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//   Copyright 2016  Cityzen Data
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//   You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//   limitations under the License.

package io.warp10.continuum.gts;

import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GeoTimeSerie.TYPE;
import io.warp10.script.WarpScriptException;
import io.warp10.script.functions.STL;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution;

 * Class that implements tests to detect outliers in GTS
public class GTSOutliersHelper {

    // Tests should first check if GTS is of type double

    protected static void doubleCheck(GeoTimeSerie gts) throws WarpScriptException {
        if (GeoTimeSerie.TYPE.DOUBLE != gts.type) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("GTS must be of type Double.");

    // Basic methods

    protected static double mean(GeoTimeSerie gts) throws WarpScriptException {
        double mean = 0.0D;
        for (int i = 0; i < gts.values; i++) {
            mean += gts.doubleValues[i];

        if (0 == gts.values) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("Can't compute mean as gts is empty");

        return mean / gts.values;

    protected static double median(GeoTimeSerie gts) {
        // FIXME(JCV): if size of gts too big, we should better work inplace by making a quickSortByValue and sort by ticks after
        double[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(gts.doubleValues, gts.values);

        return gts.values % 2 == 0 ? (copy[gts.values / 2] + copy[gts.values / 2 - 1]) / 2 : copy[gts.values / 2];

    protected static double medianAbsoluteDeviation(GeoTimeSerie gts, double median) {
        double[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(gts.doubleValues, gts.values);
        for (int i = 0; i < gts.values; i++) {
            copy[i] -= median;
            copy[i] = Math.abs(copy[i]);

        return gts.values % 2 == 0 ? (copy[gts.values / 2] + copy[gts.values / 2 - 1]) / 2 : copy[gts.values / 2];

    protected static double max(GeoTimeSerie gts) throws WarpScriptException {
        double max = gts.doubleValues[0];
        if (Double.isNaN(max)) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("Method max: GTS contains NaN");

        for (int i = 1; i < gts.values; i++) {
            if (max < gts.doubleValues[i]) {
                max = gts.doubleValues[i];
        return max;

    protected static double min(GeoTimeSerie gts) throws WarpScriptException {
        double min = gts.doubleValues[0];
        if (Double.isNaN(min)) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("Method min: GTS contains NaN");

        for (int i = 1; i < gts.values; i++) {
            if (min > gts.doubleValues[i]) {
                min = gts.doubleValues[i];
        return min;

     * Compute mu and sigma or median and mad, given useMedian is true or false 
     * Mad is returned modified as an estimate of sigma
    protected static double[] madsigma(GeoTimeSerie gts, boolean useMedian) {
        double[] madsigma = null;

        if (!useMedian) {
            madsigma = GTSHelper.musigma(gts, true);
        } else {
            madsigma = new double[2];
            madsigma[0] = median(gts);
            madsigma[1] = medianAbsoluteDeviation(gts, madsigma[0]);

            // we want mad to be an estimate of sigma, so we divide it by 0.6745D if its != 0.0D
            if (0.0D != madsigma[1]) {
                madsigma[1] /= 0.6745D;
            } else {
                madsigma[1] = GTSHelper.musigma(gts, true)[1];

        return madsigma;

     * Compute Z-score or modified Z-score
     * @see
     * @param gts
     * @param useMedian       Should we compute Z-score using median/mad rather than mean/std
     * @param inplace   Should the output gts be the input instance or a new one
     * @return gts_
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static GeoTimeSerie zScore(GeoTimeSerie gts, boolean useMedian, boolean inplace)
            throws WarpScriptException {

        double[] musigma = madsigma(gts, useMedian);
        double m = musigma[0];
        double std = musigma[1];

        if (0.0D == std) {
            throw new WarpScriptException((useMedian ? "Standard" : "Median Absolute") + " Deviation is null");

        GeoTimeSerie gts_ = inplace ? gts : gts.clone();

        for (int i = 0; i < gts_.values; i++) {
            gts_.doubleValues[i] = (gts_.doubleValues[i] - m) / std;

        return gts_;

