Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException; import it.eng.spago.dbaccess.Utils; import it.eng.spago.dbaccess.sql.DataConnection; import it.eng.spago.dbaccess.sql.DataRow; import it.eng.spago.dbaccess.sql.SQLCommand; import it.eng.spago.dbaccess.sql.result.DataResult; import it.eng.spago.dbaccess.sql.result.ScrollableDataResult; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError; import; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.handlers.ExecutionInstance; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.DataSourceUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.GeneralUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.StringUtilities; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.exceptions.SpagoBIRuntimeException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.validator.GenericValidator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Defines the <code>QueryDetail</code> objects. This object is used to store * Query Wizard detail information. */ public class QueryDetail implements ILovDetail { private static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(QueryDetail.class); private String dataSource = ""; private String queryDefinition = ""; private List visibleColumnNames = null; private String valueColumnName = ""; private String descriptionColumnName = ""; private List invisibleColumnNames = null; private String databaseDialect = null; private List treeLevelsColumns = null; private String lovType = "simple"; static final String AB = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; static Random random = new Random(); private static String ALIAS_DELIMITER = null; private static String VALUE_ALIAS = "VALUE"; private static String DESCRIPTION_ALIAS = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String DIALECT_MYSQL = "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect"; public static final String DIALECT_POSTGRES = "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"; public static final String DIALECT_ORACLE = "org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect"; public static final String DIALECT_HSQL = "org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"; public static final String DIALECT_ORACLE9i10g = "org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect"; public static final String DIALECT_SQLSERVER = "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect"; public static final String DIALECT_INGRES = "org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect"; public static final String DIALECT_TERADATA = "org.hibernate.dialect.TeradataDialect"; /** * constructor. */ public QueryDetail() { } /** * constructor. * * @param dataDefinition the xml representation of the lov * * @throws SourceBeanException the source bean exception */ public QueryDetail(String dataDefinition) throws SourceBeanException { loadFromXML(dataDefinition); } /** * loads the lov from an xml string. * * @param dataDefinition the xml definition of the lov * * @throws SourceBeanException the source bean exception */ public void loadFromXML(String dataDefinition) throws SourceBeanException { logger.debug("IN"); dataDefinition.trim(); if (dataDefinition.indexOf("<STMT>") != -1) { int startInd = dataDefinition.indexOf("<STMT>"); int endId = dataDefinition.indexOf("</STMT>"); String query = dataDefinition.substring(startInd + 6, endId); query = query.trim(); if (!query.startsWith("<![CDATA[")) { query = "<![CDATA[" + query + "]]>"; dataDefinition = dataDefinition.substring(0, startInd + 6) + query + dataDefinition.substring(endId); } } SourceBean source = SourceBean.fromXMLString(dataDefinition); SourceBean connection = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("CONNECTION"); String dataSource = connection.getCharacters(); SourceBean statement = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("STMT"); String queryDefinition = statement.getCharacters(); SourceBean valCol = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("VALUE-COLUMN"); String valueColumn = valCol.getCharacters(); SourceBean visCol = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("VISIBLE-COLUMNS"); String visibleColumns = visCol.getCharacters(); SourceBean invisCol = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("INVISIBLE-COLUMNS"); String invisibleColumns = ""; // compatibility control (versions till 1.9RC does not have invisible columns definition) if (invisCol != null) { invisibleColumns = invisCol.getCharacters(); if (invisibleColumns == null) { invisibleColumns = ""; } } SourceBean descCol = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("DESCRIPTION-COLUMN"); String descriptionColumn = null; // compatibility control (versions till 1.9.1 does not have description columns definition) if (descCol != null) { descriptionColumn = descCol.getCharacters(); if (descriptionColumn == null) { descriptionColumn = valueColumn; } } else descriptionColumn = valueColumn; setDataSource(dataSource); setQueryDefinition(queryDefinition); setValueColumnName(valueColumn); setDescriptionColumnName(descriptionColumn); List visColNames = new ArrayList(); if ((visibleColumns != null) && !visibleColumns.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { String[] visColArr = visibleColumns.split(","); visColNames = Arrays.asList(visColArr); } setVisibleColumnNames(visColNames); List invisColNames = new ArrayList(); if ((invisibleColumns != null) && !invisibleColumns.