Java tutorial
/* * #%L * * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import rx.Observable; import rx.Observable.Transformer; import rx.Observer; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.exceptions.Exceptions; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import; /** * a rather complicated transformer that implements the pipelines caching capabilities */ public class CachePointTransformer implements Transformer<JsonPipelineOutput, JsonPipelineOutput> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CachePointTransformer.class); private JsonPipelineContextImpl context; private final List<CaravanHttpRequest> requests; private final String descriptor; private final CacheStrategy strategy; private final String correlationId; /** * @param context a context of the actual JSON pipeline * @param requests the outgoing REST request(s) used to obtain the JSON data to be cached * @param descriptor the unique id of the pipeline (to build a cache key) * @param strategy the CacheStrategy to get storage time and refresh interval */ public CachePointTransformer(JsonPipelineContextImpl context, List<CaravanHttpRequest> requests, String descriptor, CacheStrategy strategy) { super(); this.context = context; this.requests = requests; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.strategy = strategy; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (CaravanHttpRequest request : requests) { if (sb.length() == 0) { sb.append(request.getCorrelationId()); } else { sb.append(",").append(request.getCorrelationId()); } } this.correlationId = sb.toString(); } private static SortedSet<String> getSourceServiceIds(List<CaravanHttpRequest> requests) { SortedSet<String> sourceServiceIds = new TreeSet<String>(); for (CaravanHttpRequest request : requests) { sourceServiceIds.add(request.getServiceId()); } return sourceServiceIds; } private String getSourceServicePrefix() { return StringUtils.join(getSourceServiceIds(requests), '+'); } @Override public Observable<JsonPipelineOutput> call(Observable<JsonPipelineOutput> output) { // the code within the lambda passed to Observable#create will be executed when subscribe is called on the "cachedSource" observable Observable<JsonPipelineOutput> cachedSource = Observable.create((subscriber) -> { // construct a unique cache key from the pipeline's descriptor String sourceServicePrefix = getSourceServicePrefix(); CacheAdapter cacheAdapter = context.getCacheAdapter(); final String cacheKey = sourceServicePrefix + ":" + descriptor; // the caching strategy determines if the storage time should be extended for cache hits(i.e. Time-to-Idle behaviour) CachePersistencyOptions options = strategy.getCachePersistencyOptions(requests); // try to asynchronously(!) fetch the response from the cache Observable<String> cachedJsonString = cacheAdapter.get(cacheKey, options); // create service specific metrics MetricRegistry metricRegistry = context.getMetricRegistry(); Timer timer = metricRegistry .timer(, sourceServicePrefix, "latency", "get")); Counter hitsCounter = metricRegistry .counter(, sourceServicePrefix, "hits")); Counter missesCounter = metricRegistry .counter(, sourceServicePrefix, "misses")); // CacheResponseObserver will decide what to do when the response is ready (or could not be retrieved from cache) cachedJsonString.lift(new TimerMetricsOperator<String>(timer)) .lift(new HitsAndMissesCountingMetricsOperator<String>(hitsCounter, missesCounter)) .subscribe(new CacheResponseObserver(cacheKey, output, subscriber)); }); return cachedSource; } /** * An observer that is subscribed to the {@link Observable} returned by * {@link CacheAdapter#get(String, CachePersistencyOptions)} , and is responsible for * <ul> * <li>unwrapping the JSON content from the caching envelope if it was successfully retrieved from cache</li> * <li>forwarding the unwrapped response to the subscriber given in the constructor</li> * <li>fetch the response from the Pipeline's dataSource if it couldn't be retrieved from cache</li> * <li>store the fetched responses to couchbase (wrapped in an envelope with metadata</li> * * </ul> */ public final class CacheResponseObserver implements Observer<String> { private final String