Java tutorial
/* Teak -- Copyright (C) 2016 GoCarrot Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.teak.sdk; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; class Session { private static final String LOG_TAG = "Teak:Session"; private static final long SAME_SESSION_TIME_DELTA = 120000; // region State machine public enum State { Invalid("Invalid"), Allocated("Allocated"), Created("Created"), Configured("Configured"), UserIdentified( "UserIdentified"), Expiring("Expiring"), Expired("Expired"); //public static final Integer length = 1 + Expired.ordinal(); private static final State[][] allowedTransitions = { {}, { State.Created, State.Expiring }, { State.Configured, State.Expiring }, { State.UserIdentified, State.Expiring }, { State.Expiring }, { State.Created, State.Configured, State.UserIdentified, State.Expired }, {} }; public final String name; State(String name) { = name; } public boolean canTransitionTo(State nextState) { if (nextState == State.Invalid) return true; for (State allowedTransition : allowedTransitions[this.ordinal()]) { if (nextState == allowedTransition) return true; } return false; } } private State state = State.Allocated; private State previousState = null; private final Object stateMutex = new Object(); // endregion // region Event Listener public interface EventListener { void onStateChange(Session session, State oldState, State newState); } private static final Object eventListenersMutex = new Object(); private static ArrayList<EventListener> eventListeners = new ArrayList<>(); public static void addEventListener(EventListener e) { synchronized (eventListenersMutex) { if (!eventListeners.contains(e)) { eventListeners.add(e); } } } public static void removeEventListener(EventListener e) { synchronized (eventListenersMutex) { eventListeners.remove(e); } } // endregion // State: Created public final Date startDate; public final AppConfiguration appConfiguration; public final DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration; // State: Configured public RemoteConfiguration remoteConfiguration; // State: UserIdentified private String userId; private ScheduledExecutorService heartbeatService; private String countryCode; private String facebookAccessToken; // State: Expiring private Date endDate; // State Independent private String launchedFromTeakNotifId; private String launchedFromDeepLink; private ArrayList<String> attributionChain = new ArrayList<>(); private Session(AppConfiguration appConfiguration, DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration) { // State: Created // Valid data: // - startDate // - appConfiguration // - deviceConfiguration this.startDate = new Date(); this.appConfiguration = appConfiguration; this.deviceConfiguration = deviceConfiguration; DeviceConfiguration.addEventListener(this.deviceConfigurationListener); IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(FacebookAccessTokenBroadcast.UPDATED_ACCESS_TOKEN_INTENT_ACTION); Teak.localBroadcastManager.registerReceiver(this.facebookBroadcastReceiver, filter); setState(State.Created); } public boolean hasExpired() { synchronized (stateMutex) { if (this.state == State.Expiring && (new Date().getTime() - currentSession.endDate.getTime() > SAME_SESSION_TIME_DELTA)) { setState(State.Expired); } return (this.state == State.Expired); } } public static void setUserId(@NonNull String userId) { if (userId.isEmpty()) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "User Id can not be null or empty."); return; } // If the user id has changed, create a new session synchronized (currentSessionMutex) { synchronized (currentSession.stateMutex) { if (currentSession.userId != null && !currentSession.userId.equals(userId)) { Session newSession = new Session(currentSession.appConfiguration, currentSession.deviceConfiguration); newSession.attributionChain.addAll(currentSession.attributionChain); currentSession.setState(State.Expiring); currentSession.setState(State.Expired); currentSession = newSession; } currentSession.userId = userId; if (currentSession.state == State.Configured) { currentSession.identifyUser(); } } } } private boolean setState(@NonNull State newState) { synchronized (stateMutex) { if (this.state == newState) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("Session State transition to same state (%s). Ignoring.", this.state)); return false; } if (!this.state.canTransitionTo(newState)) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format("Invalid Session State transition (%s -> %s). Ignoring.", this.state, newState)); return false; } ArrayList<Object[]> invalidValuesForTransition = new ArrayList<>(); // Check the data that should be valid before transitioning to the next state. Perform any // logic that should occur on transition. switch (newState) { case Created: { if (this.startDate == null) { invalidValuesForTransition.add(new Object[] { "startDate", "null" }); break; } if (this.appConfiguration == null) { invalidValuesForTransition.add(new Object[] { "appConfiguration", "null" }); break; } if (this.deviceConfiguration == null) { invalidValuesForTransition.add(new Object[] { "deviceConfiguration", "null" }); break; } RemoteConfiguration.addEventListener(remoteConfigurationListener); } break; case Configured: { if (this.remoteConfiguration == null) { invalidValuesForTransition.add(new Object[] { "remoteConfiguration", "null" }); break; } RemoteConfiguration.removeEventListener(remoteConfigurationListener); if (this.userId != null) { this.identifyUser(); } } break; case UserIdentified: { if (this.userId == null) { invalidValuesForTransition.add(new Object[] { "userId", "null" }); break; } // Start heartbeat, heartbeat service should be null right now if (this.heartbeatService != null) { invalidValuesForTransition.add(new Object[] { "heartbeatService", this.heartbeatService }); break; } startHeartbeat(); synchronized (userIdReadyRunnableQueueMutex) { for (WhenUserIdIsReadyRun runnable : userIdReadyRunnableQueue) { new Thread(runnable).start(); } userIdReadyRunnableQueue.clear(); } } break; case Expiring: { this.endDate = new Date(); // TODO: When expiring, punt to background service and say "Hey check the state of this session in N seconds" // Stop heartbeat, Expiring->Expiring is possible, so no invalid data here if (this.heartbeatService != null) { this.heartbeatService.shutdown(); this.heartbeatService = null; } } break; case Expired: { DeviceConfiguration.removeEventListener(this.deviceConfigurationListener); if (Teak.localBroadcastManager != null) { Teak.localBroadcastManager.unregisterReceiver(this.facebookBroadcastReceiver); } // TODO: Report Session to server, once we collect that info. } break; } // Print out any invalid values if (invalidValuesForTransition.size() > 0) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format( "Invalid Session value%s while trying to transition from %s -> %s. Invalidating Session.", invalidValuesForTransition.size() > 1 ? "s" : "", this.state, newState)); for (Object[] invalidValue : invalidValuesForTransition) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format(Locale.US, "\t%s: %s", invalidValue[0], invalidValue[1])); } // Invalidate this session this.setState(State.Invalid); return false; } this.previousState = this.state; this.state = newState; if (Teak.isDebug) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("Session State transition from %s -> %s.", this.previousState, this.state)); } synchronized (eventListenersMutex) { for (EventListener e : eventListeners) { e.onStateChange(this, this.previousState, this.state); } } return true; } } private void startHeartbeat() { final Session _this = this; this.heartbeatService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); this.heartbeatService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (Teak.isDebug) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Sending heartbeat for user: " + userId); } HttpsURLConnection connection = null; try { String queryString = "game_id=" + URLEncoder.encode(_this.appConfiguration.appId, "UTF-8") + "&api_key=" + URLEncoder.encode(_this.userId, "UTF-8") + "&sdk_version=" + URLEncoder.encode(Teak.SDKVersion, "UTF-8") + "&sdk_platform=" + URLEncoder.encode(_this.deviceConfiguration.platformString, "UTF-8") + "&app_version=" + URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(_this.appConfiguration.appVersion), "UTF-8") + (_this.countryCode == null ? "" : "&country_code=" + URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(_this.countryCode), "UTF-8")) + "&buster=" + URLEncoder.encode(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "UTF-8"); URL url = new URL("" + queryString); connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", "UTF-8"); connection.setUseCaches(false); int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (Teak.isDebug) { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Heartbeat response code: " + responseCode); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); } } } }, 0, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // TODO: If RemoteConfiguration specifies a different rate, use that } private void identifyUser() { final Session _this = this; new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized (_this.stateMutex) { HashMap<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>(); if (_this.state == State.UserIdentified) { payload.put("do_not_track_event", Boolean.TRUE); } TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); long rawTz = tz.getRawOffset(); if (tz.inDaylightTime(new Date())) { rawTz += tz.getDSTSavings(); } long minutes = TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(rawTz, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); String tzOffset = new DecimalFormat("#0.00").format(minutes / 60.0f); payload.put("timezone", tzOffset); String locale = Locale.getDefault().toString(); payload.put("locale", locale); if (_this.deviceConfiguration.advertsingInfo != null) { payload.put("android_ad_id", _this.deviceConfiguration.advertsingInfo.getId()); payload.put("android_limit_ad_tracking", _this.deviceConfiguration.advertsingInfo.