Java tutorial
/** * vertigo - simple java starter * * Copyright (C) 2013, KleeGroup, ( * KleeGroup, Centre d'affaire la Boursidiere - BP 159 - 92357 Le Plessis Robinson Cedex - France * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import io.vertigo.dynamo.domain.model.DtList; import io.vertigo.dynamo.domain.model.DtObject; import io.vertigo.lang.Assertion; import io.vertigo.lang.Option; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.vertigo.vega.token.TokenManager; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import spark.QueryParamsMap; import spark.Request; import spark.Response; import; /** * Params handler. * It's an handler barrier : bellow this handler anything is object, over this handler it's json. * Extract and Json convert. * @author npiedeloup */ public final class JsonConverterRestHandlerPlugin implements RestHandlerPlugin { private static final String SERVER_SIDE_MANDATORY = "ServerSideToken mandatory"; private static final String FORBIDDEN_OPERATION_FIELD_MODIFICATION = "Can't modify field:"; private final JsonEngine jsonWriterEngine; private final JsonEngine jsonReaderEngine; private final TokenManager tokenManager; /** * encodeType. */ enum EncoderType { /** Type JSON simple */ JSON(""), /** Type JSON UiContext */ JSON_UI_CONTEXT("json+uicontext"), /** Type JSON list */ JSON_LIST("json+list:%s"), /** Type JSON list with meta */ JSON_LIST_META("json+list:%s+meta"), /** Type JSON entity */ JSON_ENTITY("json+entity:%s"), /** Type JSON entity + meta */ JSON_ENTITY_META("json+entity:%s+meta"); private final Pattern contentTypePattern; private final String contentType; private EncoderType(final String contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; contentTypePattern = Pattern.compile(contentType.replaceAll("%s", ".+")); } /** * @param entityName Entity name * @return contentType */ public String createContentType(final String entityName) { return String.format(contentType, entityName); } /** * @param testedContentType contentType to test * @return If testedContentType is 'this' EncoderType */ public boolean isContentType(final String testedContentType) { return contentTypePattern.matcher(testedContentType).find(); } } /** * EncodedType : encoderType + entityName. */ static class EncodedType { private final EncoderType encoderType; private final String contentType; /** * constructor. * @param encoderType encoderType * @param entityName entityName */ EncodedType(final EncoderType encoderType, final String entityName) { this.encoderType = encoderType; contentType = encoderType.createContentType(entityName); } /** * @return encoderType */ public EncoderType getEncoderType() { return encoderType; } /** * @return contentType */ public String getContentType() { return contentType; } } /** * @param tokenManager tokenManager * @param jsonWriterEngine jsonWriterEngine * @param jsonReaderEngine jsonReaderEngine */ @Inject public JsonConverterRestHandlerPlugin(final TokenManager tokenManager, final JsonEngine jsonWriterEngine, final JsonEngine jsonReaderEngine) { Assertion.checkNotNull(tokenManager); Assertion.checkNotNull(jsonWriterEngine); Assertion.checkNotNull(jsonReaderEngine); //----- this.tokenManager = tokenManager; this.jsonWriterEngine = jsonWriterEngine; this.jsonReaderEngine = jsonReaderEngine; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean accept(final EndPointDefinition endPointDefinition) { return true; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object handle(final Request request, final Response response, final RouteContext routeContext, final HandlerChain chain) throws VSecurityException, SessionException { //we can't read body at first : because if it's a multipart request call body() disabled getParts() access. UiContext innerBodyParsed = null; for (final EndPointParam endPointParam : routeContext.getEndPointDefinition().getEndPointParams()) { try { final Object value; if (VFileUtil.isVFileParam(endPointParam)) { value = VFileUtil.readVFileParam(request, endPointParam); } else { switch (endPointParam.getParamType()) { case Body: value = readValue(request.body(), endPointParam); break; case InnerBody: if (innerBodyParsed == null) { //we read all InnerBody when we get the first one innerBodyParsed = readInnerBodyValue(request.body(), routeContext.getEndPointDefinition().getEndPointParams()); } value = innerBodyParsed.get(endPointParam.getName()); break; case Path: value = readPrimitiveValue(request.params(endPointParam.getName()), endPointParam.getType()); break; case Query: value = readQueryValue(request.queryMap(), endPointParam); break; case Header: value = readPrimitiveValue(request.headers(endPointParam.getName()), endPointParam.getType()); break; case Implicit: value = readImplicitValue(endPointParam, request, response, routeContext); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("RestParamType : " + endPointParam.getFullName()); } } Assertion.checkNotNull(value, "RestParam not found : {0}", endPointParam); routeContext.setParamValue(endPointParam, value); } catch (final JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new JsonSyntaxException("Error parsing param " + endPointParam.getFullName() + " on service " + routeContext.getEndPointDefinition().getVerb() + " " + routeContext.getEndPointDefinition().getPath(), e); } } final Object result = chain.handle(request, response, routeContext); return convertResult(result, request, response, routeContext); } private String convertResult(final Object result, final Request request, final Response response, final RouteContext routeContext) { if (result == null) { response.status(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT); return ""; //jetty understand null as 404 not found } else if (VFileUtil.isVFileResult(result)) { VFileUtil.sendVFile(result, request, response); return ""; // response already send but can't send null : javaspark understand it as : not consumed here } else if (result instanceof HttpServletResponse) { Assertion.checkState(((HttpServletResponse) result).isCommitted(), "The httpResponse returned wasn't close. Ensure you have close your streams."); //----- return ""; // response already send but can't send null : javaspark understand it as : not consumed here } else if (result instanceof String) { final String resultString = (String) result; final int length = resultString.length(); Assertion.checkArgument( !(resultString.charAt(0) == '{' && resultString.charAt(length - 1) == '}') && !(resultString.charAt(0) == '[' && resultString.charAt(length - 1) == ']'), "Can't return pre-build json : {0}", resultString); response.type("text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); return (String) result; } else { final EncodedType encodedType = findEncodedType(result); final StringBuilder contentType = new StringBuilder("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); if (encodedType.getEncoderType() != EncoderType.JSON) { contentType.append(";").append(encodedType.getContentType()); } response.type(contentType.toString()); return writeValue(result, response, encodedType, routeContext.getEndPointDefinition()); } } private EncodedType findEncodedType(final Object result) { final EncodedType encodedType; if (result instanceof List) { if (result instanceof DtList) { final DtList<?> dtList = (DtList<?>) result; if (hasComplexTypeMeta(dtList)) { encodedType = new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON_LIST_META, dtList.getDefinition().getClassSimpleName()); } else { encodedType = new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON_LIST, dtList.getDefinition().getClassSimpleName()); } } else { encodedType = new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON_LIST, Object.class.getSimpleName()); } } else if (result instanceof DtObject) { encodedType = new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON_ENTITY, result.getClass().getSimpleName()); } else if (result instanceof DtObjectExtended<?>) { encodedType = new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON_ENTITY_META, ((DtObjectExtended<?>) result).getInnerObject().getClass().getSimpleName()); } else if (result instanceof UiContext) { encodedType = new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON_UI_CONTEXT, result.getClass().getSimpleName()); } else { encodedType = new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON, result.getClass().getSimpleName()); } return encodedType; } private boolean hasComplexTypeMeta(final DtList<?> dtList) { for (final String entry : dtList.getMetaDataNames()) { final Option<Serializable> value = dtList.getMetaData(entry, Serializable.class); if (value.isDefined()) { final Class<?> metaClass = value.get().getClass(); if (!