cacheKey; private final Observable<JsonPipelineOutput> originalSource; private final Subscriber<? super JsonPipelineOutput> subscriber; private boolean cacheHit; private CacheResponseObserver(String cacheKey, Observable<JsonPipelineOutput> originalSource, Subscriber<? super JsonPipelineOutput> subscriberToForwardTo) { this.cacheKey = cacheKey; this.originalSource = originalSource; this.subscriber = subscriberToForwardTo; } @Override public void onNext(String cachedContent) { CacheEnvelope cacheEntry = CacheEnvelope.fromEnvelopeString(cachedContent, cacheKey); if (cacheEntry == null) { log.warn("CACHE ERROR for {} - the cached response could not be parsed,\n{}", this.cacheKey, correlationId); // ignore cache envelopes that can not be parsed return; } cacheHit = true; int responseAge = cacheEntry.getResponseAge(); int refreshInterval = strategy.getCachePersistencyOptions(requests).getRefreshInterval(); int expirySeconds = cacheEntry.getExpirySeconds(); int maxAgeFromClient = getClientMaxAge(); // check if the content from cache is fresh enough to serve it if (responseAge < refreshInterval && responseAge < maxAgeFromClient && expirySeconds > 0) { log.debug("CACHE HIT for {},\n{}", this.cacheKey, correlationId); // the document could be retrieved, so forward it (parsed as a JsonNode) to the actual subscriber to the cachedSource serveCachedContent(cacheEntry, refreshInterval); } else { // this means the cached content is outdated - we better fetch the data from the backend String reason; if (responseAge >= refreshInterval) { reason = "it's " + responseAge + " seconds old and the cache strategy has a refresh interval of " + refreshInterval + " seconds."; } else if (responseAge >= maxAgeFromClient) { reason = "it's " + responseAge + " seconds old and the client requested a max-age of " + maxAgeFromClient + " seconds."; } else { reason = "it has expired " + (-expirySeconds) + " seconds ago, according to the original max-age header from the http-response"; } log.debug("CACHE STALE - content for {} is available, but {},\n{}", cacheKey, reason, correlationId); fetchAndStore(new Subscriber<JsonPipelineOutput>() { @Override public void onNext(JsonPipelineOutput fetchedOutput) { subscriber.onNext(fetchedOutput); } @Override public void onCompleted() { subscriber.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e); // if the cached response was a an error as well (e.g. 404), then do not use it as a fallback. // instead just forward the actual exception that occurred if (cacheEntry.getStatusCode() >= 400) { subscriber.onError(e); return; } if (e instanceof JsonPipelineInputException && ((JsonPipelineInputException) e).getStatusCode() == 404) { log.warn( "CACHE FALLBACK - Using stale content from cache as a fallback after failing to fresh content for " + cacheKey + ",\n" + correlationId + "\n" + e.getMessage()); } else { log.warn( "CACHE FALLBACK - Using stale content from cache as a fallback after failing to fresh content for " + cacheKey + ",\n" + correlationId, e); } JsonPipelineOutputImpl pipelineOutput = new JsonPipelineOutputImpl( cacheEntry.getContentNode(), requests); // when fallback content is served from cache, it should not be cached by the client at all subscriber.onNext(pipelineOutput.withMaxAge(0)); subscriber.onCompleted(); } }); } } private int getClientMaxAge() { int maxAgeFromClient = (int) TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365); for (String cacheControl : requests.get(0).getHeaders().get("Cache-Control")) { if (cacheControl.startsWith("max-age")) { int maxAge = NumberUtils.toInt(StringUtils.substringAfter(cacheControl, "="), maxAgeFromClient); if (maxAge > 0) { maxAgeFromClient = maxAge; } } } return maxAgeFromClient; } private void serveCachedContent(CacheEnvelope cacheEntry, int refreshInterval) { if (cacheEntry.