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { String[] invisColArr = invisibleColumns.split(","); invisColNames = Arrays.asList(invisColArr); } setInvisibleColumnNames(invisColNames); // compatibility control (versions till 3.6 does not have TREE-LEVELS-COLUMN definition) SourceBean treeLevelsColumnsBean = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("TREE-LEVELS-COLUMNS"); String treeLevelsColumnsString = null; if (treeLevelsColumnsBean != null) { treeLevelsColumnsString = treeLevelsColumnsBean.getCharacters(); } if ((treeLevelsColumnsString != null) && !treeLevelsColumnsString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { String[] treeLevelsColumnArr = treeLevelsColumnsString.split(","); this.treeLevelsColumns = Arrays.asList(treeLevelsColumnArr); } SourceBean lovTypeBean = (SourceBean) source.getAttribute("LOVTYPE"); String lovType; if (lovTypeBean != null) { lovType = lovTypeBean.getCharacters(); this.lovType = lovType; } logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * serialize the lov to an xml string. * * @return the serialized xml string */ public String toXML() { String XML = "<QUERY>" + "<CONNECTION>" + this.getDataSource() + "</CONNECTION>" + "<STMT>" + this.getQueryDefinition() + "</STMT>" + "<VALUE-COLUMN>" + this.getValueColumnName() + "</VALUE-COLUMN>" + "<DESCRIPTION-COLUMN>" + this.getDescriptionColumnName() + "</DESCRIPTION-COLUMN>" + "<VISIBLE-COLUMNS>" + GeneralUtilities.fromListToString(this.getVisibleColumnNames(), ",") + "</VISIBLE-COLUMNS>" + "<INVISIBLE-COLUMNS>" + GeneralUtilities.fromListToString(this.getInvisibleColumnNames(), ",") + "</INVISIBLE-COLUMNS>" + "<LOVTYPE>" + this.getLovType() + "</LOVTYPE>" + "<TREE-LEVELS-COLUMNS>" + GeneralUtilities.fromListToString(this.getTreeLevelsColumns(), ",") + "</TREE-LEVELS-COLUMNS>" + "</QUERY>"; return XML; } /** * @see profile, List<ObjParuse> dependencies, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) throws Exception; */ public String getLovResult(IEngUserProfile profile, List<ObjParuse> dependencies, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) throws Exception { logger.debug("IN"); String statement = getWrappedStatement(dependencies, executionInstance); statement = StringUtilities.substituteProfileAttributesInString(statement, profile);"User [" + ((UserProfile) profile).getUserId() + "] is executing sql: " + statement); String result = getLovResult(profile, statement); logger.debug("OUT.result=" + result); return result; } /** * This methods builds the in-line view that filters the original lov using the dependencies. * For example, suppose the lov definition is * SELECT country, state_province, city FROM REGION * and there is a dependency that set country to be "USA", this method returns * SELECT * FROM (SELECT country, state_province, city FROM REGION) T WHERE ( country = 'USA' ) * @param dependencies The dependencies' configuration to be considered into the query * @param executionInstance The execution instance (useful to retrieve dependencies values) * @return the in-line view that filters the original lov using the dependencies. */ public String getWrappedStatement(List<ObjParuse> dependencies, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) { logger.debug("IN"); String result = getQueryDefinition(); if (dependencies != null && dependencies.size() > 0 && executionInstance != null) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("SELECT * FROM (" + getQueryDefinition() + ") LovTableForCache "); buildWhereClause(buffer, dependencies, executionInstance); result = buffer.toString(); } logger.debug("OUT.result=" + result); return result; } private String getRandomAlias(int len) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) sb.append(AB.charAt(random.nextInt(AB.length()))); return sb.toString(); } /** * This method builds the WHERE clause for the wrapped statement (the statement that adds filters for correlations/dependencies) * See getWrappedStatement method. * * @param buffer The String buffer that contains query definition * @param dependencies The dependencies configuration * @param executionInstance The execution instance */ private void buildWhereClause(StringBuffer buffer, List<ObjParuse> dependencies, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) { buffer.append(" WHERE "); if (dependencies.size() == 1) { ObjParuse dependency = (ObjParuse) dependencies.get(0); addFilter(buffer, dependency, executionInstance); } else if (dependencies.size() == 2) { ObjParuse leftPart = (ObjParuse) dependencies.get(0); ObjParuse rightPart = (ObjParuse) dependencies.get(1); String lo = leftPart.getLogicOperator(); addFilter(buffer, leftPart, executionInstance); buffer.append(" " + lo + " "); addFilter(buffer, rightPart, executionInstance); } else { // build the expression Iterator iterOps = dependencies.iterator(); while (iterOps.hasNext()) { ObjParuse op = (ObjParuse); if (op.getPreCondition() != null) buffer.append(" " + op.getPreCondition() + " "); addFilter(buffer, op, executionInstance); if (op.getPostCondition() != null) buffer.append(" " + op.getPostCondition() + " "); if (op.getLogicOperator() != null) buffer.append(" " + op.getLogicOperator() + " "); } } } /** * This methods adds a single filter based on the input dependency's configuration. * See buildWhereClause and getWrappedStatement methods. * * @param