Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ package it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.service; import it.eng.spago.base.RequestContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.ResponseContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SessionContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException; import it.eng.spago.dispatching.module.AbstractHttpModule; import it.eng.spago.dispatching.module.AbstractModule; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorCategory; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorHandler; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFInternalError; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError; import; import it.eng.spago.validation.EMFValidationError; import it.eng.spago.validation.coordinator.ValidationCoordinator; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.utils.DetBIObjModHelper; import; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.service.TreeObjectsModule; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.IBIObjectParameterDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.IObjParuseDAO; import; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.AdmintoolsConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.ObjectsTreeConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory; import; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.AuditLogUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.ChannelUtilities; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.ObjectsAccessVerifier; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.SessionMonitor; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.indexing.LuceneIndexer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.validator.GenericValidator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * @author Antonella Giachino ( * */ /** * Implements a module which handles all BI objects management: * has methods for BI Objects load, detail, modify/insertion and deleting operations. * The <code>service</code> method has a switch for all these operations, differentiated the ones * from the others by a <code>message</code> String. */ public class DetailBIObjectModule extends AbstractHttpModule { static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DetailBIObjectModule.class); public final static String MODULE_PAGE = "DetailBIObjectPage"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_OBJECT = "BIObjects"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_LIST_OBJ_TYPES = "types"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_LIST_ENGINES = "engines"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_LIST_STATES = "states"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_OBJECT_PAR = "OBJECT_PAR"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_LIST_DS = "datasource"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_LIST_LANGUAGES = "languages"; public final static String NAME_ATTR_LIST_DATASET = "datasets"; public final static String LOADING_PARS_DC = "loadingParsDC"; //private String actor = null; private EMFErrorHandler errorHandler = null; private IEngUserProfile profile; private String initialPath = null; private DetBIObjModHelper helper = null; private IBIObjectDAO biobjDAO = null; SessionContainer session = null; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spago.dispatching.module.AbstractModule#init(it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean) */ public void init(SourceBean config) { } /** * Reads the operation asked by the user and calls the insertion, modify, detail and * deletion methods. * * @param request The Source Bean containing all request parameters * @param response The Source Bean containing all response parameters * * @throws exception If an exception occurs * @throws Exception the exception */ public void service(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws Exception { // RECOVER REQUEST CONTAINER, SESSION CONTAINER, USER PROFILE AND ERROR HANDLER RequestContainer requestContainer = this.getRequestContainer(); ResponseContainer responseContainer = this.getResponseContainer(); session = requestContainer.getSessionContainer(); SessionContainer permanentSession = session.getPermanentContainer(); profile = (IEngUserProfile) permanentSession.getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE); biobjDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectDAO(); biobjDAO.setUserProfile(profile); errorHandler = getErrorHandler(); // CREATE THE HELPER helper = new DetBIObjModHelper(requestContainer, responseContainer, request, response); // GET THE EXECUTION MODALITY AND THE INITIAL PATH String modality = (String) ChannelUtilities.getPreferenceValue(this.getRequestContainer(), BIObjectsModule.MODALITY, ""); initialPath = null; if (modality != null && modality.equalsIgnoreCase(BIObjectsModule.FILTER_TREE)) { initialPath = (String) ChannelUtilities.getPreferenceValue(this.getRequestContainer(), TreeObjectsModule.PATH_SUBTREE, ""); } // GET MESSAGE FROM REQUEST String message = (String) request.getAttribute("MESSAGEDET"); logger.debug(" MESSAGEDET = " + message); // get attribute from session String moduleName = (String) session.getAttribute("RETURN_FROM_MODULE"); if (moduleName != null) { // TODO clear session with a proper method of returning module if (moduleName.equalsIgnoreCase("ListLookupParametersModule")) { String returnState = (String) session.getAttribute("RETURN_STATUS"); if (returnState.