Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (C) Copyright 2017-2019 OpenVidu (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.openvidu.server.kurento.core;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

import org.kurento.client.GenericMediaElement;
import org.kurento.client.IceCandidate;
import org.kurento.client.ListenerSubscription;
import org.kurento.jsonrpc.Props;
import org.kurento.jsonrpc.message.Request;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;


import io.openvidu.client.OpenViduException;
import io.openvidu.client.OpenViduException.Code;
import io.openvidu.client.internal.ProtocolElements;
import io.openvidu.server.core.EndReason;
import io.openvidu.server.core.MediaOptions;
import io.openvidu.server.core.Participant;
import io.openvidu.server.core.Session;
import io.openvidu.server.core.SessionManager;
import io.openvidu.server.kurento.endpoint.KurentoFilter;
import io.openvidu.server.kurento.endpoint.PublisherEndpoint;
import io.openvidu.server.kurento.endpoint.SdpType;
import io.openvidu.server.kurento.kms.Kms;
import io.openvidu.server.kurento.kms.KmsManager;
import io.openvidu.server.rpc.RpcHandler;
import io.openvidu.server.utils.JsonUtils;

public class KurentoSessionManager extends SessionManager {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KurentoSessionManager.class);

    private KmsManager kmsManager;

    private KurentoSessionEventsHandler kurentoSessionEventsHandler;

    private KurentoParticipantEndpointConfig kurentoEndpointConfig;

    public synchronized void joinRoom(Participant participant, String sessionId, Integer transactionId) {
        Set<Participant> existingParticipants = null;
        try {

            KurentoSession kSession = (KurentoSession) sessions.get(sessionId);

            if (kSession == null) {
                // First user connecting to the session
                Session sessionNotActive = sessionsNotActive.remove(sessionId);

                if (sessionNotActive == null && this.isInsecureParticipant(participant.getParticipantPrivateId())) {
                    // Insecure user directly call joinRoom RPC method, without REST API use
                    sessionNotActive = new Session(sessionId,
                            new SessionProperties.Builder().mediaMode(MediaMode.ROUTED)
                            openviduConfig, recordingManager);

                Kms lessLoadedKms = null;
                try {
                    lessLoadedKms = this.kmsManager.getLessLoadedKms();
                } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                    // Restore session not active
                    throw new OpenViduException(Code.ROOM_CANNOT_BE_CREATED_ERROR_CODE,
                            "There is no available media server where to initialize session '" + sessionId + "'");
      "KMS less loaded is {} with a load of {}", lessLoadedKms.getUri(),
                kSession = createSession(sessionNotActive, lessLoadedKms);

            if (kSession.isClosed()) {
                log.warn("'{}' is trying to join session '{}' but it is closing",
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), sessionId);
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.ROOM_CLOSED_ERROR_CODE, "'" + participant.getParticipantPublicId()
                        + "' is trying to join session '" + sessionId + "' but it is closing");

            existingParticipants = getParticipants(sessionId);
        } catch (OpenViduException e) {
            log.warn("PARTICIPANT {}: Error joining/creating session {}", participant.getParticipantPublicId(),
                    sessionId, e);
            sessionEventsHandler.onParticipantJoined(participant, sessionId, null, transactionId, e);
        if (existingParticipants != null) {
            sessionEventsHandler.onParticipantJoined(participant, sessionId, existingParticipants, transactionId,

    public synchronized boolean leaveRoom(Participant participant, Integer transactionId, EndReason reason,
            boolean closeWebSocket) {
        log.debug("Request [LEAVE_ROOM] ({})", participant.getParticipantPublicId());

        boolean sessionClosedByLastParticipant = false;

        KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
        KurentoSession session = kParticipant.getSession();
        String sessionId = session.getSessionId();

        if (session.isClosed()) {
            log.warn("'{}' is trying to leave from session '{}' but it is closing",
                    participant.getParticipantPublicId(), sessionId);
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.ROOM_CLOSED_ERROR_CODE, "'" + participant.getParticipantPublicId()
                    + "' is trying to leave from session '" + sessionId + "' but it is closing");
        session.leave(participant.getParticipantPrivateId(), reason);

