Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package; import; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.chart.utils.DatasetMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.kpi.utils.KpiInterval; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.kpi.utils.StyleLabel; import; import; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle; import; import org.jfree.ui.HorizontalAlignment; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets; import org.jfree.ui.VerticalAlignment; /** * * @author Chiara Chiarelli * */ public class ChartImpl implements Serializable { private static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ChartImpl.class); protected String name = null;//Chart Title protected String subName = null;//Chart Sub Title protected StyleLabel styleTitle;//Chart Title style protected StyleLabel styleSubTitle;//Chart Sub Title style protected Integer width;//Chart Width protected Integer height;//Chart height protected IEngUserProfile profile; protected Color color;//background color of the chart protected Boolean legend = true;//true if legend visible; false if not protected Boolean show_axis = false; protected DefaultValueDataset dataset;//ValueDataset for the chart protected Vector intervals;//List of chart intervals protected double lower = 0.0;//Chart's lower bound protected double upper = 0.0;//Chart's higher bound protected Double target = null;//Chart's target to reach /** * This function creates the chart object. * * @return the JFreeChart */ public JFreeChart createChart() { return null; } /** * This function calculates the values for the LineChart by transforming the xml string result in a DatasetMap * * @param Xml String result in form ROWS.ROW * @return DatasetMap */ public DatasetMap calculateValue(String result) throws Exception { return null; } /** * This function creates the object of the right subtype * * @param subtype: the subtype of the Dial Chart * * @return the correct ChartImpl instanciated */ public static ChartImpl createChart(String subtype) { logger.debug("IN"); ChartImpl sbi = null; if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Speedometer")) { sbi = new Speedometer(); logger.debug("Speedometer chart instanciated"); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("SimpleDial")) { sbi = new SimpleDial(); logger.debug("SimpleDial chart instanciated"); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Thermometer")) { sbi = new Thermometer(); logger.debug("Thermometer chart instanciated"); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Meter")) { sbi = new Meter(); logger.debug("Meter chart instanciated"); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("BulletGraph")) { sbi = new BulletGraph(); logger.debug("Meter chart instanciated"); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase("LineChart")) { sbi = new LineChart(); logger.debug("Line chart instanciated"); } logger.debug("OUT"); return sbi; } /** * This function configures the chart with the parameters passed in the config HashMap * * @param subtype: the subtype of the Dial Chart * * @return the correct ChartImpl instanciated */ public void configureChart(HashMap config) { logger.debug("IN"); name = (String) config.get("name"); logger.debug("Chart title setted: " + ((name != null) ? name : "")); subName = (String) config.get("subName"); logger.debug("Chart subtitle setted: " + ((subName != null) ? subName : "")); styleTitle = (StyleLabel) config.get("styleTitle"); logger.debug("Chart style title setted"); styleSubTitle = (StyleLabel) config.get("styleSubTitle"); logger.debug("Chart style subtitle setted"); show_axis = (Boolean) config.get("show_axis"); logger.debug("Chart show_axis setted"); logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Sets the Double value to represent into the Chart * * @param Double value to set * */ public void setValueDataSet(Double valueToRepresent) { this.dataset = new DefaultValueDataset(valueToRepresent); } /** * Sets the Double value to represent the target into the Chart * * @param Double value of the target to set * */ public void setTarget(Double target) { = target; } /** * This function returns the Double value represented in the chart * * @return the Double value represented in the chart */ public DefaultValueDataset getValueDataSet() { return this.dataset; } /** * This function fills up the vector "intervals" with the intervals of the chart, getting them from a list of Thresholds * * @param List of thresholds to set */ public void setThresholdValues(List thresholdValues) { logger.debug("IN"); if (thresholdValues != null && !thresholdValues.