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 * Copyright 2014 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package io.netty.resolver.dns;

import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DatagramDnsQueryEncoder;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DatagramDnsResponse;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DatagramDnsResponseDecoder;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DefaultDnsRawRecord;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsQuestion;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsRawRecord;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsRecord;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsRecordType;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DnsResponse;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.TcpDnsQueryEncoder;
import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.TcpDnsResponseDecoder;
import io.netty.resolver.HostsFileEntries;
import io.netty.resolver.HostsFileEntriesResolver;
import io.netty.resolver.InetNameResolver;
import io.netty.resolver.ResolvedAddressTypes;
import io.netty.util.NetUtil;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocal;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FutureListener;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Promise;
import io.netty.util.internal.EmptyArrays;
import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import static io.netty.resolver.dns.DefaultDnsServerAddressStreamProvider.DNS_PORT;
import static io.netty.resolver.dns.UnixResolverDnsServerAddressStreamProvider.parseEtcResolverFirstNdots;
import static io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil.checkNotNull;
import static io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil.checkPositive;

 * A DNS-based {@link InetNameResolver}.
public class DnsNameResolver extends InetNameResolver {

    private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(DnsNameResolver.class);
    private static final String LOCALHOST = "localhost";
    private static final InetAddress LOCALHOST_ADDRESS;
    private static final DnsRecord[] EMPTY_ADDITIONALS = new DnsRecord[0];
    private static final DnsRecordType[] IPV4_ONLY_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES = { DnsRecordType.A };
    private static final InternetProtocolFamily[] IPV4_ONLY_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES = {
            InternetProtocolFamily.IPv4 };
    private static final DnsRecordType[] IPV4_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES = { DnsRecordType.A,
            DnsRecordType.AAAA };
    private static final InternetProtocolFamily[] IPV4_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES = {
            InternetProtocolFamily.IPv4, InternetProtocolFamily.IPv6 };
    private static final DnsRecordType[] IPV6_ONLY_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES = { DnsRecordType.AAAA };
    private static final InternetProtocolFamily[] IPV6_ONLY_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES = {
            InternetProtocolFamily.IPv6 };
    private static final DnsRecordType[] IPV6_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES = { DnsRecordType.AAAA,
            DnsRecordType.A };
    private static final InternetProtocolFamily[] IPV6_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES = {
            InternetProtocolFamily.IPv6, InternetProtocolFamily.IPv4 };

    static final ResolvedAddressTypes DEFAULT_RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TYPES;
    static final String[] DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAINS;
    private static final int DEFAULT_NDOTS;

    static {
        if (NetUtil.isIpV4StackPreferred() || !anyInterfaceSupportsIpV6()) {
            DEFAULT_RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TYPES = ResolvedAddressTypes.IPV4_ONLY;
        } else {
            if (NetUtil.isIpV6AddressesPreferred()) {
                DEFAULT_RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TYPES = ResolvedAddressTypes.IPV6_PREFERRED;
                LOCALHOST_ADDRESS = NetUtil.LOCALHOST6;
            } else {
                DEFAULT_RESOLVE_ADDRESS_TYPES = ResolvedAddressTypes.IPV4_PREFERRED;
                LOCALHOST_ADDRESS = NetUtil.LOCALHOST4;

    static {
        String[] searchDomains;
        try {
            List<String> list = PlatformDependent.isWindows() ? getSearchDomainsHack()
                    : UnixResolverDnsServerAddressStreamProvider.parseEtcResolverSearchDomains();
            searchDomains = list.toArray(new String[0]);
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
            // Failed to get the system name search domain list.
            searchDomains = EmptyArrays.EMPTY_STRINGS;
        DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAINS = searchDomains;

        int ndots;
        try {
            ndots = parseEtcResolverFirstNdots();
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
            ndots = UnixResolverDnsServerAddressStreamProvider.DEFAULT_NDOTS;
        DEFAULT_NDOTS = ndots;

     * Returns {@code true} if any {@link NetworkInterface} supports {@code IPv6}, {@code false} otherwise.
    private static boolean anyInterfaceSupportsIpV6() {
        try {
            Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
            while (interfaces.hasMoreElements()) {
                NetworkInterface iface = interfaces.nextElement();
                Enumeration<InetAddress> addresses = iface.getInetAddresses();
                while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
                    if (addresses.nextElement() instanceof Inet6Address) {
                        return true;
        } catch (SocketException e) {
            logger.debug("Unable to detect if any interface supports IPv6, assuming IPv4-only", e);
            // ignore
        return false;

    private static List<String> getSearchDomainsHack() throws Exception {
        // Only try if not using Java9 and later
        // See
        if (PlatformDependent.javaVersion() < 9) {
            // This code on Java 9+ yields a warning about illegal reflective access that will be denied in
            // a future release. There doesn't seem to be a better way to get search domains for Windows yet.
            Class<?> configClass = Class.forName("");
            Method open = configClass.getMethod("open");
            Method nameservers = configClass.getMethod("searchlist");
            Object instance = open.invoke(null);

            return (List<String>) nameservers.invoke(instance);
        return Collections.emptyList();

    private static final DatagramDnsResponseDecoder DATAGRAM_DECODER = new DatagramDnsResponseDecoder() {
        protected DnsResponse decodeResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, DatagramPacket packet) throws Exception {
            DnsResponse response = super.decodeResponse(ctx, packet);
            if (packet.content().isReadable()) {
                // If there is still something to read we did stop parsing because of a truncated message.
                // This can happen if we enabled EDNS0 but our MTU is not big enough to handle all the
                // data.

