Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanAttribute; import; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.IMessageBuilder; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.MessageBuilderFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.chart.utils.DatasetMap; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.chart.utils.StyleLabel; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.block.BlockBorder; import org.jfree.chart.block.BlockContainer; import org.jfree.chart.block.BorderArrangement; import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle; import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle; import; import org.jfree.ui.HorizontalAlignment; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets; import org.jfree.ui.VerticalAlignment; /** @author Giulio Gavardi * */ public class ChartImpl implements IChart { private static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ChartImpl.class); protected int titleDimension; protected String name = null; protected String subName = null; protected int width; protected int height; protected String data; protected String confDataset; protected boolean isLovConfDefined; protected IEngUserProfile profile; protected String type = ""; protected String subtype = ""; protected Color color; protected boolean legend = true; protected String legendPosition = "bottom"; protected Map parametersObject; protected boolean filter = true; protected boolean slider = true; protected boolean sliderStartFromEnd = false; protected String positionSlider; protected StyleLabel styleTitle; protected StyleLabel styleSubTitle; protected StyleLabel defaultLabelsStyle; protected StyleLabel styleLegend; protected HashMap seriesLabelsMap = null; protected boolean multichart = false; protected String orientationMultichart = ""; protected Locale locale = Locale.ITALIAN; // REGISTER CHART TYPES and SUB TYPES public static final String DIAL_CHART = "DIALCHART"; public static final String speedometer = "speedometer"; public static final String speedometerMultiValue = "speedometerMultiValue"; public static final String simpledial = "simpledial"; public static final String thermomether = "thermomether"; public static final String meter = "meter"; public static final String bullet = "bullet"; public static final String PIECHART = "PIECHART"; public static final String simplepie = "simplepie"; public static final String linkablepie = "linkablepie"; public static final String BARCHART = "BARCHART"; public static final String simplebar = "simplebar"; public static final String linkablebar = "linkablebar"; public static final String overlaid_barline = "overlaid_barline"; public static final String stacked_bar = "stacked_bar"; public static final String stacked_bar_group = "stacked_bar_group"; public static final String overlaid_stacked_barline = "overlaid_stacked_barline"; public static final String combined_category_bar = "combined_category_bar"; public static final String BOXCHART = "BOXCHART"; public static final String simplebox = "simplebox"; public static final String CLUSTERCHART = "CLUSTERCHART"; public static final String simplecluster = "simplecluster"; public static final String XYCHART = "XYCHART"; public static final String blockchart = "blockchart"; public static final String simpleblockchart = "simpleblockchart"; public static final String SCATTERCHART = "SCATTERCHART"; public static final String simplescatter = "simplescatter"; public static final String markerscatter = "markerscatter"; public static final String TARGETCHART = "TARGETCHART"; public static final String sparkline = "spark_line"; public static final String winlose = "win_lose"; public static final String BLOCKCHART = "BLOCKCHART"; public static final String simpletimeblock = "simpletimeblock"; // Register Parameters /** Nameof the chart., can be parametrized */ public static final String NAME = "name"; /** tag for style title */ public static final String STYLE_TITLE = "STYLE_TITLE"; /** tag for style subTitle */ public static final String STYLE_SUBTITLE = "STYLE_SUBTITLE"; /** tag for style default labels */ public static final String STYLE_LABELS_DEFAULT = "STYLE_LABELS_DEFAULT"; /** parameters for style tags */ public static final String NAME_STYLE = "name"; public static final String FONT_STYLE = "font"; public static final String SIZE_STYLE = "size"; public static final String COLOR_STYLE = "color"; public static final String ORIENTATION_STYLE = "orientation"; /** title dimension */ public static final String TITLE_DIMENSION = "title_dimension"; /** title dimension */ public static final String COLORS_BACKGROUND = "COLORS.background"; /** dimensions of chart */ public static final String DIMENSION_WIDTH = "DIMENSION.width"; public static final String DIMENSION_HEIGHT = "DIMENSION.height"; /** dataset for configuration */ public static final String CONF_DATASET = "confdataset"; /** Parameter in the tag CONF*/ /** TAG CONF */ public static final String CONF = "CONF"; /** if true draw legend */ public static final String LEGEND = "legend"; /** legend position; bottom, top, left, right*/ public static final String LEGEND_POSITION = "legend_position"; /** legend style; font, sizem color*/ public static final String LEGEND_STYLE = "STYLE_LEGEND"; /** if true view filter*/ public static final String VIEW_FILTER = "view_filter"; /** if true view slider*/ public static final String VIEW_SLIDER = "view_slider"; /** if true the slider starts from last n categories*/ public static final String SLIDER_START_FROM_END = "slider_start_from_end"; /** top or bottom, where to put slider*/ public static final String POSITION_SLIDER = "position_slider"; // Outside of CONF /** Labels for series, should be put outside CONF*/ public static final String SERIES_LABELS = "SERIES_LABELS"; /** * configureChart reads the content of the template and sets the chart parameters. * * @param content the content */ public void configureChart(SourceBean content) { logger.debug("IN"); // common part for all charts //setting the title with parameter values if is necessary if (content.getAttribute(NAME) != null) { String titleChart = (String) content.getAttribute(NAME); String tmpTitle = titleChart; while (!tmpTitle.equals("")) { if (tmpTitle.indexOf("$P{") >= 0) { String parName = tmpTitle.substring(tmpTitle.indexOf("$P{") + 3, tmpTitle.indexOf("}")); String parValue = (parametersObject.get(parName) == null) ? "" : (String) parametersObject.get(parName); parValue = parValue.replaceAll("\'", ""); if (parValue.equals("%")) parValue = ""; int pos = tmpTitle.indexOf("$P{" + parName + "}") + (parName.length() + 4); titleChart = titleChart.replace("$P{" + parName + "}", parValue); tmpTitle = tmpTitle.substring(pos); } else tmpTitle = ""; } setName(titleChart); } else setName(""); SourceBean styleTitleSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(STYLE_TITLE); if (styleTitleSB != null) { String fontS = (String) styleTitleSB.getAttribute(FONT_STYLE); String sizeS = (String) styleTitleSB.getAttribute(SIZE_STYLE); String colorS = (String) styleTitleSB.getAttribute(COLOR_STYLE); try { Color color = Color.decode(colorS); int size = Integer.valueOf(sizeS).intValue(); styleTitle = new StyleLabel(fontS, size, color); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Wrong style Title settings, use default"); } } SourceBean styleSubTitleSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(STYLE_SUBTITLE); if (styleSubTitleSB != null) { String subTitle = (String) styleSubTitleSB.getAttribute(NAME_STYLE); if (subTitle != null) { String tmpSubTitle = subTitle; while (!tmpSubTitle.equals("")) { if (tmpSubTitle.indexOf("$P{") >= 0) { String parName = tmpSubTitle.substring(tmpSubTitle.indexOf("$P{") + 3, tmpSubTitle.indexOf("}")); String parValue = (parametersObject.get(parName) == null) ? "" : (String) parametersObject.get(parName); parValue = parValue.replaceAll("\'", ""); if (parValue.equals("%")) parValue = ""; int pos = tmpSubTitle.indexOf("$P{" + parName + "}") + (parName.length() + 4); subTitle = subTitle.replace("$P{" + parName + "}", parValue); tmpSubTitle = tmpSubTitle.substring(pos); } else tmpSubTitle = ""; } setSubName(subTitle); } else setSubName(""); String fontS = (String) styleSubTitleSB.getAttribute(FONT_STYLE); String sizeS = (String) styleSubTitleSB.getAttribute(SIZE_STYLE); String colorS = (String) styleSubTitleSB.getAttribute(COLOR_STYLE); try { Color color = Color.decode(colorS); int size = Integer.valueOf(sizeS).intValue(); styleSubTitle = new StyleLabel(fontS, size, color); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Wrong style SubTitle settings, use default"); } } SourceBean styleLabelsSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(STYLE_LABELS_DEFAULT); if (styleLabelsSB != null) { String fontS = (String) styleLabelsSB.getAttribute(FONT_STYLE); if (fontS == null) { fontS = "Arial"; } String sizeS = (String) styleLabelsSB.getAttribute(SIZE_STYLE); if (sizeS == null) { sizeS = "12"; } String colorS = (String) styleLabelsSB.getAttribute(COLOR_STYLE); if (colorS == null) { colorS = "#000000"; } String orientationS = (String) styleLabelsSB.getAttribute(ORIENTATION_STYLE); if (orientationS == null) { orientationS = "horizontal"; } try { Color color = Color.decode(colorS); int size = Integer.valueOf(sizeS).intValue(); defaultLabelsStyle = new StyleLabel(fontS, size, color, orientationS); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Wrong style labels settings, use default"); } } else { defaultLabelsStyle = new StyleLabel("Arial", 12, Color.BLACK); } if (content.getAttribute("title_dimension") != null) { String titleD = ((String) content.getAttribute(TITLE_DIMENSION)); titleDimension = Integer.valueOf(titleD).intValue(); } else setTitleDimension(18); String colS = (String) content.getAttribute(COLORS_BACKGROUND); if (colS != null) { Color col = new Color(Integer.decode(colS).intValue()); if (col != null) { setColor(col); } else { setColor(Color.white); } } else { setColor(Color.white); } String widthS = (String) content.getAttribute(DIMENSION_WIDTH); String heightS = (String) content.getAttribute(DIMENSION_HEIGHT); if (widthS == null || heightS == null) { logger.warn("Width or height non defined, use default ones"); widthS = "400"; heightS = "300"; } width = Integer.valueOf(widthS).intValue(); height = Integer.valueOf(heightS).intValue(); // get all the data parameters try { Map dataParameters = new HashMap(); SourceBean dataSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(CONF); List dataAttrsList = dataSB.getContainedSourceBeanAttributes(); Iterator dataAttrsIter = dataAttrsList.iterator(); while (dataAttrsIter.hasNext()) { SourceBeanAttribute paramSBA = (SourceBeanAttribute); SourceBean param = (SourceBean) paramSBA.getValue(); String nameParam = (String) param.getAttribute("name"); String valueParam = (String) param.getAttribute("value"); dataParameters.put(nameParam, valueParam); } if (dataParameters.get(CONF_DATASET) != null && !(((String) dataParameters.get(CONF_DATASET)).equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { confDataset = (String) dataParameters.get(CONF_DATASET); isLovConfDefined = true; } else { isLovConfDefined = false; } legend = true; if (dataParameters.get(LEGEND) != null && !(((String) dataParameters.get(LEGEND)).equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { String leg = (String) dataParameters.get(LEGEND); if (leg.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) legend = false; } legendPosition = "bottom"; if (dataParameters.get(LEGEND_POSITION) != null && !(((String) dataParameters.get(LEGEND_POSITION)).equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { String leg = (String) dataParameters.get(LEGEND_POSITION); if (leg.equalsIgnoreCase("bottom") || leg.equalsIgnoreCase("left") || leg.equalsIgnoreCase("right") || leg.equalsIgnoreCase("top")) legendPosition = leg; } filter = true; if (dataParameters.get(VIEW_FILTER) != null && !(((String) dataParameters.get(VIEW_FILTER)).equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { String fil = (String) dataParameters.get(VIEW_FILTER); if (fil.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) filter = false; } slider = true; if (dataParameters.get(VIEW_SLIDER) != null && !(((String) dataParameters.get(VIEW_SLIDER)).equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { String sli = (String) dataParameters.get(VIEW_SLIDER); if (sli.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) slider = false; } sliderStartFromEnd = false; if (dataParameters.get(SLIDER_START_FROM_END) != null && !(((String) dataParameters.get(SLIDER_START_FROM_END)).equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { String sli = (String) dataParameters.get(SLIDER_START_FROM_END); if (sli.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) sliderStartFromEnd = true; } positionSlider = "top"; if (dataParameters.get(POSITION_SLIDER) != null && !(((String) dataParameters.get(POSITION_SLIDER)).equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { positionSlider = (String) dataParameters.get(POSITION_SLIDER); } //reading series orders if present SourceBean sbSerieLabels = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(SERIES_LABELS); // back compatibility if (sbSerieLabels == null) { sbSerieLabels = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute("CONF.SERIES_LABELS"); } if (sbSerieLabels != null) { seriesLabelsMap = new LinkedHashMap(); List atts = sbSerieLabels.getContainedAttributes(); String serieLabel = ""; for (Iterator iterator = atts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute); String serieName = (String) object.getKey(); serieLabel = new String((String) object.getValue()); if (serieLabel != null) { seriesLabelsMap.put(serieName, serieLabel); } } } SourceBean styleLegendSB = (SourceBean) content.getAttribute(LEGEND_STYLE); if (styleLegendSB != null) { String fontS = (String) styleLegendSB.getAttribute(FONT_STYLE); String sizeS = (String) styleLegendSB.getAttribute(SIZE_STYLE); String colorS = (String) styleLegendSB.getAttribute(COLOR_STYLE); try { Color color = Color.decode(colorS); int size = Integer.valueOf(sizeS).intValue(); styleLegend = new StyleLabel(fontS, size, color); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Wrong style Legend settings, use default"); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getCause() + " " + e.getStackTrace()); logger.error("many