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")) lookupReturnHandler(request, response); else if (returnState.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")) { logger.debug("Return to list from DELETE parameter"); return; } else lookupReturnBackHandler(request, response); session.delAttribute("RETURN_STATUS"); session.delAttribute("RETURN_FROM_MODULE"); return; // force refresh // TODO force refresh in a standard way with a generic methods } else if (moduleName.equalsIgnoreCase("CheckLinksModule")) { SessionMonitor.printSession(session); AbstractBasicCheckListModule.clearSession(session, moduleName); SessionMonitor.printSession(session); } else if (moduleName.equalsIgnoreCase("ListObjParuseModule")) { lookupReturnBackHandler(request, response); session.delAttribute("RETURN_FROM_MODULE"); return; } } // these attributes, if defined, represent events triggered by one // of the submit buttons present in the main form boolean parametersLookupButtonClicked = request.getAttribute("loadParametersLookup") != null; boolean linksLookupButtonClicked = request.getAttribute("loadLinksLookup") != null; boolean dependenciesButtonClicked = request.getAttribute("goToDependenciesPage") != null; try { if (message == null) { EMFUserError userError = new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 101); logger.debug("The message parameter is null"); throw userError; } // check for events first... if (parametersLookupButtonClicked) { logger.debug("loadParametersLookup != null"); startParametersLookupHandler(request, message, response); } else if (linksLookupButtonClicked) { logger.debug("editSubreorts != null"); startLinksLookupHandler(request, message, response); } else if (dependenciesButtonClicked) { logger.debug("goToDependenciesPage != null"); startDependenciesLookupHandler(request, message, response); } // ...then check for other service request types else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_SELECT)) { getDetailObject(request, response); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD)) { modBIObject(request, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, response); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_NEW)) { newBIObject(request, response); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_INS)) { modBIObject(request, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_INS, response); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_DEL)) { //delDetailObject(request, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_DEL, response); delDetailObject(request, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_DEL, response, profile); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.ERASE_VERSION)) { eraseVersion(request, response); } else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("EXIT_FROM_DETAIL")) { exitFromDetail(request, response); } } catch (EMFUserError eex) { errorHandler.addError(eex); return; } catch (Exception ex) { EMFInternalError internalError = new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, ex); errorHandler.addError(internalError); return; } } private void setLoopbackContext(SourceBean request, String message) throws EMFUserError { BIObject obj = null; try { obj = helper.recoverBIObjectDetails(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e); } BIObjectParameter biObjPar = helper.recoverBIObjectParameterDetails(obj.getId()); session.setAttribute("LookupBIObject", obj); session.setAttribute("LookupBIObjectParameter", biObjPar); session.setAttribute("modality", message); session.setAttribute("modalityBkp", message); } private void delateLoopbackContext() { session.delAttribute("LookupBIObject"); session.delAttribute("LookupBIObjectParameter"); session.delAttribute("modality"); session.delAttribute("modalityBkp"); } private Integer getBIObjectIdFromLoopbackContext() { Integer id = null; BIObject obj = (BIObject) session.getAttribute("LookupBIObject"); if (obj != null) id = obj.getId(); return id; } private void startParametersLookupHandler(SourceBean request, String message, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { setLoopbackContext(request, message); response.setAttribute("parametersLookup", "true"); } private void startLinksLookupHandler(SourceBean request, String message, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { modBIObject(request, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, response); String idStr = (String) request.getAttribute("id"); session.setAttribute("SUBJECT_ID", idStr); response.setAttribute("linksLookup", "true"); } private void startDependenciesLookupHandler(SourceBean request, String message, SourceBean response) throws Exception { //fillRequestContainer(request, errorHandler); BIObject obj = null; try { obj = helper.recoverBIObjectDetails(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e); // TODO manage exception } BIObjectParameter biObjPar = helper.recoverBIObjectParameterDetails(obj.getId()); String saveBIObjectParameter = (String) request.getAttribute("saveBIObjectParameter"); if (saveBIObjectParameter != null && saveBIObjectParameter.