID uuid = uuidGen.generateTimeBasedUUID(); requestIdentity = uuid.toString(); requestIdentity = requestIdentity.replaceAll("-", ""); String path_param = requestIdentity; String dir = System.getProperty(""); String path = dir + "/" + requestIdentity + ".png"; file1 = new; logger.debug("Where is the image: " + path); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, chart, 130, 11, info); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Error in saving chart", e); } String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl() + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_PNG2&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&path=" + path_param + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE"; urlPng = "new\"" + urlPng + "\")"; logger.debug("Image url: " + urlPng); image1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) image1.getAttribute("imageExpression"); imageValue.setCharacters(urlPng); } } else if (!options.getDisplay_bullet_chart() && options.getDisplay_threshold_image()) { //only threshold image has to be seen ThresholdValue tOfVal = line.getThresholdOfValue(); if (tOfVal != null && tOfVal.getPosition() != null && tOfVal.getThresholdCode() != null) { String fileName = "position_" + tOfVal.getPosition().intValue(); String dirName = tOfVal.getThresholdCode(); String urlPng = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiHost() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBiContext() + GeneralUtilities.getSpagoAdapterHttpUrl() + "?ACTION_NAME=GET_THR_IMAGE&NEW_SESSION=TRUE&fileName=" + fileName + "&dirName=" + dirName + "&LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED=TRUE"; urlPng = "new\"" + urlPng + "\")"; logger.debug("url: " + urlPng); image1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); SourceBean imageValue = (SourceBean) image1.getAttribute("imageExpression"); imageValue.setCharacters(urlPng); } } separatorline.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 16).toString()); } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("error in drawing the line", e); e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("OUT"); return extraimageToAdd; } public List newThresholdBlock(SourceBean bandDetailReport) { logger.debug("IN"); List sourceBeansToAdd = new ArrayList(); try {//Draws the Threshold Band and Title actualHeight += separatorModelsHeight; SourceBean thresholdBand1 = new SourceBean(thresholdBand); SourceBean thresholdTitle1 = new SourceBean(thresholdTitle); thresholdBand1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); thresholdTitle1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", actualHeight.toString()); sourceBeansToAdd.add(thresholdBand1); sourceBeansToAdd.add(thresholdTitle1); actualHeight += columnHeaderHeight; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in setting the resource band"); return null; } logger.debug("OUT"); return sourceBeansToAdd; } public List newThresholdLine(Threshold t) { List sourceBeansToAdd = new ArrayList(); if (t != null) { try { actualHeight += separatorHeight; Integer yValue = actualHeight; //Draws the Threshold Code SourceBean thresholdTextCode1 = new SourceBean(thresholdTextCode); String code = t.getCode() != null ? t.getCode() : ""; String codeTh = "Code: " + code; if (codeTh.length() > 20) codeTh = codeTh.substring(0, 19); thresholdTextCode1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); SourceBean threshCode2 = (SourceBean) thresholdTextCode1.getAttribute("text"); threshCode2.setCharacters(codeTh); sourceBeansToAdd.add(thresholdTextCode1); List semaphoreValue = newThresholdLine(t, bandDetailReport); sourceBeansToAdd.addAll(semaphoreValue); //Adds a separator line SourceBean thresholdLineSeparator1 = new SourceBean(thresholdLineSeparator); thresholdLineSeparator1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 16).toString()); sourceBeansToAdd.add(thresholdLineSeparator1); } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("SourceBeanException", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } return sourceBeansToAdd; } public List newThresholdLine(Threshold t, SourceBean bandDetailReport) { logger.debug("IN"); List sourceBeansToAdd = new ArrayList(); try { actualHeight += separatorHeight; Integer yValue = actualHeight; Integer xValue = new Integer(5); List thValues = t.getThresholdValues(); if (thValues != null && !thValues.isEmpty()) { Iterator thIt = thValues.iterator(); while (thIt.hasNext()) { ThresholdValue val = (ThresholdValue); if (val != null) { SourceBean semaphor1 = new SourceBean(semaphor); SourceBean thresholdTextValue1 = new SourceBean(thresholdTextValue); //Semaphore Threshold creation xValue = xValue + thresholdFieldWidth; if (xValue + thresholdSemaphoreWidth + thresholdFieldWidth >= maxSubTemplateWIdtht) { xValue = new Integer(5) + thresholdFieldWidth; actualHeight += valueHeight; yValue = actualHeight; } String colorSemaphor = val.getColourString(); semaphor1.setAttribute("reportElement.x", xValue.toString()); semaphor1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", new Integer(yValue.intValue() + 2).toString()); if (colorSemaphor != null) { semaphor1.setAttribute("reportElement.forecolor", "#000000"); semaphor1.setAttribute("reportElement.backcolor", colorSemaphor); } else { semaphor1.setAttribute("reportElement.forecolor", "#FFFFFF"); semaphor1.setAttribute("reportElement.backcolor", "#FFFFFF"); } sourceBeansToAdd.add(semaphor1); xValue = xValue + thresholdFieldSeparatorWidth; //Threshold Value Creation String labelTh = val.getLabel() != null ? val.getLabel() : ""; String min = val.getMinValue() != null ? val.getMinValue().toString() : null; String max = val.getMaxValue() != null ? val.getMaxValue().toString() : null; String valueTh = "Value: "; if (val.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("RANGE")) { if (min != null && max != null) { valueTh = valueTh + min + "-" + max + " " + labelTh; } else if (min != null && max == null) { valueTh = valueTh + "> " + min + " " + labelTh; } else if (min == null && max != null) { valueTh = valueTh + "< " + max + " " + labelTh; } } else if (val.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("MINIMUM")) { valueTh = valueTh + "< " + min + " " + labelTh; } else if (val.getThresholdType().equalsIgnoreCase("MAXIMUM")) { valueTh = valueTh + "> " + max + " " + labelTh; } if (valueTh.length() > 25) valueTh = valueTh.substring(0, 24); thresholdTextValue1.setAttribute("reportElement.x", xValue.toString()); thresholdTextValue1.setAttribute("reportElement.y", yValue.toString()); SourceBean threshValue2 = (SourceBean) thresholdTextValue1.getAttribute("text"); threshValue2.setCharacters(valueTh); sourceBeansToAdd.add(thresholdTextValue1); } } } actualHeight += valueHeight; } catch (SourceBeanException e) { logger.error("error while adding a threshold line"); return null; } logger.debug("OUT"); return sourceBeansToAdd; } private void nameResolution() { // property // import // queryString // field // variable // background // band // title // line // reportElement // graphicElement // textField // box // textElement // font // textFieldExpression // pageHeader // columnHeader // detail // columnFooter // pageFooter // summary // staticText // text // image // imageExpression nameResolution.add(new