error in reading data source parameters", e); } } /** * This function creates the chart object. * * @param chartTitle the chart title * @param dataset the dataset * * @return the j free chart */ public JFreeChart createChart(DatasetMap dataset) { return null; } /** * This function creates the object of the right subtype as specified by type and subtype parameters found in template. * * @param type the type * @param subtype the subtype * * @return the chart impl */ public static ChartImpl createChart(String type, String subtype) { ChartImpl sbi = null; if (type.equals(DIAL_CHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(speedometer)) { sbi = new SBISpeedometer(); } if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(speedometerMultiValue)) { sbi = new SpeedometerMultiValue(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simpledial)) { sbi = new SimpleDial(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(thermomether)) { sbi = new Thermometer(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(meter)) { sbi = new Meter(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(bullet)) { sbi = new BulletGraph(); } } else if (type.equals(PIECHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simplepie)) { sbi = new SimplePie(); } if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(linkablepie)) { sbi = new LinkablePie(); } } else if (type.equals(BARCHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simplebar)) { sbi = new SimpleBar(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(linkablebar)) { sbi = new LinkableBar(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(overlaid_barline)) { sbi = new OverlaidBarLine(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(stacked_bar)) { sbi = new StackedBar(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(stacked_bar_group)) { sbi = new StackedBarGroup(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(overlaid_stacked_barline)) { sbi = new OverlaidStackedBarLine(); } else if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(combined_category_bar)) { sbi = new CombinedCategoryBar(); } } else if (type.equals(BOXCHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simplebox)) { sbi = new SimpleBox(); } } else if (type.equals(CLUSTERCHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simplecluster)) { sbi = new SimpleCluster(); } } else if (type.equals(XYCHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(blockchart)) { sbi = new BlockChart(); } if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simpleblockchart)) { sbi = new SimpleBlockChart(); } } else if (type.equals(SCATTERCHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simplescatter)) { sbi = new SimpleScatter(); } if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(markerscatter)) { sbi = new MarkerScatter(); } } else if (type.equals(TARGETCHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(sparkline)) { sbi = new SparkLine(); } if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(winlose)) { sbi = new WinLose(); } } else if (type.equals(BLOCKCHART)) { if (subtype.equalsIgnoreCase(simpletimeblock)) { sbi = new TimeBlockChart(); } } return sbi; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getData() { return data; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public int getHeight() { return height; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getName() { return name; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setData(String _data) { data = _data; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setHeight(int _height) { height = _height; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setName(String _name) { name = _name; } public void setSubName(String _name) { subName = _name; } /** * @return the subName */ public String getSubName() { return subName; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setWidth(int _width) { width = _width; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public DatasetMap calculateValue() throws Exception { return null; } /** * Gets the conf dataset. * * @return the conf dataset */ public String getConfDataset() { return confDataset; } /** * Sets the conf dataset. * * @param confDataset the new conf dataset */ public void setConfDataset(String confDataset) { this.confDataset = confDataset; } /** * Gets the profile. * * @return the profile */ public IEngUserProfile getProfile() { return profile; } /** * Sets the profile. * * @param profile the new profile */ public void setProfile(IEngUserProfile profile) { this.profile = profile; } /** * Checks if is lov conf defined. * * @return true, if is lov conf defined */ public boolean isLovConfDefined() { return isLovConfDefined; } /** * Sets the lov conf defined. * * @param isLovConfDefined