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { // it is requested to save the visible BIObjectParameter ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "BIObjectParameterValidation", this); // If it's a new BIObjectParameter or if the Parameter was changed controls // that the BIObjectParameter url name is not already in use urlNameControl(obj.getId(), biObjPar); verifyForDependencies(biObjPar); if (!errorHandler.isOKByCategory(EMFErrorCategory.VALIDATION_ERROR)) { helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, biObjPar, biObjPar.getId().toString(), ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, false); return; } IBIObjectParameterDAO dao = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); dao.setUserProfile(profile); dao.modifyBIObjectParameter(biObjPar); } else { biObjPar = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO().loadForDetailByObjParId(biObjPar.getId()); } // refresh of the initial_BIObjectParameter in session BIObjectParameter biObjParClone = DetBIObjModHelper.clone(biObjPar); session.setAttribute("initial_BIObjectParameter", biObjParClone); // set lookup objects session.setAttribute("LookupBIObject", obj); session.setAttribute("LookupBIObjectParameter", biObjPar); session.setAttribute("modality", message); session.setAttribute("modalityBkp", message); response.setAttribute("dependenciesLookup", "true"); } private void lookupReturnBackHandler(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws SourceBeanException, EMFUserError { BIObject obj = (BIObject) session.getAttribute("LookupBIObject"); BIObjectParameter biObjPar = (BIObjectParameter) session.getAttribute("LookupBIObjectParameter"); String modality = (String) session.getAttribute("modality"); if (modality == null) modality = (String) session.getAttribute("modalityBkp"); session.delAttribute("LookupBIObject"); session.delAttribute("LookupBIObjectParameter"); session.delAttribute("modality"); session.delAttribute("modalityBkp"); helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, biObjPar, biObjPar.getId().toString(), modality, false, false); } private void lookupReturnHandler(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { BIObject obj = (BIObject) session.getAttribute("LookupBIObject"); logger.debug(" BIObject = " + obj); BIObjectParameter biObjPar = (BIObjectParameter) session.getAttribute("LookupBIObjectParameter"); logger.debug(" BIObjectParameter = " + biObjPar); String modality = (String) session.getAttribute("modality"); if (modality == null) modality = (String) session.getAttribute("modalityBkp"); logger.debug(" modality = " + modality); String newParIdStr = (String) session.getAttribute("PAR_ID"); Integer newParIdInt = Integer.valueOf(newParIdStr); Parameter newParameter = new Parameter(); newParameter.setId(newParIdInt); biObjPar.setParameter(newParameter); biObjPar.setParID(newParIdInt); delateLoopbackContext(); helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, biObjPar, biObjPar.getId().toString(), modality, false, false); session.delAttribute("PAR_ID"); } /** * Gets the detail of a BI object choosed by the user from the * BI objects list. It reaches the key from the request and asks to the DB all detail * BI objects information, by calling the method <code>loadBIObjectForDetail</code>. * * @param request The request Source Bean * @param response The response Source Bean * @throws Exception */ private void getDetailObject(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws Exception { HashMap<String, String> logParam = new HashMap(); try { String idStr = (String) request.getAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID); Integer id = new Integer(idStr); BIObject obj = biobjDAO.loadBIObjectForDetail(id); if (obj == null) { logger.error("BIObject with id " + id + " cannot be retrieved."); EMFUserError error = new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1040); errorHandler.addError(error); return; } Object selectedObjParIdObj = request.getAttribute("selected_obj_par_id"); String selectedObjParIdStr = ""; if (selectedObjParIdObj != null) { int selectedObjParId = DetBIObjModHelper.findBIObjParId(selectedObjParIdObj); selectedObjParIdStr = new Integer(selectedObjParId).toString(); } helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, null, selectedObjParIdStr, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, true, true); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot fill response container", ex); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY", logParam, "ERR"); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } } /** * Controls if there are some BIObjectParameter objects that depend by the BIObjectParameter object * at input, given its id. * * @param objParFatherId The id of the BIObjectParameter object to check * @throws EMFUserError */ public static EMFValidationError checkForDependancies(Integer objParFatherId) throws EMFUserError { EMFValidationError error = null; IObjParuseDAO objParuseDAO = DAOFactory.getObjParuseDAO(); List objParametersCorrelated = objParuseDAO.getDependencies(objParFatherId); if (objParametersCorrelated != null && objParametersCorrelated.size() > 0) { HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, DetailBIObjectModule.MODULE_PAGE); Vector v = new Vector(); v.add(objParametersCorrelated.toString()); error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1049, v, params); } return error; } /** * Before modifing a BIObjectParameter (not inserting), this method must be invoked in order to verify that the BIObjectParameter * stored into db (to be modified