Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Universit degli Studi di Firenze * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package it.drwolf.ridire.index.cwb; import it.drwolf.ridire.entity.FunctionalMetadatum; import it.drwolf.ridire.entity.Parameter; import it.drwolf.ridire.entity.SemanticMetadatum; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.results.CWBResult; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.results.GramRel; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.results.Sketch; import it.drwolf.ridire.index.sketch.SketchList; import it.drwolf.ridire.util.async.ExcelDataGenerator; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteWatchdog; import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrTokenizer; import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Create; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Factory; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope; @Name("cwbConcordancer") @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) public class CWBConcordancer { private List<String> functionalMetadatum; private List<String> semanticMetadatum; private Integer distanceLeft; private Integer distanceRight; private String filterOnPos; public static final String PIVOT_LEMMA = "pivot-lemma"; public static final String PIVOT_POS = "pivot-pos"; public static final String PIVOT_FORMA = "pivot-forma"; private static final String NESSUN_ORDINE = "Nessun ordine"; private static final String TUTTO = "Tutto"; private static final String FORMA = "Forma"; private static final String ASCENDENTE = "Ascendente"; private static final String DISCENDENTE = "Discendente"; private static final String CONTESTO_DESTRO = "Contesto destro"; private static final String CONTESTO_SINISTRO = "Contesto sinistro"; private static final String TESTO_CERCATO = "Testo cercato"; private String forma; private String lemma; private String pos; private String easypos; private String phrase; private Integer contextLength = 1; private Integer contextGroupingLength = 1; private Integer pageSize = 20; private String toBeVisualized = CWBConcordancer.FORMA; private boolean allDomains = true; private String groupBy = "lemma"; private final List<String> availableToBeVisualized = new ArrayList<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6777784048431897496L; { this.add(CWBConcordancer.FORMA); this.add(CWBConcordancer.TUTTO); } }; private String corporaNamesString; private List<String> corporaNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private Integer firstResult; private List<CWBResult> resultsSimple; private String sortBy = CWBConcordancer.NESSUN_ORDINE; private String sortOrder = CWBConcordancer.ASCENDENTE; private List<String> availableSortings = new ArrayList<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5450551734244115854L; { this.add(CWBConcordancer.NESSUN_ORDINE); this.add(CWBConcordancer.TESTO_CERCATO); this.add(CWBConcordancer.CONTESTO_SINISTRO); this.add(CWBConcordancer.CONTESTO_DESTRO); } }; private List<String> sortOrders = new ArrayList<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8415513115711427348L; { this.add(CWBConcordancer.ASCENDENTE); this.add(CWBConcordancer.DISCENDENTE); } }; @In private EntityManager entityManager; private StrTokenizer strTokenizer = new StrTokenizer(); private String longContextText; private static final int LONGCONTEXTSIZE = 200; private static final long TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 10; // 10 mins private boolean resultsGrouping = false; @In(create = true) private ExcelDataGenerator excelDataGenerator; private String cqpExecutable; private String cqpCorpusName; private String cqpRegistry; private int resultsSize; private String query = null; private boolean fromCollocation = false; private boolean fromSketch = false; private String collocateTerm = ""; private boolean resultsFromCollocationExtracted = false; private boolean resultsFromSketchExtracted = false; private String sketchTermHead = null; private String sketchDomain = null; private String sketchTermCollocate = null; private String sketchName = null; private String collocationBasedOn = "forma"; private final Pattern pFirstToken = Pattern.compile("\\s*(\\d+)\\s+(.+)"); private int groupResultsSize; private String cwbdecodeExecutable; private String sketchPoS; public String collapseGroup(CWBResult group) { group.setGroupExpanded(false); return "OK"; } private String createQueryForCQP(File resTblFile, boolean sizeOnly, boolean groupExpand, CWBResult cwbResult) { String realQuery = ""; if (!this.isFromCollocation() && !this.isFromSketch()) { if (groupExpand) { List<String> groupQuery = cwbResult.getGroupQuery(); String q = StringUtils.join(groupQuery, " "); String[] tokens = q.split("\\s"); if (this.getGroupBy().equals("forma")) { realQuery = "C=[word=\""; realQuery += StringUtils.join(tokens, "\"] [word=\""); realQuery += "\"]"; } else { realQuery = "C=[lemma=\""; realQuery += StringUtils.join(tokens, "\"] [lemma=\""); realQuery += "\"]"; } } else { List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); if (this.getForma() != null && this.getForma().trim().length() > 