Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017, Google Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.opencensus.stats; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** Stats test utilities. */ final class StatsTestUtil { private StatsTestUtil() { } static StatsContextImpl createContext(StatsContextFactoryImpl factory, TagKey key, TagValue value) { return createContext(factory, Tag.create(key, value)); } static StatsContextImpl createContext(StatsContextFactoryImpl factory, TagKey key1, TagValue value1, TagKey key2, TagValue value2) { return createContext(factory, Tag.create(key1, value1), Tag.create(key2, value2)); } /** * Creates a {@code StatsContextImpl} from a factory and a list tags. * * @param factory the factory used to produce the {@code StatsContextImpl}. * @param tags a list of tags to add to the {@code StatsContextImpl}. * @return a {@code StatsContextImpl} with the given tags. */ private static StatsContextImpl createContext(StatsContextFactoryImpl factory, Tag... tags) { StatsContextImpl.Builder builder = factory.getDefault().builder(); for (Tag tag : tags) { builder.set(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue()); } return; } /** * Creates a {@code DistributionAggregate} by adding the given values to a new {@link * MutableDistribution} that has {@code BucketBoundaries}. * * @param tags the {@code DistributionAggregate}'s tags. * @param bucketBoundaries the bucket boundaries. * @param values the values to add to the distribution. * @return the new {@code DistributionAggregate} */ static DistributionAggregate createDistributionAggregate(List<Tag> tags, BucketBoundaries bucketBoundaries, List<Double> values) { MutableDistribution mdist = MutableDistribution.create(bucketBoundaries); for (double value : values) { mdist.add(value); } MutableDistribution.Range range = mdist.getRange(); return DistributionAggregate.create(mdist.getCount(), mdist.getMean(), mdist.getSum(), DistributionAggregate.Range.create(range.getMin(), range.getMax()), tags, mdist.getBucketCounts()); } /** * Creates a {@code DistributionAggregate} by adding the given values to a new {@link * MutableDistribution} that does not have {@code BucketBoundaries}. * * @param tags the {@code DistributionAggregate}'s tags. * @param values the values to add to the distribution. * @return the new {@code DistributionAggregate} */ static DistributionAggregate createDistributionAggregate(List<Tag> tags, List<Double> values) { MutableDistribution mdist = MutableDistribution.create(); for (double value : values) { mdist.add(value); } MutableDistribution.Range range = mdist.getRange(); return DistributionAggregate.create(mdist.getCount(), mdist.getMean(), mdist.getSum(), DistributionAggregate.Range.create(range.getMin(), range.getMax()), tags); } /** * Asserts that the two sets of {@code DistributionAggregate}s are equivalent, with a given * tolerance. The tolerance is used when comparing the mean and sum of values. The order of the * {@code DistributionAggregate}s has no effect. The expected parameter is last, because it is * likely to be a larger expression. * * @param tolerance the tolerance used for {@code double} comparison. * @param actual the actual test result. * @param expected the expected value. * @throws AssertionError if the {@code DistributionAggregate}s don't match. */ static void assertDistributionAggregatesEquivalent(double tolerance, Collection<DistributionAggregate> actual, Collection<DistributionAggregate> expected) { Function<DistributionAggregate, List<Tag>> getTagsFunction = new Function<DistributionAggregate, List<Tag>>() { @Override public List<Tag> apply(DistributionAggregate agg) { return agg.getTags(); } }; Iterable<List<Tag>> expectedTags = Iterables.transform(expected, getTagsFunction); Iterable<List<Tag>> actualTags = Iterables.transform(actual, getTagsFunction); Truth.assertThat(actualTags).containsExactlyElementsIn(expectedTags); for (DistributionAggregate expectedAgg : expected) { DistributionAggregate actualAgg = Iterables.find(actual, Predicates.compose(Predicates.equalTo(expectedAgg.getTags()), getTagsFunction)); assertDistributionAggregateValuesEquivalent("DistributionAggregate tags=" + expectedAgg.getTags(), tolerance, expectedAgg, actualAgg); } } private static void assertDistributionAggregateValuesEquivalent(String msg, double tolerance, DistributionAggregate agg1, DistributionAggregate agg2) { Truth.assertWithMessage(msg + " count").that(agg1.getCount()).isEqualTo(agg2.getCount()); Truth.assertWithMessage(msg + " mean").that(agg1.getMean()).isWithin(tolerance).of(agg2.getMean()); Truth.assertWithMessage(msg + " sum").that(agg1.getSum()).isWithin(tolerance).of(agg2.getSum()); Truth.assertWithMessage(msg + " range").that(agg1.getRange()).isEqualTo(agg2.getRange()); if (agg1.getBucketCounts() == null && agg2.getBucketCounts() == null) { return; } else { Truth.assertWithMessage(msg + " bucket counts").that(removeTrailingZeros(agg1.getBucketCounts())) .isEqualTo(removeTrailingZeros(agg2.getBucketCounts())); } } private static List<Long> removeTrailingZeros(List<Long> longs) { if (longs == null) { return null; } List<Long> truncated = new ArrayList<Long>(longs); while (!truncated.isEmpty() && Iterables.getLast(truncated) == 0) { truncated.remove(truncated.size() - 1); } return truncated; } }