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 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 *, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.http;

import io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2CodecUtil;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.DataObject;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.GenIgnore;
import io.vertx.core.impl.Arguments;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * HTTP2 settings, the settings is initialized with the default HTTP/2 values.<p>
 * The settings expose the parameters defined by the HTTP/2 specification, as well as extra settings for
 * protocol extensions.
 * @author <a href="">Julien Viet</a>
@DataObject(generateConverter = true, publicConverter = false)
public class Http2Settings {

     * Default HTTP/2 spec value for {@link #getHeaderTableSize} : {@code 4096}
    public static final long DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE = 4096;

     * Default HTTP/2 spec value for {@link #isPushEnabled} : {@code true}
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_PUSH = true;

     * Default HTTP/2 spec value for {@link #getMaxConcurrentStreams} : {@code 0xFFFFFFFFL}
    public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 0xFFFFFFFFL;

     * Default HTTP/2 spec value for {@link #getInitialWindowSize} : {@code 65535}
    public static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 65535;

     * Default HTTP/2 spec value for {@link #getMaxFrameSize} : {@code 16384}
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 16384;

     * Default HTTP/2 spec value for {@link #getMaxHeaderListSize} : {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

     * Default HTTP/2 spec value for {@link #getExtraSettings} : {@code null}
    public static final Map<Integer, Long> DEFAULT_EXTRA_SETTINGS = null;

    private long headerTableSize;
    private boolean pushEnabled;
    private long maxConcurrentStreams;
    private int initialWindowSize;
    private int maxFrameSize;
    private long maxHeaderListSize;
    private Map<Integer, Long> extraSettings;

     * Default constructor
    public Http2Settings() {
        headerTableSize = DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE;
        pushEnabled = DEFAULT_ENABLE_PUSH;
        maxConcurrentStreams = DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS;
        initialWindowSize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE;
        maxFrameSize = DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
        maxHeaderListSize = DEFAULT_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE;
        extraSettings = DEFAULT_EXTRA_SETTINGS;

     * Create an settings from JSON
     * @param json the JSON
    public Http2Settings(JsonObject json) {
        Http2SettingsConverter.fromJson(json, this);

     * Copy constructor
     * @param other the settings to copy
    public Http2Settings(Http2Settings other) {
        headerTableSize = other.headerTableSize;
        pushEnabled = other.pushEnabled;
        maxConcurrentStreams = other.maxConcurrentStreams;
        initialWindowSize = other.initialWindowSize;
        maxFrameSize = other.maxFrameSize;
        maxHeaderListSize = other.maxHeaderListSize;
        extraSettings = other.extraSettings != null ? new HashMap<>(other.extraSettings) : null;

     * @return the {@literal SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting
    public long getHeaderTableSize() {
        return headerTableSize;

     * Set {@literal SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting.
     * @param headerTableSize the new value
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings setHeaderTableSize(long headerTableSize) {
        Arguments.require(headerTableSize >= Http2CodecUtil.MIN_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE,
                "headerTableSize must be >= " + Http2CodecUtil.MIN_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE);
        Arguments.require(headerTableSize <= Http2CodecUtil.MAX_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE,
                "headerTableSize must be <= " + Http2CodecUtil.MAX_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE);
        this.headerTableSize = headerTableSize;
        return this;

     * @return the {@literal SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH} HTTP/2 setting
    public boolean isPushEnabled() {
        return pushEnabled;

     * Set the {@literal SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH} HTTP/2 setting
     * @param pushEnabled the new value
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings setPushEnabled(boolean pushEnabled) {
        this.pushEnabled = pushEnabled;
        return this;

     * @return the {@literal SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS} HTTP/2 setting
    public long getMaxConcurrentStreams() {
        return maxConcurrentStreams;

     * Set the {@literal SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS} HTTP/2 setting
     * @param maxConcurrentStreams the new value
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings setMaxConcurrentStreams(long maxConcurrentStreams) {
        Arguments.require(maxConcurrentStreams >= Http2CodecUtil.MIN_CONCURRENT_STREAMS,
                "maxConcurrentStreams must be >= " + Http2CodecUtil.MIN_CONCURRENT_STREAMS);
        Arguments.require(maxConcurrentStreams <= Http2CodecUtil.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS,
                "maxConcurrentStreams must be < " + Http2CodecUtil.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS);
        this.maxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams;
        return this;

     * @return the {@literal SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting
    public int getInitialWindowSize() {
        return initialWindowSize;