0) { params.add("word=\"" + this.getForma().trim().replaceAll("\"", "\\\"") + "\""); } if (this.getLemma() != null && this.getLemma().trim().length() > 0) { params.add("lemma=\"" + this.getLemma().trim().replaceAll("\"", "\\\"") + "\""); } if (this.getEasypos() != null && this.getEasypos().trim().length() > 0 && !this.getEasypos().trim().equals("Tutti")) { params.add("easypos=\"" + this.getEasypos().trim().replaceAll("\"", "\\\"") + "\""); } if (this.getPos() != null && this.getPos().trim().length() > 0) { params.add("pos=\"" + this.getPos().trim().replaceAll("\"", "\\\"").replaceAll(":", "") + "\""); } if (params.size() > 0) { realQuery = "C=[" + StringUtils.join(params, " & ") + "]"; } if (this.getPhrase() != null && this.getPhrase().trim().length() > 0) { // override String[] tokens = this.getPhrase().split("\\s"); realQuery = "C="; for (String tok : tokens) { realQuery += "\"" + tok.trim().replaceAll("\"", "\\\"") + "\" "; } } } List<String> descsF = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!this.isAllDomains() && this.getFunctionalMetadatum() != null && this.getFunctionalMetadatum().size() > 0) { for (String fid : this.getFunctionalMetadatum()) { if (fid.equals("-1")) { continue; } FunctionalMetadatum fm = this.entityManager.find(FunctionalMetadatum.class, Integer.parseInt(fid)); if (fm != null) { descsF.add(fm.getDescription().replaceAll("\\s", "_").trim()); } } } List<String> descsS = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!this.isAllDomains() && this.getSemanticMetadatum() != null && this.getSemanticMetadatum().size() > 0) { for (String sid : this.getSemanticMetadatum()) { if (sid.equals("-1")) { continue; } SemanticMetadatum sm = this.entityManager.find(SemanticMetadatum.class, Integer.parseInt(sid)); if (sm != null) { descsS.add(sm.getDescription().replaceAll("\\s", "_").trim()); } } } if (descsS.size() > 0 || descsF.size() > 0) { realQuery += " :: "; if (descsF.size() > 0 && descsS.size() > 0) { realQuery += " match.text_functional=\"" + StringUtils.join(descsF, "|") + "\""; realQuery += " | "; realQuery += " match.text_semantic=\"" + StringUtils.join(descsS, "|") + "\""; } else if (descsF.size() > 0 && descsS.size() < 1) { realQuery += " match.text_functional=\"" + StringUtils.join(descsF, "|") + "\""; } else { realQuery += " match.text_semantic=\"" + StringUtils.join(descsS, "|") + "\""; } } if (!groupExpand) { this.setQuery(realQuery); } } else if (this.isFromCollocation()) { String queryFromCollocation = this.getQuery(); int metadataIndex = queryFromCollocation.indexOf("::"); String queryWithoutMetadata = queryFromCollocation.substring(2); String metadataCondition = ""; if (metadataIndex != -1) { queryWithoutMetadata = queryFromCollocation.substring(2, metadataIndex); metadataCondition = queryFromCollocation.substring(metadataIndex); } String searchFor = "word"; if (this.getCollocationBasedOn().equals("PoS")) { searchFor = "easypos"; } else if (this.getCollocationBasedOn().equals("lemma")) { searchFor = "lemma"; } String queryA = "A=" + queryWithoutMetadata + " []{0," + this.getDistanceRight() + "} [" + searchFor + "=\"" + this.getCollocateTerm() + "\"]" + metadataCondition; String queryB = "B=[" + searchFor + "=\"" + this.getCollocateTerm() + "\"]" + " []{0," + this.getDistanceLeft() + "} " + queryWithoutMetadata + " " + metadataCondition; realQuery = queryA + ";\n" + queryB + ";\n" + "C=union A B;\n"; } else if (this.isFromSketch() && this.getSketchName() != null && this.getSketchTermHead() != null && this.getSketchTermCollocate() != null) { Sketch s = SketchList.getSketchByName(this.getSketchName(), this.getSketchPoS()); if (s != null) { List<GramRel> gramRels = s.getGramrels(); realQuery = this.rewriteGramRels(gramRels, this.getSketchTermHead(), this.getSketchTermCollocate(), s, this.getSketchName()); } if (this.getSketchDomain() != null && !this.getSketchDomain().equals("Tutti")) { boolean isFunctionalDomain = this.isFunctionalDomain(this.getSketchDomain()); realQuery += " :: "; if (isFunctionalDomain) { realQuery += " match.text_functional=\"" + this.getSketchDomain().replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "\""; } else { realQuery += " match.text_semantic=\"" + this.getSketchDomain().replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "\""; } } } realQuery += ";\n"; String q = "set AutoShow off;\n" + "set ProgressBar off;\n" + "set PrettyPrint off;\n" + "set Context 10 words;\n" + "set LeftKWICDelim '--%%%--';\n" + "set RightKWICDelim '--%%%--';\n" + "show -cpos;\n" + "set PrintStructures \"text_url, text_semantic, text_functional\";\n" + realQuery; if (this.isResultsGrouping() && !groupExpand) { String groupWhat = "lemma"; if (this.getGroupBy().equals("forma")) { groupWhat = "word"; } if (sizeOnly) { if (this.getContextGroupingLength() == 0) { q += "tabulate C match .. matchend " + groupWhat + " > \"| sort | uniq | wc -l\";"; } else if (this.getContextGroupingLength() == 1) { q += "tabulate C match .. matchend word, matchend[1] word, match[-10] .. match[-1] word," + "matchend[2] .. matchend[11] word, match .. matchend " + groupWhat + ", matchend[1] " + groupWhat + " " + "> \"| sed -e 's/[ ]/@@@@@@/g' |sed -e 