Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 YouVersion * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import freemarker.template.Template; import freemarker.template.TemplateException; import freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class DbContext { private String defaultPackageName; private String authority; private String databaseName; private List<Version> versions; private File outDir; public DbContext(String defaultPackageName, String authority, String databaseName, File outDir) { this.defaultPackageName = defaultPackageName; this.authority = authority; this.databaseName = databaseName; this.versions = new ArrayList<Version>(); this.outDir = outDir; newVersion(Version.VersionType.DIFF); } public String getDefaultPackageName() { return defaultPackageName; } public String getAuthority() { return authority; } public String getDatabaseName() { return databaseName; } public List<Version> getVersions() { return versions; } public File getOutDir() { return outDir; } public Version newVersion(Version.VersionType type) { Version version = new Version(this, defaultPackageName, type); versions.add(version); return version; } public Version baseVersion() { return versions.get(0); } public Version currentVersion() { if (versions.size() == 0) return null; return versions.get(versions.size() - 1); } public Version getVersion(int ix) { return versions.get(ix); } public List<EntityModel> getAllModels() { Version.Diff diff = baseVersion().diff(currentVersion()); return new ArrayList<EntityModel>(diff.models); } public EntityModel getModel(String name) { return getModel(name, defaultPackageName); } public EntityModel getModel(String name, String packageName) { return EntityModelRegistry.getModel(name, packageName); } public void render() throws IOException { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_22); cfg.setDefaultEncoding("UTF-8"); cfg.setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler.RETHROW_HANDLER); cfg.setClassLoaderForTemplateLoading(getClass().getClassLoader(), "/"); renderPersistence(cfg); renderContentProvider(cfg); renderDbHelper(cfg); renderModels(cfg); renderMappers(cfg); } Template getTemplate(Configuration configuration, String type, String name) throws IOException { return configuration.getTemplate("templates/" + type + "/" + name + ".ftl"); } void renderPersistence(Configuration cfg) throws IOException { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("models", getAllModels()); params.put("package", defaultPackageName); writeFile(defaultPackageName + ".persistence", "PersistenceManager", getTemplate(cfg, "java", "persistencemanager"), params); } void renderContentProvider(Configuration cfg) throws IOException { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("models", getAllModels()); params.put("package", defaultPackageName + ".providers"); params.put("defaultPackage", defaultPackageName); writeFile(defaultPackageName + ".providers", "NucleiContentProvider", getTemplate(cfg, "java", "contentprovider"), params); } void diffProperties(List<String> sql, Version lastVersion, Version version, Version.Diff diff, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { for (EntityModel model : diff.models) { diff = lastVersion.diff(version, model); for (EntityProperty removed : diff.removedProperties) { sql.add(renderDropProperty(removed, cfg)); } for (EntityProperty added : diff.addedProperties) { sql.add(renderAddProperty(added, cfg)); } } } void renderDbHelper(Configuration cfg) throws IOException { Version lastVersion = null; for (Version version : versions) { if (lastVersion != null) { List<String> sql = new ArrayList<String>(); switch (version.getType()) { case DIFF: { Version.Diff diff = lastVersion.diff(version); for (EntityModel removed : diff.removedModels) { if (removed instanceof ViewEntityModel) sql.add(renderDropStructure(removed, cfg)); } for (EntityModel removed : diff.removedModels) { if (!(removed instanceof ViewEntityModel)) sql.add(renderDropStructure(removed, cfg)); } for (EntityIndex removed : diff.removedIndexes) { sql.add(renderDropIndex(removed, cfg)); } for (EntityModel added : diff.addedModels) { if (!(added instanceof ViewEntityModel)) sql.add(renderCreateStructure(added, added.getProperties(version), cfg)); } for (EntityModel added : diff.addedModels) { if (added instanceof ViewEntityModel) sql.add(renderCreateStructure(added, added.getProperties(version), cfg)); } for (EntityIndex added : diff.addedIndexes) { sql.add(renderCreateIndex(added, cfg)); } diffProperties(sql, lastVersion, version, diff, cfg); break; } case DIFF_PROPERTIES: { Version.Diff diff = lastVersion.diff(version); diffProperties(sql, lastVersion, version, diff, cfg); break; } case ADD_MODELS: for (EntityModel model : version.getModels()) { sql.add(renderCreateStructure(model, model.getProperties(version), cfg)); for (EntityIndex index : model.getIndexes(version)) { sql.add(renderCreateIndex(index, cfg)); } } break; case DROP_MODELS: for (EntityModel removed : version.getModels()) { if (removed instanceof ViewEntityModel) sql.add(renderDropStructure(removed, cfg)); } for (EntityModel removed : version.getModels()) { if (!