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { // the cache entry is a 404 response that should be thrown as an exception to be handled by the subscriber String cachedInfoSuffix = " (Cached from " + cacheEntry.getSources() + " at " + cacheEntry.getGeneratedDate() + ")"; subscriber.onError(new JsonPipelineInputException(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, cacheEntry.getReasonString() + cachedInfoSuffix)); } else { // make sure to set the max-age content-header just to the time the cached content will become stale int maxAge = refreshInterval - cacheEntry.getResponseAge(); maxAge = Math.min(maxAge, cacheEntry.getExpirySeconds()); subscriber.onNext( new JsonPipelineOutputImpl(cacheEntry.getContentNode(), requests).withMaxAge(maxAge)); subscriber.onCompleted(); } } @Override public void onCompleted() { if (!cacheHit) { // there was no emission, so the response has to be fetched from the service log.debug("CACHE MISS for {} fetching response from {} through pipeline,\n{}", cacheKey, getSourceServicePrefix(), correlationId); fetchAndStore(subscriber); } } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e); // also fall back to the actual service if the couchbase request failed log.warn("Failed to connect to couchbase server, falling back to direct connection to " + getSourceServicePrefix() + ",\n" + correlationId, e); fetchAndStore(subscriber); } private void fetchAndStore(Subscriber<? super JsonPipelineOutput> backendResponseSubscriber) { // fetch the output with a new subscription, which will also store the response in the cache when it is retrieved originalSource.subscribe(new Observer<JsonPipelineOutput>() { @Override public void onNext(JsonPipelineOutput fetchedModel) { CachePersistencyOptions options = strategy.getCachePersistencyOptions(requests); int contentMaxAge = options.getRefreshInterval(); if (fetchedModel.getMaxAge() >= 0) { contentMaxAge = Math.min(contentMaxAge, fetchedModel.getMaxAge()); } log.debug( "CACHE PUT - response for {} has been fetched and will be put in the cache, max-age={} sec,\n{}", cacheKey, contentMaxAge, correlationId); CacheEnvelope cacheEntry = CacheEnvelope.from200Response(fetchedModel.getPayload(), contentMaxAge, requests, cacheKey, descriptor, context.getProperties()); context.getCacheAdapter().put(cacheKey, cacheEntry.getEnvelopeString(), options); // everything else is just forwarding to the subscriber to the cachedSource backendResponseSubscriber.onNext(fetchedModel.withMaxAge(contentMaxAge)); } @Override public void onCompleted() { backendResponseSubscriber.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e); if (e instanceof JsonPipelineInputException) { if (((JsonPipelineInputException) e).getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { int maxAgeFor404 = 60; CachePersistencyOptions options = CachePersistencyOptions.createTransient(maxAgeFor404); log.debug( "CACHE PUT - 404 response for {} will be stored in the cache, max-age={} sec,\n{}", descriptor, options.getRefreshInterval(), correlationId); CacheEnvelope cacheEntry = CacheEnvelope.from404Response(e.getMessage(), maxAgeFor404, requests, cacheKey, descriptor, context.getProperties()); context.getCacheAdapter().put(cacheKey, cacheEntry.getEnvelopeString(), options); } } backendResponseSubscriber.onError(e); } }); } } /** * Implements generation and parsing of the cache "envelope" document, that wraps the JSON output of the pipeline to * be able to store additional metadata in the cache */ public static final class CacheEnvelope { private static final String CACHE_METADATA_PROPERTY = "metadata"; private static final String CACHE_CONTENT_PROPERTY = "content"; private final ObjectNode envelopeNode; private final ObjectNode metadataNode; private final JsonNode contentNode; private CacheEnvelope(ObjectNode envelopeNode) { this.envelopeNode = envelopeNode; metadataNode = (ObjectNode) envelopeNode.get(CACHE_METADATA_PROPERTY); contentNode = envelopeNode.get(CACHE_CONTENT_PROPERTY); } /** * Parse a JSON string that was obtained from the couchbase cache * @param jsonString * @param cacheKey * @return the CacheEntry - or null if the json String was not in the expected format */ public static CacheEnvelope fromEnvelopeString(String jsonString, String cacheKey) { try { ObjectNode envelopeFromCache = JacksonFunctions.stringToObjectNode(jsonString); if (!envelopeFromCache.has(CACHE_METADATA_PROPERTY) || !envelopeFromCache.has(CACHE_CONTENT_PROPERTY)) { log.warn( "Ignoring cached document {}, because it doesn't have the expected metadata/content envelope.", cacheKey); return null; } return new