        // Update control data structures

        if (sessionidParticipantpublicidParticipant.get(sessionId) != null) {
            Participant p = sessionidParticipantpublicidParticipant.get(sessionId)

            if (this.coturnCredentialsService.isCoturnAvailable()) {

            if (sessionidTokenTokenobj.get(sessionId) != null) {
            boolean stillParticipant = false;
            for (Session s : sessions.values()) {
                if (s.getParticipantByPrivateId(p.getParticipantPrivateId()) != null) {
                    stillParticipant = true;
            if (!stillParticipant) {


        // Close Session if no more participants

        Set<Participant> remainingParticipants = null;
        try {
            remainingParticipants = getParticipants(sessionId);
        } catch (OpenViduException e) {
  "Possible collision when closing the session '{}' (not found)", sessionId);
            remainingParticipants = Collections.emptySet();
        sessionEventsHandler.onParticipantLeft(participant, sessionId, remainingParticipants, transactionId, null,

        if (!EndReason.sessionClosedByServer.equals(reason)) {
            // If session is closed by a call to "DELETE /api/sessions" do NOT stop the
            // recording. Will be stopped after in method
            // "SessionManager.closeSessionAndEmptyCollections"
            if (remainingParticipants.isEmpty()) {
                if (openviduConfig.isRecordingModuleEnabled()
                        && MediaMode.ROUTED.equals(session.getSessionProperties().mediaMode())
                        && (this.recordingManager.sessionIsBeingRecorded(sessionId))) {
                    // Start countdown to stop recording. Will be aborted if a Publisher starts
                    // before timeout
                            "Last participant left. Starting {} seconds countdown for stopping recording of session {}",
                            this.openviduConfig.getOpenviduRecordingAutostopTimeout(), sessionId);
                } else {
          "No more participants in session '{}', removing it and closing it", sessionId);
                    this.closeSessionAndEmptyCollections(session, reason);
                    sessionClosedByLastParticipant = true;
            } else if (remainingParticipants.size() == 1 && openviduConfig.isRecordingModuleEnabled()
                    && MediaMode.ROUTED.equals(session.getSessionProperties().mediaMode())
                    && this.recordingManager.sessionIsBeingRecorded(sessionId)
                    && ProtocolElements.RECORDER_PARTICIPANT_PUBLICID
                            .equals(remainingParticipants.iterator().next().getParticipantPublicId())) {
                // Start countdown
                        "Last participant left. Starting {} seconds countdown for stopping recording of session {}",
                        this.openviduConfig.getOpenviduRecordingAutostopTimeout(), sessionId);

        // Finally close websocket session if required
        if (closeWebSocket) {

        return sessionClosedByLastParticipant;

     * Represents a client's request to start streaming her local media to anyone
     * inside the room. The media elements should have been created using the same
     * pipeline as the publisher's. The streaming media endpoint situated on the
     * server can be connected to itself thus realizing what is known as a loopback
     * connection. The loopback is performed after applying all additional media
     * elements specified as parameters (in the same order as they appear in the
     * params list).
     * <p>
     * <br/>
     * <strong>Dev advice:</strong> Send notifications to the existing participants
     * in the room to inform about the new stream that has been published. Answer to
     * the peer's request by sending it the SDP response (answer or updated offer)
     * generated by the WebRTC endpoint on the server.
     * @param participant   Participant publishing video
     * @param MediaOptions  configuration of the stream to publish
     * @param transactionId identifier of the Transaction
     * @throws OpenViduException on error
    public void publishVideo(Participant participant, MediaOptions mediaOptions, Integer transactionId)
            throws OpenViduException {

        Set<Participant> participants = null;
        String sdpAnswer = null;

        KurentoMediaOptions kurentoOptions = (KurentoMediaOptions) mediaOptions;
        KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;

                "Request [PUBLISH_MEDIA] isOffer={} sdp={} "
                        + "loopbackAltSrc={} lpbkConnType={} doLoopback={} mediaElements={} ({})",
                kurentoOptions.isOffer, kurentoOptions.sdpOffer, kurentoOptions.loopbackAlternativeSrc,
                kurentoOptions.loopbackConnectionType, kurentoOptions.doLoopback, kurentoOptions.mediaElements,

