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 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 *, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.DataObject;
import io.vertx.core.dns.AddressResolverOptions;
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.EventBusOptions;
import io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemOptions;
import io.vertx.core.impl.cpu.CpuCoreSensor;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.metrics.MetricsOptions;
import io.vertx.core.spi.cluster.ClusterManager;
import io.vertx.core.tracing.TracingOptions;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static io.vertx.core.file.FileSystemOptions.DEFAULT_FILE_CACHING_ENABLED;

 * Instances of this class are used to configure {@link io.vertx.core.Vertx} instances.
 * @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a>
@DataObject(generateConverter = true, publicConverter = false)
public class VertxOptions {

     * The default number of event loop threads to be used  = 2 * number of cores on the machine
    public static final int DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_POOL_SIZE = 2 * CpuCoreSensor.availableProcessors();

     * The default number of threads in the worker pool = 20
    public static final int DEFAULT_WORKER_POOL_SIZE = 20;

     * The default number of threads in the internal blocking  pool (used by some internal operations) = 20
    public static final int DEFAULT_INTERNAL_BLOCKING_POOL_SIZE = 20;

     * The default value of whether Vert.x is clustered = false.
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link EventBusOptions#DEFAULT_CLUSTERED} instead
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_CLUSTERED = false;

     * The default hostname to use when clustering = "localhost"
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link EventBusOptions#DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HOST} instead
    public static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER_HOST = "localhost";

     * The default port to use when clustering = 0 (meaning assign a random port)
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link EventBusOptions#DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PORT} instead
    public static final int DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PORT = 0;

     * The default cluster public host to use = null which means use the same as the cluster host
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link EventBusOptions#DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PUBLIC_HOST} instead
    public static final String DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PUBLIC_HOST = null;

     * The default cluster public port to use = -1 which means use the same as the cluster port
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link EventBusOptions#DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PUBLIC_PORT} instead
    public static final int DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PUBLIC_PORT = -1;

     * The default value of cluster ping interval = 20000 ms.
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link EventBusOptions#DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PING_INTERVAL} instead
    public static final long DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PING_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(20);

     * The default value of cluster ping reply interval = 20000 ms.
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link EventBusOptions#DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PING_REPLY_INTERVAL} instead
    public static final long DEFAULT_CLUSTER_PING_REPLY_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(20);

     * The default value of blocked thread check interval = 1000 ms.
    public static final long DEFAULT_BLOCKED_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);;

     * The default value of blocked thread check interval unit = {@link TimeUnit#MILLISECONDS}

     * The default value of max event loop execute time = 2000000000 ns (2 seconds)
    public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_EXECUTE_TIME = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(2);

     * The default value of max event loop execute time unit = {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}

     * The default value of max worker execute time = 60000000000 ns (60 seconds)
    public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_EXECUTE_TIME = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(60);

     * The default value of max worker execute time unit = {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
    public static final TimeUnit DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_EXECUTE_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;

     * The default value of quorum size = 1
    public static final int DEFAULT_QUORUM_SIZE = 1;

     * The default value of Ha group is "__DEFAULT__"
    public static final String DEFAULT_HA_GROUP = "__DEFAULT__";

     * The default value of HA enabled = false
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_HA_ENABLED = false;

     * The default value for preferring native transport = false
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_PREFER_NATIVE_TRANSPORT = false;

     * The default value of warning exception time 5000000000 ns (5 seconds)
     * If a thread is blocked longer than this threshold, the warning log
     * contains a stack trace
    private static final long DEFAULT_WARNING_EXCEPTION_TIME = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(5);

     * The default value of warning exception time unit = {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
    public static final TimeUnit DEFAULT_WARNING_EXCEPTION_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;

    private int eventLoopPoolSize = DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_POOL_SIZE;
    private int workerPoolSize = DEFAULT_WORKER_POOL_SIZE;
    private int internalBlockingPoolSize = DEFAULT_INTERNAL_BLOCKING_POOL_SIZE;
    private long blockedThreadCheckInterval = DEFAULT_BLOCKED_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL;
    private long maxEventLoopExecuteTime = DEFAULT_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_EXECUTE_TIME;
    private long maxWorkerExecuteTime = DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_EXECUTE_TIME;
    private ClusterManager clusterManager;
    private boolean haEnabled = DEFAULT_HA_ENABLED;
    private int quorumSize = DEFAULT_QUORUM_SIZE;
    private String haGroup = DEFAULT_HA_GROUP;
    private MetricsOptions metricsOptions = new MetricsOptions();
    private TracingOptions tracingOptions = new TracingOptions();
    private FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions = new FileSystemOptions();
    private long warningExceptionTime = DEFAULT_WARNING_EXCEPTION_TIME;
    private EventBusOptions eventBusOptions = new EventBusOptions();
    private AddressResolverOptions addressResolverOptions = new AddressResolverOptions();
    private boolean preferNativeTransport = DEFAULT_PREFER_NATIVE_TRANSPORT;
    private TimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit = DEFAULT_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_EXECUTE_TIME_UNIT;
    private TimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit = DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_EXECUTE_TIME_UNIT;
    private TimeUnit warningExceptionTimeUnit = DEFAULT_WARNING_EXCEPTION_TIME_UNIT;
    private TimeUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit = DEFAULT_BLOCKED_THREAD_CHECK_INTERVAL_UNIT;

