Java tutorial
/* SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite * Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, without the "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" notice. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ /* * Created on 21-giu-2005 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ package it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao; import it.eng.spago.base.RequestContainer; import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFInternalError; import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjFunc; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjFuncId; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjPar; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjTemplates; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjects; import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.metadata.SbiFunctions; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.BIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.IBIObjectParameterDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.IParameterDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParameters; import; import; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.AbstractHibernateDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiBinContents; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiDomains; import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.ObjectsAccessVerifier; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.config.dao.EngineDAOHibImpl; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.config.metadata.SbiEngines; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.documentcomposition.configuration.DocumentCompositionConfiguration; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.dossier.dao.IDossierPartsTempDAO; import it.eng.spagobi.engines.dossier.dao.IDossierPresentationsDAO; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUID; import org.safehaus.uuid.UUIDGenerator; import com.jamonapi.Monitor; import com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory; /** * Defines the Hibernate implementations for all DAO methods, * for a BI Object. */ public class BIObjectDAOHibImpl extends AbstractHibernateDAO implements IBIObjectDAO { public static final String COLUMN_LABEL = "LABEL"; public static final String COLUMN_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String COLUMN_ENGINE = "ENGINE"; public static final String COLUMN_STATE = "STATE"; public static final String COLUMN_TYPE = "TYPE"; public static final String COLUMN_DATE = "CREATION_DATE"; public static final String SCOPE_NODE = "node"; public static final String START_WITH = "START_WITH"; public static final String END_WITH = "END_WITH"; public static final String NOT_EQUALS_TO = "NOT_EQUALS_TO"; public static final String EQUALS_TO = "EQUALS_TO"; public static final String CONTAINS = "CONTAINS"; public static final String LESS_THAN = "LESS_THAN"; public static final String EQUALS_OR_GREATER_THAN = "EQUALS_OR_GREATER_THAN"; public static final String GREATER_THAN = "GREATER_THAN"; public static final String EQUALS_OR_LESS_THAN = "EQUALS_OR_LESS_THAN"; public static final String NOT_ENDS_WITH = "NOT_ENDS_WITH"; public static final String NOT_CONTAINS = "NOT_CONTAINS"; public static final String IS_NULL = "IS_NULL"; public static final String NOT_NULL = "NOT_NULL"; static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BIObjectDAOHibImpl.class); /** * Load bi object for execution by id and role. * * @param id the id * @param role the role * * @return the BI object * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadBIObjectForExecutionByIdAndRole(java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String) */ public BIObject loadBIObjectForExecutionByIdAndRole(Integer id, String role) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.start("spagobi.core.BIObjectDAO.loadBIObjectForExecutionByIdAndRole"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; BIObject biObject = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); biObject = loadBIObjectForDetail(id); //String hql = "from SbiObjPar s where s.sbiObject.biobjId = " + biObject.getId() + " order by s.priority asc"; String hql = "from SbiObjPar s where s.sbiObject.biobjId = ? order by s.priority asc"; Query hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); hqlQuery.setInteger(0, biObject.getId().intValue()); List hibObjectPars = hqlQuery.list(); SbiObjPar hibObjPar = null; Iterator it = hibObjectPars.iterator(); BIObjectParameter tmpBIObjectParameter = null; BIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl aBIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl = new BIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl(); IParameterDAO aParameterDAO = DAOFactory.getParameterDAO(); List biObjectParameters = new ArrayList(); Parameter aParameter = null; int count = 1; while (it.hasNext()) { hibObjPar = (SbiObjPar); tmpBIObjectParameter = aBIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl.toBIObjectParameter(hibObjPar); //***************************************************************** //**************** START PRIORITY RECALCULATION ******************* //***************************************************************** Integer priority = tmpBIObjectParameter.getPriority(); if (priority == null || priority.intValue() != count) { logger.warn("The priorities of the biparameters for the document with id = " + biObject.getId() + " are not sorted. Priority recalculation starts."); aBIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl.recalculateBiParametersPriority(biObject.getId(), aSession); tmpBIObjectParameter.setPriority(new Integer(count)); } count++; //***************************************************************** //**************** END PRIORITY RECALCULATION ******************* //***************************************************************** aParameter = aParameterDAO.loadForExecutionByParameterIDandRoleName(tmpBIObjectParameter.getParID(), role); tmpBIObjectParameter.setParID(aParameter.getId()); tmpBIObjectParameter.setParameter(aParameter); biObjectParameters.add(tmpBIObjectParameter); } biObject.setBiObjectParameters(biObjectParameters); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } monitor.stop(); } logger.debug("OUT"); return biObject; } /** * Load bi object by id. * * @param biObjectID the bi object id * * @return the BI object * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadBIObjectById(java.lang.Integer) */ public BIObject loadBIObjectById(Integer biObjectID) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.start("spagobi.core.BIObjectDAO.loadBIObjectById"); BIObject toReturn = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiObjects hibBIObject = (SbiObjects) aSession.load(SbiObjects.class, biObjectID); toReturn = toBIObject(hibBIObject); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } monitor.stop(); } logger.debug("OUT"); return toReturn; } /** * Load bi object for detail. * * @param id the id * * @return the BI object * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadBIObjectForDetail(java.lang.Integer) */ public BIObject loadBIObjectForDetail(Integer id) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); BIObject biObject = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); //String hql = " from SbiObjects where biobjId = " + id; String hql = " from SbiObjects where biobjId = ?"; Query hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); hqlQuery.setInteger(0, id.intValue()); SbiObjects hibObject = (SbiObjects) hqlQuery.uniqueResult(); if (hibObject == null) return null; biObject = toBIObject(hibObject); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return biObject; } /** * Load bi object by label. * * @param label the label * * @return the BI object * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadBIObjectByLabel(java.lang.String) */ public BIObject loadBIObjectByLabel(String label) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.start("spagobi.core.BIObjectDAO.loadBIObjectByLabel"); BIObject biObject = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Criterion labelCriterrion = Expression.eq("label", label); Criteria criteria = aSession.createCriteria(SbiObjects.class); criteria.add(labelCriterrion); SbiObjects hibObject = (SbiObjects) criteria.uniqueResult(); if (hibObject == null) return null; biObject = toBIObject(hibObject); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } monitor.stop(); } logger.debug("OUT"); return biObject; } /** * Load bi object for tree. * * @param id the id * * @return the BI object * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadBIObjectForTree(java.lang.Integer) */ public BIObject loadBIObjectForTree(Integer id) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN. start method with input id:" + id); BIObject biObject = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); logger.debug("hibernate session obtained:" + aSession); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); logger.debug("hibernate transaction started"); Criterion domainCdCriterrion = Expression.eq("biobjId", id); Criteria criteria = aSession.createCriteria(SbiObjects.class); criteria.add(domainCdCriterrion); logger.debug("hibernate criteria filled:" + criteria); SbiObjects hibObject = (SbiObjects) criteria.uniqueResult(); logger.debug("hibernate object retrived:" + hibObject); if (hibObject == null) { return null; } biObject = toBIObject(hibObject); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); logger.error("hibernate exception", he); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } logger.debug("OUT.end method with input id:" + id); } return biObject; } /** * Modify bi object. * * @param obj the obj * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#modifyBIObject( */ public void modifyBIObject(BIObject obj) throws EMFUserError { internalModify(obj, null, false); } /** * Modify bi object. * * @param obj the obj * @param loadParsDC boolean for management Document Composition params * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#modifyBIObject( */ public void modifyBIObject(BIObject obj, boolean loadParsDC) throws EMFUserError { internalModify(obj, null, loadParsDC); } /** * Modify bi object. * * @param obj the obj * @param objTemp the obj temp * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#modifyBIObjectWithoutVersioning( */ public void modifyBIObject(BIObject obj, ObjTemplate objTemp) throws EMFUserError { internalModify(obj, objTemp, false); } /** * Modify bi object. * * @param obj the obj * @param objTemp the obj temp * @param loadParsDC boolean for management Document Composition params * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#modifyBIObjectWithoutVersioning( */ public void modifyBIObject(BIObject obj, ObjTemplate objTemp, boolean loadParsDC) throws EMFUserError { internalModify(obj, objTemp, loadParsDC); } /** * Updates the biobject data into database. * @param biObject The BI Object as input * @param objTemp The BIObject template * @throws EMFUserError If any exception occurred */ private void internalModify(BIObject biObject, ObjTemplate objTemp, boolean loadParsDC) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiObjects hibBIObject = (SbiObjects) aSession.load(SbiObjects.class, biObject.getId()); updateSbiCommonInfo4Update(hibBIObject); SbiEngines hibEngine = (SbiEngines) aSession.load(SbiEngines.class, biObject.getEngine().getId()); hibBIObject.setSbiEngines(hibEngine); SbiDataSource dSource = null; if (biObject.getDataSourceId() != null) { dSource = (SbiDataSource) aSession.load(SbiDataSource.class, biObject.getDataSourceId()); } hibBIObject.setDataSource(dSource); SbiDataSetConfig dSet = null; if (biObject.getDataSetId() != null) { dSet = (SbiDataSetConfig) aSession.load(SbiDataSetConfig.class, biObject.getDataSetId()); } hibBIObject.setDataSet(dSet); hibBIObject.setDescr(biObject.getDescription()); hibBIObject.setLabel(biObject.getLabel()); hibBIObject.setName(biObject.getName()); if (biObject.getEncrypt() != null) hibBIObject.setEncrypt(new Short(biObject.getEncrypt().shortValue())); if (biObject.getVisible() != null) hibBIObject.setVisible(new Short(biObject.getVisible().shortValue())); hibBIObject.setProfiledVisibility(biObject.getProfiledVisibility()); hibBIObject.setRelName(biObject.getRelName()); SbiDomains hibState = (SbiDomains) aSession.load(SbiDomains.class, biObject.getStateID()); hibBIObject.setState(hibState); hibBIObject.setStateCode(biObject.getStateCode()); SbiDomains hibObjectType = (SbiDomains) aSession.load(SbiDomains.class, biObject.getBiObjectTypeID()); hibBIObject.setObjectType(hibObjectType); hibBIObject.setObjectTypeCode(biObject.getBiObjectTypeCode()); hibBIObject.setRefreshSeconds(biObject.getRefreshSeconds()); // functionalities erasing Set hibFunctionalities = hibBIObject.getSbiObjFuncs(); for (Iterator it = hibFunctionalities.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { aSession.delete((SbiObjFunc); } // functionalities storing Set hibObjFunc = new HashSet(); List functionalities = biObject.getFunctionalities(); for (Iterator it = functionalities.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer functId = (Integer); SbiFunctions aSbiFunctions = (SbiFunctions) aSession.load(SbiFunctions.class, functId); SbiObjFuncId aSbiObjFuncId = new SbiObjFuncId(); aSbiObjFuncId.setSbiFunctions(aSbiFunctions); aSbiObjFuncId.setSbiObjects(hibBIObject); SbiObjFunc aSbiObjFunc = new SbiObjFunc(aSbiObjFuncId); updateSbiCommonInfo4Update(aSbiObjFunc);; hibObjFunc.add(aSbiObjFunc); } hibBIObject.setSbiObjFuncs(hibObjFunc); tx.commit(); // update biobject template info if (objTemp != null) { try { ObjTemplate oldTemp = DAOFactory.getObjTemplateDAO() .getBIObjectActiveTemplate(biObject.getId()); // set the biobject id into ObjTemplate (it should not be necessary, but to avoid errors ...) objTemp.setBiobjId(biObject.getId()); //insert or update new template IObjTemplateDAO dao = DAOFactory.getObjTemplateDAO(); dao.setUserProfile(this.getUserProfile()); dao.insertBIObjectTemplate(objTemp); //if the input document is a document composition and template is changed deletes existing parameters //and creates all new parameters automatically //(the parameters are recovered from all documents that compose general document) if (loadParsDC && (oldTemp == null || objTemp.getId() == null || objTemp.getId().compareTo(oldTemp.getId()) != 0)) { insertParametersDocComposition(biObject, objTemp, true); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during creation of document composition parameters : ", e); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } } /** * Implements the query to insert a BIObject and its template. All information needed is stored * into the input <code>BIObject</code> and <code>ObjTemplate</code> objects. * * @param obj The object containing all insert information * @param objTemp The template of the biobject * * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurred */ public void insertBIObject(BIObject obj, ObjTemplate objTemp, boolean loadParsDC) throws EMFUserError { internalInsertBIObject(obj, objTemp, loadParsDC); } /** * Implements the query to insert a BIObject. All information needed is stored * into the input <code>BIObject</code> object. * * @param obj The object containing all insert information * * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurred */ public void insertBIObject(BIObject obj) throws EMFUserError { internalInsertBIObject(obj, null, false); } /** * Implements the query to insert a BIObject. All information needed is stored * into the input <code>BIObject</code> object. * * @param obj The object containing all insert information * @param loadParsDC boolean for management Document Composition params * * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurred */ public void insertBIObject(BIObject obj, boolean loadParsDC) throws EMFUserError { internalInsertBIObject(obj, null, loadParsDC); } /** * Implements the query to insert a BIObject. All information needed is stored * into the input <code>BIObject</code> object. * * @param obj The object containing all insert information * @param loadParsDC boolean for management Document Composition params * * @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurred */ public Integer insertBIObject(BIObject obj, ObjTemplate objTemp) throws