Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package io.pravega.test.system; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.pravega.test.system.framework.Environment; import io.pravega.test.system.framework.SystemTestRunner; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import mesosphere.marathon.client.utils.MarathonException; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; /** * Controller fail over system test. */ @Slf4j @RunWith(SystemTestRunner.class) public class ControllerFailoverTest { private static final String TEST_CONTROLLER_SERVICE_NAME = "testcontroller"; private static final ScheduledExecutorService EXECUTOR_SERVICE = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5); @Environment public static void setup() throws InterruptedException, MarathonException, URISyntaxException { //1. check if zk is running, if not start it Service zkService = new ZookeeperService("zookeeper"); if (!zkService.isRunning()) { zkService.start(true); } List<URI> zkUris = zkService.getServiceDetails(); log.debug("zookeeper service details: {}", zkUris); //get the zk ip details and pass it to bk, host, controller URI zkUri = zkUris.get(0); //2, check if bk is running, otherwise start, get the zk ip Service bkService = new BookkeeperService("bookkeeper", zkUri); if (!bkService.isRunning()) { bkService.start(true); } List<URI> bkUris = bkService.getServiceDetails(); log.debug("bookkeeper service details: {}", bkUris); //3. start controller Service controllerService = new PravegaControllerService("controller", zkUri); if (!controllerService.isRunning()) { controllerService.start(true); } //4. start test controller instances Service testControllerService = new PravegaControllerService(TEST_CONTROLLER_SERVICE_NAME, zkUri); if (!testControllerService.isRunning()) { testControllerService.start(true); } List<URI> conUris = controllerService.getServiceDetails(); log.debug("Pravega Controller service instance details: {}", conUris); List<URI> testConUris = testControllerService.getServiceDetails(); log.debug("Pravega test Controller service instance details: {}", testConUris); //4.start host Service segService = new PravegaSegmentStoreService("segmentstore", zkUri, conUris.get(0)); if (!segService.isRunning()) { segService.start(true); } List<URI> segUris = segService.getServiceDetails(); log.debug("pravega host service details: {}", segUris); } private static URI getTestControllerServiceURI() { Service controllerService = new PravegaControllerService(TEST_CONTROLLER_SERVICE_NAME, null); List<URI> ctlURIs = controllerService.getServiceDetails(); return ctlURIs.get(0); } private static URI getControllerURI() { Service controllerService = new PravegaControllerService("controller", null); List<URI> ctlURIs = controllerService.getServiceDetails(); return ctlURIs.get(0); } private static void stopTestControllerService() {"Stopping test controller service"); Service controllerService = new PravegaControllerService(TEST_CONTROLLER_SERVICE_NAME, null); controllerService.stop(); } @Test(timeout = 180000) public void failoverTest() throws URISyntaxException, InterruptedException { String scope = "testFailoverScope" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(5); String stream = "testFailoverStream" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(5); int initialSegments = 2; List<Integer> segmentsToSeal = Collections.singletonList(0); Map<Double, Double> newRangesToCreate = new HashMap<>(); newRangesToCreate.put(0.0, 0.25); newRangesToCreate.put(0.25, 0.5); long lease = 29000; long maxExecutionTime = 60000; long scaleGracePeriod = 30000; // Connect with first controller instance. URI controllerUri = getTestControllerServiceURI(); Controller controller = new ControllerImpl(controllerUri); // Create scope, stream, and a transaction with high timeout value. controller.createScope(scope).join();"Scope {} created successfully", scope); createStream(controller, scope, stream, ScalingPolicy.fixed(initialSegments));"Stream {}/{} created successfully", scope, stream); long txnCreationTimestamp = System.nanoTime(); TxnSegments txnSegments = controller .createTransaction(new StreamImpl(scope, stream), lease, maxExecutionTime, scaleGracePeriod).join();"Transaction {} created successfully, beginTime={}", txnSegments.getTxnId(), txnCreationTimestamp); // Initiate scale operation. It will block until ongoing transaction is complete. CompletableFuture<Boolean> scaleFuture = controller .scaleStream(new StreamImpl(scope, stream), segmentsToSeal, newRangesToCreate, EXECUTOR_SERVICE) .getFuture(); // Ensure that scale is not yet done."Status of scale operation isDone={}", scaleFuture.isDone()); Assert.assertTrue(!scaleFuture.isDone()); // Now stop the controller instance executing scale operation. stopTestControllerService();"Successfully stopped test controller service"); // Connect to another controller instance. controllerUri = getControllerURI(); controller = new ControllerImpl(controllerUri); // Fetch status of transaction."Fetching status of transaction {}, time elapsed since its creation={}", txnSegments.getTxnId(), System.nanoTime() - txnCreationTimestamp); Transaction.Status status = controller .checkTransactionStatus(new StreamImpl(scope, stream), txnSegments.getTxnId()).join();"Transaction {} status={}", txnSegments.getTxnId(), status); if (status == Transaction.Status.OPEN) { // Abort the ongoing transaction."Trying to abort transaction {}, by sending request to controller at {}", txnSegments.getTxnId(), controllerUri); controller.abortTransaction(new StreamImpl(scope, stream), txnSegments.getTxnId()).join(); } // Scale operation should now complete on the second controller instance. // Sleep for some time for it to complete Thread.sleep(90000); // Ensure that the stream has 3 segments now."Checking whether scale operation succeeded by fetching current segments"); StreamSegments streamSegments = controller.getCurrentSegments(scope, stream).join();"Current segment count=", streamSegments.getSegments().size()); Assert.assertEquals(initialSegments - segmentsToSeal.size() + newRangesToCreate.size(), streamSegments.getSegments().size()); } private void createStream(Controller controller, String scope, String stream, ScalingPolicy scalingPolicy) { StreamConfiguration config = StreamConfiguration.builder().scope(scope).streamName(stream) .scalingPolicy(scalingPolicy).build(); controller.createStream(config).join(); } }