as per the BIObjectParameter in input) has dependencies associated; if it is the case, * verifies that the associated Parameter was not changed. In case of changed Parameter adds a EMFValidationError into the error handler. * * @param objPar The BIObjectParameter to verify * @throws EMFUserError */ private void verifyForDependencies(BIObjectParameter objPar) throws EMFUserError { Integer objParId = objPar.getId(); if (objParId == null || objParId.intValue() == -1) { // it means that the BIObjectParameter in input must be inserted, not modified return; } // Controls that, if the are some dependencies for the BIObjectParameter, the associated parameter was not changed IObjParuseDAO objParuseDAO = DAOFactory.getObjParuseDAO(); List correlations = objParuseDAO.loadObjParuses(objParId); if (correlations != null && correlations.size() > 0) { IBIObjectParameterDAO objParDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); BIObjectParameter initialObjPar = objParDAO.loadForDetailByObjParId(objParId); if (initialObjPar.getParID().intValue() != objPar.getParID().intValue()) { // the ParameterUse was changed to manual input or the lov id was changed HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, "DetailBIObjectPage"); Vector vector = new Vector(); EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1061, vector, params); errorHandler.addError(error); return; } } } /** * Controls that the BIObjectParameter url name is not in use by another BIObjectParameter * * @param objId The id of the document * @param biObjPar The BIObjectParameter to control before inserting/modifying */ private void urlNameControl(Integer objId, BIObjectParameter biObjPar) { if (objId == null || objId.intValue() < 0 || biObjPar == null || biObjPar.getParameterUrlName() == null) return; try { IBIObjectParameterDAO objParDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); List paruses = objParDAO.loadBIObjectParametersById(objId); Iterator it = paruses.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BIObjectParameter aBIObjectParameter = (BIObjectParameter); if (aBIObjectParameter.getParameterUrlName().equals(biObjPar.getParameterUrlName()) && !aBIObjectParameter.getId().equals(biObjPar.getId())) { HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, DetailBIObjectModule.MODULE_PAGE); EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1046, new Vector(), params); errorHandler.addError(error); } } } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Error while url name control", e); } } private BIObjectParameter reloadBIObjectParameter(Integer objId, String objParUrlName) throws EMFInternalError, EMFUserError { if (objId == null || objId.intValue() < 0 || objParUrlName == null || objParUrlName.trim().equals("")) throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "Invalid input data for method reloadBIObjectParameter in DetailBIObjectModule"); BIObjectParameter objPar = null; try { IBIObjectParameterDAO objParDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); List paruses = objParDAO.loadBIObjectParametersById(objId); Iterator it = paruses.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BIObjectParameter aBIObjectParameter = (BIObjectParameter); if (aBIObjectParameter.getParameterUrlName().equals(objParUrlName)) { objPar = aBIObjectParameter; break; } } } catch (EMFUserError e) { logger.error("Cannot reload BIObjectParameter", e); } if (objPar == null) { logger.error("BIObjectParameter with url name '" + objParUrlName + "' not found."); objPar = DetBIObjModHelper.createNewBIObjectParameter(objId); } return objPar; } /** * Fills the response SourceBean with the elements that will be displayed in the BIObject detail page: * the BIObject itself and the required BIObjectParameter. * * @param response The response SourceBean to be filled * @param obj The BIObject to be displayed * @param biObjPar The BIObjectParameter to be displayed: if it is null the selectedObjParIdStr will be considered. * @param selectedObjParIdStr The id of the BIObjectParameter to be displayed. * If it is blank or null the first BIObjectParameter will be diplayed but in case the BIObject * has no BIObjectParameter a new empty BIObjectParameter will be displayed. * If it is "-1" a new empty BIObjectParameter will be displayed. * @param detail_mod The modality * @param initialBIObject Boolean: if true the BIObject to be visualized is the initial BIObject and * a clone will be put in session. * @param initialBIObjectParameter Boolean: if true the BIObjectParameter to be visualized is the initial BIObjectParameter and * a clone will be put in session. * @throws SourceBeanException * @throws EMFUserError */ private void prepareBIObjectDetailPage(SourceBean response, BIObject obj, BIObjectParameter biObjPar, String selectedObjParIdStr, String detail_mod, boolean initialBIObject, boolean initialBIObjectParameter) throws SourceBeanException, EMFUserError { List biObjParams = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO().loadBIObjectParametersById(obj.getId()); obj.setBiObjectParameters(biObjParams); if (biObjPar == null) { if (selectedObjParIdStr == null || "".equals(selectedObjParIdStr)) { if (biObjParams == null || biObjParams.size() == 0) { biObjPar = DetBIObjModHelper.createNewBIObjectParameter(obj.getId()); selectedObjParIdStr = "-1"; } else { biObjPar = (BIObjectParameter) biObjParams.get(0); selectedObjParIdStr = biObjPar.getId().toString(); } } else if ("-1".equals(selectedObjParIdStr)) { biObjPar = DetBIObjModHelper.createNewBIObjectParameter(obj.getId()); selectedObjParIdStr = "-1"; } else { int selectedObjParId = Integer.parseInt(selectedObjParIdStr); Iterator it = biObjParams.