Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package io.netty.util.concurrent; import io.netty.util.internal.InternalThreadLocalMap; import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent; import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil; import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil; import io.netty.util.internal.ThrowableUtil; import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger; import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater; import static io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil.checkNotNull; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; public class DefaultPromise<V> extends AbstractFuture<V> implements Promise<V> { private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(DefaultPromise.class); private static final InternalLogger rejectedExecutionLogger = InternalLoggerFactory .getInstance(DefaultPromise.class.getName() + ".rejectedExecution"); private static final int MAX_LISTENER_STACK_DEPTH = Math.min(8, SystemPropertyUtil.getInt("io.netty.defaultPromise.maxListenerStackDepth", 8)); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<DefaultPromise, Object> RESULT_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater .newUpdater(DefaultPromise.class, Object.class, "result"); private static final Object SUCCESS = new Object(); private static final Object UNCANCELLABLE = new Object(); private static final CauseHolder CANCELLATION_CAUSE_HOLDER = new CauseHolder( ThrowableUtil.unknownStackTrace(new CancellationException(), DefaultPromise.class, "cancel(...)")); private static final StackTraceElement[] CANCELLATION_STACK = CANCELLATION_CAUSE_HOLDER.cause.getStackTrace(); private volatile Object result; private final EventExecutor executor; /** * One or more listeners. Can be a {@link GenericFutureListener} or a {@link DefaultFutureListeners}. * If {@code null}, it means either 1) no listeners were added yet or 2) all listeners were notified. * * Threading - synchronized(this). We must support adding listeners when there is no EventExecutor. */ private Object listeners; /** * Threading - synchronized(this). We are required to hold the monitor to use Java's underlying wait()/notifyAll(). */ private short waiters; /** * Threading - synchronized(this). We must prevent concurrent notification and FIFO listener notification if the * executor changes. */ private boolean notifyingListeners; /** * Creates a new instance. * * It is preferable to use {@link EventExecutor#newPromise()} to create a new promise * * @param executor * the {@link EventExecutor} which is used to notify the promise once it is complete. * It is assumed this executor will protect against {@link StackOverflowError} exceptions. * The executor may be used to avoid {@link StackOverflowError} by executing a {@link Runnable} if the stack * depth exceeds a threshold. * */ public DefaultPromise(EventExecutor executor) { this.executor = checkNotNull(executor, "executor"); } /** * See {@link #executor()} for expectations of the executor. */ protected DefaultPromise() { // only for subclasses executor = null; } @Override public Promise<V> setSuccess(V result) { if (setSuccess0(result)) { return this; } throw new IllegalStateException("complete already: " + this); } @Override public boolean trySuccess(V result) { return setSuccess0(result); } @Override public Promise<V> setFailure(Throwable cause) { if (setFailure0(cause)) { return this; } throw new IllegalStateException("complete already: " + this, cause); } @Override public boolean tryFailure(Throwable cause) { return setFailure0(cause); } @Override public boolean setUncancellable() { if (RESULT_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, null, UNCANCELLABLE)) { return true; } Object result = this.result; return !isDone0(result) || !isCancelled0(result); } @Override public boolean isSuccess() { Object result = this.result; return result != null && result != UNCANCELLABLE && !(result instanceof CauseHolder); } @Override public boolean isCancellable() { return result == null; } private static final class LeanCancellationException extends CancellationException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2794674970981187807L; @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { setStackTrace(CANCELLATION_STACK); return this; } @Override public String toString() { return CancellationException.class.getName(); } } @Override public Throwable cause() { return cause0(result); } private Throwable cause0(Object result) { if (!