Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Universit degli Studi di Firenze * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package it.drwolf.ridire.index.cwb; import it.drwolf.ridire.entity.FunctionalMetadatum; import it.drwolf.ridire.entity.Parameter; import it.drwolf.ridire.entity.SemanticMetadatum; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException; import javax.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException; import javax.transaction.NotSupportedException; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteWatchdog; import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor; import org.apache.commons.exec.environment.EnvironmentUtils; import; import org.jboss.seam.Component; import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Create; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope; import org.jboss.seam.core.Conversation; import org.jboss.seam.transaction.UserTransaction; @Name("cwbCollocatesExtractor") @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) public class CWBCollocatesExtractor { public static final String LOG_LIKELIHOOD = "Log Likelihood"; public static final String MI_SCORE = "MI Score"; public static final String T_SCORE = "T Score"; public static final String LOGDICE_SCORE = "logDice"; private String score = CWBCollocatesExtractor.LOGDICE_SCORE; private static final String COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX = "collocate_db_"; private static final int CWB_COLLOCATES_EXTRACTOR_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 10; // 10 private static final String BASED_ON_FORMA = "forma"; private static final String BASED_ON_POS = "PoS"; private static final String BASED_ON_LEMMA = "lemma"; // mins private EntityManager entityManager; @In private CorpusSizeParams corpusSizeParams; private String conversationId; private String query; private Integer distanceLeft = 3; private Integer distanceRight = 3; private Integer freqMinNC = 5; private Integer freqMinColl = 5; private Integer resultsSize = 0; private UserTransaction userTx; private String cqpExecutable; private String cqpCorpusName; private String cqpRegistry; private boolean includePos = true; private boolean includeLemmas = true; private final List<String> availableScores = new ArrayList<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6716237565009505120L; { this.add(CWBCollocatesExtractor.LOGDICE_SCORE); this.add(CWBCollocatesExtractor.MI_SCORE); this.add(CWBCollocatesExtractor.LOG_LIKELIHOOD); this.add(CWBCollocatesExtractor.T_SCORE); } }; private List<String> availableBasedOn = new ArrayList<String>(); private ArrayList<CWBCollocateResult> cwbCollocateResults; private int pageSize = 20; private Integer firstResult; private Integer concordancesResultsSize; private String collocationBasedOn = CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_FORMA; private String filterOnPoS; private Integer functionalMetadatum = -1; private Integer semanticMetadatum = -1; private String createAWKString() { StringBuffer awkStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); awkStringBuffer.append("BEGIN{ OFS = FS = \"@@##\" } "); int counter = 4; for (int i = -this.getDistanceLeft(); i <= this.getDistanceRight(); i++) { if (i == 0) { continue; } awkStringBuffer.append("{ print $3, $1, $2, NR-1, " + i + ", $" + counter + " "); ++counter; if (this.isIncludePos() || this.isIncludeLemmas()) { awkStringBuffer.append(", $" + counter + " "); ++counter; } if (this.isIncludePos() && this.isIncludeLemmas()) { awkStringBuffer.append(", $" + counter + " "); ++counter; } awkStringBuffer.append("}"); } return awkStringBuffer.toString(); } private String createTabulateString(File tmpAwk, File tmpTabulate) { StringBuffer tabulateStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); tabulateStringBuffer.append( "set AutoShow off;\nset ProgressBar off;\nset PrettyPrint off;\nset Context 5 words;\nset LeftKWICDelim '--%%%--';\nset RightKWICDelim '--%%%--';\nshow -cpos;\n" + this.getQuery() + ";\n"); tabulateStringBuffer.append("tabulate C match, matchend, match text_id"); for (int i = -this.getDistanceLeft(); i <= this.getDistanceRight(); i++) { if (i == 0) { continue; } tabulateStringBuffer.append(", match" + (i > 0 ? "end" : "") + "[" + i + "] word"); if (this.isIncludeLemmas()) { tabulateStringBuffer.append(", match" + (i > 0 ? "end" : "") + "[" + i + "] lemma"); } if (this.isIncludePos()) { tabulateStringBuffer.append(", match" + (i > 0 ? "end" : "") + "[" + i + "] easypos"); } } tabulateStringBuffer.append(" > \"| awk -f '" + tmpAwk.getAbsolutePath() + "' | sed -e 's/@@##/\\t/g' > '" + tmpTabulate.getAbsolutePath() + "'\";"); return tabulateStringBuffer.toString(); } private void dropDB() throws SystemException, NotSupportedException, SecurityException, IllegalStateException, RollbackException, HeuristicMixedException, HeuristicRollbackException { if (!this.userTx.isActive()) { this.userTx.begin(); } this.entityManager.joinTransaction(); this.entityManager .createNativeQuery( "drop table if exists " + CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId) .executeUpdate(); this.entityManager.flush(); this.entityManager.clear(); this.userTx.commit(); } public String extractCollocates(boolean calculateSize) { try { this.dropDB(); if (!this.userTx.isActive()) { this.userTx.begin(); } this.entityManager.joinTransaction(); String createDBQuery = "CREATE TABLE `" + CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId + "` (`text_id` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,`beginPosition` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`endPosition` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,`refnumber` bigint(20) NOT NULL,`dist` smallint(6) NOT NULL,`word` varchar(40) NOT NULL "; if (this.isIncludeLemmas()) { createDBQuery += ", `lemma` varchar(40) NOT NULL "; } if (this.isIncludePos()) { createDBQuery += ", `pos` varchar(40) NOT NULL "; } createDBQuery += ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(createDBQuery).executeUpdate(); this.entityManager.flush(); this.entityManager.clear(); this.userTx.commit(); File tmpTabulate = this.tabulate(); if (!this.userTx.isActive()) { this.userTx.begin(); } this.entityManager.joinTransaction(); this.entityManager.createNativeQuery("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" + tmpTabulate.getAbsolutePath() + "' INTO TABLE " + CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId) .executeUpdate(); if (calculateSize) { if (this.getCollocationBasedOn().equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_LEMMA)) { this.resultsSize = ((Number) this.entityManager .createNativeQuery("select count(distinct(lemma)) from " + CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId) .getSingleResult()).intValue(); } else if (this.getCollocationBasedOn().equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_POS)) { this.resultsSize = ((Number) this.entityManager .createNativeQuery("select count(distinct(pos)) from " + CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId) .getSingleResult()).intValue(); } else { this.resultsSize = ((Number) this.entityManager .createNativeQuery("select count(distinct(word)) from " + CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId) .getSingleResult()).intValue(); } } long r1 = ((Number) this.entityManager.createNativeQuery( "select count(*) from " + CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId + " where dist between -" + this.getDistanceLeft() + " and " + this.getDistanceRight()) .getSingleResult()).longValue(); this.entityManager.flush(); this.entityManager.clear(); this.userTx.commit(); String collBasedOn = "word"; String freqTable = "freq_"; if (this.getCollocationBasedOn().equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_LEMMA)) { collBasedOn = "lemma"; freqTable += "lemma_"; } else if (this.getCollocationBasedOn().equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_POS)) { collBasedOn = "pos"; freqTable += "easypos_"; } else { freqTable += "forma_"; } if (this.getFunctionalMetadatum() >= 0) { FunctionalMetadatum fm = this.entityManager.find(FunctionalMetadatum.class, this.getFunctionalMetadatum()); freqTable += fm.getDescription().trim().replaceAll("\\s", "_"); } else if (this.getSemanticMetadatum() >= 0) { SemanticMetadatum sm = this.entityManager.find(SemanticMetadatum.class, this.getSemanticMetadatum()); freqTable += sm.getDescription().trim().replaceAll("\\s", "_"); } else { freqTable += "all"; } long n = this.corpusSizeParams.getCorpusSize(freqTable.substring(5)).longValue(); String nativeQuery = "select %1$s.%2$s, count(%1$s.%2$s) as observed,(" + r1 + " * (%3$s.freq) / " + n + ") as expected,"; String significance = " sign(COUNT(%1$s.%2$s) - (" + r1 + " * (%3$s.freq) / " + n + ")) * 2 * ( IF(COUNT(%1$s.%2$s) > 0, COUNT(%1$s.%2$s) * log(COUNT(%1$s.%2$s) / (" + r1 + " * (%3$s.freq) / " + n + ")), 0) + IF((" + r1 + " - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)) > 0, (" + r1 + " - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)) * log((" + r1 + " - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)) / (" + r1 + " * (" + n + " - (%3$s.freq)) / " + n + ")), 0) + IF((CAST(%3$s.freq AS SIGNED) - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)) > 0, " + "(CAST(%3$s.freq AS SIGNED) - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)) * log((CAST(%3$s.freq AS SIGNED) - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)) / (" + (n - r1) + " * (%3$s.freq) / " + n + ")), 0) + " + "IF((" + (n - r1) + " - (CAST(%3$s.freq AS SIGNED) - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s))) > 0, (" + (n - r1) + " - (CAST(%3$s.freq AS SIGNED) - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s))) * log((" + (n - r1) + " - (CAST(%3$s.freq AS SIGNED) - COUNT(%1$s.