Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package io.pravega.shared.protocol.netty; import io.pravega.shared.protocol.netty.WireCommands.KeepAlive; import io.pravega.shared.protocol.netty.WireCommands.SetupAppend; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static io.pravega.shared.protocol.netty.WireCommandType.EVENT; import static io.pravega.shared.protocol.netty.WireCommands.TYPE_PLUS_LENGTH_SIZE; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder; import io.netty.util.ResourceLeakDetector; import io.netty.util.ResourceLeakDetector.Level; import lombok.Cleanup; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; public class AppendEncodeDecodeTest { private final int appendBlockSize = 1024; private final UUID connectionId = new UUID(1, 2); private final String streamName = "Test Stream Name"; private final CommandEncoder encoder = new CommandEncoder(new FixedBatchSizeTracker(appendBlockSize)); private final FakeLengthDecoder lengthDecoder = new FakeLengthDecoder(); private final AppendDecoder appendDecoder = new AppendDecoder(); private Level origionalLogLevel; @Before public void setup() { origionalLogLevel = ResourceLeakDetector.getLevel(); ResourceLeakDetector.setLevel(Level.PARANOID); } @After public void teardown() { ResourceLeakDetector.setLevel(origionalLogLevel); } @RequiredArgsConstructor private static final class FixedBatchSizeTracker implements AppendBatchSizeTracker { private final int appendBlockSize; @Override public int getAppendBlockSize() { return appendBlockSize; } @Override public void recordAppend(long eventNumber, int size) { } @Override public void recordAck(long eventNumber) { } @Override public int getBatchTimeout() { return 10; } } private static final class FakeLengthDecoder extends LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder { FakeLengthDecoder() { super(1024 * 1024, 4, 4); } @Override protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) throws Exception { return super.decode(ctx, in); } } @Test(expected = InvalidMessageException.class) public void testAppendWithoutSetup() throws Exception { int size = 10; @Cleanup("release") ByteBuf fakeNetwork = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); append(streamName, connectionId, 0, 1, size, fakeNetwork); } @Test public void testVerySmallBlockSize() throws Exception { @Cleanup("release") ByteBuf fakeNetwork = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); byte[] content = new byte[100]; Arrays.fill(content, (byte) 1); ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(content); Append msg = new Append("segment", connectionId, 1, buffer, null); CommandEncoder commandEncoder = new CommandEncoder(new FixedBatchSizeTracker(3)); SetupAppend setupAppend = new SetupAppend(1, connectionId, "segment"); commandEncoder.encode(null, setupAppend, fakeNetwork); appendDecoder.processCommand(setupAppend); ArrayList<Object> received = new ArrayList<>(); commandEncoder.encode(null, msg, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); assertEquals(2, received.size()); Append readAppend = (Append) received.get(1); assertEquals( + TYPE_PLUS_LENGTH_SIZE,; } @Test public void testSwitchingStream() throws Exception { int size = appendBlockSize; int numEvents = 2; UUID c1 = new UUID(1, 1); UUID c2 = new UUID(2, 2); String s1 = "Stream 1"; String s2 = "Stream 2"; sendAndVerifyEvents(s1, c1, numEvents, size, numEvents); sendAndVerifyEvents(s2, c2, numEvents, size, numEvents); } private void sendAndVerifyEvents(String segment, UUID connectionId, int numEvents, int eventSize, int expectedMessages) throws Exception { @Cleanup("release") ByteBuf fakeNetwork = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); ArrayList<Object> received = setupAppend(segment, connectionId, fakeNetwork); for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) { append(segment, connectionId, eventSize * (i + 1L), i, eventSize, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); } KeepAlive keepAlive = new KeepAlive(); encoder.encode(null, keepAlive, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); assertEquals(expectedMessages + 1, received.size()); assertEquals(received.get(received.size() - 1), keepAlive); received.remove(received.size() - 1); verify(received, numEvents, eventSize); } @Test public void testFlushBeforeEndOfBlock() throws Exception { testFlush(appendBlockSize / 2); } @Test public void testFlushWhenAtBlockBoundry() throws Exception { testFlush(appendBlockSize); } private void testFlush(int size) throws Exception { @Cleanup("release") ByteBuf fakeNetwork = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); ArrayList<Object> received = setupAppend(streamName, connectionId, fakeNetwork); append(streamName, connectionId, size, 0, size, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); KeepAlive keepAlive = new KeepAlive(); encoder.encode(null, keepAlive, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); assertEquals(2, received.size()); Append one = (Append) received.get(0); assertEquals(size + TYPE_PLUS_LENGTH_SIZE, one.getData().readableBytes()); KeepAlive two = (KeepAlive) received.get(1); assertEquals(keepAlive, two); } @Test public void testSmallAppends() throws Exception { int eventSize = 10; int numEvents = 10000; sendAndVerifyEvents(streamName, connectionId, numEvents, eventSize, numEvents * (eventSize + TYPE_PLUS_LENGTH_SIZE) / appendBlockSize + 1); } @Test public void testAppendSpanningBlockBound() throws Exception { int numEvents = 4; int size = (appendBlockSize * 3) / numEvents; sendAndVerifyEvents(streamName, connectionId, numEvents, size, 2); } @Test public void testBlockSizeAppend() throws Exception { int numEvents = 4; int size = appendBlockSize; sendAndVerifyEvents(streamName, connectionId, numEvents, size, numEvents); } @Test public void testAlmostBlockSizeAppend1() throws Exception { int numEvents = 4; int size = appendBlockSize - 1; sendAndVerifyEvents(streamName, connectionId, numEvents, size, numEvents); } @Test public void testAlmostBlockSizeAppend8() throws Exception { int numEvents = 4; int size = appendBlockSize - 8; sendAndVerifyEvents(streamName, connectionId, numEvents, size, numEvents); } @Test public void testAlmostBlockSizeAppend16() throws Exception { int numEvents = 4; int size = appendBlockSize - 16; sendAndVerifyEvents(streamName, connectionId, numEvents, size, numEvents); } @Test public void testAppendAtBlockBound() throws Exception { int size = appendBlockSize; @Cleanup("release") ByteBuf fakeNetwork = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); ArrayList<Object> received = setupAppend(streamName, connectionId, fakeNetwork); append(streamName, connectionId, size, 1, size, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); assertEquals(1, received.size()); append(streamName, connectionId, size + size / 2, 2, size / 2, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); assertEquals(1, received.size()); KeepAlive keepAlive = new KeepAlive(); encoder.encode(null, keepAlive, fakeNetwork); read(fakeNetwork, received); assertEquals(3, received.size()); Append one = (Append) received.get(0); Append two = (Append) received.get(1); assertEquals(size + TYPE_PLUS_LENGTH_SIZE, one.getData().readableBytes()); assertEquals(size / 2 + TYPE_PLUS_LENGTH_SIZE, two.getData().readableBytes()); KeepAlive three = (KeepAlive) received.get(2); assertEquals(keepAlive, three); } @Test public void testLargeAppend() throws Exception { int size = 10 * appendBlockSize; sendAndVerifyEvents(streamName, connectionId, 2, size, 2); } private ArrayList<Object> setupAppend(String testStream, UUID connectionId, ByteBuf fakeNetwork) throws Exception { SetupAppend setupAppend = new SetupAppend(1, connectionId, testStream); encoder.encode(null, setupAppend, fakeNetwork); ArrayList<Object> received = new ArrayList<>(); WireCommand command = CommandDecoder.parseCommand(fakeNetwork); assertTrue(appendDecoder.acceptInboundMessage(command)); assertEquals(setupAppend, appendDecoder.processCommand(command)); return received; } private long append(String segment, UUID connectionId, long offset, int messageNumber, int length, ByteBuf out) throws Exception { byte[] content = new byte[length]; Arrays.fill(content, (byte) messageNumber); ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(content); Append msg = new Append(segment, connectionId, messageNumber, buffer, null); encoder.encode(null, msg, out); return offset + length; } private void read(ByteBuf in, List<Object> results) throws Exception { ByteBuf segmented = (ByteBuf) lengthDecoder.decode(null, in); while (segmented != null) { int before = results.size(); WireCommand command = CommandDecoder.parseCommand(segmented); if (appendDecoder.acceptInboundMessage(command)) { Request request = appendDecoder.processCommand(command); if (request != null) { results.add(request); } } else { results.add(command); } assertTrue(results.size() == before || results.size() == before + 1); segmented.release(); segmented = (ByteBuf) lengthDecoder.decode(null, in); } } private void verify(List<Object> results, int numValues, int sizeOfEachValue) { int currentValue = -1; int currentCount = sizeOfEachValue; for (Object r : results) { Append append = (Append) r; assertEquals("Append split mid event", sizeOfEachValue, currentCount); while (append.getData().isReadable()) { if (currentCount == sizeOfEachValue) { assertEquals(EVENT.getCode(), append.getData().readInt()); assertEquals(sizeOfEachValue, append.getData().readInt()); currentCount = 0; currentValue++; } byte readByte = append.getData().readByte(); assertEquals((byte) currentValue, readByte); currentCount++; } assertEquals(currentValue, append.getEventNumber()); } assertEquals(numValues - 1, currentValue); assertEquals(currentCount, sizeOfEachValue); } }