(result instanceof CauseHolder)) { return null; } if (result == CANCELLATION_CAUSE_HOLDER) { CancellationException ce = new LeanCancellationException(); if (RESULT_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, CANCELLATION_CAUSE_HOLDER, new CauseHolder(ce))) { return ce; } result = this.result; } return ((CauseHolder) result).cause; } @Override public Promise<V> addListener(GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>> listener) { checkNotNull(listener, "listener"); synchronized (this) { addListener0(listener); } if (isDone()) { notifyListeners(); } return this; } @Override public Promise<V> addListeners(GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>>... listeners) { checkNotNull(listeners, "listeners"); synchronized (this) { for (GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>> listener : listeners) { if (listener == null) { break; } addListener0(listener); } } if (isDone()) { notifyListeners(); } return this; } @Override public Promise<V> removeListener(final GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>> listener) { checkNotNull(listener, "listener"); synchronized (this) { removeListener0(listener); } return this; } @Override public Promise<V> removeListeners(final GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>>... listeners) { checkNotNull(listeners, "listeners"); synchronized (this) { for (GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>> listener : listeners) { if (listener == null) { break; } removeListener0(listener); } } return this; } @Override public Promise<V> await() throws InterruptedException { if (isDone()) { return this; } if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(toString()); } checkDeadLock(); synchronized (this) { while (!isDone()) { incWaiters(); try { wait(); } finally { decWaiters(); } } } return this; } @Override public Promise<V> awaitUninterruptibly() { if (isDone()) { return this; } checkDeadLock(); boolean interrupted = false; synchronized (this) { while (!isDone()) { incWaiters(); try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Interrupted while waiting. interrupted = true; } finally { decWaiters(); } } } if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return this; } @Override public boolean await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { return await0(unit.toNanos(timeout), true); } @Override public boolean await(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException { return await0(MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMillis), true); } @Override public boolean awaitUninterruptibly(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { try { return await0(unit.toNanos(timeout), false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Should not be raised at all. throw new InternalError(); } } @Override public boolean awaitUninterruptibly(long timeoutMillis) { try { return await0(MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMillis), false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Should not be raised at all. throw new InternalError(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V getNow() { Object result = this.result; if (result instanceof CauseHolder || result == SUCCESS || result == UNCANCELLABLE) { return null; } return (V) result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Object result = this.result; if (!isDone0(result)) { await(); result = this.result; } if (result == SUCCESS || result == UNCANCELLABLE) { return null; } Throwable cause = cause0(result); if (cause == null) { return (V) result; } if (cause instanceof CancellationException) { throw (CancellationException) cause; } throw new ExecutionException(cause); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { Object result = this.result; if (!isDone0(result)) { if (!await(timeout, unit)) { throw new TimeoutException(); } result = this.result; } if (result == SUCCESS || result == UNCANCELLABLE) { return null; } Throwable cause = cause0(result); if (cause == null) { return (V) result; } if (cause instanceof CancellationException) { throw (CancellationException) cause; } throw new ExecutionException(cause); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param mayInterruptIfRunning this value has no effect in this implementation. */ @Override public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { if (RESULT_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, null, CANCELLATION_CAUSE_HOLDER)) { if (checkNotifyWaiters()) { notifyListeners(); } return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return isCancelled0(result); } @Override public boolean isDone() { return isDone0(result); } @Override public Promise<V> sync() throws InterruptedException { await(); rethrowIfFailed(); return this; } @Override public Promise<V> syncUninterruptibly() { awaitUninterruptibly(); rethrowIfFailed(); return this; } @Override public String toString() { return toStringBuilder().toString(); } protected StringBuilder toStringBuilder() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64).append(StringUtil.simpleClassName(this)).append('@') .append(Integer.toHexString(hashCode())); Object result = this.result; if (result == SUCCESS) { buf.append("(success)"); } else if (result == UNCANCELLABLE) { buf.append("(uncancellable)"); } else if (result instanceof CauseHolder) { buf.append("(failure: ").append(((CauseHolder) result).cause).append(')'); } else if (result != null) { buf.append("(success: ").append(result).append(')'); } else { buf.append("(incomplete)"); } return buf; } /** * Get the executor used to notify listeners when this promise is complete. * <p> * It is assumed this executor will protect against {@link StackOverflowError} exceptions. * The executor may be used to avoid {@link StackOverflowError} by executing a {@link Runnable} if the stack * depth exceeds a threshold. * @return The executor used to notify listeners when this promise is complete. */ protected EventExecutor executor() { return executor; } protected void checkDeadLock() { EventExecutor e = executor(); if (e != null && e.inEventLoop()) { throw new BlockingOperationException(toString()); } } /** * Notify a listener that a future has completed. * <p> * This method has a fixed depth of {@link #MAX_LISTENER_STACK_DEPTH} that will limit recursion to prevent * {@link StackOverflowError} and will stop notifying listeners added after this threshold is exceeded. * @param eventExecutor the executor to use to notify the listener {@code listener}. * @param future the future that is complete. * @param listener the listener to notify. */ protected static void notifyListener(EventExecutor eventExecutor, final Future<?