EMFUserError { return internalInsertBIObject(obj, objTemp, false); } private Integer internalInsertBIObject(BIObject obj, ObjTemplate objTemp, boolean loadParsDC) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; Integer idToReturn = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); SbiObjects hibBIObject = new SbiObjects(); // add the common info SbiEngines hibEngine = (SbiEngines) aSession.load(SbiEngines.class, obj.getEngine().getId()); hibBIObject.setSbiEngines(hibEngine); hibBIObject.setDescr(obj.getDescription()); hibBIObject.setLabel(obj.getLabel()); hibBIObject.setName(obj.getName()); if (obj.getEncrypt() != null) { hibBIObject.setEncrypt(new Short(obj.getEncrypt().shortValue())); } if (obj.getVisible() != null) { hibBIObject.setVisible(new Short(obj.getVisible().shortValue())); } hibBIObject.setProfiledVisibility(obj.getProfiledVisibility()); hibBIObject.setRelName(obj.getRelName()); SbiDomains hibState = (SbiDomains) aSession.load(SbiDomains.class, obj.getStateID()); hibBIObject.setState(hibState); hibBIObject.setStateCode(obj.getStateCode()); SbiDomains hibObjectType = (SbiDomains) aSession.load(SbiDomains.class, obj.getBiObjectTypeID()); hibBIObject.setObjectType(hibObjectType); hibBIObject.setObjectTypeCode(obj.getBiObjectTypeCode()); SbiDataSource dSource = null; if (obj.getDataSourceId() != null) { dSource = (SbiDataSource) aSession.load(SbiDataSource.class, obj.getDataSourceId()); } hibBIObject.setDataSource(dSource); SbiDataSetConfig dSet = null; if (obj.getDataSetId() != null) { dSet = (SbiDataSetConfig) aSession.load(SbiDataSetConfig.class, obj.getDataSetId()); } hibBIObject.setDataSet(dSet); Integer refreshSeconds = obj.getRefreshSeconds(); if (refreshSeconds == null) refreshSeconds = new Integer(0); hibBIObject.setRefreshSeconds(refreshSeconds); // uuid generation UUIDGenerator uuidGenerator = UUIDGenerator.getInstance(); UUID uuidObj = uuidGenerator.generateTimeBasedUUID(); String uuid = uuidObj.toString(); hibBIObject.setUuid(uuid); hibBIObject.setCreationDate(new Date()); hibBIObject.setCreationUser(obj.getCreationUser()); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(hibBIObject); // save biobject Integer id = (Integer); idToReturn = id; // recover the saved hibernate object hibBIObject = (SbiObjects) aSession.load(SbiObjects.class, id); // functionalities storing Set hibObjFunc = new HashSet(); List functionalities = obj.getFunctionalities(); for (Iterator it = functionalities.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer functId = (Integer); SbiFunctions aSbiFunctions = (SbiFunctions) aSession.load(SbiFunctions.class, functId); SbiObjFuncId aSbiObjFuncId = new SbiObjFuncId(); aSbiObjFuncId.setSbiFunctions(aSbiFunctions); aSbiObjFuncId.setSbiObjects(hibBIObject); SbiObjFunc aSbiObjFunc = new SbiObjFunc(aSbiObjFuncId); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(aSbiObjFunc);; hibObjFunc.add(aSbiObjFunc); } hibBIObject.setSbiObjFuncs(hibObjFunc); // we must close transaction before saving ObjTemplate, // since ObjTemplateDAO opens a new transaction and it would fail in Ingres tx.commit(); obj.setId(id); if (objTemp != null) { objTemp.setBiobjId(id); IObjTemplateDAO dao = DAOFactory.getObjTemplateDAO(); dao.setUserProfile(this.getUserProfile()); dao.insertBIObjectTemplate(objTemp); } //if the document is a document composition creates all parameters automatically //(the parameters are recovered from all documents that compose general document) if (loadParsDC) { insertParametersDocComposition(id); } } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error("HibernateException", he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } catch (EMFInternalError e) { logger.error("Error inserting new BIObject", e); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return idToReturn; } /** * Erase bi object. * * @param obj the obj * @param idFunct the id funct * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#eraseBIObject(, java.lang.Integer) */ public void eraseBIObject(BIObject obj, Integer idFunct) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); // load object SbiObjects hibBIObject = (SbiObjects) aSession.load(SbiObjects.class, obj.getId()); // erase object from functionalities Set hibObjFuncs = hibBIObject.getSbiObjFuncs(); Iterator itObjFunc = hibObjFuncs.iterator(); while (itObjFunc.hasNext()) { SbiObjFunc aSbiObjFunc = (SbiObjFunc); if (idFunct == null || aSbiObjFunc.getId().getSbiFunctions().getFunctId().intValue() == idFunct.intValue()) { logger.debug("Deleting object [" + obj.getName() + "] from folder [" + aSbiObjFunc.getId().getSbiFunctions().getPath() + "]"); aSession.delete(aSbiObjFunc); } } aSession.flush(); // reload object aSession.refresh(hibBIObject); // if the object is no more referenced in any folder, erases it from sbi_obejcts table hibObjFuncs = hibBIObject.getSbiObjFuncs(); if (hibObjFuncs == null || hibObjFuncs.size() == 0) { logger.debug("The object [" + obj.getName() + "] is no more referenced by any functionality. It will be completely deleted from db."); // delete templates String hql = "from SbiObjTemplates sot where sot.sbiObject.biobjId=" + obj.getId(); Query query = aSession.createQuery(hql); List templs = query.list(); Iterator iterTempls = templs.iterator(); while (iterTempls.hasNext()) { SbiObjTemplates hibObjTemp = (SbiObjTemplates); SbiBinContents hibBinCont = hibObjTemp.getSbiBinContents(); aSession.delete(hibObjTemp); aSession.delete(hibBinCont); } //delete subobjects eventually associated ISubObjectDAO subobjDAO = DAOFactory.getSubObjectDAO(); List subobjects = subobjDAO.getSubObjects(obj.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < subobjects.size(); i++) { SubObject s = (SubObject) subobjects.get(i); //subobjDAO.deleteSubObject(s.getId()); subobjDAO.deleteSubObjectSameConnection(s.getId(), aSession); } //delete viewpoints eventually associated List viewpoints = new ArrayList(); IViewpointDAO biVPDAO = DAOFactory.getViewpointDAO(); viewpoints = biVPDAO.loadAllViewpointsByObjID(obj.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < viewpoints.size(); i++) { Viewpoint vp = (Viewpoint) viewpoints.get(i); biVPDAO.eraseViewpoint(vp.getVpId()); } //delete snapshots eventually associated ISnapshotDAO snapshotsDAO = DAOFactory.getSnapshotDAO(); List snapshots = snapshotsDAO.getSnapshots(obj.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < snapshots.size(); i++) { Snapshot aSnapshots = (Snapshot) snapshots.get(i); snapshotsDAO.deleteSnapshot(aSnapshots.getId()); } //delete notes eventually associated IObjNoteDAO objNoteDAO = DAOFactory.getObjNoteDAO(); objNoteDAO.eraseNotes(obj.getId()); //delete metadata eventually associated List metadata = DAOFactory.getObjMetadataDAO().loadAllObjMetadata(); IObjMetacontentDAO objMetaContentDAO = DAOFactory.getObjMetacontentDAO(); if (metadata != null && !metadata.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = metadata.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ObjMetadata objMetadata = (ObjMetadata); ObjMetacontent objMetacontent = (ObjMetacontent) DAOFactory.getObjMetacontentDAO() .loadObjMetacontent(objMetadata.getObjMetaId(), obj.getId(), null); if (objMetacontent != null) { objMetaContentDAO.eraseObjMetadata(objMetacontent); } } } // delete parameters associated // before deleting parameters associated is needed to delete all dependencies, // otherwise in case there could be error if is firstly deleted a parameter from wich some else is dependant // (thought priority parameter is not costraining dependencies definition) Set objPars = hibBIObject.getSbiObjPars(); Iterator itObjParDep = objPars.iterator(); BIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl objParDAO = new BIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl(); while (itObjParDep.hasNext()) { SbiObjPar aSbiObjPar = (SbiObjPar); BIObjectParameter aBIObjectParameter = new BIObjectParameter(); aBIObjectParameter.setId(aSbiObjPar.getObjParId()); objParDAO.eraseBIObjectParameterDependencies(aBIObjectParameter, aSession); } Iterator itObjPar = objPars.iterator(); while (itObjPar.hasNext()) { SbiObjPar aSbiObjPar = (SbiObjPar); BIObjectParameter aBIObjectParameter = new