        SdpType sdpType = kurentoOptions.isOffer ? SdpType.OFFER : SdpType.ANSWER;
        KurentoSession kSession = kParticipant.getSession();


         * for (MediaElement elem : kurentoOptions.mediaElements) {
         * kurentoParticipant.getPublisher().apply(elem); }

        KurentoTokenOptions kurentoTokenOptions = participant.getToken().getKurentoTokenOptions();
        if (kurentoOptions.getFilter() != null && kurentoTokenOptions != null) {
            if (kurentoTokenOptions.isFilterAllowed(kurentoOptions.getFilter().getType())) {
                this.applyFilterInPublisher(kParticipant, kurentoOptions.getFilter());
            } else {
                OpenViduException e = new OpenViduException(Code.FILTER_NOT_APPLIED_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Error applying filter for publishing user " + participant.getParticipantPublicId()
                                + ". The token has no permissions to apply filter "
                                + kurentoOptions.getFilter().getType());
                log.error("PARTICIPANT {}: Error applying filter. The token has no permissions to apply filter {}",
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), kurentoOptions.getFilter().getType(), e);
                sessionEventsHandler.onPublishMedia(participant, null, System.currentTimeMillis(),
                        kSession.getSessionId(), mediaOptions, sdpAnswer, participants, transactionId, e);
                throw e;

        sdpAnswer = kParticipant.publishToRoom(sdpType, kurentoOptions.sdpOffer, kurentoOptions.doLoopback,
                kurentoOptions.loopbackAlternativeSrc, kurentoOptions.loopbackConnectionType);

        if (sdpAnswer == null) {
            OpenViduException e = new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_SDP_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Error generating SDP response for publishing user " + participant.getParticipantPublicId());
            log.error("PARTICIPANT {}: Error publishing media", participant.getParticipantPublicId(), e);
            sessionEventsHandler.onPublishMedia(participant, null, kParticipant.getPublisher().createdAt(),
                    kSession.getSessionId(), mediaOptions, sdpAnswer, participants, transactionId, e);

        if (this.openviduConfig.isRecordingModuleEnabled()
                && MediaMode.ROUTED.equals(kSession.getSessionProperties().mediaMode())
                && kSession.getActivePublishers() == 0) {
            if (RecordingMode.ALWAYS.equals(kSession.getSessionProperties().recordingMode())
                    && !recordingManager.sessionIsBeingRecorded(kSession.getSessionId())
                    && !kSession.recordingManuallyStopped.get()) {
                // Start automatic recording for sessions configured with RecordingMode.ALWAYS
                new Thread(() -> {
                            new RecordingProperties.Builder().name("")
            } else if (RecordingMode.MANUAL.equals(kSession.getSessionProperties().recordingMode())
                    && recordingManager.sessionIsBeingRecorded(kSession.getSessionId())) {
                // Abort automatic recording stop (user published before timeout)
      "Participant {} published before timeout finished. Aborting automatic recording stop",
                boolean stopAborted = recordingManager.abortAutomaticRecordingStopThread(kSession,
                if (stopAborted) {
          "Automatic recording stopped successfully aborted");
                } else {
          "Automatic recording stopped couldn't be aborted. Recording of session {} has stopped",


        participants = kParticipant.getSession().getParticipants();

        if (sdpAnswer != null) {
            sessionEventsHandler.onPublishMedia(participant, participant.getPublisherStreamId(),
                    kParticipant.getPublisher().createdAt(), kSession.getSessionId(), mediaOptions, sdpAnswer,
                    participants, transactionId, null);

    public void unpublishVideo(Participant participant, Participant moderator, Integer transactionId,
            EndReason reason) {
        try {
            KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
            KurentoSession session = kParticipant.getSession();

            log.debug("Request [UNPUBLISH_MEDIA] ({})", participant.getParticipantPublicId());
            if (!participant.isStreaming()) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to unpublish video of user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user is not streaming media",
                        moderator != null ? moderator.getParticipantPublicId()
                                : participant.getParticipantPublicId(),
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_STREAMING_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Participant '" + participant.getParticipantPublicId() + "' is not streaming media");
            kParticipant.unpublishMedia(reason, 0);
            session.cancelPublisher(participant, reason);