> future, final GenericFutureListener<?> listener) { notifyListenerWithStackOverFlowProtection(checkNotNull(eventExecutor, "eventExecutor"), checkNotNull(future, "future"), checkNotNull(listener, "listener")); } private void notifyListeners() { EventExecutor executor = executor(); if (executor.inEventLoop()) { final InternalThreadLocalMap threadLocals = InternalThreadLocalMap.get(); final int stackDepth = threadLocals.futureListenerStackDepth(); if (stackDepth < MAX_LISTENER_STACK_DEPTH) { threadLocals.setFutureListenerStackDepth(stackDepth + 1); try { notifyListenersNow(); } finally { threadLocals.setFutureListenerStackDepth(stackDepth); } return; } } safeExecute(executor, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { notifyListenersNow(); } }); } /** * The logic in this method should be identical to {@link #notifyListeners()} but * cannot share code because the listener(s) cannot be cached for an instance of {@link DefaultPromise} since the * listener(s) may be changed and is protected by a synchronized operation. */ private static void notifyListenerWithStackOverFlowProtection(final EventExecutor executor, final Future<?> future, final GenericFutureListener<?> listener) { if (executor.inEventLoop()) { final InternalThreadLocalMap threadLocals = InternalThreadLocalMap.get(); final int stackDepth = threadLocals.futureListenerStackDepth(); if (stackDepth < MAX_LISTENER_STACK_DEPTH) { threadLocals.setFutureListenerStackDepth(stackDepth + 1); try { notifyListener0(future, listener); } finally { threadLocals.setFutureListenerStackDepth(stackDepth); } return; } } safeExecute(executor, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { notifyListener0(future, listener); } }); } private void notifyListenersNow() { Object listeners; synchronized (this) { // Only proceed if there are listeners to notify and we are not already notifying listeners. if (notifyingListeners || this.listeners == null) { return; } notifyingListeners = true; listeners = this.listeners; this.listeners = null; } for (;;) { if (listeners instanceof DefaultFutureListeners) { notifyListeners0((DefaultFutureListeners) listeners); } else { notifyListener0(this, (GenericFutureListener<?>) listeners); } synchronized (this) { if (this.listeners == null) { // Nothing can throw from within this method, so setting notifyingListeners back to false does not // need to be in a finally block. notifyingListeners = false; return; } listeners = this.listeners; this.listeners = null; } } } private void notifyListeners0(DefaultFutureListeners listeners) { GenericFutureListener<?>[] a = listeners.listeners(); int size = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { notifyListener0(this, a[i]); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private static void notifyListener0(Future future, GenericFutureListener l) { try { l.operationComplete(future); } catch (Throwable t) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("An exception was thrown by " + l.getClass().getName() + ".operationComplete()", t); } } } private void addListener0(GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>> listener) { if (listeners == null) { listeners = listener; } else if (listeners instanceof DefaultFutureListeners) { ((DefaultFutureListeners) listeners).add(listener); } else { listeners = new DefaultFutureListeners((GenericFutureListener<?>) listeners, listener); } } private void removeListener0(GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super V>> listener) { if (listeners instanceof DefaultFutureListeners) { ((DefaultFutureListeners) listeners).remove(listener); } else if (listeners == listener) { listeners = null; } } private boolean setSuccess0(V result) { return setValue0(result == null ? SUCCESS : result); } private boolean setFailure0(Throwable cause) { return setValue0(new CauseHolder(checkNotNull(cause, "cause"))); } private boolean setValue0(Object objResult) { if (RESULT_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, null, objResult) || RESULT_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, UNCANCELLABLE, objResult)) { if (checkNotifyWaiters()) { notifyListeners(); } return true; } return false; } /** * Check if there are any waiters and if so notify these. * @return {@code true} if there are any listeners attached to the promise, {@code false} otherwise. */ private synchronized boolean checkNotifyWaiters() { if (waiters > 0) { notifyAll(); } return listeners != null; } private void incWaiters() { if (waiters == Short.