Java tutorial
/** * Creation date: (08/09/2010) * @author: Svyatoslav Urbanovych */ /******************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005 Svyatoslav Urbanovych * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *********************************************************************************/ package it.classhidra.core.controller; import it.classhidra.core.init.auth_init; import it.classhidra.core.tool.exception.bsControllerException; import it.classhidra.core.tool.jaas_authentication.info_user; import it.classhidra.core.tool.jaas_authentication.load_users; import it.classhidra.core.tool.log.statistic.StatisticEntity; import it.classhidra.core.tool.log.stubs.iStub; import it.classhidra.core.tool.util.util_beanMessageFactory; import it.classhidra.core.tool.util.util_format; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; public class wsController { public String getId_UserSOAP(String user, String password, String isCodedInput) { if (isCodedInput != null && isCodedInput.toUpperCase().equals("TRUE")) { try { user = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(user.getBytes())); } catch (Exception e) { } try { password = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(password.getBytes())); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (bsController.getUser_config() == null) { bsController.setUser_config(new load_users()); try { ((load_users) bsController.getUser_config()).init(); if (((load_users) bsController.getUser_config()).isReadError()) ((load_users) bsController.getUser_config()).load_from_resources(); if (((load_users) bsController.getUser_config()).isReadError()) ((load_users) bsController.getUser_config()) .init(bsController.getAppInit().get_path_config() + bsController.CONST_XML_USERS); if (((load_users) bsController.getUser_config()).isReadError()) bsController.setUser_config(null); } catch (bsControllerException je) { bsController.setUser_config(null); } } info_user _user = ((load_users) bsController.getUser_config()).get_user(user, password); if (_user != null) { auth_init auth = new auth_init(); auth.set_user(_user.getName()); auth.set_userDesc(_user.getDescription()); auth.set_ruolo(_user.getGroup()); auth.set_language(_user.getLanguage()); auth.set_matricola(_user.getMatriculation()); auth.set_target(_user.getTarget().replace(';', '^')); auth.get_target_property().put(bsConstants.CONST_AUTH_TARGET_ISTITUTION, auth.get_target()); auth.set_logged(true); String redirectSSOID = auth.get_matricola() + "$$" + auth.get_ruolo() + "$$" + util_format.dataToString(new Date(), "yyyyMMddHHmm"); try { redirectSSOID = bsController.encrypt(redirectSSOID.toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception e) { } return redirectSSOID; } return ""; } public String PerformActionSOAP(String id_action, String ssoid, String inputXML, String isCodedInput, String isCodedOutput) { HashMap wsParameters = new HashMap(); wsParameters.put(bsController.CONST_ID, id_action); wsParameters.put(bsController.CONST_SSOID, ssoid); String outputXML = ""; Vector errors = new Vector(); auth_init auth = null; if (auth == null) auth = new auth_init(); StatisticEntity stat = null; try { stat = new StatisticEntity("ws", auth.get_user_ip(), auth.get_matricola(), auth.get_language(), id_action, null, new Date(), null, null); } catch (Exception e) { } if (isCodedInput != null && isCodedInput.toUpperCase().equals("TRUE")) { try { inputXML = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(inputXML.getBytes())); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (id_action != null) { Vector _streams = new Vector(); Vector _streams_orig = (Vector) bsController.getAction_config().get_streams_apply_to_actions().get("*"); if (_streams_orig != null) _streams.addAll(_streams_orig); Vector _streams4action = (Vector) bsController.getAction_config().get_streams_apply_to_actions() .get(id_action); if (_streams4action != null) _streams.addAll(_streams4action); i_action action_instance = null; try { try { performStream_Enter(_streams, id_action, action_instance, wsParameters); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } action_instance = bsController.getAction_config().actionFactory(id_action); i_bean bean_instance = bsController.getAction_config() .beanFactory(action_instance.get_infoaction().getName()); if (bean_instance != null) { bean_instance.reimposta(); i_bean