buffer The String buffer that contains query definition * @param dependency The dependency's configuration * @param executionInstance The execution instance */ private void addFilter(StringBuffer buffer, ObjParuse dependency, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) { String operator = findOperator(dependency, executionInstance); String value = findValue(dependency, executionInstance); if (value != null) { buffer.append(" ( "); buffer.append(getColumnSQLName(dependency.getFilterColumn())); buffer.append(" " + operator + " "); buffer.append(" " + value + " "); buffer.append(" ) "); } else { buffer.append(" ( 1 = 1 ) "); // in case a filter has no value, add a TRUE condition } } private String getColumnSQLName(String columnName) { if (columnName.contains(" ")) { return ALIAS_DELIMITER + columnName + ALIAS_DELIMITER; } else return columnName; } /** * Finds the value to be used into the dependency's filter. * * @param dependency The dependency's configuration * @param executionInstance The execution instance * @return the value to be used in the wrapped statement */ private String findValue(ObjParuse dependency, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) { String typeFilter = dependency.getFilterOperation(); BIObjectParameter fatherPar = getFatherParameter(dependency, executionInstance); List values = fatherPar.getParameterValues(); if (values == null || values.isEmpty() || (values.size() == 1 && values.get(0).equals(""))) { return null; } String firstValue = (String) values.get(0); if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.START_FILTER)) { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, firstValue + "%"); } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.END_FILTER)) { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, "%" + firstValue); } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.CONTAIN_FILTER)) { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, "%" + firstValue + "%"); } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.EQUAL_FILTER)) { if (values.size() > 1) { return "(" + concatenateValues(fatherPar, values) + ")"; } else { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, firstValue); } } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.LESS_FILTER)) { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, firstValue); } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.LESS_OR_EQUAL_FILTER)) { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, firstValue); } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.GREATER_FILTER)) { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, firstValue); } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.GREATER_OR_EQUAL_FILTER)) { return getSQLValue(fatherPar, firstValue); } else { logger.error("Filter operator not supported: [" + typeFilter + "]"); throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException("Filter operator not supported: [" + typeFilter + "]"); } } /** * Concatenates values by ',' * @param biparam The BIObjectParameter in the dependency * @param values The values to be concatenated * @return the values concatenated by ',' */ private String concatenateValues(BIObjectParameter biparam, List values) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Iterator it = values.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String aValue = (String); buffer.append(getSQLValue(biparam, aValue)); if (it.hasNext()) { buffer.append(","); } } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Finds the suitable SQL value for the input value. * A number is not changed. * A String is surrounded by single-quotes. * A date is put inside a database-dependent function. The date must respect the format returned by GeneralUtilities.getServerDateFormat() * Input values are validated. * * @param biparam The BIObjectParameter in the dependency * @param value The value of the parameter * @return the SQL value suitable for the input value */ private String getSQLValue(BIObjectParameter biparam, String value) { String parameterType = biparam.getParameter().getType(); if (parameterType.equals(SpagoBIConstants.NUMBER_TYPE_FILTER)) { validateNumber(value); return value; } else if (parameterType.equals(SpagoBIConstants.STRING_TYPE_FILTER)) { return "'" + escapeString(value) + "'"; } else if (parameterType.equals(SpagoBIConstants.DATE_TYPE_FILTER)) { validateDate(value); String dialect = getDataSourceDialect(); String toReturn = composeStringToDt(dialect, value); return toReturn; } else { logger.error("Parameter type not supported: [" + parameterType + "]"); throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException("Parameter type not supported: [" + parameterType + "]"); } } private void validateNumber(String value) { if (!