Source code

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 * (C) Copyright 2017-2019 OpenVidu (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.openvidu.server.kurento.endpoint;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import org.kurento.client.Continuation;
import org.kurento.client.ErrorEvent;
import org.kurento.client.EventListener;
import org.kurento.client.IceCandidate;
import org.kurento.client.ListenerSubscription;
import org.kurento.client.MediaElement;
import org.kurento.client.MediaPipeline;
import org.kurento.client.OnIceCandidateEvent;
import org.kurento.client.RtpEndpoint;
import org.kurento.client.SdpEndpoint;
import org.kurento.client.WebRtcEndpoint;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import io.openvidu.client.OpenViduException;
import io.openvidu.client.OpenViduException.Code;
import io.openvidu.server.config.OpenviduConfig;
import io.openvidu.server.core.Participant;
import io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipant;
import io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoTokenOptions;

 * {@link WebRtcEndpoint} wrapper that supports buffering of
 * {@link IceCandidate}s until the {@link WebRtcEndpoint} is created.
 * Connections to other peers are opened using the corresponding method of the
 * internal endpoint.
 * @author Pablo Fuente (
public abstract class MediaEndpoint {
    private static Logger log;
    private OpenviduConfig openviduConfig;

    private boolean web = false;

    private WebRtcEndpoint webEndpoint = null;
    private RtpEndpoint endpoint = null;

    private final int maxRecvKbps;
    private final int minRecvKbps;
    private final int maxSendKbps;
    private final int minSendKbps;

    private KurentoParticipant owner;
    protected String endpointName; // KMS media object identifier. Unique for every MediaEndpoint
    protected String streamId; // OpenVidu Stream identifier. Common property for a
    // PublisherEndpoint->SubscriberEndpoint flow. Equal to endpointName for
    // PublisherEndpoints, different for SubscriberEndpoints
    protected Long createdAt; // Timestamp when this [publisher / subscriber] started [publishing / receiving]

    private MediaPipeline pipeline = null;
    private ListenerSubscription endpointSubscription = null;

    private final List<IceCandidate> receivedCandidateList = new LinkedList<IceCandidate>();
    private LinkedList<IceCandidate> candidates = new LinkedList<IceCandidate>();

    public String selectedLocalIceCandidate;
    public String selectedRemoteIceCandidate;
    public Queue<KmsEvent> kmsEvents = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
    public Future<?> kmsWebrtcStatsThread;

     * Constructor to set the owner, the endpoint's name and the media pipeline.
     * @param web
     * @param owner
     * @param endpointName
     * @param pipeline
     * @param log
    public MediaEndpoint(boolean web, KurentoParticipant owner, String endpointName, MediaPipeline pipeline,
            OpenviduConfig openviduConfig, Logger log) {
        if (log == null) {
            MediaEndpoint.log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MediaEndpoint.class);
        } else {
            MediaEndpoint.log = log;
        this.web = web;
        this.owner = owner;

        this.openviduConfig = openviduConfig;

        KurentoTokenOptions kurentoTokenOptions = this.owner.getToken().getKurentoTokenOptions();
        if (kurentoTokenOptions != null) {
            this.maxRecvKbps = kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMaxRecvBandwidth() != null
                    ? kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMaxRecvBandwidth()
                    : this.openviduConfig.getVideoMaxRecvBandwidth();
            this.minRecvKbps = kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMinRecvBandwidth() != null
                    ? kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMinRecvBandwidth()
                    : this.openviduConfig.getVideoMinRecvBandwidth();
            this.maxSendKbps = kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMaxSendBandwidth() != null
                    ? kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMaxSendBandwidth()
                    : this.openviduConfig.getVideoMaxSendBandwidth();
            this.minSendKbps = kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMinSendBandwidth() != null
                    ? kurentoTokenOptions.getVideoMinSendBandwidth()
                    : this.openviduConfig.getVideoMinSendBandwidth();
        } else {
            this.maxRecvKbps = this.openviduConfig.getVideoMaxRecvBandwidth();
            this.minRecvKbps = this.openviduConfig.getVideoMinRecvBandwidth();
            this.maxSendKbps = this.openviduConfig.getVideoMaxSendBandwidth();
            this.minSendKbps = this.openviduConfig.getVideoMinSendBandwidth();

    public boolean isWeb() {
        return web;

     * @return the user session that created this endpoint
    public Participant getOwner() {
        return owner;

     * @return the internal endpoint ({@link RtpEndpoint} or {@link WebRtcEndpoint})
    public SdpEndpoint getEndpoint() {
        if (this.isWeb()) {
            return this.webEndpoint;
        } else {
            return this.endpoint;

    public long createdAt() {
        return this.createdAt;

    public WebRtcEndpoint getWebEndpoint() {
        return webEndpoint;

    protected RtpEndpoint getRtpEndpoint() {
        return endpoint;

