Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.dao; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.AbstractHibernateDAO; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.dao.ModelInstanceDAOImpl; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiKpiModelInst; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnit; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrant; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitHierarchies; import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitNodes; import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.exceptions.SpagoBIRuntimeException; import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.tree.Tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; /** * * @author Davide Zerbetto ( * */ public class OrganizationalUnitDAOImpl extends AbstractHibernateDAO implements IOrganizationalUnitDAO { static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OrganizationalUnitDAOImpl.class); public List<OrganizationalUnit> getOrganizationalUnitList() { logger.debug("IN"); List<OrganizationalUnit> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnit>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnit"); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnit((SbiOrgUnit); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitNode> getOrganizationalUnitNodeList(Integer hierarchyId) { logger.debug("IN"); List<OrganizationalUnitNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitNode>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, hierarchyId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitNode((SbiOrgUnitNodes); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitHierarchy> getHierarchiesList() { logger.debug("IN"); List<OrganizationalUnitHierarchy> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitHierarchy>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitHierarchies"); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitHierarchy((SbiOrgUnitHierarchies); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public OrganizationalUnit getOrganizationalUnit(Integer id) { logger.debug("IN: id = " + id); OrganizationalUnit toReturn = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnit hibOU = (SbiOrgUnit) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnit.class, id); toReturn = toOrganizationalUnit(hibOU); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public OrganizationalUnitHierarchy getHierarchy(Integer id) { logger.debug("IN: id = " + id); OrganizationalUnitHierarchy toReturn = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitHierarchies hibHierarchy = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitHierarchies.class, id); toReturn = toOrganizationalUnitHierarchy(hibHierarchy); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitNode> getRootNodes(Integer hierarchyId) { logger.debug("IN: hierarchyId = " + hierarchyId); List<OrganizationalUnitNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitNode>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where = ? " + " and n.sbiOrgUnitNodes is null"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, hierarchyId); List roots = hibQuery.list(); if (roots != null && !roots.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = roots.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiOrgUnitNodes root = (SbiOrgUnitNodes); toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitNode(root)); } } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitNode> getChildrenNodes(Integer nodeId) { logger.debug("IN: nodeId = " + nodeId); List<OrganizationalUnitNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitNode>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where n.sbiOrgUnitNodes.nodeId = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, nodeId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitNode((SbiOrgUnitNodes); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitGrant> getGrantsList() { logger.debug("IN"); List<OrganizationalUnitGrant> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitGrant>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrant "); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitGrant((SbiOrgUnitGrant), aSession)); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public OrganizationalUnitGrant getGrant(Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN"); List<OrganizationalUnitGrant> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitGrant>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrant s where = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, grantId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitGrant((SbiOrgUnitGrant), aSession)); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); if (toReturn.size() > 0) { return toReturn.get(0); } else throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException("No grant found with id " + grantId); } public List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> getNodeGrants(Integer nodeId, Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN: nodeId = " + nodeId); List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession .createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes s where = ? " + " and = ?"