            Set<Participant> participants = session.getParticipants();

            sessionEventsHandler.onUnpublishMedia(participant, participants, moderator, transactionId, null,

        } catch (OpenViduException e) {
            log.warn("PARTICIPANT {}: Error unpublishing media", participant.getParticipantPublicId(), e);
            sessionEventsHandler.onUnpublishMedia(participant, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(participant)), moderator,
                    transactionId, e, null);

    public void subscribe(Participant participant, String senderName, String sdpOffer, Integer transactionId) {
        String sdpAnswer = null;
        Session session = null;
        try {
            log.debug("Request [SUBSCRIBE] remoteParticipant={} sdpOffer={} ({})", senderName, sdpOffer,

            KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
            session = ((KurentoParticipant) participant).getSession();
            Participant senderParticipant = session.getParticipantByPublicId(senderName);

            if (senderParticipant == null) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to recv media from user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user could not be found",
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), senderName, session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + senderName + " not found in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            if (!senderParticipant.isStreaming()) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to recv media from user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user is not streaming media",
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), senderName, session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_STREAMING_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + senderName + " not streaming media in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");

            sdpAnswer = kParticipant.receiveMediaFrom(senderParticipant, sdpOffer);
            if (sdpAnswer == null) {
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.MEDIA_SDP_ERROR_CODE,
                        "Unable to generate SDP answer when subscribing '" + participant.getParticipantPublicId()
                                + "' to '" + senderName + "'");
        } catch (OpenViduException e) {
            log.error("PARTICIPANT {}: Error subscribing to {}", participant.getParticipantPublicId(), senderName,
            sessionEventsHandler.onSubscribe(participant, session, null, transactionId, e);
        if (sdpAnswer != null) {
            sessionEventsHandler.onSubscribe(participant, session, sdpAnswer, transactionId, null);

    public void unsubscribe(Participant participant, String senderName, Integer transactionId) {
        log.debug("Request [UNSUBSCRIBE] remoteParticipant={} ({})", senderName,

        KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
        Session session = ((KurentoParticipant) participant).getSession();
        Participant sender = session.getParticipantByPublicId(senderName);

        if (sender == null) {
                    "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to unsubscribe from user {} "
                            + "in session {} but user could not be found",
                    participant.getParticipantPublicId(), senderName, session.getSessionId());
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE,
                    "User " + senderName + " not found in session " + session.getSessionId());

        kParticipant.cancelReceivingMedia(senderName, EndReason.unsubscribe);

        sessionEventsHandler.onUnsubscribe(participant, transactionId, null);

    public void sendMessage(Participant participant, String message, Integer transactionId) {
        try {
            JsonObject messageJson = new JsonParser().parse(message).getAsJsonObject();
            KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
            sessionEventsHandler.onSendMessage(participant, messageJson,
                    getParticipants(kParticipant.getSession().getSessionId()), transactionId, null);
        } catch (JsonSyntaxException | IllegalStateException e) {
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.SIGNAL_FORMAT_INVALID_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Provided signal object '" + message + "' has not a valid JSON format");

    public void streamPropertyChanged(Participant participant, Integer transactionId, String streamId,
            String property, JsonElement newValue, String reason) {
        KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
        streamId = kParticipant.getPublisherStreamId();
        MediaOptions streamProperties = kParticipant.getPublisherMediaOptions();

        Boolean hasAudio = streamProperties.hasAudio();
        Boolean hasVideo = streamProperties.hasVideo();
        Boolean audioActive = streamProperties.isAudioActive();
        Boolean videoActive = streamProperties.isVideoActive();
        String typeOfVideo = streamProperties.getTypeOfVideo();
        Integer frameRate = streamProperties.getFrameRate();
        String videoDimensions = streamProperties.getVideoDimensions();
        KurentoFilter filter = streamProperties.getFilter();

        switch (property) {
        case "audioActive":
            audioActive = newValue.getAsBoolean();
        case "videoActive":
            videoActive = newValue.getAsBoolean();
        case "videoDimensions":
            videoDimensions = newValue.getAsString();

        kParticipant.setPublisherMediaOptions(new MediaOptions(hasAudio, hasVideo, audioActive, videoActive,
                typeOfVideo, frameRate, videoDimensions, filter));

