Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Davide Imbriaco * * This Java file is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package it.anyplace.sync.bep; import; import static; import; import it.anyplace.sync.core.beans.FileInfo; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import it.anyplace.sync.core.utils.PathUtils; import static it.anyplace.sync.core.utils.PathUtils.*; import java.util.Comparator; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import it.anyplace.sync.core.utils.ExecutorUtils; import; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import it.anyplace.sync.core.interfaces.IndexRepository; import static it.anyplace.sync.core.utils.FileInfoOrdering.ALPHA_ASC_DIR_FIRST; import static; import static; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * * @author aleph */ public final class IndexBrowser implements Closeable { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final LoadingCache<String, List<FileInfo>> listFolderCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // .weigher(new Weigher<String, List<FileInfo>>() { // @Override // public int weigh(String key, List<FileInfo> list) { // return list.size(); // } // }) // .maximumSize(1000) .build(new CacheLoader<String, List<FileInfo>>() { @Override public List<FileInfo> load(String path) throws Exception { return doListFiles(path); } }); private final LoadingCache<String, FileInfo> fileInfoCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // .maximumSize(1000) // .weigher(new Weigher<String, FileInfo>() { // @Override // public int weigh(String key, FileInfo fileInfo) { // return fileInfo.getBlocks().size(); // } // }) .build(new CacheLoader<String, FileInfo>() { @Override public FileInfo load(String path) throws Exception { return doGetFileInfoByAbsolutePath(path); } }); private final String folder; private final IndexRepository indexRepository; private final IndexHandler indexHandler; private String currentPath; private final boolean includeParentInList, allowParentInRoot; private final FileInfo PARENT_FILE_INFO, ROOT_FILE_INFO; private Comparator<FileInfo> ordering; private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); private final Object indexHandlerEventListener = new Object() { @Subscribe public void handleIndexChangedEvent(IndexHandler.IndexChangedEvent event) { if (equal(event.getFolder(), folder)) { invalidateCache(); } } }; private final Set<String> preloadJobs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private final Object preloadJobsLock = new Object(); private IndexBrowser(IndexRepository indexRepository, IndexHandler indexHandler, String folder, boolean includeParentInList, boolean allowParentInRoot, Comparator<FileInfo> ordering) { checkNotNull(indexRepository); checkNotNull(indexHandler); checkNotNull(emptyToNull(folder)); this.indexRepository = indexRepository; this.indexHandler = indexHandler; this.indexHandler.getEventBus().register(indexHandlerEventListener); this.folder = folder; this.includeParentInList = includeParentInList; this.allowParentInRoot = allowParentInRoot; this.ordering = ordering; PARENT_FILE_INFO = FileInfo.newBuilder().setFolder(folder).setTypeDir().setPath(PARENT_PATH).build(); ROOT_FILE_INFO = FileInfo.newBuilder().setFolder(folder).setTypeDir().setPath(ROOT_PATH).build(); this.currentPath = ROOT_PATH; executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.debug("folder cache cleanup"); listFolderCache.cleanUp(); fileInfoCache.cleanUp(); } }, 1, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } private void invalidateCache() { listFolderCache.invalidateAll(); fileInfoCache.invalidateAll(); preloadFileInfoForCurrentPath(); } private void preloadFileInfoForCurrentPath() { logger.debug("trigger preload for folder = '{}'", folder); synchronized (preloadJobsLock) { if (preloadJobs.contains(currentPath)) { preloadJobs.remove(currentPath); preloadJobs.add(currentPath); ///add last return; // no need to trigger job } else { preloadJobs.add(currentPath); executorService.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String preloadPath; synchronized (preloadJobsLock) { checkArgument(!preloadJobs.isEmpty()); preloadPath = Iterables.getLast(preloadJobs); //pop last job }"folder preload BEGIN for folder = '{}' path = '{}'", folder, preloadPath); getFileInfoByAbsolutePath(preloadPath); if (!PathUtils.isRoot(preloadPath)) { String parent = getParentPath(preloadPath); getFileInfoByAbsolutePath(parent); listFiles(parent); } for (FileInfo record : listFiles(preloadPath)) { if (!equal(record.getPath(), PARENT_FILE_INFO.getPath()) && record.isDirectory()) { listFiles(record.getPath()); } }"folder preload END for folder = '{}' path = '{}'", folder, preloadPath); synchronized (preloadJobsLock) { preloadJobs.remove(preloadPath); if (isCacheReady()) {"cache ready, notify listeners"); preloadJobsLock.notifyAll(); } else {"still {} job[s] left in cache loader", preloadJobs.size()); executorService.submit(this); } } } }); } } } public boolean isCacheReady() { synchronized (preloadJobsLock) { return preloadJobs.isEmpty(); } } public boolean isCacheReadyAfterALittleWait() { synchronized (preloadJobsLock) { if (!isCacheReady()) { try { preloadJobsLock.wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } return isCacheReady(); } } public IndexBrowser waitForCacheReady() { logger.debug("waiting for cache to be ready"); synchronized (preloadJobsLock) { while (!isCacheReady()) { try { preloadJobsLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } } return this; } public String getFolder() { return folder; } public String getCurrentPath() { return currentPath; } public FileInfo getCurrentPathInfo() { return getFileInfoByAbsolutePath(getCurrentPath()); } public String getCurrentPathFileName() { return PathUtils.getFileName(getCurrentPath()); } public