Source code

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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.prestosql.geospatial;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;

import static;
import static io.prestosql.geospatial.KdbTree.Node.newInternal;
import static io.prestosql.geospatial.KdbTree.Node.newLeaf;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

 * 2-dimensional K-D-B Tree
 * see
public class KdbTree {
    private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 10_000;

    private final Node root;

    public static final class Node {
        private final Rectangle extent;
        private final OptionalInt leafId;
        private final Optional<Node> left;
        private final Optional<Node> right;

        public static Node newLeaf(Rectangle extent, int leafId) {
            return new Node(extent, OptionalInt.of(leafId), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());

        public static Node newInternal(Rectangle extent, Node left, Node right) {
            return new Node(extent, OptionalInt.empty(), Optional.of(left), Optional.of(right));

        public Node(@JsonProperty("extent") Rectangle extent, @JsonProperty("leafId") OptionalInt leafId,
                @JsonProperty("left") Optional<Node> left, @JsonProperty("right") Optional<Node> right) {
            this.extent = requireNonNull(extent, "extent is null");
            this.leafId = requireNonNull(leafId, "leafId is null");
            this.left = requireNonNull(left, "left is null");
            this.right = requireNonNull(right, "right is null");
            if (leafId.isPresent()) {
                checkArgument(leafId.getAsInt() >= 0, "leafId must be >= 0");
                checkArgument(!left.isPresent(), "Leaf node cannot have left child");
                checkArgument(!right.isPresent(), "Leaf node cannot have right child");
            } else {
                checkArgument(left.isPresent(), "Intermediate node must have left child");
                checkArgument(right.isPresent(), "Intermediate node must have right child");

        public Rectangle getExtent() {
            return extent;

        public OptionalInt getLeafId() {
            return leafId;

        public Optional<Node> getLeft() {
            return left;

        public Optional<Node> getRight() {
            return right;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj == null) {
                return false;

            if (!(obj instanceof Node)) {
                return false;

            Node other = (Node) obj;
            return this.extent.equals(other.extent) && Objects.equals(this.leafId, other.leafId)
                    && Objects.equals(this.left, other.left) && Objects.equals(this.right, other.right);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(extent, leafId, left, right);

    public KdbTree(@JsonProperty("root") Node root) {
        this.root = requireNonNull(root, "root is null");

    public Node getRoot() {
        return root;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;

        if (!(obj instanceof KdbTree)) {
            return false;

        KdbTree other = (KdbTree) obj;
        return this.root.equals(other.root);

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(root);

    public Map<Integer, Rectangle> getLeaves() {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, Rectangle> leaves = ImmutableMap.builder();
        addLeaves(root, leaves, node -> true);

    public Map<Integer, Rectangle> findIntersectingLeaves(Rectangle envelope) {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, Rectangle> leaves = ImmutableMap.builder();
        addLeaves(root, leaves, node -> node.extent.intersects(envelope));

    private static void addLeaves(Node node, ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, Rectangle> leaves,
            Predicate<Node> predicate) {
        if (!predicate.apply(node)) {

        if (node.leafId.isPresent()) {
            leaves.put(node.leafId.getAsInt(), node.extent);
        } else {
            addLeaves(node.left.get(), leaves, predicate);
            addLeaves(node.right.get(), leaves, predicate);

    private interface SplitDimension {
        Comparator<Rectangle> getComparator();

        double getValue(Rectangle rectangle);

        SplitResult<Rectangle> split(Rectangle rectangle, double value);

    private static final SplitDimension BY_X = new SplitDimension() {
        private final Comparator<Rectangle> comparator = (first, second) -> ComparisonChain.start()
                .compare(first.getXMin(), second.getXMin()).compare(first.getYMin(), second.getYMin()).result();

        public Comparator<Rectangle> getComparator() {
            return comparator;

        public double getValue(Rectangle rectangle) {
            return rectangle.getXMin();

        public SplitResult<Rectangle> split(Rectangle rectangle, double x) {
            checkArgument(rectangle.getXMin() < x && x < rectangle.getXMax());
            return new SplitResult<>(
                    new Rectangle(rectangle.getXMin(), rectangle.getYMin(), x, rectangle.getYMax()),
                    new Rectangle(x, rectangle.getYMin(), rectangle.getXMax(), rectangle.getYMax()));

    private static final SplitDimension BY_Y = new SplitDimension() {
        private final Comparator<Rectangle> comparator = (first, second) -> ComparisonChain.start()
                .compare(first.getYMin(), second.getYMin()).compare(first.getXMin(), second.getXMin()).result();

