Java tutorial
/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package it.dbCleaner; import com.sonar.orchestrator.Orchestrator; import; import; import it.Category4Suite; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ErrorCollector; import; import; import; import util.ItUtils; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils.addDays; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static util.ItUtils.formatDate; import static util.ItUtils.newAdminWsClient; import static util.ItUtils.runProjectAnalysis; import static util.ItUtils.setServerProperty; @Ignore public class PurgeTest { private static final String COUNT_FILE_MEASURES = "project_measures pm, projects p where p.uuid = pm.component_uuid and p.scope='FIL'"; private static final String COUNT_DIR_MEASURES = "project_measures pm, projects p where p.uuid = pm.component_uuid and p.scope='DIR'"; private static final String PROJECT_KEY = ""; private static final String PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH = "dbCleaner/xoo-multi-modules-sample"; private static final String ONE_DAY_AGO = DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(addDays(new Date(), -1)); private static final String TWO_DAYS_AGO = DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(addDays(new Date(), -2)); @ClassRule public static final Orchestrator orchestrator = Category4Suite.ORCHESTRATOR; @Rule public ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector(); @Before public void deleteProjectData() { orchestrator.resetData(); orchestrator.getServer().provisionProject(PROJECT_KEY, PROJECT_KEY); ItUtils.restoreProfile(orchestrator, getClass().getResource("/dbCleaner/one-issue-per-line-profile.xml")); setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.cleanDirectory", null); setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.hoursBeforeKeepingOnlyOneSnapshotByDay", null); setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.weeksBeforeKeepingOnlyOneSnapshotByWeek", null); } @Test public void test_evolution_of_number_of_rows_when_scanning_two_times_the_same_project() { Date today = new Date(); Date yesterday = DateUtils.addDays(today, -1); scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(yesterday)); // count components collector.checkThat("Wrong number of projects", count("projects where qualifier in ('TRK','BRC')"), equalTo(7)); collector.checkThat("Wrong number of directories", count("projects where qualifier in ('DIR')"), equalTo(4)); collector.checkThat("Wrong number of files", count("projects where qualifier in ('FIL')"), equalTo(4)); collector.checkThat("Wrong number of unit test files", count("projects where qualifier in ('UTS')"), equalTo(0)); int measuresOnTrk = 45; int measuresOnBrc = 222; int measuresOnDir = 141; int measuresOnFil = 69; // count measures assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("TRK", measuresOnTrk); assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("BRC", measuresOnBrc); assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("DIR", measuresOnDir); assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("FIL", measuresOnFil); // No new_* metrics measure should be recorded the first time collector.checkThat("Wrong number of measure of new_ metrics", count( "project_measures, metrics where = project_measures.metric_id and like 'new_%'"), equalTo(0)); int expectedMeasures = measuresOnTrk + measuresOnBrc + measuresOnDir + measuresOnFil; collector.checkThat("Wrong number of measures", count("project_measures"), equalTo(expectedMeasures)); collector.checkThat("Wrong number of measure data", count("project_measures where measure_data is not null"), equalTo(0)); // count other tables that are constant between 2 scans int expectedIssues = 52; collector.checkThat("Wrong number of issues", count("issues"), equalTo(expectedIssues)); // must be a different date, else a single snapshot is kept per day scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(today)); int newMeasuresOnTrk = 58; int newMeasuresOnBrc = 304; int newMeasuresOnDir = 56; int newMeasuresOnFil = 0; assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("TRK", measuresOnTrk + newMeasuresOnTrk); assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("BRC", measuresOnBrc + newMeasuresOnBrc); assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("DIR", measuresOnDir + newMeasuresOnDir); assertMeasuresCountForQualifier("FIL", measuresOnFil + newMeasuresOnFil); // Measures on new_* metrics should