        sessionEventsHandler.onStreamPropertyChanged(participant, transactionId,
                kParticipant.getSession().getParticipants(), streamId, property, newValue, reason);

    public void onIceCandidate(Participant participant, String endpointName, String candidate, int sdpMLineIndex,
            String sdpMid, Integer transactionId) {
        try {
            KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
            log.debug("Request [ICE_CANDIDATE] endpoint={} candidate={} " + "sdpMLineIdx={} sdpMid={} ({})",
                    endpointName, candidate, sdpMLineIndex, sdpMid, participant.getParticipantPublicId());
            kParticipant.addIceCandidate(endpointName, new IceCandidate(candidate, sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex));
            sessionEventsHandler.onRecvIceCandidate(participant, transactionId, null);
        } catch (OpenViduException e) {
            log.error("PARTICIPANT {}: Error receiving ICE " + "candidate (epName={}, candidate={})",
                    participant.getParticipantPublicId(), endpointName, candidate, e);
            sessionEventsHandler.onRecvIceCandidate(participant, transactionId, e);

     * Creates a session with the already existing not-active session in the
     * indicated KMS, if it doesn't already exist
     * @throws OpenViduException in case of error while creating the session
    public KurentoSession createSession(Session sessionNotActive, Kms kms) throws OpenViduException {
        KurentoSession session = (KurentoSession) sessions.get(sessionNotActive.getSessionId());
        if (session != null) {
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.ROOM_CANNOT_BE_CREATED_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Session '" + session.getSessionId() + "' already exists");
        session = new KurentoSession(sessionNotActive, kms, kurentoSessionEventsHandler, kurentoEndpointConfig,

        KurentoSession oldSession = (KurentoSession) sessions.putIfAbsent(session.getSessionId(), session);
        if (oldSession != null) {
            log.warn("Session '{}' has just been created by another thread", session.getSessionId());
            return oldSession;

        // Also associate the KurentoSession with the Kms

        log.warn("No session '{}' exists yet. Created one on KMS '{}'", session.getSessionId(), kms.getUri());

        return session;

    public boolean evictParticipant(Participant evictedParticipant, Participant moderator, Integer transactionId,
            EndReason reason) throws OpenViduException {

        boolean sessionClosedByLastParticipant = false;

        if (evictedParticipant != null) {
            KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) evictedParticipant;
            Set<Participant> participants = kParticipant.getSession().getParticipants();
            sessionClosedByLastParticipant = this.leaveRoom(kParticipant, null, reason, false);
            this.sessionEventsHandler.onForceDisconnect(moderator, evictedParticipant, participants, transactionId,
                    null, reason);
        } else {
            if (moderator != null && transactionId != null) {
                this.sessionEventsHandler.onForceDisconnect(moderator, evictedParticipant,
                        new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(moderator)), transactionId,
                        new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE,
                                "Connection not found when calling 'forceDisconnect'"),

        return sessionClosedByLastParticipant;

    public KurentoMediaOptions generateMediaOptions(Request<JsonObject> request) throws OpenViduException {

        String sdpOffer = RpcHandler.getStringParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_SDPOFFER_PARAM);
        boolean hasAudio = RpcHandler.getBooleanParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_HASAUDIO_PARAM);
        boolean hasVideo = RpcHandler.getBooleanParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_HASVIDEO_PARAM);

        Boolean audioActive = null, videoActive = null;
        String typeOfVideo = null, videoDimensions = null;
        Integer frameRate = null;
        KurentoFilter kurentoFilter = null;

        try {
            audioActive = RpcHandler.getBooleanParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_AUDIOACTIVE_PARAM);
        } catch (RuntimeException noParameterFound) {
        try {
            videoActive = RpcHandler.getBooleanParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_VIDEOACTIVE_PARAM);
        } catch (RuntimeException noParameterFound) {
        try {
            typeOfVideo = RpcHandler.getStringParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_TYPEOFVIDEO_PARAM);
        } catch (RuntimeException noParameterFound) {
        try {
            videoDimensions = RpcHandler.getStringParam(request,
        } catch (RuntimeException noParameterFound) {
        try {
            frameRate = RpcHandler.getIntParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_FRAMERATE_PARAM);
        } catch (RuntimeException noParameterFound) {
        try {
            JsonObject kurentoFilterJson = (JsonObject) RpcHandler.getParam(request,
            if (kurentoFilterJson != null) {
                try {
                    kurentoFilter = new KurentoFilter(kurentoFilterJson.get("type").getAsString(),
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenViduException(Code.FILTER_NOT_APPLIED_ERROR_CODE,
                            "'filter' parameter wrong:" + e.getMessage());
        } catch (OpenViduException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (RuntimeException noParameterFound) {