        public Comparator<Rectangle> getComparator() {
            return comparator;

        public double getValue(Rectangle rectangle) {
            return rectangle.getYMin();

        public SplitResult<Rectangle> split(Rectangle rectangle, double y) {
            checkArgument(rectangle.getYMin() < y && y < rectangle.getYMax());
            return new SplitResult<>(
                    new Rectangle(rectangle.getXMin(), rectangle.getYMin(), rectangle.getXMax(), y),
                    new Rectangle(rectangle.getXMin(), y, rectangle.getXMax(), rectangle.getYMax()));

    private static final class LeafIdAllocator {
        private int nextId;

        public int next() {
            return nextId++;

    public static KdbTree buildKdbTree(int maxItemsPerNode, Rectangle extent, List<Rectangle> items) {
        checkArgument(maxItemsPerNode > 0, "maxItemsPerNode must be > 0");
        requireNonNull(extent, "extent is null");
        requireNonNull(items, "items is null");
        return new KdbTree(buildKdbTreeNode(maxItemsPerNode, 0, extent, items, new LeafIdAllocator()));

    private static Node buildKdbTreeNode(int maxItemsPerNode, int level, Rectangle extent, List<Rectangle> items,
            LeafIdAllocator leafIdAllocator) {
        checkArgument(maxItemsPerNode > 0, "maxItemsPerNode must be > 0");
        checkArgument(level >= 0, "level must be >= 0");
        checkArgument(level <= MAX_LEVELS, "level must be <= 10,000");
        requireNonNull(extent, "extent is null");
        requireNonNull(items, "items is null");

        if (items.size() <= maxItemsPerNode || level == MAX_LEVELS) {
            return newLeaf(extent,;

        // Split over longer side
        boolean splitVertically = extent.getWidth() >= extent.getHeight();
        Optional<SplitResult<Node>> splitResult = trySplit(splitVertically ? BY_X : BY_Y, maxItemsPerNode, level,
                extent, items, leafIdAllocator);
        if (!splitResult.isPresent()) {
            // Try spitting by the other side
            splitResult = trySplit(splitVertically ? BY_Y : BY_X, maxItemsPerNode, level, extent, items,

        if (!splitResult.isPresent()) {
            return newLeaf(extent,;

        return newInternal(extent, splitResult.get().getLeft(), splitResult.get().getRight());

    private static final class SplitResult<T> {
        private final T left;
        private final T right;

        private SplitResult(T left, T right) {
            this.left = requireNonNull(left, "left is null");
            this.right = requireNonNull(right, "right is null");

        public T getLeft() {
            return left;

        public T getRight() {
            return right;

    private static Optional<SplitResult<Node>> trySplit(SplitDimension splitDimension, int maxItemsPerNode,
            int level, Rectangle extent, List<Rectangle> items, LeafIdAllocator leafIdAllocator) {
        checkArgument(items.size() > 1, "Number of items to split must be > 1");

        // Sort envelopes by xMin or yMin
        List<Rectangle> sortedItems = ImmutableList.sortedCopyOf(splitDimension.getComparator(), items);

        // Find a mid-point
        int middleIndex = (sortedItems.size() - 1) / 2;
        Rectangle middleEnvelope = sortedItems.get(middleIndex);
        double splitValue = splitDimension.getValue(middleEnvelope);
        int splitIndex = middleIndex;

        // skip over duplicate values
        while (splitIndex < sortedItems.size()
                && splitDimension.getValue(sortedItems.get(splitIndex)) == splitValue) {

        // all values between left-of-middle and the end are the same, so can't split
        if (splitIndex == sortedItems.size()) {
            return Optional.empty();

        // about half of the objects are <= splitValue, the rest are >= next value
        // assuming the input set of objects is a sample from a much larger set,
        // let's split in the middle; this way objects from the larger set with values
        // between splitValue and next value will get split somewhat evenly into left
        // and right partitions
        splitValue = (splitValue + splitDimension.getValue(sortedItems.get(splitIndex))) / 2;

        SplitResult<Rectangle> childExtents = splitDimension.split(extent, splitValue);

        return Optional.of(new SplitResult(
                buildKdbTreeNode(maxItemsPerNode, level + 1, childExtents.getLeft(),
                        sortedItems.subList(0, splitIndex), leafIdAllocator),
                buildKdbTreeNode(maxItemsPerNode, level + 1, childExtents.getRight(),
                        sortedItems.subList(splitIndex, sortedItems.size()), leafIdAllocator)));