(removed instanceof ViewEntityModel)) sql.add(renderDropStructure(removed, cfg)); } break; case ADD_PROPERTIES: { for (EntityModel model : version.getModels()) { for (EntityProperty property : model.getProperties(version)) { sql.add(renderAddProperty(property, cfg)); } } break; } case ADD_INDEXES: { for (EntityModel model : version.getModels()) { for (EntityIndex index : model.getIndexes(version)) { sql.add(renderCreateIndex(index, cfg)); } } break; } case DROP_PROPERTIES: { for (EntityModel model : version.getModels()) { for (EntityProperty property : model.getProperties(version)) { sql.add(renderDropProperty(property, cfg)); } } break; } case DROP_INDEXES: { for (EntityModel model : version.getModels()) { for (EntityIndex index : model.getIndexes(version)) { sql.add(renderDropIndex(index, cfg)); } } break; } } version.setSql(sql); } else { List<String> sql = new ArrayList<String>(); for (EntityModel model : version.getModels()) { sql.add(renderCreateStructure(model, model.getProperties(version), cfg)); for (EntityIndex index : model.getIndexes(version)) { sql.add(renderCreateIndex(index, cfg)); } } version.setSql(sql); } lastVersion = version; } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("baseVersion", baseVersion()); params.put("versions", versions); params.put("versionCount", versions.size()); params.put("packageName", defaultPackageName + ".providers"); params.put("defaultPackage", defaultPackageName); params.put("databaseName", databaseName); writeFile(defaultPackageName + ".providers", "NucleiDbHelper", getTemplate(cfg, "java", "dbhelper"), params); } String renderCreateStructure(EntityModel model, List<EntityProperty> properties, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("model", model); params.put("properties", properties); if (model instanceof ViewEntityModel) getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_create_view").process(params, out); else if (model.getExtensions().contains("fts3")) getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_create_fts3").process(params, out); else getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_create").process(params, out); } catch (TemplateException err) { throw new IOException(err); } return out.toString().replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", ""); } String renderAddProperty(EntityProperty property, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("model", property.getModel()); params.put("property", property); getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_add_column").process(params, out); } catch (TemplateException err) { throw new IOException(err); } return out.toString().replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", ""); } String renderCreateIndex(EntityIndex index, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("index", index); getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_create_index").process(params, out); } catch (TemplateException err) { throw new IOException(err); } return out.toString().replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", ""); } String renderDropStructure(EntityModel model, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("model", model); if (model instanceof ViewEntityModel) getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_drop_view").process(params, out); else if (model.getExtensions().contains("fts3")) getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_drop_fts3").process(params, out); else getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_drop").process(params, out); } catch (TemplateException err) { throw new IOException(err); } return out.toString().replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", ""); } String renderDropProperty(EntityProperty property, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("model", property.getModel()); params.put("property", property); getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_drop_column").process(params, out); } catch (TemplateException err) { throw new IOException(err); } return out.toString().replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", ""); } String renderDropIndex(EntityIndex index, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("index", index); getTemplate(cfg, "sql", "model_drop_index").process(params, out); } catch (TemplateException err) { throw new IOException(err); } return out.toString().replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", ""); } void renderModels(Configuration cfg) throws IOException { List<EntityModel> allModels = getAllModels(); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("models", allModels); params.put("packageName", defaultPackageName + ".providers"); params.put("authority", authority); params.put("version", currentVersion()); writeFile(defaultPackageName + ".providers", "Schemas", getTemplate(cfg, "java", "schema"), params); for (EntityModel model : allModels) { if (!model.isRender()) continue; params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("model", model); params.put("version", currentVersion()); params.put("properties", model.getAllProperties(null)); writeFile(model.getPackageName() + ".model", model.getName(), getTemplate(cfg, "java", "model"), params); } } void renderMappers(Configuration cfg) throws