Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Massimiliano Fiori []. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.twitter; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.util.Log; import com.parrot.arsdk.arcontroller.ARDeviceController; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.optimized.Command; import it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.optimized.PriorityQueue; import it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.robot.Intelligence; import it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.robot.Interpreter; import it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.utility.Constants; import it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.utility.FileFilter; import it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.utility.Finder; import twitter4j.Paging; import twitter4j.StatusUpdate; import twitter4j.Twitter; import twitter4j.TwitterException; import twitter4j.User; /** * This AsyncTask (Async Thread) is called by the main ({@link it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.PilotingActivity}) every one minute.<br /> * This thread find the last twitter mention (@User ... ) after <b>"idLastTwit"</b>, extract commands list, * send to Robot and after finish reply to mention with a Tweet.<br /> * Created on 21/11/15. * * @author Massimiliano Fiori [] * @see <a href="" target="_blank">AsyncTask</a> * @see <a href="" target="_blank">Shared Preferences</a> * @see <a href=" target="_blank">Twitter4j Library</a> * @see it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.PilotingActivity */ public class TwitterListener extends AsyncTask<String, Boolean, List<String>> { private static final String TAG = TwitterListener.class.getSimpleName(); private List<String> execute = new ArrayList<String>(); private Long idLastTwit; private Context context; private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock; private List<String> licenses = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<twitter4j.Status> statuses; private SharedPreferences sharedPref; private SharedPreferences.Editor editor; private ARDeviceController deviceController; private Finder f = new Finder(); private Twitter twitter; private String ip_host; /** * @param c Context. * @param device ARDeviceController. * @param twitter Twitter4j instance. */ public TwitterListener(Context c, ARDeviceController device, Twitter twitter) { this.context = c; this.deviceController = device; this.twitter = twitter; } /** * @param c Context. * @param device ARDeviceController. * @param twitter Twitter4j instance. * @param ip Robot ip address. */ public TwitterListener(Context c, ARDeviceController device, Twitter twitter, String ip) { this.context = c; this.deviceController = device; this.twitter = twitter; this.ip_host = ip; } /** * @param c Context. * @param device ARDeviceController. * @param licenses Twitter users license. * @param twitter Twitter4j instance. */ public TwitterListener(Context c, ARDeviceController device, List<String> licenses, Twitter twitter) { this.context = c; this.deviceController = device; this.licenses = licenses; this.twitter = twitter; } /** * @param c Context. * @param device ARDeviceController. * @param licenses Twitter users license. * @param twitter Twitter4j instance. * @param ip Robot ip address. */ public TwitterListener(Context c, ARDeviceController device, List<String> licenses, Twitter twitter, String ip) { this.context = c; this.deviceController = device; this.licenses = licenses; this.twitter = twitter; this.ip_host = ip; } /** * Method auto invoked pre execute the task.<br /> * This method read the last mention id from Shared Preferences. */ @Override protected void onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute(); // take CPU lock to prevent CPU from going off if the user // presses the power button during download PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, getClass().getName()); mWakeLock.acquire(); sharedPref = context.getSharedPreferences(Constants.MY_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); editor = sharedPref.edit(); idLastTwit = sharedPref.getLong(Constants.LAST_ID_MENTIONED, 0); } /** * This method is called when invoke <b>execute()</b>.<br /> * Do not invoke manually. Use: <i>new TwitterListener().execute("");</i> * * @param params */ @Override protected List<String> doInBackground(String... params) { Intelligence ai = new Intelligence(); try { User user = twitter.verifyCredentials(); Paging paging; if (idLastTwit != 0) paging = new Paging(idLastTwit + 1); else paging = new Paging(); paging.count(100); statuses = twitter.getMentionsTimeline(paging); if (statuses.size() != 0 && statuses != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Showing @" + user.getScreenName() + "'s mentions:"); Log.d(TAG, statuses.get(0).getText() + "-- ID: " + statuses.get(0).getId()); if (!"".equals(statuses.get(0).getText()) && licenses.size() == 0) { extractCommand(ai, statuses); Log.d(TAG, "Non ho licenze attive!"); } else if (!"".equals(statuses.get(0).getText()) && licenses.size() > 0 && f.boolContainsIgnoreCase(licenses, String.valueOf(statuses.get(0).getUser().getId()))) { extractCommand(ai, statuses); Log.i(TAG, "Seguo la lista delle licenze: " + licenses.toString()); } else { publishProgress(false); } if (deviceController != null) { Random r = new Random(); Interpreter interp = new Interpreter(deviceController); for (int i = 0; i < execute.size(); i++) { Log.d(TAG, "Seguenza istruzioni rilevate: " + execute.toString()); if (execute.size() >= 1 && "EXECUTE".equals(execute.get(i)) && f.getUrls(statuses.get(0).getText()).size() != 0) { String url = statuses.get(0).getURLEntities()[0].getExpandedURL(); // String url = f.getUrls(statuses.get(0).getText()).get(0); File folder = new File(Constants.DIR_ROBOT); Log.d(TAG, "URL Expanded: " + url); if (downloadFileUrl(url, folder)) { FileFilter ff = new FileFilter(); File[] list = folder.listFiles(ff); Log.e(TAG, "Lista file: " + list.length); if (list != null && list.length >= 1) { if (list[0].getName().endsWith(".csv") || list[0].getName().endsWith(".txt")) { String commandsList = ""; try { commandsList = f.getStringFromFile(list[0].getPath()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.d(TAG, "Lista comandi: " + commandsList); interp.doListCommands(commandsList); list[0].delete(); if (i == execute.size() - 1) { try { StatusUpdate reply = new StatusUpdate( ai.actionAnswer(execute.get(i)).get( r.nextInt(ai.actionAnswer(execute.get(i)).size())) + "@" + statuses.get(0).getUser().getScreenName()); reply.setInReplyToStatusId(statuses.get(0).getId()); twitter.updateStatus(reply); } catch (TwitterException te) { Log.e(TAG, "Twitter Post Error: " + te.getMessage()); } } } } } } else if (execute.size() >= 1 && "PHOTO".equals(execute.get(i))) { // Download immagine e post nel tweet if (interp.doCommand(execute.get(i)) == 0) { String result = FTPDownloadFile(ip_host, 21, "anonymous", "", context); if (i == execute.size() - 1 && !"".equals(result)) { try { StatusUpdate reply = new StatusUpdate(ai.actionAnswer(execute.get(i)) .get(r.nextInt(ai.actionAnswer(execute.get(i)).size())) + "@" + statuses.get(0).getUser().getScreenName()); reply.setInReplyToStatusId(statuses.get(0).getId()); File image = new File(Constants.DIR_ROBOT_IMG + "/" + result); Log.d(TAG, "Nome File immagine: " + image.getPath());; twitter.updateStatus(reply); image.delete(); } catch (TwitterException te) { Log.e(TAG, "Twitter Post Error: " + te.getMessage()); } } } } else if (execute.size() >= 1 && !"PHOTO".equals(execute.get(i)) && !"EXECUTE".equals(execute.get(i))) { if (interp.doCommand(execute.get(i)) == 0) { if (i == execute.size() - 1) { try { StatusUpdate reply = new StatusUpdate(ai.actionAnswer(execute.get(i)) .get(r.nextInt(ai.actionAnswer(execute.get(i)).size())) + "@" + statuses.get(0).getUser().getScreenName()); reply.setInReplyToStatusId(statuses.get(0).getId()); twitter.updateStatus(reply); } catch (TwitterException te) { Log.e(TAG, "Twitter Post Error: " + te.getMessage()); } } } } } } } Log.d(TAG, "ready exit"); } catch (TwitterException te) { te.printStackTrace(); Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get timeline: " + te.getMessage()); } return