the new lov conf defined */ public void setLovConfDefined(boolean isLovConfDefined) { this.isLovConfDefined = isLovConfDefined; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public boolean isLinkable() { return false; } /** * Gets the type. * * @return the type */ public String getType() { return type; } /** * Sets the type. * * @param type the new type */ public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } /** * Gets the subtype. * * @return the subtype */ public String getSubtype() { return subtype; } /** * Sets the subtype. * * @param subtype the new subtype */ public void setSubtype(String subtype) { this.subtype = subtype; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public boolean isChangeableView() { return false; } /** * Gets the change view label. * * @param theme the theme * @param i the i * * @return the change view label */ public String getChangeViewLabel(String theme, int i) { return ""; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setChangeViewChecked(boolean b) { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public List getPossibleChangePars() { return new Vector(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, boolean) */ public void setChangeViewsParameter(String changePar, boolean how) { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public boolean getChangeViewParameter(String changePar) { return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, int) */ public String getChangeViewParameterLabel(String changePar, int i) { return null; } /** * Gets the color. * * @return the color */ public Color getColor() { return color; } /** * Sets the color. * * @param color the new color */ public void setColor(Color color) { this.color = color; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, java.util.HashMap, int, int) */ public Dataset filterDataset(Dataset dataset, HashMap categories, int catSelected, int numberCatsVisualization) { return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public boolean isLegend() { return legend; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setLegend(boolean legend) { this.legend = legend; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public Map getParametersObject() { return parametersObject; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setParametersObject(Map parametersObject) { this.parametersObject = parametersObject; } public boolean isFilter() { return filter; } public void setFilter(boolean filter) { this.filter = filter; } public boolean isSlider() { return slider; } /** * @return the positionSlider */ public String getPositionSlider() { return positionSlider; } /** * @param positionSlider the positionSlider to set */ public void setPositionSlider(String positionSlider) { this.positionSlider = positionSlider; } public void setSlider(boolean slider) { this.slider = slider; } public void setTitleParameter(List atts) { try { String tmpTitle = new String(name); if (tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") >= 0) { String parName = tmpTitle.substring(tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") + 3, tmpTitle.indexOf("}")); logger.debug("parName: " + parName); for (Iterator iterator2 = atts.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute); String nameP = new String(object.getKey()); String value = new String((String) object.getValue()); logger.debug("nameP: " + nameP + " - value: " + value); if (nameP.equalsIgnoreCase(parName)) { int pos = tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{" + parName + "}") + (parName.length() + 4); name = name.replace("$F{" + parName + "}", value); tmpTitle = tmpTitle.substring(pos); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in parameters Title:", e); } } public void setSubTitleParameter(List atts) { try { String tmpTitle = new String(getSubName()); if (tmpTitle != null && tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") >= 0) { String parName = tmpTitle.substring(tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") + 3, tmpTitle.indexOf("}")); for (Iterator iterator2 = atts.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { SourceBeanAttribute object = (SourceBeanAttribute); String nameP = new String(object.getKey()); String value = (object.getValue() == null) ? " " : new String((String) object.getValue()); if (nameP.equalsIgnoreCase(parName)) { int pos = tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{" + parName + "}") + (parName.length() + 4); setSubName(getSubName().replace("$F{" + parName + "}", value)); tmpTitle = tmpTitle.substring(pos); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in parameters SubTitle"); } } public void setSubTitleParameter(String attValue) { try { String tmpTitle = new String(getSubName()); if (tmpTitle != null && tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") >= 0) { String parName = tmpTitle.substring(tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") + 3, tmpTitle.indexOf("}")); int pos = tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{" + parName + "}") + (parName.length() + 4); setSubName(getSubName().replace("$F{" + parName + "}", attValue)); tmpTitle = tmpTitle.substring(pos); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in parameters SubTitle"); } } public void setTitleParameter(String attValue) { try { String tmpTitle = new String(getName()); if (tmpTitle != null && tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") >= 0) { String parName = tmpTitle.substring(tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{") + 3, tmpTitle.indexOf("}")); int pos = tmpTitle.indexOf("$F{" + parName + "}") + (parName.length() + 4); setSubName(getName().replace("$F{" + parName + "}", attValue)); tmpTitle = tmpTitle.substring(pos); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in parameters Title"); } } public TextTitle setStyleTitle(String title, StyleLabel titleLabel) { Font font = null; Color color = null; boolean definedFont = true; boolean definedColor = true; if (titleLabel != null) { if (titleLabel.getFont() != null) { font = titleLabel.getFont(); } else { definedFont = false; } if (titleLabel.getColor() != null) { color = titleLabel.getColor(); } else { definedColor = false; } } else { definedColor = false; definedFont = false; } if (!definedFont) font = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18); if (!definedColor) color = Color.BLACK; TextTitle titleText = new TextTitle(title, font, color, RectangleEdge.TOP, HorizontalAlignment.CENTER, VerticalAlignment.TOP, RectangleInsets.ZERO_INSETS); return titleText; } public int getTitleDimension() { return titleDimension; } public void setTitleDimension(int titleDimension) { this.titleDimension = titleDimension; } public HashMap getSeriesLabels() { return seriesLabelsMap; } public void setSeriesLabels(HashMap seriesLabels) { this.seriesLabelsMap = seriesLabels; } public String getLegendPosition() { return legendPosition; } public void setLegendPosition(String legendPosition) { this.legendPosition = legendPosition; } /** * @return the multichart */ public boolean getMultichart() { return multichart; } /** * @param multichart the multichart to set */ public void setMultichart(boolean multichart) { this.multichart = multichart; } /** * @return the orientationMultichart */ public String getOrientationMultichart() { return orientationMultichart; } /** * @param orientationMultichart the orientationMultichart to set */ public void setOrientationMultichart(String orientationMultichart) { this.orientationMultichart = orientationMultichart; } public void drawLegend(JFreeChart chart) { //remove ipotetical other legend chart.removeLegend(); BlockContainer wrapper = new BlockContainer(new BorderArrangement()); wrapper.setFrame(new BlockBorder(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); /*LabelBlock titleBlock = new LabelBlock("Legend Items:", new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12)); titleBlock.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); wrapper.add(titleBlock, RectangleEdge.TOP);*/ LegendTitle legend = new LegendTitle(chart.getPlot()); BlockContainer items = legend.getItemContainer(); if (styleLegend != null && styleLegend.getFont() != null) { legend.setItemFont(new Font(styleLegend.getFontName(), Font.BOLD, styleLegend.getSize())); } items.setPadding(2, 5, 5, 2); wrapper.add(items); legend.setWrapper(wrapper); if (legendPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("bottom")) legend.setPosition(RectangleEdge.BOTTOM); else if (legendPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) legend.setPosition(RectangleEdge.LEFT); else if (legendPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) legend.setPosition(RectangleEdge.RIGHT); else if (legendPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("top")) legend.setPosition(RectangleEdge.TOP); else legend.setPosition(RectangleEdge.BOTTOM); legend.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); chart.addSubtitle(legend); } public void setLocalizedTitle() { if (name != null) { IMessageBuilder msgBuilder = MessageBuilderFactory.getMessageBuilder(); //String toSet=msgBuilder.getUserMessage(name, SpagoBIConstants.DEFAULT_USER_BUNDLE, locale); String toSet = msgBuilder.getI18nMessage(locale, name); setName(toSet); } return; } public boolean isSliderStartFromEnd() { return sliderStartFromEnd; } public void setSliderStartFromEnd(boolean sliderStartFromEnd) { this.sliderStartFromEnd = sliderStartFromEnd; } public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } public void setLocale(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; } }