Java tutorial
/* Icaro Cloud Knowledge Base (ICKB). Copyright (C) 2015 DISIT Lab - University of Florence This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package it.cloudicaro.disit.kb; import it.cloudicaro.disit.kb.client.ServerMonitoringClient; import it.cloudicaro.disit.kb.rdf.QueryResult; import it.cloudicaro.disit.kb.rdf.RDFStoreInterface; import it.cloudicaro.disit.kb.rdf.RDFStore; import it.cloudicaro.disit.kb.rdf.ResultValue; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * REST Web Service * * @author bellini */ public class BusinessConfigurationResource { private String name; /** Creates a new instance of BusinessConfigurationResource */ private BusinessConfigurationResource(String name) { = name; } /** Get instance of the BusinessConfigurationResource */ public static BusinessConfigurationResource getInstance(String name) { // The user may use some kind of persistence mechanism // to store and restore instances of BusinessConfigurationResource class. return new BusinessConfigurationResource(name); } /** * Retrieves representation of an instance of it.cloudicaro.unifi.kb.BusinessConfigurationResource * @return an instance of java.lang.String */ @GET @Produces("application/xml") public String getXml() throws Exception { RDFStoreInterface rdfStore = RDFStore.getInstance(); String graph = "urn:cloudicaro:context:BusinessConfiguration:" +; return rdfStore.getStatements("application/rdf+xml", graph); } /** * PUT method for updating or creating an instance of BusinessConfigurationResource * @param content representation for the resource * @return an HTTP response with content of the updated or created resource. */ @PUT @Consumes("application/xml") @Produces("application/xml") public String putXml(String content, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { if (IcaroKnowledgeBase.isRecovering()) throw new KbException("KB is recovering try later", 400); return putBusinessConfiguration(, content, request); } static public String putBusinessConfiguration(String name, String content, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Date start = new Date(); String op = (name.equals("") ? "POST" : "PUT"); Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String validationResult = null; String bcAbout = ""; boolean check = (request != null || conf.get("kb.recover.force_checkBC", "false").equals("true")); if (check) { //validate 'content' using xml schema validationResult = ValidateResource.validateContent(content, "schema-icaro-kb-businessConfiguration.xsd"); if (validationResult != null) { IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, op, "BC", name, "FAILED-XML-VALIDATION", validationResult, content, request); throw new KbException(validationResult, 400); } } //get the BusinessConfiguration rdf:about and check if the resource name from the url is the ending part of the rdf:about Document doc = ValidateResource.parseXml(content); NodeList bc = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(IcaroKnowledgeBase.NS_ICARO_CORE, "BusinessConfiguration"); if (bc.getLength() == 1) bcAbout = bc.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItemNS(IcaroKnowledgeBase.NS_RDF, "about").getNodeValue(); String bcPrefix = conf.get("kb.bcPrefix", "urn:cloudicaro:BusinessConfiguration:"); if (check && name.equals("")) { if (!bcAbout.startsWith(bcPrefix)) { String error = "BusinessConfiguration rdf:about='" + bcAbout + "' does not start with '" + bcPrefix + "'"; IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, op, "BC", name, "FAILED-ID-CHECK1", error, content, request); throw new KbException(error, 400); } name = bcAbout.substring(bcPrefix.length()); } if (check && conf.get("kb.validateBCAbout", "true").equalsIgnoreCase("true") && !bcAbout.endsWith(name)) { String error = "BusinessConfiguration rdf:about='" + bcAbout + "' does not end with '" + name + "'"; IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, op, "BC", name, "FAILED-ID-CHECK2", error, content, request); throw new KbException(error, 400); } RDFStoreInterface rdfStore = RDFStore.getInstance(); //check if the business configuration is already present or not Boolean toUpdate = false; QueryResult qr = rdfStore.query("SELECT * WHERE { <" + bcAbout + "> ?p ?o } LIMIT 1"); toUpdate = (qr.results().size() >= 1); //upload to a new temporary context, if ok rename the context otherwise remove String tmpGraph = "urn:cloudicaro:context:BusinessConfiguration:tmp:" + UUID.randomUUID(); String graph = "urn:cloudicaro:context:BusinessConfiguration:" + name; String