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "{} RECEIVED: UDP truncated packet received, consider adjusting maxPayloadSize for the {}.",
                  , StringUtil.simpleClassName(DnsNameResolver.class));
            return response;
    private static final DatagramDnsQueryEncoder DATAGRAM_ENCODER = new DatagramDnsQueryEncoder();
    private static final TcpDnsQueryEncoder TCP_ENCODER = new TcpDnsQueryEncoder();

    final Future<Channel> channelFuture;
    final Channel ch;

    // Comparator that ensures we will try first to use the nameservers that use our preferred address type.
    private final Comparator<InetSocketAddress> nameServerComparator;
     * Manages the {@link DnsQueryContext}s in progress and their query IDs.
    final DnsQueryContextManager queryContextManager = new DnsQueryContextManager();

     * Cache for {@link #doResolve(String, Promise)} and {@link #doResolveAll(String, Promise)}.
    private final DnsCache resolveCache;
    private final AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeDnsServerCache;
    private final DnsCnameCache cnameCache;

    private final FastThreadLocal<DnsServerAddressStream> nameServerAddrStream = new FastThreadLocal<DnsServerAddressStream>() {
        protected DnsServerAddressStream initialValue() {
            return dnsServerAddressStreamProvider.nameServerAddressStream("");

    private final long queryTimeoutMillis;
    private final int maxQueriesPerResolve;
    private final ResolvedAddressTypes resolvedAddressTypes;
    private final InternetProtocolFamily[] resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies;
    private final boolean recursionDesired;
    private final int maxPayloadSize;
    private final boolean optResourceEnabled;
    private final HostsFileEntriesResolver hostsFileEntriesResolver;
    private final DnsServerAddressStreamProvider dnsServerAddressStreamProvider;
    private final String[] searchDomains;
    private final int ndots;
    private final boolean supportsAAAARecords;
    private final boolean supportsARecords;
    private final InternetProtocolFamily preferredAddressType;
    private final DnsRecordType[] resolveRecordTypes;
    private final boolean decodeIdn;
    private final DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory;
    private final boolean completeOncePreferredResolved;
    private final ChannelFactory<? extends SocketChannel> socketChannelFactory;

     * Creates a new DNS-based name resolver that communicates with the specified list of DNS servers.
     * @param eventLoop the {@link EventLoop} which will perform the communication with the DNS servers
     * @param channelFactory the {@link ChannelFactory} that will create a {@link DatagramChannel}
     * @param resolveCache the DNS resolved entries cache
     * @param authoritativeDnsServerCache the cache used to find the authoritative DNS server for a domain
     * @param dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory used to generate new instances of {@link DnsQueryLifecycleObserver} which
     *                                         can be used to track metrics for DNS servers.
     * @param queryTimeoutMillis timeout of each DNS query in millis
     * @param resolvedAddressTypes the preferred address types
     * @param recursionDesired if recursion desired flag must be set
     * @param maxQueriesPerResolve the maximum allowed number of DNS queries for a given name resolution
     * @param traceEnabled if trace is enabled
     * @param maxPayloadSize the capacity of the datagram packet buffer
     * @param optResourceEnabled if automatic inclusion of a optional records is enabled
     * @param hostsFileEntriesResolver the {@link HostsFileEntriesResolver} used to check for local aliases
     * @param dnsServerAddressStreamProvider The {@link DnsServerAddressStreamProvider} used to determine the name
     *                                       servers for each hostname lookup.
     * @param searchDomains the list of search domain
     *                      (can be null, if so, will try to default to the underlying platform ones)
     * @param ndots the ndots value
     * @param decodeIdn {@code true} if domain / host names should be decoded to unicode when received.
     *                        See <a href="">rfc3492</a>.
     * @deprecated Use {@link DnsNameResolverBuilder}.
    public DnsNameResolver(EventLoop eventLoop, ChannelFactory<? extends DatagramChannel> channelFactory,
            final DnsCache resolveCache, final DnsCache authoritativeDnsServerCache,
            DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory, long queryTimeoutMillis,
            ResolvedAddressTypes resolvedAddressTypes, boolean recursionDesired, int maxQueriesPerResolve,
            boolean traceEnabled, int maxPayloadSize, boolean optResourceEnabled,
            HostsFileEntriesResolver hostsFileEntriesResolver,
            DnsServerAddressStreamProvider dnsServerAddressStreamProvider, String[] searchDomains, int ndots,
            boolean decodeIdn) {
        this(eventLoop, channelFactory, resolveCache,
                new AuthoritativeDnsServerCacheAdapter(authoritativeDnsServerCache),
                dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory, queryTimeoutMillis, resolvedAddressTypes, recursionDesired,
                maxQueriesPerResolve, traceEnabled, maxPayloadSize, optResourceEnabled, hostsFileEntriesResolver,
                dnsServerAddressStreamProvider, searchDomains, ndots, decodeIdn);