CacheEnvelope(envelopeFromCache); } catch (JsonPipelineInputException e) { log.warn("Failed parse cached JSON document from " + cacheKey, e); return null; } } /** * Create a new CacheEnvelope to store in the couchbase cache * @param contentNode * @param requests * @param cacheKey * @param pipelineDescriptor * @param contextProperties * @return the new CacheEnvelope instance */ public static CacheEnvelope from200Response(JsonNode contentNode, int maxAge, List<CaravanHttpRequest> requests, String cacheKey, String pipelineDescriptor, Map<String, String> contextProperties) { ObjectNode envelope = createEnvelopeNode(contentNode, HttpStatus.SC_OK, maxAge, requests, cacheKey, pipelineDescriptor, null, contextProperties); return new CacheEnvelope(envelope); } /** * Create a new CacheEnvelope to store in the couchbase cache * @param reason * @param maxAge how many seconds 404 responses in cache should stay valid * @param cacheKey * @param pipelineDescriptor * @param contextProperties * @return the new CacheEnvelope instance */ public static CacheEnvelope from404Response(String reason, int maxAge, List<CaravanHttpRequest> requests, String cacheKey, String pipelineDescriptor, Map<String, String> contextProperties) { JsonNode contentNode = JacksonFunctions.emptyObject(); int statusCode = HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND; ObjectNode envelope = createEnvelopeNode(contentNode, statusCode, maxAge, requests, cacheKey, pipelineDescriptor, reason, contextProperties); return new CacheEnvelope(envelope); } static CacheEnvelope fromContentString(String contentJson, int age) { ObjectNode envelopeNode = createEnvelopeNode(JacksonFunctions.stringToObjectNode(contentJson), 200, 0, ImmutableList.of(), "Cache-Key", "Descriptor", null, ImmutableMap.of()); CacheEnvelope envelope = new CacheEnvelope(envelopeNode); envelope.getMetadataNode().put("generated", CacheDateUtils.formatRelativeTime(-age)); return envelope; } private static ObjectNode createEnvelopeNode(JsonNode contentNode, int statusCode, int maxAge, List<CaravanHttpRequest> requests, String cacheKey, String pipelineDescriptor, String reason, Map<String, String> contextProperties) { ObjectNode envelope = JacksonFunctions.emptyObject(); ObjectNode metadata = envelope.putObject(CACHE_METADATA_PROPERTY); metadata.put("cacheKey", cacheKey); metadata.set("sources", JacksonFunctions.pojoToNode(getSourceServiceIds(requests))); metadata.put("pipeline", pipelineDescriptor); metadata.put("generated", CacheDateUtils.formatCurrentTime()); if (maxAge > 0) { metadata.put("expires", CacheDateUtils.formatRelativeTime(maxAge)); } metadata.put("statusCode", statusCode); List<String> sourcePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CaravanHttpRequest req : requests) { sourcePaths.add(StringUtils.substringBefore(req.getUrl(), "?")); } metadata.set("sourcePaths", JacksonFunctions.pojoToNode(sourcePaths)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(reason)) { metadata.put("reason", reason); } metadata.set("contextProperties", JacksonFunctions.pojoToNode(contextProperties)); envelope.set(CACHE_CONTENT_PROPERTY, contentNode); return envelope; } /** * @return the full envelope (as JSON string) to be stored in the cache */ public String getEnvelopeString() { return JacksonFunctions.nodeToString(envelopeNode); } JsonNode getContentNode() { return contentNode; } ObjectNode getMetadataNode() { return metadataNode; } int getStatusCode() { return"/statusCode").asInt(HttpStatus.SC_OK); } String getReasonString() { return"/reason").asText("Not Found"); } String getSources() { return"/sources").toString(); } int getResponseAge() { return CacheDateUtils.getSecondsSince(getGeneratedDate()); } String getGeneratedDate() { return"/generated").asText(); } int getExpirySeconds() { if (!metadataNode.has("expires")) { return (int) TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365); } String expiryDate ="/expires").asText(); return CacheDateUtils.getSecondsUntil(expiryDate); } /** * @param newDate */ public void setGeneratedDate(String newDate) { metadataNode.put("generated", newDate); } /** * @param newDate */ public void setExpiresDate(String newDate) { metadataNode.put("expires", newDate); } } }