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { biObjPar = (BIObjectParameter); if (biObjPar.getId().equals(new Integer(selectedObjParId))) break; } } } response.setAttribute("selected_obj_par_id", selectedObjParIdStr); response.setAttribute(NAME_ATTR_OBJECT, obj); response.setAttribute(NAME_ATTR_OBJECT_PAR, biObjPar); response.setAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.MODALITY, detail_mod); if (initialBIObject) { BIObject objClone = DetBIObjModHelper.clone(obj); session.setAttribute("initial_BIObject", objClone); } if (initialBIObjectParameter) { BIObjectParameter biObjParClone = DetBIObjModHelper.clone(biObjPar); session.setAttribute("initial_BIObjectParameter", biObjParClone); } } /** * Deletes a BI Object choosed by user. If the folder id is specified, it deletes only the instance * of the object in that folder. If the folder id is not specified: if the user is an administrator * the object is deleted from all the folders, else it is deleted from the folder on which the user * is a developer. * * @param request The request SourceBean * @param mod A request string used to differentiate delete operation * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurs * @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean Exception occurs * @deprecated */ /* private void delDetailObject(SourceBean request, String mod, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { BIObject obj = null; try { String idObjStr = (String) request.getAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID); Integer idObj = new Integer(idObjStr); IBIObjectDAO objdao = biobjDAO; obj = objdao.loadBIObjectById(idObj); String idFunctStr = (String) request.getAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.FUNCT_ID); if (idFunctStr != null) { Integer idFunct = new Integer(idFunctStr); if (SpagoBIConstants.ADMIN_ACTOR.equals(actor)) { // deletes the document from the specified folder, no matter the permissions objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } else { // deletes the document from the specified folder if the profile is a developer for that folder if (ObjectsAccessVerifier.canDev(obj.getStateCode(), idFunct, profile)) { objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } } } else { if (SpagoBIConstants.ADMIN_ACTOR.equals(actor)) { if (initialPath != null && !initialPath.trim().equals("")) { // in case of local administrator, deletes the document in the folders where he can admin List funcsId = obj.getFunctionalities(); for (Iterator it = funcsId.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer idFunct = (Integer); LowFunctionality folder = DAOFactory.getLowFunctionalityDAO().loadLowFunctionalityByID(idFunct, false); String folderPath = folder.getPath(); if (folderPath.equalsIgnoreCase(initialPath) || folderPath.startsWith(initialPath + "/")) { objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } } } else { // deletes the document from all the folders, no matter the permissions objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, null); } } else { // deletes the document from all the folders on which the profile is a developer List funcsId = obj.getFunctionalities(); for (Iterator it = funcsId.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer idFunct = (Integer); if (ObjectsAccessVerifier.canDev(obj.getStateCode(), idFunct, profile)) { objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot erase object", ex ); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } response.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); response.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.ACTOR, actor); } */ /** * Deletes a BI Object choosed by user. If the folder id is specified, it deletes only the instance * of the object in that folder. If the folder id is not specified: if the user is an administrator * the object is deleted from all the folders, else it is deleted from the folder on which the user * is a developer. * * @param request The request SourceBean * @param mod A request string used to differentiate delete operation * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurs * @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean Exception occurs */ private void delDetailObject(SourceBean request, String mod, SourceBean response, IEngUserProfile profile) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { BIObject obj = null; HashMap<String, String> logParam = new HashMap(); try { String idObjStr = (String) request.getAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID); Integer idObj = new Integer(idObjStr); IBIObjectDAO objdao = biobjDAO; obj = objdao.loadBIObjectById(idObj); if (obj != null) { logParam.put("Document_name", obj.getName()); logParam.put("Document_label", obj.getLabel()); if (obj.getId() != null) logParam.put("Document_id", obj.getId().toString()); } String idFunctStr = (String) request.getAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.FUNCT_ID); if (idFunctStr != null) { Integer idFunct = new Integer(idFunctStr); if (profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_ADMIN)) { // deletes the document from the specified folder, no matter the permissions objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } else { // deletes the document from the specified folder if the profile is a developer for that folder if (ObjectsAccessVerifier.canDev(obj.getStateCode(), idFunct, profile)) { objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } } } else { if (profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_ADMIN)) { if (initialPath != null && !initialPath.trim().equals("")) { // in case of local administrator, deletes the document in the folders where he can admin List funcsId = obj.getFunctionalities(); for (Iterator it = funcsId.