     * Default constructor
    public VertxOptions() {

     * Copy constructor
     * @param other The other {@code VertxOptions} to copy when creating this
    public VertxOptions(VertxOptions other) {
        this.eventLoopPoolSize = other.getEventLoopPoolSize();
        this.workerPoolSize = other.getWorkerPoolSize();
        this.blockedThreadCheckInterval = other.getBlockedThreadCheckInterval();
        this.maxEventLoopExecuteTime = other.getMaxEventLoopExecuteTime();
        this.maxWorkerExecuteTime = other.getMaxWorkerExecuteTime();
        this.internalBlockingPoolSize = other.getInternalBlockingPoolSize();
        this.clusterManager = other.getClusterManager();
        this.haEnabled = other.isHAEnabled();
        this.quorumSize = other.getQuorumSize();
        this.haGroup = other.getHAGroup();
        this.metricsOptions = other.getMetricsOptions() != null ? new MetricsOptions(other.getMetricsOptions())
                : null;
        this.fileSystemOptions = other.getFileSystemOptions() != null
                ? new FileSystemOptions(other.getFileSystemOptions())
                : null;
        this.warningExceptionTime = other.warningExceptionTime;
        this.eventBusOptions = new EventBusOptions(other.eventBusOptions);
        this.addressResolverOptions = other.addressResolverOptions != null ? new AddressResolverOptions() : null;
        this.maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit = other.maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit;
        this.maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit = other.maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit;
        this.warningExceptionTimeUnit = other.warningExceptionTimeUnit;
        this.blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit = other.blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit;
        this.tracingOptions = other.tracingOptions != null ? other.tracingOptions.copy() : null;

     * Create an instance from a {@link io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject}
     * @param json the JsonObject to create it from
    public VertxOptions(JsonObject json) {
        VertxOptionsConverter.fromJson(json, this);

     * Get the number of event loop threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
     * @return the number of threads
    public int getEventLoopPoolSize() {
        return eventLoopPoolSize;

     * Set the number of event loop threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
     * @param eventLoopPoolSize the number of threads
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setEventLoopPoolSize(int eventLoopPoolSize) {
        if (eventLoopPoolSize < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("eventLoopPoolSize must be > 0");
        this.eventLoopPoolSize = eventLoopPoolSize;
        return this;

     * Get the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
     * <p>
     * Worker threads are used for running blocking code and worker verticles.
     * @return the maximum number of worker threads
    public int getWorkerPoolSize() {
        return workerPoolSize;

     * Set the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.
     * @param workerPoolSize the number of threads
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setWorkerPoolSize(int workerPoolSize) {
        if (workerPoolSize < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("workerPoolSize must be > 0");
        this.workerPoolSize = workerPoolSize;
        return this;

     * Is the Vert.x instance clustered?
     * @return true if clustered, false if not
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#isClustered()} instead
    public boolean isClustered() {
        return eventBusOptions.isClustered();

     * Set whether or not the Vert.x instance will be clustered.
     * @param clustered if true, the Vert.x instance will be clustered, otherwise not
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#setClustered(boolean)} instead
    public VertxOptions setClustered(boolean clustered) {
        return this;

     * Get the host name to be used for clustering.
     * @return The host name
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#getHost()} instead
    public String getClusterHost() {
        return eventBusOptions.getHost();

     * Set the hostname to be used for clustering.
     * @param clusterHost the host name to use
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#setHost(String)} instead
    public VertxOptions setClusterHost(String clusterHost) {
        return this;

     * Get the public facing hostname to be used when clustering.
     * @return the public facing hostname
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#getClusterPublicHost()} instead
    public String getClusterPublicHost() {
        return getEventBusOptions().getClusterPublicHost();

     * Set the public facing hostname to be used for clustering.
     * Sometimes, e.g. when running on certain clouds, the local address the server listens on for clustering is not the same
     * address that other nodes connect to it at, as the OS / cloud infrastructure does some kind of proxying.
     * If this is the case you can specify a public hostname which is different from the hostname the server listens at.
     * The default value is null which means use the same as the cluster hostname.
     * @param clusterPublicHost the public host name to use
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#setClusterPublicHost(String)} instead
    public VertxOptions setClusterPublicHost(String clusterPublicHost) {
        return this;

     * Get the port to be used for clustering
     * @return the port
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#getPort()} instead
    public int getClusterPort() {
        return eventBusOptions.getPort();

     * Set the port to be used for clustering.
     * @param clusterPort the port
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#setPort(int)} instead
    public VertxOptions setClusterPort(int clusterPort) {
        return this;

     * Get the public facing port to be used when clustering.
     * @return the public facing port
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#getClusterPublicPort()} instead
    public int getClusterPublicPort() {
        return eventBusOptions.getClusterPublicPort();

     * See {@link #setClusterPublicHost(String)} for an explanation.
     * @param clusterPublicPort the public port to use
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#setClusterPublicPort(int)} instead
    public VertxOptions setClusterPublicPort(int clusterPublicPort) {
        return this;

     * Get the value of cluster ping interval, in ms.
     * <p>
     * Nodes in the cluster ping each other at this interval to determine whether they are still running.
     * @return The value of cluster ping interval
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#getClusterPingInterval()} instead
    public long getClusterPingInterval() {
        return getEventBusOptions().getClusterPingInterval();

     * Set the value of cluster ping interval, in ms.
     * @param clusterPingInterval The value of cluster ping interval, in ms.
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#setClusterPingInterval(long)} instead
    public VertxOptions setClusterPingInterval(long clusterPingInterval) {
        return this;

     * Get the value of cluster ping reply interval, in ms.
     * <p>
     * After sending a ping, if a pong is not received in this time, the node will be considered dead.
     * @return the value of cluster ping reply interval
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#getClusterPingReplyInterval()} instead
    public long getClusterPingReplyInterval() {
        return eventBusOptions.getClusterPingReplyInterval();

     * Set the value of cluster ping reply interval, in ms.
     * @param clusterPingReplyInterval The value of cluster ping reply interval, in ms.
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
     * @deprecated as of 3.7, use {@link #getEventBusOptions()} and then {@link EventBusOptions#setClusterPingReplyInterval(long)} instead
    public VertxOptions setClusterPingReplyInterval(long clusterPingReplyInterval) {
        return this;

     * Get the value of blocked thread check period, in {@link VertxOptions#setBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit}.
     * <p>
     * This setting determines how often Vert.x will check whether event loop threads are executing for too long.
     * <p>
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit} is {@link TimeUnit#MILLISECONDS}.
     * @return the value of blocked thread check period, in {@link VertxOptions#setBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit}.
    public long getBlockedThreadCheckInterval() {
        return blockedThreadCheckInterval;

     * Sets the value of blocked thread check period, in {@link VertxOptions#setBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit}.
     * <p>
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit} is {@link TimeUnit#MILLISECONDS}
     * @param blockedThreadCheckInterval the value of blocked thread check period, in {@link VertxOptions#setBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit}.
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setBlockedThreadCheckInterval(long blockedThreadCheckInterval) {
        if (blockedThreadCheckInterval < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("blockedThreadCheckInterval must be > 0");
        this.blockedThreadCheckInterval = blockedThreadCheckInterval;
        return this;

     * Get the value of max event loop execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit}.
     * <p>
     * Vert.x will automatically log a warning if it detects that event loop threads haven't returned within this time.
     * <p>
     * This can be used to detect where the user is blocking an event loop thread, contrary to the Golden Rule of the
     * holy Event Loop.
     * <p>
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit} is {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
     * @return the value of max event loop execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit}.
    public long getMaxEventLoopExecuteTime() {
        return maxEventLoopExecuteTime;

     * Sets the value of max event loop execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit}.
     * <p>
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit}is {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
     * @param maxEventLoopExecuteTime the value of max event loop execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit}.
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setMaxEventLoopExecuteTime(long maxEventLoopExecuteTime) {
        if (maxEventLoopExecuteTime < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxEventLoopExecuteTime must be > 0");
        this.maxEventLoopExecuteTime = maxEventLoopExecuteTime;
        return this;