IndexBrowser setOrdering(Comparator<FileInfo> ordering) { checkNotNull(ordering); this.ordering = ordering; //re-sort all data in cache for (Map.Entry<String, List<FileInfo>> entry : Lists.newArrayList(listFolderCache.asMap().entrySet())) { List<FileInfo> res = Lists.newArrayList(entry.getValue()); Collections.sort(res, IndexBrowser.this.ordering); listFolderCache.put(entry.getKey(), res); } return this; } public List<FileInfo> listFiles() { return listFiles(currentPath); } public List<FileInfo> listFiles(String absoluteDirPath) { logger.debug("listFiles for path = '{}'", absoluteDirPath); return listFolderCache.getUnchecked(absoluteDirPath); } private List<FileInfo> doListFiles(String path) { logger.debug("doListFiles for path = '{}' BEGIN", path); List<FileInfo> list = indexRepository.findNotDeletedFilesByFolderAndParent(folder, path); logger.debug("doListFiles for path = '{}' : {} records loaded)", path, list.size()); for (FileInfo fileInfo : list) { fileInfoCache.put(fileInfo.getPath(), fileInfo); } Collections.sort(list, ordering); if (includeParentInList && (!PathUtils.isRoot(path) || allowParentInRoot)) { list.add(0, PARENT_FILE_INFO); } logger.debug("doListFiles for path = '{}' : loaded list = {}", list); logger.debug("doListFiles for path = '{}' END", path); return Collections.unmodifiableList(list); } public boolean isRoot() { return PathUtils.isRoot(currentPath); } public List<String> listNames() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(Lists.transform(listFiles(), new Function<FileInfo, String>() { @Override public String apply(FileInfo input) { return input.getFileName(); } })); } public FileInfo getFileInfoByRelativePath(String relativePath) { return getFileInfoByAbsolutePath(getAbsolutePath(relativePath)); } public FileInfo getFileInfoByAbsolutePath(String path) { return PathUtils.isRoot(path) ? ROOT_FILE_INFO : fileInfoCache.getUnchecked(path); } private FileInfo doGetFileInfoByAbsolutePath(String path) { logger.debug("doGetFileInfoByAbsolutePath for path = '{}' BEGIN", path); FileInfo fileInfo = indexRepository.findNotDeletedFileInfo(folder, path); checkNotNull(fileInfo, "file not found for path = %s", path); logger.debug("doGetFileInfoByAbsolutePath for path = '{}' END", path); return fileInfo; } private String getAbsolutePath(String relativePath) { if (equal(PARENT_PATH, relativePath)) { return getParentPath(currentPath); } else { return normalizePath(currentPath + PATH_SEPARATOR + relativePath); } } public IndexBrowser navigateToRelativePath(String newPath) { return navigateToAbsolutePath(getAbsolutePath(newPath)); } public IndexBrowser navigateTo(FileInfo fileInfo) { checkArgument(fileInfo.isDirectory()); checkArgument(equal(fileInfo.getFolder(), folder)); return equal(fileInfo.getPath(), PARENT_FILE_INFO.getPath()) ? navigateToParentPath() : navigateToAbsolutePath(fileInfo.getPath()); } public IndexBrowser navigateToNearestPath(@Nullable String oldPath) { while (!StringUtils.isBlank(oldPath)) { try { return navigateToAbsolutePath(oldPath); } catch (Exception ex) { return navigateToNearestPath(PathUtils.getParentPath(oldPath)); } } return this; } public IndexBrowser navigateToAbsolutePath(String newPath) { if (PathUtils.isRoot(newPath)) { currentPath = ROOT_PATH; } else { FileInfo fileInfo = getFileInfoByAbsolutePath(newPath); checkNotNull(fileInfo, "path %s does not exist", getAbsolutePath(newPath)); checkArgument(fileInfo.isDirectory(), "cannot navigate to path %s: not a directory", fileInfo.getPath()); currentPath = fileInfo.getPath(); }"navigate to path = '{}'", currentPath); preloadFileInfoForCurrentPath(); return this; } public IndexBrowser navigateToParentPath() { return navigateToAbsolutePath(getParentPath(currentPath)); } @Override public void close() {"closing"); this.indexHandler.getEventBus().unregister(indexHandlerEventListener); executorService.shutdown(); ExecutorUtils.awaitTerminationSafe(executorService); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder { private String folder; private IndexRepository indexRepository; private IndexHandler indexHandler; private boolean includeParentInList, allowParentInRoot; private Comparator<FileInfo> ordering = ALPHA_ASC_DIR_FIRST; private Builder() { } public String getFolder() { return folder; } public Builder setFolder(String folder) { this.folder = folder; return this; } public IndexRepository getIndexRepository() { return indexRepository; } public Builder setIndexRepository(IndexRepository indexRepository) { this.indexRepository = indexRepository; return this; } public IndexHandler getIndexHandler() { return indexHandler; } public Builder setIndexHandler(IndexHandler indexHandler) { this.indexHandler = indexHandler; return this; } public boolean doIncludeParentInList() { return includeParentInList; } public Builder includeParentInList(boolean includeParentInList) { this.includeParentInList = includeParentInList; return this; } public boolean doAllowParentInRoot() { return allowParentInRoot; } public Builder allowParentInRoot(boolean allowParentInRoot) { this.allowParentInRoot = allowParentInRoot; return this; } public Comparator<FileInfo> getOrdering() { return ordering; } public Builder setOrdering(Comparator<FileInfo> ordering) { checkNotNull(ordering); this.ordering = ordering; return this; } public IndexBrowser build() { return buildToAbsolutePath(ROOT_PATH); } public IndexBrowser buildToNearestPath(@Nullable String oldPath) { return new IndexBrowser(indexRepository, indexHandler, folder, includeParentInList, allowParentInRoot, ordering).navigateToNearestPath(oldPath); } public IndexBrowser buildToAbsolutePath(String absolutePath) { return new IndexBrowser(indexRepository, indexHandler, folder, includeParentInList, allowParentInRoot, ordering).navigateToAbsolutePath(absolutePath); } } }