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer idFunct = (Integer); LowFunctionality folder = DAOFactory.getLowFunctionalityDAO() .loadLowFunctionalityByID(idFunct, false); String folderPath = folder.getPath(); if (folderPath.equalsIgnoreCase(initialPath) || folderPath.startsWith(initialPath + "/")) { objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } } } else { // deletes the document from all the folders, no matter the permissions objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, null); } } else { // deletes the document from all the folders on which the profile is a developer List funcsId = obj.getFunctionalities(); for (Iterator it = funcsId.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer idFunct = (Integer); if (ObjectsAccessVerifier.canDev(obj.getStateCode(), idFunct, profile)) { objdao.eraseBIObject(obj, idFunct); } } } } /* *deletes document from index **/ LuceneIndexer.updateBiobjInIndex(obj, true); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot erase object", ex); try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.DELETE", logParam, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } response.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.DELETE", logParam, "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Instantiates a new <code>BIObject<code> object when a new BI object insertion * is required, in order to prepare the page for the insertion. * * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurred */ private void newBIObject(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError { try { response.setAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.MODALITY, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_INS); BIObject obj = new BIObject(); obj.setId(new Integer(0)); obj.setEngine(null); obj.setDataSourceId(null); obj.setDataSetId(null); obj.setDescription(""); obj.setLabel(""); obj.setName(""); obj.setEncrypt(new Integer(0)); obj.setVisible(new Integer(1)); obj.setRelName(""); obj.setStateID(null); obj.setStateCode(""); obj.setBiObjectTypeID(null); obj.setBiObjectTypeCode(""); obj.setRefreshSeconds(new Integer(0)); Domain state = DAOFactory.getDomainDAO().loadDomainByCodeAndValue("STATE", "DEV"); obj.setStateCode(state.getValueCd()); obj.setStateID(state.getValueId()); List functionalitites = new ArrayList(); obj.setFunctionalities(functionalitites); response.setAttribute(NAME_ATTR_OBJECT, obj); helper.fillResponse(initialPath); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot prepare page for the insertion", ex); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } } /** * Erase version. * * @param request the request * @param response the response * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public void eraseVersion(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError { // get object' id and name version String tempIdStr = (String) request.getAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.TEMPLATE_ID); String objIdStr = (String) request.getAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID); try { Integer objId = new Integer(objIdStr); Integer tempId = new Integer(tempIdStr); DAOFactory.getObjTemplateDAO().deleteBIObjectTemplate(tempId); // populate response BIObject obj = biobjDAO.loadBIObjectForDetail(objId); helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, null, "", ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot erase version", e); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } } /** * Clean the SessionContainer from no more useful objects. * @param request The request SourceBean * @param response The response SourceBean * @throws SourceBeanException */ private void exitFromDetail(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws SourceBeanException { session.delAttribute("initial_BIObject"); session.delAttribute("initial_BIObjectParameter"); session.delAttribute("modality"); response.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); } /** * Inserts/Modifies the detail of a BI Object according to the user request. * When a BI Object is modified, the <code>modifyBIObject</code> method is * called; when a new BI Object is added, the <code>insertBIObject</code>method * is called. These two cases are differentiated by the <code>mod</code> * String input value . * * @param request * The request information contained in a SourceBean Object * @param mod * A request string used to differentiate insert/modify * operations * @param response * The response SourceBean * @throws EMFUserError * If an exception occurs * @throws SourceBeanException * If a SourceBean exception occurs */ private void modBIObject(SourceBean request, String mod, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException { HashMap<String, String> logParam = new HashMap(); try { // build a biobject using data in request BIObject obj = helper.recoverBIObjectDetails(mod); if (obj != null) { logParam.put("Document_name", obj.getName()); logParam.put("Document_Label", obj.getLabel()); logParam.put("Creation_User", obj.getCreationUser()); logParam.put("path", obj.getPath()); logParam.put("tenant", obj.getTenant()); logParam.put("state", obj.getStateCode()); if (obj.getBiObjectTypeID() != null) logParam.put("Object Type", obj.getBiObjectTypeID().toString()); if (obj.getEngine() != null) logParam.put("Engine", obj.getEngine().getName()); } boolean flgReloadTemp = false; // define variable that contains the id of the parameter selected String selectedObjParIdStr = null; selectedObjParIdStr = "-1"; //next attribute defines if load automatically all parameters for a document composition type or not. boolean loadParsDCClicked = request.getAttribute("loadParsDC") != null; // make a validation of the request data ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "BIObjectValidation", this); // build and ObjTemplate object using data into request ObjTemplate objTemp = helper.recoverBIObjTemplateDetails(); if (objTemp != null) { objTemp.setBiobjId(obj.getId()); } //if the template is not loaded check if default version is changed if (objTemp == null) { String strCurTempVer = (String) request.getAttribute("versionTemplate"); if (strCurTempVer != null && !strCurTempVer.equals("")) { Integer idCurTempVer = Integer.valueOf((strCurTempVer).trim()); if (idCurTempVer != null) { objTemp = DAOFactory.getObjTemplateDAO().getBIObjectActiveTemplate(obj.getId()); if (objTemp.getId().compareTo(idCurTempVer) != 0) { flgReloadTemp = true; List lstTemplatesObj = DAOFactory.getObjTemplateDAO() .getBIObjectTemplateList(obj.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < lstTemplatesObj.size(); i++) { objTemp = (ObjTemplate) lstTemplatesObj.get(i); if (objTemp.getId().compareTo(idCurTempVer) == 0) break; } } } } } else flgReloadTemp = true; // if there are some validation errors into the errorHandler return without write into DB if (!errorHandler.isOKByCategory(EMFErrorCategory.VALIDATION_ERROR)) { helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, null, selectedObjParIdStr, mod, false, false); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_VALIDATION_ERROR", logParam, "ERR"); return; } // based on the modality do different tasks if (mod.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_INS)) { //if data source value is not specified, it gets the default data source associated at the engine // if (obj.getDataSourceId() == null){ // Engine engine = obj.getEngine(); // Integer dsId = engine.getDataSourceId(); // obj.setDataSourceId(dsId); // } // inserts into DB the new BIObject if (objTemp == null) { biobjDAO.insertBIObject(obj, loadParsDCClicked); } else { biobjDAO.insertBIObject(obj, objTemp, loadParsDCClicked); } AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.ADD", logParam, "OK"); } else if (mod.equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DETAIL_MOD)) { BIObjectParameter biObjPar = null; Object selectedObjParIdObj = request.getAttribute("selected_obj_par_id"); Object deleteBIObjectParameter = request.getAttribute("deleteBIObjectParameter"); if (selectedObjParIdObj != null) { // it is requested to view another BIObjectParameter than the one visible int selectedObjParId = helper.findBIObjParId(selectedObjParIdObj); selectedObjParIdStr = new Integer(selectedObjParId).toString(); String saveBIObjectParameter = (String) request.getAttribute("saveBIObjectParameter"); if (saveBIObjectParameter != null && saveBIObjectParameter.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { // it is requested to save the visible BIObjectParameter ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "BIObjectParameterValidation", this); biObjPar = helper.recoverBIObjectParameterDetails(obj.getId()); // If it's a new BIObjectParameter or if the Parameter was changed controls // that the BIObjectParameter url name is not already in use urlNameControl(obj.getId(), biObjPar); helper.fillResponse(initialPath); verifyForDependencies(biObjPar); // if there are some validation errors into the errorHandler does not write into DB if (!errorHandler.isOKByCategory(EMFErrorCategory.VALIDATION_ERROR)) { helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, biObjPar, biObjPar.getId().toString(), ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, false); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_DETAIL_MOD", logParam, "OK"); return; } IBIObjectParameterDAO objParDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); objParDAO.setUserProfile(profile); if (biObjPar.getId().intValue() == -1) { // it is requested to insert a new BIObjectParameter objParDAO.insertBIObjectParameter(biObjPar); } else { // it is requested to modify a BIObjectParameter objParDAO.modifyBIObjectParameter(biObjPar); } prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, null, selectedObjParIdStr, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, true); logParam.put("Document_name", obj.getName()); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_DETAIL_MOD", logParam, "OK"); return; } else { helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, null, selectedObjParIdStr, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, true); // exits without