        boolean doLoopback = RpcHandler.getBooleanParam(request, ProtocolElements.PUBLISHVIDEO_DOLOOPBACK_PARAM);

        return new KurentoMediaOptions(true, sdpOffer, null, null, hasAudio, hasVideo, audioActive, videoActive,
                typeOfVideo, frameRate, videoDimensions, kurentoFilter, doLoopback);

    public boolean unpublishStream(Session session, String streamId, Participant moderator, Integer transactionId,
            EndReason reason) {
        String participantPrivateId = ((KurentoSession) session).getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(streamId);
        if (participantPrivateId != null) {
            Participant participant = this.getParticipant(participantPrivateId);
            if (participant != null) {
                this.unpublishVideo(participant, moderator, transactionId, reason);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

    public void applyFilter(Session session, String streamId, String filterType, JsonObject filterOptions,
            Participant moderator, Integer transactionId, String filterReason) {
        String participantPrivateId = ((KurentoSession) session).getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(streamId);
        if (participantPrivateId != null) {
            Participant publisher = this.getParticipant(participantPrivateId);
            moderator = (moderator != null
                    && publisher.getParticipantPublicId().equals(moderator.getParticipantPublicId())) ? null
                            : moderator;
            log.debug("Request [APPLY_FILTER] over stream [{}] for reason [{}]", streamId, filterReason);
            KurentoParticipant kParticipantPublisher = (KurentoParticipant) publisher;
            if (!publisher.isStreaming()) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to applyFilter to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user is not streaming media",
                        moderator != null ? moderator.getParticipantPublicId() : publisher.getParticipantPublicId(),
                        publisher.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_STREAMING_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + publisher.getParticipantPublicId() + " not streaming media in session '"
                                + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else if (kParticipantPublisher.getPublisher().getFilter() != null) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to applyFilter to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user already has a filter",
                        moderator != null ? moderator.getParticipantPublicId() : publisher.getParticipantPublicId(),
                        publisher.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.EXISTING_FILTER_ALREADY_APPLIED_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + publisher.getParticipantPublicId() + " already has a filter applied in session '"
                                + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else {
                try {
                    KurentoFilter filter = new KurentoFilter(filterType, filterOptions);
                    this.applyFilterInPublisher(kParticipantPublisher, filter);
                    Set<Participant> participants = kParticipantPublisher.getSession().getParticipants();
                    sessionEventsHandler.onFilterChanged(publisher, moderator, transactionId, participants,
                            streamId, filter, null, filterReason);
                } catch (OpenViduException e) {
                    log.warn("PARTICIPANT {}: Error applying filter", publisher.getParticipantPublicId(), e);
                    sessionEventsHandler.onFilterChanged(publisher, moderator, transactionId, new HashSet<>(),
                            streamId, null, e, "");

  "State of filter for participant {}: {}", publisher.getParticipantPublicId(),
                    ((KurentoParticipant) publisher).getPublisher().filterCollectionsToString());

        } else {
            log.warn("PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to applyFilter to stream {} "
                    + "in session {} but the owner cannot be found", streamId, session.getSessionId());
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Owner of stream '" + streamId + "' not found in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");