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, nodeId); hibQuery.setInteger(1, grantId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitGrantNode((SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes), aSession)); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public void eraseOrganizationalUnit(Integer ouId) { logger.debug("IN: ouId = " + ouId); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnit hibOU = (SbiOrgUnit) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnit.class, ouId); aSession.delete(hibOU); tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnit removed successfully."); } public void insertOrganizationalUnit(OrganizationalUnit ou) { logger.debug("IN: ou = " + ou); if (ou.getLabel().contains(Tree.NODES_PATH_SEPARATOR)) throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException( "OrganizationalUnit label cannot contain " + Tree.NODES_PATH_SEPARATOR + " character"); logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnit hibOU = new SbiOrgUnit(); hibOU.setLabel(ou.getLabel()); hibOU.setName(ou.getName()); hibOU.setDescription(ou.getDescription()); //look for preexisting one with same same label-name key Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnit s where = ? and s.label = ?"); hibQuery.setString(0, ou.getName()); hibQuery.setString(1, ou.getLabel()); SbiOrgUnit exists = (SbiOrgUnit) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(hibOU); if (exists == null) {; tx.commit(); ou.setId(hibOU.getId()); } else { ou.setId(exists.getId()); tx.commit(); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnit inserted successfully with id " + ou.getId()); } public void modifyOrganizationalUnit(OrganizationalUnit ou) { logger.debug("IN: ou = " + ou); if (ou.getLabel().contains(Tree.NODES_PATH_SEPARATOR)) throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException( "OrganizationalUnit label cannot contain " + Tree.NODES_PATH_SEPARATOR + " character"); logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnit hibOU = (SbiOrgUnit) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnit.class, ou.getId()); hibOU.setLabel(ou.getLabel()); hibOU.setName(ou.getName()); hibOU.setDescription(ou.getDescription()); updateSbiCommonInfo4Update(hibOU);; tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnit modified successfully"); } public void eraseHierarchy(Integer hierarchyId) { logger.debug("IN: hierarchyId = " + hierarchyId); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitHierarchies hibHierarchy = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitHierarchies.class, hierarchyId); aSession.delete(hibHierarchy); tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: Hierarchy removed successfully"); } public void insertHierarchy(OrganizationalUnitHierarchy h) { logger.debug("IN: h = " + h); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitHierarchies hibHierarchy = new SbiOrgUnitHierarchies(); hibHierarchy.setLabel(h.getLabel()); hibHierarchy.setName(h.getName()); hibHierarchy.setDescription(h.getDescription()); hibHierarchy.setTarget(h.getTarget()); hibHierarchy.setCompany(h.getCompany()); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(hibHierarchy);; tx.commit(); h.setId(hibHierarchy.getId()); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: Hierarchy inserted successfully with id " + h.getId()); } public void modifyHierarchy(OrganizationalUnitHierarchy h) { logger.debug("IN: h = " + h); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitHierarchies hibHierarchy = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitHierarchies.class, h.getId()); hibHierarchy.setLabel(h.getLabel()); hibHierarchy.setName(h.getName()); hibHierarchy.setDescription(h.getDescription()); hibHierarchy.setTarget(h.getTarget()); hibHierarchy.setCompany(h.getCompany()); updateSbiCommonInfo4Update(hibHierarchy);; tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: Hierarchy modified successfully"); } public void eraseOrganizationalUnitNode(OrganizationalUnitNode node) { logger.debug("IN: node = " + node); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); eraseOrganizationalUnitNode(node, aSession); tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: node removed successfully."); } public void eraseOrganizationalUnitNode(OrganizationalUnitNode node, Session aSession) { logger.debug("IN: node = " + node); SbiOrgUnitNodes hibNode = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitNodes.class, node.getNodeId()); aSession.delete(hibNode); logger.debug("OUT: node removed successfully."); } public boolean existsNodeInHierarchy(String