execute; } /** * This method extract ordered commands list. * * @param ai * @param statuses * @deprecated use {@link #extractCommandV2(Intelligence, List)} instead. */ private void extractCommand(Intelligence ai, List<twitter4j.Status> statuses) { publishProgress(false); HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); String twText = statuses.get(0).getText().toLowerCase(); for (String command : ai.getMoveOn()) { int lastIndex = 0; int count = 0; while (lastIndex != -1) { lastIndex = twText.indexOf(command, lastIndex); if (lastIndex != -1) { count++; map.put(lastIndex, "FORWARD"); lastIndex += command.length(); } } } for (String command : ai.getMoveBack()) { int lastIndex = 0; int count = 0; while (lastIndex != -1) { lastIndex = twText.indexOf(command, lastIndex); if (lastIndex != -1) { count++; map.put(lastIndex, "BACK"); lastIndex += command.length(); } } } for (String command : ai.getTurnLeft()) { int lastIndex = 0; int count = 0; while (lastIndex != -1) { lastIndex = twText.indexOf(command, lastIndex); if (lastIndex != -1) { count++; map.put(lastIndex, "LEFT"); lastIndex += command.length(); } } } for (String command : ai.getTurnRight()) { int lastIndex = 0; int count = 0; while (lastIndex != -1) { lastIndex = twText.indexOf(command, lastIndex); if (lastIndex != -1) { count++; map.put(lastIndex, "RIGHT"); lastIndex += command.length(); } } } for (String command : ai.getTakePhoto()) { int lastIndex = 0; int count = 0; while (lastIndex != -1) { lastIndex = twText.indexOf(command, lastIndex); if (lastIndex != -1) { count++; map.put(lastIndex, "PHOTO"); lastIndex += command.length(); } } } for (String command : ai.getExecuteCsv()) { int lastIndex = 0; int count = 0; while (lastIndex != -1) { lastIndex = twText.indexOf(command, lastIndex); if (lastIndex != -1) { count++; map.put(lastIndex, "EXECUTE"); lastIndex += command.length(); } } } Log.d(TAG, "MAP: " + map.toString()); List<String> ordered = f.getOrderedExtractedCommands(map); Log.d(TAG, "Lista Ordinata: " + ordered.toString()); execute = f.joinListCommands(ordered); Log.d(TAG, "LISTA FINALE: " + execute.toString()); editor.putLong(Constants.LAST_ID_MENTIONED, statuses.get(0).getId()); editor.apply(); } // TODO: create a new optimized extractCommand() method to use Priority Queue. public void extractCommandV2(Intelligence ai, List<twitter4j.Status> statuses) { // extractCommand(ai, statuses); PriorityQueue pq = f.processingMessage(statuses.get(0).getText()); // TODO: popolare l'oggetto execute. execute = f.getStringQueue(pq); /* Random r = new Random(); Command c = (Command) pq.lastPeek(); String lastString = c.getCmd(); Log.d(TAG, "Elemento pi grande nella coda, quindi anche l'ultimo ad essere eseguito: " + lastString); int result = f.executePQ(pq, deviceController, statuses, twitter); if (result == 1) { Log.e(TAG, "Errore nell'esecuzione della coda di priorit"); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Coda di priorit eseguita con successo."); try { StatusUpdate reply = new StatusUpdate(ai.actionAnswer(lastString).get(r.nextInt(ai.actionAnswer(lastString).size())) + "@" + statuses.get(0).getUser().getScreenName()); reply.setInReplyToStatusId(statuses.get(0).getId()); twitter.updateStatus(reply); } catch (TwitterException te) { Log.e(TAG, "Twitter Post Error: " + te.getMessage()); } editor.putLong(Constants.LAST_ID_MENTIONED, statuses.get(0).getId()); editor.apply(); } **/ editor.putLong(Constants.LAST_ID_MENTIONED, statuses.get(0).getId()); editor.apply(); } /** * Method auto invoked during execute the task. */ protected void onProgressUpdate(Boolean progress) { if (progress) { Log.w(TAG, "Find command!"); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Waiting for..."); } } /** * Method auto invoked on post execute the task. */ protected void onPostExecute(List<String> result) { mWakeLock.release(); if (result.size() >= 1) { Log.d(TAG, "Ultimo comando da eseguire: " + result.get(result.size() - 1)); } } // FIXME: find another efficiently way to do this step. this method do the same thing that ServerPolling task does, but i can't call another AsyncTask from class that is not main