     * If this object doesn't have a {@link WebRtcEndpoint}, it is created in a
     * thread-safe way using the internal {@link MediaPipeline}. Otherwise no
     * actions are taken. It also registers an error listener for the endpoint and
     * for any additional media elements.
     * @param endpointLatch latch whose countdown is performed when the asynchronous
     *                      call to build the {@link WebRtcEndpoint} returns
     * @return the existing endpoint, if any
    public synchronized SdpEndpoint createEndpoint(CountDownLatch endpointLatch) {
        SdpEndpoint old = this.getEndpoint();
        if (old == null) {
        } else {
        if (this.isWeb()) {
            while (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
        return old;

     * @return the pipeline
    public MediaPipeline getPipeline() {
        return this.pipeline;

     * Sets the {@link MediaPipeline} used to create the internal
     * {@link WebRtcEndpoint}.
     * @param pipeline the {@link MediaPipeline}
    public void setMediaPipeline(MediaPipeline pipeline) {
        this.pipeline = pipeline;

    public String getEndpointName() {
        if (endpointName == null) {
            endpointName = this.getEndpoint().getName();
        return endpointName;

    public void setEndpointName(String endpointName) {
        this.endpointName = endpointName;

    public String getStreamId() {
        return streamId;

    public void setStreamId(String streamId) {
        this.streamId = streamId;

     * Unregisters all error listeners created for media elements owned by this
     * instance.
    public synchronized void unregisterErrorListeners() {
        unregisterElementErrListener(endpoint, endpointSubscription);

     * Creates the endpoint (RTP or WebRTC) and any other additional elements (if
     * needed).
     * @param endpointLatch
    protected void internalEndpointInitialization(final CountDownLatch endpointLatch) {
        if (this.isWeb()) {
            WebRtcEndpoint.Builder builder = new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(pipeline);
             * if (this.dataChannels) { builder.useDataChannels(); }
            builder.buildAsync(new Continuation<WebRtcEndpoint>() {
                public void onSuccess(WebRtcEndpoint result) throws Exception {
                    webEndpoint = result;


                    log.trace("EP {}: Created a new WebRtcEndpoint", endpointName);
                    endpointSubscription = registerElemErrListener(webEndpoint);

                public void onError(Throwable cause) throws Exception {
                    log.error("EP {}: Failed to create a new WebRtcEndpoint", endpointName, cause);
        } else {
            new RtpEndpoint.Builder(pipeline).buildAsync(new Continuation<RtpEndpoint>() {
                public void onSuccess(RtpEndpoint result) throws Exception {
                    endpoint = result;
                    log.trace("EP {}: Created a new RtpEndpoint", endpointName);
                    endpointSubscription = registerElemErrListener(endpoint);

                public void onError(Throwable cause) throws Exception {
                    log.error("EP {}: Failed to create a new RtpEndpoint", endpointName, cause);

     * Add a new {@link IceCandidate} received gathered by the remote peer of this
     * {@link WebRtcEndpoint}.
     * @param candidate the remote candidate
    public synchronized void addIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate) throws OpenViduException {
        if (!this.isWeb()) {
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_NOT_A_WEB_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE, "Operation not supported");
        if (webEndpoint == null) {
        } else {

     * Registers a listener for when the {@link MediaElement} triggers an
     * {@link ErrorEvent}. Notifies the owner with the error.
     * @param element the {@link MediaElement}
     * @return {@link ListenerSubscription} that can be used to deregister the
     *         listener
    protected ListenerSubscription registerElemErrListener(MediaElement element) {
        return element.addErrorListener(new EventListener<ErrorEvent>() {
            public void onEvent(ErrorEvent event) {

     * Unregisters the error listener from the media element using the provided
     * subscription.
     * @param element      the {@link MediaElement}
     * @param subscription the associated {@link ListenerSubscription}
    protected void unregisterElementErrListener(MediaElement element, final ListenerSubscription subscription) {
        if (element == null || subscription == null) {

     * Orders the internal endpoint ({@link RtpEndpoint} or {@link WebRtcEndpoint})
     * to process the offer String.
     * @see SdpEndpoint#processOffer(String)
     * @param offer String with the Sdp offer
     * @return the Sdp answer
    protected String processOffer(String offer) throws OpenViduException {
        if (this.isWeb()) {
            if (webEndpoint == null) {
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_WEBRTC_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Can't process offer when WebRtcEndpoint is null (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
            return webEndpoint.processOffer(offer);
        } else {
            if (endpoint == null) {
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_RTP_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Can't process offer when RtpEndpoint is null (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
            return endpoint.processOffer(offer);