     * Creates a new DNS-based name resolver that communicates with the specified list of DNS servers.
     * @param eventLoop the {@link EventLoop} which will perform the communication with the DNS servers
     * @param channelFactory the {@link ChannelFactory} that will create a {@link DatagramChannel}
     * @param resolveCache the DNS resolved entries cache
     * @param authoritativeDnsServerCache the cache used to find the authoritative DNS server for a domain
     * @param dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory used to generate new instances of {@link DnsQueryLifecycleObserver} which
     *                                         can be used to track metrics for DNS servers.
     * @param queryTimeoutMillis timeout of each DNS query in millis
     * @param resolvedAddressTypes the preferred address types
     * @param recursionDesired if recursion desired flag must be set
     * @param maxQueriesPerResolve the maximum allowed number of DNS queries for a given name resolution
     * @param traceEnabled if trace is enabled
     * @param maxPayloadSize the capacity of the datagram packet buffer
     * @param optResourceEnabled if automatic inclusion of a optional records is enabled
     * @param hostsFileEntriesResolver the {@link HostsFileEntriesResolver} used to check for local aliases
     * @param dnsServerAddressStreamProvider The {@link DnsServerAddressStreamProvider} used to determine the name
     *                                       servers for each hostname lookup.
     * @param searchDomains the list of search domain
     *                      (can be null, if so, will try to default to the underlying platform ones)
     * @param ndots the ndots value
     * @param decodeIdn {@code true} if domain / host names should be decoded to unicode when received.
     *                        See <a href="">rfc3492</a>.
     * @deprecated Use {@link DnsNameResolverBuilder}.
    public DnsNameResolver(EventLoop eventLoop, ChannelFactory<? extends DatagramChannel> channelFactory,
            final DnsCache resolveCache, final AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeDnsServerCache,
            DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory, long queryTimeoutMillis,
            ResolvedAddressTypes resolvedAddressTypes, boolean recursionDesired, int maxQueriesPerResolve,
            boolean traceEnabled, int maxPayloadSize, boolean optResourceEnabled,
            HostsFileEntriesResolver hostsFileEntriesResolver,
            DnsServerAddressStreamProvider dnsServerAddressStreamProvider, String[] searchDomains, int ndots,
            boolean decodeIdn) {
        this(eventLoop, channelFactory, null, resolveCache, NoopDnsCnameCache.INSTANCE, authoritativeDnsServerCache,
                dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory, queryTimeoutMillis, resolvedAddressTypes, recursionDesired,
                maxQueriesPerResolve, traceEnabled, maxPayloadSize, optResourceEnabled, hostsFileEntriesResolver,
                dnsServerAddressStreamProvider, searchDomains, ndots, decodeIdn, false);

    DnsNameResolver(EventLoop eventLoop, ChannelFactory<? extends DatagramChannel> channelFactory,
            ChannelFactory<? extends SocketChannel> socketChannelFactory, final DnsCache resolveCache,
            final DnsCnameCache cnameCache, final AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeDnsServerCache,
            DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory, long queryTimeoutMillis,
            ResolvedAddressTypes resolvedAddressTypes, boolean recursionDesired, int maxQueriesPerResolve,
            boolean traceEnabled, int maxPayloadSize, boolean optResourceEnabled,
            HostsFileEntriesResolver hostsFileEntriesResolver,
            DnsServerAddressStreamProvider dnsServerAddressStreamProvider, String[] searchDomains, int ndots,
            boolean decodeIdn, boolean completeOncePreferredResolved) {
        this.queryTimeoutMillis = checkPositive(queryTimeoutMillis, "queryTimeoutMillis");
        this.resolvedAddressTypes = resolvedAddressTypes != null ? resolvedAddressTypes
        this.recursionDesired = recursionDesired;
        this.maxQueriesPerResolve = checkPositive(maxQueriesPerResolve, "maxQueriesPerResolve");
        this.maxPayloadSize = checkPositive(maxPayloadSize, "maxPayloadSize");
        this.optResourceEnabled = optResourceEnabled;
        this.hostsFileEntriesResolver = checkNotNull(hostsFileEntriesResolver, "hostsFileEntriesResolver");
        this.dnsServerAddressStreamProvider = checkNotNull(dnsServerAddressStreamProvider,
        this.resolveCache = checkNotNull(resolveCache, "resolveCache");
        this.cnameCache = checkNotNull(cnameCache, "cnameCache");
        this.dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory = traceEnabled
                ? dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory instanceof NoopDnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory
                        ? new TraceDnsQueryLifeCycleObserverFactory()
                        : new BiDnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory(new TraceDnsQueryLifeCycleObserverFactory(),
                : checkNotNull(dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory, "dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory");
        this.searchDomains = searchDomains != null ? searchDomains.clone() : DEFAULT_SEARCH_DOMAINS;
        this.ndots = ndots >= 0 ? ndots : DEFAULT_NDOTS;
        this.decodeIdn = decodeIdn;
        this.completeOncePreferredResolved = completeOncePreferredResolved;
        this.socketChannelFactory = socketChannelFactory;
        switch (this.resolvedAddressTypes) {
        case IPV4_ONLY:
            supportsAAAARecords = false;
            supportsARecords = true;
            resolveRecordTypes = IPV4_ONLY_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES;
            resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies = IPV4_ONLY_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES;
        case IPV4_PREFERRED:
            supportsAAAARecords = true;
            supportsARecords = true;
            resolveRecordTypes = IPV4_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES;
            resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies = IPV4_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES;
        case IPV6_ONLY:
            supportsAAAARecords = true;
            supportsARecords = false;
            resolveRecordTypes = IPV6_ONLY_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES;
            resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies = IPV6_ONLY_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES;
        case IPV6_PREFERRED:
            supportsAAAARecords = true;
            supportsARecords = true;
            resolveRecordTypes = IPV6_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_RECORD_TYPES;
            resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies = IPV6_PREFERRED_RESOLVED_PROTOCOL_FAMILIES;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ResolvedAddressTypes " + resolvedAddressTypes);
        preferredAddressType = preferredAddressType(this.resolvedAddressTypes);
        this.authoritativeDnsServerCache = checkNotNull(authoritativeDnsServerCache, "authoritativeDnsServerCache");
        nameServerComparator = new NameServerComparator(preferredAddressType.addressType());

        Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();;
        b.option(ChannelOption.DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_ACTIVE_ON_REGISTRATION, true);
        final DnsResponseHandler responseHandler = new DnsResponseHandler(executor().<Channel>newPromise());
        b.handler(new ChannelInitializer<DatagramChannel>() {
            protected void initChannel(DatagramChannel ch) {
                ch.pipeline().addLast(DATAGRAM_ENCODER, DATAGRAM_DECODER, responseHandler);

        channelFuture = responseHandler.channelActivePromise;
        ChannelFuture future = b.register();
        Throwable cause = future.cause();
        if (cause != null) {
            if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) cause;
            if (cause instanceof Error) {
                throw (Error) cause;
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create / register Channel", cause);
        ch =;
        ch.config().setRecvByteBufAllocator(new FixedRecvByteBufAllocator(maxPayloadSize));

        ch.closeFuture().addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
            public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) {

    static InternetProtocolFamily preferredAddressType(ResolvedAddressTypes resolvedAddressTypes) {
        switch (resolvedAddressTypes) {
        case IPV4_ONLY:
        case IPV4_PREFERRED:
            return InternetProtocolFamily.IPv4;
        case IPV6_ONLY:
        case IPV6_PREFERRED:
            return InternetProtocolFamily.IPv6;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ResolvedAddressTypes " + resolvedAddressTypes);

    // Only here to override in unit tests.
    InetSocketAddress newRedirectServerAddress(InetAddress server) {
        return new InetSocketAddress(server, DNS_PORT);

    final DnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory() {
        return dnsQueryLifecycleObserverFactory;

     * Creates a new {@link DnsServerAddressStream} to following a redirected DNS query. By overriding this
     * it provides the opportunity to sort the name servers before following a redirected DNS query.
     * @param hostname the hostname.
     * @param nameservers The addresses of the DNS servers which are used in the event of a redirect. This may
     *                    contain resolved and unresolved addresses so the used {@link DnsServerAddressStream} must
     *                    allow unresolved addresses if you want to include these as well.
     * @return A {@link DnsServerAddressStream} which will be used to follow the DNS redirect or {@code null} if
     *         none should be followed.
    protected DnsServerAddressStream newRedirectDnsServerStream(@SuppressWarnings("unused") String hostname,
            List<InetSocketAddress> nameservers) {
        DnsServerAddressStream cached = authoritativeDnsServerCache().get(hostname);
        if (cached == null || cached.size() == 0) {
            // If there is no cache hit (which may be the case for example when a NoopAuthoritativeDnsServerCache
            // is used), we will just directly use the provided nameservers.
            Collections.sort(nameservers, nameServerComparator);
            return new SequentialDnsServerAddressStream(nameservers, 0);
        return cached;

     * Returns the resolution cache.
    public DnsCache resolveCache() {
        return resolveCache;

     * Returns the {@link DnsCnameCache}.
    DnsCnameCache cnameCache() {
        return cnameCache;

     * Returns the cache used for authoritative DNS servers for a domain.
    public AuthoritativeDnsServerCache authoritativeDnsServerCache() {
        return authoritativeDnsServerCache;

     * Returns the timeout of each DNS query performed by this resolver (in milliseconds).
     * The default value is 5 seconds.
    public long queryTimeoutMillis() {
        return queryTimeoutMillis;

     * Returns the {@link ResolvedAddressTypes} resolved by {@link #resolve(String)}.
     * The default value depends on the value of the system property {@code ""}.
    public ResolvedAddressTypes resolvedAddressTypes() {
        return resolvedAddressTypes;

    InternetProtocolFamily[] resolvedInternetProtocolFamiliesUnsafe() {
        return resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies;

    final String[] searchDomains() {
        return searchDomains;

    final int ndots() {
        return ndots;

    final boolean supportsAAAARecords() {
        return supportsAAAARecords;

    final boolean supportsARecords() {
        return supportsARecords;

    final InternetProtocolFamily preferredAddressType() {
        return preferredAddressType;

    final DnsRecordType[] resolveRecordTypes() {
        return resolveRecordTypes;

    final boolean isDecodeIdn() {
        return decodeIdn;

     * Returns {@code true} if and only if this resolver sends a DNS query with the RD (recursion desired) flag set.
     * The default value is {@code true}.
    public boolean isRecursionDesired() {
        return recursionDesired;

     * Returns the maximum allowed number of DNS queries to send when resolving a host name.
     * The default value is {@code 8}.
    public int maxQueriesPerResolve() {
        return maxQueriesPerResolve;

     * Returns the capacity of the datagram packet buffer (in bytes).  The default value is {@code 4096} bytes.
    public int maxPayloadSize() {
        return maxPayloadSize;

     * Returns the automatic inclusion of a optional records that tries to give the remote DNS server a hint about how
     * much data the resolver can read per response is enabled.
    public boolean isOptResourceEnabled() {
        return optResourceEnabled;

     * Returns the component that tries to resolve hostnames against the hosts file prior to asking to
     * remotes DNS servers.
    public HostsFileEntriesResolver hostsFileEntriesResolver() {
        return hostsFileEntriesResolver;

