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 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 *, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.impl;

import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Context;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.spi.tracing.VertxTracer;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

 * This interface provides an api for vert.x core internal use only
 * It is not part of the public API and should not be used by
 * developers creating vert.x applications
 * @author <a href="">Julien Viet</a>
public interface ContextInternal extends Context, Executor {

     * Return the Netty EventLoop used by this Context. This can be used to integrate
     * a Netty Server with a Vert.x runtime, specially the Context part.
     * @return the EventLoop
    EventLoop nettyEventLoop();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <br/>
     * Execution follows the same semantics than {@link #runOnContext(Handler)}, simply put it is equivalent
     * to {@code runOncontext(v ->}.
    void execute(Runnable command);

     * @return a {@link Promise} associated with this context
    <T> PromiseInternal<T> promise();

     * @return a {@link Promise} associated with this context
    <T> PromiseInternal<T> promise(Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler);

     * @return an empty succeeded {@link Future} associated with this context
    <T> Future<T> succeededFuture();

     * @return a succeeded {@link Future} of the {@code result} associated with this context
    <T> Future<T> succeededFuture(T result);

     * @return a {@link Future} failed with the {@code failure} associated with this context
    <T> Future<T> failedFuture(Throwable failure);

     * @return a {@link Future} failed with the {@code message} associated with this context
    <T> Future<T> failedFuture(String message);

     * Like {@link #executeBlocking(Handler, boolean, Handler)} but uses the {@code queue} to order the tasks instead
     * of the internal queue of this context.
    <T> void executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler, TaskQueue queue,
            Handler<AsyncResult<T>> resultHandler);

     * Like {@link #executeBlocking(Handler, boolean)} but uses the {@code queue} to order the tasks instead
     * of the internal queue of this context.
    <T> Future<T> executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler, TaskQueue queue);

     * Execute an internal task on the internal blocking ordered executor.
    <T> void executeBlockingInternal(Handler<Promise<T>> action, Handler<AsyncResult<T>> resultHandler);

     * Like {@link #executeBlockingInternal(Handler, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result
    <T> Future<T> executeBlockingInternal(Handler<Promise<T>> action);

     * @return the deployment associated with this context or {@code null}
    Deployment getDeployment();

    VertxInternal owner();

     * @see #dispatch(Object, Handler)
    void dispatchFromIO(Handler<Void> handler);

     * Dispatch the {@code argument} to the {@code task} and switch on this context if necessary, this also associates the
     * current thread with the current context so {@link Vertx#currentContext()} returns this context.<p/>
     * The caller thread is assumed to be the event loop thread of this context.<p/>
     * Any exception thrown from the {@literal handler} will be reported on this context.
     * @param argument the event for the {@code handler}
     * @param task the handler to execute with the {@code event} argument
    <T> void dispatchFromIO(T argument, Handler<T> task);

     * Dispatch the given {@code argument} to the {@code task} and switch on this context if necessary, this also associates the
     * current thread with the current context so {@link Vertx#currentContext()} returns this context.<p/>
     * Any exception thrown from the {@literal task} will be reported on this context.
     * @param argument the {@code task} argument
     * @param task the handler to execute with the {@code event} argument
    <T> void dispatch(T argument, Handler<T> task);

     * @see #schedule(Object, Handler)
    void schedule(Handler<Void> task);

     * Schedule a task to be executed on this context, the task will be executed according to the
     * context concurrency model, on an event-loop context, the task is executed directly, on a worker
     * context the task is executed on the worker thread pool.
     * @param argument the {@code task} argument
     * @param task the task
    <T> void schedule(T argument, Handler<T> task);

     * @see #emit(Handler)
    void emit(Runnable handler);

     * @see #emit(Object, Handler)
    void emit(Handler<Void> handler);

     * Emit an {@code event} to the {@code handler} on this context. The handler is executed directly by the caller thread
     * which must be a {@link VertxThread}.
     * <p>
     * The handler execution is monitored by the blocked thread checker.
     * <p>
     * This context is thread-local associated during the task execution.
     * @param event the event for the {@code handler}
     * @param handler the handler to execute with the {@code event}
    <E> void emit(E event, Handler<E> handler);

     * Begin the dispatch of a task on this context.
     * <p>
     * The task execution is monitored by the blocked thread checker.
     * <p>
     * This context is thread-local associated during the task execution.
     * @return the previous context that shall be restored after or {@code null} if there is none
     * @throws IllegalStateException when the current thread of execution cannot execute this task
    ContextInternal beginEmission();

     * End the dispatch of a task on this context.
     * @param previous the previous context to restore or {@code null} if there is none
     * @throws IllegalStateException when the current thread of execution cannot execute this task
    void endEmission(ContextInternal previous);

     * Report an exception to this context synchronously.
     * <p>
     * The exception handler will be called when there is one, otherwise the exception will be logged.
     * @param t the exception to report
    void reportException(Throwable t);

     * @return the {@link ConcurrentMap} used to store context data
     * @see Context#get(String)
     * @see Context#put(String, Object)
    ConcurrentMap<Object, Object> contextData();

     * @return the {@link ConcurrentMap} used to store local context data
    ConcurrentMap<Object, Object> localContextData();

     * @return the classloader associated with this context
    ClassLoader classLoader();

     * @return the tracer for this context
    VertxTracer tracer();

     * Returns a context which shares the whole behavior of this context but not the {@link #localContextData()} which
     * remains private to the context:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>same concurrency</li>
     *   <li>same exception handler</li>
     *   <li>same context context</li>
     *   <li>same deployment</li>
     *   <li>same config</li>
     *   <li>same classloader</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * The duplicated context will have its own private local context data.
     * @return a context whose behavior will is equivalent to this context but with new private
    ContextInternal duplicate();

     * Like {@link #duplicate()} but the duplicated context local data will adopt the local data of the specified
     * {@code context} argument.
    ContextInternal duplicate(ContextInternal context);