NameRes("QUERYSTRING", "queryString")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("TOPPEN", "topPen")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("BOTTOMPEN", "bottomPen")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("LEFTPEN", "leftPen")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("RIGHTPEN", "rightPen")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("GROUPEXPRESSION", "groupExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("groupEXPRESSION", "groupExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("GROUPHEADER", "groupHeader")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("GROUPFOOTER", "groupFooter")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("groupHEADER", "groupHeader")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("groupFOOTER", "groupFooter")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("GROUP", "group")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("IMAGEEXPRESSION", "imageExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("imageEXPRESSION", "imageExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("SUBREPORT", "subreport")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("SUBREPORTEXPRESSION", "subreportExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("subreportEXPRESSION", "subreportExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("CONNECTIONEXPRESSION", "connectionExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("connectionEXPRESSION", "connectionExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("JASPERREPORT", "jasperReport")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("IMPORT", "import")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("PROPERTY", "property")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("QUERYSTRING", "queryString")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("FIELD", "field")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("VARIABLE", "variable")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("BACKGROUND", "background")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("BAND", "band")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("TITLE", "title")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("LINE", "line")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("REPORTELEMENT", "reportElement")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("GRAPHICELEMENT", "graphicElement")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("reportELEMENT", "reportElement")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("graphicELEMENT", "graphicElement")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("TEXTFIELD", "textField")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("textFIELD", "textField")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("BOX", "box")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("TEXTELEMENT", "textElement")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("textELEMENT", "textElement")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("FONT", "font")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("TEXTFIELDEXPRESSION", "textFieldExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("textFIELDEXPRESSION", "textFieldExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("textFieldEXPRESSION", "textFieldExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("PAGEHEADER", "pageHeader")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("COULMNHEADER", "columnHeader")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("DETAIL", "detail")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("COLUMNFOOTER", "columnFooter")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("PAGEFOOTER", "pageFooter")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("SUMMARY", "summary")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("STATICTEXT", "staticText")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("STATICText", "staticText")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("TEXT", "text")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("IMAGE", "image")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("RECTANGLE", "rectangle")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("INITIALVALUEEXPRESSION", "initialValueExpression")); nameResolution.add(new NameRes("COLUMNHEADER", "columnHeader")); } private class NameRes { private String toSubstitute; private String correctString; private NameRes(String a, String b) { toSubstitute = a; correctString = b; } private String getToSubstitute() { return toSubstitute; } private String getCorrectString() { return correctString; } } /** * Gets the template template. * * @return the template template */ public String getTemplateTemplate() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); logger.debug("IN"); try { String templateDirPath = "it/eng/spagobi/kpi/utils/"; logger.debug("templateDirPath: " + templateDirPath != null ? templateDirPath : ""); templateDirPath += "templateKpi.jrxml"; logger.debug("templatePath: " + templateDirPath != null ? templateDirPath : ""); if (templateDirPath != null) { InputStream fis = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(templateDirPath); if (fis != null) { logger.debug("File Input Stream created"); } inputSource = new InputSource(fis); if (inputSource != null) { logger.debug("Input Source created"); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); if (reader != null) { logger.debug("Buffer Reader created"); } String line = null; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { buffer.append(line + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("error in appending lines to the buffer", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error in retrieving the template", e); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } logger.debug("OUT"); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Gets the template template. * * @return the template template */ public String getTemplateSubTemplate() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); logger.debug("IN"); try { String templateDirPath = "it/eng/spagobi/kpi/utils/"; logger.debug("templateDirPath: " + templateDirPath != null ? templateDirPath : ""); templateDirPath += "subTemplateKpi.jrxml"; logger.debug("templatePath: " + templateDirPath != null ? templateDirPath : ""); if (templateDirPath != null) { InputStream fis = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(templateDirPath); if (fis != null) { logger.debug("File Input Stream created"); } inputSource = new InputSource(fis); if (inputSource != null) { logger.debug("Input Source created"); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); if (reader != null) { logger.debug("Buffer Reader created"); } String line = null; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { buffer.append(line + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("error in appending lines to the buffer", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error in retrieving the template", e); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } logger.debug("OUT"); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Replace param. * * @param template the template * @param pname the pname * @param pvalue the pvalue * * @return the string */ private String replaceParam(String template, String pname, String pvalue) { logger.debug("IN"); int index = -1; while ((index = template.indexOf("${" + pname + "}")) != -1) { template = template.replaceAll("\\$\\{" + pname + "\\}", pvalue); } logger.debug("OUT"); return template; } }