     * Closes the internal datagram channel used for sending and receiving DNS messages, and clears all DNS resource
     * records from the cache. Attempting to send a DNS query or to resolve a domain name will fail once this method
     * has been called.
    public void close() {
        if (ch.isOpen()) {

    protected EventLoop executor() {
        return (EventLoop) super.executor();

    private InetAddress resolveHostsFileEntry(String hostname) {
        if (hostsFileEntriesResolver == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            InetAddress address = hostsFileEntriesResolver.address(hostname, resolvedAddressTypes);
            if (address == null && PlatformDependent.isWindows() && LOCALHOST.equalsIgnoreCase(hostname)) {
                // If we tried to resolve localhost we need workaround that windows removed localhost from its
                // hostfile in later versions.
                // See
                return LOCALHOST_ADDRESS;
            return address;

     * Resolves the specified name into an address.
     * @param inetHost the name to resolve
     * @param additionals additional records ({@code OPT})
     * @return the address as the result of the resolution
    public final Future<InetAddress> resolve(String inetHost, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals) {
        return resolve(inetHost, additionals, executor().<InetAddress>newPromise());

     * Resolves the specified name into an address.
     * @param inetHost the name to resolve
     * @param additionals additional records ({@code OPT})
     * @param promise the {@link Promise} which will be fulfilled when the name resolution is finished
     * @return the address as the result of the resolution
    public final Future<InetAddress> resolve(String inetHost, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals,
            Promise<InetAddress> promise) {
        checkNotNull(promise, "promise");
        DnsRecord[] additionalsArray = toArray(additionals, true);
        try {
            doResolve(inetHost, additionalsArray, promise, resolveCache);
            return promise;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return promise.setFailure(e);

     * Resolves the specified host name and port into a list of address.
     * @param inetHost the name to resolve
     * @param additionals additional records ({@code OPT})
     * @return the list of the address as the result of the resolution
    public final Future<List<InetAddress>> resolveAll(String inetHost, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals) {
        return resolveAll(inetHost, additionals, executor().<List<InetAddress>>newPromise());

     * Resolves the specified host name and port into a list of address.
     * @param inetHost the name to resolve
     * @param additionals additional records ({@code OPT})
     * @param promise the {@link Promise} which will be fulfilled when the name resolution is finished
     * @return the list of the address as the result of the resolution
    public final Future<List<InetAddress>> resolveAll(String inetHost, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals,
            Promise<List<InetAddress>> promise) {
        checkNotNull(promise, "promise");
        DnsRecord[] additionalsArray = toArray(additionals, true);
        try {
            doResolveAll(inetHost, additionalsArray, promise, resolveCache);
            return promise;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return promise.setFailure(e);

    protected void doResolve(String inetHost, Promise<InetAddress> promise) throws Exception {
        doResolve(inetHost, EMPTY_ADDITIONALS, promise, resolveCache);

     * Resolves the {@link DnsRecord}s that are matched by the specified {@link DnsQuestion}. Unlike
     * {@link #query(DnsQuestion)}, this method handles redirection, CNAMEs and multiple name servers.
     * If the specified {@link DnsQuestion} is {@code A} or {@code AAAA}, this method looks up the configured
     * {@link HostsFileEntries} before sending a query to the name servers. If a match is found in the
     * {@link HostsFileEntries}, a synthetic {@code A} or {@code AAAA} record will be returned.
     * @param question the question
     * @return the list of the {@link DnsRecord}s as the result of the resolution
    public final Future<List<DnsRecord>> resolveAll(DnsQuestion question) {
        return resolveAll(question, EMPTY_ADDITIONALS, executor().<List<DnsRecord>>newPromise());

     * Resolves the {@link DnsRecord}s that are matched by the specified {@link DnsQuestion}. Unlike
     * {@link #query(DnsQuestion)}, this method handles redirection, CNAMEs and multiple name servers.
     * If the specified {@link DnsQuestion} is {@code A} or {@code AAAA}, this method looks up the configured
     * {@link HostsFileEntries} before sending a query to the name servers. If a match is found in the
     * {@link HostsFileEntries}, a synthetic {@code A} or {@code AAAA} record will be returned.
     * @param question the question
     * @param additionals additional records ({@code OPT})
     * @return the list of the {@link DnsRecord}s as the result of the resolution
    public final Future<List<DnsRecord>> resolveAll(DnsQuestion question, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals) {
        return resolveAll(question, additionals, executor().<List<DnsRecord>>newPromise());

     * Resolves the {@link DnsRecord}s that are matched by the specified {@link DnsQuestion}. Unlike
     * {@link #query(DnsQuestion)}, this method handles redirection, CNAMEs and multiple name servers.
     * If the specified {@link DnsQuestion} is {@code A} or {@code AAAA}, this method looks up the configured
     * {@link HostsFileEntries} before sending a query to the name servers. If a match is found in the
     * {@link HostsFileEntries}, a synthetic {@code A} or {@code AAAA} record will be returned.
     * @param question the question
     * @param additionals additional records ({@code OPT})
     * @param promise the {@link Promise} which will be fulfilled when the resolution is finished
     * @return the list of the {@link DnsRecord}s as the result of the resolution
    public final Future<List<DnsRecord>> resolveAll(DnsQuestion question, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals,
            Promise<List<DnsRecord>> promise) {
        final DnsRecord[] additionalsArray = toArray(additionals, true);
        return resolveAll(question, additionalsArray, promise);

    private Future<List<DnsRecord>> resolveAll(DnsQuestion question, DnsRecord[] additionals,
            Promise<List<DnsRecord>> promise) {
        checkNotNull(question, "question");
        checkNotNull(promise, "promise");