%2$s))) / (" + (n - r1) + " * (" + n + " - (%3$s.freq)) / " + n + ")), 0) ) as significance, "; if (this.getScore().equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.MI_SCORE)) { significance = "log2(COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)/(" + r1 + " * (%3$s.freq) / " + n + ")) as significance, "; } else if (this.getScore().equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.T_SCORE)) { significance = "(COUNT(%1$s.%2$s) - (" + r1 + " * (%3$s.freq) / " + n + "))/sqrt(COUNT(%1$s.%2$s)) as significance, "; } else if (this.getScore().equals(CWBCollocatesExtractor.LOGDICE_SCORE)) { String subquery = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT refnumber) from %1$s WHERE dist between -" + this.getDistanceLeft() + " and " + this.getDistanceRight(); if (!this.userTx.isActive()) { this.userTx.begin(); } subquery = String.format(subquery, CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId); this.entityManager.joinTransaction(); Number diceNodeF = (Number) this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(subquery).getSingleResult(); this.entityManager.flush(); this.entityManager.clear(); this.userTx.commit(); String pCollNodeE = "(COUNT(DISTINCT refnumber) / " + diceNodeF.longValue() + ")"; String pNodeColl = "(COUNT(%1$s.%2$s) / (%3$s.freq))"; significance = "2 / ((1 / " + pCollNodeE + ") + (1 / " + pNodeColl + ")) as significance, "; } nativeQuery += significance; nativeQuery += " %3$s.freq, " + "count(distinct(text_id)) as text_id_count " + "from %1$s, %3$s where %1$s.%2$s = %3$s.item "; if (this.isIncludePos() && this.getFilterOnPoS() != null && this.getFilterOnPoS().length() > 0 && !this.getFilterOnPoS().equals("Tutti")) { nativeQuery += " and %1$s.pos='" + this.getFilterOnPoS().trim() + "'"; } nativeQuery += " and dist between -" + this.getDistanceLeft() + " and " + this.getDistanceRight() + " and %3$s.freq >= " + this.getFreqMinColl() + " group by %1$s.%2$s having observed >= " + this.getFreqMinNC() + " order by significance desc LIMIT " + this.getFirstResult() + ", " + this.getPageSize(); nativeQuery = String.format(nativeQuery, CWBCollocatesExtractor.COLLOCATE_DB_PREFIX + this.conversationId, collBasedOn, freqTable); System.out.println(nativeQuery); if (!this.userTx.isActive()) { this.userTx.begin(); } this.entityManager.joinTransaction(); List<Object[]> res = this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(nativeQuery).getResultList(); this.entityManager.flush(); this.entityManager.clear(); this.userTx.commit(); this.cwbCollocateResults = new ArrayList<CWBCollocateResult>(); for (Object[] r : res) { CWBCollocateResult cwbCollocateResult = new CWBCollocateResult(r[0] + "", ((Number) r[4]).longValue(), ((Number) r[2]).doubleValue(), ((Number) r[1]).longValue(), ((Number) r[5]).longValue(), ((Number) r[3]).doubleValue(), this.getScore()); this.cwbCollocateResults.add(cwbCollocateResult); } } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SystemException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RollbackException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HeuristicMixedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HeuristicRollbackException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return "OK"; } public List<String> getAvailableBasedOn() { this.availableBasedOn.clear(); this.availableBasedOn.add(CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_FORMA); if (this.isIncludePos()) { this.availableBasedOn.add(CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_POS); } if (this.isIncludeLemmas()) { this.availableBasedOn.add(CWBCollocatesExtractor.BASED_ON_LEMMA); } return this.availableBasedOn; } public List<String> getAvailableScores() { return this.availableScores; } public String getCollocationBasedOn() { return this.collocationBasedOn; } public Integer getConcordancesResultsSize() { return this.concordancesResultsSize; } public ArrayList<CWBCollocateResult> getCwbCollocateResults() { return this.cwbCollocateResults; } public Integer getDistanceLeft() { return this.distanceLeft; } public Integer getDistanceRight() { return this.distanceRight; } public String getFilterOnPoS() { return this.filterOnPoS; } public Integer getFirstResult() { if (this.firstResult == null) { return 0; } return this.firstResult; } public Integer getFreqMinColl() { return this.freqMinColl; } public Integer getFreqMinNC() { return this.freqMinNC; } public Integer getFunctionalMetadatum() { return this.functionalMetadatum; } public int getLastFirstResult() { return this.resultsSize - 1; } public int getNextFirstResult() { return (this.getFirstResult() == null ? 0 : this.getFirstResult()) + this.pageSize; } public int getPageSize() { return this.pageSize; } public int getPreviousFirstResult() { if (this.pageSize > (this.getFirstResult() == null ? 