Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2016 Cityzen Data // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package io.warp10.continuum.geo; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSDecoder; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSEncoder; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GTSHelper; import io.warp10.continuum.gts.GeoTimeSerie; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.geoxp.GeoXPLib; import com.geoxp.GeoXPLib.GeoXPShape; import com.geoxp.geo.GeoBloomFilter; import; import; public class GeoIndex { /** * Depth of index chunks in ms */ private final long depth; /** * Number of chunks in index */ private final int chunks; /** * Lower timestamp of the current index */ long currentLowerTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE; /** * Lower timestamp of the previous index */ long previousLowerTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE; /** * Index resolution (1 -> 15) */ int resolution; /** * Actual index data. Outside key is the time chunk, inside key is the GTS id, value is a GeoBloomFilter as provided by GeoXPLib */ private final Map<Long, Map<String, GeoBloomFilter>> index; //Map<String, GeoBloomFilter> current = null; //Map<String, GeoBloomFilter> previous = null; private final Map<String, long[]> lkpIndex; public GeoIndex(int resolution, int chunks, long depth) { this.resolution = resolution; this.depth = depth; this.chunks = chunks; if (0 == this.depth) { this.lkpIndex = new HashMap<String, long[]>(); this.index = null; } else { this.lkpIndex = null; this.index = new HashMap<Long, Map<String, GeoBloomFilter>>(); } } public long indexLKP(GTSEncoder encoder) { GTSDecoder decoder = encoder.getDecoder(); long timestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE; long location = GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION; while ( { long loc = decoder.getLocation(); long ts = decoder.getTimestamp(); if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION != loc && ts > timestamp) { location = loc; timestamp = ts; } } if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION != location) { long[] cells = GeoXPLib.indexable(location); Arrays.sort(cells); String gtsId = GTSHelper.gtsIdToString(encoder.getClassId(), encoder.getLabelsId(), false); synchronized (lkpIndex) { lkpIndex.put(gtsId, cells); } } return 1; } /** * Index an encoder. * * @param encoder * @return The number of datapoints actually indexed */ public long index(GTSEncoder encoder) { // // Index LKP if depth is 0 // if (0 == this.depth) { return indexLKP(encoder); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // Determine first/last valid chunks // long lastchunk = now / this.depth; long firstchunk = lastchunk - this.chunks + 1; synchronized (this) { // // If the total number of chunks in 'index' is above 'chunks', // remove expired chunks // if (this.index.size() > this.chunks) { Set<Long> indexChunks = new HashSet<Long>(); indexChunks.addAll(this.index.keySet()); for (long chunk : indexChunks) { if (chunk < firstchunk || chunk > lastchunk) { this.index.remove(chunk); } } } } GTSDecoder decoder = encoder.getDecoder(true); GeoBloomFilter filter = null; Map<String, GeoBloomFilter> lastindex = null; Map<String, GeoBloomFilter> chunkIndex = null; long previousChunk = Long.MIN_VALUE; String gtsId = GTSHelper.gtsIdToString(encoder.getClassId(), encoder.getLabelsId(), false); long indexed = 0L; while ( { long location = decoder.getLocation(); // Skip datapoints with no location if (GeoTimeSerie.NO_LOCATION == location) { continue; } long ts = decoder.getTimestamp() / Constants.TIME_UNITS_PER_MS; long chunk = ts / this.depth; // // Skip entries outside the valid range of timestamps // if (chunk < firstchunk || chunk > lastchunk) { continue; } synchronized (this) { if (chunk != previousChunk) { chunkIndex = this.index.get(chunk); if (null == chunkIndex) { this.index.put(chunk, new HashMap<String, GeoBloomFilter>()); } chunkIndex = this.index.get(chunk); previousChunk = chunk; } } // // Do the actual indexing // synchronized (this) { if (chunkIndex != lastindex) { filter = chunkIndex.get(gtsId); if (null == filter) { filter = new GeoBloomFilter(this.resolution, null, null, 6, true); chunkIndex.put(gtsId, filter); } } lastindex = chunkIndex; } filter.add(location); indexed++; } return indexed; } private Set<String> findLKP(Collection<String> unfilteredGTS, GeoXPShape area, boolean