writing into DB logParam.put("Document_name", obj.getName()); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_DETAIL_MOD", logParam, "OK"); return; } } else if (deleteBIObjectParameter != null) { // it is requested to delete the visible BIObjectParameter int objParId = helper.findBIObjParId(deleteBIObjectParameter); Integer objParIdInt = new Integer(objParId); EMFValidationError error = checkForDependancies(objParIdInt); if (error != null) { errorHandler.addError(error); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_DETAIL_MOD", logParam, "KO"); } helper.fillResponse(initialPath); // if there are some validation errors into the errorHandler does not write into DB if (!errorHandler.isOKByCategory(EMFErrorCategory.VALIDATION_ERROR)) { helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, biObjPar, biObjPar.getId().toString(), ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, false); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_DETAIL_MOD", logParam, "KO"); return; } // deletes the BIObjectParameter IBIObjectParameterDAO objParDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); BIObjectParameter objPar = objParDAO.loadForDetailByObjParId(new Integer(objParId)); objParDAO.eraseBIObjectParameter(objPar, true); selectedObjParIdStr = ""; prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, null, selectedObjParIdStr, ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, true); logParam.put("Document_name", obj.getName()); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_DETAIL_MOD", logParam, "OK"); return; } else { // It is request to save the BIObject with also the visible BIObjectParameter biObjPar = helper.recoverBIObjectParameterDetails(obj.getId()); // If a new BIParameter was visualized and no fields were inserted, the BIParameter is not validated and saved boolean biParameterToBeSaved = true; if ((obj.getBiObjectTypeCode().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_COMPOSITE_TYPE) && flgReloadTemp) || (GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(biObjPar.getLabel()) && biObjPar.getId().intValue() == -1 && GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(biObjPar.getParameterUrlName()) && biObjPar.getParID().intValue() == -1)) biParameterToBeSaved = false; if (biParameterToBeSaved) { ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "BIObjectParameterValidation", this); // If it's a new BIObjectParameter or if the Parameter was changed controls // that the BIObjectParameter url name is not already in use urlNameControl(obj.getId(), biObjPar); } ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "BIObjectValidation", this); verifyForDependencies(biObjPar); // if there are some validation errors into the errorHandler does not write into DB if (!errorHandler.isOKByCategory(EMFErrorCategory.VALIDATION_ERROR)) { helper.fillResponse(initialPath); prepareBIObjectDetailPage(response, obj, biObjPar, biObjPar.getId().toString(), ObjectsTreeConstants.DETAIL_MOD, false, false); logParam.put("Document_name", obj.getName()); AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY_DETAIL_MOD", logParam, "OK"); return; } // it is requested to modify the main values of the BIObject if (objTemp == null) { biobjDAO.modifyBIObject(obj, loadParsDCClicked); } else { biobjDAO.modifyBIObject(obj, objTemp, loadParsDCClicked); } // reloads the BIObject obj = biobjDAO.loadBIObjectForDetail(obj.getId()); // check if there's a parameter to save and in case save it if (biParameterToBeSaved) { IBIObjectParameterDAO objParDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); objParDAO.setUserProfile(profile); if (biObjPar.getId().intValue() == -1) { // it is requested to insert a new BIObjectParameter objParDAO.insertBIObjectParameter(biObjPar); // reload the BIObjectParameter with the given url name biObjPar = reloadBIObjectParameter(obj.getId(), biObjPar.getParameterUrlName()); } else { // it is requested to modify a BIObjectParameter objParDAO.modifyBIObjectParameter(biObjPar); } selectedObjParIdStr = biObjPar.getId().toString(); } else selectedObjParIdStr = "-1"; } AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.MODIFY", logParam, "OK"); } // reloads the BIObject with the correct Id obj = biobjDAO.loadBIObjectForDetail(obj.getId()); /* *indexes biobject by modifying document in index **/ LuceneIndexer.updateBiobjInIndex(obj, false); // based on the kind of back put different data into response Object saveAndGoBack = request.getAttribute("saveAndGoBack"); if (saveAndGoBack != null) { // it is request to save the main BIObject details and to go back response.setAttribute("loopback", "true"); } else { // it is requested to save and remain in the BIObject detail page response.setAttribute(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, obj.getId().toString()); response.setAttribute("selected_obj_par_id", selectedObjParIdStr); response.setAttribute("saveLoop", "true"); } } catch (EMFUserError error) { logger.error("Cannot fill response container", error); try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.ADD/MODIFY", logParam, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } throw error; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot fill response container", ex); try { AuditLogUtilities.updateAudit(getHttpRequest(), profile, "DOCUMENT.ADD/MODIFY", logParam, "ERR"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } } }