Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model; import; import; import*; import io.redlink.sdk.util.ModelRepository; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Model; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import org.openrdf.model.impl.LiteralImpl; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.DCTERMS; import org.openrdf.query.*; import org.openrdf.repository.Repository; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import java.util.*; /** * @author * @author */ final class RDFStructureParser extends EnhancementsParser { /** * */ private Repository repository; public RDFStructureParser(Model model) throws EnhancementParserException { try { this.repository = ModelRepository.create(model); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("There was an error initializing the Enhancement Parser", e); } } public RDFStructureParser(Repository repository) { this.repository = repository; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model.EnhancementsParser#parseLanguages() */ public Collection<String> parseLanguages() throws EnhancementParserException { Collection<String> languages = Sets.newHashSet(); String textAnnotationsQuery = "PREFIX fise: <> \n" + "PREFIX dct: <> \n" + "SELECT * { \n" + " ?annotation a fise:TextAnnotation . \n" + " ?annotation dct:type <" + DCTERMS.LINGUISTIC_SYSTEM + "> . \n" + " ?annotation dct:language ?language . \n" + "} \n"; try { RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection(); try { conn.begin(); TupleQueryResult textAnnotationsResults = conn .prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, textAnnotationsQuery).evaluate(); while (textAnnotationsResults.hasNext()) { BindingSet result =; if (result.hasBinding("language")) { languages.add(result.getBinding("language").getValue().stringValue()); } } conn.commit(); } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing text annotations", e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } return languages; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model.EnhancementsParser#parseEnhancements() */ public Collection<Enhancement> parseEnhancements() throws EnhancementParserException { Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Map<String, Enhancement> enhancementsByUri = Maps.newHashMap(); try { RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection(); try { conn.begin(); parseTextAnnotations(conn, relations, enhancementsByUri); parseEntityAnnotations(conn, relations, enhancementsByUri); for (Enhancement e : relations.keys()) { Collection<String> relationsUris = relations.get(e); Collection<Enhancement> relationsEnhans = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String uri : relationsUris) { relationsEnhans.add(enhancementsByUri.get(uri)); } e.setRelations(relationsEnhans); } conn.commit(); } finally { conn.close(); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } return enhancementsByUri.values(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model.EnhancementsParser#parseTextAnnotations * () */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public Collection<TextAnnotation> parseTextAnnotations() throws EnhancementParserException { Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Map<String, Enhancement> enhancementsByUri = Maps.newHashMap(); try { RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection(); conn.begin(); Collection<TextAnnotation> tas = parseTextAnnotations(conn, relations, enhancementsByUri); Collection<TextAnnotation> result = (Collection) resolveRelations(relations, conn); // Safe Casting for (TextAnnotation ta : tas) if (!result.contains(ta)) result.add(ta); conn.close(); return result; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } } private Collection<TextAnnotation> parseTextAnnotations(RepositoryConnection conn, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations, Map<String, Enhancement> enhancementsByUri) throws EnhancementParserException { Collection<TextAnnotation> tas = Sets.newHashSet(); String textAnnotationsQuery = "PREFIX fise: <> \n" + "PREFIX dct: <> \n" + "SELECT * { \n" + " ?annotation a fise:TextAnnotation . \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:confidence ?confidence } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation dct:type ?type} \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation dct:language ?language} \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:start ?start ; fise:end ?end } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation dct:relation ?relation } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:selection-context ?selectionContext } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:selected-text ?selectedText } \n" + "} \n"; try { TupleQueryResult textAnnotationsResults = conn .prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, textAnnotationsQuery).evaluate(); while (textAnnotationsResults.hasNext()) { BindingSet result =; if (!result.hasBinding("type") || !result.getBinding("type").getValue().stringValue() .equalsIgnoreCase(DCTERMS.LINGUISTIC_SYSTEM.stringValue())) // Filter // Language // Annotations { final String uri = result.getBinding("annotation").getValue().stringValue(); Enhancement textAnnotation = enhancementsByUri.get(uri); if (textAnnotation == null) { textAnnotation = new TextAnnotation(); enhancementsByUri.put(uri, textAnnotation); } setTextAnnotationData((TextAnnotation) textAnnotation, result, relations); if (!tas.contains(textAnnotation)) tas.add((TextAnnotation) textAnnotation); } } } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing text annotations", e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } return tas; } private void setTextAnnotationData(TextAnnotation textAnnotation, BindingSet result, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations) throws RepositoryException { if (!relations.containsKey(textAnnotation)) { setEnhancementData(textAnnotation, result); if (result.hasBinding("start")) { textAnnotation.setStarts(Integer.parseInt(result.getBinding("start").getValue().stringValue())); textAnnotation.setEnds(Integer.parseInt(result.getBinding("end").getValue().stringValue())); } if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); relations.put(textAnnotation, nextRelationUri); } if (result.hasBinding("selectionContext")) { textAnnotation.setSelectionContext(result.getBinding("selectionContext").getValue().stringValue()); } if (result.hasBinding("selectedText")) { Binding selectedText = result.getBinding("selectedText"); textAnnotation.setSelectedText(selectedText.getValue().stringValue()); if (!result.hasBinding("language") && (selectedText.getValue() instanceof Literal)) textAnnotation.setLanguage(((Literal) selectedText.getValue()).getLanguage()); } if (result.hasBinding("type")) { Binding type = result.getBinding("type"); textAnnotation.setType(type.getValue().stringValue()); } } else { if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); relations.put(textAnnotation, nextRelationUri); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model.EnhancementsParser#parseEntityAnnotations * () */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public Collection<EntityAnnotation> parseEntityAnnotations() throws EnhancementParserException { Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Map<String, Enhancement> enhancementsByUri = Maps.newHashMap(); try { RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection(); conn.begin(); Collection<EntityAnnotation> eas = parseEntityAnnotations(conn, relations, enhancementsByUri); Collection<EntityAnnotation> result = (Collection) resolveRelations(relations, conn); // Safe Casting for (EntityAnnotation ea : eas) if (!result.contains(ea)) result.add(ea); conn.close(); return result; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } } private Collection<EntityAnnotation> parseEntityAnnotations(RepositoryConnection conn, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations, Map<String, Enhancement> enhancementsByUri) throws EnhancementParserException { Collection<EntityAnnotation> eas = Sets.newHashSet(); String entityAnnotationsQuery = "PREFIX fise: <> \n" + "PREFIX dct: <> \n" + "PREFIX entityhub: <> \n" + "SELECT * { \n" + " ?annotation a fise:EntityAnnotation . \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:confidence ?confidence } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?language a dct:language } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation dct:relation ?relation } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:entity-label ?entityLabel } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:entity-reference ?entityReference } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:entity-type ?entityType } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation entityhub:site ?site } \n" + "}"; try { TupleQueryResult entityAnnotationsResults = conn .prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, entityAnnotationsQuery).evaluate(); while (entityAnnotationsResults.hasNext()) { BindingSet result =; final String uri = result.getBinding("annotation").getValue().stringValue(); Enhancement entityAnnotation = enhancementsByUri.get(uri); if (entityAnnotation == null) { entityAnnotation = new EntityAnnotation(); enhancementsByUri.put(uri, entityAnnotation); } setEntityAnnotationData((EntityAnnotation) entityAnnotation, result, conn, relations); if (!eas.contains(entityAnnotation)) eas.add((EntityAnnotation) entityAnnotation); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing text annotations", e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } return eas; } private void setEntityAnnotationData(EntityAnnotation entityAnnotation, BindingSet result, RepositoryConnection conn, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations) throws RepositoryException, EnhancementParserException { if (!relations.containsKey(entityAnnotation)) { setEnhancementData(entityAnnotation, result); if (result.hasBinding("entityLabel")) { Binding entityLabel = result.getBinding("entityLabel"); entityAnnotation.setEntityLabel(entityLabel.getValue().stringValue()); if (!result.hasBinding("language") && (entityLabel.getValue() instanceof Literal)) entityAnnotation.setLanguage(((Literal) entityLabel.getValue()).getLanguage()); } if (result.hasBinding("site")) { entityAnnotation.setDataset(result.getBinding("site").getValue().stringValue()); } if (result.hasBinding("entityReference")) { entityAnnotation.setEntityReference( parseEntity(conn, result.getBinding("entityReference").getValue().stringValue(), entityAnnotation.getDataset())); } if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); relations.put(entityAnnotation, nextRelationUri); } Collection<String> types = new HashSet<String>(); if (result.hasBinding("entityType")) { types.add(result.getBinding("entityType").getValue().stringValue()); } entityAnnotation.setEntityTypes(types); } else { if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { final String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); if (!relations.containsEntry(entityAnnotation, nextRelationUri)) relations.put(entityAnnotation, nextRelationUri); } if (result.hasBinding("entityType")) { final String entityType = result.getBinding("entityType").getValue().stringValue(); Collection<String> types = entityAnnotation.getEntityTypes(); Optional<String> eType = Iterables.tryFind(types, new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String arg0) { return arg0.equals(entityType); } }); if (!eType.isPresent()) types.add(entityType); } } } private Collection<Enhancement> resolveRelations(Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations, RepositoryConnection conn) throws EnhancementParserException { Queue<String> toParse = new LinkedList<String>(); toParse.addAll(Sets.newHashSet(relations.values())); Map<String, Enhancement> allRelations = new HashMap<String, Enhancement>(); Collection<Enhancement> initialEnhancements = relations.keys(); while (!toParse.isEmpty()) { String nextRelation = toParse.poll(); Enhancement nextEnhancement = parseEnhancement(nextRelation, conn, toParse, relations); if (nextEnhancement != null) allRelations.put(nextRelation, nextEnhancement); } for (Enhancement e : relations.keys()) { Collection<String> relationsUris = relations.get(e); Collection<Enhancement> nextRelEnhancements = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String uri : relationsUris) if (uri != null) nextRelEnhancements.add(allRelations.get(uri)); e.setRelations(nextRelEnhancements); } return initialEnhancements; } private Enhancement parseEnhancement(String nextRelation, RepositoryConnection conn, Queue<String> toParse, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations) throws EnhancementParserException { String enhancementQuery = "PREFIX fise: <> \n" + "SELECT * { \n" + " <" + nextRelation + "> a fise:EntityAnnotation ; \n" + "}"; Enhancement enhancement = null; try { TupleQueryResult enhancementResults = conn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, enhancementQuery) .evaluate(); if (enhancementResults.hasNext()) enhancement = parseEntityAnnotation(nextRelation, conn, toParse, relations); else enhancement = parseTextAnnotation(nextRelation, conn, toParse, relations); } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing enhancement " + nextRelation, e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing Enhancement Type for URI" + nextRelation, e); } return enhancement; } private Enhancement parseTextAnnotation(String taUri, RepositoryConnection conn, Queue<String> toParse, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations) throws RepositoryException, EnhancementParserException { TextAnnotation enhancement = new TextAnnotation(); String textAnnotationQuery = "PREFIX fise: <> \n" + "PREFIX dct: <> \n" + "PREFIX entityhub: <> \n" + "SELECT * { \n OPTIONAL { <" + taUri + "> fise:confidence ?confidence } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + taUri + "> dct:language ?language } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + taUri + "> fise:start ?start ; fise:end ?end } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + taUri + "> dct:type ?type } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + taUri + "> dct:relation ?relation } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + taUri + "> fise:selection-context ?selectionContext } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + taUri + "> fise:selected-text ?selectedText } \n" + "}"; try { TupleQueryResult textAnnotationResults = conn .prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, textAnnotationQuery).evaluate(); while (textAnnotationResults.hasNext()) { BindingSet result =; int i = 0; if (i == 0) { setEnhancementData(enhancement, result); if (result.hasBinding("start")) { enhancement .setStarts(Integer.parseInt(result.getBinding("start").getValue().stringValue())); enhancement.setEnds(Integer.parseInt(result.getBinding("end").getValue().stringValue())); } if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); if (!relations.values().contains(nextRelationUri)) toParse.add(nextRelationUri); relations.put(enhancement, nextRelationUri); } if (result.hasBinding("selectionContext")) { enhancement.setSelectionContext( result.getBinding("selectionContext").getValue().stringValue()); } if (result.hasBinding("selectedText")) { Binding selectedText = result.getBinding("selectedText"); enhancement.setSelectedText(selectedText.getValue().stringValue()); if (!result.hasBinding("language") && (selectedText.getValue() instanceof Literal)) enhancement.setLanguage(((Literal) selectedText.getValue()).getLanguage()); } } else { if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); if (!relations.values().contains(nextRelationUri)) toParse.add(nextRelationUri); relations.put(enhancement, nextRelationUri); } } i++; } } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing text annotation with URI: " + taUri, e); } return enhancement; } private EntityAnnotation parseEntityAnnotation(String eaUri, RepositoryConnection conn, Queue<String> toParse, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations) throws RepositoryException, EnhancementParserException { EntityAnnotation enhancement = new EntityAnnotation(); String entityAnnotationsQuery = "PREFIX fise: <> \n" + "PREFIX dct: <> \n" + "PREFIX entityhub: <> \n" + "SELECT * { \n OPTIONAL { <" + eaUri + "> fise:confidence ?confidence ; \n" + eaUri + "> dct:language ?language . \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + eaUri + "> dct:relation ?relation } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + eaUri + "> fise:entity-label ?entityLabel } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + eaUri + "> fise:entity-reference ?entityReference } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + eaUri + "> fise:entity-type ?entityType } \n" + " OPTIONAL { <" + eaUri + "> entityhub:site ?site } \n" + "}"; try { TupleQueryResult entityAnnotationsResults = conn .prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, entityAnnotationsQuery).evaluate(); int i = 0; while (entityAnnotationsResults.hasNext()) { BindingSet result =; if (i == 0) { setEnhancementData(enhancement, result); if (result.hasBinding("entityLabel")) { Binding entityLabel = result.getBinding("entityLabel"); enhancement.setEntityLabel(entityLabel.getValue().stringValue()); if (!result.hasBinding("language") && (entityLabel.getValue() instanceof Literal)) enhancement.setLanguage(((Literal) entityLabel.getValue()).getLanguage()); } if (result.hasBinding("site")) { enhancement.setDataset(result.getBinding("site").getValue().stringValue()); } if (result.hasBinding("entityReference")) { enhancement.setEntityReference( parseEntity(conn, result.getBinding("entityReference").getValue().stringValue(), enhancement.getDataset())); } if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); if (!relations.values().contains(nextRelationUri)) toParse.add(nextRelationUri); relations.put(enhancement, nextRelationUri); } if (result.hasBinding("entityType")) { Collection<String> types = new HashSet<String>(); types.add(result.getBinding("entityType").getValue().stringValue()); enhancement.setEntityTypes(types); } } else { if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); Collection<String> eRelations = relations.get(enhancement); if (!eRelations.contains(nextRelationUri)) { if (!relations.values().contains(nextRelationUri)) toParse.add(nextRelationUri); relations.put(enhancement, nextRelationUri); } } if (result.hasBinding("entityType")) { String nextType = result.getBinding("entityType").getValue().stringValue(); if (!enhancement.getEntityTypes().contains(nextType)) enhancement.getEntityTypes().add(nextType); } } i++; } } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing entity annotation with URI: " + eaUri, e); } return enhancement; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model.EnhancementsParser#parseEntity(java * .lang.String) */ public Entity parseEntity(String entityUri, String dataset) throws EnhancementParserException { try { RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection(); conn.begin(); Entity result = parseEntity(conn, entityUri, dataset); conn.close(); return result; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } } private Entity parseEntity(RepositoryConnection conn, String entityUri, String dataset) throws EnhancementParserException { String entityQuery = "SELECT ?p ?o { \n" + " <" + entityUri + "> ?p ?o ; \n" + "}"; Entity entity = new Entity(entityUri, dataset); try { TupleQueryResult entityResults = conn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, entityQuery).evaluate(); while (entityResults.hasNext()) { BindingSet result =; Value object = result.getBinding("o").getValue(); if (object instanceof LiteralImpl) { String language = ((LiteralImpl) object).getLanguage(); if (language == null) { entity.addPropertyValue(result.getBinding("p").getValue().stringValue(), object.stringValue()); } else { entity.addPropertyValue(result.getBinding("p").getValue().stringValue(), language, object.stringValue()); } } else { entity.addPropertyValue(result.getBinding("p").getValue().stringValue(), object.stringValue()); } } } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing text annotations", e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } return entity; } private void setEnhancementData(Enhancement enhancement, BindingSet result) { if (result.hasBinding("confidence")) { enhancement.setConfidence(Double.parseDouble(result.getBinding("confidence").getValue().stringValue())); } else { enhancement.setConfidence(1.0); // Rupert says this should be the default value... } enhancement.setLanguage( result.getBinding("language") != null ? result.getBinding("language").getValue().stringValue() : null); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see io.redlink.sdk.impl.analysis.model.EnhancementsParser#parseTopicAnnotation() */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Override public Collection<TopicAnnotation> parseTopicAnnotation() throws EnhancementParserException { Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Map<String, Enhancement> enhancementsByUri = Maps.newHashMap(); try { RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection(); conn.begin(); Collection<TopicAnnotation> tas = parseTopicAnnotations(conn, relations, enhancementsByUri); Collection<TopicAnnotation> result = (Collection) resolveRelations(relations, conn); // Safe Casting for (TopicAnnotation ta : tas) if (!result.contains(ta)) result.add(ta); conn.close(); return result; } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } } private Collection<TopicAnnotation> parseTopicAnnotations(RepositoryConnection conn, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations, Map<String, Enhancement> enhancementsByUri) throws EnhancementParserException { Collection<TopicAnnotation> tas = Sets.newHashSet(); String topicAnnotationsQuery = "PREFIX fise: <> \n" + "PREFIX dct: <> \n" + "PREFIX entityhub: <> \n" + "SELECT * { \n" + " ?annotation a fise:TopicAnnotation . \n" + " OPTIONAL { fise:confidence ?confidence } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?language a dct:language } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation dct:relation ?relation } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:entity-label ?entityLabel } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation fise:entity-reference ?entityReference } \n" + " OPTIONAL { ?annotation entityhub:site ?site } \n" + "}"; try { TupleQueryResult topicAnnotationsResults = conn .prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, topicAnnotationsQuery).evaluate(); while (topicAnnotationsResults.hasNext()) { BindingSet result =; final String uri = result.getBinding("annotation").getValue().stringValue(); Enhancement topicAnnotation = enhancementsByUri.get(uri); if (topicAnnotation == null) { topicAnnotation = new TopicAnnotation(); enhancementsByUri.put(uri, topicAnnotation); } setTopicAnnotationData((TopicAnnotation) topicAnnotation, result, conn, relations); if (!tas.contains(topicAnnotation)) tas.add((TopicAnnotation) topicAnnotation); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException | MalformedQueryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error parsing text annotations", e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new EnhancementParserException("Error querying the RDF Model obtained as Service Response", e); } return tas; } private void setTopicAnnotationData(TopicAnnotation topicAnnotation, BindingSet result, RepositoryConnection conn, Multimap<Enhancement, String> relations) { if (!relations.containsKey(topicAnnotation)) { setEnhancementData(topicAnnotation, result); if (result.hasBinding("entityLabel")) { Binding entityLabel = result.getBinding("entityLabel"); topicAnnotation.setTopicLabel(entityLabel.getValue().stringValue()); if (!result.hasBinding("language") && (entityLabel.getValue() instanceof Literal)) topicAnnotation.setLanguage(((Literal) entityLabel.getValue()).getLanguage()); } if (result.hasBinding("entityReference")) { topicAnnotation.setTopicReference(result.getBinding("entityReference").getValue().stringValue()); } if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); relations.put(topicAnnotation, nextRelationUri); } if (result.hasBinding("site")) { topicAnnotation.setDataset(result.getBinding("site").getValue().stringValue()); } } else { if (result.hasBinding("relation")) { final String nextRelationUri = result.getBinding("relation").getValue().stringValue(); if (!relations.containsEntry(topicAnnotation, nextRelationUri)) relations.put(topicAnnotation, nextRelationUri); } } } }