(GenericValidator.isInt(value) || GenericValidator.isFloat(value) || GenericValidator.isDouble(value) || GenericValidator.isShort(value) || GenericValidator.isLong(value))) { throw new SecurityException("Input value " + value + " is not a valid number"); } } private void validateDate(String value) { String dateFormat = GeneralUtilities.getServerDateFormat(); String timestampFormat = GeneralUtilities.getServerTimeStampFormat(); if (!GenericValidator.isDate(value, dateFormat, true) && !GenericValidator.isDate(value, timestampFormat, true)) { throw new SecurityException( "Input value " + value + " is not a valid date according to the date format " + dateFormat + " or timestamp format " + timestampFormat); } } private String getDataSourceDialect() { return databaseDialect; } private void setDataSourceDialect() { DataSourceSupplier supplierDS = new DataSourceSupplier(); SpagoBiDataSource ds = supplierDS.getDataSourceByLabel(dataSource); if (ds != null) { databaseDialect = ds.getHibDialectClass(); if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_MYSQL)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = "`"; } else if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_HSQL)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = "\""; } else if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_INGRES)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = "\""; // TODO check it!!!! } else if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_ORACLE)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = "\""; } else if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_ORACLE9i10g)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = "\""; } else if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_POSTGRES)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = "\""; } else if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_SQLSERVER)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = ""; // TODO check it!!!! } else if (databaseDialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_TERADATA)) { ALIAS_DELIMITER = "\""; } else { logger.error( "Cannot determine alias delimiter since the database dialect is not set or not recognized!! Using empty string as alias delimiter"); ALIAS_DELIMITER = ""; } } } private String escapeString(String value) { if (value == null) return null; return StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(value); } private String composeStringToDt(String dialect, String date) { String toReturn = ""; date = escapeString(date); // for security reasons if (dialect != null) { if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_MYSQL)) { if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { toReturn = " STR_TO_DATE(" + date + ",'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i:%s') "; } else { toReturn = " STR_TO_DATE('" + date + "','%d/%m/%Y %h:%i:%s') "; } } else if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_HSQL)) { try { DateFormat df; if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { df = new SimpleDateFormat("'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:SS'"); } else { df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:SS"); } Date myDate = df.parse(date); df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); toReturn = "'" + df.format(myDate) + "'"; } catch (Exception e) { toReturn = "'" + date + "'"; } } else if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_INGRES)) { if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { toReturn = " STR_TO_DATE(" + date + ",'%d/%m/%Y') "; } else { toReturn = " STR_TO_DATE('" + date + "','%d/%m/%Y') "; } } else if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_ORACLE)) { if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { toReturn = " TO_TIMESTAMP(" + date + ",'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') "; } else { toReturn = " TO_TIMESTAMP('" + date + "','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') "; } } else if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_ORACLE9i10g)) { if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { toReturn = " TO_TIMESTAMP(" + date + ",'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') "; } else { toReturn = " TO_TIMESTAMP('" + date + "','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') "; } } else if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_POSTGRES)) { if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { toReturn = " TO_TIMESTAMP(" + date + ",'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') "; } else { toReturn = " TO_TIMESTAMP('" + date + "','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') "; } } else if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_SQLSERVER)) { if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { toReturn = date; } else { toReturn = "'" + date + "'"; } } else if (dialect.equalsIgnoreCase(DIALECT_TERADATA)) { if (date.startsWith("'") && date.endsWith("'")) { toReturn = " CAST(" + date + " AS DATE FORMAT 'dd/mm/yyyy') "; } else { toReturn = " CAST('" + date + "' AS DATE FORMAT 'dd/mm/yyyy') "; } } } return toReturn; } /** * Finds the suitable operator for the input dependency. * * @param dependency The dependency's configuration * @param executionInstance The Execution instance * @return the suitable operator for the input dependency */ private String findOperator(ObjParuse dependency, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) { String typeFilter = dependency.getFilterOperation(); if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.START_FILTER)) { return "LIKE"; } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.END_FILTER)) { return "LIKE"; } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.CONTAIN_FILTER)) { return "LIKE"; } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.EQUAL_FILTER)) { BIObjectParameter fatherPar = getFatherParameter(dependency, executionInstance); List values = fatherPar.getParameterValues(); if (values != null && values.size() > 1) { return "IN"; } else { return "="; } } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.LESS_FILTER)) { return "<"; } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.LESS_OR_EQUAL_FILTER)) { return "<="; } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.GREATER_FILTER)) { return ">"; } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.GREATER_OR_EQUAL_FILTER)) { return ">="; } else { logger.error("Filter operator not supported: [" + typeFilter + "]"); throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException("Filter operator not supported: [" + typeFilter + "]"); } } private BIObjectParameter getFatherParameter(ObjParuse dependency, ExecutionInstance executionInstance) { List parameters = executionInstance.getBIObject().getBiObjectParameters(); Integer fatherId = dependency.getObjParFatherId(); Iterator it = parameters.