Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Yen Pai * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package io.reign; import io.reign.presence.PresenceService; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.apache.curator.test.TestingServer; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Entry point into framework functionality. * * @author ypai * */ public class Reign implements Watcher { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Reign.class); public static final String DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_CLUSTER_ID = "reign"; public static final String CLIENT_SERVICE_ID = "client"; public static final String DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_BASE_PATH = "/reign"; public static final List<ACL> DEFAULT_ACL_LIST = new ArrayList<ACL>(); static { DEFAULT_ACL_LIST.add(new ACL(ZooDefs.Perms.ALL, new Id("world", "anyone"))); } public static int DEFAULT_MESSAGING_PORT = 33033; private ZkClient zkClient; private final Map<String, ServiceWrapper> serviceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ServiceWrapper>(8, 0.9f, 2); private ReignContext context; private PathScheme pathScheme; private volatile boolean started = false; private volatile boolean shutdown = false; private int threadPoolSize = 3; /** List to ensure Watcher(s) are called in a specific order */ private final List<Watcher> watcherList = new ArrayList<Watcher>(); private List<ACL> defaultZkAclList = DEFAULT_ACL_LIST; private NodeIdProvider nodeIdProvider; private final ObserverManager observerManager; private TestingServer zkTestServer; /** executed on completion of start() */ private Runnable startHook; /** executed on completion of stop() */ private Runnable stopHook; public static ReignMaker maker() { return new ReignMaker(); } public Reign(ZkClient zkClient, PathScheme pathScheme, NodeIdProvider nodeIdProvider, TestingServer zkTestServer) { this.zkClient = zkClient; this.pathScheme = pathScheme; this.nodeIdProvider = nodeIdProvider; observerManager = new ObserverManager(zkClient); this.zkTestServer = zkTestServer; } public synchronized void setStartHook(Runnable startHook) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set after framework is started!"); } this.startHook = startHook; } public synchronized void setStopHook(Runnable stopHook) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set after framework is started!"); } this.stopHook = stopHook; } public synchronized NodeIdProvider getCanonicalIdProvider() { if (!started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get provider before framework is started!"); } return this.nodeIdProvider; } public synchronized ReignContext getContext() { if (!started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get context before framework is started!"); } return this.context; } public List<ACL> getDefaultZkAclList() { return defaultZkAclList; } public synchronized void setDefaultZkAclList(List<ACL> defaultZkAclList) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set defaultAclList once started!"); } this.defaultZkAclList = defaultZkAclList; } public synchronized void setCanonicalIdProvider(NodeIdProvider canonicalIdMaker) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set canonicalIdMaker once started!"); } this.nodeIdProvider = canonicalIdMaker; } @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) { // log if TRACE if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("***** Received ZooKeeper Event: {}", ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(event, ToStringStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE)); } if (shutdown) { logger.warn("Already shutdown: ignoring event: type={}; path={}", event.getType(), event.getPath()); return; } for (Watcher watcher : watcherList) { watcher.process(event); } } public ZkClient getZkClient() { return zkClient; } public synchronized void setZkClient(ZkClient zkClient) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set zkClient once started!"); } this.zkClient = zkClient; } public PathScheme getPathScheme() { return pathScheme; } public synchronized void setPathScheme(PathScheme pathScheme) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set pathScheme once started!"); } this.pathScheme = pathScheme; } public int getThreadPoolSize() { return threadPoolSize; } public synchronized void setThreadPoolSize(int threadPoolSize) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set threadPoolSize once started!"); } this.threadPoolSize = threadPoolSize; } public synchronized <T extends Service> T getService(String serviceName) { if (!started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get service before framework is started!"); } return context.getService(serviceName); } void register(String serviceName, Service service) { throwExceptionIfNotOkayToRegister();"Registering service: serviceName={}", serviceName); // check that we don't have duplicate services if (serviceMap.put(serviceName, new ServiceWrapper(service)) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "An existing service already exists under the same name: serviceName=" + serviceName); } } public synchronized void registerServices(Map<String, Service> serviceMap) { throwExceptionIfNotOkayToRegister(); for (String serviceName : serviceMap.keySet()) { register(serviceName, serviceMap.get(serviceName)); } } public synchronized void start() { if (started) { logger.debug("start(): already started..."); return; }"START: begin"); /** create graceful shutdown hook **/"START: add shutdown hook"); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { Reign.this.stop(); } }); /** init observer manager **/ observerManager.init(); // /** init path cache **/ //"START: initializing pathCache..."); // pathCache.init(); /** create context object **/"START: creating ReignContext..."); final List<ACL> finalDefaultZkAclList = defaultZkAclList; this.context = new ReignContext() { @Override public Service getService(String serviceName) { if (shutdown) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already shutdown: cannot get service."); } waitForInitializationIfNecessary(); if (serviceName == null) { return serviceMap.get("null").getService(); } ServiceWrapper serviceWrapper = serviceMap.get(serviceName); if (serviceWrapper != null) { return serviceWrapper.getService(); } else { return null; } } @Override public NodeId getNodeId() { return nodeIdProvider.get(); } @Override public ZkNodeId getZkNodeId() { return nodeIdProvider.forZk(); } @Override public ZkClient getZkClient() { return zkClient; } @Override public PathScheme getPathScheme() { return pathScheme; } @Override public List<ACL> getDefaultZkAclList() { return finalDefaultZkAclList; } // @Override // public String getCanonicalIdPathToken() { // return nodeIdProvider.get().toString(); // } @Override public ObserverManager getObserverManager() { return observerManager; } @Override public NodeId getNodeIdFromZk(ZkNodeId zkNodeId) { return nodeIdProvider.fromZk(zkNodeId); } // @Override // public NodeIdProvider getNodeIdProvider() { // return nodeIdProvider; // } }; /** init services **/ for (String serviceName : serviceMap.keySet()) {"START: initializing: serviceName={}", serviceName); Service service = serviceMap.get(serviceName).getService(); service.setPathScheme(pathScheme); service.setZkClient(zkClient); service.setObserverManager(observerManager); service.setContext(context); service.setDefaultZkAclList(defaultZkAclList); service.init(); // add to zkClient's list of watchers if Watcher interface is // implemented if (service instanceof Watcher) {"START: adding as ZooKeeper watcher: serviceName={}", serviceName); watcherList.add((Watcher) service); } } /** watcher set-up **/"START: registering watchers"); // register self as watcher this.zkClient.register(this); started = true; /** notify any waiters **/"START: notifying all waiters"); this.notifyAll();"START: DONE"); /** announce as a Reign Server: must be done after all other start-up tasks are complete **/ PresenceService presenceService = context.getService("presence"); if (presenceService != null) {"START: announcing server availability..."); presenceService.announce(pathScheme.getFrameworkClusterId(), "server", true); } else { logger.warn("START: did not announce node availability: (presenceService==null)={}", presenceService == null); } // run start hook if (this.startHook != null) {; } } public synchronized void stop() { if (shutdown) { logger.debug("stop(): already stopped..."); return; } shutdown = true;"SHUTDOWN: begin"); /** clean up services **/"SHUTDOWN: cleaning up services"); for (ServiceWrapper serviceWrapper : serviceMap.values()) { serviceWrapper.getService().destroy(); } /** observer manager **/"SHUTDOWN: stopping observer manager"); observerManager.destroy(); // /** init path cache **/ //"SHUTDOWN: stopping pathCache..."); // pathCache.destroy(); /** clean up zk client **/"SHUTDOWN: closing Zookeeper client"); this.zkClient.close(); /** shutdown test zk server, if there **/ if (this.zkTestServer != null) {"SHUTDOWN: stopping test Zookeeper server"); try { this.zkTestServer.stop(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("SHUTDOWN: error shutting down test ZooKeeper: " + e, e); } }"SHUTDOWN: DONE"); // run stop hook if (this.stopHook != null) {; } } private void throwExceptionIfNotOkayToRegister() { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot register services once started!"); } if (zkClient == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot register services before zkClient is initialized!"); } } private void waitForInitializationIfNecessary() { if (!started) { while (!started) { try {"Waiting for notification of start() completion..."); synchronized (Reign.this) { Reign.this.wait(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Interrupted while waiting for start: " + e, e); } }"Received notification of start() completion"); } // if } /** * Convenience wrapper providing methods for interpreting service metadata. * * @author ypai * */ private static class ServiceWrapper { private final Service service; public ServiceWrapper(Service service) { this.service = service; } public Service getService() { return service; } } }