Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.tilt.minka.spectator; import static org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState.LOST; import static org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState.SUSPENDED; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.apache.curator.RetryPolicy; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory; import org.apache.curator.framework.api.UnhandledErrorListener; import org.apache.curator.framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkState; import; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateListener; import org.apache.curator.retry.RetryNTimes; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.States; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Coordination utilities for distributed servers, extending Apache Curator recipes. * * A publish/subscribe distributed message queue * A leader election (thru Apache Curator) * A named locking facility to synchronize distributed processors. (thru Apache Curator) * * @author Cristian Gonzalez * @since Oct 7, 2015 */ public class Spectator implements Closeable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Spectator.class); private final String SHUTDOWN_THREAD_NAME = "Spectator-Shutdown"; public final String ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING = "zookeeper.connect"; private final String SPECTATOR_ZK_SUBDOMAIN_PATH = "spectator-domain"; // retry during 30 mins, each 5 seconds public final static int CONNECTION_RETRY_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 3; public final static int CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT = 1000; public final static int QUEUE_RETENTION_DAYS_DEFAULT = 5; private static CuratorFramework sharedClient; private Map<String, Set<UserInstanceObject>> mapObjects; private String zookeeperHostPort; private static int connectionRetryAttempts = CONNECTION_RETRY_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT; private static int connectionRetryDelayMs = CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT; private static int queueRetentionDays = QUEUE_RETENTION_DAYS_DEFAULT; private ReentrantLock shutdownLock; private boolean shutdownDone; private final String logId; public Spectator(Spectator spec) { this(spec.getZookeeperHostPort(), spec.getLogId()); } public Spectator() { this("", null); } protected String getLogId() { return this.logId; } public Spectator(Spectator spec, String logId) { this(spec.getZookeeperHostPort(), logId); boolean started = isStarted(); sharedClient = spec.getClient(); if (started) { hookListeners(); } } public Spectator(final String hostPortArg, String logId) { this.logId = logId == null ? String.valueOf(hashCode()) : logId; this.shutdownLock = new ReentrantLock(true); // initialize user objects map this.mapObjects = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); setHostPort(hostPortArg); // ensure finalization Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> leaveAllMeetings(true), SHUTDOWN_THREAD_NAME)); } private void setHostPort(final String hostPortArg) { String hostPort = null; if (hostPortArg == null || hostPortArg.isEmpty()) { // obtain ZK connection params hostPort = System.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING); if (hostPort == null || hostPort.isEmpty()) { hostPort = System.getenv(ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING); } } else { hostPort = hostPortArg; } if (hostPort != null) { zookeeperHostPort = hostPort; // initialize connection getClient(); } else { logger.warn("{}: ({}) Spectator will wait for zookeeper connect string be statically set !", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId); } } protected Map<String, Set<UserInstanceObject>> getUserMap() { return mapObjects; } /** * Manually close all spectator objects. * Dont use this for JVM destruction method. * instead use {@linkplain destroy()} * * @param closeUserListeners Use true for user listeners to be called back * */ public void close(boolean closeUserListeners) { // avoid calling user's listeners leaveAllMeetings(closeUserListeners); } public void close() { close(true); } /** * Close all spectator objects. * All user listeners will be called back */ public void destroy() { leaveAllMeetings(true); } protected boolean checkExistance(final String name, final Object listener) { Validate.notNull(name, "the duty Name is required"); Validate.notNull(listener, "the duty Listener is required"); if (mapObjects.containsKey(name)) { for (UserInstanceObject uio : mapObjects.get(name)) { if (uio != null) { if ((uio.getServerCandidate() != null && uio.getServerCandidate().equals(listener)) || (uio.getConsumer() != null && uio.getConsumer().equals(listener))) { logger.warn("{}: ({}) Attempting to overwrite a Name ({}) with the same listener", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, name); return true; } else { /*throw new RuntimeException("Name (" + name + ") already exists with a different listener instance"); */ // TODO quizas debiera tirarla return false; } } } } return false; } /** * stop participating leader election, locks and queueing nodes * called at: * 1) jvm shutdown, * 2) zookeeper's connection lost/suspended * @param closeUserObjects when call by the user he doesnt need to be called back */ private void leaveAllMeetings(final boolean closeUserObjects) { if (!shutdownDone && !shutdownLock.isHeldByCurrentThread() && shutdownLock.tryLock()) { if (mapObjects.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("{}: ({}) No user listeners to stop/close !?", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId); } else {"{}: ({}) Closing all spectator objects and stopping user listeners...", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId); for (Entry<String, Set<UserInstanceObject>> entry : mapObjects.