's/@@##/\\t/g' | sort -k 7 | sed -e 's/\\t/@@##/g' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' |uniq -f 1 | wc -l\";"; } else { q += "tabulate C match .. matchend word, matchend[1] .. matchend[" + this.getContextGroupingLength() + "] word, match[-10] .. match[-1] word," + "matchend[1] .. matchend[" + (10 + this.getContextGroupingLength()) + "] word, match .. matchend " + groupWhat + ", matchend[1] .. matchend[" + this.getContextGroupingLength() + "] " + groupWhat + " " + "> \"| sed -e 's/[ ]/@@@@@@/g' |sed -e 's/@@##/\\t/g' | sort -k 7 | sed -e 's/\\t/@@##/g' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' |uniq -f 1 | wc -l\";"; } } else { if (this.getContextGroupingLength() > 0) { int pageSize = this.getPageSize(); if (this.getFirstResult() + this.getPageSize() > this.resultsSize) { pageSize = this.getPageSize() - (this.getFirstResult() + this.getPageSize()) % this.resultsSize; } if (this.getContextGroupingLength() == 1) { q += "tabulate C match .. matchend word, matchend[1] word, match[-10] .. match[-1] word," + "matchend[2] .. matchend[11] word, match text_url, match text_semantic, match text_functional, match, matchend, match .. matchend " + groupWhat + ", matchend[1] " + groupWhat + " " + "> \"| sed -e 's/[ ]/@@@@@@/g' |sed -e 's/@@##/\\t/g' | sort -k 9 | sed -e 's/\\t/@@##/g' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' |uniq -f 1 -c | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)\\t/\\1@@##/' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)\\t/\\1@@##/' | sort -nr | sed -e 's/@@@@@@/ /g' | head -" + (this.getFirstResult() + this.getPageSize()) + " | tail -" + pageSize; } else { q += "tabulate C match .. matchend word, matchend[1] .. matchend[" + this.getContextGroupingLength() + "] word, match[-10] .. match[-1] word," + "matchend[" + (1 + this.getContextGroupingLength()) + "] .. matchend[" + (10 + this.getContextGroupingLength()) + "] word, match text_url, match text_semantic, match text_functional, match, matchend, match .. matchend " + groupWhat + ", matchend[1] .. matchend[" + this.getContextGroupingLength() + "] " + groupWhat + " " + "> \"| sed -e 's/[ ]/@@@@@@/g' |sed -e 's/@@##/\\t/g' | sort -k 9 | sed -e 's/\\t/@@##/g' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' |uniq -f 1 -c | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)\\t/\\1@@##/' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)\\t/\\1@@##/' | sort -nr | sed -e 's/@@@@@@/ /g' | head -" + (this.getFirstResult() + this.getPageSize()) + " | tail -" + pageSize; } } else { q += "tabulate C match .. matchend word, match[-10] .. match[-1] word, " + "matchend[1] .. matchend[10] word, match text_url, match text_semantic, match text_functional, match, matchend, match .. matchend " + groupWhat + " " + "> \"| sed -e 's/[ ]/@@@@@@/g' | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)@@##/\\1\\t/' | sort -k 2 | uniq -f 1 -c | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)\\t/\\1@@##/' | sort -nr | sed -e 's/@@@@@@/ /g' | head -" + (this.getFirstResult() + this.getPageSize()) + " | tail -" + this.pageSize; } q += " > " + resTblFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\";"; } } else { if (sizeOnly) { q += "size C;"; } else { boolean sorted = false; if (this.getSortBy().equals(CWBConcordancer.TESTO_CERCATO)) { q += "sort C by word"; sorted = true; } else if (this.getSortBy().equals(CWBConcordancer.CONTESTO_DESTRO)) { q += "sort C by word on matchend[1]"; if (this.getContextLength() > 1) { q += " .. matchend[" + (1 + this.getContextLength()) + "]"; } sorted = true; } else if (this.getSortBy().equals(CWBConcordancer.CONTESTO_SINISTRO)) { q += "sort C by word on "; if (this.getContextLength() > 1) { q += " match[" + (-1 - this.getContextLength()) + "] .. "; } q += " match[-1]"; sorted = true; } if (sorted && this.getSortOrder().equals(CWBConcordancer.DISCENDENTE)) { q += " descending "; } q += ";\n"; if (!groupExpand) { q += "tabulate C match[-10] .. match[-1] word, match .. matchend word, matchend[1] .. matchend[10] word, " + "match text_url, match text_semantic, match text_functional, match, matchend > \"| head -" + (this.getFirstResult() + this.getPageSize()) + " | tail -" + this.pageSize + " > " + resTblFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\";"; } else { q += "tabulate C match[-10] .. match[-1] word, match .. matchend word, matchend[1] .. matchend[10] word, " + "match text_url, match text_semantic, match text_functional, match, matchend > \" | sed -e 's/[\\t]/@@@@@@/g' > " + resTblFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\";"; } } } return q; } public void dummySearch() { this.excelDataGenerator.setFileReady(false); this.setFromCollocation(false); this.setFromSketch(false); this.setFirstResult(0); this.resetResults(); this.initResults(); } private void executeCQPQuery(File queryFile, boolean inverse) throws ExecuteException, IOException { Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); File tempSh = File.createTempFile("ridireSH", ".sh"); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("LC_ALL=C && "); String corpusName = this.cqpCorpusName; if (inverse) { corpusName += "INV"; } stringBuffer.append(this.cqpExecutable + " -f " + queryFile.getAbsolutePath() + " -D " + corpusName + " -r " + this.cqpRegistry + "\n"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempSh, stringBuffer.toString()); tempSh.setExecutable(true); CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(tempSh.getAbsolutePath()); executor.execute(commandLine); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSh); } private void executeQueryForContext(CWBResult item, File contextFile, boolean left) throws ExecuteException, IOException { Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); File tempSh = File.createTempFile("ridireCTX", ".sh"); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("LC_ALL=C && "); if (left) { stringBuffer.append(this.cwbdecodeExecutable + " -r " + this.cqpRegistry + " -C -s " + Math.max(0, item.getStartPosition() - 101) + " -e " + (item.getStartPosition() - 1) + " " + this.cqpCorpusName + " -P word" + " > " + contextFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\n"); } else { stringBuffer.append(this.cwbdecodeExecutable + " -r " + this.cqpRegistry + " -C -s " + (item.getEndPosition() + 1) + " -e " + (item.getEndPosition() + 101) + " " + this.cqpCorpusName + " -P word" + " > " + contextFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\n"); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempSh, stringBuffer.toString()); tempSh.setExecutable(true); CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(tempSh.getAbsolutePath()); executor.execute(commandLine); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSh); } public String expandGroup(CWBResult group) { if (group.getMembers().size() < 1) { File resTblFile = null; try { resTblFile = File.createTempFile("ridireTBL", ".tbl"); String queryString = this.createQueryForCQP(resTblFile, false, true, group); File queryFile = File.createTempFile("ridireQ", ".query"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(queryFile, queryString); this.executeCQPQuery(queryFile, false); List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(resTblFile); this.strTokenizer.setDelimiterString("@@##"); this.strTokenizer.setIgnoreEmptyTokens(false); boolean resultsInGroupSkipped = false; for (String l : lines) { String[] tokens = this.strTokenizer.reset(l.trim()).getTokenArray(); if (tokens.length != 8) { continue; } String leftContext = tokens[0].trim(); String searchedText2 = tokens[1].trim(); String rightContext = tokens[2].trim(); String url = tokens[3].trim(); String semantic = tokens[4].trim(); String functional = tokens[5].trim(); if (leftContext.equals(group.getLeftContext()) && searchedText2.equals(group.getSearchedText()) && rightContext.equals(group.getRightContext()) && url.equals(group.getUrl()) && !resultsInGroupSkipped) { group.setFunctional(functional); group.setSemantic(semantic); resultsInGroupSkipped = true; continue; } CWBResult item = new CWBResult(leftContext, searchedText2, rightContext, url, semantic, functional); item.setStartPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[6])); item.setEndPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[7])); group.getMembers().add(item); } FileUtils.deleteQuietly(resTblFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(queryFile); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } group.setGroupExpanded(true); return "OK"; } public List<String> getAvailableSortings() { return this.availableSortings; } public List<String> getAvailableToBeVisualized() { return this.availableToBeVisualized; } public String getCollocateTerm() { return this.collocateTerm; } public String getCollocationBasedOn() { return this.collocationBasedOn; } public Integer getContextGroupingLength() { return this.contextGroupingLength; } public Integer getContextLength() { return this.contextLength; } public List<String> getCorporaNames() { return this.corporaNames; } public String getCorporaNamesString() { return this.corporaNamesString; } private Integer getCQPQueryResultsSize(File queryFile) throws ExecuteException, IOException { Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); File tempSh = File.createTempFile("ridireSH", ".sh"); File tempSize = File.createTempFile("ridireSZ", ".size"); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("export LC_ALL=C\n"); stringBuffer.append(this.cqpExecutable + " -f " + queryFile.getAbsolutePath() + " -D " + this.cqpCorpusName + " -r " + this.cqpRegistry + " > " + tempSize.getAbsolutePath() + "\n"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempSh, stringBuffer.toString()); tempSh.setExecutable(true); CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(tempSh.getAbsolutePath()); executor.execute(commandLine); Integer size = 0; List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(tempSize); if (lines.size() > 0) { size = Integer.parseInt(lines.get(0).trim()); } FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSh); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSize); return size; } public Integer getDistanceLeft() { return this.distanceLeft; } public Integer getDistanceRight() { return this.distanceRight; } public String getEasypos() { return this.easypos; } public String getFilterOnPos() { return this.filterOnPos; } public Integer getFirstResult() { if (this.firstResult == null) { return 0; } return this.firstResult; } public String getForma() { return this.forma; } public List<String> getFunctionalMetadatum() { return this.functionalMetadatum; } public String getGroupBy() { return this.groupBy; } public int getGroupResultsSize() { return this.groupResultsSize; } public int getLastFirstResult() { return this.resultsSize / this.getPageSize() * this.getPageSize(); } public String getLemma() { return this.lemma; } public String getLongContextText() { return this.longContextText; } public int getNextFirstResult() { return (this.getFirstResult() == null ? 