0 : this.getFirstResult())) { return 0; } else { return this.getFirstResult() - this.pageSize; } } public String getQuery() { return this.query; } public Integer getResultsSize() { return this.resultsSize; } public String getScore() { return this.score; } public Integer getSemanticMetadatum() { return this.semanticMetadatum; } @Create public void init() { this.userTx = (UserTransaction) org.jboss.seam.Component .getInstance("org.jboss.seam.transaction.transaction"); this.entityManager = (EntityManager) Component.getInstance("entityManager"); try { this.userTx.setTransactionTimeout(CWBCollocatesExtractor.CWB_COLLOCATES_EXTRACTOR_TIMEOUT); if (!this.userTx.isActive()) { this.userTx.begin(); } this.entityManager.joinTransaction(); this.cqpExecutable = this.entityManager.find(Parameter.class, Parameter.CQP_EXECUTABLE.getKey()) .getValue(); this.cqpCorpusName = this.entityManager.find(Parameter.class, Parameter.CQP_CORPUSNAME.getKey()) .getValue(); this.cqpRegistry = this.entityManager.find(Parameter.class, Parameter.CQP_REGISTRY.getKey()).getValue(); this.entityManager.flush(); this.entityManager.clear(); this.userTx.commit(); } catch (SystemException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RollbackException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HeuristicMixedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HeuristicRollbackException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } this.conversationId = Conversation.instance().getId(); } public boolean isIncludeLemmas() { return this.includeLemmas; } public boolean isIncludePos() { return this.includePos; } public boolean isNextExists() { return this.resultsSize > 0 && this.resultsSize >= this.pageSize && this.resultsSize > this.getFirstResult() + this.pageSize; } public boolean isPreviousExists() { if (this.resultsSize > 0) { return this.getFirstResult() != null && this.getFirstResult() != 0; } return false; } @PreDestroy public void preDestroy() { try { this.dropDB(); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SystemException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RollbackException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HeuristicMixedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HeuristicRollbackException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setCollocationBasedOn(String collocationBasedOn) { this.collocationBasedOn = collocationBasedOn; } public void setConcordancesResultsSize(Integer concordancesResultsSize) { this.concordancesResultsSize = concordancesResultsSize; } public void setCwbCollocateResults(ArrayList<CWBCollocateResult> cwbCollocateResults) { this.cwbCollocateResults = cwbCollocateResults; } public void setDistanceLeft(Integer distanceLeft) { this.distanceLeft = distanceLeft; } public void setDistanceRight(Integer distanceRight) { this.distanceRight = distanceRight; } public void setFilterOnPoS(String filterOnPoS) { this.filterOnPoS = filterOnPoS; } public void setFirstResult(Integer firstResult) { this.firstResult = firstResult; } public void setFreqMinColl(Integer freqMinColl) { this.freqMinColl = freqMinColl; } public void setFreqMinNC(Integer freqMinNC) { this.freqMinNC = freqMinNC; } public void setFunctionalMetadatum(Integer functionalMetadatum) { this.functionalMetadatum = functionalMetadatum; } public void setIncludeLemmas(boolean includeLemmas) { this.includeLemmas = includeLemmas; } public void setIncludePos(boolean includePos) { this.includePos = includePos; } public void setPageSize(int pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; } public void setQuery(String query) { this.query = query; } public void setResultsSize(Integer resultsSize) { this.resultsSize = resultsSize; } public void setScore(String score) { this.score = score; } public void setSemanticMetadatum(Integer semanticMetadatum) { this.semanticMetadatum = semanticMetadatum; } private File tabulate() throws IOException { EnvironmentUtils.addVariableToEnvironment(EnvironmentUtils.getProcEnvironment(), "LC_ALL=C"); File tmpAwk = File.createTempFile("ridireAWK", ".awk"); String awk = this.createAWKString(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tmpAwk, awk); File tmpTabulate = File.createTempFile("ridireTAB", ".tab"); String tabulate = this.createTabulateString(tmpAwk, tmpTabulate); File tempSh = File.createTempFile("ridireSH", ".sh"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(tempSh, tabulate); tempSh.setExecutable(true); Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); executor.setExitValue(0); ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = new ExecuteWatchdog(CWBCollocatesExtractor.CWB_COLLOCATES_EXTRACTOR_TIMEOUT); executor.setWatchdog(watchdog); CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(this.cqpExecutable); commandLine.addArgument("-f").addArgument(tempSh.getAbsolutePath()).addArgument("-D") .addArgument(this.cqpCorpusName).addArgument("-r").addArgument(this.cqpRegistry); executor.execute(commandLine); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tmpAwk); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSh); return tmpTabulate; } }