Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 *, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.http;

import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderValues;
import io.netty.util.AsciiString;

 * Contains often used Header names.
 * <p>
 * It also contains a utility method to create optimized {@link CharSequence} which can be used as header name and value.
 * @author <a href="">Norman Maurer</a>
public final class HttpHeaders {

    /** JVM system property that disables HTTP headers validation, don't use this in production. */
    private static final String DISABLE_HTTP_HEADERS_VALIDATION_PROP_NAME = "vertx.disableHttpHeadersValidation";

    /** Constant that disables HTTP headers validation, this is a constant so the JIT can eliminate validation code. */
    public static final boolean DISABLE_HTTP_HEADERS_VALIDATION = Boolean

     * Accept header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCEPT = HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT;

     * Accept-Charset header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCEPT_CHARSET = HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_CHARSET;

     * Accept-Encoding header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCEPT_ENCODING = HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_ENCODING;

     * Accept-Language header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE;

     * Accept-Ranges header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCEPT_RANGES = HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_RANGES;

     * Accept-Patch header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCEPT_PATCH = HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT_PATCH;

     * Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header name

     * Access-Control-Allow-Headers header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS = HttpHeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS;

     * Access-Control-Allow-Methods header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS = HttpHeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS;

     * Access-Control-Allow-Origin header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN = HttpHeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN;

     * Access-Control-Expose-Headers header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS = HttpHeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS;

     * Access-Control-Max-Age header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE = HttpHeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE;

     * Access-Control-Request-Headers header name

     * Access-Control-Request-Method header name
    public static final CharSequence ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD = HttpHeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD;

     *  Age header name
    public static final CharSequence AGE = HttpHeaderNames.AGE;

     * Allow header name
    public static final CharSequence ALLOW = HttpHeaderNames.ALLOW;

     * Authorization header name
    public static final CharSequence AUTHORIZATION = HttpHeaderNames.AUTHORIZATION;

     * Cache-Control header name
    public static final CharSequence CACHE_CONTROL = HttpHeaderNames.CACHE_CONTROL;

     * Connection header name
    public static final CharSequence CONNECTION = HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION;

     * Content-Base header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_BASE = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_BASE;

     * Content-Disposition header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_DISPOSITION = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_DISPOSITION;

     * Content-Encoding header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_ENCODING = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_ENCODING;

     * Content-Language header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_LANGUAGE = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LANGUAGE;

     * Content-Length header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_LENGTH = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH;

     * Content-Location header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_LOCATION = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LOCATION;

     * Content-Transfer-Encoding header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING;

     * Content-MD5 header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_MD5 = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_MD5;

     * Content-Rage header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_RANGE = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_RANGE;

     * Content-Type header name
    public static final CharSequence CONTENT_TYPE = HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE;

     * Content-Cookie header name
    public static final CharSequence COOKIE = HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE;

     * Date header name
    public static final CharSequence DATE = HttpHeaderNames.DATE;

     * Etag header name
    public static final CharSequence ETAG = HttpHeaderNames.ETAG;

     * Expect header name
    public static final CharSequence EXPECT = HttpHeaderNames.EXPECT;

     * Expires header name
    public static final CharSequence EXPIRES = HttpHeaderNames.EXPIRES;

     * From header name
    public static final CharSequence FROM = HttpHeaderNames.FROM;

     * Host header name
    public static final CharSequence HOST = HttpHeaderNames.HOST;

     * If-Match header name
    public static final CharSequence IF_MATCH = HttpHeaderNames.IF_MATCH;

     * If-Modified-Since header name
    public static final CharSequence IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = HttpHeaderNames.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE;

     * If-None-Match header name
    public static final CharSequence IF_NONE_MATCH = HttpHeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH;

     * Last-Modified header name
    public static final CharSequence LAST_MODIFIED = HttpHeaderNames.LAST_MODIFIED;

     * Location header name
    public static final CharSequence LOCATION = HttpHeaderNames.LOCATION;

     * Origin header name
    public static final CharSequence ORIGIN = HttpHeaderNames.ORIGIN;

     * Proxy-Authenticate header name
    public static final CharSequence PROXY_AUTHENTICATE = HttpHeaderNames.PROXY_AUTHENTICATE;

     * Proxy-Authorization header name
    public static final CharSequence PROXY_AUTHORIZATION = HttpHeaderNames.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION;

     * Referer header name
    public static final CharSequence REFERER = HttpHeaderNames.REFERER;

     * Retry-After header name
    public static final CharSequence RETRY_AFTER = HttpHeaderNames.RETRY_AFTER;

     * Server header name
    public static final CharSequence SERVER = HttpHeaderNames.SERVER;

     * Transfer-Encoding header name
    public static final CharSequence TRANSFER_ENCODING = HttpHeaderNames.TRANSFER_ENCODING;

     * User-Agent header name
    public static final CharSequence USER_AGENT = HttpHeaderNames.USER_AGENT;

     * Set-Cookie header name
    public static final CharSequence SET_COOKIE = HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE;

     * application/x-www-form-urlencoded header value

     * chunked header value
    public static final CharSequence CHUNKED = HttpHeaderValues.CHUNKED;
     * close header value
    public static final CharSequence CLOSE = HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE;

     * 100-continue header value
    public static final CharSequence CONTINUE = HttpHeaderValues.CONTINUE;

     * identity header value
    public static final CharSequence IDENTITY = HttpHeaderValues.IDENTITY;
     * keep-alive header value
    public static final CharSequence KEEP_ALIVE = HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE;

     * Upgrade header value
    public static final CharSequence UPGRADE = HttpHeaderValues.UPGRADE;
     * WebSocket header value
    public static final CharSequence WEBSOCKET = HttpHeaderValues.WEBSOCKET;

     * deflate,gzip header value
    public static final CharSequence DEFLATE_GZIP = createOptimized("deflate, gzip");

     * text/html header value
    public static final CharSequence TEXT_HTML = createOptimized("text/html");

     * GET header value
    public static final CharSequence GET = createOptimized("GET");

     * Create an optimized {@link CharSequence} which can be used as header name or value.
     * This should be used if you expect to use it multiple times liked for example adding the same header name or value
     * for multiple responses or requests.
    public static CharSequence createOptimized(String value) {
        return new AsciiString(value);

    private HttpHeaders() {