0 : this.getFirstResult()) + this.pageSize; } public Integer getPageSize() { return this.pageSize; } public String getPhrase() { return this.phrase; } public String getPos() { return this.pos; } public int getPreviousFirstResult() { if (this.pageSize > (this.getFirstResult() == null ? 0 : this.getFirstResult())) { return 0; } else { return this.getFirstResult() - this.pageSize; } } public String getQuery() { return this.query; } public List<CWBResult> getResults4Download(int start, int pageSize) { int tmpFirstResult = this.getFirstResult(); int tmpPageSize = this.getPageSize(); this.setFirstResult(start); this.setPageSize(pageSize); try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.setFirstResult(tmpFirstResult); this.setPageSize(tmpPageSize); return this.resultsSimple; } public int getResults4DownloadSize() { int tmpFirstResult = this.getFirstResult(); int tmpPageSize = this.getPageSize(); this.setFirstResult(0); this.setPageSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE); try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.setFirstResult(tmpFirstResult); this.setPageSize(tmpPageSize); return this.resultsSize; } public List<CWBResult> getResultsSimple() { return this.resultsSimple; } public int getResultsSize() { return this.resultsSize; } public List<String> getSemanticMetadatum() { return this.semanticMetadatum; } public String getSketchDomain() { return this.sketchDomain; } public String getSketchName() { return this.sketchName; } public String getSketchPoS() { return this.sketchPoS; } public String getSketchTermCollocate() { return this.sketchTermCollocate; } public String getSketchTermHead() { return this.sketchTermHead; } public String getSortBy() { return this.sortBy; } public String getSortOrder() { return this.sortOrder; } public List<String> getSortOrders() { return this.sortOrders; } public String getToBeVisualized() { return this.toBeVisualized; } @Create public void initParams() { this.cqpExecutable = this.entityManager.find(Parameter.class, Parameter.CQP_EXECUTABLE.getKey()).getValue(); this.cqpCorpusName = this.entityManager.find(Parameter.class, Parameter.CQP_CORPUSNAME.getKey()).getValue(); this.cqpRegistry = this.entityManager.find(Parameter.class, Parameter.CQP_REGISTRY.getKey()).getValue(); this.cwbdecodeExecutable = this.entityManager.find(Parameter.class, Parameter.CWBDECODE_EXECUTABLE.getKey()) .getValue(); } @Factory("resultsSimplezzz") public void initResults() { // if (this.idsToSearch != null && this.idsToSearch.size() > 0) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void initResultsFromCollocation() { if (this.isFromCollocation() && !this.isResultsFromCollocationExtracted()) { this.initResults(); this.setResultsFromCollocationExtracted(true); } } public void initResultsFromSketch() { if (this.isFromSketch() && !this.isResultsFromSketchExtracted()) { this.initResults(); this.setResultsFromSketchExtracted(true); } } public boolean isAllDomains() { return this.allDomains; } public boolean isFromCollocation() { return this.fromCollocation; } public boolean isFromSketch() { return this.fromSketch; } private boolean isFunctionalDomain(String domainDescription) { Number n = (Number) this.entityManager .createQuery("select count( from FunctionalMetadatum fm where fm.description=:des") .setParameter("des", domainDescription).getSingleResult(); if (n.intValue() > 0) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isNextExists() { return this.resultsSize > 0 && this.resultsSize >= this.pageSize && this.resultsSize > this.getFirstResult() + this.pageSize; } public boolean isPreviousExists() { if (this.resultsSize > 0) { return this.getFirstResult() != null && this.getFirstResult() != 0; } return false; } public boolean isResultsFromCollocationExtracted() { return this.resultsFromCollocationExtracted; } public boolean isResultsFromSketchExtracted() { return this.resultsFromSketchExtracted; } public boolean isResultsGrouping() { return this.resultsGrouping; } public void reset() { this.excelDataGenerator.setFileReady(false); this.setForma(null); this.setPos(null); this.setLemma(null); this.setPhrase(null); this.setSemanticMetadatum(null); this.setFunctionalMetadatum(null); this.setSortBy(CWBConcordancer.NESSUN_ORDINE); this.setResultsGrouping(false); this.setFromCollocation(false); this.setFromSketch(false); this.setResultsFromCollocationExtracted(false); } public void resetDomains() { if (this.isAllDomains()) { if (this.getSemanticMetadatum() != null) { this.getSemanticMetadatum().clear(); } if (this.getFunctionalMetadatum() != null) { this.getFunctionalMetadatum().clear(); } } } private void resetResults() { this.resultsSimple = null; } public void retrieveLongContext(CWBResult item) { try { File leftCtx = File.createTempFile("ridireLCTX", ".tab"); this.executeQueryForContext(item, leftCtx, true); StringBuffer longContextBuf = new StringBuffer(); longContextBuf .