        // Respect /etc/hosts as well if the record type is A or AAAA.
        final DnsRecordType type = question.type();
        final String hostname =;

        if (type == DnsRecordType.A || type == DnsRecordType.AAAA) {
            final InetAddress hostsFileEntry = resolveHostsFileEntry(hostname);
            if (hostsFileEntry != null) {
                ByteBuf content = null;
                if (hostsFileEntry instanceof Inet4Address) {
                    if (type == DnsRecordType.A) {
                        content = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(hostsFileEntry.getAddress());
                } else if (hostsFileEntry instanceof Inet6Address) {
                    if (type == DnsRecordType.AAAA) {
                        content = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(hostsFileEntry.getAddress());

                if (content != null) {
                    // Our current implementation does not support reloading the hosts file,
                    // so use a fairly large TTL (1 day, i.e. 86400 seconds).
                    trySuccess(promise, Collections
                            .<DnsRecord>singletonList(new DefaultDnsRawRecord(hostname, type, 86400, content)));
                    return promise;

        // It was not A/AAAA question or there was no entry in /etc/hosts.
        final DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrs = dnsServerAddressStreamProvider
        new DnsRecordResolveContext(this, question, additionals, nameServerAddrs).resolve(promise);
        return promise;

    private static DnsRecord[] toArray(Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals, boolean validateType) {
        checkNotNull(additionals, "additionals");
        if (additionals instanceof Collection) {
            Collection<DnsRecord> records = (Collection<DnsRecord>) additionals;
            for (DnsRecord r : additionals) {
                validateAdditional(r, validateType);
            return records.toArray(new DnsRecord[records.size()]);

        Iterator<DnsRecord> additionalsIt = additionals.iterator();
        if (!additionalsIt.hasNext()) {
            return EMPTY_ADDITIONALS;
        List<DnsRecord> records = new ArrayList<DnsRecord>();
        do {
            DnsRecord r =;
            validateAdditional(r, validateType);
        } while (additionalsIt.hasNext());

        return records.toArray(new DnsRecord[records.size()]);

    private static void validateAdditional(DnsRecord record, boolean validateType) {
        checkNotNull(record, "record");
        if (validateType && record instanceof DnsRawRecord) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("DnsRawRecord implementations not allowed: " + record);

    private InetAddress loopbackAddress() {
        return preferredAddressType().localhost();

     * Hook designed for extensibility so one can pass a different cache on each resolution attempt
     * instead of using the global one.
    protected void doResolve(String inetHost, DnsRecord[] additionals, Promise<InetAddress> promise,
            DnsCache resolveCache) throws Exception {
        if (inetHost == null || inetHost.isEmpty()) {
            // If an empty hostname is used we should use "localhost", just like InetAddress.getByName(...) does.
        final byte[] bytes = NetUtil.createByteArrayFromIpAddressString(inetHost);
        if (bytes != null) {
            // The inetHost is actually an ipaddress.

        final String hostname = hostname(inetHost);

        InetAddress hostsFileEntry = resolveHostsFileEntry(hostname);
        if (hostsFileEntry != null) {

        if (!doResolveCached(hostname, additionals, promise, resolveCache)) {
            doResolveUncached(hostname, additionals, promise, resolveCache, true);

    private boolean doResolveCached(String hostname, DnsRecord[] additionals, Promise<InetAddress> promise,
            DnsCache resolveCache) {
        final List<? extends DnsCacheEntry> cachedEntries = resolveCache.get(hostname, additionals);
        if (cachedEntries == null || cachedEntries.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        Throwable cause = cachedEntries.get(0).cause();
        if (cause == null) {
            final int numEntries = cachedEntries.size();
            // Find the first entry with the preferred address type.
            for (InternetProtocolFamily f : resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies) {
                for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
                    final DnsCacheEntry e = cachedEntries.get(i);
                    if (f.addressType().isInstance(e.address())) {
                        trySuccess(promise, e.address());
                        return true;
            return false;
        } else {
            tryFailure(promise, cause);
            return true;

    static <T> void trySuccess(Promise<T> promise, T result) {
        if (!promise.trySuccess(result)) {
            // There is nothing really wrong with not be able to notify the promise as we may have raced here because
            // of multiple queries that have been executed. Log it with trace level anyway just in case the user
            // wants to better understand what happened.
            logger.trace("Failed to notify success ({}) to a promise: {}", result, promise);

    private static void tryFailure(Promise<?> promise, Throwable cause) {
        if (!promise.tryFailure(cause)) {
            // There is nothing really wrong with not be able to notify the promise as we may have raced here because
            // of multiple queries that have been executed. Log it with trace level anyway just in case the user
            // wants to better understand what happened.
            logger.trace("Failed to notify failure to a promise: {}", promise, cause);

    private void doResolveUncached(String hostname, DnsRecord[] additionals, final Promise<InetAddress> promise,
            DnsCache resolveCache, boolean completeEarlyIfPossible) {
        final Promise<List<InetAddress>> allPromise = executor().newPromise();
        doResolveAllUncached(hostname, additionals, allPromise, resolveCache, true);
        allPromise.addListener(new FutureListener<List<InetAddress>>() {
            public void operationComplete(Future<List<InetAddress>> future) {
                if (future.isSuccess()) {
                    trySuccess(promise, future.getNow().get(0));
                } else {
                    tryFailure(promise, future.cause());

    protected void doResolveAll(String inetHost, Promise<List<InetAddress>> promise) throws Exception {
        doResolveAll(inetHost, EMPTY_ADDITIONALS, promise, resolveCache);