data = ValidateResource.transformBlankNodes(doc); rdfStore.addStatements(data, "application/rdf+xml", tmpGraph); try { if (check) validationResult = ValidateResource.validateBusinessConfigurationGraph(tmpGraph); } finally { if (validationResult != null) { rdfStore.removeGraph(tmpGraph); IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, op, "BC", name, "FAILED-KB-VALIDATION", validationResult, content, request); throw new KbException(validationResult, 400); } else { //remove context associated with id and then rename the graph to the new one rdfStore.removeGraph(graph); if (conf.get("kb.bcUpdateFix", "false").equals("false")) rdfStore.update("MOVE <" + tmpGraph + "> TO <" + graph + ">"); else { rdfStore.removeGraph(tmpGraph); rdfStore.addStatements(data, "application/rdf+xml", graph); } } } Date mid = new Date(); //post content on RDF store in the context //???rdfStore.addStatements(content, "application/rdf+xml", graph); if (request != null) { rdfStore.flush(); // save the request to disk IcaroKnowledgeBase.storePut(start, content, name, "BC"); if (conf.get("", "false").equals("true")) { try { String smUrl = conf.get("", ""); if (toUpdate) smUrl = smUrl + "/" + bcAbout; ServerMonitoringClient client = new ServerMonitoringClient(smUrl); client.setUsernamePassword(conf.get("", "test"), conf.get("", "12345")); String result; if (toUpdate) { System.out.println("PUT BC " + bcAbout + " to SM"); result = client.putXml(content); } else { System.out.println("POST BC to SM"); result = client.postXml(content); } System.out.println("SM result:\n" + result); client.close(); Date end = new Date(); System.out.println(start + " KB-PERFORMANCE " + op + " BC " + name + " kb:" + (mid.getTime() - start.getTime()) + "ms sm:" + (end.getTime() - mid.getTime()) + "ms"); IcaroKnowledgeBase.log(start, op, "BC", name, "OK", request); /*if(conf.get("kb.sce.forward.BusinessConfiguration", "false").equals("true")) { try { String sceUrl=conf.get("kb.sce.url", ""); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, op, "BC", name, "FAILED-SCE", e.getLocalizedMessage(), content, request); } }*/ return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, op, "BC", name, "FAILED-SM", e.getLocalizedMessage(), content, request); throw new KbException("Failed setting monitoring: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), 400); } } IcaroKnowledgeBase.log(start, op, "BC", name, "OK", request); } return ""; } /** * DELETE method for resource BusinessConfigurationResource */ @DELETE public void delete(@Context HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { if (IcaroKnowledgeBase.isRecovering()) throw new KbException("KB is recovering try later", 400); deleteBusinessConfiguration(, request); } static public void deleteBusinessConfiguration(String name, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Date start = new Date(); Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); //remove context associated with id RDFStoreInterface rdfStore = RDFStore.getInstance(); String graph = "urn:cloudicaro:context:BusinessConfiguration:" + name; String bcAbout = ""; if (conf.get("", "false").equals("true")) { //find the BusinessConfiguration id that is in this graph QueryResult qr = rdfStore.query(IcaroKnowledgeBase.SPARQL_PREFIXES + "SELECT ?bc WHERE { GRAPH <" + graph + "> { ?bc a icr:BusinessConfiguration } }"); if (qr.results().size() == 1) { bcAbout = qr.results().get(0).get("bc").getValue(); } else if (qr.results().size() > 1) { String error = "Not only one BC in graph " + graph; IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, "DELETE", "BC", name, "FAILED-ID-CHECK", error, null, request); throw new KbException(error, 400); } } rdfStore.removeGraph(graph); //request is null when the KB is recovered if (request != null) { rdfStore.flush(); IcaroKnowledgeBase.storeDelete(start, name, "BC"); Date mid = new Date(); if (!bcAbout.equals("")) { //forward the delete operation to SM try { String smUrl = conf.get("", "") + "/" + bcAbout; ServerMonitoringClient client = new ServerMonitoringClient(smUrl); client.setUsernamePassword(conf.get("", "test"), conf.get("", "12345")); System.out.println("DELETE BC " + bcAbout + " to SM"); client.delete(); client.