    // Commonly used tests

     * Applying a simple threshold test.
     * @param gts
     * @param threshold
     * @param abs         Should we compare threshold with absolute value
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> thresholdTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, double threshold, boolean abs)
            throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        for (int i = 0; i < gts.values; i++) {
            double temp = gts.doubleValues[i];
            if (abs) {
                temp = Math.abs(temp);
            if (temp >= threshold) {

        return anomalous_ticks;

    public static List<Long> thresholdTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, double threshold) throws WarpScriptException {
        return thresholdTest(gts, threshold, true);

     * Applying Z-score test
     * If useMedian is true, then use modified z-score.
     * @see
     * @param gts
     * @param useMedian   Should we compute Z-score using median/mad rather than mean/std
     * @param d     Threshold. Default set at 3.5
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> zScoreTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, boolean useMedian, double d) throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        double[] musigma = madsigma(gts, useMedian);
        double m = musigma[0];
        double std = musigma[1];
        if (0.0D == std) {
            return anomalous_ticks;

        for (int i = 0; i < gts.values; i++) {
            double z = (gts.doubleValues[i] - m) / std;
            if (Math.abs(z) >= d) {

        return anomalous_ticks;

     * Applying Grubbs' test using mean/std or median/mad
     * @see
     * @param gts
     * @param useMedian     Should the test use median/mad instead of mean/std
     * @param alpha   Significance level with which to accept or reject anomalies. Default is 0.05
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> grubbsTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, boolean useMedian, double alpha)
            throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        int N = gts.values;
        if (N < 3) {
            // no anomalous tick in this case
            return anomalous_ticks;

        double[] musigma = madsigma(gts, useMedian);
        double m = musigma[0];
        double std = musigma[1];
        if (0.0D == std) {
            return anomalous_ticks;

        double z = 0.0D;
        double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        long suspicious_tick = 0L;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            z = Math.abs((gts.doubleValues[i] - m) / std);
            if (z > max) {
                max = z;
                suspicious_tick = gts.ticks[i];

        // Calculate critical value

        double t = new TDistribution(N - 2).inverseCumulativeProbability(alpha / (2 * N));

        // Calculate threshold

        double Ginf = (N - 1) * Math.abs(t) / Math.sqrt(N * (N - 2 + t * t));

        // Test

        if (max > Ginf) {

        return anomalous_ticks;

    public static List<Long> grubbsTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, boolean useMedian) throws WarpScriptException {
        return grubbsTest(gts, useMedian, 0.05D);

     * Applying Tietjen and Moore's test using mean/std or median/mad
     * @see
     * @param gts
     * @param k       Number of outliers
     * @param useMedian     Should the test use median instead of mean
     * @param alpha   Significance level with which to accept or reject anomalies. Default is 0.05
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    // Not yet implemented as description of test is unclear. Consider using ESDTest instead.
    public static List<Long> tietjenMooreTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, int k, boolean useMedian, double alpha)
            throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        // WIP
        if (true)
            throw new WarpScriptException("tietjenMooreTest: Work in Progress. Consider using ESDTest instead.");

        return anomalous_ticks;

     * Applying generalized extreme Studentized deviate test using mean/std or median/mad
     * @see
     * @param gts
     * @param k       Upper bound of suspected number of outliers
     * @param useMedian     Should the test use median/mad instead of mean/std
     * @param alpha   Significance level with which to accept or reject anomalies. Default is 0.05
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> ESDTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, int k, boolean useMedian, double alpha)
            throws WarpScriptException {

        // Clone GTS (not necessary but simplifies implementation) -> copy only needed fields
        //GeoTimeSerie clone = gts.clone();
        GeoTimeSerie clone = new GeoTimeSerie();
        clone.type = gts.type;
        clone.values = gts.values;
        clone.doubleValues = Arrays.copyOf(gts.doubleValues, gts.values);
        clone.ticks = Arrays.copyOf(gts.ticks, gts.values);