     * Orders the internal endpoint ({@link RtpEndpoint} or {@link WebRtcEndpoint})
     * to generate the offer String that can be used to initiate a connection.
     * @see SdpEndpoint#generateOffer()
     * @return the Sdp offer
    protected String generateOffer() throws OpenViduException {
        if (this.isWeb()) {
            if (webEndpoint == null) {
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_WEBRTC_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Can't generate offer when WebRtcEndpoint is null (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
            return webEndpoint.generateOffer();
        } else {
            if (endpoint == null) {
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_RTP_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Can't generate offer when RtpEndpoint is null (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
            return endpoint.generateOffer();

     * Orders the internal endpoint ({@link RtpEndpoint} or {@link WebRtcEndpoint})
     * to process the answer String.
     * @see SdpEndpoint#processAnswer(String)
     * @param answer String with the Sdp answer from remote
     * @return the updated Sdp offer, based on the received answer
    protected String processAnswer(String answer) throws OpenViduException {
        if (this.isWeb()) {
            if (webEndpoint == null) {
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_WEBRTC_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Can't process answer when WebRtcEndpoint is null (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
            return webEndpoint.processAnswer(answer);
        } else {
            if (endpoint == null) {
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_RTP_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Can't process answer when RtpEndpoint is null (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
            return endpoint.processAnswer(answer);

     * If supported, it registers a listener for when a new {@link IceCandidate} is
     * gathered by the internal endpoint ({@link WebRtcEndpoint}) and sends it to
     * the remote User Agent as a notification using the messaging capabilities of
     * the {@link Participant}.
     * @see WebRtcEndpoint#addOnIceCandidateListener(org.kurento.client.EventListener)
     * @see Participant#sendIceCandidate(String, IceCandidate)
     * @throws OpenViduException if thrown, unable to register the listener
    protected void registerOnIceCandidateEventListener(String senderPublicId) throws OpenViduException {
        if (!this.isWeb()) {
        if (webEndpoint == null) {
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_WEBRTC_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Can't register event listener for null WebRtcEndpoint (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
        webEndpoint.addOnIceCandidateListener(new EventListener<OnIceCandidateEvent>() {
            public void onEvent(OnIceCandidateEvent event) {
                owner.sendIceCandidate(senderPublicId, endpointName, event.getCandidate());

     * If supported, it instructs the internal endpoint to start gathering
     * {@link IceCandidate}s.
    protected void gatherCandidates() throws OpenViduException {
        if (!this.isWeb()) {
        if (webEndpoint == null) {
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_WEBRTC_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Can't start gathering ICE candidates on null WebRtcEndpoint (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
        webEndpoint.gatherCandidates(new Continuation<Void>() {
            public void onSuccess(Void result) throws Exception {
                log.trace("EP {}: Internal endpoint started to gather candidates", endpointName);

            public void onError(Throwable cause) throws Exception {
                log.warn("EP {}: Internal endpoint failed to start gathering candidates", endpointName, cause);

    private void internalAddIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate) throws OpenViduException {
        if (webEndpoint == null) {
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_WEBRTC_ENDPOINT_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Can't add existing ICE candidates to null WebRtcEndpoint (ep: " + endpointName + ")");
        this.webEndpoint.addIceCandidate(candidate, new Continuation<Void>() {
            public void onSuccess(Void result) throws Exception {
                log.trace("Ice candidate added to the internal endpoint");

            public void onError(Throwable cause) throws Exception {
                log.warn("EP {}: Failed to add ice candidate to the internal endpoint", endpointName, cause);

    public JsonObject toJson() {
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
        json.addProperty("createdAt", this.createdAt);
        return json;

    public JsonObject withStatsToJson() {
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
        json.addProperty("createdAt", this.createdAt);
        json.addProperty("webrtcEndpointName", this.getEndpointName());
        json.addProperty("remoteSdp", this.getEndpoint().getRemoteSessionDescriptor());
        json.addProperty("localSdp", this.getEndpoint().getLocalSessionDescriptor());
        json.add("receivedCandidates", new GsonBuilder().create().toJsonTree(this.receivedCandidateList));
        json.addProperty("localCandidate", this.selectedLocalIceCandidate);
        json.addProperty("remoteCandidate", this.selectedRemoteIceCandidate);

        JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray();
        this.kmsEvents.forEach(ev -> {
            // Remove unwanted properties
            JsonObject j = ev.toJson();
        json.add("events", jsonArray);

        return json;