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = thresholdValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ThresholdValue t = (ThresholdValue); String type = t.getThresholdType(); Double min = t.getMinValue(); Double max = t.getMaxValue(); String label = t.getLabel(); Color c = t.getColor(); if (type.equals("RANGE")) { if (min != null && min.doubleValue() < lower) { lower = min.doubleValue(); } else if (min == null && max != null) { if (max.doubleValue() == 0) { lower = -10; } else if (max.doubleValue() > 0) { lower = 0; } else if (max.doubleValue() < 0) { lower = max.doubleValue() * 2; } } if (max != null && max.doubleValue() > upper) { upper = max.doubleValue(); } else if (max == null && min != null) { if (min.doubleValue() == 0) { upper = 10; } else if (min.doubleValue() > 0) { upper = min.doubleValue() * 2; } else if (min.doubleValue() < 0) { upper = 0; } } KpiInterval interval = new KpiInterval(); if (c != null) { interval.setColor(c); } else { interval.setColor(Color.WHITE); } if (label != null) { interval.setLabel(label); } else { interval.setLabel(""); } if (max != null) { interval.setMax(max); } else { interval.setMax(upper); } if (min != null) { interval.setMin(min); } else { interval.setMin(lower); } String color = Integer.toHexString(interval.getColor().getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); intervals.add(interval); } else if (type.equals("MINIMUM")) { if (min.doubleValue() < lower) { lower = min.doubleValue() * 2; } if (min.doubleValue() > 0) { upper = min.doubleValue() * 2; } else if (min.doubleValue() == 0) { upper = 10; lower = -10; } KpiInterval interval1 = new KpiInterval(); if (c != null) { interval1.setColor(c); } else { interval1.setColor(Color.WHITE); } if (label != null) { interval1.setLabel(label); } else { interval1.setLabel(""); } interval1.setMax(min); interval1.setMin(lower); String color1 = Integer.toHexString(interval1.getColor().getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); intervals.add(interval1); KpiInterval interval2 = new KpiInterval(); interval2.setColor(Color.WHITE); interval2.setLabel(""); interval2.setMax(upper); interval2.setMin(min); String color2 = Integer.toHexString(interval2.getColor().getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); intervals.add(interval2); } else if (type.equals("MAXIMUM")) { if (max.doubleValue() > upper) { upper = max.doubleValue() * 2; } if (max.doubleValue() < 0) { lower = max.doubleValue() * 2; } else if (max.doubleValue() == 0) { lower = -10; upper = 10; } KpiInterval interval1 = new KpiInterval(); interval1.setColor(Color.WHITE); interval1.setLabel(""); interval1.setMax(max); interval1.setMin(lower); String color1 = Integer.toHexString(interval1.getColor().getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); intervals.add(interval1); KpiInterval interval2 = new KpiInterval(); if (c != null) { interval2.setColor(c); } else { interval2.setColor(Color.WHITE); } if (label != null) { interval2.setLabel(label); } else { interval2.setLabel(""); } interval2.setMax(upper); interval2.setMin(max); String color2 = Integer.toHexString(interval2.getColor().getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); intervals.add(interval2); } logger.debug("New interval added to the Vector"); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public int getHeight() { return height; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getName() { return name; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setHeight(int _height) { height = _height; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setName(String _name) { name = _name; } public void setSubName(String _name) { subName = _name; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setWidth(int _width) { width = _width; } /** * Gets the profile. * * @return the profile */ public IEngUserProfile getProfile() { return profile; } /** * Sets the profile. * * @param profile the new profile */ public void setProfile(IEngUserProfile profile) { this.profile = profile; } /** * Gets the color. * * @return the color */ public Color getColor() { return color; } /** * Sets the color. * * @param color the new color */ public void setColor(Color color) { this.color = color; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public boolean isLegend() { return legend; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setLegend(boolean legend) { this.legend = legend; } public void setShowAxis(boolean show_axis) { this.show_axis = show_axis; } public TextTitle setStyleTitle(String title, StyleLabel titleLabel) { Font font = null; Color color = null; boolean definedFont = true; boolean definedColor = true; if (titleLabel != null) { if (titleLabel.getFont() != null) { font = titleLabel.getFont(); } else { definedFont = false; } if (titleLabel.getColor() != null) { color = titleLabel.getColor(); } else { definedColor = false; } } else { definedColor = false; definedFont = false; } if (!definedFont) font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 18); if (!definedColor) color = Color.BLACK; TextTitle titleText = new TextTitle(title, font, color, RectangleEdge.TOP, HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, VerticalAlignment.TOP, RectangleInsets.ZERO_INSETS); return titleText; } }