Java tutorial
/* Teak -- Copyright (C) 2016 GoCarrot Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.teak.sdk; import; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; class RemoteConfiguration { private static final String LOG_TAG = "Teak:RemoteConfig"; public final AppConfiguration appConfiguration; private final String hostname; private final String sdkSentryDsn; private final String appSentryDsn; // region Event Listener public interface EventListener { void onConfigurationReady(RemoteConfiguration configuration); } private static final Object eventListenersMutex = new Object(); private static ArrayList<EventListener> eventListeners = new ArrayList<>(); public static void addEventListener(EventListener e) { synchronized (eventListenersMutex) { if (!eventListeners.contains(e)) { eventListeners.add(e); } } } public static void removeEventListener(EventListener e) { synchronized (eventListenersMutex) { eventListeners.remove(e); } } // endregion private RemoteConfiguration(@NonNull AppConfiguration appConfiguration, @NonNull String hostname, String sdkSentryDsn, String appSentryDsn) { this.appConfiguration = appConfiguration; this.hostname = hostname; this.appSentryDsn = appSentryDsn; this.sdkSentryDsn = sdkSentryDsn; } public static void requestConfigurationForApp(final Session session) { HashMap<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>(); payload.put("id", session.appConfiguration.appId); new Thread(new Request("", "/games/" + session.appConfiguration.appId + "/settings.json", payload, session) { @Override protected void done(int responseCode, String responseBody) { try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(responseBody); RemoteConfiguration configuration = new RemoteConfiguration(session.appConfiguration, response.isNull("auth") ? "" : response.getString("auth"), nullInsteadOfEmpty(response.isNull("sdk_sentry_dsn") ? null : response.getString("sdk_sentry_dsn")), nullInsteadOfEmpty(response.isNull("app_sentry_dsn") ? null : response.getString("app_sentry_dsn"))); synchronized (eventListenersMutex) { for (EventListener e : RemoteConfiguration.eventListeners) { e.onConfigurationReady(configuration); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error processing settings.json " + Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } } }).start(); } // region Accessors public String getHostnameForEndpoint(@NonNull String endpoint) { if (endpoint.equals("/notification_received")) { return ""; } return this.hostname; } public String sdkSentryDSN() { return this.sdkSentryDsn; } public String appSentryDSN() { return this.appSentryDsn; } // endregion // region Helpers private static String nullInsteadOfEmpty(String input) { if (input != null && !input.isEmpty()) { return input; } return null; } // endregion public Map<String, Object> to_h() { HashMap<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>(); ret.put("hostname", this.hostname); ret.put("sdkSentryDsn", this.sdkSentryDsn); ret.put("appSentryDsn", this.appSentryDsn); return ret; } @Override public String toString() { try { return String.format(Locale.US, "%s: %s", super.toString(), new JSONObject(this.to_h()).toString(2)); } catch (Exception ignored) { return super.toString(); } } }