(metaClass.isPrimitive() || String.class.isAssignableFrom(metaClass) || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(metaClass) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(metaClass) || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(metaClass) || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(metaClass) || Date.class.isAssignableFrom(metaClass))) { return true; } } } return false; } private UiContext readInnerBodyValue(final String jsonBody, final List<EndPointParam> endPointParams) throws VSecurityException { final List<EndPointParam> innerBodyEndPointParams = new ArrayList<>(); final Map<String, Type> innerBodyParams = new HashMap<>(); for (final EndPointParam endPointParam : endPointParams) { if (endPointParam.getParamType() == RestParamType.InnerBody || endPointParam.getParamType() == RestParamType.Implicit) { innerBodyEndPointParams.add(endPointParam); innerBodyParams.put(endPointParam.getName(), endPointParam.getGenericType()); } } if (!innerBodyParams.isEmpty()) { final UiContext uiContext = jsonReaderEngine.uiContextFromJson(jsonBody, innerBodyParams); for (final EndPointParam endPointParam : innerBodyEndPointParams) { final Serializable value = uiContext.get(endPointParam.getName()); if (value instanceof UiObject) { postReadUiObject((UiObject<DtObject>) value, endPointParam.getName(), endPointParam, tokenManager); } else if (value instanceof UiListDelta) { postReadUiListDelta((UiListDelta<DtObject>) value, endPointParam.getName(), endPointParam, tokenManager); } } return uiContext; } return null; } private <D> D readPrimitiveValue(final String json, final Class<D> paramClass) { if (json == null) { return null; } else if (paramClass.isPrimitive()) { return jsonReaderEngine.fromJson(json, paramClass); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return paramClass.cast(json); } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return paramClass.cast(Integer.valueOf(json)); } else if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return paramClass.cast(Long.valueOf(json)); } else if (Float.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return paramClass.cast(Float.valueOf(json)); } else if (Double.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return paramClass.cast(Double.valueOf(json)); } else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return paramClass.cast(jsonReaderEngine.fromJson(json, paramClass)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type " + paramClass.getSimpleName()); } } private <D> D readQueryValue(final QueryParamsMap queryMap, final EndPointParam endPointParam) throws VSecurityException { final Class<D> paramClass = (Class<D>) endPointParam.getType(); final String paramName = endPointParam.getName(); if (queryMap == null) { return null; } if (UiListState.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass) || DtObject.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return (D) readValue(convertToJson(queryMap, endPointParam.getName()), endPointParam); } return readPrimitiveValue(queryMap.get(paramName).value(), paramClass); } private Object readImplicitValue(final EndPointParam endPointParam, final Request request, final Response response, final RouteContext routeContext) { switch (ImplicitParam.valueOf(endPointParam.getName())) { case UiMessageStack: return routeContext.getUiMessageStack(); case Request: return request.raw(); case Response: return response.raw(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("ImplicitParam : " + endPointParam.getName()); } } private String convertToJson(final QueryParamsMap queryMap, final String queryPrefix) { final String checkedQueryPrefix = queryPrefix.isEmpty() ? "" : queryPrefix + "."; final Map<String, Object> queryParams = new HashMap<>(); for (final Entry<String, String[]> entry : queryMap.toMap().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().startsWith(checkedQueryPrefix)) { final String[] value = entry.getValue(); final Object simplerValue = value.length == 0 ? null : value.length == 1 ? value[0] : value; queryParams.put(entry.getKey().substring(checkedQueryPrefix.length()), simplerValue); } } return jsonWriterEngine.toJson(queryParams); } private Object readValue(final String json, final EndPointParam endPointParam) throws VSecurityException { final Class<?