path, Integer hierarchyId) { logger.debug("IN: path = " + path + ", hierarchy = " + hierarchyId); boolean toReturn = false; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); toReturn = existsNodeInHierarchy(path, hierarchyId, aSession); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public boolean existsNodeInHierarchy(String path, Integer hierarchyId, Session aSession) { boolean toReturn = false; logger.debug("IN: path = " + path + ", hierarchy = " + hierarchyId); Query hibQuery = aSession .createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where = ? " + " and n.path = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, hierarchyId); hibQuery.setString(1, path); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); toReturn = !hibList.isEmpty(); logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public OrganizationalUnitNode getOrganizationalUnitNode(String path, Integer hierarchyId) { logger.debug("IN: path = " + path + ", hierarchy = " + hierarchyId); OrganizationalUnitNode toReturn = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); toReturn = getOrganizationalUnitNode(path, hierarchyId, aSession); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public OrganizationalUnitNode getOrganizationalUnitNode(String path, Integer hierarchyId, Session aSession) { logger.debug("IN: path = " + path + ", hierarchy = " + hierarchyId); OrganizationalUnitNode toReturn = null; Query hibQuery = aSession .createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where = ? " + " and n.path = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, hierarchyId); hibQuery.setString(1, path); SbiOrgUnitNodes hibNode = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); toReturn = toOrganizationalUnitNode(hibNode); logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public void insertOrganizationalUnitNode(OrganizationalUnitNode aNode) { logger.debug("IN: aNode = " + aNode); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); insertOrganizationalUnitNode(aNode, aSession); tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnitNode inserted successfully with id " + aNode.getNodeId()); } public void insertOrganizationalUnitNode(OrganizationalUnitNode aNode, Session aSession) { SbiOrgUnitNodes hibNode = new SbiOrgUnitNodes(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitHierarchies s where = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, aNode.getHierarchy().getId()); SbiOrgUnitHierarchies hierarchy = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); hibNode.setSbiOrgUnitHierarchies(hierarchy); hibNode.setPath(aNode.getPath()); hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnit s where = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, aNode.getOu().getId()); SbiOrgUnit ou = (SbiOrgUnit) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); hibNode.setSbiOrgUnit(ou); if (aNode.getParentNodeId() != null) { hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes s where s.nodeId = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, aNode.getParentNodeId()); SbiOrgUnitNodes parentNode = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); hibNode.setSbiOrgUnitNodes(parentNode); } updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(hibNode);; aNode.setNodeId(hibNode.getNodeId()); logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnitNode inserted successfully with id " + aNode.getNodeId()); } public void insertGrant(OrganizationalUnitGrant grant) { logger.debug("IN: grant = " + grant); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitGrant hibGrant = new SbiOrgUnitGrant(); hibGrant.setLabel(grant.getLabel()); hibGrant.setName(grant.getName()); hibGrant.setDescription(grant.getDescription()); hibGrant.setStartDate(grant.getStartDate()); hibGrant.setEndDate(grant.getEndDate()); hibGrant.setIsAvailable(grant.getIsAvailable()); // set hierarchy Integer hierachyId = grant.getHierarchy().getId(); Query query = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitHierarchies s where = ? "); query.setInteger(0, hierachyId); SbiOrgUnitHierarchies h = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) query.uniqueResult(); hibGrant.setSbiOrgUnitHierarchies(h); // set kpi model instance Integer kpiModelInstId = grant.getModelInstance().getId(); query = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiKpiModelInst s where s.kpiModelInst = ? "); query.setInteger(0, kpiModelInstId); SbiKpiModelInst s = (SbiKpiModelInst) query.uniqueResult(); hibGrant.setSbiKpiModelInst(s); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(hibGrant);; tx.commit(); grant.setId(hibGrant.getId()); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnitGrant inserted successfully with id " + grant.getId()); } public void modifyGrant(OrganizationalUnitGrant grant) { logger.debug("IN: grant = " + grant); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitGrant hibGrant = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitGrant.class, grant.getId()); hibGrant.setLabel(grant.getLabel()); hibGrant.setName(grant.getName()); hibGrant.setDescription(grant.getDescription()); hibGrant.setStartDate(grant.getStartDate()); hibGrant.setEndDate(grant.getEndDate()); hibGrant.setIsAvailable(grant.getIsAvailable()); // if hierarchy and/or kpi model instance have been changed, erase previous defined node grants Integer previousHierachyId = hibGrant.getSbiOrgUnitHierarchies().getId(); Integer newHierachyId = grant.getHierarchy().getId(); Integer previousKpiModelInstId = hibGrant.getSbiKpiModelInst().getKpiModelInst(); Integer newKpiModelInstId = grant.getModelInstance().getId(); if (previousHierachyId.intValue() != newHierachyId.intValue() || previousKpiModelInstId.intValue() != newKpiModelInstId.intValue()) { String hql = "delete from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes s where = ?"; Query query = aSession.createQuery(hql); query.setInteger(0, hibGrant.getId()); query.executeUpdate(); } // update hierarchy if (previousHierachyId.intValue() != newHierachyId.intValue()) { Query query = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitHierarchies s where = ? "); query.setInteger(0, newHierachyId); SbiOrgUnitHierarchies h = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) query.uniqueResult(); hibGrant.setSbiOrgUnitHierarchies(h); } // update kpi model instance if (previousKpiModelInstId.intValue() != newKpiModelInstId.intValue()) { Query query = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiKpiModelInst s where s.kpiModelInst = ? "); query.setInteger(0, newKpiModelInstId); SbiKpiModelInst s = (SbiKpiModelInst) query.uniqueResult(); hibGrant.setSbiKpiModelInst(s); } updateSbiCommonInfo4Update(hibGrant);; tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnitGrant modified successfully."); } public void eraseNodeGrants(Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN: grantId = " + grantId); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); String hql = "delete from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes s where = ?"; Query query = aSession.createQuery(hql); query.setInteger(0, grantId); query.executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnitGrant modified successfully."); } public void eraseGrant(Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitGrant hibGrant = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitGrant.class, grantId); aSession.delete(hibGrant); tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnitGrant removed successfully."); } public void insertNodeGrants(List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> grantNodes, Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiOrgUnitGrant hibGrant = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitGrant.class, grantId); Iterator<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> it = grantNodes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { OrganizationalUnitGrantNode aGrantNode =; Integer hierarchyNodeId = aGrantNode.getOuNode().getNodeId(); Integer kpiModelInstNodeId = aGrantNode.getModelInstanceNode().getModelInstanceNodeId(); SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes grantNode = new SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes(); SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId grantNodeId = new SbiOrgUnitGrantNodesId(hierarchyNodeId, kpiModelInstNodeId, grantId); grantNode.setId(grantNodeId); SbiOrgUnitNodes hibNode = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) aSession.load(SbiOrgUnitNodes.class, hierarchyNodeId); grantNode.setSbiOrgUnitNodes(hibNode); SbiKpiModelInst kpiModelInst = (SbiKpiModelInst) aSession.load(SbiKpiModelInst.class, kpiModelInstNodeId); grantNode.setSbiKpiModelInst(kpiModelInst); grantNode.setSbiOrgUnitGrant(hibGrant); logger.debug("Saving grant node with node Id:" + grantNodeId.getNodeId() + " modelInst Id " + grantNodeId.getKpiModelInstNodeId() + " ang grant Id " + grantNodeId.getGrantId()); //System.out.println("Saving grant node with node Id:"+grantNodeId.getNodeId()+" modelInst Id "+grantNodeId.getKpiModelInstNodeId()+" ang grant Id "+grantNodeId.getGrantId()); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(grantNode);; } //sets grant available if everithing ok hibGrant.setIsAvailable(true);; tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: List of OrganizationalUnitGrantNode inserted successfully."); } public List<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant> getRootNodesWithGrants(Integer hierarchyId, Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN: hierarchyId = " + hierarchyId + ", grantId = " + grantId); List<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where = ? " + " and n.sbiOrgUnitNodes is null"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, hierarchyId); List roots = hibQuery.list(); if (roots != null && !roots.