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled()); } if (_this.facebookAccessToken != null) { payload.put("access_token", _this.facebookAccessToken); } if (_this.launchedFromTeakNotifId != null) { payload.put("teak_notif_id", Long.valueOf(_this.launchedFromTeakNotifId)); } if (_this.launchedFromDeepLink != null) { payload.put("deep_link", _this.launchedFromDeepLink); } if (_this.deviceConfiguration.gcmId != null) { payload.put("gcm_push_key", _this.deviceConfiguration.gcmId); } else { payload.put("gcm_push_key", ""); } Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Identifying user: " + _this.userId); Log.d(LOG_TAG, " Timezone: " + tzOffset); Log.d(LOG_TAG, " Locale: " + locale); new Request("/games/" + _this.appConfiguration.appId + "/users.json", payload, _this) { @Override protected void done(int responseCode, String responseBody) { try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(responseBody); // TODO: Grab 'id' and 'game_id' from response and store for Parsnip // Enable verbose logging if flagged boolean enableVerboseLogging = response.optBoolean("verbose_logging"); if (Teak.debugConfiguration != null) { Teak.debugConfiguration.setPreferenceForceDebug(enableVerboseLogging); } // Server requesting new push key. if (response.optBoolean("reset_push_key", false)) { _this.deviceConfiguration.reRegisterPushToken(_this.appConfiguration); } if (response.has("country_code")) { _this.countryCode = response.getString("country_code"); } // Prevent warning for 'do_not_track_event' if (_this.state != State.UserIdentified) { _this.setState(State.UserIdentified); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } super.done(responseCode, responseBody); } }.run(); } } }).start(); } public static abstract class SessionRunnable { public abstract void run(Session session); } private static class WhenUserIdIsReadyRun implements Runnable { private SessionRunnable runnable; public WhenUserIdIsReadyRun(SessionRunnable runnable) { this.runnable = runnable; } @Override public void run() { synchronized (currentSessionMutex) {; } } } private static final Object userIdReadyRunnableQueueMutex = new Object(); private static final ArrayList<WhenUserIdIsReadyRun> userIdReadyRunnableQueue = new ArrayList<>(); public static void whenUserIdIsReadyRun(@NonNull SessionRunnable runnable) { synchronized (currentSessionMutex) { if (currentSession == null) { synchronized (userIdReadyRunnableQueueMutex) { userIdReadyRunnableQueue.add(new WhenUserIdIsReadyRun(runnable)); } } else { synchronized (currentSession.stateMutex) { if (currentSession.state == State.UserIdentified) { new Thread(new WhenUserIdIsReadyRun(runnable)).start(); } else { synchronized (userIdReadyRunnableQueueMutex) { userIdReadyRunnableQueue.add(new WhenUserIdIsReadyRun(runnable)); } } } } } } /** * Process an Intent and assign new values for launching from a deep link or Teak notification. * <p/> * If currentSession was launched via a deep link or notification, and the incoming intent has * a new (non null/empty) value. Create a new Session, cloning state from the old one. * * @param intent Incoming Intent to process. */ public static void processIntent(Intent intent, @NonNull AppConfiguration appConfiguration, @NonNull DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration) { if (intent == null) return; synchronized (currentSessionMutex) { // Call getCurrentSession() so the null || Expired logic stays in one place getCurrentSession(appConfiguration, deviceConfiguration); // Check for launch via deep link String intentDataString = intent.getDataString(); String launchedFromDeepLink = null; if (intentDataString != null && !intentDataString.isEmpty()) { launchedFromDeepLink = intentDataString; if (Teak.isDebug) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Launch from deep link: " + launchedFromDeepLink); } } // Check for launch via notification Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); String launchedFromTeakNotifId = null; if (bundle != null) { String teakNotifId = bundle.getString("teakNotifId"); if (teakNotifId != null && !teakNotifId.isEmpty()) { launchedFromTeakNotifId = teakNotifId; if (Teak.isDebug) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Launch from Teak notification: " + launchedFromTeakNotifId); } } } // If