Java tutorial
package io.swagger.parser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import io.swagger.models.ArrayModel; import io.swagger.models.AuthorizationScope; import io.swagger.models.Contact; import io.swagger.models.Info; import io.swagger.models.License; import io.swagger.models.Method; import io.swagger.models.Model; import io.swagger.models.ModelImpl; import io.swagger.models.Operation; import io.swagger.models.ParamType; import io.swagger.models.PassAs; import io.swagger.models.Path; import io.swagger.models.RefModel; import io.swagger.models.Response; import io.swagger.models.Scheme; import io.swagger.models.Swagger; import io.swagger.models.SwaggerVersion; import io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Api; import io.swagger.models.apideclaration.ApiDeclaration; import io.swagger.models.apideclaration.ExtendedTypedObject; import io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Items; import io.swagger.models.apideclaration.ModelProperty; import io.swagger.models.apideclaration.ResponseMessage; import io.swagger.models.auth.ApiKeyAuthDefinition; import io.swagger.models.auth.AuthorizationValue; import io.swagger.models.auth.BasicAuthDefinition; import io.swagger.models.auth.In; import io.swagger.models.auth.OAuth2Definition; import io.swagger.models.parameters.BodyParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.FormParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.HeaderParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.PathParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.QueryParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.SerializableParameter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.swagger.models.refs.RefFormat; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.ApiInfo; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.ApiKeyAuthorization; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.ApiListingReference; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.Authorization; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.AuthorizationCodeGrant; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.BasicAuthorization; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.ImplicitGrant; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.OAuth2Authorization; import io.swagger.models.resourcelisting.ResourceListing; import io.swagger.parser.util.ClasspathHelper; import io.swagger.parser.util.RemoteUrl; import io.swagger.parser.util.SwaggerDeserializationResult; import; import io.swagger.transform.migrate.ApiDeclarationMigrator; import io.swagger.transform.migrate.ResourceListingMigrator; import io.swagger.util.Json; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; // legacy models public class SwaggerCompatConverter implements SwaggerParserExtension { static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SwaggerCompatConverter.class); @Override public SwaggerDeserializationResult readWithInfo(JsonNode node) { // not implemented return null; } @Override public SwaggerDeserializationResult readWithInfo(String location, List<AuthorizationValue> auths) { SwaggerDeserializationResult result = new SwaggerDeserializationResult(); try { Swagger swagger = read(location, auths); if (swagger != null) { result.setSwagger(swagger); JsonNode jsonNode = Json.mapper().convertValue(swagger, JsonNode.class); return new Swagger20Parser().readWithInfo(jsonNode); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO } return result; } @Override public Swagger read(JsonNode node) throws IOException { // TODO return null; } public Swagger read(String input) throws IOException { return read(input, null); } @Override public Swagger read(String input, List<AuthorizationValue> auths) throws IOException { Swagger output = null; MessageBuilder migrationMessages = new MessageBuilder(); SwaggerLegacyParser swaggerParser = new SwaggerLegacyParser(); ResourceListing resourceListing = null; resourceListing = readResourceListing(input, migrationMessages, auths); List<ApiDeclaration> apis = new ArrayList<ApiDeclaration>(); if (resourceListing != null) { List<ApiListingReference> refs = resourceListing.getApis(); boolean readAsSingleFile = false; if (refs != null) { for (ApiListingReference ref : refs) { ApiDeclaration apiDeclaration = null; JsonNode node = ref.getExtraFields(); JsonNode operations = node.get("operations"); if (operations != null) { if (!readAsSingleFile) { // this is a single-file swagger definition apiDeclaration = readDeclaration(input, migrationMessages, auths); readAsSingleFile = true; // avoid doing this again } } else { String location = null; if (input.startsWith("http")) { // look up as url String pathLocation = ref.getPath(); if (pathLocation.startsWith("http")) { // use as absolute url location = pathLocation; } else { if (pathLocation.startsWith("/")) { // handle 1.1 specs if (resourceListing.getSwaggerVersion().equals(SwaggerVersion.V1_1) && resourceListing.getExtraFields().get("basePath") != null) { String basePath = resourceListing.getExtraFields().get("basePath") .textValue(); location = basePath + pathLocation; } else { location = input + pathLocation; } } else { location = input + "/" + pathLocation; } } } else { // file system File fileLocation = new File(input); if (ref.getPath().startsWith("/")) { location = fileLocation.getParent() + ref.getPath(); } else { location = fileLocation.getParent() + File.separator + ref.getPath(); } } if (location.indexOf(".{format}") != -1) { location = location.replaceAll("\\.\\{format\\}", ".json"); } apiDeclaration = readDeclaration(location, migrationMessages, auths); } if (apiDeclaration != null) { apis.add(apiDeclaration); } } } output = convert(resourceListing, apis); } return output; } public ResourceListing readResourceListing(String input, MessageBuilder messages, List<AuthorizationValue> auths) { ResourceListing output = null; JsonNode jsonNode = null; try { if (input.startsWith("http")) { String json = RemoteUrl.urlToString(input, auths); jsonNode = Json.mapper().readTree(json); } else { final String fileScheme = "file:"; java.nio.file.Path path; if (input.toLowerCase().startsWith(fileScheme)) { path = Paths.get(URI.create(input)); } else { path = Paths.get(input); } String json; if (Files.exists(path)) { json = FileUtils.readFileToString(path.toFile(), "UTF-8"); } else { json = ClasspathHelper.loadFileFromClasspath(input); } jsonNode = Json.mapper().readTree(json); } if (jsonNode.get("swaggerVersion") == null) { return null; } ResourceListingMigrator migrator = new ResourceListingMigrator(); JsonNode transformed = migrator.migrate(messages, jsonNode); output = Json.mapper().convertValue(transformed, ResourceListing.class); } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to read resource listing", e); } return output; } public Model convertModel(io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Model model) { ModelImpl output = new ModelImpl(); output.setName(model.getId()); output.setDescription(model.getDescription()); output.setDiscriminator(model.getDiscriminator()); if (model.getRequired() != null) { output.setRequired(model.getRequired()); } for (String key : model.getProperties().keySet()) { Property prop = convertProperty(model.getProperties().get(key)); if (prop != null) { output.addProperty(key, prop); } } return output; } public Property convertProperty(ModelProperty property) { Property output = null; output = propertyFromTypedObject(property); output.setDescription(property.getDescription()); return output; } public Parameter convertParameter(io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Parameter param) { Parameter output = null; List<String> _enum = param.getEnumValues(); if (ParamType.PATH.equals(param.getParamType())) { PathParameter p = new PathParameter(); p.setDefaultValue(param.getDefaultValue()); p.setEnum(_enum); output = p; } else if (ParamType.QUERY.equals(param.getParamType())) { QueryParameter p = new QueryParameter(); p.setDefaultValue(param.getDefaultValue()); p.setEnum(_enum); output = p; } else if (ParamType.HEADER.equals(param.getParamType())) { HeaderParameter p = new HeaderParameter(); p.setDefaultValue(param.getDefaultValue()); p.setEnum(_enum); output = p; } else if (ParamType.BODY.equals(param.getParamType())) { BodyParameter p = new BodyParameter(); output = p; } else if (ParamType.FORM.equals(param.getParamType())) { FormParameter p = new FormParameter(); p.setDefaultValue(param.getDefaultValue()); p.setEnum(_enum); output = p; } output.setName(param.getName()); output.setDescription(param.getDescription()); if (param.getRequired() != null) { output.setRequired(param.getRequired()); } Property property = null; String type = param.getType() == null ? null : param.getType().toString(); String format = param.getFormat() == null ? null : param.getFormat().toString(); if (null == type) { LOGGER.warn("Empty type in Param: " + param); } if (output instanceof BodyParameter) { BodyParameter bp = (BodyParameter) output; bp.setSchema(modelFromExtendedTypedObject(param)); } else if (output instanceof SerializableParameter) { SerializableParameter sp = (SerializableParameter) output; Property p = null; if (param.getAllowMultiple() != null && param.getAllowMultiple() == true) { ArrayProperty arrayProperty = new ArrayProperty(); Property innerType =, format, null); arrayProperty.setItems(innerType); p = arrayProperty; } else { p = propertyFromTypedObject(param); if (p == null) { LOGGER.warn(String.format( "WARNING! No property detected for parameter '%s' (%s)! Falling back to string!", param.getName(), param.getParamType())); p = new StringProperty(); } } if (p instanceof ArrayProperty) { ArrayProperty ap = (ArrayProperty) p; sp.setType("array"); sp.setCollectionFormat("csv"); sp.setItems(ap.getItems()); } else { sp.setType(p.getType()); sp.setFormat(p.getFormat()); } } // all path parameters are required if (output instanceof PathParameter) { ((PathParameter) output).setRequired(true); } return output; } public Model modelFromExtendedTypedObject(ExtendedTypedObject obj) { String type = obj.getType() == null ? null : obj.getType().toString(); String format = obj.getFormat() == null ? null : obj.getFormat().toString(); Model output = null; if (obj.getRef() != null) { output = new RefModel().asDefault(obj.getRef()); } else { if ("array".equals(type)) { ArrayModel am = new ArrayModel(); Items items = obj.getItems(); type = items.getType() == null ? null : items.getType().toString(); format = items.getFormat() == null ? null : items.getFormat().toString(); Property innerType =, format, null); if (innerType != null) { am.setItems(innerType); } if (items.getRef() != null) { am.setItems(new RefProperty(items.getRef(), RefFormat.INTERNAL)); } else { am.setItems(new RefProperty(type, RefFormat.INTERNAL)); } output = am; } else { Property input =, format, null); if (input != null) { output = PropertyBuilder.toModel(input); } else if (!"void".equals(type)) { //use ref model output = new RefModel().asDefault(type); } } } return output; } public Property propertyFromTypedObject(ExtendedTypedObject obj) { String type = obj.getType() == null ? null : obj.getType().toString(); String format = obj.getFormat() == null ? null : obj.getFormat().toString(); Property output = null; if ("array".equals(type)) { ArrayProperty am = new ArrayProperty(); Items items = obj.getItems(); if (items == null) { LOGGER.error("Error! Missing array type for property! Assuming `object` -- please fix your spec"); items = new Items(); items.setType("object"); } type = items.getType() == null ? null : items.getType().toString(); format = items.getFormat() == null ? null : items.getFormat().toString(); Map<PropertyBuilder.PropertyId, Object> args = new HashMap<>(); if (items.getExtraFields().get("enum") != null && items.getExtraFields().get("enum").isArray()) { ArrayNode an = (ArrayNode) items.getExtraFields().get("enum"); List<String> enumValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonNode jn : an) { enumValues.add(jn.textValue()); } args.put(PropertyBuilder.PropertyId.ENUM, enumValues); } Property innerType =, format, args); if (innerType != null && !(innerType instanceof UntypedProperty)) { am.setItems(innerType); } else if (items.getRef() != null) { am.setItems(new RefProperty(items.getRef(), RefFormat.INTERNAL)); } else { am.setItems(new RefProperty(type, RefFormat.INTERNAL)); } output = am; } else { Map<PropertyBuilder.PropertyId, Object> args = new HashMap<PropertyBuilder.PropertyId, Object>(); if (obj.getEnumValues() != null && obj.getEnumValues().size() > 0) { args.put(PropertyBuilder.PropertyId.ENUM, obj.getEnumValues()); } if (obj.getMinimum() != null) { args.put(PropertyBuilder.PropertyId.MINIMUM, new BigDecimal(obj.getMinimum())); } if (obj.getMaximum() != null) { args.put(PropertyBuilder.PropertyId.MAXIMUM, new BigDecimal(obj.getMaximum())); } Property i =, format, args); if (i != null && !(i instanceof UntypedProperty)) { output = i; } else { if (obj.getRef() != null) { output = new RefProperty(obj.getRef(), RefFormat.INTERNAL); } else if (type != null && !type.equals("void")) { output = new RefProperty(type, RefFormat.INTERNAL); } } } return output; } public Operation convertOperation(String tag, io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Operation operation, ApiDeclaration apiDeclaration) { Method method; if (operation.getMethod() == null) { JsonNode node = (JsonNode) operation.getExtraFields().get("httpMethod"); method = Method.forValue(node.asText()); operation.setMethod(method); } Operation output = new Operation().summary(operation.getSummary()).description(operation.getNotes()) .operationId(operation.getNickname()); if (tag != null) { output.tag(tag); } for (io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Parameter parameter : operation.getParameters()) { output.parameter(convertParameter(parameter)); } if (operation.getConsumes() != null && !operation.getConsumes().isEmpty()) { for (String consumes : operation.getConsumes()) { output.consumes(consumes); } } else if (apiDeclaration.getConsumes() != null) { for (String consumes : apiDeclaration.getConsumes()) { output.consumes(consumes); } } if (operation.getProduces() != null && !operation.getProduces().isEmpty()) { for (String produces : operation.getProduces()) { output.produces(produces); } } else if (apiDeclaration.getProduces() != null) { for (String produces : apiDeclaration.getProduces()) { output.produces(produces); } } for (ResponseMessage message : operation.getResponseMessages()) { Response response = new Response().description(message.getMessage()); Model responseModel = null; if (message.getResponseModel() != null) { response.setResponseSchema(new RefModel().asDefault(message.getResponseModel())); } output.response(message.getCode(), response); } // default response type Model responseProperty = modelFromExtendedTypedObject(operation); Response response = new Response().description("success").responseSchema(responseProperty); if (output.getResponses() == null) { output.defaultResponse(response); } else if (responseProperty != null) { output.response(200, response); } Map<String, List<AuthorizationScope>> auths = operation.getAuthorizations(); for (String securityName : auths.keySet()) { List<AuthorizationScope> scopes = auths.get(securityName); List<String> updatedScopes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (AuthorizationScope s : scopes) { updatedScopes.add(s.getScope()); } output.addSecurity(securityName, updatedScopes); } return output; } public ApiDeclaration readDeclaration(String input, MessageBuilder messages, List<AuthorizationValue> auths) { ApiDeclaration output = null; try { JsonNode jsonNode = null; if (input.startsWith("http")) { String json = RemoteUrl.urlToString(input, auths); jsonNode = Json.mapper().readTree(json); } else { final String fileScheme = "file:"; java.nio.file.Path path; if (input.toLowerCase().startsWith(fileScheme)) { path = Paths.get(URI.create(input)); } else { path = Paths.get(input); } String json; if (Files.exists(path)) { json = FileUtils.readFileToString(path.toFile(), "UTF-8"); } else { json = ClasspathHelper.loadFileFromClasspath(input); } jsonNode = Json.mapper().readTree(json); } // this should be moved to a json patch if (jsonNode.isObject()) { ((ObjectNode) jsonNode).remove("authorizations"); } ApiDeclarationMigrator migrator = new ApiDeclarationMigrator(); JsonNode transformed = migrator.migrate(messages, jsonNode); output = Json.mapper().convertValue(transformed, ApiDeclaration.class); } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to read api declaration", e); } return output; } public Swagger convert(ResourceListing resourceListing, List<ApiDeclaration> apiDeclarations) { Info info = new Info(); if (resourceListing.getInfo() != null) { ApiInfo apiInfo = resourceListing.getInfo(); Contact contact = null; if (apiInfo.getContact() != null) { contact = new Contact().url(apiInfo.getContact()); } License license = null; if (apiInfo.getLicense() != null) { license = new License().name(apiInfo.getLicense()).url(apiInfo.getLicenseUrl()); } info = new Info().description(apiInfo.getDescription()).version(resourceListing.getApiVersion()) .title(apiInfo.getTitle()).termsOfService(apiInfo.getTermsOfServiceUrl()).contact(contact) .license(license); } else if (resourceListing.getApiVersion() != null) { info = new Info().version(resourceListing.getApiVersion()); } Map<String, Path> paths = new HashMap<String, Path>(); Map<String, Model> definitions = new HashMap<String, Model>(); String basePath = null; for (ApiDeclaration apiDeclaration : apiDeclarations) { String tag; if (apiDeclaration.getApiListingRef() != null) { String refPath = apiDeclaration.getApiListingRef().getPath(); tag = refPath.substring(refPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { tag = apiDeclaration.getResourcePath(); } if (tag != null) { tag = tag.replaceAll("/", ""); } if (basePath != null) { if (!basePath.equals(apiDeclaration.getBasePath()) && apiDeclaration.getBasePath() != null) { LOGGER.warn("warning! multiple basePath values not supported!"); } } else { basePath = apiDeclaration.getBasePath(); } List<Api> apis = apiDeclaration.getApis(); for (Api api : apis) { String apiPath = api.getPath(); String description = api.getDescription(); List<io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Operation> ops = api.getOperations(); Path path = paths.get(apiPath); if (path == null) { path = new Path(); paths.put(apiPath, path); } for (io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Operation op : ops) { Operation operation = convertOperation(tag, op, apiDeclaration); if (op.getMethod() != null) { path.set(op.getMethod().toString().toLowerCase(), operation); } else {"skipping operation with missing method:\n" + Json.pretty(op)); } } } // model definitions Map<String, io.swagger.models.apideclaration.Model> apiModels = apiDeclaration.getModels(); for (String key : apiModels.keySet()) { Model model = convertModel(apiModels.get(key)); definitions.put(key, model); } } String host = null; String scheme = "http"; if (basePath != null) { String[] parts = basePath.split("://"); if (parts.length == 2) { scheme = parts[0]; int pos = parts[1].indexOf("/"); if (pos != -1) { host = parts[1].substring(0, pos); basePath = parts[1].substring(pos); } else { host = parts[1]; basePath = "/"; } } if (!basePath.startsWith("/")) { basePath = "/" + basePath; } } Swagger swagger = new Swagger().host(host).scheme(Scheme.forValue(scheme)).basePath(basePath).info(info) // .securityRequirement(securityRequirement) .paths(paths) // .securityDefinitions(name, securityScheme) .basePath(basePath); swagger.setDefinitions(definitions); // host is read from the api declarations Map<String, Authorization> authorizations = resourceListing.getAuthorizations(); if (authorizations != null) { for (String authNickname : authorizations.keySet()) { Authorization auth = authorizations.get(authNickname); if (auth instanceof OAuth2Authorization) { OAuth2Authorization o2 = (OAuth2Authorization) auth; List<AuthorizationScope> scopes = o2.getScopes(); if (o2.getGrantTypes().getImplicit() != null) { ImplicitGrant ig = o2.getGrantTypes().getImplicit(); OAuth2Definition oauth2 = new OAuth2Definition().implicit(ig.getLoginEndpoint().getUrl()); if (swagger.getSecurityDefinitions() != null && swagger.getSecurityDefinitions().keySet().contains(authNickname)) { System.err.println("Warning! Authorization nickname already in use!"); } else { swagger.securityDefinition(authNickname, oauth2); } for (AuthorizationScope scope : scopes) { oauth2.scope(scope.getScope(), scope.getDescription()); } } else if (o2.getGrantTypes().getAuthorization_code() != null) { AuthorizationCodeGrant ac = (AuthorizationCodeGrant) o2.getGrantTypes() .getAuthorization_code(); OAuth2Definition oauth2 = new OAuth2Definition() .accessCode(ac.getTokenRequestEndpoint().getUrl(), ac.getTokenEndpoint().getUrl()); if (swagger.getSecurityDefinitions() != null && swagger.getSecurityDefinitions().keySet().contains(authNickname)) { System.err.println("Warning! Authorization nickname already in use!"); } else { swagger.securityDefinition(authNickname, oauth2); } for (AuthorizationScope scope : scopes) { oauth2.scope(scope.getScope(), scope.getDescription()); } } } else if (auth instanceof ApiKeyAuthorization) { ApiKeyAuthorization o2 = (ApiKeyAuthorization) auth; ApiKeyAuthDefinition def = new ApiKeyAuthDefinition(); PassAs passAs = o2.getPassAs(); if (PassAs.HEADER.equals(passAs)) {; } else {; } def.setName(o2.getKeyname()); swagger.securityDefinition(authNickname, def); } else if (auth instanceof BasicAuthorization) { BasicAuthDefinition def = new BasicAuthDefinition(); swagger.securityDefinition(authNickname, def); } } } return swagger; } }