     * Set the {@literal SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting
     * @param initialWindowSize the new value
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings setInitialWindowSize(int initialWindowSize) {
        Arguments.require(initialWindowSize >= Http2CodecUtil.MIN_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE,
                "initialWindowSize must be >= " + Http2CodecUtil.MIN_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE);
        this.initialWindowSize = initialWindowSize;
        return this;

     * @return the {@literal SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting
    public int getMaxFrameSize() {
        return maxFrameSize;

     * Set the {@literal SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting
     * @param maxFrameSize the new value
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings setMaxFrameSize(int maxFrameSize) {
        Arguments.require(maxFrameSize >= Http2CodecUtil.MAX_FRAME_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND,
                "maxFrameSize must be >= " + Http2CodecUtil.MAX_FRAME_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND);
        Arguments.require(maxFrameSize <= Http2CodecUtil.MAX_FRAME_SIZE_UPPER_BOUND,
                "maxFrameSize must be <= " + Http2CodecUtil.MAX_FRAME_SIZE_UPPER_BOUND);
        this.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize;
        return this;

     * @return the {@literal SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting
    public long getMaxHeaderListSize() {
        return maxHeaderListSize;

     * Set the {@literal SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE} HTTP/2 setting
     * @param maxHeaderListSize the new value
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings setMaxHeaderListSize(long maxHeaderListSize) {
        Arguments.require(maxHeaderListSize >= 0, "maxHeaderListSize must be >= 0");
        Arguments.require(maxHeaderListSize >= Http2CodecUtil.MIN_HEADER_LIST_SIZE,
                "maxHeaderListSize must be >= " + Http2CodecUtil.MIN_HEADER_LIST_SIZE);
        this.maxHeaderListSize = maxHeaderListSize;
        return this;

     * @return the extra settings used for extending HTTP/2
    public Map<Integer, Long> getExtraSettings() {
        return extraSettings;

     * Set the extra setting used for extending HTTP/2
     * @param settings the new extra settings
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings setExtraSettings(Map<Integer, Long> settings) {
        extraSettings = settings;
        return this;

     * Return a setting value according to its identifier.
     * @param id the setting identifier
     * @return the setting value
    public Long get(int id) {
        switch (id) {
        case 1:
            return headerTableSize;
        case 2:
            return pushEnabled ? 1L : 0L;
        case 3:
            return maxConcurrentStreams;
        case 4:
            return (long) initialWindowSize;
        case 5:
            return (long) maxFrameSize;
        case 6:
            return (long) maxHeaderListSize;
            return extraSettings != null ? extraSettings.get(id) : null;

     * Set a setting {@code value} for a given setting {@code id}.
     * @param id the setting id
     * @param value the setting value
     * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
    public Http2Settings set(int id, long value) {
        Arguments.require(id >= 0 && id <= 0xFFFF, "Setting id must me an unsigned 16-bit value");
        Arguments.require(value >= 0L && value <= 0xFFFFFFFFL, "Setting value must me an unsigned 32-bit value");
        switch (id) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
            Arguments.require(value == 0 || value == 1, "enablePush must be 0 or 1");
            setPushEnabled(value == 1);
        case 3:
        case 4:
            setInitialWindowSize((int) value);
        case 5:
            setMaxFrameSize((int) value);
        case 6:
            Arguments.require(value <= Integer.MAX_VALUE, "maxHeaderListSize must be <= " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            setMaxHeaderListSize((int) value);
            if (extraSettings == null) {
                extraSettings = new HashMap<>();
            extraSettings.put(id, value);
        return this;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
            return false;

        Http2Settings that = (Http2Settings) o;

        if (headerTableSize != that.headerTableSize)
            return false;
        if (pushEnabled != that.pushEnabled)
            return false;
        if (maxConcurrentStreams != that.maxConcurrentStreams)
            return false;
        if (initialWindowSize != that.initialWindowSize)
            return false;
        if (maxFrameSize != that.maxFrameSize)
            return false;
        if (maxHeaderListSize != that.maxHeaderListSize)
            return false;
        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result = (int) (headerTableSize ^ (headerTableSize >>> 32));
        result = 31 * result + (pushEnabled ? 1 : 0);
        result = 31 * result + (int) (maxConcurrentStreams ^ (maxConcurrentStreams >>> 32));
        result = 31 * result + initialWindowSize;
        result = 31 * result + maxFrameSize;
        result = 31 * result + (int) (maxHeaderListSize ^ (maxHeaderListSize >>> 32));
        return result;

    public String toString() {
        return toJson().encode();

    public JsonObject toJson() {
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
        Http2SettingsConverter.toJson(this, json);
        return json;