BIObjectParameter(); aBIObjectParameter.setId(aSbiObjPar.getObjParId()); objParDAO.eraseBIObjectParameter(aBIObjectParameter, aSession, false); } // delete dossier temp parts eventually associated IDossierPartsTempDAO dptDAO = DAOFactory.getDossierPartsTempDAO(); dptDAO.eraseDossierParts(obj.getId()); // delete dossier presentations eventually associated IDossierPresentationsDAO dpDAO = DAOFactory.getDossierPresentationDAO(); dpDAO.deletePresentations(obj.getId()); // update subreports table ISubreportDAO subrptdao = DAOFactory.getSubreportDAO(); subrptdao.eraseSubreportByMasterRptId(obj.getId()); subrptdao.eraseSubreportBySubRptId(obj.getId()); // delete object aSession.delete(hibBIObject); logger.debug("OUT"); } // commit all changes tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null && tx.isActive()) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); if (tx != null && tx.isActive()) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } } /** * Gets the correct roles for execution. * * @param id the id * @param profile the profile * * @return the correct roles for execution * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#getCorrectRolesForExecution(java.lang.Integer, */ public List getCorrectRolesForExecution(Integer id, IEngUserProfile profile) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); List correctRoles = null; try { correctRoles = getCorrectRoles(id, ((UserProfile) profile).getRolesForUse()); } catch (EMFInternalError emfie) { logger.error("error getting role from the user profile", emfie); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } logger.debug("OUT"); return correctRoles; } /** * Gets the correct roles for execution. * * @param id the id * * @return the correct roles for execution * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error * * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#getCorrectRolesForExecution(java.lang.Integer) */ public List getCorrectRolesForExecution(Integer id) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); List roles = DAOFactory.getRoleDAO().loadAllRoles(); List nameRoles = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterRoles = roles.iterator(); Role role = null; while (iterRoles.hasNext()) { role = (Role); nameRoles.add(role.getName()); } logger.debug("OUT"); return getCorrectRoles(id, nameRoles); } /** * Gets a list of correct role according to the report at input, identified * by its id * * @param id The Integer representing report's id * @param roles The collection of all roles * @return The correct roles list * @throws EMFUserError if any exception occurred */ private List getCorrectRoles(Integer id, Collection roles) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; Query hqlQuery = null; String hql = null; List correctRoles = new ArrayList(); Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.start("spagobi.core.BIObjectDAO.getCorrectRoles"); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); logger.debug("The user have [" + roles.size() + "] different roles"); // allRolesWithPermission will store all roles with permissions on folders containing the required document List allRolesWithPermission = new ArrayList(); // first filter on roles: finds only roles with permissions on folders containing the required document SbiObjects hibBIObject = (SbiObjects) aSession.load(SbiObjects.class, id); String objectState = hibBIObject.getState().getValueCd(); String permission = ObjectsAccessVerifier.getPermissionFromDocumentState(objectState); Set hibObjFuncs = hibBIObject.getSbiObjFuncs(); Iterator itObjFunc = hibObjFuncs.iterator(); while (itObjFunc.hasNext()) { SbiObjFunc aSbiObjFunc = (SbiObjFunc); SbiFunctions aSbiFunctions = aSbiObjFunc.getId().getSbiFunctions(); String funcTypeCd = aSbiFunctions.getFunctTypeCd(); logger.debug("Folder type [" + funcTypeCd + "]"); if (!funcTypeCd.equalsIgnoreCase("USER_FUNCT")) { logger.debug("Folder id [" + aSbiFunctions.getFunctId() + "]"); logger.debug("Document state [" + objectState + "]"); String rolesHql = "select distinct from " + "SbiExtRoles as roles, SbiFuncRole as funcRole " + "where roles.extRoleId = and " + " = " + aSbiFunctions.getFunctId() + " and " + " = '" + permission + "' "; Query rolesHqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(rolesHql); // get the list of roles that can see the document (in REL or TEST state) in that functionality List rolesNames = new ArrayList(); rolesNames = rolesHqlQuery.list(); allRolesWithPermission.addAll(rolesNames); } else { List l = new ArrayList(); l.addAll(roles); return l; } } logger.debug("There are [" + allRolesWithPermission.size() + "] roles that can execut doc [" + id + "] depending on its location"); // userRolesWithPermission will store the filtered roles with permissions on folders containing the required document List userRolesWithPermission = new ArrayList(); Iterator rolesIt = roles.iterator(); while (rolesIt.hasNext()) { // if the role is a user role and can see the document (in REL or TEST state), // it is a correct role String role =; if (allRolesWithPermission.contains(role)) userRolesWithPermission.add(role); } logger.debug("The user have [" + userRolesWithPermission.size() + "] different roles that can execute doc [" + id + "] depending on its location"); // find all id parameters relative to the objects hql = "select par.parId from " + "SbiParameters as par, SbiObjects as obj, SbiObjPar as objpar " + "where obj.biobjId = ? and " + " obj.biobjId = objpar.sbiObject.biobjId and " + " par.parId = "; hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); hqlQuery.setInteger(0, id.intValue()); List idParameters = hqlQuery.list(); if (idParameters.size() == 0) { // if the object has not parameter associates all the roles that have the execution or // test permissions on the containing folders are correct roles in the same manner. return userRolesWithPermission; } // second filter on roles: finds only roles with correct modalities of the parameters of the required document Iterator iterRoles = userRolesWithPermission.iterator(); Iterator iterParam = null; String role = null; String idPar = null; List parUses = null; // for each role of the user while (iterRoles.hasNext()) { boolean correct = true; role =; iterParam = idParameters.iterator(); // for each parameter get the number of the modality for the current role while (iterParam.hasNext()) { idPar =; hql = "select " + "from SbiParuse as puse, " + " SbiParuseDet as puseDet, " + " SbiExtRoles as rol " + "where = '" + role + "' and " + " = rol.extRoleId and " + " puse.sbiParameters.parId = " + idPar + " and " + " = puse.useId"; hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); parUses = hqlQuery.list(); // if the modality for the current role and the current parameter are more // or less than one the role can't execute the report and so it isn't // correct if (parUses.size() != 1) { correct = false; } } if (correct) { correctRoles.add(role); logger.debug("There is one available modality for role [" + role + "] on parameter [" + idPar + "]"); } else { logger.debug( "There is no modality available for role [" + role + "] on parameter [" + idPar + "]"); } } tx.rollback(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } monitor.stop(); } logger.debug("OUT"); return correctRoles; } /** * From the Hibernate BI object at input, gives the corrispondent BI * object. * * @param hibBIObject The Hibernate BI object * * @return the corrispondent output <code>BIObject</code> */ public BIObject toBIObject(SbiObjects hibBIObject) { logger.debug("IN"); // create empty biobject BIObject aBIObject = new BIObject(); // set type (type code and id) aBIObject.setBiObjectTypeCode(hibBIObject.getObjectTypeCode()); aBIObject.setBiObjectTypeID(hibBIObject.getObjectType().getValueId()); // set description String descr = hibBIObject.getDescr(); if (descr == null) descr = ""; aBIObject.setDescription(descr); // set encrypt flag if (hibBIObject.getEncrypt() != null) { aBIObject.setEncrypt(new Integer(hibBIObject.getEncrypt().intValue())); } else aBIObject.setEncrypt(new Integer(0)); // set visible flag if (hibBIObject.getVisible() != null) { aBIObject.setVisible(new Integer(hibBIObject.getVisible().intValue())); } else aBIObject.setVisible(new