Java tutorial
package is.idega.idegaweb.egov.gumbo.licenses; import is.fiskistofa.webservices.skip.FSWebServiceSKIP_wsdl.SkipInfoTypeUser; import is.fiskistofa.webservices.veidileyfi.FSWebServiceVEIDILEYFI_wsdl.CheckReplyTypeUser; import is.fiskistofa.webservices.veidileyfi.FSWebServiceVEIDILEYFI_wsdl.CodeTypeUser; import is.fiskistofa.webservices.veidileyfi.FSWebServiceVEIDILEYFI_wsdl.VeidileyfagerdTypeUser; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.gumbo.GumboConstants; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.gumbo.licenses.Interval.XFormsInterval; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.gumbo.util.GumboUtil; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.idega.bpm.xformsview.converters.DateConverter; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.text.Item; @Service("fishingLicenseUser") @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON) public class FishingLicenseUser extends DefaultSpringBean { @Autowired @Qualifier(DOFWSClient.WEB_SERVICE) private DOFWSClient client; @Autowired private FJSWSClient fjsClient; @Autowired private DateConverter dateConverter; @Autowired private GumboUtil gumboUtil; public CompanyData getCompanyForCurrentUser() { return getClient().getCompanyForUser(getCurrentUser()); } public List<Item> getVesselsForUser() { return getClient().getVesselsForUser(getCurrentUser()); } public List<Item> getGeneralVesselsForUser(String companyPersonalID) { return getClient().getGeneralVesselsForUser(companyPersonalID); } public List<Item> getDragnotVesselsForUser(String companyPersonalID) { return getClient().getDragnotVesselsForUser(companyPersonalID); } public List<Item> getStrandveidiVesselsForUser(String companyPersonalID) { return getClient().getStrandveidiVesselsForUser(companyPersonalID); } public List<Item> getGrasleppaVesselsForUser(String companyPersonalID) { return getClient().getGrasleppaVesselsForUser(companyPersonalID); } public VesselData getUserVesselData(String vesselId) { VesselData data = new VesselData(); SkipInfoTypeUser wsRes = getClient().getShipInfo(vesselId); if (wsRes != null) { data.setName(wsRes.getNafn()); data.setOwnersName(wsRes.getEigandiNafn()); data.setOwnersSocialSecurityNr(wsRes.getEigandiKt()); data.setRegistryNr(wsRes.getSkipNr().toString()); } return data; } /** * used in the forms: general fishing license * * @return types of licenses depending on logged in user */ public List<Item> getTypesOfFishingLicenses() { IWBundle iwb = getBundle(GumboConstants.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwb); final List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(2); items.add(new Item(FishingLicenseType.CATCH_QUOTA.toString(), iwrb.getLocalizedString("license_type." + FishingLicenseType.CATCH_QUOTA.toString().toLowerCase(), FishingLicenseType.CATCH_QUOTA.toString().toLowerCase()))); items.add(new Item(FishingLicenseType.HOOK_CATCH_QUOTA.toString(), iwrb.getLocalizedString( "license_type." + FishingLicenseType.HOOK_CATCH_QUOTA.toString().toLowerCase(), FishingLicenseType.HOOK_CATCH_QUOTA.toString().toLowerCase()))); return items; } /** * used in the forms: grasleppa * * @return fishing areas depending on logged in user */ public List<Item> getFishingAreas() { List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); Map<BigDecimal, VeidileyfagerdTypeUser> ret = getClient().getGrasleppaAreas(); if (ret != null && !ret.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iterator = ret.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { VeidileyfagerdTypeUser item = ret.get(; items.add(new Item(item.getVlyfId().toString(), item.getKodiSvaedis() + " - " + item.getHeitiSvaedis())); } } return items; } /** * used in the forms: draganotaveidi * * @return */ public String getFishingAreaForDraganotaveidi(String shipId) { return getClient().getFishingAreaForDraganotaveidi(shipId).getText(); } public XFormsBooleanResult getVesselHasValidGeneralLicense(String shipId, String licenseType, String startOfFishing) { if (shipId == null || shipId.length() == 0 || licenseType == null || licenseType.length() == 0) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(false, ""); } try { new BigDecimal(shipId); new IWTimestamp(startOfFishing); } catch (Exception e) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(false, ""); } LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getHasValidFishingLicense(shipId, licenseType, new IWTimestamp(startOfFishing).getCalendar()); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } /** * used in the forms: general fishing license * * @return text informing user that he has some kind of a license (which is * not in the available selection of license types). empty - if user * doesn't have any license. */ public String getHasLicenseText() { return ""; } /** * used in the forms: general fishing license, strandveidileyfi, grasleppa * * @return */ public XFormsBooleanResult getVesselHasValidHaffairisskirteini(String vesselId, String startOfFishing) { try { new BigDecimal(vesselId); new IWTimestamp(startOfFishing); } catch (Exception e) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(false, ""); } final LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getHasValidSeafaringLicense(vesselId); if (!res.isHasLicense()) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } SkipInfoTypeUser info = getClient().getShipInfo(vesselId); IWTimestamp infoValidTo = new IWTimestamp(info.getHaffaeriGildirTil().getTime()); IWTimestamp selectedFrom = new IWTimestamp(startOfFishing); if (infoValidTo.isEarlierThan(selectedFrom)) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(false, res.getMessage()); } return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } /** * used in the forms: grasleppa * * @return */ public XFormsBooleanResult getVesselHasValidGeneralFishingLicense(String vesselId) { /* * final LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient() * .getHasValidGeneralFishingLicense(vesselId); */ LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getHasValidQuotaLimitFishingLicense(vesselId); if (!res.isHasLicense()) { res = getClient().getHasValidHookQuotaLimitFishingLicense(vesselId); } if (res.isHasLicense()) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } else { IWBundle iwb = getBundle(GumboConstants.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwb); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), iwrb.getLocalizedString("NO_VALID_LICENSE_GRASLEPPA", "Ship has no valid general fishing license (aflamark or krokaflamark)")); } } /** * used in forms: general fishing license, strandveidileyfi, grasleppa * <p> * informs the user that he's in debt for fiskistofa (after he submits the * application) * </p> * * @return string true or false */ public String getIsInDebt(String vesselId) { return new Boolean(getFJSClient().getIsInDebt(vesselId)).toString(); } /** * used in forms: strandveidileyfi * * @return */ public XFormsBooleanResult getVesselHasValidStrandveidileyfi(String vesselId) { final LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getHasValidCoastFishingLicense(vesselId); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } /** * used in forms: draganotaveidi * * @return string true or false */ public String getCompanyAddressFallsInArea(String areaId) { // TODO is this needed? I'm not using this in the form now return "true"; } /** * used in forms: draganotaveidi * * @return Result With Message */ public XFormsBooleanResult getVesselHasValidAflamarksleyfiDragnot(String vesselId) { final LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getHasValidQuotaLimitFishingLicenseDragnot(vesselId); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } /** * used in forms: draganotaveidi * * @return Result With Message */ public XFormsBooleanResult getVesselHasValidAflamarksleyfi(String vesselId) { final LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getHasValidQuotaLimitFishingLicense(vesselId); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } /** * used in forms: all forms * * @return Result With Message */ public XFormsBooleanResult getHasRevokedFishingLicense(String vesselId) { final LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getHasRevokedFishingLicense(vesselId); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } /** * used in forms: grasleppa * * @return string true or false */ public String getCompanyHasValidGrasleppa() { // Is always true, since Fiskisofa