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(StringUtils.join(FileUtils.readLines(leftCtx), " "))); longContextBuf.append( " <span class=\"searchedText\" id=\"searchedText\">" + item.getSearchedText() + "</span> "); File rightCtx = File.createTempFile("ridireRCTX", ".tab"); this.executeQueryForContext(item, rightCtx, false); longContextBuf .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(StringUtils.join(FileUtils.readLines(rightCtx), " "))); this.setLongContextText(longContextBuf.toString()); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(leftCtx); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(rightCtx); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private String rewriteGramRels(List<GramRel> gramRels, String sketchTermHead, String sketchTermCollocate, Sketch s, String sketchName) { List<String> rels = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < gramRels.size(); i++) { GramRel g = gramRels.get(i); String rel = g.getRel(); if (g.isInverse()) { rel = g.getOrigRel(); } rel = String.format(rel, sketchTermHead.trim()); rel = rel.replaceAll("@\\[(.*)\\]", "[lemma=\"" + sketchTermCollocate.trim() + "\" & $1" + "]"); if (s.isTrinary()) { sketchName = sketchName.replace("pp_", ""); rel = rel.replaceAll("\\[pos=\"PRE\\|ARTPRE\"\\]", "[lemma=\"" + sketchName + "\" & pos=\"PRE|ARTPRE\"]"); } rel = rel.replaceAll("A1=", ""); rel = rel.replaceAll("ASUB=", ""); rels.add(rel); } if (rels.size() == 1) { return "C=" + rels.get(0); } else if (rels.size() > 1) { return "C=(" + StringUtils.join(rels, ") | (") + ")"; } return null; } private String search(boolean onlyResultsSize) throws IOException { this.strTokenizer.setDelimiterString("@@##"); // firts calculate results size if (!this.isFromSketch() && !this.isFromCollocation() && (this.getForma() == null || this.getForma().trim().length() < 1) && (this.getPos() == null || this.getPos().trim().length() < 1) && (this.getEasypos() == null || this.getEasypos().trim().length() < 1) && (this.getLemma() == null || this.getLemma().trim().length() < 1) && (this.getPhrase() == null || this.getPhrase().trim().length() < 1)) { return ""; } File resTblFile = File.createTempFile("ridireTBL", ".tbl"); String queryString = this.createQueryForCQP(resTblFile, true, false, null); if (queryString.trim().length() < 1) { return ""; } File queryFile = File.createTempFile("ridireQ", ".query"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(queryFile, queryString); this.resultsSize = this.getCQPQueryResultsSize(queryFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(resTblFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(queryFile); // get sum of all results to calculate percentage if (this.isResultsGrouping()) { this.setResultsGrouping(false); resTblFile = File.createTempFile("ridireTBL", ".tbl"); queryString = this.createQueryForCQP(resTblFile, true, false, null); if (queryString.trim().length() < 1) { return ""; } queryFile = File.createTempFile("ridireQ", ".query"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(queryFile, queryString); this.setGroupResultsSize(this.getCQPQueryResultsSize(queryFile)); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(resTblFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(queryFile); this.setResultsGrouping(true); } // now get paginated results resTblFile = File.createTempFile("ridireTBL", ".tbl"); queryString = this.createQueryForCQP(resTblFile, false, false, null); queryFile = File.createTempFile("ridireQ", ".query"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(queryFile, queryString); this.executeCQPQuery(queryFile, false); this.resultsSimple = new ArrayList<CWBResult>(); this.strTokenizer.setIgnoreEmptyTokens(false); if (this.isResultsGrouping()) { List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(resTblFile); for (String l : lines) { String[] tokens = this.strTokenizer.reset(l).getTokenArray(); if (this.getContextGroupingLength() > 0 && tokens.length != 11 || this.getContextGroupingLength() == 0 && tokens.length != 9) { continue; } Matcher m = this.pFirstToken.matcher(tokens[0]); if (!m.find()) { continue; } int groupSize = Integer.parseInt(; if (this.getContextGroupingLength() > 0) { CWBResult item = new CWBResult(tokens[2], + " " + tokens[1], tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5], tokens[6]); item.setStartPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[7])); item.setEndPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[8])); item.getGroupQuery().add(tokens[9]); item.getGroupQuery().add(tokens[10]); item.setGroupSize(groupSize); item.setGrouped(true); this.resultsSimple.add(item); } else { CWBResult item = new