Integer(0)); // set profiled visibility information aBIObject.setProfiledVisibility(hibBIObject.getProfiledVisibility()); // set engine aBIObject.setEngine(new EngineDAOHibImpl().toEngine(hibBIObject.getSbiEngines())); // set data source if (hibBIObject.getDataSource() != null) { aBIObject.setDataSourceId(new Integer(hibBIObject.getDataSource().getDsId())); } if (hibBIObject.getDataSet() != null) { aBIObject.setDataSetId(new Integer(hibBIObject.getDataSet().getDsId())); } // set id aBIObject.setId(hibBIObject.getBiobjId()); aBIObject.setLabel(hibBIObject.getLabel()); aBIObject.setName(hibBIObject.getName()); aBIObject.setTenant(hibBIObject.getCommonInfo().getOrganization()); // set path aBIObject.setPath(hibBIObject.getPath()); aBIObject.setUuid(hibBIObject.getUuid()); aBIObject.setRelName(hibBIObject.getRelName()); aBIObject.setStateCode(hibBIObject.getStateCode()); aBIObject.setStateID(hibBIObject.getState().getValueId()); List functionlities = new ArrayList(); Set hibObjFuncs = hibBIObject.getSbiObjFuncs(); for (Iterator it = hibObjFuncs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SbiObjFunc aSbiObjFunc = (SbiObjFunc); Integer functionalityId = aSbiObjFunc.getId().getSbiFunctions().getFunctId(); functionlities.add(functionalityId); } aBIObject.setFunctionalities(functionlities); List businessObjectParameters = new ArrayList(); Set hibObjPars = hibBIObject.getSbiObjPars(); if (hibObjPars != null) { for (Iterator it = hibObjPars.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SbiObjPar aSbiObjPar = (SbiObjPar); BIObjectParameter par = toBIObjectParameter(aSbiObjPar); businessObjectParameters.add(par); } aBIObject.setBiObjectParameters(businessObjectParameters); } aBIObject.setCreationDate(hibBIObject.getCreationDate()); aBIObject.setCreationUser(hibBIObject.getCreationUser()); aBIObject.setRefreshSeconds(hibBIObject.getRefreshSeconds()); logger.debug("OUT"); return aBIObject; } /** * From the hibernate BI object parameter at input, gives * the corrispondent <code>BIObjectParameter</code> object. * * @param hiObjPar The hybernate BI object parameter * * @return The corrispondent <code>BIObjectParameter</code> */ public BIObjectParameter toBIObjectParameter(SbiObjPar hiObjPar) { BIObjectParameter aBIObjectParameter = new BIObjectParameter(); aBIObjectParameter.setId(hiObjPar.getObjParId()); aBIObjectParameter.setLabel(hiObjPar.getLabel()); aBIObjectParameter.setModifiable(new Integer(hiObjPar.getModFl().intValue())); aBIObjectParameter.setMultivalue(new Integer(hiObjPar.getMultFl().intValue())); aBIObjectParameter.setBiObjectID(hiObjPar.getSbiObject().getBiobjId()); aBIObjectParameter.setParameterUrlName(hiObjPar.getParurlNm()); aBIObjectParameter.setParID(hiObjPar.getSbiParameter().getParId()); aBIObjectParameter.setRequired(new Integer(hiObjPar.getReqFl().intValue())); aBIObjectParameter.setVisible(new Integer(hiObjPar.getViewFl().intValue())); aBIObjectParameter.setPriority(hiObjPar.getPriority()); aBIObjectParameter.setProg(hiObjPar.getProg()); Parameter parameter = new Parameter(); parameter.setId(hiObjPar.getSbiParameter().getParId()); aBIObjectParameter.setParameter(parameter); return aBIObjectParameter; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadAllBIObjects() */ public List loadAllBIObjects() throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; List realResult = new ArrayList(); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery(" from SbiObjects s order by s.label"); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { realResult.add(toBIObject((SbiObjects); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return realResult; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadAllBIObjects(java.lang.String) */ public List loadAllBIObjects(String filterOrder) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN.filterOrder=" + filterOrder); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; List realResult = new ArrayList(); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery("from SbiObjects s order by s." + filterOrder); //Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery("from SbiObjects s order by ?" ); //hibQuery.setString(0, filterOrder); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); //Criteria criteria = aSession.createCriteria(SbiObjects.class); //criteria.setFetchMode("sbiObjFuncs.sbiEngines", FetchMode.JOIN); //criteria.addOrder(Order.asc(filterOrder)); //List hibList = criteria.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { realResult.add(toBIObject((SbiObjects); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return realResult; } /** * Gets the biparameters associated with to a biobject. * * @param aBIObject BIObject the biobject to analize * * @return List, list of the biparameters associated with the biobject * * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error */ public List getBIObjectParameters(BIObject aBIObject) throws EMFUserError { IBIObjectParameterDAO biobjDAO = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO(); List biparams = biobjDAO.loadBIObjectParametersById(aBIObject.getId()); return biparams; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadAllBIObjectsFromInitialPath(java.lang.String) */ public List loadAllBIObjectsFromInitialPath(String initialPath) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; List realResult = new ArrayList(); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); /*Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery( "select " + " distinct(objects) " + "from " + " SbiObjects as objects, SbiObjFunc as objFuncs, SbiFunctions as functions " + "where " + " objects.biobjId = " + " and = functions.functId " + " and " + " (functions.path = '" + initialPath + "' " + " or functions.path like '" + initialPath + "/%' ) " + "order by " + " objects.label");*/ Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery("select " + " distinct(objects) " + "from " + " SbiObjects as objects, SbiObjFunc as objFuncs, SbiFunctions as functions " + "where " + " objects.biobjId = " + " and = functions.functId " + " and " + " (functions.path = ? " + " or functions.path like ?) " + "order by " + " objects.label"); hibQuery.setString(0, initialPath); hibQuery.setString(1, initialPath + "%"); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { realResult.add(toBIObject((SbiObjects); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return realResult; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadAllBIObjectsFromInitialPath(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public List loadAllBIObjectsFromInitialPath(String initialPath, String filterOrder) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; List realResult = new ArrayList(); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); /* Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery( "select " + " distinct(objects) " + "from " + " SbiObjects as objects, SbiObjFunc as objFuncs, SbiFunctions as functions " + "where " + " objects.biobjId = " + " and = functions.functId " + " and " + " (functions.path = '" + initialPath + "' " + " or functions.path like '" + initialPath + "/%' ) " + "order by " + " objects." + filterOrder); */ Query hibQuery = aSession.createQuery("select " + " distinct(objects) " + "from " + " SbiObjects as objects, SbiObjFunc as objFuncs, SbiFunctions as functions " + "where " + " objects.biobjId = " + " and = functions.functId " + " and " + " (functions.path = ? " + " or functions.path like ? " + "order by ? "); hibQuery.setString(0, initialPath); hibQuery.setString(1, initialPath + "%"); hibQuery.setString(2, " objects." + filterOrder); List hibList = hibQuery.