be recorded collector.checkThat("Wrong number of measure of new_ metrics", count( "project_measures, metrics where = project_measures.metric_id and like 'new_%'"), equalTo(154)); // added measures relate to project and new_* metrics expectedMeasures += newMeasuresOnTrk + newMeasuresOnBrc + newMeasuresOnDir + newMeasuresOnFil; collector.checkThat("Wrong number of measures after second analysis", count("project_measures"), equalTo(expectedMeasures)); collector.checkThat("Wrong number of measure data", count("project_measures where measure_data is not null"), equalTo(0)); collector.checkThat("Wrong number of issues", count("issues"), equalTo(expectedIssues)); } /** * SONAR-3378 */ @Test public void should_keep_all_snapshots_the_first_day() { // analyse once scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH); // analyse twice scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH); // and check we have 2 snapshots assertThat(count( "snapshots s where s.component_uuid=(select p.uuid from projects p where p.kee='')")) .isEqualTo(2); } /** * SONAR-2807 & SONAR-3378 & SONAR-4710 */ @Test public void should_keep_only_one_snapshot_per_day() { scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH); int snapshotsCount = count("snapshots"); int measuresCount = count("project_measures"); // Using the "sonar.dbcleaner.hoursBeforeKeepingOnlyOneSnapshotByDay" property set to '0' is the way // to keep only 1 snapshot per day setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.hoursBeforeKeepingOnlyOneSnapshotByDay", "0"); scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH); assertThat(count("snapshots")).as("Different number of snapshots").isEqualTo(snapshotsCount); int measureOnNewMetrics = count( "project_measures, metrics where = project_measures.metric_id and like 'new_%'"); // Number of measures should be the same as previous, with the measures on new metrics assertThat(count("project_measures")).as("Different number of measures") .isEqualTo(measuresCount + measureOnNewMetrics); } /** * SONAR-7175 */ @Test public void keep_latest_snapshot() { // Keep all snapshots from last 4 weeks setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.weeksBeforeKeepingOnlyOneSnapshotByWeek", "4"); Date oneWeekAgo = addDays(new Date(), -7); // Execute an analysis wednesday last week Calendar lastWednesday = Calendar.getInstance(); lastWednesday.setTime(oneWeekAgo); lastWednesday.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.WEDNESDAY); String lastWednesdayFormatted = formatDate(lastWednesday.getTime()); runProjectAnalysis(orchestrator, PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, "sonar.projectDate", lastWednesdayFormatted); // Execute an analysis thursday last week Calendar lastThursday = Calendar.getInstance(); lastThursday.setTime(oneWeekAgo); lastThursday.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.THURSDAY); String lastThursdayFormatted = formatDate(lastThursday.getTime()); runProjectAnalysis(orchestrator, PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, "sonar.projectDate", lastThursdayFormatted); // Now only keep 1 snapshot per week setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.weeksBeforeKeepingOnlyOneSnapshotByWeek", "0"); // Execute an analysis today to execute the purge of previous weeks snapshots runProjectAnalysis(orchestrator, PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH); // Check that only analysis from last thursday is kept (as it's the last one from previous week) WsMeasures.SearchHistoryResponse response = newAdminWsClient(orchestrator).measures() .searchHistory(SearchHistoryRequest.builder().setComponent(PROJECT_KEY) .setMetrics(singletonList("ncloc")).build()); assertThat(response.getMeasuresCount()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(response.getMeasuresList().get(0).getHistoryList()).extracting(HistoryValue::getDate) .doesNotContain(lastWednesdayFormatted, lastThursdayFormatted); } /** * SONAR-3120 */ @Test public void should_delete_removed_modules() { scan("dbCleaner/modules/before"); assertExists(""); assertExists(""); // we want the previous snapshot to be purged setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.hoursBeforeKeepingOnlyOneSnapshotByDay", "0"); scan("dbCleaner/modules/after"); assertDisabled(""); assertDisabled(""); assertExists(""); } /** * SONAR-3120 */ @Test public void should_delete_removed_files() { String fileKey = ""; scan("dbCleaner/files/before"); assertExists(fileKey); scan("dbCleaner/files/after"); assertDisabled(fileKey); assertExists( ""); } /** * SONAR-2754 */ @Test public void should_delete_historical_data_of_directories_by_default() { scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, TWO_DAYS_AGO); int fileMeasures = count(COUNT_FILE_MEASURES); int dirMeasures = count(COUNT_DIR_MEASURES); scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, ONE_DAY_AGO); // second analysis with new_* metrics assertThat(count(COUNT_FILE_MEASURES)).isLessThan(2 * fileMeasures); assertThat(count(COUNT_DIR_MEASURES)).isLessThan(2 * dirMeasures); } /** * SONAR-2754 */ @Test public void should_not_delete_historical_data_of_directories() { scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, TWO_DAYS_AGO); int fileMeasures = count(COUNT_FILE_MEASURES); int dirMeasures = count(COUNT_DIR_MEASURES); setServerProperty(orchestrator, "sonar.dbcleaner.cleanDirectory", "false"); scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, ONE_DAY_AGO); // second analysis as NEW_* metrics assertThat(count(COUNT_FILE_MEASURES)).isLessThan(2 * fileMeasures); assertThat(count(COUNT_DIR_MEASURES)).isGreaterThan(2 * dirMeasures); } /** * SONAR-2061 */ @Test public void should_delete_historical_data_of_flagged_metrics() { scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, TWO_DAYS_AGO); // historical data of complexity_in_classes is supposed to be deleted (see CoreMetrics) String selectNcloc = "project_measures where metric_id in (select id from metrics where name='ncloc')"; String selectComplexityInClasses = "project_measures where metric_id in (select id from metrics where name='complexity_in_classes')"; int nclocCount = count(selectNcloc); int complexitInClassesCount = count(selectComplexityInClasses); scan(PROJECT_SAMPLE_PATH, ONE_DAY_AGO); assertThat(count(selectNcloc)).isGreaterThan(nclocCount); assertThat(count(selectComplexityInClasses)).isEqualTo(complexitInClassesCount); } private void assertDisabled(String key) { assertThat(enabledStatusOfComponent(key)).isFalse(); } private void assertExists(String key) { assertThat(enabledStatusOfComponent(key)).isTrue(); } private Boolean enabledStatusOfComponent(String key) { return orchestrator.getDatabase().executeSql("select enabled from projects p where p.kee='" + key + "'") .stream().findFirst().map(PurgeTest::toBoolean).orElse(null); } private static Boolean toBoolean(Map<String, String> s) { String value = s.get("ENABLED"); if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("t") || value.equals("1")) { return true; } if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("f") || value.equals("0")) { return false; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value can not be converted to boolean " + value); } private BuildResult scan(String path, String date) { return scan(path, "sonar.projectDate", date); } private BuildResult scan(String path, String... extraProperties) { SonarScanner runner = configureRunner(path, extraProperties); return orchestrator.executeBuild(runner); } private SonarScanner configureRunner(String projectPath, String... props) { orchestrator.getServer().associateProjectToQualityProfile(PROJECT_KEY, "xoo", "one-issue-per-line-profile"); return SonarScanner.create(ItUtils.projectDir(projectPath)).setProperties(props); } private int count(String condition) { return orchestrator.getDatabase().countSql("select count(1) from " + condition); } private void assertMeasuresCountForQualifier(String qualifier, int count) { int result = countMeasures(qualifier); if (result != count) { logMeasures("GOT", qualifier); } collector.checkThat("Wrong number of measures for qualifier " + qualifier, result, equalTo(count)); } private int countMeasures(String qualifier) { String sql = "SELECT count(1) FROM project_measures pm, projects p, metrics m where p.uuid=pm.component_uuid and and p.qualifier='" + qualifier + "'"; return orchestrator.getDatabase().countSql(sql); } private void logMeasures(String title, String qualifier) { String sql = "SELECT as metricName, pm.value as value, pm.text_value as textValue, pm.variation_value_1, pm.variation_value_2, pm.variation_value_3 " + "FROM project_measures pm, projects p, metrics m " + "WHERE pm.component_uuid=p.uuid and and p.qualifier='" + qualifier + "'"; List<Map<String, String>> rows = orchestrator.getDatabase().executeSql(sql); System.out.println("---- " + title + " - measures on qualifier " + qualifier); for (Map<String, String> row : rows) { System.out.println(" " + row); } } }