> paramClass = endPointParam.getType(); final Type paramGenericType = endPointParam.getGenericType(); if (json == null) { return null; } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return json; } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return Integer.valueOf(json); } else if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { return Long.valueOf(json); } else if (DtObject.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { final UiObject<DtObject> uiObject = jsonReaderEngine.<DtObject>uiObjectFromJson(json, paramGenericType); if (uiObject != null) { postReadUiObject(uiObject, "", endPointParam, tokenManager); } return uiObject; } else if (DtListDelta.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { final UiListDelta<DtObject> uiListDelta = jsonReaderEngine.<DtObject>uiListDeltaFromJson(json, paramGenericType); if (uiListDelta != null) { postReadUiListDelta(uiListDelta, "", endPointParam, tokenManager); } return uiListDelta; } else if (DtList.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { final UiList<DtObject> uiList = jsonReaderEngine.<DtObject>uiListFromJson(json, paramGenericType); if (uiList != null) { postReadUiList(uiList, "", endPointParam, tokenManager); } return uiList; } else if (DtObjectExtended.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported type DtObjectExtended (use multiple params instead, /*implicit body*/ myDto, @InnerBodyParams others...)."); } else if (UiContext.class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type UiContext (use @InnerBodyParams instead)."); } else { return jsonReaderEngine.fromJson(json, paramClass); } } private static void postReadUiObject(final UiObject<DtObject> uiObject, final String inputKey, final EndPointParam endPointParam, final TokenManager uiSecurityTokenManager) throws VSecurityException { uiObject.setInputKey(inputKey); checkUnauthorizedFieldModifications(uiObject, endPointParam); if (endPointParam.isNeedServerSideToken()) { final String accessToken = uiObject.getServerSideToken(); if (accessToken == null) { throw new VSecurityException(SERVER_SIDE_MANDATORY); //same message for no ServerSideToken or bad ServerSideToken } final Option<Serializable> serverSideObject; if (endPointParam.isConsumeServerSideToken()) { //if exception : token is consume. It's for security reason : no replay on bad request (brute force password) serverSideObject = uiSecurityTokenManager.getAndRemove(accessToken); } else { serverSideObject = uiSecurityTokenManager.get(accessToken); } if (serverSideObject.isEmpty()) { throw new VSecurityException(SERVER_SIDE_MANDATORY); //same message for no ServerSideToken or bad ServerSideToken } uiObject.setServerSideObject((DtObject) serverSideObject.get()); } } private static void postReadUiListDelta(final UiListDelta<DtObject> uiListDelta, final String inputKey, final EndPointParam endPointParam, final TokenManager uiSecurityTokenManager) throws VSecurityException { final String prefix = inputKey.length() > 0 ? inputKey + "." : ""; for (final Map.Entry<String, UiObject<DtObject>> entry : uiListDelta.getCreatesMap().entrySet()) { final String uiObjectInputKey = prefix + entry.getKey(); postReadUiObject(entry.getValue(), uiObjectInputKey, endPointParam, uiSecurityTokenManager); } for (final Map.Entry<String, UiObject<DtObject>> entry : uiListDelta.getUpdatesMap().entrySet()) { final String uiObjectInputKey = prefix + entry.getKey(); postReadUiObject(entry.getValue(), uiObjectInputKey, endPointParam, uiSecurityTokenManager); } for (final Map.Entry<String, UiObject<DtObject>> entry : uiListDelta.getDeletesMap().entrySet()) { final String uiObjectInputKey = prefix + entry.getKey(); postReadUiObject(entry.getValue(), uiObjectInputKey, endPointParam, uiSecurityTokenManager); } } private static void postReadUiList(final UiList<DtObject> uiList, final String inputKey, final EndPointParam endPointParam, final TokenManager uiSecurityTokenManager) throws VSecurityException { final String prefix = inputKey.length() > 0 ? inputKey + "." : ""; int index = 0; for (final UiObject<DtObject> entry : uiList) { final String uiObjectInputKey = prefix + "idx" + index; postReadUiObject(entry, uiObjectInputKey, endPointParam, uiSecurityTokenManager); index++; } } private static void checkUnauthorizedFieldModifications(final UiObject<DtObject> uiObject, final EndPointParam endPointParam) throws VSecurityException { for (final String excludedField : endPointParam.getExcludedFields()) { if (uiObject.isModified(excludedField)) { throw new VSecurityException(FORBIDDEN_OPERATION_FIELD_MODIFICATION + excludedField); } } final Set<String> includedFields = endPointParam.getIncludedFields(); if (!includedFields.isEmpty()) { for (final String modifiedField : uiObject.getModifiedFields()) { if (!includedFields.contains(modifiedField)) { throw new VSecurityException(FORBIDDEN_OPERATION_FIELD_MODIFICATION + modifiedField); } } } } private String writeValue(final Object value, final Response response, final EncodedType encodedType, final EndPointDefinition endPointDefinition) { Assertion.checkNotNull(value); //----- final String tokenId; if (endPointDefinition.isServerSideSave()) { Assertion.checkArgument( DtObject.class.isInstance(value) || DtObjectExtended.class.isInstance(value) || DtList.class.isInstance(value) || UiContext.class.isInstance(value), "Return type can't be ServerSide : {0}", value.getClass().getSimpleName()); tokenId = tokenManager.put((Serializable) value); } else { tokenId = null; } switch (encodedType.getEncoderType()) { case JSON: return jsonWriterEngine.toJson(value); case JSON_ENTITY: return toJson(value, Collections.<String, Serializable>emptyMap(), tokenId, endPointDefinition.getIncludedFields(), endPointDefinition.getExcludedFields()); case JSON_ENTITY_META: final DtObjectExtended<?> dtoExtended = (DtObjectExtended<?>) value; return toJson(dtoExtended.getInnerObject(), dtoExtended, tokenId, endPointDefinition.getIncludedFields(), endPointDefinition.getExcludedFields()); case JSON_LIST: writeListMetaToHeader((List) value, response); return toJson(value, Collections.<String, Serializable>emptyMap(), tokenId, endPointDefinition.getIncludedFields(), endPointDefinition.getExcludedFields()); case JSON_LIST_META: return toJson(value, getListMetas((DtList) value), tokenId, endPointDefinition.getIncludedFields(), endPointDefinition.getExcludedFields()); case JSON_UI_CONTEXT: //TODO build json in jsonWriterEngine final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("{"); String sep = ""; for (final Map.Entry<String, Serializable> entry : ((UiContext) value).entrySet()) { sb.append(sep); final Serializable entryValue = entry.getValue(); String encodedValue; if (entryValue instanceof DtList) { final DtList<?> dtList = (DtList<?>) entryValue; encodedValue = writeValue(entryValue, response, new EncodedType(EncoderType.JSON_LIST_META, dtList.getDefinition().getClassSimpleName()), endPointDefinition); } else if (entryValue instanceof DtObject || entryValue instanceof DtObjectExtended) { encodedValue = writeValue(entryValue, response, findEncodedType(entryValue), endPointDefinition); } else { encodedValue = jsonWriterEngine.toJson(entryValue); } sb.append("\"").append(entry.getKey()).append("\":").append(encodedValue).append(""); sep = ", "; } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Return type :" + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not supported"); } } private void writeListMetaToHeader(final List<?> list, final Response response) { if (list instanceof DtList) { final DtList<?> dtList = (DtList<?>) list; for (final String entry : dtList.getMetaDataNames()) { final Option<Serializable> value = dtList.getMetaData(entry, Serializable.class); if (value.isDefined()) { if (value.get() instanceof String) { response.header(entry, (String) value.get()); //TODO escape somethings ? } else { response.header(entry, jsonWriterEngine.toJson(value.get())); } } } } //else nothing, there is no meta on standard list } private Map<String, Serializable> getListMetas(final DtList<?> dtList) { final Map<String, Serializable> metaDatas = new HashMap<>(); for (final String entry : dtList.getMetaDataNames()) { final Option<Serializable> value = dtList.getMetaData(entry, Serializable.class); if (value.isDefined()) { metaDatas.put(entry, value.get()); } } return metaDatas; } private String toJson(final Object value, final Map<String, Serializable> metaData, final String tokenId, final Set<String> includedFields, final Set<String> excludedFields) { final Map<String, Serializable> metaDataToSend; if (tokenId != null) { metaDataToSend = new HashMap<>(metaData); metaDataToSend.put(JsonEngine.SERVER_SIDE_TOKEN_FIELDNAME, tokenId); } else { metaDataToSend = metaData; } return jsonWriterEngine.toJsonWithMeta(value, metaDataToSend, includedFields, excludedFields); } }