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = roots.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiOrgUnitNodes root = (SbiOrgUnitNodes); OrganizationalUnitNode node = toOrganizationalUnitNode(root); OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant nodeWithGrant = getNodeWithGrants(node, grantId, aSession); toReturn.add(nodeWithGrant); } } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } private OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant getNodeWithGrants(OrganizationalUnitNode node, Integer grantId, Session aSession) { logger.debug("IN"); OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant toReturn = null; List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> grants = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode>(); Query hibQuery = aSession .createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes n where = ? " + " and = ?"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, node.getNodeId()); hibQuery.setInteger(1, grantId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { grants.add(toOrganizationalUnitGrantNode((SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes), aSession)); } toReturn = new OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant(node, grants); logger.debug("OUT"); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant> getChildrenNodesWithGrants(Integer nodeId, Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN: nodeId = " + nodeId + ", grantId = " + grantId); List<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where n.sbiOrgUnitNodes.nodeId = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, nodeId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { OrganizationalUnitNode node = toOrganizationalUnitNode((SbiOrgUnitNodes); OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant nodeWithGrants = getNodeWithGrants(node, grantId, aSession); toReturn.add(nodeWithGrants); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant> getGrantNodes(Integer nodeId, Integer grantId) { logger.debug("IN: nodeId = " + nodeId + ", grantId = " + grantId); List<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where n.nodeId = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, nodeId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { OrganizationalUnitNode node = toOrganizationalUnitNode((SbiOrgUnitNodes); OrganizationalUnitNodeWithGrant nodeWithGrants = getNodeWithGrants(node, grantId, aSession); toReturn.add(nodeWithGrants); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> getGrants(Integer kpiModelInstanceId) { logger.debug("IN: kpiModelInstanceId = " + kpiModelInstanceId); List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession .createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes n where = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, kpiModelInstanceId); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitGrantNode((SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes), aSession)); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> getGrantsValidByDate(Integer kpiModelInstanceId, Date now) { logger.debug("IN: kpiModelInstanceId = " + kpiModelInstanceId); List<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitGrantNode>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery( " from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes n where = ? and ? between n.sbiOrgUnitGrant.startDate and n.sbiOrgUnitGrant.endDate"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, kpiModelInstanceId); hibQuery.setDate(1, now); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { toReturn.add(toOrganizationalUnitGrantNode((SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes), aSession)); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public OrganizationalUnitGrant toOrganizationalUnitGrant(SbiOrgUnitGrant hibGrant, Session aSession) { OrganizationalUnitHierarchy hierarchy = toOrganizationalUnitHierarchy(hibGrant.getSbiOrgUnitHierarchies()); ModelInstance modelInstance = ModelInstanceDAOImpl .toModelInstanceWithoutChildren(hibGrant.getSbiKpiModelInst(), aSession); OrganizationalUnitGrant grant = new OrganizationalUnitGrant(hibGrant.getId(), hibGrant.getIsAvailable(), modelInstance, hierarchy, hibGrant.getStartDate(), hibGrant.getEndDate(), hibGrant.getLabel(), hibGrant.getName(), hibGrant.getDescription()); return grant; } public OrganizationalUnit toOrganizationalUnit(SbiOrgUnit hibOrgUnit) { OrganizationalUnit ou = new OrganizationalUnit(hibOrgUnit.getId(), hibOrgUnit.getLabel(), hibOrgUnit.getName(), hibOrgUnit.getDescription()); return ou; } public OrganizationalUnitHierarchy toOrganizationalUnitHierarchy(SbiOrgUnitHierarchies hibOrgUnitHierarchies) { OrganizationalUnitHierarchy hierarchy = new OrganizationalUnitHierarchy(hibOrgUnitHierarchies.getId(), hibOrgUnitHierarchies.getLabel(), hibOrgUnitHierarchies.getName(), hibOrgUnitHierarchies.getDescription(), hibOrgUnitHierarchies.getTarget(), hibOrgUnitHierarchies.getCompany()); return