     * Get the value of max worker execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit}.
     * <p>
     * Vert.x will automatically log a warning if it detects that worker threads haven't returned within this time.
     * <p>
     * This can be used to detect where the user is blocking a worker thread for too long. Although worker threads
     * can be blocked longer than event loop threads, they shouldn't be blocked for long periods of time.
     * <p>
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit} is {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
     * @return The value of max worker execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit}.
    public long getMaxWorkerExecuteTime() {
        return maxWorkerExecuteTime;

     * Sets the value of max worker execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit}.
     * <p>
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit} is {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
     * @param maxWorkerExecuteTime the value of max worker execute time, in {@link VertxOptions#setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit}.
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setMaxWorkerExecuteTime(long maxWorkerExecuteTime) {
        if (maxWorkerExecuteTime < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxWorkerpExecuteTime must be > 0");
        this.maxWorkerExecuteTime = maxWorkerExecuteTime;
        return this;

     * Get the cluster manager to be used when clustering.
     * <p>
     * If the cluster manager has been programmatically set here, then that will be used when clustering.
     * <p>
     * Otherwise Vert.x attempts to locate a cluster manager on the classpath.
     * @return the cluster manager.
    public ClusterManager getClusterManager() {
        return clusterManager;

     * Programmatically set the cluster manager to be used when clustering.
     * <p>
     * Only valid if clustered = true.
     * <p>
     * Normally Vert.x will look on the classpath for a cluster manager, but if you want to set one
     * programmatically you can use this method.
     * @param clusterManager the cluster manager
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setClusterManager(ClusterManager clusterManager) {
        this.clusterManager = clusterManager;
        return this;

     * Get the value of internal blocking pool size.
     * <p>
     * Vert.x maintains a pool for internal blocking operations
     * @return the value of internal blocking pool size
    public int getInternalBlockingPoolSize() {
        return internalBlockingPoolSize;

     * Set the value of internal blocking pool size
     * @param internalBlockingPoolSize the maximumn number of threads in the internal blocking pool
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setInternalBlockingPoolSize(int internalBlockingPoolSize) {
        if (internalBlockingPoolSize < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("internalBlockingPoolSize must be > 0");
        this.internalBlockingPoolSize = internalBlockingPoolSize;
        return this;

     * Will HA be enabled on the Vert.x instance?
     * @return true if HA enabled, false otherwise
    public boolean isHAEnabled() {
        return haEnabled;

     * Set whether HA will be enabled on the Vert.x instance.
     * @param haEnabled true if enabled, false if not.
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setHAEnabled(boolean haEnabled) {
        this.haEnabled = haEnabled;
        return this;

     * Get the quorum size to be used when HA is enabled.
     * @return the quorum size
    public int getQuorumSize() {
        return quorumSize;

     * Set the quorum size to be used when HA is enabled.
     * @param quorumSize the quorum size
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setQuorumSize(int quorumSize) {
        if (quorumSize < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("quorumSize should be >= 1");
        this.quorumSize = quorumSize;
        return this;

     * Get the HA group to be used when HA is enabled.
     * @return the HA group
    public String getHAGroup() {
        return haGroup;

     * Set the HA group to be used when HA is enabled.
     * @param haGroup the HA group to use
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setHAGroup(String haGroup) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(haGroup, "ha group cannot be null");
        this.haGroup = haGroup;
        return this;

     * @return the metrics options
    public MetricsOptions getMetricsOptions() {
        return metricsOptions;

     * @return the file system options
    public FileSystemOptions getFileSystemOptions() {
        return fileSystemOptions;

     * Set the metrics options
     * @param metrics the options
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setMetricsOptions(MetricsOptions metrics) {
        this.metricsOptions = metrics;
        return this;

     * Set the file system options
     * @param fileSystemOptions the options
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setFileSystemOptions(FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions) {
        this.fileSystemOptions = fileSystemOptions;
        return this;

     * Get the threshold value above this, the blocked warning contains a stack trace. in {@link VertxOptions#setWarningExceptionTimeUnit warningExceptionTimeUnit}.
     * <p>
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setWarningExceptionTimeUnit warningExceptionTimeUnit} is {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
     * @return the warning exception time threshold
    public long getWarningExceptionTime() {
        return warningExceptionTime;

     * Set the threshold value above this, the blocked warning contains a stack trace. in {@link VertxOptions#setWarningExceptionTimeUnit warningExceptionTimeUnit}.
     * The default value of {@link VertxOptions#setWarningExceptionTimeUnit warningExceptionTimeUnit} is {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS}
     * @param warningExceptionTime
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setWarningExceptionTime(long warningExceptionTime) {
        if (warningExceptionTime < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("warningExceptionTime must be > 0");
        this.warningExceptionTime = warningExceptionTime;
        return this;