    public void removeFilter(Session session, String streamId, Participant moderator, Integer transactionId,
            String filterReason) {
        String participantPrivateId = ((KurentoSession) session).getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(streamId);
        if (participantPrivateId != null) {
            Participant participant = this.getParticipant(participantPrivateId);
            log.debug("Request [REMOVE_FILTER] over stream [{}] for reason [{}]", streamId, filterReason);
            KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
            if (!participant.isStreaming()) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to removeFilter to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user is not streaming media",
                        moderator != null ? moderator.getParticipantPublicId()
                                : participant.getParticipantPublicId(),
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_STREAMING_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + participant.getParticipantPublicId() + " not streaming media in session '"
                                + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else if (kParticipant.getPublisher().getFilter() == null) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to removeFilter to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user does NOT have a filter",
                        moderator != null ? moderator.getParticipantPublicId()
                                : participant.getParticipantPublicId(),
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.FILTER_NOT_APPLIED_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + participant.getParticipantPublicId() + " has no filter applied in session '"
                                + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else {
                Set<Participant> participants = kParticipant.getSession().getParticipants();
                sessionEventsHandler.onFilterChanged(participant, moderator, transactionId, participants, streamId,
                        null, null, filterReason);

  "State of filter for participant {}: {}", kParticipant.getParticipantPublicId(),

        } else {
            log.warn("PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to removeFilter to stream {} "
                    + "in session {} but the owner cannot be found", streamId, session.getSessionId());
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Owner of stream '" + streamId + "' not found in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");

    public void execFilterMethod(Session session, String streamId, String filterMethod, JsonObject filterParams,
            Participant moderator, Integer transactionId, String filterReason) {
        String participantPrivateId = ((KurentoSession) session).getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(streamId);
        if (participantPrivateId != null) {
            Participant participant = this.getParticipant(participantPrivateId);
            log.debug("Request [EXEC_FILTER_MTEHOD] over stream [{}] for reason [{}]", streamId, filterReason);
            KurentoParticipant kParticipant = (KurentoParticipant) participant;
            if (!participant.isStreaming()) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to execFilterMethod to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user is not streaming media",
                        moderator != null ? moderator.getParticipantPublicId()
                                : participant.getParticipantPublicId(),
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_STREAMING_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + participant.getParticipantPublicId() + " not streaming media in session '"
                                + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else if (kParticipant.getPublisher().getFilter() == null) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to execFilterMethod to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user does NOT have a filter",
                        moderator != null ? moderator.getParticipantPublicId()
                                : participant.getParticipantPublicId(),
                        participant.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.FILTER_NOT_APPLIED_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + participant.getParticipantPublicId() + " has no filter applied in session '"
                                + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else {
                KurentoFilter updatedFilter = this.execFilterMethodInPublisher(kParticipant, filterMethod,
                Set<Participant> participants = kParticipant.getSession().getParticipants();
                sessionEventsHandler.onFilterChanged(participant, moderator, transactionId, participants, streamId,
                        updatedFilter, null, filterReason);
        } else {
            log.warn("PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to removeFilter to stream {} "
                    + "in session {} but the owner cannot be found", streamId, session.getSessionId());
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Owner of stream '" + streamId + "' not found in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");

    public void addFilterEventListener(Session session, Participant userSubscribing, String streamId,
            String eventType) throws OpenViduException {
        String publisherPrivateId = ((KurentoSession) session).getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(streamId);
        if (publisherPrivateId != null) {
            log.debug("Request [ADD_FILTER_LISTENER] over stream [{}]", streamId);
            KurentoParticipant kParticipantPublishing = (KurentoParticipant) this
            KurentoParticipant kParticipantSubscribing = (KurentoParticipant) userSubscribing;
            if (!kParticipantPublishing.isStreaming()) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to addFilterEventListener to stream {} "
                                + "in session {} but the publisher is not streaming media",
                        userSubscribing.getParticipantPublicId(), streamId, session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_STREAMING_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + kParticipantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId()
                                + " not streaming media in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else if (kParticipantPublishing.getPublisher().getFilter() == null) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to addFilterEventListener to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user does NOT have a filter",
                        kParticipantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId(), session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.FILTER_NOT_APPLIED_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + kParticipantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId()
                                + " has no filter applied in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else {
                try {
                    this.addFilterEventListenerInPublisher(kParticipantPublishing, eventType);
                } catch (OpenViduException e) {
                    throw e;

  "State of filter for participant {}: {}", kParticipantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId(),