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); IcaroKnowledgeBase.error(start, "DELETE", "BC", name, "FAILED-SM", e.getLocalizedMessage(), null, request); throw new KbException("Failed deleting monitoring: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), 400); } } Date end = new Date(); System.out.println(start + " KB-PERFORMANCE DELETE BC " + name + " kb:" + (mid.getTime() - start.getTime()) + "ms sm:" + (end.getTime() - mid.getTime()) + "ms"); IcaroKnowledgeBase.log(start, "DELETE", "BC", name, "OK", request); } } @Path("hlmetrics") @GET @Produces("application/xml") public String getHlmMetrics(@QueryParam("format") String format, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { if (IcaroKnowledgeBase.isRecovering()) throw new KbException("KB is recovering try later", 400); String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; Date start = new Date(); RDFStoreInterface rdfStore = RDFStore.getInstance(); //determina il grafo della BC String graph; if ("urn:") ||"http:")) { QueryResult query = rdfStore.query(IcaroKnowledgeBase.SPARQL_PREFIXES + " SELECT ?g WHERE {" + " GRAPH ?g {" + " <" + + "> a icr:BusinessConfiguration." + " }}"); if (query.results().size() > 0) graph = query.results().get(0).get("g").getValue(); else throw new KbException("BusinessConfiguration \"" + + "\" not found", 400); } else graph = "urn:cloudicaro:context:BusinessConfiguration:" +; //prende dalla config i nomi delle metriche di alto livello da calcolare comunque Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance(); String defaultMetrics = conf.get("kb.hlm.default_bc_metrics", ""); String union = ""; if (defaultMetrics.trim().length() > 0) { String[] bc_metrics = defaultMetrics.split(";"); StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.append(bc_metrics[0]); for (int x = 1; x < bc_metrics.length; ++x) { filter.append("\",\"").append(bc_metrics[x]); } union = " UNION {" + " ?mt a icr:HighLevelMetricType;" + " icr:hasMetricName ?mn." + " FILTER (?mn IN (\"" + filter.toString() + "\")) }"; } if (format == null || format.equalsIgnoreCase("HLMXML")) { //cerca le metriche di alto livello per macchina usate nella configurazione, ordinate per gruppo QueryResult query = rdfStore .query(IcaroKnowledgeBase.SPARQL_PREFIXES + " SELECT DISTINCT ?grp ?mt WHERE {" + " { GRAPH <" + graph + "> {" + " ?s icr:hasMetricName ?mn." + " }" + " ?mt a icr:MachineHighLevelMetricType;" + " icr:hasMetricName ?mn. } " + union.replace("icr:HighLevelMetricType", "icr:MachineHighLevelMetricType") + " ?mt icr:forGroup ?grp." + " } ORDER BY ?grp"); xml += "<metrics>\n" + "<hostgroupmetrics>\n"; String prvGrp = ""; for (Map<String, ResultValue> r : query.results()) { String grp = r.get("grp").getValue(); String mt = r.get("mt").getValue(); if (!grp.equals(prvGrp)) { if (!prvGrp.equals("")) xml += "</hostgroup>\n"; xml += "<hostgroup group=\"" + grp + "\">\n"; } xml += IcaroKnowledgeBase.getHighLevelMetricType(mt).getHlmXml(); prvGrp = grp; } if (!prvGrp.equals("")) xml += "</hostgroup>\n"; //cerca le metriche di alto livello per servizi usate nella configurazione, ordinate per gruppo query = rdfStore.query(IcaroKnowledgeBase.SPARQL_PREFIXES + " SELECT DISTINCT ?grp ?mt WHERE {" + " { GRAPH <" + graph + "> {" + " ?s icr:hasMetricName ?mn." + " }" + " ?mt a icr:ServiceHighLevelMetricType;" + " icr:hasMetricName ?mn. }" + union.replace("icr:HighLevelMetricType", "icr:ServiceHighLevelMetricType") + " ?mt icr:forGroup ?grp." + " } ORDER BY ?grp"); xml += "</hostgroupmetrics>\n" + "<servicemetrics>\n"; prvGrp = ""; for (Map<String, ResultValue> r : query.results()) { String grp = r.get("grp").getValue(); String mt = r.get("mt").getValue(); if (!grp.equals(prvGrp)) { if (!prvGrp.equals("")) xml += "</servicegroup>\n"; xml += "<servicegroup group=\"" + grp + "\">\n"; } xml += IcaroKnowledgeBase.getHighLevelMetricType(mt).getHlmXml(); prvGrp = grp; } if (!prvGrp.equals("")) xml += "</servicegroup>\n"; xml += "</servicemetrics>\n"; xml += "</metrics>\n"; } else { //cerca le metriche usate nella configurazione QueryResult query = rdfStore.query(IcaroKnowledgeBase.SPARQL_PREFIXES + " SELECT DISTINCT ?mt WHERE {" + " { GRAPH <" + graph + "> {" + " ?s icr:hasMetricName ?mn." + " }" + " ?mt a icr:HighLevelMetricType;" + " icr:hasMetricName ?mn. }" + union + "}"); xml += "<rdf:RDF xmlns:app=\"\" " + "xmlns:rdf=\"\" " + "xmlns:icr=\"\" " + "xmlns:foaf=\"\">\n"; //carica la definizione delle metriche di alto livello usate //produce l'xml per calcolo HLM for (Map<String, ResultValue> r : query.results()) { String mt = r.get("mt").getValue(); xml += IcaroKnowledgeBase.getHighLevelMetricType(mt).getRdfXml(); } xml += "</rdf:RDF>\n"; } IcaroKnowledgeBase.log(start, "GET-HLM", "BC", name, "OK", request); return xml; } }