Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static io.tilt.minka.domain.ShardState.QUARANTINE; import static io.tilt.minka.utils.LogUtils.HEALTH_DOWN; import static io.tilt.minka.utils.LogUtils.HEALTH_UP; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import io.tilt.minka.api.Config; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.tilt.minka.domain.Clearance; import io.tilt.minka.domain.Heartbeat; import io.tilt.minka.domain.NetworkShardID; import io.tilt.minka.domain.Shard; import io.tilt.minka.domain.ShardState; import io.tilt.minka.utils.LogUtils; /** * Analyze the {@linkplain PartitionTable} defining a shard's {@linkplain ShardState} * * @author Cristian Gonzalez * @since Dec 2, 2015 */ public class Shepherd extends ServiceImpl { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); public static final String LEADER_SHARD_PATH = "leader-shard"; private final Config config; private final PartitionTable partitionTable; private final Auditor auditor; private final EventBroker eventBroker; private final Coordinator coordinator; private final NetworkShardID shardId; private final LeaderShardContainer leaderShardContainer; private int analysisCounter; private int blessCounter; private int lastUnstableAnalysisId; private final SynchronizedAgentFactory analyzer; /* 10 mins min: previous time-window lapse to look for events to rebuild Partition Table */ public Shepherd(final Config config, final PartitionTable partitionTable, final Auditor accounter, final EventBroker eventBroker, final Coordinator coordinator, final NetworkShardID shardId, final LeaderShardContainer leaderShardContainer) { this.config = config; this.partitionTable = partitionTable; this.auditor = accounter; this.eventBroker = eventBroker; this.coordinator = coordinator; this.shardId = shardId; this.leaderShardContainer = leaderShardContainer; this.analyzer = SynchronizedAgentFactory .build(Action.SHEPHERD_PERIODIC, PriorityLock.MEDIUM_BLOCKING, Frequency.PERIODIC, () -> analyzeShards()) .delayed(config.getShepherdStartDelayMs()).every(config.getShepherdDelayMs()); } @Override public void start() {"{}: Starting. Scheduling constant shepherding check", getClass().getSimpleName()); coordinator.schedule(analyzer); } @Override public void stop() {"{}: Stopping", getClass().getSimpleName()); this.coordinator.stop(analyzer); } private void blessShards() { try { final List<Shard> shards = partitionTable.getShardsByState(ShardState.ONLINE);"{}: Blessing {} shards {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), shards.size(), shards); shards.forEach(i -> eventBroker.postEvent(i.getBrokerChannel(), EVENT_SET, Clearance.create(shardId))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("{}: Unexpected while blessing", getClass().getSimpleName(), e); } finally {; } } private void analyzeShards() { try { if (!leaderShardContainer.imLeader()) { return; } .titleLine("Analyzing Shards (i" + analysisCounter++ + ") by Leader: " + shardId.toString())); final List<Shard> shards = partitionTable.getAllImmutable(); if (shards.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("{}: Partition queue empty: no shards emiting heartbeats ?", getClass().getSimpleName()); return; } lastUnstableAnalysisId = analysisCounter == 1 ? 1 : lastUnstableAnalysisId;"{}: Health: {}, {} shard(s) going to be analyzed: {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), partitionTable.getVisibilityHealth(), shards.size(), shards); int sizeOnline = 0; for (Shard shard : shards) { ShardState concludedState = evaluateStateThruHeartbeats(shard); if (concludedState != shard.getState()) { lastUnstableAnalysisId = analysisCounter; shard.setState(concludedState); auditor.checkShardChangingState(shard); } sizeOnline += shard.getState() == ShardState.ONLINE ? 