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BIObjectParameter temp = (BIObjectParameter); if (temp.getId().equals(fatherId)) { return temp; } } return null; } /** * Gets the values and return them as an xml structure * @param statement the query statement to execute * @return the xml string containing values * @throws Exception */ private String getLovResult(IEngUserProfile profile, String statement) throws Exception { String resStr = null; DataConnection dataConnection = null; SQLCommand sqlCommand = null; DataResult dataResult = null; try { //gets connection DataSourceUtilities dsUtil = new DataSourceUtilities(); Connection conn = dsUtil.getConnection(profile, dataSource); dataConnection = dsUtil.getDataConnection(conn); sqlCommand = dataConnection.createSelectCommand(statement, false); dataResult = sqlCommand.execute(); ScrollableDataResult scrollableDataResult = (ScrollableDataResult) dataResult.getDataObject(); SourceBean result = scrollableDataResult.getSourceBean(); resStr = result.toXML(false); resStr = resStr.trim(); if (resStr.startsWith("<?")) { resStr = resStr.substring(2); int indFirstTag = resStr.indexOf("<"); resStr = resStr.substring(indFirstTag); } } finally { Utils.releaseResources(dataConnection, sqlCommand, dataResult); } return resStr; } /** * This methods find out if the input parameters' values are admissible for this QueryDetail instance, i.e. if the values are * contained in the query result. * * @param profile The user profile * @param biparam The BIObjectParameter with the values that must be validated * @return a list of errors: it is empty if all values are admissible, otherwise it will contain a EMFUserError for each wrong value * @throws Exception */ public List validateValues(IEngUserProfile profile, BIObjectParameter biparam) throws Exception { List toReturn = new ArrayList(); List<String> values = biparam.getParameterValues(); List parameterValuesDescription = new ArrayList(); DataConnection dataConnection = null; SQLCommand sqlCommand = null; DataResult dataResult = null; String statement = null; SourceBean result = null; try { statement = getValidationQuery(profile, biparam, values); //gets connection DataSourceUtilities dsUtil = new DataSourceUtilities(); Connection conn = dsUtil.getConnection(profile, dataSource); dataConnection = dsUtil.getDataConnection(conn); sqlCommand = dataConnection.createSelectCommand(statement, false); dataResult = sqlCommand.execute(); ScrollableDataResult scrollableDataResult = (ScrollableDataResult) dataResult.getDataObject(); result = scrollableDataResult.getSourceBean(); } finally { Utils.releaseResources(dataConnection, sqlCommand, dataResult); } // START converting the SourceBean into a string and then into SourceBean again: // this a necessary work-around (workaround, work around) because the getFilteredSourceBeanAttribute is not able to filter on numbers!!! // By making this conversion, the information on data type is lost and every attribute becomes a String String xml = result.toXML(false); result = SourceBean.fromXMLString(xml); // END converting the SourceBean into a string and then into SourceBean again: Iterator<String> it = values.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String description = null; String aValue =; Object obj = result.getFilteredSourceBeanAttribute(DataRow.ROW_TAG, VALUE_ALIAS, aValue); if (obj == null) { // value was not found!! logger.error("Parameter '" + biparam.getLabel() + "' cannot assume value '" + aValue + "'" + " for user '" + ((UserProfile) profile).getUserId().toString() + "'."); List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(biparam.getLabel()); l.add(aValue); EMFUserError userError = new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1077, l); toReturn.add(userError); description = "NOT ADMISSIBLE"; } else { // value was found, retrieve description if (obj instanceof SourceBean) { SourceBean sb = (SourceBean) obj; Object descriptionObj = sb.getAttribute(DESCRIPTION_ALIAS); description = descriptionObj != null ? descriptionObj.toString() : null; } else { List l = (List) obj; Object descriptionObj = ((SourceBean) l.get(0)).getAttribute(DESCRIPTION_ALIAS); description = descriptionObj != null ? descriptionObj.toString() : null; } } parameterValuesDescription.add(description); } biparam.setParameterValuesDescription(parameterValuesDescription); return toReturn; } /** * This methods builds the validation query, see validateValues method. */ private String getValidationQuery(IEngUserProfile profile, BIObjectParameter biparam, List<String> values) throws Exception { String