Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package; import io.pravega.common.util.BitConverter; import lombok.Data; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import java.util.Optional; @Data /** * Class corresponding to a record/row in Index table. * Each row is fixed size * Row: [eventTime, pointer-into-history-table] */ public class IndexRecord { public static final int INDEX_RECORD_SIZE = Long.BYTES + Integer.BYTES; private final long eventTime; private final int historyOffset; public static Optional<IndexRecord> readRecord(final byte[] indexTable, final int offset) { if (offset >= indexTable.length) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return Optional.of(parse(indexTable, offset)); } } public static Optional<IndexRecord> readLatestRecord(final byte[] indexTable) { final int lastIndexedRecordOffset = Integer.max(indexTable.length - IndexRecord.INDEX_RECORD_SIZE, 0); return readRecord(indexTable, lastIndexedRecordOffset); } public static Optional<IndexRecord> fetchPrevious(final byte[] indexTable, final int offset) { if (offset == 0) { return Optional.<IndexRecord>empty(); } else { return IndexRecord.readRecord(indexTable, offset - IndexRecord.INDEX_RECORD_SIZE); } } public static Optional<IndexRecord> fetchNext(final byte[] indexTable, final int offset) { if (offset + IndexRecord.INDEX_RECORD_SIZE == indexTable.length) { return Optional.<IndexRecord>empty(); } else { return readRecord(indexTable, offset + IndexRecord.INDEX_RECORD_SIZE); } } public static Pair<Integer, Optional<IndexRecord>> search(final long timestamp, final byte[] indexTable) { final int lower = 0; final int upper = (indexTable.length - IndexRecord.INDEX_RECORD_SIZE) / IndexRecord.INDEX_RECORD_SIZE; return binarySearchIndex(lower, upper, timestamp, indexTable); } private static IndexRecord parse(final byte[] bytes, int offset) { final long eventTime = BitConverter.readLong(bytes, offset); final int historyOffset = BitConverter.readInt(bytes, offset + Long.BYTES); return new IndexRecord(eventTime, historyOffset); } private static Pair<Integer, Optional<IndexRecord>> binarySearchIndex(final int lower, final int upper, final long timestamp, final byte[] indexTable) { if (upper < lower || indexTable.length == 0) { return new ImmutablePair<>(0, Optional.empty()); } final int offset = ((lower + upper) / 2) * IndexRecord.INDEX_RECORD_SIZE; final IndexRecord record = IndexRecord.readRecord(indexTable, offset).get(); final Optional<IndexRecord> next = IndexRecord.fetchNext(indexTable, offset); if (record.getEventTime() <= timestamp) { if (!next.isPresent() || (next.get().getEventTime() > timestamp)) { return new ImmutablePair<>(offset, Optional.of(record)); } else { return binarySearchIndex((lower + upper) / 2 + 1, upper, timestamp, indexTable); } } else { return binarySearchIndex(lower, (lower + upper) / 2 - 1, timestamp, indexTable); } } public byte[] toByteArray() { byte[] b = new byte[INDEX_RECORD_SIZE]; BitConverter.writeLong(b, 0, eventTime); BitConverter.writeInt(b, Long.BYTES, historyOffset); return b; } }