only returns us the ships that have // this license. return "true"; } /** * used in forms: dragnot * * @return string true or false */ public String getCompanyHasValidDragnot() { // Is always true, since Fiskisofa only returns us the ships that have // this license. return "true"; } /** * used in forms: strandveidileyfi * * @return string true or false */ public XFormsBooleanResult getFishingCompanyHasValidStrandveidileyfi() { CheckReplyTypeUser ret = getClient() .getFishingCompanyHasValidStrandveidileyfi(getCompanyForCurrentUser().getSocialSecurityNr()); boolean isValid = ret.getIsok().intValue() > 0; return new XFormsBooleanResult(isValid, ret.getMessage()); } /** * used in forms: strandveidileyfi * * @return string true or false */ public XFormsBooleanResult getFishingQuotaWithinLimits(String vesselId) { CheckReplyTypeUser ret = getClient().getQuotaTransferCheckForShip(vesselId); boolean isValid = ret.getIsok().intValue() > 0; return new XFormsBooleanResult(isValid, ret.getMessage()); } public XFormsBooleanResult doesNotExceedMaximumLength(String shipID) { try { new BigDecimal(shipID); } catch (Exception e) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(false, ""); } LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getMaximumLength(new BigDecimal(shipID)); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } public XFormsBooleanResult doesNotExceedMaximumPower(String shipID) { try { new BigDecimal(shipID); } catch (Exception e) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(false, ""); } LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getMaximumPower(new BigDecimal(shipID)); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } public XFormsBooleanResult isDragnotVessel(String shipID, String date) { IWTimestamp stamp = null; try { new BigDecimal(shipID); stamp = new IWTimestamp(getDateConverter().convertStringFromXFormsToDate(date)); } catch (Exception e) { return new XFormsBooleanResult(false, ""); } LicenseCheckContainer res = getClient().getIfDragnotVessel(new BigDecimal(shipID), stamp.getDateString("dd.MM.yyyy")); return new XFormsBooleanResult(res.isHasLicense(), res.getMessage()); } /** * used in forms: strandveidileyfi * * @return label of the fishing area for vessel */ public String getFishingAreaStrandveidi(String validFrom) { //Nota skyrr CompanyData comp = getCompanyForCurrentUser(); CodeTypeUser ret = getClient().getFishingAreaStrandveidi(comp.getPostalCode()); if (ret != null) { return ret.getText(); } return "error_from_webservice"; } public IWTimestamp getEndDateOfFishing(IWTimestamp from, String areaID) { Map<BigDecimal, VeidileyfagerdTypeUser> map = getClient().getGrasleppaAreas(); int daysToAdd = 0; IWTimestamp lastPossibleDate = new IWTimestamp(from); if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { VeidileyfagerdTypeUser item = map.get(new BigDecimal(areaID)); if (item != null) { daysToAdd = item.getDagafjoldi().intValue() - 1; lastPossibleDate = new IWTimestamp(item.getUrGildi().getTime()); } } IWTimestamp to = new IWTimestamp(from); to.addDays(daysToAdd); if (to.isLaterThan(lastPossibleDate)) { return lastPossibleDate; } return to; } public String getLicenseEndDate(String from, String area) { if (from == null || from.isEmpty() || !isInTimeframe(from, area)) { return ""; } try { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(getDateConverter().convertStringFromXFormsToDate(from)); IWTimestamp to = getEndDateOfFishing(stamp, area); return getDateConverter().convertDateToComplyWithXForms(to.getDate()); } catch (ParseException e) { // Screw you, hippie!! } return ""; } public String getLicenseEndDateFormatted(String from, String area) { return getGumboUtil().formatDate(getLicenseEndDate(from, area)); } public boolean isInTimeframe(String date, String areaID) { Map<BigDecimal, VeidileyfagerdTypeUser> map = getClient().getGrasleppaAreas(); IWTimestamp firstPossibleDate = null; IWTimestamp lastPossibleDate = null; if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { VeidileyfagerdTypeUser item = map.get(new BigDecimal(areaID)); if (item != null) { firstPossibleDate = new IWTimestamp(item.getUpphafVeiditimabils().getTime()); lastPossibleDate = new IWTimestamp(item.getUrGildi().getTime()); } } if (date != null && !date.isEmpty()) { IWTimestamp stamp = new IWTimestamp(date); if (firstPossibleDate != null && lastPossibleDate != null) { return stamp.isBetween(firstPossibleDate, lastPossibleDate); } } return false; } public XFormsInterval getLicenseIntervalForGrasleppa(String fishingAreaId) { Map<BigDecimal, VeidileyfagerdTypeUser> ret = getClient().getGrasleppaAreas(); VeidileyfagerdTypeUser type = ret.get(new BigDecimal(fishingAreaId)); final Interval iv = new Interval(type.getUpphafVeiditimabils().getTime(), type.getUrGildi().getTime()); return fromIntervalToXFormsInterval(iv); } private XFormsInterval fromIntervalToXFormsInterval(Interval iv) { return new XFormsInterval(getDateConverter().convertDateToComplyWithXForms(iv.getFrom()), getDateConverter().convertDateToComplyWithXForms(iv.getTo())); } public String getLicenseIntervalForGrasleppaLabel(String fishingAreaId) { Map<BigDecimal, VeidileyfagerdTypeUser> ret = getClient().getGrasleppaAreas(); VeidileyfagerdTypeUser type = ret.get(new BigDecimal(fishingAreaId)); IWTimestamp from = new IWTimestamp(type.getUpphafVeiditimabils().getTime()); IWTimestamp to = new IWTimestamp(type.getUrGildi().getTime()); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(from.getDateString("dd.MM.yyyy")).append(" - ") .append(to.getDateString("dd.MM.yyyy")); return builder.toString(); } public static final class VesselData { private String registryNr; private String name; private String ownersName; private String ownersSocialSecurityNr; public String getRegistryNr() { return registryNr; } public VesselData setRegistryNr(String registryNr) { this.registryNr = registryNr; return this; } public String getName() { return name; } public VesselData setName(String name) { = name; return this; } public String getOwnersName() { return ownersName; } public VesselData setOwnersName(String ownersName) { this.ownersName = ownersName; return this; } public String getOwnersSocialSecurityNr() { return ownersSocialSecurityNr; } public VesselData setOwnersSocialSecurityNr(String ownersSocialSecurityNr) { this.ownersSocialSecurityNr = ownersSocialSecurityNr; return this; } } public static final class XFormsBooleanResult { private final String message; private final String result; public XFormsBooleanResult(boolean result, String message) { this.message = message; this.result = result ? "true" : "false"; } public XFormsBooleanResult(boolean result) { this.message = null; this.result = result ? "true" : "false"; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public String getResult() { return result; } } private DOFWSClient getClient() { return client; } private FJSWSClient getFJSClient() { return fjsClient; } private DateConverter getDateConverter() { return dateConverter; } private GumboUtil getGumboUtil() { return gumboUtil; } public static final class CompanyData { private final String socialSecurityNr; private String name; private String address; private String postalCode; private String phoneNumber; private String email; private String faxNumber; private String place; public CompanyData(String socialSecurityNr) { this.socialSecurityNr = socialSecurityNr; } public String getName() { return name; } public CompanyData setName(String name) { = name; return this; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public CompanyData setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; return this; } public String getSocialSecurityNr() { return socialSecurityNr; } public String getPostalCode() { return postalCode; } public CompanyData setPostalCode(String postalCode) { this.postalCode = postalCode; return this; } public String getPhoneNumber() { return phoneNumber; } public CompanyData setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) { this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber; return this; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public CompanyData setEmail(String email) { = email; return this; } public String getFaxNumber() { return faxNumber; } public CompanyData setFaxNumber(String faxNumber) { this.faxNumber = faxNumber; return this; } public String getPlace() { return place; } public CompanyData setPlace(String place) { = place; return this; } } }