Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Universit degli Studi di Firenze * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package it.drwolf.ridire.index.sketch; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.cwb.CWBCollocatesExtractor; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.cwb.CorpusSizeParams; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.cwb.SketchComparator; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.results.GramRel; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.results.Sketch; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.results.SketchResult; import it.drwolf.ridire.session.LocalResourcesManager; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException; import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrTokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.async.Asynchronous; import org.jboss.seam.async.QuartzTriggerHandle; @Name("asyncSketchCreator") public class AsyncSketchCreator implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2325775470512155140L; @In private EntityManager entityManager; @In private CorpusSizeParams corpusSizeParams; private String cqpExecutable; private String cqpCorpusName; private String cqpRegistry; @In(create = true) private LocalResourcesManager localResourcesManager; private void addDocument(Map<String, SketchResult> sr, String lemma, IndexWriter indexWriter, String sketch, String type, String functional, String semantic, String goodFor) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { Document d = new Document(); List<SketchResult> orderedSketchResults = this.getOrderedSketchResults(sr.values()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); long fA = 0L; for (SketchResult r : orderedSketchResults) { fA = r.getfA(); sb.append(r.getCollocata() + "\t" + r.getfAB() + "\t" + r.getScore() + "\t" + fA + "\t" + r.getfB() + "\t" + "\n"); } d.add(new Field("overallfrequency", fA + "", Store.YES, Index.NO)); d.add(new Field("tabella", sb.toString(), Store.YES, Index.NO)); d.add(new Field("lemma", lemma, Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); d.add(new Field("sketch", sketch, Field.Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); d.add(new Field("goodFor", goodFor, Field.Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); d.add(new Field("type", type, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); if (functional != null) { d.add(new Field("functional", functional, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); } if (semantic != null) { d.add(new Field("semantic", semantic, Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); } if (functional == null && semantic == null) { d.add(new Field("allcorpora", "yes", Field.Store.NO, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); } indexWriter.addDocument(d); indexWriter.commit(); } private boolean alreadyIndexed(String lemma, String functionalMetadatum, String semanticMetadatum, String name, IndexSearcher indexSearcher) { BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery(); TermQuery tqLemma = new TermQuery(new Term("lemma", lemma)); bq.add(tqLemma, Occur.MUST); if (functionalMetadatum != null) { TermQuery funcQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("functional", functionalMetadatum)); bq.add(funcQuery, Occur.MUST); } else if (semanticMetadatum != null) { TermQuery semQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("semantic", semanticMetadatum)); bq.add(semQuery, Occur.MUST); } if (semanticMetadatum == null && functionalMetadatum == null) { TermQuery allCorporaQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("allcorpora", "yes")); bq.add(allCorporaQuery, Occur.MUST); } if (!name.equals("Tutti")) { if (name.startsWith("pp_")) { PrefixQuery prefixQuery = new PrefixQuery(new Term("sketch", "pp_")); bq.add(prefixQuery, Occur.MUST); } else { TermQuery sketchQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("sketch", name)); bq.add(sketchQuery, Occur.MUST); } } TopDocs results = null; try { results =, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (results != null && results.totalHits > 0) { return true; } return false; } private void compactLines(List<File> tableFile, File finalTable) throws ExecuteException, IOException { Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); File tempTabTot = File.createTempFile("ridireTABTOT", ".tbl"); File tempSh = File.createTempFile("ridireSH", ".sh"); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("export LC_ALL=C\n"); stringBuffer .append("cat " + StringUtils.join(tableFile, " ") + " > " + tempTabTot.getAbsolutePath() + "\n"); stringBuffer.append("awk '{a[$2]+= $1; s+=$1}END{for(i in a){print a[i],i;}; print s \"\t\"}' " + tempTabTot.getAbsolutePath() + " | sort -k1nr -k2 > " + finalTable.getAbsolutePath()); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempSh, stringBuffer.toString()); tempSh.setExecutable(true); CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(tempSh.getAbsolutePath()); executor.execute(commandLine); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempTabTot); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSh); } private String createQueryForCQP(File resTblFile, String stringToAdd, String functionalMetadatum, String semanticMetadatum, String realQuery, boolean trinary) { if (stringToAdd == null || stringToAdd.trim().length() < 1) { if (functionalMetadatum != null) { if (realQuery.indexOf("::") != -1) { realQuery += " & "; } else { realQuery += " :: "; } realQuery += "target.text_functional='" + functionalMetadatum.replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "';"; } else if (semanticMetadatum != null) { if (realQuery.indexOf("::") != -1) { realQuery += " & "; } else { realQuery += " :: "; } realQuery += " target.text_semantic='" + semanticMetadatum.replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "';"; } } else { realQuery += stringToAdd; } realQuery += "\n"; String q = "set AutoShow off;\n" + "set ProgressBar off;\n" + "set PrettyPrint off;\n" + "set Context 10 words;\n" + "set LeftKWICDelim '--%%%--';\n" + "set RightKWICDelim '--%%%--';\n" + "show -cpos;\n" + realQuery; q += ";\n"; String queryToTabulate = "A1"; if (trinary) { q += "tabulate " + queryToTabulate + " match .. matchend lemma, match .. matchend pos, target lemma > '" + resTblFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'; "; } else { q += "tabulate " + queryToTabulate + " target lemma > \"| sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > '" + resTblFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'\"; "; } return q; } private Map<String, Map<String, Number>> createResTable(List<String> lines, StrTokenizer strTokenizer) { Map<String, Map<String, Number>> resTable = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Number>>(); for (String line : lines) { String[] tokens = strTokenizer.reset(line).getTokenArray(); if (tokens.length != 3) { continue; } String[] lemmas = tokens[0].split("\\s"); String[] poss = tokens[1].split("\\s"); if (lemmas.length != poss.length || poss.length < 2) { continue; } String target = tokens[2].trim(); String preArtpre = null; for (int i = 1; i < poss.length; i++) { if (poss[i].trim().matches("PRE|ARTPRE")) { preArtpre = lemmas[i].trim(); break; } } if (preArtpre == null) { continue; } Map<String, Number> tableForPre = resTable.get(preArtpre); if (tableForPre == null) { tableForPre = new HashMap<String, Number>(); } Number n = tableForPre.get(target); if (n == null) { tableForPre.put(target, 1); } else { tableForPre.put(target, n.intValue() + 1); } resTable.put(preArtpre, tableForPre); } return resTable; } @Asynchronous public QuartzTriggerHandle createSketches(IndexWriter indexWriter, List<String> nounsToBeProcessed, String cqpExecutable, String cqpRegistry, String cqpCorpusName, String goodFor) { int toBeProcessed = nounsToBeProcessed.size(); int count = 0; this.cqpExecutable = cqpExecutable; this.cqpRegistry = cqpRegistry; this.cqpCorpusName = cqpCorpusName; QuartzTriggerHandle handle = new QuartzTriggerHandle("RIDIRE sketchcreator"); Set<String> functionalMetadata = this.localResourcesManager.getAllFunctionalMetadataMap().keySet(); Set<String> semanticMetadata = this.localResourcesManager.getAllSemanticMetadataMap().keySet(); try { System.out.println("Sketchcreator running " + this.toString()); for (String lemma : nounsToBeProcessed) { ++count; IndexReader indexReader =, false); IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader); for (Sketch s : SketchList.getSketches()) { if (!s.getGoodFor().equals(goodFor)) { continue; } for (String functionalMetadatum : functionalMetadata) { if (this.alreadyIndexed(lemma, functionalMetadatum, null, s.getName(), indexSearcher)) { System.out.println("Skipped: " + lemma + functionalMetadatum + s.getName()); continue; } HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr = this.extractSingleLemmaSketches(lemma, functionalMetadatum, null, s, indexWriter); if (!s.isTrinary()) { this.addDocument(sr, lemma, indexWriter, s.getName(), "WORD_SKETCH", functionalMetadatum, null, s.getGoodFor()); } } for (String semanticMetadatum : semanticMetadata) { if (this.alreadyIndexed(lemma, null, semanticMetadatum, s.getName(), indexSearcher)) { System.out.println("Skipped: " + lemma + semanticMetadatum + s.getName()); continue; } HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr = this.extractSingleLemmaSketches(lemma, null, semanticMetadatum, s, indexWriter); if (!s.isTrinary()) { this.addDocument(sr, lemma, indexWriter, s.getName(), "WORD_SKETCH", null, semanticMetadatum, s.getGoodFor()); } } if (this.alreadyIndexed(lemma, null, null, s.getName(), indexSearcher)) { System.out.println("Skipped: " + lemma + " all " + s.getName()); continue; } HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr = this.extractSingleLemmaSketches(lemma, null, null, s, indexWriter); if (!s.isTrinary()) { this.addDocument(sr, lemma, indexWriter, s.getName(), "WORD_SKETCH", null, null, s.getGoodFor()); } } System.out.println(goodFor + " elaborati: " + count + " su " + toBeProcessed); } System.out.println("Sketchcreator done " + this.toString()); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Sketchcreator done"); return handle; } private void executeCQPQuery(File queryFile, boolean inverse) throws ExecuteException, IOException { Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); File tempSh = File.createTempFile("ridireSH", ".sh"); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("export LC_ALL=C\n"); String corpusName = this.cqpCorpusName; if (inverse) { corpusName += "INV"; } stringBuffer.append(this.cqpExecutable + " -f " + queryFile.getAbsolutePath() + " -D " + corpusName + " -r " + this.cqpRegistry + "\n"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempSh, stringBuffer.toString()); tempSh.setExecutable(true); CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(tempSh.getAbsolutePath()); executor.execute(commandLine); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSh); } private HashMap<String, SketchResult> extractSingleLemmaSketches(String lemma, String functionalMetadatum, String semanticMetadatum, Sketch s, IndexWriter indexWriter) { HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr = new HashMap<String, SketchResult>(); String freqTable = "freq_lemma_all"; if (functionalMetadatum != null) { freqTable = "freq_lemma_" + functionalMetadatum.trim().replaceAll("\\s", "_"); } if (semanticMetadatum != null) { freqTable = "freq_lemma_" + semanticMetadatum.trim().replaceAll("\\s", "_"); } List<Number> firstFreqList = this.entityManager .createNativeQuery("select freq from " + freqTable + " where item=:item") .setParameter("item", lemma).getResultList(); if (firstFreqList != null && firstFreqList.size() > 0 && firstFreqList.get(0).longValue() > 0) { long firstFreq = firstFreqList.get(0).longValue(); StrTokenizer strTokenizer = new StrTokenizer(); try { List<File> tableFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); String queryString = null; String stringToAdd = null; String realQuery = ""; for (GramRel gramRel : s.getGramrels()) { File resTblFile = File.createTempFile("ridireTBL", ".tbl"); tableFiles.add(resTblFile); String rel = gramRel.getRel(); realQuery = String.format(rel, lemma); String subquery = gramRel.getSubquery(); if (subquery != null) { realQuery += ";\nASUB;\n" + String.format(subquery, lemma); } queryString = this.createQueryForCQP(resTblFile, stringToAdd, functionalMetadatum, semanticMetadatum, realQuery, s.isTrinary()); File queryFile = File.createTempFile("ridireQ", ".query"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(queryFile, queryString); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.executeCQPQuery(queryFile, gramRel.isInverse()); System.out.println( "CQP exec time for " + realQuery.replaceAll("\n", " ") + " " + functionalMetadatum + " " + semanticMetadatum + " : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); if (!resTblFile.exists() || !resTblFile.canRead()) { continue; } FileUtils.deleteQuietly(queryFile); } List<String> lines = null; if (!s.isTrinary()) { File resTblFile = File.createTempFile("ridireTBLFINAL", ".tbl"); this.compactLines(tableFiles, resTblFile); lines = FileUtils.readLines(resTblFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(resTblFile); } else if (tableFiles.size() > 0) { lines = FileUtils.readLines(tableFiles.get(0)); } for (File tableFile : tableFiles) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tableFile); } if (s.isTrinary()) { strTokenizer.setDelimiterString("@@##"); this.processTrinaryTable(freqTable, firstFreq, strTokenizer, lines, lemma, indexWriter, s.getName(), functionalMetadatum, semanticMetadatum, s.getGoodFor()); } else { strTokenizer.setDelimiterString(" "); this.processNotTrinaryTable(sr, freqTable, firstFreq, strTokenizer, lines); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return sr; } private List<SketchResult> getOrderedSketchResults(Collection<SketchResult> collection) { List<SketchResult> ret = new ArrayList<SketchResult>(); ret.addAll(collection); Collections.sort(ret, new SketchComparator()); // return ret.subList(0, Math.min(20, ret.size())); return ret; } private double getSketchScore(String score, long fa, long fb, long fab, long n) { if (score.equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.MI_SCORE)) { return Math.log(fab * 1.0 * n / (fa * fb)) / Math.log(2.0); } if (score.equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.LOG_LIKELIHOOD)) { return this.xlx(fab) + this.xlx(fa - fab) + this.xlx(fb - fab) + this.xlx(n) + this.xlx(n + fab - fa - fb) - this.xlx(fa) - this.xlx(fb) - this.xlx(n - fa) - this.xlx(n - fb); } if (score.equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.T_SCORE)) { return (fab - fa * fb / n) / Math.sqrt(fab); } // default is logDice double a = 2.0 * fab / (fa + fb); return 14 + Math.log(a) / Math.log(2); } private void processNotTrinaryTable(HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr, String freqTable, long firstFreq, StrTokenizer strTokenizer, List<String> lines) { if (lines != null && lines.size() > 0 && lines.get(0).trim().length() > 0) { // fA = first line Number fA = Long.valueOf(lines.get(0).trim()); for (String l : lines) { String[] tokens = strTokenizer.reset(l).getTokenArray(); if (tokens.length != 2) { continue; } String f = tokens[1]; List<Number> fBs = this.entityManager .createNativeQuery("select freq from " + freqTable + " where item=:item") .setParameter("item", f).getResultList(); if (fBs == null || fBs.size() < 1) { continue; } SketchResult res = sr.get(f); if (res == null) { res = new SketchResult(); } long fB = fBs.get(0).longValue(); if (fBs != null && fBs.size() > 0 && fB > 0) { res.setCollocata(f); long n = this.corpusSizeParams.getCorpusSize(freqTable.substring(5)).longValue(); long fAB = Long.parseLong(tokens[0]); double score = this.getSketchScore(CWBCollocatesExtractor.LOGDICE_SCORE, fA.longValue(), fB, fAB, n); res.setScore(score); res.setfA(fA.longValue()); res.setfAB(fAB); res.setfB(fB); sr.put(f, res); } } } } private void processTrinaryTable(String freqTable, long firstFreq, StrTokenizer strTokenizer, List<String> lines, String lemma, IndexWriter indexWriter, String sketch, String functional, String semantic, String goodFor) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { Map<String, Map<String, Number>> resTable = this.createResTable(lines, strTokenizer); HashMap<String, Map<String, SketchResult>> sr = new HashMap<String, Map<String, SketchResult>>(); for (String pre : resTable.keySet()) { Map<String, Number> preTable = resTable.get(pre); Number fA = 0; for (Number pfA : preTable.values()) { fA = fA.longValue() + pfA.longValue(); } Map<String, SketchResult> preRes = sr.get(pre); if (preRes == null) { preRes = new HashMap<String, SketchResult>(); } for (String target : preTable.keySet()) { List<Number> fBs = this.entityManager .createNativeQuery("select freq from " + freqTable + " where item=:item") .setParameter("item", target).getResultList(); SketchResult res = preRes.get(target); if (res == null) { res = new SketchResult(); } if (fBs != null && fBs.size() > 0) { long fB = fBs.get(0).longValue(); if (fBs != null && fBs.size() > 0 && fB > 0) { res.setCollocata(target); long n = this.corpusSizeParams.getCorpusSize(freqTable.substring(5)).longValue(); long fAB = preTable.get(target).longValue(); double score = this.getSketchScore(CWBCollocatesExtractor.LOGDICE_SCORE, fA.longValue(), fB, fAB, n); res.setScore(score); res.setfA(fA.longValue()); res.setfB(fB); res.setfAB(fAB); preRes.put(target, res); } } else { continue; } } sr.put(pre, preRes); } for (String pre : sr.keySet()) { this.addDocument(sr.get(pre), lemma, indexWriter, String.format(sketch, pre), "WORD_SKETCH", functional, semantic, goodFor); } } @Asynchronous public QuartzTriggerHandle updateSketches(IndexWriter indexWriter, List<String> itemsToBeProcessed, String cqpExecutable, String cqpRegistry, String cqpCorpusName, String goodFor1, String goodFor2) { int toBeProcessed = itemsToBeProcessed.size(); int count = 0; this.cqpExecutable = cqpExecutable; this.cqpRegistry = cqpRegistry; this.cqpCorpusName = cqpCorpusName; QuartzTriggerHandle handle = new QuartzTriggerHandle("RIDIRE sketchcreator"); Set<String> functionalMetadata = this.localResourcesManager.getAllFunctionalMetadataMap().keySet(); Set<String> semanticMetadata = this.localResourcesManager.getAllSemanticMetadataMap().keySet(); try { System.out.println("Sketchcreator update running " + this.toString()); for (String lemma : itemsToBeProcessed) { ++count; for (Sketch s : SketchList.getSketchesToUpdate()) { BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery(); TermQuery tqLemma = new TermQuery(new Term("lemma", lemma)); bq.add(tqLemma, Occur.MUST); if (s.getName().startsWith("pp_")) { PrefixQuery prefixQuery = new PrefixQuery(new Term("sketch", "pp_")); bq.add(prefixQuery, Occur.MUST); } else { TermQuery sq = new TermQuery(new Term("sketch", s.getName())); bq.add(sq, Occur.MUST); } // remove wrongly assigned sketches indexWriter.deleteDocuments(bq); } indexWriter.commit(); for (Sketch s : SketchList.getSketchesToUpdate()) { // recreate sketches for (String functionalMetadatum : functionalMetadata) { HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr = this.extractSingleLemmaSketches(lemma, functionalMetadatum, null, s, indexWriter); if (!s.isTrinary()) { this.addDocument(sr, lemma, indexWriter, s.getName(), "WORD_SKETCH", functionalMetadatum, null, s.getGoodFor()); } } for (String semanticMetadatum : semanticMetadata) { HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr = this.extractSingleLemmaSketches(lemma, null, semanticMetadatum, s, indexWriter); if (!s.isTrinary()) { this.addDocument(sr, lemma, indexWriter, s.getName(), "WORD_SKETCH", null, semanticMetadatum, s.getGoodFor()); } } HashMap<String, SketchResult> sr = this.extractSingleLemmaSketches(lemma, null, null, s, indexWriter); if (!s.isTrinary()) { this.addDocument(sr, lemma, indexWriter, s.getName(), "WORD_SKETCH", null, null, s.getGoodFor()); } } System.out.println(goodFor1 + "-" + goodFor2 + " elaborati: " + count + " su " + toBeProcessed); } System.out.println("Sketchcreator update done " + this.toString()); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Sketchcreator done"); return handle; } private double xlx(long l) { if (l == 0) { return 0; } return l * Math.log(l); } }