        } else {
            throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE,
                    "Not user found for streamId '" + streamId + "' in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");

    public void removeFilterEventListener(Session session, Participant subscriber, String streamId,
            String eventType) throws OpenViduException {
        String participantPrivateId = ((KurentoSession) session).getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(streamId);
        if (participantPrivateId != null) {
            log.debug("Request [REMOVE_FILTER_LISTENER] over stream [{}]", streamId);
            Participant participantPublishing = this.getParticipant(participantPrivateId);
            KurentoParticipant kParticipantPublishing = (KurentoParticipant) participantPublishing;
            if (!participantPublishing.isStreaming()) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to removeFilterEventListener to stream {} "
                                + "in session {} but user is not streaming media",
                        subscriber.getParticipantPublicId(), streamId, session.getSessionId());
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.USER_NOT_STREAMING_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + participantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId()
                                + " not streaming media in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else if (kParticipantPublishing.getPublisher().getFilter() == null) {
                        "PARTICIPANT {}: Requesting to removeFilterEventListener to user {} "
                                + "in session {} but user does NOT have a filter",
                        subscriber.getParticipantPublicId(), participantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId(),
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.FILTER_NOT_APPLIED_ERROR_CODE,
                        "User '" + participantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId()
                                + " has no filter applied in session '" + session.getSessionId() + "'");
            } else {
                try {
                    PublisherEndpoint pub = kParticipantPublishing.getPublisher();
                    if (pub.removeParticipantAsListenerOfFilterEvent(eventType,
                            subscriber.getParticipantPublicId())) {
                        // If there are no more participants listening to the event remove the event
                        // from the GenericMediaElement
                        this.removeFilterEventListenerInPublisher(kParticipantPublishing, eventType);
                } catch (OpenViduException e) {
                    throw e;

  "State of filter for participant {}: {}", kParticipantPublishing.getParticipantPublicId(),


    public String getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(String sessionId, String streamId) {
        Session session = this.getSession(sessionId);
        return ((KurentoSession) session).getParticipantPrivateIdFromStreamId(streamId);

    public KmsManager getKmsManager() {
        return this.kmsManager;

    private void applyFilterInPublisher(KurentoParticipant kParticipant, KurentoFilter filter)
            throws OpenViduException {
        GenericMediaElement.Builder builder = new GenericMediaElement.Builder(kParticipant.getPipeline(),
        Props props = new JsonUtils().fromJsonObjectToProps(filter.getOptions());
        props.forEach(prop -> {
            builder.withConstructorParam(prop.getName(), prop.getValue());

    private void removeFilterInPublisher(KurentoParticipant kParticipant) {

    private KurentoFilter execFilterMethodInPublisher(KurentoParticipant kParticipant, String method,
            JsonObject params) {
        kParticipant.getPublisher().execMethod(method, params);
        KurentoFilter filter = kParticipant.getPublisher().getMediaOptions().getFilter();
        KurentoFilter updatedFilter = new KurentoFilter(filter.getType(), filter.getOptions(), method, params);
        return updatedFilter;

    private void addFilterEventListenerInPublisher(KurentoParticipant kParticipant, String eventType)
            throws OpenViduException {
        PublisherEndpoint pub = kParticipant.getPublisher();
        if (!pub.isListenerAddedToFilterEvent(eventType)) {
            final String connectionId = kParticipant.getParticipantPublicId();
            final String streamId = kParticipant.getPublisherStreamId();
            final String filterType = kParticipant.getPublisherMediaOptions().getFilter().getType();
            try {
                ListenerSubscription listener = pub.getFilter().addEventListener(eventType, event -> {
                    sessionEventsHandler.onFilterEventDispatched(connectionId, streamId, filterType,
                            event.getType(), event.getData(), kParticipant.getSession().getParticipants(),
                pub.storeListener(eventType, listener);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Request to addFilterEventListener to stream {} gone wrong. Error: {}", streamId,
                throw new OpenViduException(Code.FILTER_EVENT_LISTENER_NOT_FOUND,
                        "Request to addFilterEventListener to stream " + streamId + " gone wrong: "
                                + e.getMessage());

    private void removeFilterEventListenerInPublisher(KurentoParticipant kParticipant, String eventType) {
        PublisherEndpoint pub = kParticipant.getPublisher();
        if (pub.isListenerAddedToFilterEvent(eventType)) {
            GenericMediaElement filter = kParticipant.getPublisher().getFilter();