fromXML = null; try { fromXML = (i_bean) util_beanMessageFactory.message2bean(inputXML); } catch (Exception e) { } if (fromXML != null) bean_instance.reInit(fromXML); } action_instance.onPreSet_bean(); action_instance.set_bean(bean_instance); action_instance.onPostSet_bean(); action_instance.onPreInit(wsParameters); action_instance.init(wsParameters); action_instance.onPostInit(wsParameters); redirects redirect = null; if (action_instance.get_infoaction().getSyncro().toLowerCase().equals("true")) { action_instance.onPreSyncroservice(wsParameters); redirect = action_instance.syncroservice(wsParameters); action_instance.onPostSyncroservice(redirect, wsParameters); } else { action_instance.onPreActionservice(wsParameters); redirect = action_instance.actionservice(wsParameters); action_instance.onPostActionservice(redirect, wsParameters); } // redirects redirect = action_instance.actionservice(wsParameters); if (action_instance != null && action_instance.get_bean() != null) { String output4SOAP = (String) action_instance.get_bean().get(bsConstants.CONST_ID_OUTPUT4SOAP); if (output4SOAP == null) outputXML = util_beanMessageFactory.bean2xml(action_instance.get_bean(), action_instance.get_bean().get_infobean().getName(), true); else outputXML = output4SOAP; } try { performStream_Exit(_streams, id_action, action_instance, wsParameters); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } if (redirect != null) { String id_current = check_DO(redirect.get_uri()); if (id_current != null) { outputXML = PerformActionSOAP(id_action, ssoid, outputXML, isCodedInput, isCodedOutput); } } } catch (bsControllerException e) { errors.add(e.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { errors.add(ex.toString()); } catch (Throwable t) { errors.add(t.toString()); } } if (errors.size() > 0) { outputXML += util_beanMessageFactory.bean2xml(errors); } if (isCodedOutput != null && isCodedOutput.toUpperCase().equals("TRUE")) { try { outputXML = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(outputXML.getBytes())); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (stat != null) { stat.setFt(new Date()); bsController.putToStatisticProvider(stat); } return outputXML; } public boolean performStream_Enter(Vector _streams, String id_action, i_action action_instance, HashMap wsParameters) throws bsControllerException, Exception, Throwable { for (int i = 0; i < _streams.size(); i++) { info_stream iStream = (info_stream) _streams.get(i); i_stream currentStream = bsController.getAction_config().streamFactory(iStream.getName()); if (currentStream != null) { currentStream.onPreEnter(wsParameters); redirects currentStreamRedirect = currentStream.streamservice_enter(wsParameters); currentStream.onPostEnter(currentStreamRedirect, wsParameters); if (currentStreamRedirect != null) { throw new bsControllerException( "BLOCKED from ENTER stream:" + currentStream.get_infostream().getName(), iStub.log_ERROR); } } } return true; } public boolean performStream_Exit(Vector _streams, String id_action, i_action action_instance, HashMap wsParameters) throws bsControllerException, Exception, Throwable { for (int i = _streams.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) { info_stream iStream = (info_stream) _streams.get(i); i_stream currentStream = bsController.getAction_config().streamFactory(iStream.getName()); if (currentStream != null) { currentStream.onPreExit(wsParameters); redirects currentStreamRedirect = currentStream.streamservice_exit(wsParameters); currentStream.onPostExit(currentStreamRedirect, wsParameters); if (currentStreamRedirect != null) { throw new bsControllerException( "BLOCKED from EXIT stream:" + currentStream.get_infostream().getName(), iStub.log_ERROR); } } } return true; } public String check_DO(String url) throws ServletException { String id_current = null; if (id_current == null) { try { if (url.lastIndexOf("/actions") + 8 == url.length()) url += "/"; if (url.lastIndexOf("/") > -1) id_current = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (id_current != null) { if (id_current.indexOf(bsConstants.CONST_EXTENTION_DO) > -1) { id_current = util_format.replace(id_current, bsConstants.CONST_EXTENTION_DO, ""); return id_current; } if (id_current.equals("") && (url.lastIndexOf("/actions/") + 9 == url.length())) { return bsController.getAppInit().get_enterpoint(); } } return null; } }