     * @return the event bus option to configure the event bus communication (host, port, ssl...)
    public EventBusOptions getEventBusOptions() {
        return eventBusOptions;

     * Sets the event bus configuration to configure the host, port, ssl...
     * @param options the event bus options
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setEventBusOptions(EventBusOptions options) {
        this.eventBusOptions = options;
        return this;

     * @return the address resolver options to configure resolving DNS servers, cache TTL, etc...
    public AddressResolverOptions getAddressResolverOptions() {
        return addressResolverOptions;

     * Sets the address resolver configuration to configure resolving DNS servers, cache TTL, etc...
     * @param addressResolverOptions the address resolver options
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setAddressResolverOptions(AddressResolverOptions addressResolverOptions) {
        this.addressResolverOptions = addressResolverOptions;
        return this;

     * @return wether to prefer the native transport to the JDK transport
    public boolean getPreferNativeTransport() {
        return preferNativeTransport;

     * Set wether to prefer the native transport to the JDK transport.
     * @param preferNativeTransport {@code true} to prefer the native transport
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setPreferNativeTransport(boolean preferNativeTransport) {
        this.preferNativeTransport = preferNativeTransport;
        return this;

     * @return the time unit of {@code maxEventLoopExecuteTime}
    public TimeUnit getMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit() {
        return maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit;

     * Set the time unit of {@code maxEventLoopExecuteTime}.
     * @param maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit the time unit of {@code maxEventLoopExecuteTime}
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setMaxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit(TimeUnit maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit) {
        this.maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit = maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit;
        return this;

     * @return the time unit of {@code maxWorkerExecuteTime}
    public TimeUnit getMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit() {
        return maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit;

     * Set the time unit of {@code maxWorkerExecuteTime}.
     * @param maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit the time unit of {@code maxWorkerExecuteTime}
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setMaxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit(TimeUnit maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit) {
        this.maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit = maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit;
        return this;

     * @return the time unit of {@code warningExceptionTime}
    public TimeUnit getWarningExceptionTimeUnit() {
        return warningExceptionTimeUnit;

     * Set the time unit of {@code warningExceptionTime}.
     * @param warningExceptionTimeUnit the time unit of {@code warningExceptionTime}
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setWarningExceptionTimeUnit(TimeUnit warningExceptionTimeUnit) {
        this.warningExceptionTimeUnit = warningExceptionTimeUnit;
        return this;

     * @return the time unit of {@code blockedThreadCheckInterval}
    public TimeUnit getBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit() {
        return blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit;

     * Set the time unit of {@code blockedThreadCheckInterval}.
     * @param blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit the time unit of {@code warningExceptionTime}
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public VertxOptions setBlockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit(TimeUnit blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit) {
        this.blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit = blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit;
        return this;

    public TracingOptions getTracingOptions() {
        return tracingOptions;

    public VertxOptions setTracingOptions(TracingOptions tracingOptions) {
        this.tracingOptions = tracingOptions;
        return this;

    public JsonObject toJson() {
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
        VertxOptionsConverter.toJson(this, json);
        return json;

    public String toString() {
        return "VertxOptions{" + "eventLoopPoolSize=" + eventLoopPoolSize + ", workerPoolSize=" + workerPoolSize
                + ", internalBlockingPoolSize=" + internalBlockingPoolSize + ", blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit="
                + blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit + ", blockedThreadCheckInterval=" + blockedThreadCheckInterval
                + ", maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit=" + maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit + ", maxEventLoopExecuteTime="
                + maxEventLoopExecuteTime + ", maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit=" + maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit
                + ", maxWorkerExecuteTime=" + maxWorkerExecuteTime + ", clusterManager=" + clusterManager
                + ", haEnabled=" + haEnabled + ", preferNativeTransport=" + preferNativeTransport + ", quorumSize="
                + quorumSize + ", haGroup='" + haGroup + '\'' + ", metrics=" + metricsOptions
                + ", fileSystemOptions=" + fileSystemOptions + ", addressResolver="
                + addressResolverOptions.toJson() + ", addressResolver=" + addressResolverOptions.toJson()
                + ", eventbus=" + eventBusOptions.toJson() + ", warningExceptionTimeUnit="
                + warningExceptionTimeUnit + ", warningExceptionTime=" + warningExceptionTime + '}';