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalStateException("too many waiters: " + this); } ++waiters; } private void decWaiters() { --waiters; } private void rethrowIfFailed() { Throwable cause = cause(); if (cause == null) { return; } PlatformDependent.throwException(cause); } private boolean await0(long timeoutNanos, boolean interruptable) throws InterruptedException { if (isDone()) { return true; } if (timeoutNanos <= 0) { return isDone(); } if (interruptable && Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(toString()); } checkDeadLock(); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long waitTime = timeoutNanos; boolean interrupted = false; try { for (;;) { synchronized (this) { if (isDone()) { return true; } incWaiters(); try { wait(waitTime / 1000000, (int) (waitTime % 1000000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (interruptable) { throw e; } else { interrupted = true; } } finally { decWaiters(); } } if (isDone()) { return true; } else { waitTime = timeoutNanos - (System.nanoTime() - startTime); if (waitTime <= 0) { return isDone(); } } } } finally { if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } /** * Notify all progressive listeners. * <p> * No attempt is made to ensure notification order if multiple calls are made to this method before * the original invocation completes. * <p> * This will do an iteration over all listeners to get all of type {@link GenericProgressiveFutureListener}s. * @param progress the new progress. * @param total the total progress. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void notifyProgressiveListeners(final long progress, final long total) { final Object listeners = progressiveListeners(); if (listeners == null) { return; } final ProgressiveFuture<V> self = (ProgressiveFuture<V>) this; EventExecutor executor = executor(); if (executor.inEventLoop()) { if (listeners instanceof GenericProgressiveFutureListener[]) { notifyProgressiveListeners0(self, (GenericProgressiveFutureListener<?>[]) listeners, progress, total); } else { notifyProgressiveListener0(self, (GenericProgressiveFutureListener<ProgressiveFuture<V>>) listeners, progress, total); } } else { if (listeners instanceof GenericProgressiveFutureListener[]) { final GenericProgressiveFutureListener<?>[] array = (GenericProgressiveFutureListener<?>[]) listeners; safeExecute(executor, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { notifyProgressiveListeners0(self, array, progress, total); } }); } else { final GenericProgressiveFutureListener<ProgressiveFuture<V>> l = (GenericProgressiveFutureListener<ProgressiveFuture<V>>) listeners; safeExecute(executor, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { notifyProgressiveListener0(self, l, progress, total); } }); } } } /** * Returns a {@link GenericProgressiveFutureListener}, an array of {@link GenericProgressiveFutureListener}, or * {@code null}. */ private synchronized Object progressiveListeners() { Object listeners = this.listeners; if (listeners == null) { // No listeners added return null; } if (listeners instanceof DefaultFutureListeners) { // Copy DefaultFutureListeners into an array of listeners. DefaultFutureListeners dfl = (DefaultFutureListeners) listeners; int progressiveSize = dfl.progressiveSize(); switch (progressiveSize) { case 0: return null; case 1: for (GenericFutureListener<?> l : dfl.listeners()) { if (l instanceof GenericProgressiveFutureListener) { return l; } } return null; } GenericFutureListener<?>[] array = dfl.listeners(); GenericProgressiveFutureListener<?>[] copy = new GenericProgressiveFutureListener[progressiveSize]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < progressiveSize; i++) { GenericFutureListener<?> l = array[i]; if (l instanceof GenericProgressiveFutureListener) { copy[j++] = (GenericProgressiveFutureListener<?>) l; } } return copy; } else if (listeners instanceof GenericProgressiveFutureListener) { return listeners; } else { // Only one listener was added and it's not a progressive listener. return null; } } private static void notifyProgressiveListeners0(ProgressiveFuture<?> future, GenericProgressiveFutureListener<?>[] listeners, long progress, long total) { for (GenericProgressiveFutureListener<?> l : listeners) { if (l == null) { break; } notifyProgressiveListener0(future, l, progress, total); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private static void notifyProgressiveListener0(ProgressiveFuture future, GenericProgressiveFutureListener l, long progress, long total) { try { l.operationProgressed(future, progress, total); } catch (Throwable t) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("An exception was thrown by " + l.getClass().getName() + ".operationProgressed()", t); } } } private static boolean isCancelled0(Object result) { return result instanceof CauseHolder && ((CauseHolder) result).cause instanceof CancellationException; } private static boolean isDone0(Object result) { return result != null && result != UNCANCELLABLE; } private static final class CauseHolder { final Throwable cause; CauseHolder(Throwable cause) { this.cause = cause; } } private static void safeExecute(EventExecutor executor, Runnable task) { try { executor.execute(task); } catch (Throwable t) { rejectedExecutionLogger.error("Failed to submit a listener notification task. Event loop shut down?", t); } } }