Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 Gabriel Skantze. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Gabriel Skantze - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package iristk.speech.nuance9; import iristk.speech.RecResult; import iristk.speech.nuance9.SWIep.SWIepAudioSamples; import iristk.speech.nuance9.SWIrec.SWIrecAudioSamples; import iristk.system.IrisUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding; import; import com.sun.jna.Memory; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.WString; import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference; import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference; public class BaseRecognizer extends Thread { /* * Enpointer parameters bargein incompletetimeout maxspeechtimeout secure_context sensitivity swiep_BOS_backoff swiep_EOS_backoff swiep_in_prompt_sensitivity_percent swiep_magic_word_max_msec swiep_magic_word_min_msec swiep_mode swiep_suppress_barge_in_time swiep_suppress_waveform_logging timeout * Recognizer parameters completetimeout confidencelevel incompletetimeout maxspeechtimeout secure_context sensitivity speedvsaccuracy swirec_acoustic_adapt_suppress_adaptation swirec_app_state_tokens swirec_application_name swirec_barge_in_mode swirec_company_name swiep_EOS_backoff swirec_busy_cpu_start swirec_extra_nbest_keys swirec_grammar_script swirec_grammar_script_sisr swirec_load_adjusted_speedvsaccuracy swirec_magic_word_conf_thresh swirec_max_arcs swirec_max_cpu_time swirec_max_logged_nbest swirec_max_parses_per_literal swirec_max_sentences_tried swirec_nbest_list_length swirec_normal_cpu_start swirec_return_waveform swirec_phoneme_lookahead_beam swirec_selective_barge_in_conf_thresh swirec_silence_prune_offset swirec_state_beam swirec_suppress_event_logging swirec_suppress_waveform_logging swirec_tenant_name swirec_waveform_begin_silence swirec_word_confidence_enabled swissm_confidence_threshold */ public static boolean debug = false; private Pointer recHandle; private Pointer epHandle; private static Boolean initialized = false; private HashMap<String, SWIrec.SWIrecGrammarData> grammars = new HashMap<String, SWIrec.SWIrecGrammarData>(); private boolean makeWords = false; private boolean makeNbest = false; private HashMap<String, String> recParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); private HashMap<String, String> epParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); private RecognizerThread recognizerThread; private NuanceResult result = null; public static String getEncoding(AudioFormat format) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (format.getFrameRate() != 8000 && format.getFrameRate() != 16000) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only process 8khz or 16khz"); if (format.isBigEndian()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only process little-endian"); if (format.getChannels() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only process mono sound"); if (format.getEncoding() == Encoding.ULAW) return "audio/basic;rate=8000"; else if (format.getEncoding() == Encoding.PCM_SIGNED) { if (format.getFrameSize() != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only process 16 bit PCM sound"); return "audio/L16;rate=8000"; } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad audio encoding: " + format.getEncoding()); } static void call(String cmd, int code) throws NuanceException { if (code != 0) { throw new NuanceException(cmd, code); } else { if (debug) System.out.println(cmd + " Succeeded"); } } public void makeWords(boolean cond) { this.makeWords = cond; } public void makeNbest(boolean cond) { this.makeNbest = cond; } protected void epStart() throws NuanceException { for (String param : epParameters.keySet()) { SWIepSetParameter(param, epParameters.get(param)); } call("SWIepStart", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepStart(epHandle)); } protected void epStop() throws NuanceException { call("SWIepStop", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepStop(epHandle, 0, null)); } protected void epPromptDone() throws NuanceException { call("SWIepPromptDone", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepPromptDone(epHandle)); } public void epAcousticStateReset() throws NuanceException { call("SWIepAcousticStateReset", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepAcousticStateReset(epHandle)); } protected void epWrite(SWIepAudioSamples samples, IntByReference state, IntByReference beginSample, IntByReference endSample) throws NuanceException { call("SWIepWrite", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepWrite(epHandle, samples, state, beginSample, endSample)); } protected void epRead(SWIrecAudioSamples samples, IntByReference state, int maxLen) throws NuanceException { call("SWIepRead", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepRead(epHandle, samples, state, maxLen)); } protected void recRecognizerStart() throws NuanceException { for (String param : recParameters.keySet()) { SWIrecRecognizerSetParameter(param, recParameters.get(param)); } call("SWIrecRecognizerStart", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecRecognizerStart(recHandle)); } protected void recRecognizerStop() throws NuanceException { call("SWIrecRecognizerStop", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecRecognizerStop(recHandle, 0)); } protected void recAudioWrite(SWIrecAudioSamples samples) throws NuanceException { call("SWIrecAudioWrite", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecAudioWrite(recHandle, samples)); } protected void recRecognizerCompute(int maxComputeTime, IntByReference status, IntByReference type, PointerByReference resultData) throws NuanceException { call("SWIrecRecognizerCompute", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecRecognizerCompute(recHandle, maxComputeTime, status, type, resultData)); } protected void SWIrecRecognizerSetParameter(String param, String value) { if (SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecRecognizerSetParameter(recHandle, new