the current session has a launch from deep link/notification, and there is a new // deep link/notification, it's a new session if (stringsAreNotNullOrEmptyAndAreDifferent(currentSession.launchedFromDeepLink, launchedFromDeepLink) || stringsAreNotNullOrEmptyAndAreDifferent(currentSession.launchedFromTeakNotifId, launchedFromTeakNotifId)) { Session oldSession = currentSession; currentSession = new Session(oldSession.appConfiguration, oldSession.deviceConfiguration); currentSession.userId = oldSession.userId; currentSession.attributionChain.addAll(oldSession.attributionChain); oldSession.setState(State.Expiring); oldSession.setState(State.Expired); } // Assign attribution if (launchedFromDeepLink != null && !launchedFromDeepLink.isEmpty()) { currentSession.launchedFromDeepLink = launchedFromDeepLink; currentSession.attributionChain.add(launchedFromDeepLink); } else if (launchedFromTeakNotifId != null && !launchedFromTeakNotifId.isEmpty()) { currentSession.launchedFromTeakNotifId = launchedFromTeakNotifId; currentSession.attributionChain.add(launchedFromTeakNotifId); } } } /** * Used to listen for when remote configuration is ready */ private RemoteConfiguration.EventListener remoteConfigurationListener = new RemoteConfiguration.EventListener() { @Override public void onConfigurationReady(RemoteConfiguration configuration) { remoteConfiguration = configuration; setState(State.Configured); } }; /** * Used to listen for when a GCM key or Advertising Info is changed. */ private DeviceConfiguration.EventListener deviceConfigurationListener = new DeviceConfiguration.EventListener() { @Override public void onGCMIdChanged(DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration) { synchronized (stateMutex) { if (state == State.UserIdentified) { identifyUser(); } } } @Override public void onAdvertisingInfoChanged(DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration) { synchronized (stateMutex) { if (state == State.UserIdentified) { identifyUser(); } } } }; /** * Used to listen for Facebook Access Token update */ private BroadcastReceiver facebookBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context unused, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (FacebookAccessTokenBroadcast.UPDATED_ACCESS_TOKEN_INTENT_ACTION.equals(action)) { facebookAccessToken = intent.getStringExtra("accessToken"); if (Teak.isDebug) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Facebook Access Token updated: " + facebookAccessToken); } synchronized (stateMutex) { if (state == State.UserIdentified) { identifyUser(); } } } } }; /** * Called by Teak lifecycle when activity is paused, set current session state to Expiring */ public static void onActivityPaused() { synchronized (currentSessionMutex) { currentSession.setState(State.Expiring); } } /** * Called by Teak lifecycle when activity is resumed, reset state on current session if it's 'Expiring' */ public static void onActivityResumed(AppConfiguration appConfiguration, DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration) { synchronized (currentSessionMutex) { // Call getCurrentSession() so the null || Expired logic stays in one place getCurrentSession(appConfiguration, deviceConfiguration); // Reset state on current session, if it is expiring synchronized (currentSession.stateMutex) { if (currentSession.state == State.Expiring) { currentSession.setState(currentSession.previousState); } } } } // region Accessors public String userId() { return userId; } // endregion // region Current Session private static Session currentSession; private static final Object currentSessionMutex = new Object(); public static Session getCurrentSession(AppConfiguration appConfiguration, DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration) { synchronized (currentSessionMutex) { if (currentSession == null || currentSession.hasExpired()) { Session oldSession = currentSession; currentSession = new Session(appConfiguration, deviceConfiguration); if (oldSession != null) { currentSession.attributionChain.addAll(oldSession.attributionChain); } // If the old session had a user id assigned, it needs to be passed to the newly created // session. When setState(State.Configured) happens, it will call identifyUser() if (oldSession != null && oldSession.userId != null) { if (Teak.isDebug) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Previous Session expired, assigning user id '" + oldSession.userId + " to new Session."); } setUserId(oldSession.userId); } } return currentSession; } } // endregion // region Helpers private static boolean stringsAreNotNullOrEmptyAndAreDifferent(String currentValue, String newValue) { return (currentValue != null && !currentValue.isEmpty() && newValue != null && !newValue.isEmpty() && !currentValue.equals(newValue)); } // endregion }