        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        int greater_j_test_passed = -1;
        for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {

            int N = clone.values;
            if (N < 3) {
                // In this case there are no more outlier left

            double[] musigma = madsigma(clone, useMedian);
            double m = musigma[0];
            double std = musigma[1];

            if (0.0D == std) {
                // In this case there are no more outlier left

            double z = 0.0D;
            double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            int suspicious_idx = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                z = Math.abs((clone.doubleValues[i] - m) / std);
                if (z > max) {
                    max = z;
                    suspicious_idx = i;

            // Calculate critical value

            double p = 1 - alpha / (2 * N);
            double t = new TDistribution(N - 2).inverseCumulativeProbability(p);

            // Calculate threshold

            double lambda = (N - 1) * t / Math.sqrt((N - 2 + t * t) * N);

            // Test

            if (max > lambda) {
                greater_j_test_passed = j;

            // Removing potential outlier before next loop


            // We swap it with last point
            long tmp_tick = clone.ticks[suspicious_idx];
            clone.ticks[suspicious_idx] = clone.ticks[clone.values];
            clone.ticks[clone.values] = tmp_tick;

            // We don't need to keep the value of the potential outlier
            clone.doubleValues[suspicious_idx] = clone.doubleValues[clone.values];

        // adding to output
        for (int j = 0; j <= greater_j_test_passed; j++) {
            anomalous_ticks.add(clone.ticks[gts.values - 1 - j]);

        return anomalous_ticks;

    public static List<Long> ESDTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, int k, boolean useMedian) throws WarpScriptException {
        return ESDTest(gts, k, useMedian, 0.05D);

    // Tests based on seasonal extraction
    // Consider using methods of the next section instead
    // as piecewise approximation yields better results.

    // parameters used in STL
    private static final String PERIOD_PARAM = "PERIOD";
    private static final String PRECISION_PARAM = "PRECISION";
    private static final String ROBUSTNESS_PARAM = "ROBUSTNESS";
    private static final String BANDWIDTH_S_PARAM = "BANDWIDTH_S";

     * Applying STL-ESD test.
     * ESD test is passed on residual of STL decompostition.
     * @param gts
     * @param k       Upper bound of suspected number of outliers
     * @param alpha   Significance level with which to accept or reject anomalies. Default is 0.05
     * @param params  Optional map of parameters used for stl calls
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> STLESDTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, int buckets_per_period, int k, double alpha,
            Map<String, Object> params) throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        if (!GTSHelper.isBucketized(gts)) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("GTS must be bucketized");

        // Handling parameters of stl calls

        if (null == params) {
            params = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        // Parameters PERIOD and BANDWIDTH_S must be set    
        if (null != params.get(PERIOD_PARAM)) {
            if (buckets_per_period != (int) params.get(PERIOD_PARAM)) {
                throw new WarpScriptException(
                        "Incoherence between PERIOD parameter of test and PERIOD parameter of STL");
        } else {
            params.put(PERIOD_PARAM, buckets_per_period);
        params.put(BANDWIDTH_S_PARAM, Math.min(gts.bucketcount, 7));

        // FIXME(JCV): do unit test for stl with outer > 0 so it can be changed here
        params.put(PRECISION_PARAM, 10);
        params.put(ROBUSTNESS_PARAM, 0);

        // the other parameters of stl are either already present in params, or their default values fixed in STL class are used

        List<GeoTimeSerie> stl_output = (List<GeoTimeSerie>) new STL("STL").doGtsOp(params, gts);

        GeoTimeSerie seasonal = stl_output.get(0);
        GeoTimeSerie trend = stl_output.get(1);

        // reuse seasonal body to not reallocate arrays
        GeoTimeSerie remainder = seasonal;

        int idx = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < gts.values; i++) {
            idx = Arrays.binarySearch(seasonal.ticks, idx, seasonal.values, gts.ticks[i]);

            if (idx < 0) {
                throw new WarpScriptException("Internal bug method STLESDTest");
            } else {
                remainder.doubleValues[i] = gts.doubleValues[idx]
                        - (seasonal.doubleValues[idx] + trend.doubleValues[idx]);

        remainder.values = gts.values;
        remainder.bucketcount = gts.bucketcount;
        remainder.bucketspan = gts.bucketspan;
        remainder.lastbucket = gts.lastbucket;

        anomalous_ticks.addAll(ESDTest(remainder, k, true, alpha));

        return anomalous_ticks;