CWBResult(tokens[1],, tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5]); item.setStartPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[6])); item.setEndPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[7])); item.getGroupQuery().add(tokens[8]); item.setGroupSize(groupSize); item.setGrouped(true); this.resultsSimple.add(item); } } } else { List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(resTblFile); for (String l : lines) { String[] tokens = this.strTokenizer.reset(l).getTokenArray(); if (tokens.length != 8) { continue; } CWBResult item = new CWBResult(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5]); item.setStartPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[6])); item.setEndPosition(Integer.parseInt(tokens[7])); this.resultsSimple.add(item); } } FileUtils.deleteQuietly(resTblFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(queryFile); return "OK"; } public void setAllDomains(boolean allDomains) { this.allDomains = allDomains; } public void setAvailableSortings(List<String> availableSortings) { this.availableSortings = availableSortings; } public void setCollocateTerm(String collocateTerm) { this.collocateTerm = collocateTerm; } public void setCollocationBasedOn(String collocationBasedOn) { this.collocationBasedOn = collocationBasedOn; } public void setContextGroupingLength(Integer contextGroupingLength) { this.contextGroupingLength = contextGroupingLength; } public void setContextLength(Integer contextLength) { this.contextLength = contextLength; } public void setCorporaNames(List<String> corporaNames) { this.corporaNames = corporaNames; this.corporaNamesString = StringUtils.join(corporaNames, "####"); } public void setCorporaNamesString(String corporaNamesString) { this.corporaNamesString = corporaNamesString; this.corporaNames = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(corporaNamesString, "####")); } public void setDistanceLeft(Integer distanceLeft) { this.distanceLeft = distanceLeft; } public void setDistanceRight(Integer distanceRight) { this.distanceRight = distanceRight; } public void setEasypos(String easypos) { this.easypos = easypos; } public void setFilterOnPos(String filterOnPos) { this.filterOnPos = filterOnPos; } public void setFirstResult(Integer firstResult) { this.firstResult = firstResult; } public void setForma(String forma) { this.forma = forma; } public void setFromCollocation(boolean fromCollocation) { this.fromCollocation = fromCollocation; } public void setFromSketch(boolean fromSketch) { this.fromSketch = fromSketch; } public void setFunctionalMetadatum(List<String> functionalMetadatum) { this.functionalMetadatum = functionalMetadatum; } public void setGroupBy(String groupBy) { this.groupBy = groupBy; } public void setGroupResultsSize(int groupResultsSize) { this.groupResultsSize = groupResultsSize; } public void setLemma(String lemma) { this.lemma = lemma; } public void setLongContextText(String longContextText) { this.longContextText = longContextText; } public void setPageSize(Integer pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; } public void setPhrase(String phrase) { this.phrase = phrase; } public void setPos(String pos) { this.pos = pos; } public void setQuery(String query) { this.query = query; } public void setResultsFromCollocationExtracted(boolean resultsFromCollocationExtracted) { this.resultsFromCollocationExtracted = resultsFromCollocationExtracted; } public void setResultsFromSketchExtracted(boolean resultsFromSketchExtracted) { this.resultsFromSketchExtracted = resultsFromSketchExtracted; } public void setResultsGrouping(boolean resultsGrouping) { this.resultsGrouping = resultsGrouping; } public void setResultsSimple(List<CWBResult> resultsSimple) { this.resultsSimple = resultsSimple; } public void setResultsSize(int resultsSize) { this.resultsSize = resultsSize; } public void setSemanticMetadatum(List<String> semanticMetadatum) { this.semanticMetadatum = semanticMetadatum; } public void setSketchDomain(String sketchDomain) { this.sketchDomain = sketchDomain; } public void setSketchName(String sketchName) { this.sketchName = sketchName; } public void setSketchPoS(String sketchPoS) { this.sketchPoS = sketchPoS; } public void setSketchTermCollocate(String sketchTermCollocate) { this.sketchTermCollocate = sketchTermCollocate; } public void setSketchTermHead(String sketchTermHead) { this.sketchTermHead = sketchTermHead; } public void setSortBy(String sortBy) { this.sortBy = sortBy; } public void setSortOrder(String sortOrder) { this.sortOrder = sortOrder; } public void setSortOrders(List<String> sortOrders) { this.sortOrders = sortOrders; } public void setToBeVisualized(String toBeVisualized) { this.toBeVisualized = toBeVisualized; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void test() { String query = "set AutoShow off;\nset ProgressBar off;\nset PrettyPrint off;\nset Context 5 words;\nset LeftKWICDelim '--%%%--';\nset RightKWICDelim '--%%%--';\nshow -cpos;\nA=\"e\";\ncat A 0 9 > \"/home/drwolf/ridirecleaner_tmp/res.tbl\";"; File temp = null; try { temp = File.createTempFile("ridireQ", ".query"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(temp, query); Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine("/usr/local/cwb-3.4.3/bin/cqp"); commandLine.addArgument("-f").addArgument(temp.getAbsolutePath()).addArgument("-D") .addArgument("RIDIRE2").addArgument("-r").addArgument("/usr/local/share/cwb/registry/"); executor.execute(commandLine); File resFile = new File("/home/drwolf/ridirecleaner_tmp/res.tbl"); List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(resFile); this.resultsSimple = new ArrayList<CWBResult>(); for (String l : lines) { String[] res = l.split("--%%%--"); CWBResult item = new CWBResult(res[0], res[1], res[2], "", null, null); this.resultsSimple.add(item); } this.entityManager.createNativeQuery("drop table if exists pippo").executeUpdate(); this.entityManager.createNativeQuery( "CREATE TABLE `pippo` (`text_id` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,`beginPosition` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`endPosition` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`refnumber` bigint(20) NOT NULL,`dist` smallint(6) NOT NULL,`word` varchar(40) NOT NULL,`lemma` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `pos` varchar(40) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8") .executeUpdate(); File tmpAwk = File.createTempFile("ridireAWK", ".awk"); String awk = "BEGIN{ OFS = FS = \"\t\" } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, -5, $4 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, -4, $5 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, -3, $6 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, -2, $7 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, -1, $8 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, 1, $9 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, 2, $10 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, 3, $11 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, 4, $12 } { print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, 5, $13 } "; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tmpAwk, awk); File tmpTabulate = File.createTempFile("ridireTAB", ".tab"); String tabulate = "set AutoShow off;\nset ProgressBar off;\nset PrettyPrint off;\nset Context 5 words;\nset LeftKWICDelim '--%%%--';\nset RightKWICDelim '--%%%--';\nshow -cpos;\nA=\"e\";\ntabulate A match, matchend, match text_id, match[-5] word, match[-4] word, match[-3] word, match[-2] word, match[-1] word, matchend[1] word, matchend[2] word, matchend[3] word, matchend[4] word, matchend[5] word " + "> \"| awk -f '" + tmpAwk.getAbsolutePath() + "' > '" + tmpTabulate.getAbsolutePath() + "'\";"; File tempSh = File.createTempFile("ridireSH", ".sh"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempSh, tabulate); tempSh.setExecutable(true); executor = new DefaultExecutor(); executor.setExitValue(0); ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = new ExecuteWatchdog(CWBConcordancer.TIMEOUT); executor.setWatchdog(watchdog); commandLine = new CommandLine("/usr/local/cwb-3.4.3/bin/cqp"); commandLine.addArgument("-f").addArgument(tempSh.getAbsolutePath()).addArgument("-D") .addArgument("RIDIRE2").addArgument("-r").addArgument("/usr/local/share/cwb/registry/"); executor.execute(commandLine); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSh); this.entityManager .createNativeQuery( "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" + tmpTabulate.getAbsolutePath() + "' INTO TABLE " + "pippo") .executeUpdate(); long n = ((Number) this.entityManager.createNativeQuery("select sum(freq) as somma from freq_forma_all") .getSingleResult()).longValue(); long r1 = ((Number) this.entityManager .createNativeQuery("select count(*) from pippo where dist between -3 and 3").getSingleResult()) .longValue(); String nativeQuery = "select pippo.word, count(pippo.word) as observed," + " (" + r1 + " * (freq_forma_all.freq) / " + n + ") as expected, sign(COUNT(pippo.word) - (" + r1 + " * (freq_forma_all.freq) / " + n + ")) * 2 * ( IF(COUNT(pippo.word) > 0, COUNT(pippo.word) * log(COUNT(pippo.word) / (" + r1 + " * (freq_forma_all.freq) / " + n + ")), 0) + IF((" + r1 + " - COUNT(pippo.word)) > 0, (" + r1 + " - COUNT(pippo.word)) * log((" + r1 + " - COUNT(pippo.word)) / (" + r1 + " * (" + n + " - (freq_forma_all.freq)) / " + n + ")), 0) + IF(((freq_forma_all.freq) - COUNT(pippo.word)) > 0, ((freq_forma_all.freq) - COUNT(pippo.word)) * log(((freq_forma_all.freq) - COUNT(pippo.word)) / (" + (n - r1) + " * (freq_forma_all.freq) / " + n + ")), 0) + IF((" + (n - r1) + " - ((freq_forma_all.freq) - COUNT(pippo.word))) > 0, (" + (n - r1) + " - ((freq_forma_all.freq) - COUNT(pippo.word))) * log((" + (n - r1) + " - ((freq_forma_all.freq) - COUNT(pippo.word))) / (" + (n - r1) + " * (" + n + " - (freq_forma_all.freq)) / " + n + ")), 0) ) as significance, freq_forma_all.freq, count(distinct(text_id)) as text_id_count from pippo, freq_forma_all where pippo.word = freq_forma_all.item and dist between -3 and 3 and freq_forma_all.freq >= 1 group by pippo.word having observed >= 1 order by significance desc LIMIT 0, 50 "; List<Object[]> res = this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery).getResultList(); for (Object[] r : res) { System.out.println(r[0] + "\t" + r[3]); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }