Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Danilo Reinert * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.reinert.requestor.rebind; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.ObjectMapper; import com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.ObjectReader; import com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.ObjectWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.reinert.requestor.Json; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.DeserializationContext; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.Deserializer; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.Serdes; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.SerializationContext; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.Serializer; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.UnableToDeserializeException; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.UnableToSerializeException; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.json.JsonObjectSerdes; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.json.JsonRecordReader; import io.reinert.requestor.serialization.json.JsonRecordWriter; /** * Generator for {@link io.reinert.requestor.Json} annotated types powered by GWT-Jackson. * * @author Danilo Reinert */ public class JsonGwtJacksonGenerator extends Generator { @Override public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext ctx, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { TypeOracle typeOracle = ctx.getTypeOracle(); assert typeOracle != null; JClassType intfType = typeOracle.findType(typeName); if (intfType == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to find metadata for type '" + typeName + "'", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (intfType.isInterface() == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, intfType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " is not an interface", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } // TODO: check if type was already generated and reuse it TreeLogger typeLogger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.ALL, "Generating Json SerDes powered by Gwt Jackson...", null); final SourceWriter sourceWriter = getSourceWriter(typeLogger, ctx, intfType); if (sourceWriter != null) { sourceWriter.println(); final ArrayList<String> serdes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JClassType type : typeOracle.getTypes()) { Json annotation = type.getAnnotation(Json.class); if (annotation != null) { serdes.add(generateSerdes(sourceWriter, type, annotation)); } } generateFields(sourceWriter); generateConstructor(sourceWriter, serdes); generateMethods(sourceWriter); sourceWriter.commit(typeLogger); } return typeName + "Impl"; } private void generateConstructor(SourceWriter srcWriter, ArrayList<String> serdes) { srcWriter.println("public GeneratedJsonSerdesImpl() {"); for (String s : serdes) { srcWriter.println(" serdesList.add(%s);", s); } srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println(); } private void generateFields(SourceWriter srcWriter) { srcWriter.println("private final ArrayList<Serdes<?>> serdesList = new ArrayList<Serdes<?>>();"); srcWriter.println("private final ArrayList<GeneratedProvider<?>> providersList = " + "new ArrayList<GeneratedProvider<?>>();"); srcWriter.println(); } private void generateMethods(SourceWriter srcWriter) { srcWriter.println("@Override"); srcWriter.println("public List<Serdes<?>> getGeneratedSerdes() {"); srcWriter.println(" return serdesList;"); srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println(); srcWriter.println("@Override"); srcWriter.println("public List<GeneratedProvider<?>> getGeneratedProviders() {"); srcWriter.println(" return providersList;"); srcWriter.println("}"); srcWriter.println(); } /** * Create the serdes and return the field name. */ private String generateSerdes(SourceWriter w, JClassType type, Json annotation) { final String qualifiedSourceName = type.getQualifiedSourceName(); final String qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName = replaceDotByUpperCase(qualifiedSourceName); final String qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName = Character.toUpperCase(qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName.charAt(0)) + qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName.substring(1); final String singleMapperType = qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName + "Mapper"; final String collectionWriterType = qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName + "CollectionWriter"; final String arrayListReaderType = qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName + "ArrayListReader"; final String linkedListReaderType = qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName + "LinkedListReader"; final String hashSetReaderType = qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName + "HashSetReader"; final String linkedHashSetReaderType = qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName + "LinkedHashSetReader"; final String treeSetReaderType = qualifiedCamelCaseTypeName + "TreeSetReader"; // interfaces extending Gwt Jackson w.println("interface %s extends ObjectMapper<%s> {}", singleMapperType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println("interface %s extends ObjectWriter<Collection<%s>> {}", collectionWriterType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println("interface %s extends ObjectReader<ArrayList<%s>> {}", arrayListReaderType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println("interface %s extends ObjectReader<LinkedList<%s>> {}", linkedListReaderType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println("interface %s extends ObjectReader<HashSet<%s>> {}", hashSetReaderType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println("interface %s extends ObjectReader<TreeSet<%s>> {}", treeSetReaderType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println("interface %s extends ObjectReader<LinkedHashSet<%s>> {}", linkedHashSetReaderType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println(); final String singleMapperField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "Mapper"; final String collectionWriterField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "CollectionWriter"; final String arrayListReaderField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "ArrayListReader"; final String linkedListReaderField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "LinkedListReader"; final String hashSetReaderField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "HashSetReader"; final String linkedHashSetReaderField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "LinkedHashSetReader"; final String treeSetReaderField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "TreeSetReader"; // fields creating interfaces w.println("private final %s %s = GWT.create(%s.class);", singleMapperType, singleMapperField, singleMapperType); w.println("private final %s %s = GWT.create(%s.class);", collectionWriterType, collectionWriterField, collectionWriterType); w.println("private final %s %s = GWT.create(%s.class);", arrayListReaderType, arrayListReaderField, arrayListReaderType); w.println("private final %s %s = GWT.create(%s.class);", linkedListReaderType, linkedListReaderField, linkedListReaderType); w.println("private final %s %s = GWT.create(%s.class);", hashSetReaderType, hashSetReaderField, hashSetReaderType); w.println("private final %s %s = GWT.create(%s.class);", linkedHashSetReaderType, linkedHashSetReaderField, linkedHashSetReaderType); w.println("private final %s %s = GWT.create(%s.class);", treeSetReaderType, treeSetReaderField, treeSetReaderType); w.println(); final String serdesField = qualifiedCamelCaseFieldName + "Serdes"; final String serdesType = "JsonObjectSerdes<" + qualifiedSourceName + ">"; // serializer field as anonymous class w.println("private final %s %s = new %s(%s.class) {", serdesType, serdesField, serdesType, qualifiedSourceName); w.println(); // static field to content-types w.println(" private final String[] PATTERNS = new String[]{ %s };", toCsv(annotation.value())); w.println(); // mediaType w.println(" @Override"); w.println(" public String[] mediaType() {"); w.println(" return PATTERNS;"); w.println(" }"); w.println(); // readJson - used when any of deserialize alternatives succeeded (see JsonObjectSerdes) // TODO: improve this by not requiring parsing the json to an js array and latter stringifying it (see below) // Here would be no-op w.println(" @Override"); w.println(" public %s readJson(JsonRecordReader r, DeserializationContext ctx) {", qualifiedSourceName); w.println(" return;", singleMapperField); w.println(" }"); w.println(); // writeJson - not used w.println(" @Override"); w.println(" public void writeJson(%s o, JsonRecordWriter w, SerializationContext ctx) {", qualifiedSourceName); w.println(" return;"); w.println(" }"); w.println(); // deserialize - deserialize single object using ObjectMapper w.println(" @Override"); w.println(" public %s deserialize(String s, DeserializationContext ctx) {", qualifiedSourceName); w.println(" try {"); w.println(" return;", singleMapperField); w.println( " } catch (com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.exception.JsonDeserializationException e) {"); w.println(" throw new UnableToDeserializeException(\"The auto-generated gwt-jackson deserializer" + " failed to deserialize the response body to \" + ctx.getRequestedType().getName() + \".\", e);"); w.println(" }"); w.println(" }"); w.println(); // deserialize w.println(" @Override"); w.println(" public <C extends Collection<%s>> C deserialize(Class<C> c, " + "String s, DeserializationContext ctx) {", qualifiedSourceName); w.println(" try {"); w.println(" if (c == List.class || c == ArrayList.class || c == Collection.class)"); w.println(" return (C);", arrayListReaderField); w.println(" else if (c == LinkedList.class)"); w.println(" return (C);", linkedListReaderField); w.println(" else if (c == Set.class || c == HashSet.class)"); w.println(" return (C);", hashSetReaderField); w.println(" else if (c == TreeSet.class)"); w.println(" return (C);", treeSetReaderField); w.println(" else if (c == LinkedHashSet.class)"); w.println(" return (C);", linkedHashSetReaderField); w.println(" else"); // TODO: improve this by not requiring parsing the json to an js array and latter stringifying it // An alternative would be manually traverse the json array and passing each json object to serialize method w.println(" return super.deserialize(c, s, ctx);"); w.println( " } catch (com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.exception.JsonDeserializationException e) {"); w.println(" throw new UnableToDeserializeException(\"The auto-generated gwt-jackson deserializer" + " failed to deserialize the response body" + " to \" + c.getName() + \"<\" + ctx.getRequestedType().getName() + \">.\", e);"); w.println(" }"); w.println(" }"); // serialize w.println(" @Override"); w.println(" public String serialize(%s o, SerializationContext ctx) {", qualifiedSourceName); w.println(" try {"); w.println(" return %s.write(o);", singleMapperField); w.println( " } catch (com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.exception.JsonDeserializationException e) {"); w.println(" throw new UnableToSerializeException(\"The auto-generated gwt-jackson serializer" + " failed to serialize the instance of \" + o.getClass().getName() + \" to JSON.\", e);"); w.println(" }"); w.println(" }"); w.println(); // serialize w.println(" @Override"); w.println(" public String serialize(Collection<%s> c, SerializationContext ctx) {", qualifiedSourceName); w.println(" try {"); w.println(" return %s.write(c);", collectionWriterField); w.println( " } catch (com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.client.exception.JsonDeserializationException e) {"); w.println(" throw new UnableToSerializeException(\"The auto-generated gwt-jackson serializer" + " failed to serialize the instance of \" + c.getClass().getName() + \" to JSON.\", e);"); w.println(" }"); w.println(" }"); // end anonymous class w.println("};"); w.println(); return serdesField; } private SourceWriter getSourceWriter(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext ctx, JClassType intfType) { JPackage serviceIntfPkg = intfType.getPackage(); String packageName = serviceIntfPkg == null ? "" : serviceIntfPkg.getName(); PrintWriter printWriter = ctx.tryCreate(logger, packageName, getTypeSimpleName()); if (printWriter == null) { return null; } ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composerFactory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, getTypeSimpleName()); String[] imports = new String[] { // java ArrayList.class.getCanonicalName(), Collection.class.getCanonicalName(), HashSet.class.getCanonicalName(), Iterator.class.getCanonicalName(), LinkedHashSet.class.getCanonicalName(), LinkedList.class.getCanonicalName(), List.class.getCanonicalName(), Set.class.getCanonicalName(), TreeSet.class.getCanonicalName(), // com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson ObjectMapper.class.getCanonicalName(), ObjectReader.class.getCanonicalName(), ObjectWriter.class.getCanonicalName(), // GWT.class.getCanonicalName(), // io.reinert.requestor DeserializationContext.class.getCanonicalName(), Deserializer.class.getCanonicalName(), JsonObjectSerdes.class.getCanonicalName(), JsonRecordReader.class.getCanonicalName(), JsonRecordWriter.class.getCanonicalName(), UnableToDeserializeException.class.getName(), UnableToSerializeException.class.getName(), Serdes.class.getCanonicalName(), Serializer.class.getCanonicalName(), SerializationContext.class.getCanonicalName() }; for (String imp : imports) { composerFactory.addImport(imp); } composerFactory.addImplementedInterface(intfType.getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName()); return composerFactory.createSourceWriter(ctx, printWriter); } private String getTypeSimpleName() { return "GeneratedJsonSerdesImpl"; } private String replaceDotByUpperCase(String s) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { final char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '.') { result.append(Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(++i))); } else { result.append(c); } } return result.toString(); } private String toCsv(String[] array) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : array) { result.append('"').append(s).append('"').append(", "); } result.replace(result.length() - 2, result.length(), ""); return result.toString(); } }