WString(param), new WString(value)) != 0) { System.err.println("Invalid recognizer parameter: " + param + "=" + value); } } protected void SWIepSetParameter(String param, String value) { if (SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepSetParameter(epHandle, new WString(param), new WString(value)) != 0) { System.err.println("Invalid endpointer parameter: " + param + "=" + value); } } public void setRecParameter(String param, String value) { recParameters.put(param, value); } public void setEpParameter(String param, String value) { epParameters.put(param, value); } private void init(File config) throws NuanceException { synchronized (initialized) { if (!initialized) { try { call("SWIrecInit", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecInit(new WString(config.getAbsolutePath()))); call("SWIepInit", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepInit()); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.err.println("ERROR: You must run in 32-bit mode for Nuance to work!"); throw new NuanceException("Couldn't initialize Nuance"); } initialized = true; } PointerByReference ref = new PointerByReference(); call("SWIrecRecognizerCreate", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecRecognizerCreate(ref, null, null)); this.recHandle = ref.getValue(); ref = new PointerByReference(); call("SWIepDCreate", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepDetectorCreate(ref)); this.epHandle = ref.getValue(); call("SWIrecSessionStart", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecSessionStart(recHandle, new WString("1"), null)); call("SWIepSessionStart", SWIep.INSTANCE.SWIepSessionStart(epHandle, new WString("1"), null)); } } //public BaseRecognizer(File config) throws NuanceException { // init(config); //} public BaseRecognizer() throws NuanceException { File configFile = Nuance9Package.PACKAGE.getPath("config.xml"); File tempConfigDir = IrisUtils.getTempDir(Nuance9Package.NAME); tempConfigDir.mkdirs(); File tempConfigFile = new File(tempConfigDir, "config.xml"); try { FileUtils.copyFile(configFile, tempConfigFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NuanceException("Couldn't copy config.xml to temp dir " + tempConfigDir.getAbsolutePath()); } init(tempConfigFile); } public void loadGrammar(String id, URI uri) throws NuanceException { SWIrec.SWIrecGrammarData grammar = new SWIrec.SWIrecGrammarData(); grammar.type = new WString("uri"); = new WString(uri.toString()); call("SWIrecGrammarLoad", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecGrammarLoad(recHandle, grammar)); grammars.put(id, grammar); } public void loadGrammar(String id, String grammarString) throws NuanceException { SWIrec.SWIrecGrammarData grammar = new SWIrec.SWIrecGrammarData(); grammar.type = new WString("string/2.0"); = null; = null; Pointer m = new Memory(grammarString.length() + 1); m.setString(0, grammarString); grammar.binary_data = m; grammar.media_type = new WString("application/srgs+xml"); grammar.length = grammarString.length() + 1; call("SWIrecGrammarLoad", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecGrammarLoad(recHandle, grammar)); grammars.put(id, grammar); } public void unloadGrammar(String id) throws NuanceException { call("SWIrecGrammarFree", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecGrammarFree(recHandle, grammars.get(id))); } public void activateGrammar(String id, int weight) throws NuanceException { call("SWIrecGrammarActivate", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecGrammarActivate(recHandle, grammars.get(id), weight, id)); } public void activateGrammar(String id, String grammarString, int weight) throws NuanceException { loadGrammar(id, grammarString); activateGrammar(id, weight); } public void activateGrammar(String id, URI uri, int weight) throws NuanceException { loadGrammar(id, uri); activateGrammar(id, weight); } public void acousticStateReset() throws NuanceException { call("SWIrecAcousticStateReset", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecAcousticStateReset(recHandle)); } public void deactivateGrammar(String id) throws NuanceException { call("SWIrecGrammarDeactivate", SWIrec.INSTANCE.SWIrecGrammarDeactivate(recHandle, grammars.get(id))); } public synchronized void startRecognize() throws NuanceException { result = null; log("Starting recognizer"); recRecognizerStart(); recognizerThread = new RecognizerThread(); recognizerThread.start(); } public synchronized void stopRecognize() { if (isRunning()) { recognizerThread.cont = false; try { log("Stopping recognizer"); recRecognizerStop(); } catch (NuanceException e) { } try { recognizerThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static int c = 0; private int id = c++; public void log(String l) { //if (id == 0) // System.out.println(id + ": " + new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": " + l); } public boolean isRunning() { return recognizerThread != null && recognizerThread.running; } public NuanceResult getResult() { return result; } private class RecognizerThread extends Thread { private boolean running; private boolean cont; public RecognizerThread() { super("RecognizerThread"); } @Override public void run() { running = true; IntByReference status = new IntByReference(); IntByReference type = new IntByReference(); PointerByReference resultRef = new PointerByReference(); cont = true; try { OUTER: while (cont) { recRecognizerCompute(-1, status, type, resultRef); if (status.getValue() == SWIrec.SWIrec_STATUS_SUCCESS) { result = new NuanceResult(resultRef.getValue(), makeWords, makeNbest); break OUTER; } else if (status.getValue() == SWIrec.SWIrec_STATUS_NO_MATCH) { result = new NuanceResult(RecResult.FINAL, RecResult.NOMATCH); break OUTER; } else if (status.getValue() == SWIrec.SWIrec_STATUS_STOPPED) { result = null; break OUTER; } else if (status.getValue() == SWIrec.SWIrec_STATUS_MAX_SPEECH) { result = new NuanceResult(RecResult.MAXSPEECH); break OUTER; } } } catch (NuanceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log("RecognizerThread done"); running = false; } } }