    /** NOT implemented Yet, See entropyHybridTest  below instead
     * Applying test based on Entropy Seasonal approximation.
     * @param gts                   Must be bucketized
     * @param buckets_per_period
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> entropyTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, int buckets_per_period) throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        // TODO(JCV): WIP
        if (true) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("entropyTest: Work In Progress. Consider using entropyHybridTest");

        return anomalous_ticks;

    // Tests based on seasonal trend decomposition
    // upon piecewise approximation

     * Applying Seasonal Hybrid ESD.
     * This test is based on piecewise median and STL seasonal extraction, completed by an ESD test.
     * It was developed at Twitter.
     * @see
     * @see
     * @param gts
     * @param k       Upper bound of suspected number of outliers
     * @param alpha   Significance level with which to accept or reject anomalies. Default is 0.05
     * @param params  Optional map of parameters used for stl calls
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> hybridTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, int buckets_per_period, int periods_per_piece, int k,
            double alpha, Map<String, Object> params) throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        if (!GTSHelper.isBucketized(gts)) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("GTS must be bucketized");

        if (k >= periods_per_piece * buckets_per_period / 2) {
            throw new WarpScriptException(
                    "Upper bound of number of outliers must be less than half of the number of observations per piece");

        // SubSerie attributes

        GeoTimeSerie subgts = null;
        GeoTimeSerie seasonal = null;

        // number of pieces
        long pieces = gts.bucketcount / buckets_per_period / periods_per_piece;

        // number of buckets per piece
        int bpp = periods_per_piece * buckets_per_period;
        long lb = gts.lastbucket;
        long bs = gts.bucketspan;

        // Handling parameters of stl calls

        if (null == params) {
            params = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        // Parameters PERIOD and BANDWIDTH_S must be set
        if (null != params.get(PERIOD_PARAM)) {
            if (buckets_per_period != (int) params.get(PERIOD_PARAM)) {
                throw new WarpScriptException(
                        "Incoherence between PERIOD parameter of test and PERIOD parameter of STL");
        } else {
            params.put(PERIOD_PARAM, buckets_per_period);
        params.put(BANDWIDTH_S_PARAM, periods_per_piece);

        // FIXME(JCV): do unit test for stl with outer > 0 so it can be changed here
        params.put(PRECISION_PARAM, 10);
        params.put(ROBUSTNESS_PARAM, 0);

        // the other parameters of stl are either already present in params, or their default values fixed in STL class are used

        // instanciating STL
        STL stl = new STL("STL");

        for (int u = 0; u < pieces; u++) {

            long start = lb - bs * ((pieces - u) * bpp - 1);
            long stop = lb - bs * (pieces - u - 1) * bpp;

            // we don't start from the first bucket
            subgts = GTSHelper.subSerie(gts, start, stop, false, false, subgts);
            subgts.lastbucket = stop;
            subgts.bucketcount = bpp;
            subgts.bucketspan = bs;

            seasonal = ((List<GeoTimeSerie>) stl.doGtsOp(params, subgts)).get(0);

            double m = median(seasonal);

            int idx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < subgts.values; i++) {
                idx = Arrays.binarySearch(seasonal.ticks, idx, seasonal.values, subgts.ticks[i]);

                if (idx < 0) {
                    throw new WarpScriptException("Internal bug method hybridTest: can't find tick "
                            + subgts.ticks[i] + " in seasonal.ticks");
                } else {
                    subgts.doubleValues[i] -= (seasonal.doubleValues[idx] + m);

            anomalous_ticks.addAll(ESDTest(subgts, k, true, alpha));

        return anomalous_ticks;

