Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.prestosql.plugin.redis; import; import; import io.airlift.configuration.Config; import io.airlift.configuration.ConfigSecuritySensitive; import io.airlift.units.Duration; import io.airlift.units.MinDuration; import io.prestosql.spi.HostAddress; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import; import java.util.Set; import static; public class RedisConnectorConfig { private static final int REDIS_DEFAULT_PORT = 6379; /** * Seed nodes for Redis cluster. At least one must exist. */ private Set<HostAddress> nodes = ImmutableSet.of(); /** * Count parameter for Redis scan command. */ private int redisScanCount = 100; /** * Index of the Redis DB to connect to. */ private int redisDataBaseIndex; /** * delimiter for separating schema name and table name in the KEY prefix . */ private char redisKeyDelimiter = ':'; /** * password for a password-protected Redis server */ private String redisPassword; /** * Timeout to connect to Redis. */ private Duration redisConnectTimeout = Duration.valueOf("2000ms"); /** * The schema name to use in the connector. */ private String defaultSchema = "default"; /** * Set of tables known to this connector. For each table, a description file may be present in the catalog folder which describes columns for the given table. */ private Set<String> tableNames = ImmutableSet.of(); /** * Folder holding the JSON description files for Redis values. */ private File tableDescriptionDir = new File("etc/redis/"); /** * Whether internal columns are shown in table metadata or not. Default is no. */ private boolean hideInternalColumns = true; /** * Whether Redis key string follows "schema:table:*" format */ private boolean keyPrefixSchemaTable; @NotNull public File getTableDescriptionDir() { return tableDescriptionDir; } @Config("redis.table-description-dir") public RedisConnectorConfig setTableDescriptionDir(File tableDescriptionDir) { this.tableDescriptionDir = tableDescriptionDir; return this; } @NotNull public Set<String> getTableNames() { return tableNames; } @Config("redis.table-names") public RedisConnectorConfig setTableNames(String tableNames) { this.tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().split(tableNames)); return this; } @NotNull public String getDefaultSchema() { return defaultSchema; } @Config("redis.default-schema") public RedisConnectorConfig setDefaultSchema(String defaultSchema) { this.defaultSchema = defaultSchema; return this; } @Size(min = 1) public Set<HostAddress> getNodes() { return nodes; } @Config("redis.nodes") public RedisConnectorConfig setNodes(String nodes) { this.nodes = (nodes == null) ? null : parseNodes(nodes); return this; } public int getRedisScanCount() { return redisScanCount; } @Config("redis.scan-count") public RedisConnectorConfig setRedisScanCount(int redisScanCount) { this.redisScanCount = redisScanCount; return this; } public int getRedisDataBaseIndex() { return redisDataBaseIndex; } @Config("redis.database-index") public RedisConnectorConfig setRedisDataBaseIndex(int redisDataBaseIndex) { this.redisDataBaseIndex = redisDataBaseIndex; return this; } @MinDuration("1s") public Duration getRedisConnectTimeout() { return redisConnectTimeout; } @Config("redis.connect-timeout") public RedisConnectorConfig setRedisConnectTimeout(String redisConnectTimeout) { this.redisConnectTimeout = Duration.valueOf(redisConnectTimeout); return this; } public char getRedisKeyDelimiter() { return redisKeyDelimiter; } @Config("redis.key-delimiter") public RedisConnectorConfig setRedisKeyDelimiter(String redisKeyDelimiter) { this.redisKeyDelimiter = redisKeyDelimiter.charAt(0); return this; } public String getRedisPassword() { return redisPassword; } @Config("redis.password") @ConfigSecuritySensitive public RedisConnectorConfig setRedisPassword(String redisPassword) { this.redisPassword = redisPassword; return this; } public boolean isHideInternalColumns() { return hideInternalColumns; } @Config("redis.hide-internal-columns") public RedisConnectorConfig setHideInternalColumns(boolean hideInternalColumns) { this.hideInternalColumns = hideInternalColumns; return this; } public boolean isKeyPrefixSchemaTable() { return keyPrefixSchemaTable; } @Config("redis.key-prefix-schema-table") public RedisConnectorConfig setKeyPrefixSchemaTable(boolean keyPrefixSchemaTable) { this.keyPrefixSchemaTable = keyPrefixSchemaTable; return this; } public static ImmutableSet<HostAddress> parseNodes(String nodes) { Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults(); return ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(splitter.split(nodes), RedisConnectorConfig::toHostAddress)); } private static HostAddress toHostAddress(String value) { return HostAddress.fromString(value).withDefaultPort(REDIS_DEFAULT_PORT); } }