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { realResult.add(toBIObject((SbiObjects); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return realResult; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.dao.IBIObjectDAO#loadBIObjectForDetail(java.lang.String) */ public BIObject loadBIObjectForDetail(String path) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); BIObject biObject = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); //String hql = " from SbiObjects where path = '" + path + "'"; String hql = " from SbiObjects where path = ? "; Query hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); hqlQuery.setSerializable(0, path); SbiObjects hibObject = (SbiObjects) hqlQuery.uniqueResult(); if (hibObject == null) return null; biObject = toBIObject(hibObject); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return biObject; } /** * Called only for document composition (update object modality). * Puts parameters into the document composition getting these from document's children. * @param aSession the hibernate session * @param biObject the BI object of document composition * @param template the BI last active template * @param flgDelete the flag that suggest if is necessary to delete parameters before the insertion * @throws EMFUserError */ private void insertParametersDocComposition(BIObject biObject, ObjTemplate template, boolean flgDelete) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; //get informations about documents child try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); //gets document composition configuration if (template == null) return; byte[] contentBytes = template.getContent(); String contentStr = new String(contentBytes); SourceBean content = SourceBean.fromXMLString(contentStr); DocumentCompositionConfiguration docConf = new DocumentCompositionConfiguration(content); List lstLabeldDocs = docConf.getSbiObjLabelsArray(); List totalParameters = new ArrayList(); //if flag flgDelete is true delete all parameters associated to document composition if (flgDelete) { List lstDocParameters = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO() .loadBIObjectParametersById(biObject.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < lstDocParameters.size(); i++) { BIObjectParameter docParam = (BIObjectParameter) lstDocParameters.get(i); SbiObjects aSbiObject = new SbiObjects(); Integer objId = biObject.getId(); aSbiObject.setBiobjId(biObject.getId()); SbiParameters aSbiParameter = new SbiParameters(); aSbiParameter.setParId(docParam.getParameter().getId()); SbiObjPar hibObjPar = new SbiObjPar(); hibObjPar.setObjParId(docParam.getId()); hibObjPar.setLabel(docParam.getLabel()); hibObjPar.setSbiObject(aSbiObject); hibObjPar.setSbiParameter(aSbiParameter); aSession.delete(hibObjPar); } } //for every document child gets parameters and inserts these into new document composition object for (int i = 0; i < lstLabeldDocs.size(); i++) { //BIObject docChild = DAOFactory.getBIObjectDAO().loadBIObjectByLabel((String)lstLabeldDocs.get(i)); BIObject docChild = loadBIObjectByLabel((String) lstLabeldDocs.get(i)); if (docChild == null) { logger.error("Error while getting document child " + (String) lstLabeldDocs.get(i) + " for document composition."); List lstLabel = new ArrayList(); lstLabel.add((String) lstLabeldDocs.get(i)); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "1005", lstLabel, "component_spagobidocumentcompositionIE_messages"); } else { List lstDocChildParameters = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO() .loadBIObjectParametersById(docChild.getId()); for (int j = 0; j < lstDocChildParameters.size(); j++) { BIObjectParameter objPar = (BIObjectParameter) lstDocChildParameters.get(j); if (!totalParameters.contains(objPar.getLabel())) { SbiObjects aSbiObject = new SbiObjects(); //aSbiObject.setBiobjId(biObject.getId()); Integer objId = biObject.getId(); if (objId == null || objId.compareTo(new Integer("0")) == 0) objId = biObject.getId(); aSbiObject.setBiobjId(objId); SbiParameters aSbiParameter = new SbiParameters(); aSbiParameter.setParId(objPar.getParID()); SbiObjPar sbiObjPar = new SbiObjPar(); sbiObjPar.setSbiObject(aSbiObject); sbiObjPar.setSbiParameter(aSbiParameter); sbiObjPar.setObjParId(new Integer("-1")); sbiObjPar.setLabel(objPar.getLabel()); sbiObjPar.setParurlNm(objPar.getParameterUrlName()); sbiObjPar.setReqFl(new Short(objPar.getRequired().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setModFl(new Short(objPar.getModifiable().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setViewFl(new Short(objPar.getVisible().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setMultFl(new Short(objPar.getMultivalue().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setProg(objPar.getProg()); sbiObjPar.setPriority(new Integer(totalParameters.size() + 1)); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(sbiObjPar);; totalParameters.add(objPar.getLabel()); } } } } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } catch (EMFUserError eu) { throw eu; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while creating parameter for document composition.", e); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } /** * Called only for document composition (insert object modality). * Puts parameters into the document composition getting these from document's children. * @param biobjectId the document composition biobject id * @throws EMFUserError */ private void insertParametersDocComposition(Integer biobjectId) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); //get informations about documents child Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; try { //gets document composition configuration ObjTemplate template = DAOFactory.getObjTemplateDAO().getBIObjectActiveTemplate(biobjectId); aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); logger.debug("Template document composition in insert: " + template); if (template == null) return; byte[] contentBytes = template.getContent(); String contentStr = new String(contentBytes); SourceBean content = SourceBean.fromXMLString(contentStr); DocumentCompositionConfiguration docConf = new DocumentCompositionConfiguration(content); List lstLabeldDocs = docConf.getSbiObjLabelsArray(); List totalParameters = new ArrayList(); //for every document child gets parameters and inserts these into new document composition object for (int i = 0; i < lstLabeldDocs.size(); i++) { BIObject docChild = loadBIObjectByLabel((String) lstLabeldDocs.get(i)); if (docChild == null) { logger.error("Error while getting document child " + (String) lstLabeldDocs.get(i) + " for document composition."); List lstLabel = new ArrayList(); lstLabel.add((String) lstLabeldDocs.get(i)); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "1005", lstLabel, "component_spagobidocumentcompositionIE"); } else { List lstDocChildParameters = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO() .loadBIObjectParametersById(docChild.getId()); for (int j = 0; j < lstDocChildParameters.size(); j++) { BIObjectParameter objPar = (BIObjectParameter) lstDocChildParameters.get(j); if (!totalParameters.contains(objPar.getLabel())) { SbiObjects aSbiObject = new SbiObjects(); //aSbiObject.setBiobjId(biObject.getId()); Integer objId = biobjectId; if (objId == null || objId.compareTo(new Integer("0")) == 0) objId = biobjectId; aSbiObject.setBiobjId(objId); SbiParameters aSbiParameter = new SbiParameters(); aSbiParameter.setParId(objPar.getParID()); SbiObjPar sbiObjPar = new SbiObjPar(); sbiObjPar.setSbiObject(aSbiObject); sbiObjPar.setSbiParameter(aSbiParameter); sbiObjPar.setObjParId(new Integer("-1")); sbiObjPar.setLabel(objPar.getLabel()); sbiObjPar.setParurlNm(objPar.getParameterUrlName()); sbiObjPar.setReqFl(new Short(objPar.getRequired().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setModFl(new Short(objPar.getModifiable().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setViewFl(new Short(objPar.getVisible().