IOException { for (EntityModel model : getAllModels()) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("model", model); params.put("version", currentVersion()); for (Query query : model.getSelectQueries()) { params.put("query", query); writeFile(defaultPackageName + ".mapper.cursor", model.getName() + query.getName() + "Mapper", getTemplate(cfg, "java", "cursorobjectmapper"), params); } params.put("prefix", "insert"); params.put("suffix", ""); writeFile(defaultPackageName + ".mapper.content.insert", model.getName() + "Mapper", getTemplate(cfg, "java", "contentvaluesmapper"), params); for (Query query : model.getUpdateQueries()) { params.put("prefix", "update"); params.put("suffix", query.getName()); writeFile(defaultPackageName + ".mapper.content.update", model.getName() + query.getName() + "Mapper", getTemplate(cfg, "java", "contentvaluesmapper"), params); } } } void writeFile(String packageName, String name, Template template, Object dataModel) throws IOException { File directory = new File(outDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + packageName.replace('.', '/')); if (!directory.exists()) directory.mkdirs(); File file = new File(directory, name + ".java"); if (file.exists()) file.delete(); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); try { template.process(dataModel, writer); } catch (TemplateException err) { throw new IOException(err); } writer.close(); } public static DbContext newContext(JSONObject model, File outputDir, String defaultPackage, String authority) throws IOException { EntityModelRegistry.clear(); DbContext ctx = new DbContext(model.getString("defaultPackage"), authority == null ? model.getString("authority") : authority, model.getString("databaseName"), outputDir); JSONArray versions = model.getJSONArray("versions"); for (int i = 0; i < versions.length(); i++) { JSONObject version = versions.getJSONObject(i); JSONArray entities = version.getJSONArray("entities"); for (int e = 0; e < entities.length(); e++) { JSONObject entity = entities.getJSONObject(e); processEntity(entity, ctx, ctx.currentVersion()); } if (i + 1 < versions.length()) { version = versions.getJSONObject(i + 1); ctx.newVersion(version.has("type") ? Version.VersionType.valueOf(version.getString("type")) : Version.VersionType.DIFF); } } for (int i = 0; i < versions.length(); i++) { JSONObject version = versions.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject defaultQueries = version.has("queries") ? version.getJSONObject("queries") : null; JSONArray entities = version.getJSONArray("entities"); for (int e = 0; e < entities.length(); e++) { JSONObject entity = entities.getJSONObject(e); EntityModel entityModel = ctx.getModel(entity.getString("name")); processQueries(defaultQueries, entityModel, ctx.currentVersion()); } } return ctx; } static EntityModel processEntity(JSONObject entity, DbContext ctx, Version version) { if (entity.has("rootModel")) { // if there is a rootModel property, we're dealing with a view processEntityView(entity, ctx); } else { // otherwise an entity table EntityModelVersion v = ctx.currentVersion() .newModel(entity.getString("name"), !entity.has("render") || entity.getBoolean("render")) .currentVersion(); if (entity.has("properties")) { JSONArray properties = entity.getJSONArray("properties"); for (int p = 0; p < properties.length(); p++) { JSONObject property = properties.getJSONObject(p); v.newProperty( property.has("type") ? EntityProperty.Type.valueOf(property.getString("type")) : EntityProperty.Type.UNKNOWN, property.getString("name"), property.has("nullable") && property.getBoolean("nullable")); } } } EntityModel m = ctx.getModel(entity.getString("name")); if (m == null) throw new NullPointerException("Model " + entity.getString("name") + " not found"); if (entity.has("extensions")) { JSONArray extensions = entity.getJSONArray("extensions"); for (int p = 0; p < extensions.length(); p++) { m.getExtensions().add(extensions.getString(p)); } } if (entity.has("queries")) processQueries(entity.getJSONObject("queries"), m, version); if (entity.has("indexes")) { JSONArray indexes = entity.getJSONArray("indexes"); for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length(); i++) { JSONObject index = indexes.getJSONObject(i); List<EntityIndexProperty> properties = new ArrayList<EntityIndexProperty>(); if (index.has("properties")) { JSONArray indexProperties = index.getJSONArray("properties"); for (int p = 0; p < indexProperties.length(); p++) { Object prop = indexProperties.get(p); EntityIndexProperty property = new EntityIndexProperty(); if (prop instanceof String) { property.setProperty(m.getProperty(m.currentVersion().getVersion(), (String) prop)); property.setOrder(EntityIndexProperty.Order.DEFAULT); } else { JSONObject o = (JSONObject) prop; property.setProperty( m.getProperty(m.currentVersion().getVersion(), o.getString("name"))); property.setOrder( o.has("order") ? EntityIndexProperty.Order.valueOf(index.getString("order")) : EntityIndexProperty.Order.DEFAULT); } properties.add(property); } } m.currentVersion().newIndex(index.has("type") ? EntityIndex.Type.valueOf(index.getString("type")) : EntityIndex.Type.DEFAULT, index.getString("name"), properties); } } return m; } static void processEntityView(JSONObject entity, DbContext ctx) { ViewEntityModel viewModel = ctx.currentVersion().newViewModel(entity.getString("name"), !entity.has("render") || entity.getBoolean("render")); viewModel.setRootModel(ctx.getModel(entity.getString("rootModel"))); viewModel.setRootAlias(entity.getString("rootAlias")); if (entity.has("groupBy")) viewModel.setGroupBy(entity.getString("groupBy")); EntityModelVersion v = viewModel.currentVersion(); if (entity.has("models")) { JSONArray models = entity.getJSONArray("models"); // add the models for (int m = 0; m < models.length(); m++) { JSONObject child = models.getJSONObject(m); EntityModel childModel = ctx.getModel(child.getString("name")); ViewEntityModel.Relationship relationship = ViewEntityModel.Relationship .valueOf(child.getString("type")); String alias = child.has("alias") ? child.getString("alias") : child.getString("name"); viewModel.addModel(childModel, relationship, alias, child.getString("selection")); } } // process model properties processViewModel(ctx, entity, viewModel, v); } static void processViewModel(DbContext ctx, JSONObject entity, ViewEntityModel viewModel, EntityModelVersion version) { processProperties(entity, viewModel, ctx, version); for (EntityProperty property : viewModel.getAllProperties(version.getVersion())) { if ("_id".equals(property.getName()) && (property.getModelAlias() == null || property.getModel() == null)) { property.setModel(viewModel.getRootModel()); property.setModelAlias(viewModel.getRootAlias()); } } } static void processProperties(JSONObject entity, ViewEntityModel viewModel, DbContext ctx, EntityModelVersion version) { JSONArray properties = entity.getJSONArray("properties"); for (int p = 0; p < properties.length(); p++) { JSONObject property = properties.getJSONObject(p); EntityModel child; String alias; if (property.has("model")) { String model = property.getString("model"); if (model.equals(viewModel.getRootModel().getName())) { child = viewModel.getRootModel(); alias = viewModel.getRootAlias(); } else { ViewEntityModel.EntityRelationship relationship = viewModel .getModel(property.getString("model")); child = relationship.getModel(); alias = relationship.getAlias(); } } else { child = viewModel; alias = viewModel.getRootAlias(); } String propertyName = property.getString("name"); if ("*".equals(propertyName)) { for (EntityProperty childProperty : child.getAllProperties(version.getVersion())) { String name = childProperty.getName(); if (childProperty.getModel() instanceof ViewEntityModel && childProperty.getAlias() != null) name = childProperty.getAlias(); EntityProperty cp = version.newProperty(childProperty.getType(), name, childProperty.isNullable(), null, null); cp.setModelAlias(alias); cp.setOriginalModel(childProperty.getModel()); } } else { EntityProperty childProperty = null; try { childProperty = child.getProperty(version.getVersion(), propertyName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { } EntityProperty cp = version.newProperty( childProperty == null ? EntityProperty.Type.valueOf(property.getString("type")) : childProperty.getType(), property.getString("name"), !property.has("nullable") || property.getBoolean("nullable"), property.has("alias") ? property.getString("alias") : null, property.has("sql") ? property.getString("sql") : null); cp.setModelAlias(alias); if (childProperty != null) cp.setOriginalModel(childProperty.getModel()); } } } static void processQueries(JSONObject queries, EntityModel m, Version version) { if (queries != null) { if (queries.has("select")) { JSONArray select = queries.getJSONArray("select"); for (int s = 0; s < select.length(); s++) { JSONObject query = select.getJSONObject(s); List<EntityProperty> props = getProperties(query, m, version); m.newSelectQuery(query.getString("id"), query.isNull("selection") ? null : query.getString("selection"), query.isNull("orderBy") ? null : query.getString("orderBy"), props); } } if (queries.has("update")) { JSONArray update = queries.getJSONArray("update"); for (int s = 0; s < update.length(); s++) { JSONObject query = update.getJSONObject(s); List<EntityProperty> props = getProperties(query, m, version); m.newUpdateQuery(query.getString("id"), query.isNull("selection") ? null : query.getString("selection"), props); } } if (queries.has("delete")) { JSONArray delete = queries.getJSONArray("delete"); for (int s = 0; s < delete.length(); s++) { JSONObject query = delete.getJSONObject(s); m.newDeleteQuery(query.getString("id"), query.isNull("selection") ? null : query.getString("selection")); } } } } static List<EntityProperty> getProperties(JSONObject query, EntityModel m, Version version) { List<EntityProperty> props; if (query.has("properties")) { props = new ArrayList<EntityProperty>(); JSONArray names = query.getJSONArray("properties"); for (int n = 0; n < names.length(); n++) { props.add(m.getProperty(version, names.getString(n))); } } else props = m.getAllProperties(version); return props; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(args[0]); byte[] buf = new byte[input.available()];; input.close(); JSONObject model = new JSONObject(new String(buf, "UTF-8")); DbContext.newContext(model, new File(args[1]), null, null).render(); } }