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); logger.warn("{}: ({}) Leaving {} ", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, name); for (UserInstanceObject uio : entry.getValue()) { discard(name, uio, closeUserObjects); } } } /*if (isStarted()) { sharedClient.close(); }*/ shutdownDone = true; } else { logger.warn("{}: ({}) Unable to obtain shutdown locks to discard spectator objects", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId); } } private void hookListeners() { sharedClient.getConnectionStateListenable().addListener(new ConnectionStateListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework client, ConnectionState newState) {"{}: ({}) Connection state perceived as {} ", Spectator.class.getSimpleName(), logId, newState); if (newState == SUSPENDED) { // only leave at lost leaveAllMeetings(true); } else if (newState == LOST) { leaveAllMeetings(true); } else if (newState == ConnectionState.RECONNECTED) { // the latch recreates the znode and re-adds my previous listener ?? } else if (newState == ConnectionState.READ_ONLY) { // i'm not allowing entering read only mode } } }); sharedClient.getUnhandledErrorListenable().addListener(new UnhandledErrorListener() { @Override public void unhandledError(String message, Throwable e) { logger.error("{}: ({}) Curator drops an Unhandled Error: {} ", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, message, e); } }); } private void discard(String name, UserInstanceObject uio, final boolean closeUserObjects) { try { // play friendly and avoid recursiveness if (uio.getServerCandidate() != null) { uio.setCallbackListeners(closeUserObjects); } // in case of leader latch only if (uio.getLatch() != null && uio.getLatch().getState() == State.STARTED) { uio.getLatch().close(); } // in case of Locks: distributed mutex mostly if (uio.getMutex() != null && uio.getMutex().isAcquiredInThisProcess()) { uio.getMutex().release(); } // in case of Queues: subscription mostly if (uio.getNode() != null) { uio.getNode().close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isStarted() && isConnected()) { logger.error("{}: ({}) Unexpected while discarding object: {} during leaving all meetings", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, name, e); } else { logger.error( "{}: ({}) Zookeeper Disconection: while discarding object: {} during leaving all meetings", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, name, e.getMessage()); } } finally { // call client's emergency callback to warn about dead ZK !! if (uio.getConnectionLostCallback() != null) {"{}: ({}) Calling connection lost callback: {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, uio.getConnectionLostCallback().getClass().getName()); uio.getConnectionLostCallback().run(); } else { logger.warn("{}: ({}) Connection lost callback is NULL ", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId); } } } protected long elapsed(final long now) { return System.currentTimeMillis() - now; } protected void remove(final String name, final UserInstanceObject uio) { Set<UserInstanceObject> set = mapObjects.get(name); if (set != null) { set.remove(uio); } } protected void add(final String name, final UserInstanceObject uo) { Set<UserInstanceObject> set = mapObjects.get(name); if (set == null) { mapObjects.put(name, set = new HashSet<UserInstanceObject>()); } set.add(uo); } public boolean isConnected() { try { return sharedClient.getZookeeperClient().isConnected() && sharedClient.getZookeeperClient().getZooKeeper().getState() == States.CONNECTED; } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } protected boolean isStarted() { try { return sharedClient != null && sharedClient.getState() == CuratorFrameworkState.STARTED; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("{}: ({}) Unexpected while checking is connected", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, e); } return false; } protected CuratorFramework getClient() { if (!isStarted()) { if (zookeeperHostPort == null) { logger.error( "{}: ({}) Zookeeper's connect string ({}) unresolved. Must set system property, " + "environment variable or use static class setter", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId, ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING); } else { synchronized (Spectator.class) { if (!isStarted()) {"{}: ({}) Spectator connecting to zookeeper...", getClass().getSimpleName(), logId); RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new RetryNTimes(connectionRetryAttempts, connectionRetryDelayMs); sharedClient = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder().namespace(SPECTATOR_ZK_SUBDOMAIN_PATH) .connectString(zookeeperHostPort).retryPolicy(retryPolicy).build(); hookListeners(); try { sharedClient.blockUntilConnected(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } sharedClient.start(); } } } } return sharedClient; } public void setConnectionLostCallback(final String ensembleName, final Runnable callback) { final Set<UserInstanceObject> uios = this.mapObjects.get(ensembleName); for (UserInstanceObject uio : uios) { uio.setConnectionLostCallback(callback); } } /** * Global to all ensembles generated within this instance * @param callback */ public void setConnectionLostCallback(final Runnable callback) { for (Collection<UserInstanceObject> coll : this.mapObjects.values()) { for (UserInstanceObject uio : coll) { uio.setConnectionLostCallback(callback); } } } /** * @return If not manually set defaults to @see {@link Spectator.CONNECTION_RETRY_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT} */ public int getConnectionRetryAttempts() { return connectionRetryAttempts; } /** * In case ZK connection fails, set your own number of retries * @param connectionRetryAttempts */ public void setConnectionRetryAttempts(int connectionRetryAttempts) { Spectator.connectionRetryAttempts = connectionRetryAttempts; if (isStarted()) { sharedClient.getZookeeperClient() .setRetryPolicy(new RetryNTimes(connectionRetryAttempts, connectionRetryDelayMs)); } } /** * @return If not manually set defaults to @see {@link Spectator.CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY_MS_DEFAULT} */ public int getConnectionRetryDelayMs() { return connectionRetryDelayMs; } /** * In case ZK connection fails, set your own delay between retries * @param connectionRetryDelayMs */ public void setConnectionRetryDelayMs(int connectionRetryDelayMs) { Spectator.connectionRetryDelayMs = connectionRetryDelayMs; if (isStarted()) { sharedClient.getZookeeperClient() .setRetryPolicy(new RetryNTimes(connectionRetryAttempts, connectionRetryDelayMs)); } } /** * @return If not manually set defaults to @see {@link Spectator.QUEUE_RETENTION_DAYS_DEFAULT} */ public static int getQueueRetentionDays() { return queueRetentionDays; } /** * Messages on queues deletion occurs by default to @see {@link Spectator.QUEUE_RETENTION_DAYS_DEFAULT} * @param queueRetentionDays */ public void setQueueRetentionDays(int queueRetentionDays) { Spectator.queueRetentionDays = queueRetentionDays; } /** * @return current zookeeper's connect string manually set or get as system property/environment var. */ public String getZookeeperHostPort() { return zookeeperHostPort; } /** * When zookeeper's connect string not provided as System property or environment variable * You must manually set the value, or nothing will work. * * @param zookeeperHostPortArg in the format "hostname1:port,hostname2:port" */ public void setZookeeperHostPort(String zookeeperHostPortArg) { zookeeperHostPort = zookeeperHostPortArg; } }