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setMultFl(new Short(objPar.getMultivalue().shortValue())); sbiObjPar.setProg(objPar.getProg()); sbiObjPar.setPriority(new Integer(totalParameters.size() + 1)); updateSbiCommonInfo4Insert(sbiObjPar);; totalParameters.add(objPar.getLabel()); } } } } tx.commit(); } catch (EMFUserError e) { throw e; } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while creating parameter for document composition.", e); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); } public List loadBIObjects(String type, String state, String folderPath) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; List realResult = new ArrayList(); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); // Criteria criteria = aSession.createCriteria(SbiObjFunc.class); // if (type != null) { // Criterion typeCriterion = Expression.eq("id.sbiObjects.objectTypeCode", type); // criteria.add(typeCriterion); // } // if (state != null) { // Criterion stateCriterion = Expression.eq("id.sbiObjects.stateCode", state); // criteria.add(stateCriterion); // } // if (folderPath != null) { // Criterion folderPathCriterion = Expression.eq("id.sbiFunctions.path", folderPath); // criteria.add(folderPathCriterion); // } // List hibList = criteria.list(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (folderPath != null) { buffer.append( "select distinct(objects) from SbiObjects as objects, SbiObjFunc as objFuncs, SbiFunctions as functions " + "where objects.biobjId = and = functions.functId " + "and functions.path = :PATH and "); } else { buffer.append("select objects from SbiObjects as objects where "); } if (state != null) { buffer.append(" objects.stateCode = :STATE and "); } if (type != null) { buffer.append(" objects.objectTypeCode = :TYPE"); } String hql = buffer.toString(); if (hql.endsWith(" and ")) { hql = hql.substring(0, hql.length() - " and ".length()); } if (hql.endsWith(" where ")) { hql = hql.substring(0, hql.length() - " where ".length()); } Query query = aSession.createQuery(hql); if (folderPath != null) { query.setParameter("PATH", folderPath); } if (state != null) { query.setParameter("STATE", state); } if (type != null) { query.setParameter("TYPE", type); } List hibList = query.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiObjects object = (SbiObjects); realResult.add(toBIObject(object)); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return realResult; } /** * Loads visible objects of the user roles * @param folderID * @param profile the profile of the user * @return * @throws EMFUserError */ public List loadBIObjects(Integer folderID, IEngUserProfile profile, boolean isPersonalFolder) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; List realResult = new ArrayList(); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Collection roles = null; if (!isPersonalFolder) { try { if (profile != null) roles = ((UserProfile) profile).getRolesForUse(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while recovering user profile", e); } if (folderID != null && roles != null && roles.size() > 0) { buffer.append("select o from SbiObjects o, SbiObjFunc sof, SbiFunctions f, SbiFuncRole fr " + "where = f.functId and o.biobjId = " + " and IN (select extRoleId from SbiExtRoles e where in (:ROLES)) " + " and = f.functId " + " and f.functId = :FOLDER_ID "); if (profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_ADMIN)) { // buffer.append(" and ( = o.state OR o.stateCode = 'SUSP') " ); buffer.append(" and (" + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_DEVELOP + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_DEV + "') OR" + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_TEST + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_TEST + "') OR " + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_EXECUTE + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_REL + "') OR " + "o.stateCode = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_SUSP + "'" + ") "); } else { buffer.append(" and (" + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_DEVELOP + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_DEV + "') OR" + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_TEST + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_TEST + "') OR " + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_EXECUTE + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_REL + "')" + ") "); } if (!profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_ADMIN) && !profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_DEV)) { buffer.append(" and o.visible = 1"); //only visible objetcs (1 means true) } buffer.append(" order by"); } else { buffer.append("select objects from SbiObjects as objects "); } } else { if (folderID != null) { buffer.append("select o from SbiObjects o, SbiObjFunc sof, SbiFunctions f " + "where = f.functId and o.biobjId = " + " and f.functId = :FOLDER_ID "); if (!profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_ADMIN) && !profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_DEV)) { buffer.append(" and o.visible = 1"); //only visible objetcs (1 means true) } buffer.append(" order by"); } } String hql = buffer.toString(); Query query = aSession.createQuery(hql); if (!isPersonalFolder) { if (folderID != null && roles != null && roles.size() > 0) { query.setInteger("FOLDER_ID", folderID.intValue()); query.setParameterList("ROLES", roles); } } else { if (folderID != null) { query.setInteger("FOLDER_ID", folderID.intValue()); } } List hibList = query.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiObjects object = (SbiObjects); realResult.add(toBIObject(object)); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return realResult; } /** * Search objects with the features specified * @param valueFilter the value of the filter for the research * @param typeFilter the type of the filter (the operator: equals, starts...) * @param columnFilter the column on which the filter is applied * @param nodeFilter the node (folder id) on which the filter is applied * @param profile the profile of the user * @return * @throws EMFUserError */ public List searchBIObjects(String valueFilter, String typeFilter, String columnFilter, String scope, Integer nodeFilter, IEngUserProfile profile) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; List realResult = new ArrayList(); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); Collection roles = null; try { RequestContainer reqCont = RequestContainer.getRequestContainer(); roles = ((UserProfile) profile).getRolesForUse(); logger.debug("Profile roles: " + roles); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while recovering user profile", e); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1084); } StringBuffer bufferSelect = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer bufferFrom = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer bufferWhere = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer bufferOrder = new StringBuffer(); //definition of the the search query if (roles != null && roles.size() > 0) { bufferSelect.append(" select distinct o "); /*bufferSelect.append(" select distinct o.biobjId, o.sbiEngines, o.descr, o.label, o.path, o.relName, o.state, "+ " o.stateCode, o.objectTypeCode, o.objectType, o.schedFl, "+ " o.execMode, o.stateConsideration, o.execModeCode, o.stateConsiderationCode,, o.visible, o.uuid, " + " o.extendedDescription, o.objectve, o.language, o.creationDate, o.creationUser, "+ " o.keywords, o.refreshSeconds, o.profiledVisibility ");*/ bufferFrom .append(" from SbiObjects as o, SbiObjFunc as sof, SbiFunctions as f, SbiFuncRole as fr "); bufferWhere.append( " where = f.functId and o.biobjId = and " + " (( IN (select extRoleId from SbiExtRoles e where in (:ROLES)) " + " and = f.functId and (" + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_DEVELOP + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_DEV + "') OR" + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_TEST + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_TEST + "') OR " + "( = '" + SpagoBIConstants.PERMISSION_ON_FOLDER_TO_EXECUTE + "' AND o.state.valueCd = '" + SpagoBIConstants.DOC_STATE_REL + "') " + ") ) OR f.path like :PERSONAL_FOLDER_PREFIX )"); } String operCondition = ""; String likeStart = ""; String likeEnd = ""; if (valueFilter != null && !valueFilter.equals("") && typeFilter != null && !typeFilter.equals("") && columnFilter != null && !columnFilter.equals("")) { //defines correct logical operator if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(START_WITH)) { operCondition = " like :VALUE_FILTER"; likeStart = ""; likeEnd = "%"; } else if (typeFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(END_WITH)) { operCondition = " like :VALUE_FILTER"; likeStart = "%"; likeEnd = ""; } else if (EQUALS_TO.equalsIgnoreCase(typeFilter)) { operCondition = " = :VALUE_FILTER"; } else if (NOT_EQUALS_TO.equalsIgnoreCase(typeFilter)) { operCondition = " != :VALUE_FILTER"; } else if (GREATER_THAN.equalsIgnoreCase(typeFilter)) { operCondition = " > :VALUE_FILTER"; } else if (LESS_THAN.equalsIgnoreCase(typeFilter)) { operCondition = " < :VALUE_FILTER"; } else if (CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase(typeFilter)) { operCondition = " like :VALUE_FILTER"; likeStart = "%"; likeEnd = "%"; } else if (EQUALS_OR_LESS_THAN.equalsIgnoreCase(typeFilter)) { operCondition = " <= :VALUE_FILTER"; } else if (EQUALS_OR_GREATER_THAN.equalsIgnoreCase(typeFilter)) { operCondition = " >= :VALUE_FILTER"; /* }else if (NOT_ENDS_WITH.equalsIgnoreCase( typeFilter )) { operCondition = "NOT LIKE %:VALUE_FILTER"; } else if (NOT_CONTAINS.equalsIgnoreCase( typeFilter )) { operCondition = "NOT LIKE %:VALUE_FILTER%"; } else if (IS_NULL.equalsIgnoreCase( typeFilter )) { operCondition = "IS NULL"; } else if (NOT_NULL.equalsIgnoreCase( typeFilter )) { operCondition = "IS NOT NULL";*/ } else { logger.error("The query Operator " + typeFilter + " is invalid."); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } if (columnFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(COLUMN_LABEL)) { bufferWhere.append(" and o.label " + operCondition); } if (columnFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(COLUMN_NAME)) { bufferWhere.append(" and " + operCondition); } if (columnFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(COLUMN_ENGINE)) { bufferFrom.append(", SbiEngines e "); bufferWhere.append(" and e.engineId = o.sbiEngines and " + operCondition); } if (columnFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(COLUMN_STATE)) { bufferFrom.append(", SbiDomains d "); bufferWhere.append(" and d.valueId = o.state and d.valueCd " + operCondition); } if (columnFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(COLUMN_TYPE)) { bufferFrom.append(", SbiDomains d "); bufferWhere.append(" and d.valueId = o.objectType and d.valueCd " + operCondition); } if (columnFilter != null && columnFilter.equalsIgnoreCase(COLUMN_DATE)) { bufferWhere.append(" and convert(o.creationDate, DATE) " + operCondition); } } if (scope != null && scope.equals(SCOPE_NODE) && nodeFilter != null && !nodeFilter.equals("")) { bufferWhere.append(" and (f.functId = :FOLDER_ID or f.parentFunct = :FOLDER_ID) "); } bufferOrder.append(" order by"); String hql = bufferSelect.toString() + bufferFrom.toString() + bufferWhere.toString() + bufferOrder.toString(); logger.debug("query hql: " + hql); Query query = aSession.createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("PERSONAL_FOLDER_PREFIX", "/" + ((UserProfile) profile).getUserId().toString() + "%"); //setting query parameters query.setParameterList("ROLES", roles); logger.debug("Parameter value ROLES: " + roles); if (valueFilter != null) { if (!likeStart.equals("") || !likeEnd.equals("")) { query.setParameter("VALUE_FILTER", likeStart + valueFilter + likeEnd); logger.debug("Parameter value VALUE_FILTER: " + likeStart + valueFilter + likeEnd); } else { query.setParameter("VALUE_FILTER", valueFilter); logger.debug("Parameter value VALUE_FILTER: " + valueFilter); } } if (scope != null && scope.equals("node") && nodeFilter != null && !nodeFilter.equals("")) { query.setParameter("FOLDER_ID", nodeFilter); logger.debug("Parameter value FOLDER_ID: " + nodeFilter); } //executes query List hibList = query.list(); Iterator it = hibList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiObjects object = (SbiObjects); realResult.add(toBIObject(object)); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getStackTrace()); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } } logger.debug("OUT"); return realResult; } public Integer countBIObjects() throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; Integer resultNumber; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); String hql = "select count(*) from SbiObjects "; Query hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); Long temp = (Long) hqlQuery.uniqueResult(); resultNumber = new Integer(temp.intValue()); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error("Error while loading the list of BIObjects", he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 9104); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); logger.debug("OUT"); } } return resultNumber; } public List loadPagedObjectsList(Integer offset, Integer fetchSize) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); List toReturn = null; Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; Integer resultNumber; Query hibernateQuery; try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); toReturn = new ArrayList(); List toTransform = null; String hql = "select count(*) from SbiObjects "; Query hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); Long temp = (Long) hqlQuery.uniqueResult(); resultNumber = new Integer(temp.intValue()); offset = offset < 0 ? 0 : offset; if (resultNumber > 0) { fetchSize = (fetchSize > 0) ? Math.min(fetchSize, resultNumber) : resultNumber; } hibernateQuery = aSession.createQuery("from SbiObjects order by label"); hibernateQuery.setFirstResult(offset); if (fetchSize > 0) hibernateQuery.setMaxResults(fetchSize); toTransform = hibernateQuery.list(); Iterator it = toTransform.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SbiObjects object = (SbiObjects); toReturn.add(toBIObject(object)); } } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error("Error while loading the list of Resources", he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 9104); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); logger.debug("OUT"); } } return toReturn; } public BIObject loadBIObjectForExecutionByLabelAndRole(String label, String role) throws EMFUserError { logger.debug("IN"); Session aSession = null; Transaction tx = null; BIObject biObject = null; Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.start("spagobi.core.BIObjectDAO.loadBIObjectForExecutionByLabelAndRole"); try { aSession = getSession(); tx = aSession.beginTransaction(); biObject = loadBIObjectByLabel(label); String hql = "from SbiObjPar s where s.sbiObject.label = ? order by s.priority asc"; Query hqlQuery = aSession.createQuery(hql); hqlQuery.setString(0, biObject.getLabel()); List hibObjectPars = hqlQuery.list(); SbiObjPar hibObjPar = null; Iterator it = hibObjectPars.iterator(); BIObjectParameter tmpBIObjectParameter = null; BIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl aBIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl = new BIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl(); IParameterDAO aParameterDAO = DAOFactory.getParameterDAO(); List biObjectParameters = new ArrayList(); Parameter aParameter = null; int count = 1; while (it.hasNext()) { hibObjPar = (SbiObjPar); tmpBIObjectParameter = aBIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl.toBIObjectParameter(hibObjPar); //***************************************************************** //**************** START PRIORITY RECALCULATION ******************* //***************************************************************** Integer priority = tmpBIObjectParameter.getPriority(); if (priority == null || priority.intValue() != count) { logger.warn("The priorities of the biparameters for the document with id = " + biObject.getId() + " are not sorted. Priority recalculation starts."); aBIObjectParameterDAOHibImpl.recalculateBiParametersPriority(biObject.getId(), aSession); tmpBIObjectParameter.setPriority(new Integer(count)); } count++; //***************************************************************** //**************** END PRIORITY RECALCULATION ******************* //***************************************************************** aParameter = aParameterDAO.loadForExecutionByParameterIDandRoleName(tmpBIObjectParameter.getParID(), role); tmpBIObjectParameter.setParID(aParameter.getId()); tmpBIObjectParameter.setParameter(aParameter); biObjectParameters.add(tmpBIObjectParameter); } biObject.setBiObjectParameters(biObjectParameters); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { logger.error(he); if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 100); } finally { if (aSession != null) { if (aSession.isOpen()) aSession.close(); } monitor.stop(); } logger.debug("OUT"); return biObject; } }