statement = getQueryDefinition(); statement = StringUtilities.substituteProfileAttributesInString(statement, profile); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("SELECT "); buffer.append(getColumnSQLName(this.valueColumnName) + " AS \"" + VALUE_ALIAS + "\", "); buffer.append(getColumnSQLName(this.descriptionColumnName) + " AS \"" + DESCRIPTION_ALIAS + "\" "); buffer.append("FROM ("); buffer.append(statement); buffer.append(") " + getRandomAlias(8) + " WHERE "); if (values.size() == 1) { buffer.append(getColumnSQLName(this.valueColumnName) + " = "); buffer.append(getSQLValue(biparam, values.get(0))); } else { buffer.append(getColumnSQLName(this.valueColumnName) + " IN ("); buffer.append(concatenateValues(biparam, values)); buffer.append(")"); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Gets the list of names of the profile attributes required. * * @return list of profile attribute names * * @throws Exception the exception */ public List getProfileAttributeNames() throws Exception { List names = new ArrayList(); String query = getQueryDefinition(); while (query.indexOf("${") != -1) { int startind = query.indexOf("${"); int endind = query.indexOf("}", startind); String attributeDef = query.substring(startind + 2, endind); if (attributeDef.indexOf("(") != -1) { int indroundBrack = query.indexOf("(", startind); String nameAttr = query.substring(startind + 2, indroundBrack); names.add(nameAttr); } else { names.add(attributeDef); } query = query.substring(endind); } return names; } /** * Checks if the lov requires one or more profile attributes. * * @return true if the lov require one or more profile attributes, false otherwise * * @throws Exception the exception */ public boolean requireProfileAttributes() throws Exception { boolean contains = false; String query = getQueryDefinition(); if (query.indexOf("${") != -1) { contains = true; } return contains; } /** * Builds a simple sourcebean * @param name name of the sourcebean * @param value value of the sourcebean * @return the sourcebean built * @throws SourceBeanException */ private SourceBean buildSourceBean(String name, String value) throws SourceBeanException { SourceBean sb = null; sb = SourceBean.fromXMLString("<" + name + ">" + (value != null ? value : "") + "</" + name + ">"); return sb; } /** * Splits an XML string by using some <code>SourceBean</code> object methods * in order to obtain the source <code>QueryDetail</code> objects whom XML has been * built. * * @param dataDefinition The XML input String * * @return The corrispondent <code>QueryDetail</code> object * * @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean Exception occurred */ public static QueryDetail fromXML(String dataDefinition) throws SourceBeanException { return new QueryDetail(dataDefinition); } /** * Gets the data source. * * @return the data source */ public String getDataSource() { return dataSource; } /** * Sets the data source. * * @param dataSource the new data source */ public void setDataSource(String dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; setDataSourceDialect(); } /** * Gets the query definition. * * @return the query definition */ public String getQueryDefinition() { return queryDefinition; } /** * Sets the query definition. * * @param queryDefinition the new query definition */ public void setQueryDefinition(String queryDefinition) { this.queryDefinition = queryDefinition; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getDescriptionColumnName() { return descriptionColumnName; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setDescriptionColumnName(String descriptionColumnName) { this.descriptionColumnName = descriptionColumnName; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public List getInvisibleColumnNames() { return invisibleColumnNames; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setInvisibleColumnNames(List invisibleColumnNames) { this.invisibleColumnNames = invisibleColumnNames; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public String getValueColumnName() { return valueColumnName; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setValueColumnName(String valueColumnName) { this.valueColumnName = valueColumnName; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public List getVisibleColumnNames() { return visibleColumnNames; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public void setVisibleColumnNames(List visibleColumnNames) { this.visibleColumnNames = visibleColumnNames; } public QueryDetail clone() { QueryDetail toReturn = new QueryDetail(); toReturn.setDataSource(this.getDataSource()); toReturn.setDescriptionColumnName(this.getDescriptionColumnName()); List invisibleColumnNames = new ArrayList(); invisibleColumnNames.addAll(this.getInvisibleColumnNames()); toReturn.setInvisibleColumnNames(invisibleColumnNames); toReturn.setQueryDefinition(this.getQueryDefinition()); toReturn.setValueColumnName(this.getValueColumnName()); List visibleColumnNames = new ArrayList(); visibleColumnNames.addAll(this.getVisibleColumnNames()); toReturn.setVisibleColumnNames(visibleColumnNames); return toReturn; } public String getLovType() { return lovType; } public void setLovType(String lovType) { this.lovType = lovType; } public List getTreeLevelsColumns() { return treeLevelsColumns; } public void setTreeLevelsColumns(List treeLevelsColumns) { this.treeLevelsColumns = treeLevelsColumns; } }