     * Hook designed for extensibility so one can pass a different cache on each resolution attempt
     * instead of using the global one.
    protected void doResolveAll(String inetHost, DnsRecord[] additionals, Promise<List<InetAddress>> promise,
            DnsCache resolveCache) throws Exception {
        if (inetHost == null || inetHost.isEmpty()) {
            // If an empty hostname is used we should use "localhost", just like InetAddress.getAllByName(...) does.
        final byte[] bytes = NetUtil.createByteArrayFromIpAddressString(inetHost);
        if (bytes != null) {
            // The unresolvedAddress was created via a String that contains an ipaddress.

        final String hostname = hostname(inetHost);

        InetAddress hostsFileEntry = resolveHostsFileEntry(hostname);
        if (hostsFileEntry != null) {

        if (!doResolveAllCached(hostname, additionals, promise, resolveCache, resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies)) {
            doResolveAllUncached(hostname, additionals, promise, resolveCache, completeOncePreferredResolved);

    static boolean doResolveAllCached(String hostname, DnsRecord[] additionals, Promise<List<InetAddress>> promise,
            DnsCache resolveCache, InternetProtocolFamily[] resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies) {
        final List<? extends DnsCacheEntry> cachedEntries = resolveCache.get(hostname, additionals);
        if (cachedEntries == null || cachedEntries.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

        Throwable cause = cachedEntries.get(0).cause();
        if (cause == null) {
            List<InetAddress> result = null;
            final int numEntries = cachedEntries.size();
            for (InternetProtocolFamily f : resolvedInternetProtocolFamilies) {
                for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
                    final DnsCacheEntry e = cachedEntries.get(i);
                    if (f.addressType().isInstance(e.address())) {
                        if (result == null) {
                            result = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(numEntries);
            if (result != null) {
                trySuccess(promise, result);
                return true;
            return false;
        } else {
            tryFailure(promise, cause);
            return true;

    private void doResolveAllUncached(final String hostname, final DnsRecord[] additionals,
            final Promise<List<InetAddress>> promise, final DnsCache resolveCache,
            final boolean completeEarlyIfPossible) {
        // Call doResolveUncached0(...) in the EventLoop as we may need to submit multiple queries which would need
        // to submit multiple Runnable at the end if we are not already on the EventLoop.
        EventExecutor executor = executor();
        if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
            doResolveAllUncached0(hostname, additionals, promise, resolveCache, completeEarlyIfPossible);
        } else {
            executor.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    doResolveAllUncached0(hostname, additionals, promise, resolveCache, completeEarlyIfPossible);

    private void doResolveAllUncached0(String hostname, DnsRecord[] additionals, Promise<List<InetAddress>> promise,
            DnsCache resolveCache, boolean completeEarlyIfPossible) {

        assert executor().inEventLoop();

        final DnsServerAddressStream nameServerAddrs = dnsServerAddressStreamProvider
        new DnsAddressResolveContext(this, hostname, additionals, nameServerAddrs, resolveCache,
                authoritativeDnsServerCache, completeEarlyIfPossible).resolve(promise);

    private static String hostname(String inetHost) {
        String hostname = IDN.toASCII(inetHost);
        // Check for
        if (StringUtil.endsWith(inetHost, '.') && !StringUtil.endsWith(hostname, '.')) {
            hostname += ".";
        return hostname;

     * Sends a DNS query with the specified question.
    public Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query(DnsQuestion question) {
        return query(nextNameServerAddress(), question);

     * Sends a DNS query with the specified question with additional records.
    public Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query(DnsQuestion question,
            Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals) {
        return query(nextNameServerAddress(), question, additionals);

     * Sends a DNS query with the specified question.
    public Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query(DnsQuestion question,
            Promise<AddressedEnvelope<? extends DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> promise) {
        return query(nextNameServerAddress(), question, Collections.<DnsRecord>emptyList(), promise);

    private InetSocketAddress nextNameServerAddress() {
        return nameServerAddrStream.get().next();

     * Sends a DNS query with the specified question using the specified name server list.
    public Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query(InetSocketAddress nameServerAddr,
            DnsQuestion question) {

        return query0(nameServerAddr, question, EMPTY_ADDITIONALS, true, ch.newPromise(),
                ch.eventLoop().<AddressedEnvelope<? extends DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>>newPromise());

     * Sends a DNS query with the specified question with additional records using the specified name server list.
    public Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query(InetSocketAddress nameServerAddr,
            DnsQuestion question, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals) {

        return query0(nameServerAddr, question, toArray(additionals, false), true, ch.newPromise(),
                ch.eventLoop().<AddressedEnvelope<? extends DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>>newPromise());

     * Sends a DNS query with the specified question using the specified name server list.
    public Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query(InetSocketAddress nameServerAddr,
            DnsQuestion question, Promise<AddressedEnvelope<? extends DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> promise) {

        return query0(nameServerAddr, question, EMPTY_ADDITIONALS, true, ch.newPromise(), promise);

     * Sends a DNS query with the specified question with additional records using the specified name server list.
    public Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query(InetSocketAddress nameServerAddr,
            DnsQuestion question, Iterable<DnsRecord> additionals,
            Promise<AddressedEnvelope<? extends DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> promise) {

        return query0(nameServerAddr, question, toArray(additionals, false), true, ch.newPromise(), promise);

     * Returns {@code true} if the {@link Throwable} was caused by an timeout or transport error.
     * These methods can be used on the {@link Future#cause()} that is returned by the various methods exposed by this
     * {@link DnsNameResolver}.
    public static boolean isTransportOrTimeoutError(Throwable cause) {
        return cause != null && cause.getCause() instanceof DnsNameResolverException;