context. /** * Download File from Url in Folder; this method do the same thing that ServerPolling task does, * but i can't call another AsyncTask from class that is not main context. * * @param url * @param folder */ private Boolean downloadFileUrl(String url, File folder) { InputStream input = null; OutputStream output = null; String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(url); String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(url); Log.d(TAG, "FileName: " + baseName + " - FileExt: " + extension); boolean success = true; if (!folder.exists()) { success = folder.mkdir(); } HttpURLConnection connection = null; if (!f.isUrl(url)) return false; Boolean downloadSuccess = false; try { URL Url = new URL(url); connection = (HttpURLConnection) Url.openConnection(); connection.connect(); // expect HTTP 200 OK, so we don't mistakenly save error report // instead of the file if ((!url.endsWith(".csv") || !url.endsWith(".txt")) && connection.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { Log.e(TAG, "Server returned HTTP " + connection.getResponseCode() + " " + connection.getResponseMessage()); return false; } // this will be useful to display download percentage // might be -1: server did not report the length int fileLength = connection.getContentLength(); // download the file input = connection.getInputStream(); output = new FileOutputStream(folder.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + baseName + "." + extension); byte data[] = new byte[4096]; long total = 0; int count; while ((count = != -1) { // allow canceling with back button if (isCancelled()) { input.close(); return false; } total += count; output.write(data, 0, count); downloadSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (output != null) output.close(); if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } if (connection != null) connection.disconnect(); } return true; } // FIXME: find another efficiently way to do this step. this method do the same thing that FTPDownloadImage task does, but i can't call another AsyncTask from class that is not main context. /** * @param host FTP Host name. * @param port FTP port. * @param user FTP User. * @param pswd FTP Password. * @param c Context * @return Downloaded name file or blank list if something was going wrong. */ private String FTPDownloadFile(String host, Integer port, String user, String pswd, Context c) { String result = ""; FTPClient mFTPClient = null; try { mFTPClient = new FTPClient(); // connecting to the host mFTPClient.connect(host, port); // Now check the reply code, if positive mean connection success if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(mFTPClient.getReplyCode())) { // Login using username & password boolean status = mFTPClient.login(user, pswd); mFTPClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); mFTPClient.enterLocalPassiveMode(); mFTPClient.changeWorkingDirectory(Constants.DIR_ROBOT_MEDIA); FTPFile[] fileList = mFTPClient.listFiles(); long timestamp = 0l; String nameFile = ""; for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { if (fileList[i].isFile() && fileList[i].getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis() > timestamp) { timestamp = fileList[i].getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis(); nameFile = fileList[i].getName(); } } Log.d(TAG, "File da scaricare: " + nameFile); mFTPClient.enterLocalActiveMode(); File folder = new File(Constants.DIR_ROBOT_IMG); OutputStream outputStream = null; boolean success = true; if (!folder.exists()) { success = folder.mkdir(); } try { outputStream = new FileOutputStream(folder.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + nameFile); success = mFTPClient.retrieveFile(nameFile, outputStream); } catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } finally { if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.close(); } } if (success) { result = nameFile; mFTPClient.deleteFile(nameFile); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (mFTPClient != null) { try { mFTPClient.logout(); mFTPClient.disconnect(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } } } return result; } }