inside) { Set<String> gts = new HashSet<String>(); long[] areaCells = GeoXPLib.getCells(area); for (String id : unfilteredGTS) { long[] cells = lkpIndex.get(id); if (null == cells) { continue; } for (long cell : areaCells) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(cells, cell) >= 0) { gts.add(id); break; } } } if (!inside) { Set<String> outgts = new HashSet<String>(); outgts.addAll(unfilteredGTS); outgts.removeAll(gts); gts = outgts; } return gts; } /** * Find GTS which had values (or not) in a given area in a given time range * @param unfilteredGTS * @param area * @param inside * @param startTS start of timerange (inclusive), in ms * @param endTS end of timerange (inclusive), in ms * @return */ public Set<String> find(Collection<String> unfilteredGTS, GeoXPShape area, boolean inside, long startTS, long endTS) { if (0 == this.depth) { return findLKP(unfilteredGTS, area, inside); } Set<String> gts = new HashSet<String>(); // // Extract cells from shape // long[] cells = GeoXPLib.getCells(area); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastchunk = now / this.depth; long firstchunk = lastchunk - this.chunks + 1; long startChunk = startTS / this.depth; long endChunk = endTS / this.depth; for (String id : unfilteredGTS) { boolean found = false; for (long chunk = firstchunk; chunk <= lastchunk; chunk++) { if (chunk < startChunk || chunk > endChunk) { continue; } Map<String, GeoBloomFilter> chunkIndex = this.index.get(chunk); if (null == chunkIndex) { continue; } GeoBloomFilter filter = chunkIndex.get(id); if (null == filter) { continue; } for (long cell : cells) { if (!filter.contains(cell)) { continue; } // // Since the Bloom filter has a non zero probability of false positive, we // mitigate this probability by checking all cells containing 'cell'. If they // are also contained by the Bloom filter, then we assume the containment is real // do { cell = GeoXPLib.parentCell(cell); } while (0L != cell && filter.contains(cell)); if (0 == cell) { gts.add(id); found = true; break; } } // // If a cell was found, stop checking the others // if (found) { break; } } } // // Invert the result if 'inside' is false // if (!inside) { Set<String> outgts = new HashSet<String>(); outgts.addAll(unfilteredGTS); outgts.removeAll(gts); gts = outgts; } return gts; } /** * Return an estimated memory footprint of this index * @return */ public long size() { long total = 0L; if (0 == this.depth) { // Key strings (8 chars) + overhead (24 bytes) total += this.lkpIndex.size() * (16 + 24); // Actual locations (15 longs) + overhead (24 bytes) total += this.lkpIndex.size() * (8 * 15 + 24); } else { // // We only account for the GeoBloomFilter actual bits, not for any // overhead // for (Map<String, GeoBloomFilter> chunkIndex : this.index.values()) { total += chunkIndex.size() * (16 + 24); for (GeoBloomFilter filter : chunkIndex.values()) { total += filter.size(); } } } return total; } /** * Store the LKP index into a file */ public void dumpLKPIndex(File path) throws IOException { if (0 != this.depth) { return; } Set<String> gtsKeys = new HashSet<String>(); synchronized (this.lkpIndex) { gtsKeys.addAll(this.lkpIndex.keySet()); } OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path); try { for (String key : gtsKeys) { long[] cells = this.lkpIndex.get(key); if (null == cells) { continue; } byte[] id = key.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); out.write(id.length); out.write(id); out.write(cells.length); for (long cell : cells) { out.write(Longs.toByteArray(cell)); } } } finally { out.close(); } } /** * Load an LKP index previously dumped by dumpLKPIndex */ public void loadLKPIndex(File path) throws IOException { if (0 != this.depth) { return; } InputStream in = new FileInputStream(path); byte[] buf = new byte[128]; try { while (true) { // Read id len int idlen =; if (-1 == idlen) { break; } // Read id int len =, 0, idlen); if (idlen != len) { break; } String key = new String(buf, 0, len, Charsets.UTF_8); // Read number of cells int ncells =; if (-1 == ncells) { break; } len =, 0, ncells * 8); if (ncells * 8 != len) { break; } int offset = 0; long[] cells = new long[ncells]; for (int i = 0; i < ncells; i++) { offset = i * 8; cells[i] = Longs.fromBytes(buf[offset], buf[offset + 1], buf[offset + 2], buf[offset + 3], buf[offset + 4], buf[offset + 5], buf[offset + 6], buf[offset + 7]); } synchronized (this.lkpIndex) { this.lkpIndex.put(key, cells); } } } finally { in.close(); } } }