hierarchy; } public OrganizationalUnitNode toOrganizationalUnitNode(SbiOrgUnitNodes hibOrgUnitNode) { OrganizationalUnit ou = toOrganizationalUnit(hibOrgUnitNode.getSbiOrgUnit()); OrganizationalUnitHierarchy hierarchy = toOrganizationalUnitHierarchy( hibOrgUnitNode.getSbiOrgUnitHierarchies()); OrganizationalUnitNode node = new OrganizationalUnitNode(hibOrgUnitNode.getNodeId(), ou, hierarchy, hibOrgUnitNode.getPath(), hibOrgUnitNode.getSbiOrgUnitNodes() == null ? null : hibOrgUnitNode.getSbiOrgUnitNodes().getNodeId()); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where n.sbiOrgUnitNodes.nodeId = ? "); hibQuery.setInteger(0, node.getNodeId()); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); node.setLeaf(!it.hasNext()); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } return node; } public OrganizationalUnitGrantNode toOrganizationalUnitGrantNode(SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes hibGrantNode, Session aSession) { OrganizationalUnitNode ouNode = toOrganizationalUnitNode(hibGrantNode.getSbiOrgUnitNodes()); ModelInstanceNode modelInstanceNode; try { modelInstanceNode = ModelInstanceDAOImpl.toModelInstanceNode(hibGrantNode.getSbiKpiModelInst()); } catch (EMFUserError e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } OrganizationalUnitGrant grant = toOrganizationalUnitGrant(hibGrantNode.getSbiOrgUnitGrant(), aSession); OrganizationalUnitGrantNode grantNode = new OrganizationalUnitGrantNode(ouNode, modelInstanceNode, grant); return grantNode; } public OrganizationalUnit getOrganizationalUnitByLabelAndName(String label, String name) { logger.debug("IN: label = " + label + " name = " + name); OrganizationalUnit toReturn = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnit o where o.label = ? and = ?"); hibQuery.setString(0, label); hibQuery.setString(1, name); SbiOrgUnit hibOU = (SbiOrgUnit) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); if (hibOU != null) { toReturn = toOrganizationalUnit(hibOU); } else return null; } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public List<OrganizationalUnitNode> getNodes() { logger.debug("IN"); List<OrganizationalUnitNode> toReturn = new ArrayList<OrganizationalUnitNode>(); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes "); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { OrganizationalUnitNode node = toOrganizationalUnitNode((SbiOrgUnitNodes); toReturn.add(node); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public void eraseNodeGrant(OrganizationalUnitGrantNode grantNode) { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); String hql = "delete from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes s where = ? and = ? and = ? "; Query query = aSession.createQuery(hql); query.setInteger(0, grantNode.getGrant().getId()); query.setInteger(1, grantNode.getOuNode().getNodeId()); query.setInteger(2, grantNode.getModelInstanceNode().getModelInstanceNodeId()); query.executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: OrganizationalUnitGrantNode deleted successfully."); } public boolean hasGrants(OrganizationalUnitNode node) { logger.debug("IN"); boolean toReturn = false; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes s where = ?"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, node.getNodeId()); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); if (hibList != null && !hibList.isEmpty()) { toReturn = true; } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public boolean isInAHierarchy(OrganizationalUnit ou) { logger.debug("IN"); boolean toReturn = false; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where = ?"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, ou.getId()); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); if (hibList != null && !hibList.isEmpty()) { toReturn = true; } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public boolean hasGrants(OrganizationalUnitHierarchy h) { logger.debug("IN"); boolean toReturn = false; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession .createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes s where = ?"); hibQuery.setInteger(0, h.getId()); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); if (hibList != null && !hibList.isEmpty()) { toReturn = true; } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } public OrganizationalUnitGrant loadGrantByLabel(String label) { logger.debug("IN"); OrganizationalUnitGrant toReturn = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiOrgUnitGrant s where s.label = ? "); hibQuery.setString(0, label); SbiOrgUnitGrant hibGrant = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) hibQuery.uniqueResult(); if (hibGrant != null) { toReturn = toOrganizationalUnitGrant(hibGrant, aSession); } } finally { rollbackIfActiveAndClose(tx, aSession); } logger.debug("OUT: returning " + toReturn); return toReturn; } }