     * Applying Seasonal Entropy Hybrid test
     * This test is based on piecewise decomposition where trend components are approximated by median and seasonal components by entropy of the cycle sub-series.
     * An ESD test is passed upon the residuals.
     * It differs from hybridTest by approximating seasonal component instead of using STL.
     * But in many cases this approximation is more useful than estimation of STL.
     * @param gts
     * @param k       Upper bound of suspected number of outliers
     * @param alpha   Significance level with which to accept or reject anomalies. Default is 0.05
     * @return anomalous_ticks
     * @throws WarpScriptException
    public static List<Long> entropyHybridTest(GeoTimeSerie gts, int buckets_per_period, int periods_per_piece,
            int k, double alpha) throws WarpScriptException {
        List<Long> anomalous_ticks = new ArrayList<Long>();

        if (!GTSHelper.isBucketized(gts)) {
            throw new WarpScriptException("GTS must be bucketized");

        if (k >= periods_per_piece * buckets_per_period / 2) {
            throw new WarpScriptException(
                    "Upper bound of number of outliers must be less than half of the number of observations per piece");

        // SubSerie attributes

        GeoTimeSerie subgts = null;
        GeoTimeSerie subsubgts = null;
        GeoTimeSerie seasonal = null;

        // number of pieces
        long pieces = gts.bucketcount / buckets_per_period / periods_per_piece;

        // number of buckets per piece
        int bpp = periods_per_piece * buckets_per_period;
        long lb = gts.lastbucket;
        long bs = gts.bucketspan;

        for (int u = 0; u < pieces; u++) {

            long start = lb - bs * ((pieces - u) * bpp - 1);
            long stop = lb - bs * (pieces - u - 1) * bpp;

            // we don't start from the first bucket
            subgts = GTSHelper.subSerie(gts, start, stop, false, false, subgts);
            subgts.lastbucket = stop;
            subgts.bucketcount = bpp;
            subgts.bucketspan = bs;

            // entropy seasonal extraction
            if (null == seasonal) {
                seasonal = new GeoTimeSerie(bpp);
                seasonal.doubleValues = new double[bpp];
                seasonal.ticks = new long[bpp];
            } else {

            seasonal.type = TYPE.DOUBLE;

            // TODO(JCV): make this a method ?
            for (int v = 0; v < buckets_per_period; v++) {

                subsubgts = GTSHelper.subCycleSerie(subgts, stop - v * bs, buckets_per_period, true, subsubgts);

                // compute entropy of absolute modified zscore
                double[] madsigma = madsigma(subsubgts, true);
                double median = madsigma[0];
                double mad = madsigma[1];

                double sum = 0.0D;
                for (int w = 0; w < subsubgts.values; w++) {
                    subsubgts.doubleValues[w] = 0.0D != mad ? Math.abs((subsubgts.doubleValues[w] - median) / mad)
                            : 1.0D;
                    sum += subsubgts.doubleValues[w];

                double entropy = 0.0D;
                for (int w = 0; w < subsubgts.values; w++) {
                    subsubgts.doubleValues[w] /= sum;
                    double tmp = subsubgts.doubleValues[w];
                    if (0.0D != tmp) {
                        entropy -= tmp * Math.log(tmp);

                // normalize entropy and handle case where all items are the same
                if (0.0D != entropy) {
                    entropy /= Math.log(subsubgts.values);
                } else {
                    entropy = 1.0D;

                // update seasonal
                for (int w = 0; w < subsubgts.values; w++) {
                    GTSHelper.setValue(seasonal, subsubgts.ticks[w], entropy * subsubgts.doubleValues[w]);

            double m = median(seasonal);

            int idx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < subgts.values; i++) {
                idx = Arrays.binarySearch(seasonal.ticks, idx, seasonal.values, subgts.ticks[i]);

                if (idx < 0) {
                    throw new WarpScriptException("Internal bug method entropyHybridTest: can't find tick "
                            + subgts.ticks[i] + " in seasonal.ticks");
                } else {
                    subgts.doubleValues[i] -= (seasonal.doubleValues[idx] + m);

            anomalous_ticks.addAll(ESDTest(subgts, k, true, alpha));

        return anomalous_ticks;