     * Returns {@code true} if the {@link Throwable} was caused by an timeout.
     * These methods can be used on the {@link Future#cause()} that is returned by the various methods exposed by this
     * {@link DnsNameResolver}.
    public static boolean isTimeoutError(Throwable cause) {
        return cause != null && cause.getCause() instanceof DnsNameResolverTimeoutException;

    final void flushQueries() {

    final Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> query0(InetSocketAddress nameServerAddr,
            DnsQuestion question, DnsRecord[] additionals, boolean flush, ChannelPromise writePromise,
            Promise<AddressedEnvelope<? extends DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> promise) {
        assert !writePromise.isVoid();

        final Promise<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> castPromise = cast(
                checkNotNull(promise, "promise"));
        try {
            new DatagramDnsQueryContext(this, nameServerAddr, question, additionals, castPromise).query(flush,
            return castPromise;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return castPromise.setFailure(e);

    private static Promise<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> cast(Promise<?> promise) {
        return (Promise<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>>) promise;

    final DnsServerAddressStream newNameServerAddressStream(String hostname) {
        return dnsServerAddressStreamProvider.nameServerAddressStream(hostname);

    private final class DnsResponseHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {

        private final Promise<Channel> channelActivePromise;

        DnsResponseHandler(Promise<Channel> channelActivePromise) {
            this.channelActivePromise = channelActivePromise;

        public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
            final DatagramDnsResponse res = (DatagramDnsResponse) msg;
            final int queryId =;

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("{} RECEIVED: UDP [{}: {}], {}", ch, queryId, res.sender(), res);

            final DnsQueryContext qCtx = queryContextManager.get(res.sender(), queryId);
            if (qCtx == null) {
                logger.warn("{} Received a DNS response with an unknown ID: {}", ch, queryId);

            // Check if the response was truncated and if we can fallback to TCP to retry.
            if (!res.isTruncated() || socketChannelFactory == null) {

            Bootstrap bs = new Bootstrap();
            bs.option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true).group(executor()).channelFactory(socketChannelFactory)
            bs.connect(res.sender()).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
                public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) {
                    if (!future.isSuccess()) {
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug("{} Unable to fallback to TCP [{}]", queryId, future.cause());

                        // TCP fallback failed, just use the truncated response.
                    final Channel channel =;

                    Promise<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> promise = channel.eventLoop()
                    final TcpDnsQueryContext tcpCtx = new TcpDnsQueryContext(DnsNameResolver.this, channel,
                            (InetSocketAddress) channel.remoteAddress(), qCtx.question(), EMPTY_ADDITIONALS,

                    channel.pipeline().addLast(new TcpDnsResponseDecoder());
                    channel.pipeline().addLast(new ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter() {
                        public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
                            Channel channel =;
                            DnsResponse response = (DnsResponse) msg;
                            int queryId =;

                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                logger.debug("{} RECEIVED: TCP [{}: {}], {}", channel, queryId,
                                        channel.remoteAddress(), response);

                            DnsQueryContext foundCtx = queryContextManager.get(res.sender(), queryId);
                            if (foundCtx == tcpCtx) {
                                tcpCtx.finish(new AddressedEnvelopeAdapter(
                                        (InetSocketAddress), response));
                            } else {
                                tcpCtx.tryFailure("Received TCP response with unexpected ID", null, false);
                                logger.warn("{} Received a DNS response with an unexpected ID: {}", channel,

                        public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) {
                            if (tcpCtx.tryFailure("TCP fallback error", cause, false) && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                logger.debug("{} Error during processing response: TCP [{}: {}]",,
                                        queryId,, cause);

                    promise.addListener(new FutureListener<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>>() {
                        public void operationComplete(
                                Future<AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress>> future) {

                            if (future.isSuccess()) {
                            } else {
                                // TCP fallback failed, just use the truncated response.

        public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {

        public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) {
            logger.warn("{} Unexpected exception: ",, cause);

    private static final class AddressedEnvelopeAdapter
            implements AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress> {
        private final InetSocketAddress sender;
        private final InetSocketAddress recipient;
        private final DnsResponse response;

        AddressedEnvelopeAdapter(InetSocketAddress sender, InetSocketAddress recipient, DnsResponse response) {
            this.sender = sender;
            this.recipient = recipient;
            this.response = response;

        public DnsResponse content() {
            return response;

        public InetSocketAddress sender() {
            return sender;

        public InetSocketAddress recipient() {
            return recipient;

        public AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress> retain() {
            return this;

        public AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress> retain(int increment) {
            return this;

        public AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress> touch() {
            return this;

        public AddressedEnvelope<DnsResponse, InetSocketAddress> touch(Object hint) {
            return this;

        public int refCnt() {
            return response.refCnt();

        public boolean release() {
            return response.release();

        public boolean release(int decrement) {
            return response.release(decrement);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;

            if (!(obj instanceof AddressedEnvelope)) {
                return false;

            final AddressedEnvelope<?, SocketAddress> that = (AddressedEnvelope<?, SocketAddress>) obj;
            if (sender() == null) {
                if (that.sender() != null) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!sender().equals(that.sender())) {
                return false;

            if (recipient() == null) {
                if (that.recipient() != null) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!recipient().equals(that.recipient())) {
                return false;

            return response.equals(obj);

        public int hashCode() {
            int hashCode = response.hashCode();
            if (sender() != null) {
                hashCode = hashCode * 31 + sender().hashCode();
            if (recipient() != null) {
                hashCode = hashCode * 31 + recipient().hashCode();
            return hashCode;