Source code

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Here is the source code for


// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 CRS4.
// This file is part of Seal.
// Seal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// Seal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with Seal.  If not, see <>.

package it.crs4.seal.prq;

import it.crs4.seal.common.SealToolParser;
import it.crs4.seal.common.ClusterUtils;
import it.crs4.seal.common.Utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;

import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class PrqOptionParser extends SealToolParser {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PairReadsQSeq.class);

    public static final String ConfigSection = "Prq";

    public static final String InputFormatDefault = "qseq";
    public static final String OLD_INPUT_FORMAT_CONF = "seal.prq.input-format";

    public static final int DefaultMinBasesThreshold = 30;
    public static final String MinBasesThresholdConfigName = "seal.prq.min-bases-per-read";
    public static final String MinBasesThresholdConfigName_deprecated = "bl.prq.min-bases-per-read";

    public static final boolean DropFailedFilterDefault = true;
    public static final String DropFailedFilterConfigName = "seal.prq.drop-failed-filter";
    public static final String DropFailedFilterConfigName_deprecated = "bl.prq.drop-failed-filter";

    public static final boolean WarningOnlyIfUnpairedDefault = false;
    public static final String WarningOnlyIfUnpairedConfigName = "seal.prq.warning-only-if-unpaired";
    public static final String WarningOnlyIfUnpairedConfigName_deprecated = "bl.prq.warning-only-if-unpaired";

    public static final int NumReadsExpectedDefault = 2;
    public static final String NumReadsExpectedConfigName = "seal.prq.num-reads";

    private Option opt_traditionalIds;
    private boolean makeTraditionalIds = false;

    private Option opt_numReads;
    private int numReads = NumReadsExpectedDefault;

    @SuppressWarnings("static") // for OptionBuilder
    public PrqOptionParser() {
        super(ConfigSection, "seal_prq");
        this.setAcceptedInputFormats(new String[] { "qseq", "fastq" });
        this.setAcceptedOutputFormats(new String[] { "prq" });

        opt_traditionalIds = OptionBuilder
                .withDescription("Create traditional read ids rather than new Illumina fastq-style read ids.")

        opt_numReads = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Number of reads expected per template.").hasArg()

    protected CommandLine parseOptions(Configuration conf, String[] args) throws IOException, ParseException {
        conf.setInt(MinBasesThresholdConfigName, DefaultMinBasesThreshold);
        conf.setBoolean(DropFailedFilterConfigName, DropFailedFilterDefault);
        conf.setBoolean(WarningOnlyIfUnpairedConfigName, WarningOnlyIfUnpairedDefault);
        conf.setInt(NumReadsExpectedConfigName, NumReadsExpectedDefault);

        CommandLine line = super.parseOptions(conf, args);

        /* **** handle deprected properties **** */
        if (conf.get(PrqOptionParser.OLD_INPUT_FORMAT_CONF) != null) {
            throw new ParseException("The property " + PrqOptionParser.OLD_INPUT_FORMAT_CONF
                    + " is no longer supported.\n" + "Please use the command line option --input-format instead.");

        Utils.checkDeprecatedProp(conf, LOG, MinBasesThresholdConfigName_deprecated, MinBasesThresholdConfigName);
        Utils.checkDeprecatedProp(conf, LOG, DropFailedFilterConfigName_deprecated, DropFailedFilterConfigName);
        Utils.checkDeprecatedProp(conf, LOG, WarningOnlyIfUnpairedConfigName_deprecated,

        // Let the deprecated properties override the new ones, unless the new ones have a non-default value.
        // If the new property has a non-default value, it must have been set by the user.
        // If, on the other hand, the deprecated property has a value, it must have been set by the user since
        // we're not setting them here.
        if (conf.get(MinBasesThresholdConfigName_deprecated) != null
                && conf.getInt(MinBasesThresholdConfigName, DefaultMinBasesThreshold) == DefaultMinBasesThreshold) {
                    conf.getInt(MinBasesThresholdConfigName_deprecated, DefaultMinBasesThreshold));

        if (conf.get(DropFailedFilterConfigName_deprecated) != null && conf.getBoolean(DropFailedFilterConfigName,
                DropFailedFilterDefault) == DropFailedFilterDefault) {
                    conf.getBoolean(DropFailedFilterConfigName_deprecated, DropFailedFilterDefault));

        if (conf.get(WarningOnlyIfUnpairedConfigName_deprecated) != null
                && conf.getBoolean(WarningOnlyIfUnpairedConfigName,
                        WarningOnlyIfUnpairedDefault) == WarningOnlyIfUnpairedDefault) {
                    conf.getBoolean(WarningOnlyIfUnpairedConfigName_deprecated, WarningOnlyIfUnpairedDefault));

        /* **** end handle deprecated properties **** */

        if (line.hasOption(opt_traditionalIds.getOpt()))
            conf.setBoolean(PairReadsQSeq.PRQ_CONF_TRADITIONAL_IDS, true);

        if (line.hasOption(opt_numReads.getOpt())) {
            int numReads;
            try {
                numReads = Integer.valueOf(line.getOptionValue(opt_numReads.getOpt()));
                if (numReads <= 0)
                    throw new ParseException("Number of reads per fragment must be >= 0 (got " + numReads + ")");
                if (numReads > 2) {
                    throw new ParseException(
                            "Working with more than two reads per template is not supported at the moment.\n"
                                    + "If you're interested in seeing this feature implemented contact the Seal developers.");
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new ParseException(e.getMessage());
            conf.setInt(NumReadsExpectedConfigName, numReads);

        // set number of reduce tasks to use
        conf.set(ClusterUtils.NUM_RED_TASKS_PROPERTY, String.valueOf(getNReduceTasks()));
        return line;