1 : 0; } final ClusterHealth health = sizeOnline == shards.size() && analysisCounter - lastUnstableAnalysisId >= config.getClusterHealthStabilityDelayPeriods() ? STABLE : UNSTABLE; if (health != partitionTable.getVisibilityHealth()) { partitionTable.setVisibilityHealth(health); logger.warn("{}: Cluster back to: {} ({}, min unchanged analyses: {})", getClass().getSimpleName(), partitionTable.getVisibilityHealth(), lastUnstableAnalysisId, config.getClusterHealthStabilityDelayPeriods()); } if (blessCounter++ > 2) { blessCounter = 0; blessShards(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("{}: Unexpected while shepherdizing", getClass().getSimpleName(), e); } finally {; } } private ShardState evaluateStateThruHeartbeats(Shard shard) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long normalDelay = config.getFollowerHeartbeatDelayMs(); final long configuredLapse = config.getShepherdHeartbeatLapseSec() * 1000; final long lapseStart = now - configuredLapse; //long minMandatoryHBs = configuredLapse / normalDelay; final ShardState currentState = shard.getState(); ShardState newState = currentState; final List<Heartbeat> all = shard.getHeartbeats(); List<Heartbeat> pastLapse = null; String msg = ""; final int minHealthlyToGoOnline = config.getShepherdMinHealthlyHeartbeatsForShardOnline(); final int minToBeGone = config.getShepherdMaxAbsentHeartbeatsBeforeShardGone(); final int maxSickToGoQuarantine = config.getShepherdMaxSickHeartbeatsBeforeShardQuarantine(); if (all.size() < minToBeGone) { if (shard.getLastStatusChange().plus(config.getShepherdMaxShardJoiningStateMs()).isBeforeNow()) { msg = "try joining expired"; newState = ShardState.GONE; } else { msg = "no enough heartbeats in lapse"; newState = ShardState.JOINING; } } else { pastLapse = -> i.getCreation().isAfter(lapseStart)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); int pastLapseSize = pastLapse.size(); if (pastLapseSize > 0 && checkHealth(now, normalDelay, pastLapse)) { if (pastLapseSize >= minHealthlyToGoOnline) { msg = "healthy lapse > = min. healthly for online"; newState = ShardState.ONLINE; } else { msg = "healthly lapse < min. healthly for online"; newState = ShardState.QUARANTINE; // TODO cuantas veces soporto que flapee o que este Quarantine antes de matarlo x forro ? } } else { if (pastLapseSize > maxSickToGoQuarantine) { if (pastLapseSize <= minToBeGone || pastLapseSize == 0) { msg = "sick lapse < min to gone"; newState = ShardState.GONE; } else { msg = "sick lapse > max. sick to stay online"; newState = ShardState.QUARANTINE; } } else if (pastLapseSize <= minToBeGone && currentState == QUARANTINE) { msg = "sick lapse < min to gone"; newState = ShardState.GONE; } else if (pastLapseSize > 0 && currentState == ShardState.ONLINE) { msg = "sick lapse > 0 (" + pastLapseSize + ")"; newState = ShardState.QUARANTINE; } else if (pastLapseSize == 0 && currentState == QUARANTINE) { msg = "sick lapse = 0 "; newState = ShardState.GONE; } else { msg = "lapse is wtf=" + pastLapseSize; } } }"{}: {} {} {}, {}, ({}/{}), Seq [{}..{}] {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), shard, newState == currentState ? "stays in" : "changing to", newState, msg, all.size(), pastLapse != null ? pastLapse.size() : 0, all.get(all.size() - 1).getSequenceId(), all.get(0).getSequenceId(), shardId.equals(shard.getShardID()) ? LogUtils.SPECIAL : ""); return newState; } private boolean checkHealth(long now, long normalDelay, List<Heartbeat> onTime) { SummaryStatistics stat = new SummaryStatistics(); // there's some hope long lastCreation = onTime.get(0).getCreation().getMillis(); long biggestDistance = 0; for (Heartbeat hb : onTime) { long creation = hb.getCreation().getMillis(); long arriveDelay = now - creation; long distance = creation - lastCreation; stat.addValue(distance); lastCreation = creation; biggestDistance = distance > biggestDistance ? distance : biggestDistance; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: HB SeqID: {}, Arrive Delay: {}ms, Distance: {}ms, Creation: {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), hb.getSequenceId(), arriveDelay, distance, hb.getCreation()); } } long stdDeviationDelay = (long) Precision.round(stat.getStandardDeviation(), 2); long permittedStdDeviationDistance = (normalDelay * (long) (config.getShepherdHeartbeatMaxDistanceStandardDeviation() * 10d) / 100); /* long permittedBiggestDelay = (normalDelay * (long)(config.getShepherdHeartbeatMaxBiggestDistanceFactor()*10d) / 100); */ final NetworkShardID shardId = onTime.get(0).getShardId(); boolean healthly = stdDeviationDelay < permittedStdDeviationDistance;// && biggestDelay < permittedBiggestDelay; if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Shard: {}, {} Standard deviation distance: {}/{}", getClass().getSimpleName(), shardId, healthly ? HEALTH_UP : HEALTH_DOWN, stdDeviationDelay, permittedStdDeviationDistance); } return healthly; } }